HomeMy WebLinkAbout220546 06/04/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 033825 Page 1 of 1 ` ONE CIVIC SQUARE CDW GOVERNMENT INC CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 75 REMITTANCE DR CHECK AMOUNT: $392.70 SUITE 1515 CHECK NUMBER: 220546 CHICAGO IL 60675-1515 CHECK DATE: 6/4/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1115 4463201 CH00162 392 . 70 HARDWARE Y INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER PAYMENT TERMS DUE DATE 05/14113 CH00162 Net 30 Days 06/13/13 ORDER DATE SHIP VIA PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER CUSTOMER NUMBER 05/14/13 FEDEX Ground DLMG706 11055713 ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTM QTY QTY' UNIT PRICE TOTAL ORD SHIP BIO 1933582 WD RE 2TB 3.5 SATA-3 7.2K 64MB 2 2 0 196.35 392.70 Manufacturer Part Number:WD2003FYYS Serial No:WCAY01311337 Serial No:WCAY01311983 GO GREEN! CDW is happy to announce that paperless billing is now available! If you would like to start receiving your invoices as an emailed PDF, please email CDW at paperlessbilling @cdw.com. Please include your Customer number or an Invoice number in your email for faster processing. REDUCE PROCESSING COSTS AND ELIMINATE THE HASSLE OF PAPER CHECKS! Begin transmitting your payments electronically via ACH using CDW's bank and remittance information located at the top of the attached payment coupon. Email credit @cdw.com with any questions. ACCOUNT MANAGER SHIPPING ADDRESS: SUBTOTAL" $392.70 PAUL REETZ CARMEL CLAY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER 312-547-2335 TODD LUCKOSKI SHIPPING $0.00 paulree @cdwg.com 31 1STAVE NW SALES ORDER NUMBER CARMEL IN 46032-1715 SALES TAX $0.00 DLMK575 AMOUNT DUE $392.70 Cage Code Number 1KH72 HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNT? DUNS Number 02-615-7235 PLEASE EMAIL US AT credit @cdw.com ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified VISIT US ON THE INTERNET AT www.cdwg.com 0001:0001 CDW GOVERNMENT FEIN 36-4230110 Page 1 of 1 I 11� It I,,1 p,I n`,Ion h 1 1 a t g I lelholl,"of other I'l l"o u l l, I" tilde and it,only ­­d are It ands relying p c' be Imo—led b,el1le, AtTli .,SELLER AND ITS AFFILIATES F I IT ATES I I ER E BY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES EITI I ER EXPR ESS�R IMPLIED,R ELATED TO PRODUC IS,INC TO DING,BUT NO I LIMITED D I U�ANN WARRAN I N OF TITLE.E.ACCU RAC Y,M E PC I I A NTAB I LI I N IIR I If N ENS FOIL A PARTICULAR['I I RPOS E,\VARRA NI N'OF N(I N I NF It I NG ENT E�NI,OR ANY WARRANT'}'RELAI ING TO 1111 it D PART}'SERVICES I I I F 1)1 SCL AIM ER CONTA I N ED IN IT ITS PARAGRA PI I DOES NOT AFFECT THE IT R IOS )I ANN'%I 4 N(:FAI,IF-TRER'S"ARRANTY C­r p ly lh,mu that I may hare ayaur't Selhi-orn,AfThate,booed on ,y predmt liability ru intrinigument or alleged minngcmc'nt.(arty Clama"­th­pytro.rtyl u'an led no 'll" ell,or Affiluac­,unh and T.adentruil,ililln fromSellurmil,Afriou.,q,no-o—alf,ClaurnaldItti,im,Cuorura,by.lhudlpamy�C loulackar,ledges that ffil,ltll that I.,lot 11 this Agreement Slllc,­mm,that the S,011,xnlI bu performed in.good and—niorunflik,on.ame,Customers set,and­I.—1 remedy and Seft:s emenSluorlo, ,In pull 11,his my will be,at the sric option fS,11,,,to the,w)use il,ma—sibi,emarco,al Iffons to repe,farm or r­to be ,ufudamacd car,Set,-,all m 1ub­uu,,I eirlpfilaill',in III,lmmm�or thl nefturd aracru-paid k,, related to the priur,of in _Ill not In 1.11-moil compliance,provided,in each ease,C.Ileme,notifies S11111 11,wrung ,in,,file(5)business d,,,,after performance of the ,ppi—bi'S...ucc, EXCEPT AS SET FORTH:IEREIN OR IN ANN STATEMENT OF WORK THAT EXPRESS;.Y AMENDS SELLER'S WARRANTY.AND SO RJECT TO APPLICABLE LAW.SELLER MAKES NO OFIIER,AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL OFFER, REPRZN TAI IONS, iAARRANFIES,COND HONS OR COVENANTS,NEIIHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED(INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION.AN) EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MFRCJ EANTABILFTY,DURABILITY,TITLE,ACCURACY OR NON-INFRI,GEMENT)ARISING OUI OF OR RELATED TO THE PERFORMANCE OR NON-PFRFORMANCE Or THE SERVICES,INCLUDING BEH NOT LIMITED TO ANN WARRANTY RELATING TO THIRD PARTY SERVICES,ANY WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO THE PERFORMANCE OF ANY HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE USED IN PERFORMING SERVICES AND ANN'WARRANTY CONCERNING THE RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED FROM THE SERVICES.1141S DISCLAIMER AND EXCLUSION SHALL APPLY EVEN WIDE EXPRESS WARRANTY AND LIMITED ITT-MEDYSEI FOR,Fit HEREIN FAILS OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE CUSIONIFRACKNoWLED(jESIIIATNOREF'RESENIA'I'IVEOFSELI-El�c)ROFII'SAFFILIATES IS ALIT]IORIZED TO MAKE ANY REPRESENTATION ORWARR ANTY ON BEHALF OF SELLER OR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATES TI I AT IS NOT IN TI ITS AGRFFMENT OR IN A STATEMENT OF WORK EXPRESSLY AMENDING SELLER'S WARRANTY Costumer+hall be solely re,punvbie fiw dash back-up and other protecu.n of m,dma and.ofware agmnu p.l,,blc in ` mc ing data(meloduig hot a,,limited to bin to. �,,dick Life,and Im,na.mus)and 1.1-an,that may he T RE ,�cdA if it mmpual during the pulmmarec fSei,iec,SELLER ITS AFFILIATES,AND ITS AND M SUPPLIERS.SUBCONTRACTORS AND AGENTS ART.I 1FRM"`Rtr.I.F.ASED AND SHALL CONTINUE OBE E ED FROM ALL LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH FILL LOSS,DAMAGE OR CORRUPTION OF DATA AND SUFFIVARE,AND cus,rumER ASSUMES ALL RISK OF LOSS,DAMAGE OR CORRUP11ON OF DATA AND SOFTWARE IN ANN'WAY RELA FED TO OR RESULIING FROM THE SERVICES lelki will not be­po.,rbl,,far and no With,) hall ilvill 1,Sell,,at any ofuu,Afffilin-for any delI,v,in eh,ery.am pli-Rum-ce which­it from any beyond Sullll',m......bl,=L an't"oug,Thin out limited I,,Product trou,nalabilry,u.­drlay,,delay,do,to fire, cromium,failure of pine,.labor problems,acts rf,­c—n,.,embargo.acts of God or act'a,In—of an.1govelutocre il agency.Any chipping date,or ccunpi...I,date,p,a,idcJ I I llurnall,ri�b" y "at',purported d,,dl,,,., a Stmement of Work ,,,y the,document are Sell" I,&re make P,119,Product,and S,,,,, IT..g,fir,orysm,mehaling,but not I=:.,ha.gmgmu­ktI .nduums.P direr d"l.olmanium.Prod— a.,,ulabdity,maounco"l,P—c change P force changes rd,­in ad-ri,ement,All order, n ,bj,,t to Product_'hdrl L,and [,b,;,w of to pet firm,the Se—ces,II firo.,�cljc,ustrat a that it will be able t.fulhii Customer's unle.s If Senses arc being perimmrd tan a nine and matenaH L,asrs,any c:Tiinare+pro,adrd by Seller are for planning pury.ses nh "'e"' Any mdurs...it the Sell,,to Cast,,,,for inlyletuan,mast be used-,bar two(2)year,I..he date that the credit .s,s,.ed and may only be uIcdfar future poollumes of Produce,and/or Services A,y,,d,t or Pon,,,themo-mul used aahm he­(2)year period.,I[imamoure.fly ccpoc f Latin T, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES AND NOTWITHSTANDING THE FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY REMEDY SET FORTH HEREIN,WILL SELLER,ITS AFFILIATES OR ITS OR THEIR SUPPLIERS,SUBCONTRACTORS OR AGENTS BE LIABLE FOR(A)ANN' INCIDENTAL,INDIRECT.SPECIAL,PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO,LOSS OF PROFITS.BUSINESS,REVENUES OR SAVINGS,EVEN IF SELLER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITIES OF SUCH DAMAGES OR IF SUCH DAMAGES ARE OTHERWISE FORESEEABLE.IN EACH CASE,WHETHER A CLAIM FOR ANY SUCH LIABILITY IS PREMISED UPON BREACH OF CONTRACT,WARRANTY,NEGLIGENCE,STRICT LfABLfTV OR OTHER THEORY OF LIABILITY:FED ANY CLAIMS,DEMANDS OR ACTIONS AGAINST CUSTOMER BY ANY THIRD PARTY,(C)ANY LOSS OR CLAIM ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH CUSTOMER'S IMPLEMENTATION OF ANY CONCLUSIONS OR RECOMMENDATIONS BY SELLER OR ITS AFFILIATES BASED ON,RESULTING FROM,ARISING OUT OF OR OTHERWISE RELATED TO THE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES,OR Of ANY UNAVAILABILITY OF THE PRODUCT FOR USE OR ANY LOST,DAMAGED OR CORRUPTED DATA OR SOFTWARE.IN THE EVENT OF ANN'LIABIL LIABILITY INCURRED BY SELLER OR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATES,THE ENTIRE LIABILITY OF SELLER AND ITS AFFILIATES FOR DAMAGES FROM ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER WILL NOT EXCEED THE LESSER OF(A)THE DOLLAR AMOUNT PAID U BY CUSTOMER FOR THE PRODUCTS)GIVING RISE TO THE CLAIM OR THE SPECIFIC SERVICES GIVING RISE TO THE CLAIM,OR HU$50,000 00. Confidential lultmosinum Each part,anne,penes Thai IT may be necessary to P­d,access to mfirmation of a confident,,]mum,of such P.M.he Affilims or,third party(hereinafter referred to ins"C-fidurand ltrfiarmdlor-)1.The.,he,party in the performance of his Ag—oreal and any Slal-calm of Walk. "C-fiderradhadformalun,"unctursim mfirimuchione,data,, tral,cluctionic or­ter,farm which the fui�kam.,or has reason to k.m,Is plialmenory 11 confidential and u,hueh is disclosed by,pan)in connection with this Agreement or which the reserving party may have access I.r. y with this Agreement,including bar not limited to the term,and..darrosref ach Statement of Work Confidential Information will not include information which.(a)becomes known to the public through a act of the occer,ang party:(b)was known to the c,I,i,g party.oi-lboc,rom ,a..to he occuo ing party from.third party haling be night to disclose it and haling no obligation of e-fidernaduy to the disclosing pan)with respect I,the appl-blumfionalum:or(c)is independently developed by agent.,crapityle,.,subsomm-co,of the recervmg party who ha,c not had access 1.stilhumformar.r.To The extent pro,retible,C,,fid,,t,,l li,fimmathm should be clearly identified or labeled as,such by the disclosing party m the ton,of disclosure or as promptly thmi as possible,h.,c,c,,failure 10 so shinufyin,label such C-fidentral jabeiracatter ,IT not be evidence...such ,a.:h c,,d mf mam rona, 'emild'anal.�praamhablc. Each parry ago,,,to hold the other pan)',C.,fidemnal Information confidential for a p,,W of Lima,(3)years fell,r,mg the date of disc]....... at,,,of like kind but to use no],,,,Ifern, .,,.,b]c degree fear, Dncinsures of the other pony's Confdennal In(ormanan will be restricted(,)to those individuals who arc ;.S to be Agreement m the-1 11,Statement of ramd need to 1,,,such 1-ifideZ.1 haloommum for fairlyrase, fpc,,d,ag or receiving The product,or SlItle,or adre—ocan emorceluou with his Agreement or thetippinarble Statement o(Work,or To)in,.business,legal and financial lach.r.c.mid.h.lbreas E.,birmy.g 1,use any Confidential Information fine th,,p,ny for any pri..he,Than The business purposes contemplated by thus Agreement Iodine applicable Shourrem of Work.Upon the­Ico request of,party,Ifincedhei-perryo,ill unhurneournm_rly the d,simci,onufth,Co,fd,,t,,I Information ofth,other party. If a re—ling pony ms required by Im,,role or regulation,or requestudo,any judicial or aduarristra-,proceeding m by any Thounarachod molimliam,murnmay.1,disclose Cirmid-tral Infloormaun of the othic,party,the­­g party odi give the do,closurg puny prompt notice F­h eq...I so fro"Tic rasel.sung pact)may seek an rprumproul pmal,rc or I.,jar Theacc-c creasion, ad­11 use reasonable effects In Itin em,fidlimod madhourt fbc Confidential Infoolooluin so disclosed 'IU nbrein Seller's rerun pohcy,l'mron,cr should contact COW Cu,mmer kNauinsrgG6 S\CJCUW'm.mad at Cus(omerRela(onsr'cdw tom Cusomer must nuuf'C'D1l'Customer kelauons of any damaged Pr.durrs uothm ten(1Ul days ufrrre,pT. Anr claun.dup.ee,m comm,orsy(whether in enmmci,ton.r omrrwise.whether pi.esisnng.present of future,and including,bin nut limited W,smTUtory,-manum]a,,uueraimai.-and equitable slain,)arising from.-elanal,u.the Pode,,­h, idan the inicrprciauon or apphcau.n of Thex"I"' "din I I",Sumc":,ut or 'ol,,the breach,ti-mouih-,, ability th­rt ih—clinium,hip,Much­11 tram,hc,e Tenn.and Cmidinerso,.,I,Sarcurem of Went Im,hidia,,,,be fail­lcm isemo-d b, plikabli,I­, rp, 11 IF te,who are,not m':":"I'm an,or is Affi�%me"ul s:n. �'noulcutig hu.11-hely,.-C'1.a"j WILL BE RESOLVED,UPON THE ELECTION OF ANY OF SELLER,CUSTOMER OR THE THIRD PARTIES INVOLVED EXCLUSIVELY AND FINALE) BY BINDING 'AR IRAIION lfrbum­a,,ch­,­­Hb`........ "hill,le—theAncolan A,­the ar­11armumin.1,111ol,a I,any party with Feet to a Ci-mn.neither Seller nor Cast 1, ,ill I—he n,hr 1.hu,ald that Clarm,a court or to have.,ay L—t.,,)bat Claim engage in u, ag fre-iobunuumdr­—, aludlo-ratheappl ab1umb­ium,mle,a,b,F of prone,rr,oh,cd Further.Ctstione,will not lia—the right,.participate as u ocp­c.rar,a or member of cles,lfulnumarm.peorman,ro troy Chum.N any ran is Any oarm ci,­ frog—um curled raffic,a Flon,and I.Idniums.11h,.,him., fmcm,w I, Federal Arbitration All to U S C itj I LI)The rob a I.,([,akc pill, In Churego film. haling lullsdilom—1.laillindivoln.on the 1—of rendered by he amump,r(+1 Each ,,,�u I r,Tied will karn,own cost ef"y legal mpi"'"'i discovery.'research Nia-d I.complete inburidim,the c,i,l...emoc,afts dI Lac treated N,t,,th,t,,d,ng anything I.The emonny e-Mmed herein.all m.I­generating a the lollecrum cf.n,...,,do,to Seller an—goo,of the Products or S—i1c, Ill be c,el.—cly hugatcrimcourt lather Than Through ioniureorn, ,"�! may -R.m'.bum­all of an,portion of its rights or tibfi,llum,with ,Net 1,the mic if Poodurl,u,the performance of Santee,to a­gn he right payments without C.sumnsc,'s­,crr. Co-me, a,not o-go the,Term,and Cludiules.(I,sary of I,right,or Iao­,herein without the prurr wouc.consent IFS,11,,.Subject to the ru mmmn.d 1,,ia,in,,,Term,and Conditions will be binding on-d inure to the bS,,.f,, rtb,part,,,beret,and their trull,s­told a-ga, No afthr,Agreement or any Statement of IXu,k dI b—leemod waned..,needed-urmhfied by either party sault wane',mouldralm moaulf There.......hip be""n I and C I,tume,i,loonfoultTi,ader.t.on,,u-and a.,In-'-Feurployellelapleyel.panne,hop rjmm Work I, "ud:lc on, same not fficc�the other ncrio,or c,,J,t...s thereof tar the.6,1,of this Agreement a,the applicable ,If ;. St-men,of Work Nor—in-oled this Agreement will be g,,,,,n­mg and deemed received pan the curb, ...receipt or three(3)days ill,analm,iforrated postage prepaid by regular..it mitimail or one(1)day afar such notice is seat by......r or finesmall Any dclay m finlare by .the,party T.c,_rs,any right or remedy will net constitute,­e,rifthal party I,thereafter enforee such rights. Date,021'31'010 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No 201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee jPurchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 05/14/13 I CH00162 I I $392.70 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 CDW Government, Inc IN SUM OF $ 75 Remittance Drive, Ste 1515 Chicago, IL 60675 $392.70 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Clay Communications PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1115 I CH00162 I 44-632.01 I $392.70 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Wednesda ay 29, 2013 Director Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund