HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplications Donahue-Wold, Alexia K
From: Donahue-Wold, Alexia K
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 2:27 PM
To: Barnes, David R; Blanchard, Jim E; Boone, Rachel M.; Conn, Angelina V; Donahue-Wold,
Alexia K; Duncan, Gary R; Foley, Amanda J; Hollibaugh, Mike P; John Molitor; Kass, Joslyn;
Keeling, Adrienne M; Littlejohn, David W; Lux, Pamela K; Maki, Sue; Martin, Candy; Mindham,
Daren; Mishler, Nicholas F; Motz, Lisa; Redden, Nick; Stewart, Lisa M; Thomas, John G;
Tingley, Connie S; Worthley, Matthew D
Cc: 'Justin Moffett'
Subject: Re: Docket No. Assignment: (V) Bibeau Residence, 411 W Main St. (#13040007-08 &
13040022 V)
All: The revised docket no. assignment email is below(and changes are in orange)to reflect the addition of a
development standards variance.
-Alexia Donahue Wold, Planning Administrator
From: Donahue-Wold, Alexia K
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 3:44 PM
To: Barnes, David R; Blanchard, Jim E; Boone, Rachel M.; Conn, Angelina V; Donahue-Wold, Alexia K; Duncan, Gary R;
Foley, Amanda J; Hollibaugh, Mike P; John Molitor; Kass, Joslyn; Keeling, Adrienne M; Littlejohn, David W; Lux, Pamela K;
Maki, Sue; Martin, Candy; Mindham, Daren; Mishler, Nicholas F; Motz, Lisa; Redden, Nick; Stewart, Lisa M; Thomas, John
G; Tingley, Connie S; Worthley, Matthew D
Cc: 'Justin Moffett'
Subject: Docket No. Assignment: (V) Bibeau Residence, 411 W Main St. (#13040007-08 V)
I have issued the necessary Docket Numbers for(V)Bibeau Residence,411 W Main St. They are the following:
(V) Bibeau Residence,411 W Main St.
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approvals for a new home:
Docket No. 13040007 V ZO CH: 8.04.03.A 35 ft Min font yard setback, 15 ft and 25 ft requested (corner
Docket No. 13040008 V ZO CH: 8.04.03.F 35% Max lot coverage, 50% requested
Docket No. 13040022 V ZO CH: 8.04.03.D.1 20 ft Min Rear Yard setback, 15 requested
The site is located at 411 W Main Street and is zoned R-2/Residence. Filed by Justin Moffett with The Old Town Design
Justin can be contacted at(317)966-2023, or at justin(Jotdq.net
Filing Fees: Development Standards Variance Residential, Hearing Officer $156.50
Additional Variance, Residential $ 93.00
Additional Variance, Residential $ 93.00
Total Fee: $249.50 paid; $93.00 still due
Filing Dates& Deadlines. Petitioner, please note the following:
1. This item does not need to be on a meeting agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee.
2. Mailed and Published Public Notice needs to occur no later than April 27,2013. Published notice is required
within the Noblesville Times. Get the public notice ad to the Times by 11:00a.m., two days prior to the public
notice deadline,in order for them to publish it on time(765-365-2316 or legals @thetimes24-7.com). Note:the
placement of a public hearing sign on the property is also required by the BZA Rules of Procedure,Article VI,
Section 6(see application). Make sure the public notice meeting time to the newspaper and neighbors reads 5:30
PM and the location reads City Hall Caucus Rooms.
3. The Filing Fee and Nine (9) Informational Packets must be delivered to BZA Secretary Connie Tingley no later than
NOON. Friday,April 26,2013. Failure to submit Informational Packets by this time will result in the automatic
tabling of the petition.
4. The Proof of Notice will need to be received by this Department no later than noon, Monday, May 6, 2013. Failure
to submit Proof of Notice by this time will result in the tabling of the petition.
5. This Item will appear on the Tuesday, May 7, 2013 agenda of the Board of Zoning Appeals Hearing Officer Meeting
under Public Hearings.
6. The petitioner will need to provide a fully filled-out Findings-of-Fact sheet for the petition the night of the meeting
for the Board's use (Sheet 10 of the application). On Ballot sheets, only fill out docket number, petitioner, and date
(Sheet 9).
7. Either the Petitioner or someone representing the Petitioner must be present at the meeting for the item to be
heard. If no one appears, it will be tabled.
Please refer to your instruction sheet for more detail
Planning Department's Preliminary Review Comments; petitioner please respond to the following:
1. Make sure the public notice meeting time to the newspaper and neighbors reads 5:30 PM. It is suggested to send
the notice to the Noblesville Times newspaper by 11:00 am, two days prior to the printing deadline (765-365-2316
or legals @thetimes24-7.com).
2. Please provide the Affidavit of ownership. Page 6 of the application.
3. Provide a list of adjacent property owners certified by the Hamilton County Auditor's Office. This can be obtained
by contacting the Hamilton County Transfer and Mapping Office at 317-776-9624.
4. Please make checks payable to the City of Carmel.
5. Please provide the Proof of Publication affidavit from the Noblesville Times, once you receive it.
6. Please provide filled out and notarized Placement of Public Notice Sign affidavit.
7. Provide the filled out Notice of the Public Hearing before the BZA form.
8. Provide the Petitioner's Affidavit of Notice of Public Hearing. -
9. Please provide green signed return receipts from the certified mailings once you receive them.
10. Please submit a revised site plan with the new proposed setbacks.
11. There appears to be an extra line drawn around the house on the site plan. Please clarify what this line is or
remove it from the site plan.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Alexia Donahue-Wold
Planning Administrator
City of Carmel, DOCS
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
EA Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
• •
FEES: Single Family (Primary Residence) $302 for the first variance, plus$93.00 for each additional_:section,of the
ordinance being varied. All Other$1,197 for the first variance, plus $565 for each additional;section=ofithe,
ordinance being varied. Or see H rin Officer Option & Fees. •&13.00 /7. <t
DOCKET NO 1-304 00 g V
1) Applicant: The Old Town Design Group, LLC 242
PP Its
Address: 1132 S. Rangeline Road, Carmel, IN 46032 �=
2) Project Name: Bibeau Residence Phone:
Engineer/Architect: N/A Phone:
Attorney: N/A Phone:
Contact Person: Justin Moffett Phone: 966-2023
Email: justin @otdg.net
3) Applicant's Status: (Check the appropriate response)
(a)The applicant's name is on the deed to the property (b)The applicant is the contract
purchaser of the property. (c) Other: X
4) If Item 3) (c) is checked, please complete the following:
Owner of the property involved: Darin Bibeau
434 Windham Pass, Carmel, IN 46032 802-316-7448
Owner's address: Phone:
5) Record of Ownership:
Deed Book No./Instrument No.
Page: Purchase date:
6) Common address of the property involved: 411 W. Main Street, Carmel, IN 46032
Legal description: Acreage .29 Section 25, Township 18, Range 3
Tax Map Parcel No.: 16-09-25-04-02-005.000
7) State explanation of requested Development Standards Variance: (State what you want to do and cite the
section number(s)of the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance that applies and/or creates the need for this request).
ZO Chapter 8.04.03.D.1 Minimum Rear Yard: Twenty feet. Applicant seeks rear yard setback
of fifteen feet.
8) State reasons supporting the Development Standards Variance:(Additionally,complete the attached question
sheet entitled"Findings of Fact Dpeo lopmenthStandards Variance")e
n order to create pn acy for the poo a ea o t e ome a p an was cr aged whh d Lour lydrd.In urger w preserve the
eastern site line for the adjacent neighbor it was agreed that the home plan should move further back on the lot.
• •
9) Present zoning classification of the property: R-2
10) Size of lot/parcel in question: .274 acres
11) Present use of the property: Empty Lot
12) Describe the proposed use of the property: Single Family Home
13) Is the property: Owner occupied Yes Renter occupied Other
14) Are there any restrictions, laws, covenants, variances, special uses, or appeals filed in connection with this
property that would relate or affect its use for the specific purpose of this application? _If yes, give date and
docket number, instrument no., decision rendered and pertinent explanation. NO
15) Has work for which this application is being filed already started? If answer is yes, give details:
Building Permit Number: No
16) If proposed appeal is granted,when will the work commence?
June 2013
17) If the proposed variance is granted, who will operate and/or use the proposed improvement for which this
application has been filed?
The Old Town Design Group - Builder
NOTE: LEGAL NOTICE shall be published in the Noblesville Times a MANDATORY twenty-five(25)days prior to the
public hearing date. The certified"Proof of Publication"affidavit for the newspaper must be available for inspection the
night of the hearing.
LEGAL NOTICE to all adjoining and abutting property owners is also MANDATORY,two methods of notice are
1)CERTIFIED MAIL-RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED sent to adjoining property owners. (The white receipt
should be stamped by the Post Office at least twenty-five (25) days prior to the public hearing date.)
2)HAND DELIVERED to adjoining and abutting property owners(A receipt signed by the adjoining and abutting
property owner acknowledging the twenty-five(25)day notice should be kept for verification that the notice was
The applicant understands that docket numbers will not be assigned until all supporting information has been
submitted to the De•a .ment of Commu y, Services
Applicant Signature: A I Fan MI, ►'ii. : Date: g/..)(///3
The applicant certifies Nigning this applica i•�that he/she has been advised that all representations of the Department of
Community Services are advisory only and t ,e applicant should rely on appropriate subdivision and zoning ordinance and/or
the legal advice of his/her attorney.
Donahue-Wold, Alexia K
From: Donahue-Wold, Alexia K
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 3:44 PM
To: Barnes, David R; Blanchard, Jim E; Boone, Rachel M.; Conn, Angelina V; Donahue-Wold,
Alexia K; Duncan, Gary R; Foley, Amanda J; Hollibaugh, Mike P; John Molitor; Kass, Joslyn;
Keeling, Adrienne M; Littlejohn, David W; Lux, Pamela K; Maki, Sue; Martin, Candy; Mindham,
Daren; Mishler, Nicholas F; Motz, Lisa; Redden, Nick; Stewart, Lisa M; Thomas, John G;
Tingley, Connie S; Worthley, Matthew D
Cc: 'Justin Moffett'
Subject: Docket No. Assignment: (V) Bibeau Residence, 411 W Main St. (#13040007-08 V)
I have issued the necessary Docket Numbers for(V) Bibeau Residence,411 W Main St. They are the following:
(V) Bibeau Residence,411 W Main St.
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approvals for a new home:
Docket No. 13040007 V ZO CH: 8.04.03.A 35 ft Min font yard setback, 15 ft and 25 ft requested (corner
Docket No. 13040008 V ZO CH: 8.04.03.F 35%Max lot coverage, 50% requested
The site is located at 411 W Main Street and is zoned R-2/Residence. Filed by Justin Moffett with The Old Town Design
Justin can be contacted at(317)966-2023, or at iustin(3otdp.net
Filing Fees: Development Standards Variance Residential, Hearing Officer $156.50
Additional Variance, Residential $ 93.00
Total Fee: $249.50
Filing Dates& Deadlines. Petitioner, please note the following:
1. This item does not need to be on a meeting agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee.
2. Mailed and Published Public Notice needs to occur no later than April 12,2013. Published notice is required within
the Noblesville Times. Get the public notice ad to the Times by 11:00a.m., two days prior to the public notice
deadline,in order for them to publish it on time(765-365-2316 or legals @thetimes24-7.com). Note:the placement
of a public hearing sign on the property is also required by the BZA Rules of Procedure,Article VI,Section 6 (see
application). Make sure the public notice meeting time to the newspaper and neighbors reads 5:30 PM and the
location reads City Hall Caucus Rooms.
3. The Filing Fee and Nine (9) Informational Packets must be delivered to BZA Secretary Connie Tingley no later than
NOON, Friday,April 12,2013. Failure to submit Informational Packets by this time will result in the automatic
tabling of the petition.
4. The Proof of Notice will need to be received by this Department no later than noon, Friday,April 19,2013. Failure
to submit Proof of Notice by this time will result in the tabling of the petition.
5. This Item will appear on the Monday,April 22,2013 agenda of the Board of Zoning Appeals Hearing Officer
Meeting under Public Hearings.
6. The petitioner will need to provide a fully filled-out Findings-of-Fact sheet for the petition the night of the meeting
for the Board's use(Sheet 10 of the application). On Ballot sheets, only fill out docket number, petitioner, and date
(Sheet 9).
7. Either the Petitioner or someone representing the Petitioner must be present at the meeting for the item to be
heard. If no one appears, it will be tabled.
Please refer to your instruction sheet for more detail
Planning Department's Preliminary Review Comments; petitioner please respond to the following:
1. Make sure the public notice meeting time to the newspaper and neighbors reads 5:30 PM. It is suggested to send
the notice to the Noblesville Times newspaper by 11:00 am,two days prior to the printing deadline (765-365-2316
or legals @thetimes24-7.com).
2. Please provide the Affidavit of ownership. Page 6 of the application.
3. Provide a list of adjacent property owners certified by the Hamilton County Auditor's Office. This can be obtained
by contacting the Hamilton County Transfer and Mapping Office at 317-776-9624.
4. Please make checks payable to the City of Carmel.
5. Please provide the Proof of Publication affidavit from the Noblesville Times, once you receive it.
6. Please provide filled out and notarized Placement of Public Notice Sign affidavit.
7. Provide the filled out Notice of the Public Hearing before the BZA form.
8. Please provide green signed return receipts from the certified mailings once you receive them.
9. At your earliest convenience submit draft building elevations of all 4 sides of the home.
10. Please submit a site plan with the proposed setbacks and the existing right-of-way.
If you have.any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Alexia Donahue-Wold
Planning Administrator
City of Carmel, DOCS
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
awold @carmel.in.gov
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
9.3 4 56>
FEES: Single Family (Primary Residence) $302 for the first variance, plus$93.00 for=each ad iti �'&tion obthe
ordinance being varied. All Other$1,197 for the first variance, plus$565 for'eaclh addi section of fie
ordinance being varied. Or, see Hearing Officer Option & Fees. Od, ay
DOCKET NO. 13�oo" ? 08 V DATE RECEIVED: ��� n „ " 1.\�
1) Applicant: The Old Town Design Group, LLC
Address: 1132 S. Rangeline Road, Carmel, IN 46032
Bibeau Residence
2) Project Name: Phone:
Engineer/Architect: N/A Phone:
Attorney: N/A Phone:
Contact Person: Justin Moffett Phone: 966-2023
Email: justin@otdg.net
3) Applicant's Status: (Check the appropriate response)
(a)The applicant's name is on the deed to the property (b)The applicant is the contract
purchaser of the property. (c) Other: X
4) If Item 3) (c) is checked, please complete the following:
Owner of the property involved: Darin Bibeau
434 Windham Pass, Carmel, IN 46032 802-316-7448
Owner's address: Phone:
5) Record of Ownership:
Deed Book No./Instrument No.
Page:_ 'Purchase date:
6) Common address of the property involved: 411 W. Main Street, Carmel, IN 46032
Legal description: Acreage .29 Section 25, Township 18, Range 3
Tax Map Parcel No.: 16-09-25-04-02-005.000
7) State explanation of requested Development Standards Variance: (State what you want to do and cite the
section number(s)of the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance that applies and/or creates the need for this request).
ZO Chapter 8.04.03.A Minimum Front Yard: Thirty-five feet. Applicant seeks front yard setback of fifteen feet.
ZO Chapter 8.04.03.F Maximum Lot Coverage: Thirty-five percent (35%).
Applicant seeks maximum lot coverage of 50%.
8) State reasons supporting the Development Standards Variance:
(Add iI on llv,co mpe the othe d u sso
smetietneriteFn n m ra on Fa as a l0 estta ner.10YVNeurn Cverdye-plroperty adjoins old town
overlay which allows for greater lot coverage. Owner desires to install a pool which requires a greater lot coverage
amount. Right-of-way taken from this property for roundabout which further reduced available coverage area.
• •
9) Present zoning classification of the property: R-2
10) Size of lot/parcel in question: .274 acres
11) Present use of the property: Empty Lot
12) Describe the proposed use of the property: Single Family Home
13) Is the property: Owner occupied Yes Renter occupied Other
14) Are there any restrictions, laws, covenants, variances, special uses, or appeals filed in connection with this
property that would relate or affect its use for the specific purpose of this application? _If yes, give date and
docket number, instrument no.,decision rendered and pertinent explanation. NO
15) Has work for which this application is being filed already started? If answer is yes, give details:
Building Permit Number: No
16) If proposed appeal is granted, when will the work commence?
June 2013
17) If the proposed variance is granted, who will operate and/or use the proposed improvement for which this
application has been filed?
The Old Town Design Group - Builder
NOTE: LEGAL NOTICE shall be published in the Noblesville Times a MANDATORY twenty-five(25)days prior to the
public hearing date. The certified"Proof of Publication"affidavit for the newspaper must be available for inspection the
night of the hearing.
LEGAL NOTICE to all adjoining and abutting property owners is also MANDATORY,two methods of notice are
1)CERTIFIED MAIL-RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED sent to adjoining property owners. (The white receipt
should be stamped by the Post Office at least twenty-five(25) days prior to the public hearing date.)
2)HAND DELIVERED to adjoining and abutting property owners(A receipt signed by the adjoining and abutting
property owner acknowledging the twenty-five(25)day notice should be kept for verification that the notice was
The applicant understands that docket numbers will not be assigned until all supporting information has been
submitted to the Depa e of Commun.IA Services.
' �1l1 i
Applicant Signature: L� �1]►di■,l Dater
The applicant certifies .igning this applicatio !:t he/she has been advised that all representations of the Department of
Community Services are -dvisory only and that the applicant should rely on appropriate subdivision and zoning ordinance and/or
the legal advice of his/her attorney.