HomeMy WebLinkAbout219776 05/07/2013i CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 366092 Page 1 of 1 `f. ONE CIVIC SQUARE INDIANA DESIGN CENTER,LLC . ) CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 ATfN:LAUIE SILER CHECK AMOUNT: $2,834.67 770 3RD AVE SW CHECK NUMBER: 219776 CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK DATE: 5/7/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4350900 MARCH 2, 834 . 67 OTHER CONT SERVICES .,,�,_ .a }s '�-r-, 7.• 1 4-- T- .; r��A,,, - �ty8xy° `et �' .,fin • ' �� wE � ds x. aka,�,a� ° �,7.s�`.4-y =,,,�+'. :� .�-.. �- �,..,n. ;Yirx• r A va. ', INDIANA DESIGN CENTER, LLC One Pedcor Square 770 3rd Ave. SW Carmel,Indiana 46032 May 1, 2013 City of Carmel: Street Dept. Attn: Dave Huffman 3400 West 131 st Street Carmel, IN 46074 RE: Billing in accordance with the Parking Administration Agreement between Indiana Design Center and The City of Carmel dated December 1, 2011. INVOICE - March Due: Upon Receipt Invoice City% Date Vendor For Amount Amount 03/01/13 Duke Energy Garage/Stairwell Electric $ 2,349.83 $ 2,349.83 03/05/13 Carmel Utitilies Water $ 406.22 $ 135.45 03/07/13 AT&T Fire/Elevator Phone Lines $ 236.98 $ 79.02 02/22/13 HD Supply Garage Light Bulbs $ 694.82 $ 270.37 Total Amount Due $ 2,834.67 If you have any questions please contact Laurie Siler at 317.587.0467 Please make checks payable and mail to: Indiana Design Center, LLC Attn: Laurie Siler 770 3rd Ave SW Carmel, fN 46032 rte: K �y„ i ukeEnergy® Dtse:f3ats' Account Number 6340-3678-02-5 CM 01 Mar 26,2013 $2,349.83 i For more detailed billing information on your monthly bill,check box on right $_ _ $ #63F0 S6LH 02CM SW00# HelpingHand Contribution Amount Enclosed (for Customer Assistance) 0000100 01 AV 0.35Z "AU10 0234646032-2.03670 -C,0kP0 0U0-n 45 1{I'��fll°1llllrl(rll���ullllnlrlll�f�'fI0�f11urIn01'f�'1�1°� j Indiana Design Center, LLC Attn: Laurie Siler PO Box 1326 770 3Rd Ave SW Carmel IN 46032-2036 Charlotte NC 28201-1326 i 900 00002349833 63403678025 032620132 00002415712 PLEASE RETURN THE TOP PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMEW Page 1 of 1 rti �tx# ...:........:::.::::::. Indiana Design Center,LLC Duke Energy 1-800-521-2232 6340-3678-02-5 200 Range Line Rd S Carmel IN 46032 °t -a-C) - ..... :<.::::....,...._:.:..;::>:�:.......::...: tit. PO Box 1326 Payments after Mar 04 not included Bill prepared on Mar 04,2013 Charlotte NC 28201-1326 Last payment received Feb 26 Next meter reading Apr 02,2013 . :.....:.:.. ...: s<;:':;;:;; ._,;.:::;::: :rya, erg :;a4e::`:_:;`°<;.:: ...: :;Meter:Reaifi� ;.. , ....:.,;::::;'::.: :°:..: .:. ,° <';:.;;::•:::: €� f 1#chaal Meter plumber ;From To Days Pr®viou I�reen t [tAu!#i tisag } { Elec 106996865 Jan 31 Mar 01 29 5779 5932 160 24,480 48.00 tr G<;<f✓orlt tF1�P6 Usage- 24,480 kWh 9.70 kVar Amt Due- Previous Bill $2,243.32 Duke Energy-Rate LSNO $2,196.10 Payments)Received 2,243.32cr Current Electric Charges 2,196.10 Balance Forward 0.00 Current Electric Charges 2,196.10 Taxes 153.73 i Current Amount Due 23 9.83 ITaxes.-' 153.73' I Duke Energy Indiana is holding a series of stakeholder workshops in conjunction with the development of its 2013 Integrated Resource Plan(a 20-year planning document). Details on the April 24th workshop and additional information can be found at www.duke-energy.comitn-irp. I " I After. I -Du e.Date:;.' :`.;Ai ou'nt.`Due :. Average Cost: $0.0897 per kWh Mar 26,2013 $2,349.83 $2,415.71 �� �� 'ti46-ut-oaoo��oo-ot�t-utxyazcxi visit us at www.duke-energ�.cam "<��f-'4'p� y�j� �' b.-���, � '': - �` �� � l.,m 3 �•�t ���f �Tt }��I�',^�r��„���u e - ai I Utilities Account Number 0662496401 P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 —_ Amount Due $406.22 Customer Service c `D.0 flate y~ 04102/:13 www.carmelutilities.com (317) 571-2442 i Mon- Fri Sam-5pm Amount Due $434.08 L.After Due Date INDIANA DESIGN CENTER UZI 7703RD AVE SW CONSOLIDATED BILLING r_ CARMEL, IN 4611032! II 'll ll�t�ll il�l11111�111Ef'lll�1� �yao - Z5yc PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (429.35) 02/06/13 03/05/13 63083245 403 423 WATER 20 $85.67 SEWER 20 $133.64 STATE TAX $6.00 Total Location Charges For; 200 S RANGE LINE RD#B $225.31 02/06/13 03/05/13 63083248 720 729 WATER 9 $82.83 SEWER 9 $92.28 STATE TAX $5.80 Total Location Charges For: 200 S RANGE LINE RD#A $180.91 PREVIOUS BALANCE FOR ALL LOCATIONS $0.00 CURRENT BILLING FOR ALL LOCATIONS $406.22 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $406.22 s AMOUNT DUE AFTER 04/02/13 $434.08 O 4 V 0 U FiBiiilf! Deta_JI^1l-!@(.ii!:I f!3l iP'6fii1 V`T_'I' Service Location Account Number 0662496401 City.of i�armel Utilities 'a" $406.22 $434.08 CARMEL UTILITIES PO BOX 109 Amount Enclosed CARMEL, IN 46082 Please use return envelope provided when paying by mail. Make sure address shows in window. q will: PEDCOR IT DBA INDIANA DESIGN C Page 1 012 ENTER LLC Account Number 3177061059677 \ 7203RD AVE SW Billing Dam Mar 7,2D13 CARMEL IN 16022.78 ���� Web She ett.00rrl Insoles Number 317706MOS'.f Monthly Statement Feb 8-Mar 7,2013 s z. Previous SRI 240.78 •Total AT&T Savings 164,$ Payment Received 2.25-Thank You 240.78CR Adjustments .00 Balance .00 MonibfySeryice-Mar-Mar 7tbru�r 66 Cliarges;for 317 706-0305 Current Charges 238.98 Monthly Charges 1125 But local Caging Measured 3100 Total Amount Due $236-98 individual Message Business Measured Plan Calling Name Display Amount Due in Full by Mar 29,2013 Caller Identification By choosing Bus Local Caging Measured you are saving S32JS over the cost of the same = services purchased separately. Billing Questions?-Ywft act eons/bi0ing Charges ter 317 706-0332 Monthly Charges Plans and Services 236.98 Bus Local Calling htaasored 33.00 1-800.880-8088 Individual Message Business Repair Service: Measured Plan 1-600.727-2273 Calling Name Display Caller Identification Total of Current Charges 236.98 By choosing Bus Local Calling Measured, you are saving 53225 over the cost of the same services purchased separately. Charges for 317 706.0334 Monthly Charges 5.75 Bus Local Calling Measured 3100 Individual Message Business Measured Plan Caging Name Display Caller Identification BY choosing Bus Local Caging Measured, You are saving S32.85 over the cost of the some services purchased separately. Charges for 317 706-M Monthly Charges 5.75 i News You Can Use Suninnary •PREVENT DISCONNECT •LONG DISTANCE INFO Ses'Nm You Can Use'for additional information Lord S-W—PmW d.d by AT&T minds.AT&T trrdlans.AT&T aashfean. AT&T Ohl.or AT&T Wlsaasratn based ape U.w Iaa aft..I.ceaow Remo boom Peadm vifthY b check to tlm eedes.damdop.. OO OREEN.re0 b ppel. 0e& ; r,ma r r.r.., DUE BY: Mar 29,2013 $236.98 LATE:After (War 29,2013$251.98 at&t PEDCOB IT DBA INDIANA DESIGN C ICLt &10ea am Mar 7.2019 Account Number 317 706-0305 867 7 EMER LAC Plena Include your account number an your check. 770780 AVE SW CARMEL IN 1W02-2t06 Make Checks Payable to: AT&T PO BOX 5080 CAROL STREAM IL 60197.5080 t11III111[IIr1II11111111111 ifII III 111 Jill 11111111oil 7317070600305867770880020000000000000000000236980000025198 PEDCOR IT G"INDIANA DESIGN C Page 2 of 2 ENTER at&t M3RDA Aso BORROW r 317706-030586)) 7103RD AYE SW BOliag Data Mer),2013 CARMEL IN 46032.213116 10110100 Nether 31770630503 Monthly Service-Continued PREVENT DISCONNECT Baste�saa Message Buss 33.00 Thedm you fm being a valued customer.It is important m inform you Individual Plan Business that all charges must be paid each month to keep your account currant Mehra a Pen and preventCaOecuon aCdWdea In addition,please be aware that CaRmp Name Display Ca we ber Identification are required to inform you of certain charges that MUST he paid in order to preventmterruption of basic local service.These charges are already included in the Total Amount Due and are 5736.98. By choosbmg Bus local Calling Measured, If you don't agree with the amountdue,you should yw ere saving M65 over*a cost of the some you disagree with before the payment due date. dispute the portion services purchased separately. t brpafar3177o6 LONG DISTANCE INFO Our records indicate thatyou have chosen not to have a Mon*Cherpas 5.75 local toll or a long distance company. Bas local cafflug Dleesared 33.00 Individual Message Business Measured Plan Calling Name Display Caller Identification By choosing Bus local Calling Measured, you are saving 532.85 over the cost of the some services purchased separately. Told Mon"Service 19925 kcd cans Canis)Charged to 317 705.015 Measured Plan[Nan Summary 32 Muwtaf s)billed atS IM per minute g9 Total CaRfal Charged to 317 706-0365 .96 Cagle Charged to 317 7116462 Measured Plan Piet Stationary 28 Minute(s)billed at S0113 psi minute 34 Told CaRls)Charged to 317 7060632 gq Toler local Cols 1.80 Swc6asgas cod Other Fees 9.1.1 Emergency System Billed for the State of Indiana 4.50 Federal Uniuental Service Fee 905 IN Universal Service Surcharge .07 IN Utility Receipt Surcharge 199 Telecommunications Relay Service .15 Total Smchargea and Other Fear rim L- FM.1 at 3% 6,01 State at 7% 14.46 Told Taxes 20A7 Tatel Plans ead sandnos 731598 4443.ON-037MOI-01.0000000 NNNNNNNY 7547575175 O,eaoaAT6 fee edee Yermea� 9COZ-ZE09P NJ 13WUV0 MS 3AV OHC OLL Or V31N3 0 NOIS30 VNVIONi VBO L 1:10003d Illlrllllrrrllllfrmprrhl6111�IIIrfnlrlidurfll)Ilurrlll 83 096'0 AV l 50LLC'9Cl'tr'c"r Go Paperless!Sign up today to receive invoices electronically.Visit hdsupplysolutions.com and click on Electronic Invoicing. LLUM Login Token: SML FMK�QD INVU PO Box 509058 - San Diego,CA 92150-9058 Page 1 of 1 1'C�Su`�'�' Please Pay From Invoice Credit/Account Information Terms: Net 30 Days 8001798-8888,FAX 800/930-4930 A minimum late charge of$2.00 or 1.5%per month(18%per year) Orders/Product Information is charged on past due invoices. —� Invoice Date InJoice umber.'.. '—' 800/431-3000,FAX 800/859-8889 'urn . HD Supply Facilities Maintenance,Ltd. Federal ID 52-2418852 02/22/2013 9120710291 Customer:Ntimtier Ordered 6 Authorized;B --- Y L Y Order Number. :. Purchase Order Numbei 12581355 mike polston 0112446993 IDC 849 1 M80.405 E0233X 10431 0636710848 P 1356328 0001:0001 111�IeIIIII-III""VIII-r-II.IIItII,Itllllll�Itlrin�IItIIIIII, Ship To: ++ PEDCOR HOMES CORPORATION PEDCOR HOMES CORPORATION 355 CITY CENTER DR 355 CITY CENTER DR CARMEL IN 46032-3806 CARMEL IN 46032-3806 Z2 C Stack Number.:,.' Description- Product Category Ordered. Shipped unit Price. - ` tlnit Extension; " 311091 CFL Bulb Syl 40W Long 3500K 4P Base LIGHTING 10 10 14.40 EA 144.00 327959 FLR Bulb Phi 49W T5 3500K 85CRI HO 40pk LIGHTING 1 1 505.36 PK 505.36 il Invoice 0 Invoice Date Amount $ Description �G �l�S Qr �l G C ,3,t>1s r a Product Category summary(hxciumng mist.L narges a r-reignp :.FSu L[W-TING 6 .32 02122t2013 M1;66.4a9.3 45.4 O 4 : 0,0 Question?Call Stephanie Wiatrek at 800-798-8888 ext:6527 or email Siephanie.Wiatrek2@hdsuppf,.com 694.8 -- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Invoice Number: 9120710291 Amount Due: 694.82 Date Due: 03/2412013 For proper credit to your account,please do not staple check to remittance form. Amount Paid: Please return this portion with payment. If amount oaid differs from amount due, Thank you for your order. please check and explain on back. Mail To: 12581355 Ill ...11 Ill Nlltl,Ill Litl, till,1„hllLtl,tlt11L1l1l,1lJ PEDCOR HOMES CORPORATION HD Supply Facilities Maintenance,Ltd. 355 CITY CENTER DR P.O. Box 509058 CARMEL IN 46032-3806 San Diego,CA 92150-9058 0001:0001 1 0 0012581355 9120710291 DOODO0000069482 D i Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 05/01/13 March $2,834.67 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Indiana Design Center, LLC Attn: Laurie Siler IN SUM OF $ 770 3rd Ave. S. W. Carmel, IN 46032 $2,834.67 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 I March I 43-509.001 $2,834.07 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except / / #jy, May 03, 2013 Street ComnliwZoner Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund