HomeMy WebLinkAbout220850 06/05/2013 a�4, CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350958 Page 1 of 1 ` ONE CIVIC SQUARE SAMS CLUB DIRECT CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 P 0 BOX 530930 CHECK AMOUNT: $202.48 ?� ATLANTA GA 30353-0930 CHECK NUMBER: 220850 CHECK DATE: 6/5/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 040270240115 53 . 20 001760 851 5023990 040270240115 149 . 28 002199 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT CCOMME REDITRCIAL f Account: 0402 7024011 S 9 Statement Date:05/20113 Page:1 of 2 f 1 rr�lr��'I(rr�rllrllll��lll�rlll�rl�lrlr��lr�lrJlrl(I��rl�llrr��ri CITY OF CARMEL 9050 ATTN- ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 0109 ° TWO CIVIC 8 UARE CARMEL, IN 46032-2584 Customer Service Online at www.samsclubcredit.com This account is not registered. The-authent i cation code- I s•:-SONLC951 -- -- P .yments Received 05/10/13 0219478 891 PAYMENT RECENED-THANK YOU Current Month's Invoices (Details Enclosed) Date Invoice Original Due Date Club Reference Amount a 05/13/13 001760 53.20 06/08/13 6316 05132013 05/16/13 002199 149.28 08/08/13 8168 051613 ri �= Past Due Invoices Data" 'aInvoice Original Due Date Club Ref, Amount 04 3 812 136.52 05/08113 8168 04 3. ' Current Invoices: $202.48 Send payments to: Past Due Invoices: $176 52� $ P.O.Box 530930 Unapplied Payments 8 Atlanta GA 30353.0930 Credits: 00 Send inquiries(not payments)to: w P.O.Box 8726 Dayton OH 45401-8726 For Customer Service: i Call 1-800.362-6196 Credit Line $10000.00 Retain left hand portion for your records,send right hand portion noting Items paid by a 17J with your payment.It not sending stub,note account number,invoke number and amounts being paid on your check. i tplE 0-Cal 07 dl o1 2 coF SAM'S CLUB DIRECT CREDITRCIAL Account: 0402 7024011 5 9 Statement Date:05120113 Page:2 of,2 i SAM'S CLUB DIRECT P.O. BOX 530930 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0930 CITY OF CARMEL Date of Sale: 05/13113 Account: 0402 70240115 9 Invoice: 001760 ClubfName: 6316 P.O.: 05132013 Buyer: ; PENNY DALEY 0 S.KU. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE 006949290 CLASSIC ROAST 1.00 EA 11.35 11.35 021940786 8OZ FOAM CUP 1.00 EA 13.39 13.39 025395887 MM FACIAL TISSUE 1.00 EA 9.48 9.48 _ 026795945- ._-- _ _ BOUNTY SR SAS- __ _ 1.00 EA 18.98 18.98 e Subtotal: 53.20 Tax: 0.00 Balance Due: 53.20 C SAM'S CLUB DIRECT ,.., P.O. BOX 530930 ATLANTA, GA 303 30930 #0* RMEL Date of Sale: 05116/13 Account: 0402 70240115 9 Invoice: 002199 Club/Name: 8168 P.O.: 051613 Buyer. GARY CARTER S.KU. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE e '000015028 SWEET'N LOW 1.00 EA 11.48 11.48 e 004822824 COFFEE CREAMER 4.00 EA 5.98 2392 023436013 FOLGERS 6.00 EA 18.98 113.88 Subtotal: 149.28 Tax: 0.00 Balance Due: 149.28 tl O F 1. 5966 0681 001 0 T PACE 2 of 2 COLR654A 9050 Savin s Made Simple CLUB MANAGER TRACY DANIEL INDIANAPOLIS, IN Visit SamsClub.com 05/13/13 12:13 1760 6316 019 2539 E MEMBER 101-******#1159 THANK YOU# CITY OF CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT 452986 MM FACIAL 9.48 E 497555 80ZFOAMCUP 13.39 E E 365642 FOLGERS F 11 .35 N 769397 BOUNTY WHIT 18.98 E SUBTOTAL 53.20 TOTAL 53.20 SAMS D CREDIT 53.20 P.D. # 05132013 ACCOUNT # 1159 APPROVAL # 000301 TERMINAL # MX124128 05/13/13 12:15:23 CHANGE DUE 0.00 Visit samsclub.com to see sour savinss ITEMS SOLD 4 TC# 6278 0617 7706 9784 066 1 1111111 111 it i III 111011111111111111111 Illll IIII 1111111111 II((II it Illillii 1111 III I{!{l IIII WE VALUE YOUR OPINION WE WANT TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR SHOPPING EXPERIENCE TODAY AT SAM'S CLUB Please complete a survey about today's club visit al. http:lhvww.surve y.samsclub.com IN RETURN FOR YOUR TIME YOU COULD RECEIVE ONE OF FIVE$1.000 SAMS CLUB SHOPPING CARDS You must be 16 or older and a legal resident of the United States to enter. No purchase necessary to win To enter without purchase and for official rules visit www.entry.survey.s am sclub.com Sweepstakes period ends on the date shown in the official rules. Survey must be taken within TWO weeks of today. Esta encuesta iambiPn se encuentra an espahol an la pagina de Internet. THANK YOU Like us on Facebook at Facebook.com/samsclub 05/13/13 12:15:23 *** MEMBER COPY *** Prescribed by State Board of Accounts Form No.301 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER TO ADDRESS Invoice Date Invoice Number Item Amount I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Mo. Day Yr. Signature Title I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. Mo. Day Yr. ficer Title Voucher No. Warrant No. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DETAILED ACCOUNTS MUNICIPAL WATER DEPT. ACCT. NO. CARMEL, INDIANA SQ-°mS C—\0 _Favor Of +�LVJC� A-I 3r\ cq &A- 30353-i�13�, Total Amount of Voucher $ Deductions ► b 00 •lc, -Gl.� Amount of Warrant $ Month of Yr VOUCHER RECORD Acct. No. Source of Supply Water Treatment Transmission and Dist. Customer Accounts Administrative and General Operation-Maintenance Utility Plant in Service Constr.Work in Progress Materials and Supplies Customers Deposits Total Allowed Board of Control Filed Official Title ' BOYCE FORMS•SYSTEMS 1-800-382-8702 325 SAWS CLUB DIRECT CREDITRCIAL Account: 0402 70240115 9 Statement Date:05/20/13 Page: 1 of 2 CITY OF CARMEL 9050 ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 0109 ° TWO CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, IN 46032-2584 Customer Service Online at www.samsclubcredit.com This account Is not registered. The authentication code- is: SONLC951 Payments Received ® 05/10/13 0219476 6 ) PAYMENT RECEIVED-THANK YOU Current Month's Invoices (Details Enclosed) Date Invoice Original Due Date Club Reference Amount ® 05/13/13 001760 53.20 06/08/13 6316 05132013 05/16/13 002199 149.28 06/08/13 8168 051613 Past Due Invoices Date" Invoice Original Due Date Club Reference c \\ e Amount 04/05812 136.52 05/08113 8168 040213,,,.;1 Current Invoices: $20248 Send payments to: Past Due Invoices: $136:52 $ P.O.Box 530930 Unapplled Payments 8 Atlanta GA 30353-0930 Credits: $�0 0�0Q 0 IpTT—.;q Send inquiries(not payments)to: P.O.Box 8726 Dayton OH 45401-8726 For Customer Service: Call 1-800-362-6196 Credit Line $10000.00 Retain left hand portion for your records,send right hand portion noting items paid by a VJ with your payment.If not sending stub,note account number,Invoice number and amounts being paid on your check. ont -conti�ue- 596/0001 001 07 PAGE 1/of 2 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT CREDITRCIAL Account: 0402 70240115 9 Statement Date:05/20113 Page:2 of 2 I I SAM'S CLUB DIRECT P.O. BOX 530930 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0930 CITY OF CARMEL Date of Sale: 05/13/13 Account: 0402 70240115 9 Invoice: 001760 Club/Name: 6316 P.O.: 05132013 Buyer: ; PENNY DALEY e S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE 006949290 CLASSIC ROAST 1.00 EA 11.35 11.35 021940786 80Z FOAM CUP 1.00 EA 13.39 13.39 025395887 MM FACIAL TISSUE 1.00 EA 9.48 9.48 026795945 BOUNTY SR SAS 1.00 EA 18.98 18.98 Subtotal: 53.20 Tax: 0.00 Balance Due: 53.20 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT P.O. BOX 530930 "wm ATLANTA, GA 303530930 o I CIT.Y,OF CARMEL Date of Sale: 05/16/13 Account: 0402 70240115 9 Invoice: I 002199 Club/Name: 8168 P.O.: ; 051613 Buyer: I GARY CARTER S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE 000015028 SWEET'N LOW 1.00 EA 11.48 11.48 004822824 COFFEE CREAMER 4.00 EA 5,98 23.92 023436013 FOLGERS 6.00 EA 18.98 113.88 Subtotal: 149.28 ./' ,_ Tax: 0.00 Balance Due: 149.28 I a I I I I G I I I I I I I I I 407 U I 5966 0001 001 PAGE 2 of 2 COLR654A 9050 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Sams Club IN SUM OF $ P.O. Box 530930 Atlanta, GA 30353 $136.52 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 I 005812 1 120-851.00 I $ — I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except JUN 0 3 2013 Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund rescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL kn invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by ✓hom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 005812 $1-36-52 ti I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer