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219723 05/07/2013
CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 355466 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE KEITH FREER CHECK AMOUNT: $729.56 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 1413 N.FAIRVIEW STREET ALEXANDRIA IN 46001 CHECK NUMBER: 219723 CHECK DATE: 517/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1120 4231400 36 . 25 GASOLINE 1120 4343002 693 . 31 EXTERNAL TRAINING TRA CITY OF CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT DATE: May 3, 2013 TO: Cindy Sheeks FROM: Matthew Hoffman, Fire Chief Attached you will find a claim for reimbursement for Deputy Fire Marshal Keith Freer and Doug Dolen. The Department sent both of them to a Public Education Conference in Denver CO. Their flight was due to come back on Thursday, April 18`x', however to due to a severe winter storm, their return flight was cancelled and they did not arrive back in Indianapolis until Friday, April 19`x'. Please reimburse their expenses. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. �1V oe Cqq� CITY OF CARMEL Expense Report (required for all travel expenses) R �ND100 EMPLOYEE NAME: 'c\2� `� �� ��S DEPARTURE DATE: y - \5 -�'3 TIME: AM PM DEPARTMENT: `�� r RETURN DATE: �-\�-\� TIME: AM / M REASON FOR TRAVEL�•A ZO V�- . ��`�� DESTINATION CITY.�2�v c jz- �� EXPENSES ARE FOR (check all that apply): TRAVEL ADVANCE TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT TRAVEL PER DIEM Transportation Gas/Tolls/ Meals Date Lodging Misc. Total Air-fare Car Rental Other Parking Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Per Diem $0.00 $0.00 4/15/13 1 $32.50 $32.50 4/16/13 $65.00 $65.00 4/17/13 $65.00 $65.00 4/18/13 $36.25 $259.53 $65.00 $360.78 4/19/13 $141.28 $65.00 $206.28 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 Total 1 $0.001 $0.001 $0.001 $36.251 $400.81 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $292.50 $0.00 DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT: I e th se's listed conform to the City's travel policy and are within my department's appropriated budget. i Director Signature: Date: MAY X 6 2013 City of Carmel Form#ER06 Revision Date 4/26/2013 Page 1 Snyder, Denise W From: Debbie Tunstill [Debbie.Tunstill @thetravelagentinc.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 4:29 PM To: Snyder, Denise W Subject: Confirmed Flight for Keith Freer SALES PERSON:A09DT ITINERARY/INVOICE NO. ITIN DATE:IAN 29 2013 ACCOUNT CPD X20LXO PAGE:01 FOR: FREER/KEITH T TO:CITY OF CARMEL CITY OF CARMEL-FIRE DEPT ONE CIVIC SQUARE-3RD FLOOR ATTN: DENISE SNYDER CARMEL IN 46032 TWO CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL IN 46032 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 APR 13 -MONDAY MILES- 977 ELAPSED TIME-2:39 AIR LV INDIANAPOLIS 341P FRONTIER AIR FLT: 619 COACH CLASS CONFIRMED AR DENVER 420P NONSTOP FOOD TO PURCHASE AIRLINE CONFIRMATION:F9-KAVSYC 18 APR 13 -THURSDAY MILES- 977 ELAPSED TIME-2:22 AIR LV DENVER 354P UNITED FLT:3544 UNITED ECON CONFIRMED AR INDIANAPOLIS 816P NONSTOP AIRLINE CONFIRMATION:UA-IS94YQ TICKET IS NONREFUNDABLE. TO RECEIVE AIRLINE CREDIT-FLIGHTS MUST BE CANCELLED PRIOR TO DEPARTURE. CHANGE FEES WILL APPLY UNITED CONF IS94YQ FRONTIER CONF KAVSYC "VERIFY ALL INFO IS CORRECT. FEES APPLY FOR REISSUES-REFUNDS-CHANGES AFTER HRS.EMERGENCIES ON THIS ITIN CALL 877 645 6373 CODEA09$15/CALL A CANCEL FEE OF 15PCT ON TTL COST APPLIES. FOR TERMS/CONDITIONS/ AIRLINE LUGGAGE POLICIES AND OTHER SVCS. SEE WWW.TTA.TRAVEL THIS ITIN. MAY BE SUBJECT TO CABIN INSECTICIDE SPRAYING PRIOR TO FLIGHT OR WHILE ON THE AIRCRAFT. FOR A LIST OF COUNTRIES REQUIRING THIS SEE WWW.TZELL411.COM THANK YOU. DEBBIE TUNSTILL 317 805 5762 AIR TRANSPORTATION 188.84 TAX 35.96 TTL 224.80 PROCESSING FEE 35.00 SUB TOTAL 259.80 CREDIT CARD PAYMENT 259.80- TOTAL AMOUNT 0.00 BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE ADT F9INDDEN OPC BAG 1- 20.00 USD UPTO50LB/23KG AND UPTO62LI/158LCM BAG 2- 20.00 USD UPTO50LB/23KG AND UPTO62LI/158LCM 1 -I",� �;,i�":� - --�-,�,-k,-, - ,- -,i--.-� ,-,CP,' I��'�v� - KM -,'-'4��AA��,-f� - `i, , ��"i -V- -1- �13*5,�--,`,'jf'.'.��,�,- '� , ,, -i,��,��v-I-.�-� , - -- , -M',-,';-,,'%-': � ,.'t`!.' -,.�O-s ,�-,;------� �F 1111�4-�,I',-14111--�1; ,, , - -$ - � - � I I-T-` A--,� W,4"-, -- , "�1�3', -�'.� ,- -;-,'�;,V Ir 1,-"�,-, -C,, _V7,fi'. � -'O� -,,,,- --,-,N--�i',--,-,��-�" , i"-.- .1 " '-" T-,: .--,-;,�z w��.. I",�-I..., ....... 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Our speak- ers,•who hail from across North America, will bring us innovative programs, information on new technologies, techniques for reaching our target audiences better and.ideas for`developing suc- cessful programs,�in spite of shrinking budgets.,'The networking•opportunities alone make this conference worthwhile. Speaking of shrinking budgets, the registration fee for this 3-day conference is only._$250. All of us are challenged with doing more with fewer resources even though',fires and injuries don't .take'a vacation during economic downturns. Keeping our registration fee to this minimum level is our attempt to_help you afford this valuable training., Additionally,,an agency that pays"for two registrations._gets a third for only $100. We also will be able to offer scholarships for registra- tions thanks.to the generous support of our sponsors, some of whom are 4isfed on'the cover. Our Conference Team — Patrick Love, Scott Pringle, Micki Trost,Jane Zook, Scott Pribble, Brian Nichols,Janef Wersi,Sabrina Iacovetta,.Sherrie Leeka and Deanna Harrington —'has be'en;:woik- ing hard to produce what promises to be an enjoyable, educational and amazing conference. I thank them-for�their exceptional•efforts. We hope you'll join us in Estes Park., Einar Jensen, Conference Chairperson Who Should attend ? Why shoultd you attend ? Fire & Life Safety Professionals Firefighters and,Fire Officers Innovative Programs EMTs and Paramedics Technology Tips Community Police"Officers Teaching Techniques Child Car Seat Technicians Best Practices Hospital Injury Prevention & Resources Community Outreach Staff Networking Emergency Managers New Ideas for Existing Problems Private Sector Risk Managers Continuing Education Units Teachers Fire& fife Safety Educators Conference of the Rockies Register Now! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e 9 April 16-18, 2013 Estes Park, Colorado NAME /Tf� �/Z� � TITLE p� iFE ORGANIZATION I I ADDRESS ClV/( SCL�P��ZC� I 1 CITY STATE ZIP I _ I PHONE /�' _ 2600 FAX 3/7-S 71 r X66 1 I I / I I EMAIL Registration Fee (if postmarked, emailed or faxed by 3!30113): $250.00 r; Registration Fee (if postmarked, emailed or faxed after 3!30113): $275.00 F Check here if this is the third registration from an organization -your registration fee is$100 On Site Registration Fee: $300.00 Daily Registration Fee: $125.00 1 1 1 I�Tuesday, April 16 Wednesday, April 17 Thursday, April 18 I 1 Total Amount Due'i G� PO Number 1 1 Please make checks payable to: Fire & Life Safety. Educators of Colorado I' Mail your registration form(one per attendee)and check or PO to: Einar Jensen FLSE Conference 9195 E. Mineral Avenue I Centennial, CO 80112 I You also may fax your PO and registration form to 720-989-2073. Contact Rocky Mountain Park Inn for lodging (mention your participation in the conference): $79 / Night Reservations: 800-803-7837 — www.rockymountainparkinn.com For Transportation to Estes Park from Denver International Airport: Estes Park Shuttle — 970-586-5151 or www.estesparkshuttle.com Discount Code:FIRE 1 The registration fee covers the conference and all related classes, breakfasts on Wednesday and Thursday (April 17 and 18), lunches on Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday (April 16-18), and your"buy-in"to Casino Night on Tuesday night. Each dinner, although some options may be pre-arranged,will be on your own. * Each attendee must submit his or her own registration form; please mail them together for the"Buy 2 Get 1 for$100"option. If an agency does pay for two registrations, the third may be given to a different agency or entity from the same community, coalition or county. ® — — — m ® — — — — o — — e m e v e ® ® — ® — ® — — m — ® _I Fire&Life Safety Educators Conference of the Rockies Date Jan 29, 2013 Carmel Fire Department Invoice Bill To: 2 Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Invoice# A13-003 PO Number F24427 Due Date April 15, 2013 Quantity Description Rate Total 2 Registration Fee for FLSE Conference $250 F— $500 Grand Total $500' Make checks payable to: Fire & Life Safety Educators of Colorado c/o Einar Jensen 9195 E. Mineral Avenue Centennial, CO 80112 QUESTIONS: call Einar Jensen 720-989-2273 For special lodging rates, contact Rocky Mountain Park Inn at 800-803-7837 (mention this conference). For transportation to Estes Park from Denver Int'I Airport, contact Estes Park Shuttle at 970-586-5151. Discount Code: FIRE 1 Discover Card: Printable Search Transaction Page 1 of 1 DISCOVER, 1413 N FAIRVIEW AVE,ALEXANDRIA, IN 46001-8176 C n a p (765)724-9014 Search Transactions: We found 9 matches. You searched in all categories between 04/15/13 and 04/19/13. Note: Please review your statements for interest charge information. Transactions Trans. Date. . Post Date Description Amount Category ❑ ❑04/18/13 04/18/13 CONOCO 10082618812 COMMERCE $ 36.25 Gasoline CITYCO ❑04/18/13 04/18/13 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PARK INN ESTES $ 259.53 Travel/ PARK CO Entertainment ❑ ❑04/19/13 04/19/13 HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS DIA DENVER $ 141.28 Travel/ CO Entertainment Results Total =$ Need to dispute a charge?Can't find a transaction?Suspect Fraud? Contact us immediately at: U.S. 1-800-DISCOVER Outside U.S. 1-801-902-3100 TDD/TTY 1-800-347-7449 Printed on 04/25/2013 ©2012 Discover Bank, Member FDIC. https://www.di scovercard.com/cardmembersvc s/statements/app/search_results?printOption... 4/25/2013 04-19-13 keith Freer Folio No. Room No. 231 1413 N Fairview Ave A/R Number Arrival 04-18-13 Alexandria IN 46001 Group Code Departure 04-19-13 us Company Conf. No. 66606928 Membership No. Rate Code IGM01 Invoice No. : Page No. 1 of 1 Date I Description I Charges I Credits 04-18-13 *Room Charge 123.12 04-18-13 State Tax-2.9% 3.57 04-18-13 City Tax- 10.75% 13.24 04-18-13 RTD Tax- 1.1% 1.35 04-19-13 141.28 Total 141.28 141.28 Balance 0.00 Guest Signature: I have received the goods and/or services in the amount shown heron.I agree that my liablity for this bill is not waived and agree to be held personally liable in the event that the indicated person,company,or associate fails to pay for any part or the full amount of these charges. If a credit card charge, I further agree to perform the obligations set forth in the cardholder's agreement with the issuer. Owned and Operated by DIA HIX, LLC Holiday Inn Express&Suites-Denver Intl Airport 6910 Tower Road Denver, CO 80249 Telephone: (303)373-4100 Fax: (303)373-4750 Rocky 1 MOUNTAIN .. rAnk INN ljtv� 5 Keith Freer Room Number: 226 carmel fire dep 2 civic square Arrival Date: 04-15-13 Carmel, IN 46032 Departure Date: 04-18-13 United States Conf. Number: 21221042 Guest Name: Page No: 1 of 1 INFORMATION INVOICE A/R No: Folio No: 04-18-13 Date Description Reference Charges Credits 04-15-13 Room 79.00 04-15-13 State Sales Tax 7.5% 5.93 04-15-13 Local Marketing Tax 2% 1.58 04-16-13 Room 79.00 04-16-13 State Sales Tax 7.5% 5.93 04-16-13 Local Marketing Tax 2% 1.58 04-17-13 Room 79.00 04-17-13 State Sales Tax 7.5% 5.93 04-17-13 Local Marketing Tax 2% 1.58 04-18-13 259.53 Total 259.53 259.53 Balance 0.00 I SIGNATURE: Rocky Mountain Park Inn. 101 South Saint Wain Avenue.Estes Park.Colorado 80517 Tel.(970)586-2332.Fax(970)586-2038. RockyMountainParklnn.com . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . St 3V.4 • n izoicky F4 OUMCMN During your next stay, enjoy a full breakfast buffet PmzK INN including juice or coffee "on us" just by making your qualifying reservation through our website or by picking up the phone and giving us a call. With each night reserved Thank you for staying with us! you will receive a $20 breakfast buffet voucher to use at r a � Longz Mountain Grill. : Valid an on Advance Purchase Pale. Cos! ,adahle Rafe. 444, HARP, Gove/ninenl, and Fact lases boo6ed ■ ■ duecll/' ivl(h betel of cnpne L�/mp/ci,n% i,ia,' nor be cn/nDined With o(heI o7re/s:'n/nn;0li,nc S_'0 voucher ■ �, ae a� ■ _{G, ny . owards Longz Alounleir7 C//ll 6r6LAAf-rs! nulrel se;ran 7 u7 11 a.n7. dad).,. Ia, ano a/aluur nol Included. /dal • * ��> ■ yam: /701/IO/7 000UF70n, ■ '`�+`s •�- I valid an /no/n Senace or to-no orne.s //r Ierunds inr unused 1= A23 M[' •i • This is your c9py to take home with you. 5aft LN ■ Once your trip is over, you're anxious to get home. That's why we've made your checkout as fast and easy as possible. Please find enclosed your hotel bill with charges prior to Sam today. ; ® Charges incurred after Sam will be added to your credit card. In appreciation of your stay, please join us again and If your date of departure has changed, please notify the front desk. receive one night at 75% Off when booking the Rack ., Rate for the first consecutive night. Please leave your keys in your room. M+; ■ BOGO Offer valid 10.14.12 through 5.2 2.11 ; For future reservations, please visit: Rate does not include tax or gratuities. Not available to groups. 0 0 : Available only by calling . or call us toll-free -80-ESTES 970-5�6-��3� ee at X00 M � ' I Printed on l00%post-consumer recycled paper.Please recycle! . . . . . . . . . ■. ■ . ■ . . . .. ■ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. ... 74 prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Denver CO $693.31 Denver CO $36.25 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Keith Freer IN SUM OF $ $729.56 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 43-430.02 $693.31 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1120 42-314.00 $36.25 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received excet���_ _ y Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund