HomeMy WebLinkAbout220990 06/18/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 365266 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CASSIDIAN 1 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 117 SEABOARD LANE SUITE D-100 CHECK AMOUNT: $5,373.00 FRANKLIN TN 37067 CHECK NUMBER: 220990 CHECK DATE: 6/18/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1115 4351502 26799 9447 5, 373 . 00 REVERSE 911 SUPPORT Incaice 9447 CASSIDIAN ' Customer Sales invoice Page Order birder Date 42505 Rio Nedo^P.O.Box 9007^Temecula,California 92589-9007 Tel.(951)719,-2100•Fax(951)296-2727 26799 782 06-04-13 www.CassidianCommunications.com Bill To. 6643 Ship To: CG 643 Carmel Communication Center Carmel Communication Center 31 1st Avenue NW 31 1st Avenue NW Carmel , IN 46032 Carmel , IN 466,032 UNITED STATES UNITED STATE Sales Re:p: r-'`,i• H Aimee h;olmgren Site: 10.1963 H(-iMILTON COUNTY CARREL_ PD L.n Item/Part- ;well. Order Price 3In:1.ppe:d Unit Ex t4 noted L•�o Nu1mber UM Qty UM Qty price Price I r. I 1 '.SPT•-ANNUAL. ANNUAL SOF=TWARE SUPP0F2T .FULL 'PRODUCT NAME: Annual Software Support .USE/FUNCTION-. Maintain �suppurt- on 1.ice nsed applications SOFTWARE SUPPORT 7/1/13-6/30/14 1 EA 1 �EA i 1_ 4411 .00 4411 .00 '809800,-050 6 MASS CALL_ SPT 1YR FULL _PRODUCT NAME: Mass Call Suppo,rjt 1-Year HC MASSC•ALL 7/1,/13-6/30,/'1.4 i i EA 1. 'EA I 1 952.00 962.00 - 3 I Payment `f"er°rns Net 30 s, � E 9 3 ! j i I Due 07°.04--13 $5,373.00 I II A I DDITi6NAtftRmS AND CONDITIONS 1. APPLICABLE LAW.Th-ela •s of the State of,Qalifornia shall 12. CLAIM PERIOD. In no event shall Buyer commence any., govern any dispute arising under this invoice and any sales agree- action Linder this contract later 4 r.han onelyea after the cause of'..- :-,mentibetween't--PEIcand Buyer and-tfie,-tourts of that_State-,Of­:' action has accrued. California shall have exclusive jurisdicticlfl.-ovefith. e enf ,o7rcement.ot, 13. WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMER."' or any dispute relating to, this,invoice and any sales agreerrie6l A. Limited, Hardware Warranty. All hardware 'products..- between PEI and Buyer, regardless of the nationality. residence or domicile of the p manufactured-by PEI have a warranty period covering defects in _prties.— -Y!', - 7 material and workmanship for normal use of(24)'monihs from the 2. COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL. STATE. AND LOCAL date of manufacture.Original manufacture dates are marked on the LAWS. Plant_Equipment, Inc.("PEI") PEI has,complied with ith or will. unit. The original warranty is void , this marking is defaced or comply with all applicable Federal, State and Local laws and ordi- removed.All repair work is warranted,for a.(90),day per rid from the nance and all lawful orders. rules and regulations .thefeund6r, I date of repair.A repair date identification'i*s'marked unit.The including but not by, way,of limitation, the applicable provisions:of repair warranty is vOicl if-thisirndrk is-dbfb6dd or r6rTibvPd,'0r'oducts the Fair Labor' 86h'dalrds 'A�t 'of T?38 L a�h6n­dedJ29'0.'S.C. not manufactured, but distributed by PEI.,-shallji,ayp the original Soct;ons 201-219) and the Occupati&ial Safety*and Health Aet of manufacturer's warranty to th�' 6xtent'OEI can pass through the 1970 and all regulations and standards,and,;any amQn0melots f, 1 , 1 1, warranty'it)the customer. issued pursuant thereto.The supplies,equipment and services fur- nished by PEI shall comply with the above'reierenck law I s-and B. Limited Software Warranty.'PEI wbrn4nt§'that.P6ra peri- regulations. od of ninety (90) days following original delivery of PEI's software 3. DEFAULT AND LATE CHARGES. PEI at its option, may can- product which includes computer,software Arid may.include-asso-,., ciated media, printbb r�Afef�i6i's"and/'o"r"'61ec't'roriid do'curridn'14tion' cal any order for default if:(a)the Buyer breaches any material pro- vision of any order,or(b)the Buyer becomes insolvent or a petition ' u under any bankruptcy act or similar statute is filed by or against the distributor, as evidenced by dated shipping documents: (I) the Software Product will materially conform to PEI's then current user Boyer,and is not-vacated within-,thirty,(30).-days-after-such ifiling. (F- ntatio' fOrjsu6h:Software Product; (ii) and`6tff9t,the i66dia_ cancellation s5nilbe'effeclive!'u'Inon re'66ipt bv the Bu,�,er of f a doo me n whiich the Software isiturnished will be free from defects in Materi- wntl,,m notice of rancbilation issuea by PEI. All irroices not paid als an(J vvorkmanshiD I under normal usc.The warramy f_,,/ers.oniv whcl due will be subject to a monthly service charge of l-',,2 per- cent loi.the unpaid balance oE the.maximum rate permitted by law, probleiins reported to PEI during the warranty period 4. ATTORNEYS FEES AND COSTS. In the event any legal C, Customer Remedies.PEI's entire liability whether based action.is brought to collect the purchase price or other - charges due on bre�t.h 6'14a'rian'ty@ 66ntra5t,or n.dgI)d66c'e)n th6;db6dfk tu rd ! hereunder,the prevailing idily shailibe 6dfitlec!ti�i&61ve