HomeMy WebLinkAboutChristopher Burke Engineering/ENG/Addl Serv 1/$35,000 • Christopher B. Burke Engineering, LLC Engineering -2013 Appropriation#211-401; P.O. #25273 Contract Not To Exceed$35,000.00 ADDITIONAL SERVICES AMENDMENT TO g4aoi� AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF GOODS AND SERVICES „ „ oc+ THIS AMENDMENT TO THE GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT ("Agreement") entered into by and between the City of Carmel and Christopher B. Burke Engineering, LLC (the "Vendor'), as City Contract dated May 15, 2013 shall amend the terms of the Agreement by adding the additional services to be provided by Vendor consistent with the Scope of Work attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A". Furthermore, the terms of the Agreement shall be amended to include the E-verify requirement as stated in Indiana Code § 22-5-1.7 et seq., which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit °B", as well as the required E-verify Affidavit, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit °C". Also, pursuant to I.C. § 5-22-16.5, Vendor shall certify that in signing this document, it does not engage in investment activities within the Country of Iran, The terms and conditions of the Agreement shall not otherwise be affected by this Additional Services Amendment and shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Amendment as follows: CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA Christopher B. Burke Engineering, LLC by and through its Board of Public Works and Safety By: (-- By: `1!mes Brainard, Presiding Officer A ed Signature Date- • Dl Sid Tom D. z. Printed Name ary/1/2,n Burke, M tuber Date: - S —/3 Title Mwnay� Vice Pa.s 012 i Lori S. / o Member FID/TIN: ys-39N052S Date: f/3 Last Four of SSN if Sole Proprietor: ATTEST: / Date: Mal 211, at (3 i ana Cordray, A 4 -rk-Treasurer Date: N+rrMlbte4,. , ` aV.,,M1tNY...3 Cml• 4likAl •1■t rVVY41„H ryl, PPAIA ®f® o te e'. May 15, 2013 CITY ARtMEL �n�1FS I3[tAIN.vzo, i\'I:»-oa Jon D. Stolz, P.E. Christopher B. Burke Engineering 115 W. Washington Street STE 1368 South Indianapolis, IN 46204 RE: Additional Service Amendment#1, PO #25273 Dear Mr. Stolz: As we discussed, the City of Carmel has a need for additional professional services and pursuant to our current contract with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, dated May 15 2013. I have requested and received from you the proposed scope of services and fee estimates for the following work task: Additional Service Amendment#1— Stormwater Program and Capital Improvement Budget Study Professional Engineering Services Not to Exceed: $35,000.00 Per our contract procedural requirements, I hereby approve these Additional Professional Services estimates, and request that the Board of Public Works ratify the above referenced Contract Amendment. PLEASE NOTE Please be advised that"Additional Services" performed on City contracts must be billed separately from the original contract and other additional services. More importantly, the invoice must reference the appropriate Additional Service# and F.O.# shown above. Invoices received without the Additional Service# referenced will be returned for proper identification. Thank you for your continued assistance in providing the City of Cannel with your professional, quality services. If you should have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, /mss _.0411 Michael T. McBride, P.E. City Engineer Exhibit A- R 0 3e- N :and approved by: S. C. Engelkg Director of Administration I)r.r.,rr wrcl qp HN.c::erci■t; )\te Cr it Syonae. (.,vIUIEL. EN 6032 )et icr 17.571 24=11 l vz 317.571.24 9 tip, •°>-. Christopher B. Burke Engineering, LLC B115 W.Washington St. Suite 1368 South Indianapolis,IN 46204 317.266.8000 cbbel-in.corn May 14,2013 City of Carmel Engineering Office Carmel City Hall One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Attention: Mike McBride,P.E.-City Engineer Subject: Stormwater Program and Capital Improvement Budget Study Proposal for Professional Engineering Services Dear Mr.McBride: Christopher B. Burke Engineering LLC (CBBEL) is pleased to submit this proposal to provide professional engineering services to conduct a study to evaluate existing data to develop an overall stormwater budget and assist with the determination of an assessment rate strategy based on preliminary, available data. The following is our Understanding of the Assignment, Scope of Services, Anticipated Schedule,and Estimated Fee. UNDERSTANDING OF THE ASSIGNMENT It is our understanding that the City of Carmel is exploring options to establish sustainable funding for its stormwater program. As an initial phase of such an endeavor, the City of Carmel has requested CBBEL to evaluate the City's existing data and determine an appropriate 5-year budget for its stormwater program and capital improvement needs. The study will also include a determination of potential rate structure and revenue needed to fund the program costs and the needed capital improvement projects. Potential future phases of study, not included with this current contract,could include determination of actual impervious area of non-residential parcels, updated revenue projections, conducting education and outreach, assisting with billing procedures,and assisting with development of program policies and procedures. A decision as to whether to proceed with the latter potential future phases will be made by City at a later time and accomplished through an amended contract proposal. SCOPE OF SERVICES CBBEL will complete the following tasks for this project: Task 1 - Evaluate Existing Data and Procedures:..CBBEL staff will collect and review the City's existing data and procedures to assess existing City procedures that can be utilized for a potential Carmel Stormwater Program and Capital Improvement Budget Study May 14,2013 2013.6798 Page 1 tut s city-wide stormwater fee assessment. Program staffing needs and an appropriate organization for an enhanced program will be evaluated and recommended by CBBEL as part of this task. The following is a list of major sub-tasks that will be completed as part of this task: • Review imperviousness mapping to create digitization strategy • Review current development approval procedure and current process used for determination of imperviousness and any database update protocols • Review existing parcel database and current update procedures • Review existing Carmel Utilities statement billing operation and distribution processes and database update procedures • Identify relevant existing partnerships,organizations, and groups • Review current stormwater program staffing, roles,and organization Task 2 - Assist the Development of a Comprehensive Stormwater Program Budget: CBBEL staff will review existing stormwater budgets, such as the City's existing Stormwater Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) implementation budget, and other identified budget for stormwater capital improvement or special projects and work with City staff to arrive at a comprehensive 5- year stormwater budget. The following is a list of major sub-tasks that will be completed as part of this task: • Revisit annual Operating Disbursement for SWQMP implementation (salaries, equipment, public education,training,assessment billing costs, and MCMs addressed) • Identify Capital Improvement needs (new vehicles, equipment, Master Planning, and Capital Improvement Plan) • Identify assessment billing costs (in-house versus outsourced) • Estimate the average annual Stormwater Program Operating Disbursement and Capital Improvement for a 5-year period. Task 3- Determine Assessment Basis and Rate: As part of this task, CBBEL staff will develop a fair and equitable basis for rate development and determine a rate structure that will generate the revenue needed to address the 5-year stormwater budget determined as part of Task 2. Note that digitization of non-residential parcels are not included in this phase of the study. As a result, the basis for the rate and the revenue generated from non-residential parcels will be preliminary and subject to change based on subsequent phases of study. The following is a list of major sub- tasks that will be completed as part of this task: • Determine fair and equitable basis for rate development(ERU,actual imperviousness, land use) • Determine the Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) area in square feet within the City through supplementing the available GIS building layer with a digitized representative sample of impervious surfaces of Single Family Residence properties. • Determine the estimated impervious area for all non-residential parcels within the City's stormwater jurisdiction area through the utilization of the City's existing rooftop GIS layer combined with an estimate of average non-roof square footage associated with each general category of property class based on current City requirements. • Develop an interactive rate study database that will allow the user to change various Carmel Stormwa ter Program and Capital Improvement Budget Study May 14,2013 2013.6798 7"s- Page 2 Oh 3 parameters and immediately see the effects on the overall rate structure. • Establish unit rates based on up to 3 different scenarios. Task 4-Develop a Report and Rate Study Database for Future City Use: CBBEL will develop a report documenting findings, procedures and recommendations.Three hard copies of the report will be delivered to the City. In addition, one PDF version of the report will be provided along with a copy of the rate study database that can be easily used to simulate additional rate structure scenarios. The report will consist of the following sections: • Study Overview and Scope • Summary of the City's Stormwater Management Program • Program Staffing Needs and Organization • Program Costs • Potential Stormwater Utility Rate and Rate Structure • Summary and Recommendations • Summary of Next Steps ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE We anticipate completing the work described under the Scope of Services within one month of receiving the notice to proceed. ESTIMATED FEE We have estimated the total cost for these services should not exceed $35,000. If at any time the total value of work required to complete the project is anticipated to exceed the noted amount, CBBEL will assess the remaining work and notify you, in writing, of the revised compensation and schedule. No additional work, beyond the total agreed upon fee,will be performed until a written contract amendment has been approved by both parties. We will bill you monthly on a time and material basis for assigned tasks in accordance with our attached standard Charges for Professional Services. In addition, our contract will be established in accordance with the attached General Terms and Conditions. These General Terms and Conditions are expressly incorporated into and are an integral part of this contract for professional services. If this proposal meets with your approval, please sign where indicated and return an executed original to us as our Notice to Proceed. The executed Proposal, along with the Estimated Fee,the attached Standard Charges for Professional Services, and the attached General Terms and Conditions constitute the whole of our Agreement. Any modification to any part of this Agreement without prior acknowledgement and consent by CBBEL will make null and void this Agreement. Any time commitment made by CBBEL as part of the Agreement does not begin until CBBEL has received an executed original. Carmel Stormwater Program and Capital Improvement Budget Study May 14,2013 2013.6798 Page 3 • We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to working with you on this project. Please contact me or Siavash Beik,P.E. at 317-266-8000 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Jon D.Stolz, P.E. Managing Vice President THIS PROPOSAL, ESTIMATED FEE, STANDARD CHARGES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, AND GENERAL TERMS&CONDITIONS ARE ACCEPTED BY THE CITY OF CARMEL; Signature: Name(printed): Title: Date: Enclosures: 2013 Standard Charges for Professional Services General Terms and Conditions Carmel Stormwater Program and Capital Improvement Budget Study May 14,2013 20135798 Page 4 Christopher B. Burke Engineering, LLC Engineering -2013 Appropriation#211-401: Y.O. #25273 Contract Not To Exceed 835,000.00 Exhibit"C" E-Verify Affidavit �~ D. , being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is familiar with and has personal knowledge of the facts herein and, if called as a witness in this matter, could testify as follows: 1. I am over eighteen (18) years of age and am competent to testify to the facts contained herein. 2. I am now and at all times relevant herein have been employed by Chc' •% . . kc E ti Lie (the "Company") in the position of nallneyn lice P.el,- 3. I am familiar with the employment policies, practices, and procedures of the Company and have the authority to act on behalf of the Company. 4. The Employer is enrolled and participates in the federal E-Verify program and has provided documentation of such enrollment and participation to the City of Carmel, Indiana. 5. The Company does not knowingly employ any unauthorized aliens. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. EXECUTED on the 27 � day of /�a , 20 l3 . A-kt Printed: ., 0. S4sI4- 1 certify under the penalties for perjury under the laws of the United States of America and the State of Indiana that the foregoing factual statements and representations are true and correct. Printed: S t 0"/ t h 3 e �/c pumaTJSrt,. w,w.wv..xMdAUa[+.1.L,Nryw.m.Nol IV^IIyATIN1IIR POW.\c&t1nro,,1 NNI