HomeMy WebLinkAboutDept Report • CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS DEPARTMENT REPORT APRIL 22, 2013 10-12. (V)Salain Garage, Woods at Lions Creek Lot 19. The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approvals for a detached garage. Docket No. 13030003 V ZO Ch. 25.01.01.B.3(a)(i) Min 25 ft setback behind front building line, 0 requested Docket No. 13030004 V ZO Ch. 25.01.01.B.5 Max ground floor area 720 sq ft, 1316 sq ft requested Docket No. 13030005 V ZO Ch.25.01.01.B.1 Max height 18 ft, 19 ft requested The site is located at 4417 Serengeti Circle. It is zoned S-1/Residence. Filed by Dan Salain, owner. �"' ,,V-4.-f7: 1 ' '; . 1. General Info: cR `;n t D,R.IaM � 7 ... , a nTw'. nom' § ,,, I,, 4� rte, : *� ,e '` � The Petitioner requests Variance approval to a h,". ' S -, t it a e�' San , ^,t ` : , b�, ,,,rv,, ; � 1 ,� tad construct a new detached garage that is larger 10,11ifq l �, n , , „ . ° . than permitted a foot taller than permitted and li'). .��s n —= "* ''� y7.F �„n ' '';'x o 4 . Mc > > r 4 �/ ,{ �,,,:en u , ,,, ,,# not setback 25 feet from the front of the house. ,F'z , '• °� -a4 7 The site is located in the Woods at Lions Creek 4" y. 0 : 1 ;4 .i' e k 8 1 ,,t f Subdivision just west of West Road. Surrounding I ti, s, ",0,,..�,h +i* , i,rtYs �1� 4 4a3 , 1, the site are single family residential lots;several i,,.:),..„, ,,. , r4 irk„ ,, �' in the subdivision which are undeveloped. Please } �r� see the petitioners information packet for 9 a , �° u, ��! ,, ",'. 4 „ T,} ,,,t { ,44 more details. t6: be;ft,l .,c a 5 - t ha `k ,q5;.,r 1"s is Analysis: 1, a, r hr �`i u'i � The proposed garage will be 1,316 square feet, 19 �t t "`^ fi1x4Fil ,, °"" ; , ill,s ii d e l#, ' feet tall,and it will be in line with the front of the f, � , " g%-- �, house instead of being setback 25 feet further. t �i�€ k5 ,vli,,j* r gg1,> ` _ 1 `�.4,,,,,.,7,t ` The ordinance limits the size and height of g 1tr. ,rte k - .T detached garages to help protect the character of to 1`j Y _ . residential areas;however that size limitation ?5.�.. � 1:(-ff�JY �'4 a� Y 171 ;. t �1`}��r � �M"j1 �✓ � J�,;;L , 1�.� a ',i'.,11,� t �s �tt „w � causes a hardship for this petitioner as it would be -4 =� - ' -r N• s --'�1 �'- ' difficult for him to use the garage at 720 square feet and 18 feet tall. The petitioner states that he needs more space to store his private property. The parcel is over an acre in size,and the garage will meet the side yard setback. A detached garage is required by the Zoning Ordinance to be setback 25 feet behind the front line of the house. This requirement is in place to help preserve the residential character of the streetscape and make the house the main focus and downplay the building where cars are stored. However,the slope of the site makes it difficult to push the garage further back. Instead,the garage is lined up with the house, and the façade with the smallest length is facing the street. Also,the garage doors do not face the street and the architectural design of the garage will match the house. This will lessen the impact of the garage and any negative effects it might have. There has been no formal remonstrance submitted to the . Department. Petitioner's Findings of Fact: 1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the community because: a. The structure is a residential property for single family use within an existing community b. The structure will be built to city code and HOA guidelines 2. The use arid value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variances will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: a. The structure will be built to city code and HOA guidelines b. The developer Pulte has approved the structure and owns the home which is immediately adjacent to the proposed structure. 8 c. The proposed garage will be built to match the architecture of the existing prairie home with side facing garage doors d. The proposed structure is approximately 56' from the street and 14' from the building line e. There is an existing exterior garage in the neighborhood already,and lot 29 was approved by Pulte with an exterior garage similar in design as the proposed. f. The structure will be approximately 80' from the neighboring home 3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: a. The current zoning size restriction of 24' X 30' isn't large enough to store all of the personal use items. b. The current zoning height restriction of 18' doesn't allow for the internal height of the boat to be stored on the trailer with a hoist mount on the ceiling. A garage door of at least 10' is required with a clearing space internally of approximately 14' to 15'. This is difficult to achieve with the flat roof of a prairie style architectural design required by the HOA. c. The current zoning restriction of a front yard setback of 25' behind the principle structure, or 25' behind required front yard setback causes appearance issues and moves the structure into the back yard which slopes from front to back. Recommendation: After all comments and concerns have been addressed,the Dept. of Community Services recommends positive consideration of Docket.Nos. 13030003-05 V. 9