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April 9, 2013
Mr. Andrew Miller
Weihe Engineers, INC.
10505 N. College Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46280
RE: Project: Woodgate Subdivision Re-Plat
Dear Mr. Miller:
The above mentioned project has been received and reviewed.
At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law
enforcement efforts.
If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us.
It ti
Timo ie. J. Green
Chie Police
cc: Dept. of Community Services
6:17)57I-25,Of) A Nationally Accredited Law Enforcement Agency IF= (317) 571-2512
Conn, Angelina V
From: Conn, Angelina V
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2013 12:00 PM
To: 'pbeering @sbcglobal.net'
Cc: '22frets @sbcglobal.net'; Barnes,.David R; 'pbeering @iquest.net'
Subject: Woodgate replat, next steps... BPW
Hi, Peter—
I am not sure if you did this already, but you need to e-mail dave barnes today with a letter, requesting that the replat
item gets placed on the next BPW meeting agenda (April 17th meeting).
On our end, we will have the Planning Director sign the mylars and will then take them down to Dave Barnes in the
Engineering Dept., so that he has them....The BPW filing deadline is tomorrow,the 10th, I think.
Angie Conn, Planning Administrator
City of Carmel Planning &Zoning Division
Dept. of Community Services
1 Civic Square, 3rd FIr., Carmel, IN 46032
Office: 317-571-2417 I Direct: 317-571-2281 I Fax: 317-571-2426 I E-mail: aconnCcacarmel.in.gov I W: www.carmeldocs.com
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
Conn, Angelina V
From: Ron Farrand [RFarrand @ccs.k12.in.us]
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 2:17 PM
To: Andrew Miller
Cc: Conn, Angelina V
Subject: RE: Docket No. Assignment: (#13030015 SP-Replat) Woodgate Subd. Replat
CCS has no comments.
Kon Jarrand
Director,racilities and Transportation
Cannel Cladjc}iools
Confidentiality Notice:This e-mail message,including any attachments,is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s)and may contain
confidential and privileged information.Any unauthorized review,use,disclosure or distribution is prohibited.If you are not the intended
recipient,please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.
From: Andrew Miller [mailto:MillerA @weihe.net]
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 1:25 PM
To: dmindham @carmel.in.gov; dlittlejohn @carmel.in.gov; plux @carmel.in.gov; dhuffman @carmel.in.gov;
greg.hoyes @hamiltoncounty.in.gov; Greg Ilko <gilko @crossroadengineers.com>
(gilko @crossroadengineers.com); jthomas @carmel.in.gov; gduncan @carmel.in.gov; afoley @carmel.in.gov;
nredden @carmel.in.gov; Barnes, David R (dbarnes @carmel.in.gov); Dave Lucas
(david.lucas @hamiltoncounty.in.gov); whohlt @carmel.in.gov; jblanchard @carmel.in.gov; John M. Duffy
()Duffy @carmel.in.gov); tgreen @carmel.in.gov; dstrong @carmel.in.gov; cellison @carmel.in.gov;
tkrueskamp @carmel.in.gov' (tkrueskamp @carmel.in.gov); mwestermeier @carmel.in.gov;
jason.lemaster @hamiltoncounty.in.gov; brooke.gajownik @hamiltoncounty.in.gov; Jason Kirkman
(jason.kirkman @mybrighthouse.com); Shirley Hunter (shirley.hunter @duke-energy.com); gary.mcnamee@duke-
energy.com; Clark, Joanie L. (jlclark @Vectren.com); dan.davenport @aes.com;
dwhiting @citzensenergygroup.com; Ron Farrand; sk4986 @att.com
Subject: Re: Docket No. Assignment: (#13030015 SP-Replat) Woodgate Subd. Replat
TAC Members:
Please find a PDF copy of the re-plat for the Woodgate Subdivision. Please let me know if you have any
Thank you,
,.,-. -'n-& i9 nn `i
0-1,ftpt 14.2fai gsoz■lfd¢n:ie:
Conn, Angelina V
From: Andrew Miller[MillerA @weihe.net]
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 1:03 PM
To: Krueskamp, Theresa A
Cc: Conn, Angelina V; pbeering @iquest.net; Brady Kuhn
Subject: Review comments for docket no. 13030015 SP: Woodgate Subd. Replat
Attachments: W 130013_replatSPC.DWG
Please find the electronic drawing for the Woodgate Plat attached with this email. Please let me know if you need
anything else.
Thank you,
t'until' with eoArliar,tr e
Andrew Miller, E.I.,S.I.T.
Weihe Engineers, Inc.
10505 N.College Avenue
Indianapolis, Indiana 46280
317 I 846-6611
800 I 452-6408
317 I 843-0546 fax
This message and any files transmitted with it are confidential,may contain privileged information which is intended solely for the receipt,use and benefit of the intended recipient of this
email.If you are not the intended recipient,be advised that dissemination,distribution,printing or copying of this message is strictly prohibited and may result in legal liability on your
behalf.If you receive this message in error,or are not the named recipient,please notify the sender at either the email address or telephone number above and delete this email from your
computer.Thank you.
Conn, Angelina V
From: Peter Beering [pbeering @sbcglobal.net]
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 7:08 AM
To: Conn, Angelina V
Cc: Brady Kuhn; Andrew Miller
Subject: Woodgate Replat
Importance: High
We are working through the list but are concerned that renumbering the lots will cause confusion. I have already
recorded the easement using the original lot numbers. Given the history of this case, I am concerned that someone
might allege that a difference would nullify either the easement or the plat.
Could we leave them numbered as they are?
Peter S Beering
Attorney at Law
PO Box 68465
Indianapolis,IN 46268
Conn, Angelina V
From: Peter Beering [pbeering @sbcglobal.net]
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 8:03 PM
To: Conn, Angelina V; 'Brady Kuhn'
Cc: 22frets @sbcglobal.net; 'Eric Carter'
Subject: RE: Review comments for docket no. 13030015 SP: Woodgate Subd. Replat
I have heard from many of the TAC members, most have no comment or objection. Chief Green wrote a letter of
support. Clay Twp Regional Waste has no mains there and no objections. Duke energy wanted to be sure we knew of
their service lines and was pleased that we had already done locates and that the ultimate barrier would be removable.
I have communicated with Dave Barnes and have walked the site with Amanda Foley in December after the locates to
confirm no drainage impact.
I'll coordinate with Brady on the amendments and circle back with you.
From: Conn, Angelina V [mailto:Aconr acarmel.in.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 10:08 AM
To: 'Brady Kuhn'
Cc: '22frets @sbcglobal.net; 'pbeering @sbcglobal.net'; 'Eric Carter'
Subject: Review comments for docket no. 13030015 SP: Woodgate Subd. Replat
Good morning, Brady- here are the review comments from the Planning Dept. Please address these as soon as
possible.Thank you.
1. Please provide electronic copies of any revised plats.
2. Please provide copies of your correspondence with the TAC members and their correspondence with you.
Specifically, please provide the review comments and correspondence from the Clay Township Regional
Waste District and from the City Engineering Dept.so that we know they are okay with the wall/barrier
easement to be placed within the existing drainage&utility easement.
3. To the title of the replat, please add Sections 4&5, so that it reads: Replat for Woodgate,Sections 4-5, Lots
82-83, 101-103, 125-130.
4. Please add Docket No. 13030015 SP-Replat to the plat.
5. Also,please add the original Primary Plat and Secondary Plat docket nos.to the plat: I think they are 12-89
SP (Sec.4), 36-90 SP (Sec 5), and 67-89 PP (Sec 5). (I could not find the specific original Primary plat
docket no.for Sec. 4,though. Might you know what it is?)
6. Please add the zoning classification to the plat: R-1/Residence.
7. Please add a signature blank for Diana Cordray, Clerk Treasurer,in the Board of Public Works signature
block on Sheet 2.
8. If possible,please re-number all the affected lots,so that the lot numbers have the letter A listed after them,
such as 126A, 83A, etc.
9. Please work with Dave Barnes in the City Engineering Dept.to get on a BPW (Board of Public Works)
meeting agenda, which has a filing deadline. His number is 571-2441, and his email address is
dbarnes @carmel.in.gov.
10. Staff has been advised that we cannot present a Secondary Plat to the Director for signature from this point
forward until Ms. Terry Krueskamp (tkrueskamp @carmel.in.gov) in Information Systems has received an
e-mail with an electronic file attached (MicroStation .dgn is preferred, or AutoCad .dwg of the subdivision)
and it(the e-mail) has been copied to myself(aconn @carmel.in.gov).
Conn, Angelina V
From: Conn, Angelina V
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 10:08 AM
To: 'Brady Kuhn'
Cc: '22frets @sbcglobal.net'; 'pbeering @sbcglobal.net'; 'Eric Carter'
Subject: Review comments for docket no. 13030015 SP: Woodgate Subd. Replat
Good morning, Brady- here are the review comments from the Planning Dept. Please address these as soon as
possible.Thank you.
1. Please provide electronic copies of any revised plats.
2. Please provide copies of your correspondence with the TAC members and their correspondence with you.
Specifically, please provide the review comments and correspondence from the Clay Township Regional
Waste District and from the City Engineering Dept.so that we know they are okay with the wall/barrier
easement to be placed within the existing drainage&utility easement.
3. To the title of the replat, please add Sections 4&5, so that it reads: Replat for Woodgate,Sections 4-5, Lots
82-83, 101-103, 125-130.
4. Please add Docket No. 13030015 SP-Replat to the plat.
5. Also, please add the original Primary Plat and Secondary Plat docket nos.to the plat: I think they are 12-89
SP (Sec.4), 36-90 SP (Sec 5), and 67-89 PP (Sec 5). (I could not find the specific original Primary plat
docket no.for Sec.4,though. Might you know what it is?)
6. Please add the zoning classification to the plat: R-1/Residence.
7. Please add a signature blank for Diana Cordray,Clerk Treasurer, in the Board of Public Works signature
block on Sheet 2.
8. If possible,please re-number all the affected lots,so that the lot numbers have the letter A listed after them,
such as 126A, 83A,etc.
9. Please work with Dave Barnes in the City Engineering Dept.to get on a BPW (Board of Public Works)
meeting agenda, which has a filing deadline. His number is 571-2441, and his email address is
dbarnes @carmel.in.gov.
10. Staff has been advised that we cannot present a Secondary Plat to the Director for signature from this point
forward until Ms. Terry Krueskamp (tkrueskamp @carmel.in.gov) in Information Systems has received an
e-mail with an electronic file attached (MicroStation .dgn is preferred, or AutoCad .dwg of the subdivision)
and it(the e-mail) has been copied to myself(aconn@carmel.in.gov).
11. Please submit a revised Secondary Plat after making above-mentioned changes. Once these changes have
been made and comments addressed,please produce a Mylar copy(with the surveyor's and land owner's
signatures) for signature by this Department. Two paper copies of the plat must be filed with the Mylar
prior to recording,and two paper copies and an electronic copy of the scanned,recorded plat must be
submitted following recording of the document. Our approval of the secondary plat(signature) will be
forthcoming upon revision of the plans according to the items listed above.
12. Lastly,please submit a pdf or jpg file of the scanned, recorded replat.
Angie Conn, Planning Administrator
City of Carmel Planning &Zoning Division
Dept. of Community Services
1 Civic Square, 3rd FIr.
Carmel, IN 46032
Office: 317-571-2417 I Direct: 317-571-2281 I Fax: 317-571-2426 I E-mail: aconnOcarmel.in.gov I W: www.carmeldocs.com
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
Conn, Angelina V
From: John Molitor[jmolitor @prodigy.net]
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 4:37 PM
To: Conn, Angelina V
Cc: Boone, Rachel M.; Hollibaugh, Mike P
Subject: Re: Woodgate Subdivision wall and replat
Looks okay to me.
From: "Conn, Angelina V" <Aconn@carmel.in.gov>
To: 'John Molitor' <jmolitor@prodigy.net>
Cc: "Boone, Rachel M." <rboone @carmel.in.gov>; "Hollibaugh, Mike P" <MHollibaugh@carmel.in.gov>
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2013 10:58 AM
Subject: Woodgate Subdivision wall and replat
Good morning, John-
The Woodgate HOA now has an easement secured for the lots that are sited along 146th Street. Attached is the
recorded easement that shows those land owners consenting to a 2-ft wide fence/barrier easement.
They have also just submitted a secondary plat/replat application which shows that new easement on all the lots
that touch 146th Street. I just send out a docket no. assignment email about that..
I just wanted to make sure that all this looks good, and that all those homeowners do not have to sign the replat
and that the easement suffices, or things like that. Do you see anything that jumps out at you? (Beside the fact
that the fence/barrier easement is within a 10-ft wide drainage and utility easement?!)
Angie Conn,Planning Administrator
City of Cannel Planning&Zoning Division
Dept.of Community Services
1 Civic Square,3rd Flr.
Cannel,IN 46032
Office:317-571-2417 I Direct:317-571-2281 I Fax: 317-571-2426 I E-mail: aconn @carmel.in.gov
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
Peter S. Beering
P.O.Box 68465,Indianapolis,Indiana 46268
Telephone:(317)513-4341 Fax:(317)569-7670
Electronic Mail:pbeering(G iquest.net
March 26, 2013
Cannel Board of Public Works
Re: Woodgate HOA #13030015 SP-Replat
Dear Board Members:
The Woodgate HOA seeks to replat the subdivision for the sole purpose of
creating a 2' barrier/fence easement within the existing platted DUE easement. A fence
has continuously been in place in this area since the subdivision was built in the late
1980's. A fence was required by the TAC as a condition of original Plat approval, but the
easement was never created by the developer.
This new easement will have no impact whatsoever east of Woodgate Drive as the
existing fence is within it there. West of Woodgate Drive the easement will be
approximately one foot south of the current location of the existing fence. This will
remove an encroachment into the ROW in that area.
The abutting property owners have separately granted an easement to the HOA.
At the December HOA Annual meeting, by written ballot, the Board was given the
authority to take this and any other action necessary to create the easement and to replace
the existing fence.
Locates were performed in December of 2012 that confirmed there are no utility
It is hoped that eventually a modular concrete wall will replace the fence. This
system is currently in place behind the Regions Bank at 146th & Lowes Way. It is also in
place along 146th Street at the Village Farms subdivision. The panels are removable as
are the posts. A gap will exist under the system that will not interfere with existing
Sine)rely, _
Peter S. Beering
i y of'{ srnne]'
Carmel PoLice Depar6meni
3 G'sir. Square
cargazr, , :ae aa"aa:460 2
March 26, 2013
Peter S. Beering
Attorney at Law
PO Box 68465
Indianapolis, IN 46268
RE: Woodgate HOA Replat (Woodgate Drive & E. 146th Street)
Barrier Easement
Dear Mr. Beering:
The information for the above-mentioned project has been reviewed.
At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law
enforcement efforts.
If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us.
Ti .by J. Green
Chief of Police
cc: Dept. of Community Services
151"7) 571,2500 A Nationally Accredited Law Enforcement Agency F.1317)571:2512
Conn, Angelina V
From: Whiting, Duane A. [DWhiting @citizensenergygroup.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 12:47 PM
To: pbeering @iquest.net; Conn, Angelina V; Donahue-Wold, Alexia K; Mindham, Daren;
Littlejohn, David W; Lux, Pamela K; Huffman, David; greg.hoyes @hamiltoncounty.in.gov;
.gilko @crossroadengineers.com; Thomas,John G; Duncan, Gary R; Foley, Amanda J;
Redden, Nick; Barnes, David R; david.lucas @hamiltoncounty.in.gov; Hohlt, William G;
Blanchard, Jim E; Duffy, John M
Subject: RE: WoodGate HOA Replat (Woodgate Drive & E 146th Street)
Citizens Energy Group d/b/a Citizens Water has reviewed the above described Replat request and has no objection to
said Replat.This subdivision is served by Carmel Utilities, being outside the Service Territory of Citizens Water.
In addition, Citizens Gas of Westfield does not serve this subdivision and the immediate vicinity and therefore has no
objection to said Replat.
Duane A.Whiting
Real Estate-Property Planner
energy group„
Citizens Gas I Calzens Thermtit I Citizens water
1220 Waterway Boulevard
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Tel 317-263-6418
dwhiting Pcitizensenergygroup.com
From: Peter Beering [mailto:pbeering @sbcglobal.net]
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 10:55 AM
To: aconn@carmel.in.gov; awold @carmel.in.gov; dmindham @carmel.in.gov; dlittlejohn@carmel.in.gov;
plux@carmel.in.gov; dhuffman @carmel.in.gov; greg.hoves@hamiltoncountv.in.gov; gilko @crossroadengineers.com;
jthomas @carmeIin.gov; aduncan@carmel.in.gov; afolev@carmel.ingov; nredden@carmel.in.gov;
dbarnes @carmel.in.gov; david.Iucas@hamiltoncounty.in.gov; whohlt@carmel.in.gov; iaanchard@carmel.in.gov;
jduffv @carmel.in.gov
Cc: 22frets @sbcglobal.net; pbeering@sbcglobal.net; tgreen@carmel.in.gov; dstrong @carmel.in.aov;
cellison @carmel.in.gov; tkrueskamp@carmel.in.gov; mwestermeier @carmelclavoarks.com;
iason.lemaster@hamiltoncountv.in.gov; brooke.gajownik@hamiltoncounty.in.gov; jason.kirkman@mvbrighthouse.com;
JD.Trueblood @mybrighthouse.com; shirlev.hunter @duke-energy.com; aary.mcnamee @duke-eneray.com;
ilclark @vectren.com; dan.davenoort@aes.com; Whiting, Duane A.; rfarrand @ccs.k12.in.us; ryan.hartman@ctrwd.orq;
trov.vackle @sug.com; sk4986@att.com
Subject: WoodGate HOA Replat (Woodgate Drive & E 146th Street)
Importance: High
The Woodgate HOA seeks to replat the subdivision for the sole purpose of creating a 2' barrier/fence easement within
the existing platted DUE easement. A fence has continuously been in place in this area since the subdivision was built in
the late 1980's. A fence was required by the TAC as a condition of original Plat approval, but the easement was never
created by the developer.
This new easement will have no impact whatsoever east of Woodgate Drive as the existing fence is within it there. West
of Woodgate Drive the easement will be approximately one foot south of the current location of the existing fence.This
will remove an encroachment into the ROW in that area.
The abutting property owners have separately granted an easement to the HOA. (attached)
Conn, Angelina V
From: Greg Ilko [gilko @crossroadengineers.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 11:52 AM
To: pbeering @ iquest.net
Cc: Conn, Angelina V; Greg Noyes; Duncan, Gary R; Foley, Amanda J; Thomas, John G
Subject: RE: WoodGate HOA Replat(Woodgate Drive & E 146th Street)
Our office has no comment with regards to this petition.
Gregory J. Ilko, P.E.
CrossRoad Engineers, PC
3417 Sherman Drive
Beech Grove, IN 46107
Office: 317-780-1555 ext. 112
Mobile: 317-408-3609
Fax: 317-780-6525
From: Peter Beering [mailto:pbeering @sbcalobal.net]
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 10:55 AM
To: aconn @carmel.in.gov; awold @carmel.in.gov; dmindham @carmel.in.gov; dlittlejohn @carmel.in.gov;
plux @carmel.in.gov; dhuffman @carmel.in.gov; dreg.haves @hamiltoncountv.in.gov; gilko @crossroadengineers.com;
ithomas @carmel.in.gov; gduncan @carmel.in.gov; afoley @carmel.in.gov; nredden @carmel.in.gov;
dbarnes @carmel.in.gov; david.Iucas @hamiltoncountv.in.gov; whohlt @carmeLin.aov; jblanchard @carmel.in.gov;
Cc: 22frets @sbcglobal.net; pbeering@sbcglobal.net; tgreen @carmel.in.gov; dstrong @carmel.in.gov;
cellison @carmel.in.gov; tkrueskamp @carmel.in.gov; mwestermeier @carmelclayparks.com;
jason.Iemaster @hamiltoncountv.in.gov; brooke.gajownik @hamiltoncounty.in.gov; jason.kirkman @mvbriahthouse.com;
JD.Trueblood@mvbrighthouse.com; shirley.hunter @duke-energy.com; aarv.mcnamee @duke-energv.com;
jlclark @vectren.com; dan.davenport @aes.com; dwhiting @citizenseneraygrouo.com; rfarrand @ccs.k12.in.us;
rvan.hartman @ctrwd.ora; troy.yackle @sug.com; sk4986 @att.com
Subject: WoodGate HOA Replat (Woodgate Drive & E 146th Street)
Importance: High
The Woodgate HOA seeks to replat the subdivision for the sole purpose of creating a 2' barrier/fence easement within
the existing platted DUE easement.A fence has continuously been in place in this area since the subdivision was built in
the late 1980's.A fence was required by the TAC as a condition of original Plat approval, but the easement was never
created by the developer.
This new easement will have no impact whatsoever east of Woodgate Drive as the existing fence is within it there. West
of Woodgate Drive the easement will be approximately one foot south of the current location of the existing fence.This
will remove an encroachment into the ROW in that area.
The abutting property owners have separately granted an easement to the HOA. (attached)
Locates were performed in December of 2012 that confirmed there are no utility conflicts.
Conn, An•elina V
From: Greg R. Noyes [Greg.Hoyes@hamiltoncounty.in.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 11:26 AM
To: 'pbeering @iquest.net'
Cc: Foley, Amanda J; Conn, Angelina V; Barnes, David R; David E. Lucas; Duncan, Gary R; Greg
Ilko; Thomas,John G; Boone, Rachel M.
Subject: RE: WoodGate HOA Replat(Woodgate Drive & E 146th Street)
Mr. Beering
The Hamilton County Surveyor's Office has no comments or concerns with your proposed replat. If you have any
questions, please let me know.
, ae, eg. a, ey£se
Plan Reviewer
Hamilton County Surveyor's Office
One Hamilton County Square
Suite 188
Noblesville, IN. 46060
Phone: (317) 776-8495
Fax: (317) 776-9628
Website: www.hamiltoncounty.in.qov
From: Peter Beering [mailto:pbeering @ sbcglobal.net]
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 10:55 AM
To: aconn @carmel.in.aov; awold @carmel.in.aov; dmindham @carmel.in.gov; dlittlejohn @carmel.in.aov;
plux @carmel.in.gov; dhuffman @carmel.in.gov; Greg R. Hoyes; ailko @crossroadenaineers.com; ithomas @carmel.in.aov;
gduncan @carmel.in.aov; afoley @carmel.in.gov; nredden @carmel.in.aov; dbarnes @carmel.in.aov; David E. Lucas;
whohlt @carmel.in.gov; iblanchard @carmel.in.aov;iduffv @carmel.in.aov
Cc: 22frets @sbcglobal.net; pbeering @sbcglobal.net; tgreen @carmel.in.gov; dstrong @carmel.in.gov;
cellison @carmel.in.gov; tkrueskamp @carmel.in.gov; mwestermeier @carmelclayparks.com; Jason T. LeMaster; Brooke M.
Gajownik; iason.kirkman@mvbriahthouse.com; JD.Trueblood @mvbriahthouse.com; shirley.hunter @duke-energv.com;
aarv.mcnamee @duke-eneray.com; ilclark @vectren.com; dan.davenport@aes.com; dwhiting @citizenseneravaroup.com;
rfarrand @ccs.k12.in.us; ryan.hartman @ctrwd.org; trov.yackle @sua.com; sk4986 @att.com
Subject: WoodGate HOA Replat(Woodgate Drive & E 146th Street)
Importance: High
The Woodgate HOA seeks to replat the subdivision for the sole purpose of creating a 2' barrier/fence easement within
the existing platted DUE easement. A fence has continuously been in place in this area since the subdivision was built in
the late 1980's.A fence was required by the TAC as a condition of original Plat approval, but the easement was never
created by the developer.
This new easement will have no impact whatsoever east of Woodgate Drive as the existing fence is within it there. West
of Woodgate Drive the easement will be approximately one foot south of the current location of the existing fence. This
will remove an encroachment into the ROW in that area.
The abutting property owners have separately granted an easement to the HOA. (attached)
Locates were performed in December of 2012 that confirmed there are no utility conflicts.
It is hoped that eventually a modular concrete wall will replace the fence.This system is currently in place behind the
Regions Bank at 146th& Lowes Way. It is also in place along 146th Street at the Village Farms subdivision. The panels are
removable as are the posts. A gap will exist under the system that will not interfere with existing drainage.
Peter S Beering
Attorney at Law
PO Box 68465
Indianapolis,IN 46268
Conn, Angelina V
From: Peter Beering [pbeering @sbcglobal.net]
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 10:55 AM
To: Conn, Angelina V; Donahue-Wold, Alexia K; Mindham, Daren; Littlejohn, David W; Lux,
Pamela K; Huffman, David; greg.hoyes @hamiltoncounty.in.gov;
gilko @crossroadengineers.com; Thomas, John G; Duncan, Gary R; Foley, Amanda J;
Redden, Nick; Barnes, David R; david.lucas @hamiltoncounty.in.gov; Hohlt, William G;
Blanchard, Jim E; Duffy, John M
Cc: 22frets @sbcglobal.net; pbeering @sbcglobal.net; Green, Timothy J; Strong, David C; Ellison,
Christopher M; Krueskamp, Theresa A; Forward for Westermeier, Mark;
jason.lemaster @hamiltoncounty.in.gov; brooke.gajownik @hamiltoncounty.in.gov;
jason.kirkman @mybrighthouse.com; JD.Trueblood @mybrighthouse.com;
shirley.hunter @duke-energy.com; gary.mcnamee @duke-energy.com;jlclark @vectren.com;
dan.davenport @aes.com; dwhiting @citizensenergygroup.com; rfarrand @ccs.k12.in.us;
ryan.hartman @ctrwd.org; troy.yackle @sug.com; sk4986 @att.com
Subject: WoodGate HOA Replat(Woodgate Drive& E 146th Street)
Attachments: Sheet 2 of 2.PDF; Sheet 1 of 1.PDF; Woodgate HOA Barrier Easement RECORDED 2-26-13
Importance: High
The Woodgate HOA seeks to replat the subdivision for the sole purpose of creating a 2' barrier/fence easement within
the existing platted DUE easement. A fence has continuously been in place in this area since the subdivision was built in
the late 1980's. A fence was required by the TAC as a condition of original Plat approval, but the easement was never
created by the developer.
This new easement will have no impact whatsoever east of Woodgate Drive as the existing fence is within it there. West
of Woodgate Drive the easement will be approximately one foot south of the current location of the existing fence.This
will remove an encroachment into the ROW in that area.
The abutting property owners have separately granted an easement to the HOA. (attached)
Locates were performed in December of 2012 that confirmed there are no utility conflicts.
It is hoped that eventually a modular concrete wall will replace the fence.This system is currently in place behind the
Regions Bank at 146th & Lowes Way. It is also in place along 146th Street at the Village Farms subdivision. The panels are
removable as are the posts. A gap will exist under the system that will not interfere with existing drainage.
Peter S Beering
Attorney at Law
PO Box 68465
Indianapolis,IN 46268
Conn, Angelina V
From: Conn, Angelina V
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2013 11:05 AM
To: Foley, Amanda J; Duncan, Gary R
Cc: 'Greg.Hoyes@hamiltoncounty.in.gov'; 'Shirley Hunter'; 'jclark @vectren.com';
david.lucas @hamiltoncounty.in.gov; 'Trueblood, J.D.'; Duffy, John M; Thomas, John G; 'Jason
Kirkman'; 'dan.davenport @aes.com'; 'Whiting, Duane A.'; 'Ryan Hartman'; 'sk4986 @att.com'
Subject: FW: Woodgate subdivision, replat of 11 lots
Attachments: Sheet 1 of 1.PDF; Sheet 2 of 2.PDF
All -
Here is the.pdf of the proposed replat for Woodgate.This is just a heads up,as the petitioner will also email this to
you and you can send review comments to them. It is:
Docket No. 13030015 SP-Replat: Woodgate Subdivision,Sections 4-5, Lots 82-83, 101-103, 125-130.
The applicant seeks replat approval to add a 2 ft wide fence/barrier easement along the north property lines of the
11 lots that abut 146th Street,and said`fence/barrrer easement will be located within a 10 fr wide-dramage and
utility,;easement:The site is located near the intersection of Woodgate Dr.and 146th St.The site is zoned R-
1/Residence. Filed by Lyndon Craig Stiff,president of the Woodgate Homeowners Association of Carmel, Inc.
(Craig can be contacted at 571-0210.)
Angie Conn, Planning Administrator
City of Carmel Planning &Zoning Division
Dept. of Community Services
1 Civic Square, 3rd Fir.
Carmel, IN 46032
Office: 317-571-2417 I Direct: 317-571-2281 I Fax: 317-571-2426 I E-mail: aconnAcarmel.in.gov W: www.carmeldocs.com
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
From: Andrew Miller [mailto:MillerA(c�weihe.net]
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2013 10:50 AM
To: Conn, Angelina V
Cc: Brady Kuhn
Subject: RE: Woodgate subdivision, replat of 11 lots
Please find a PDF of the Woodgate Plat attached with this email.
Andrew Miller, E.I., S.I.T.
Weihe Engineers, Inc.
10505 N. College Avenue
Indianapolis, Indiana 46280
317 1 846-6611
800 I 452-6408
317 I 843 -0546 fax