its gtior ..,, shall.be IiM�tectto replacement,or repaie,.at,PE's eiectiq q,9 f-all s such• d6febfive­items.Any replacement of PbsWrodud)i ill'b'a :.: v�arFaht-­' ney's fees and costs in addition to any other relief it may receive. ed by th'i�!libmWivider'6Pthb 5. DELAYS. PEI shall not be liable for any delays in delivery days. whichever is longer. caused by circumstances beyond its control including acts of God D. Limited.,WarrantyiTeirMs,pnq Pcirfoitlid. or the public enemy,fire,floods,epidemics,quarantine restrictions, fj. strik6s, emba(goes,JWtien.any delays in delivery will occur, PEI warranties 6afl*only;apply when the Buyer has given PEI written shall immediately give written notice thereof to Buyer. notice of a product defect during the warranty period by contacting the PEI Customer Relations Department and receiving a merchan- t. DELIVERY. dise return autborization nufnber-,(IvIRA)-,iiWhen, a.,refurn,-of.-said A. Unless otherwise specifically set forth in the Order, ship-,, item(s)girs a6i6o'fize6 by PEI'sClust'd-me'? Reiati6h*�"D'ep'a'r't�m'*b'r')'t"�' ment(s) by PEI shall be FO.B.Point of Shipment, shipping charges' 6n:sziid 'by'-'tk'e".'B'u"ybrl,uni6s's'' otherwise waived or modified in writing by a Customer Service B. If a shipment is delayed as a result of any unilateral action Representative.PEI sl`Iall have the right.,upon-receipt of.1he Quylar's or inaction of the Buyer, PEI may invoice the Buyer for completed notice of rejection,'prior't6--rdbre, 8f'Vrch'1items:f'to linspect at' iterns that are., , the scheduled shipment date Buyer's facilities any:.items claimed to be defective. PEI's limited �eacly,:for�.shiprnent o"n and may charge the Buyer for warehousing and Other expenses warranties are void if the failure of PEI's products has resulted from incurred because of the delay caused by the Buyer. accident, abuse, misuse, misapplication or other conduct or condi- tions MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT. tions Outside the control of PEL -I •-'. 11 • I \'IS A. This invoice contains all the terms and conditions of sale E. Disclaimer of Warranties.THE WARRANTIES IN THIS an,,l no course of dealing or usage of the trade shall be applicable AGREEMENT,IF ANY,ARE GIVEN IN LIEU OF AND EXPRESS- LY expressly incorporated in this invoice.The terms and condi- LY EXCLUDE ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED (A) ANY bons contained in this invoice may not be added to, modified, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDINd WITHOUT 1IMIfAfIdA` ' ' suppmeded or othci­,mse altered except by the written instrument WARRANTY THAT ANY OF PET'S PRODUCTS ARE ERROR- sig;gyred by authorizei.' representatives as indicated in Paragraph FREE, WILL OPERATE WITHOUT INTERRUPTION, OR ARE 6u)'i. Each shipment received by the Buyer from PEI shall be COMPATIBLE WITH ALL EQUIPMENT, FIRMWARE AND SOFT- deenlied to be only ct',)Lw the terms and conditions contained in this WARE CONFIGURATIONS; (B) ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES invoice notwithstanding any terms and conditions that may be con- OR MERCHANTABILITY, QUALITY, AND NONINFRINGEMENT; taine(I in any acknowledgment, purchase order, invoice or other AND (C) AND ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR form of the Buyer. A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. B. Should there be a master or other form of any independ- EXCEPT FOR EXPRESS WARRANTIES STATED IN THIS ent agreement entered into by the parties at any time during their AGREEMENT, IF ANY, PEPS PRODUCTS ARE PROVIDED"AS course of dealings,the terms and conditions of the master or other IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS, AND THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO form of independent agreement will prevail unless such an agree- SATISFACTORY QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, ACCURACY, AND rnem is specifically modified on the invoice and in such a case the EFFORT IS WITH THE USER. terms and conditions of this invoice will prevail in conjunction with THERE IS NO WARRANTYTHAT ANY INFORMATION PRO- , the master or other form of independent agreement, VIDED TO YOU, PET'S EFFORTS, OR THE SYSTEM WILL FUL- & NO WAIVER OF CONDITIONS. PEI's failure to insist upon FILL ANY OF YOUR PARTICULAR PURPOSES OF NEEDS.PEI strict compliance shall not be deemed a waiver under this invoice. DOES NOT MAKE AND HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS, ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY TO ANY THIRD 9. PRICES. Unless otherwise quoted in writing by an authorized PARTY. r0r)(1-'SC:ntalive of PEI prices shall be those published and in effect at die time Of pUrchase. Prices are subject to change without F. Limitation of Liability. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT i lotice, PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW,IN NO EVENT SHALL PEI, 10, TAXES. Unless otherwise-specified,-.prices shown do-not-_, OR ITS SUPPLIERS,BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL.INCIDEN- inc!ud TAL,INDIRECT,-OR CONSEQUENTIAL-DAMAGES VVHATSOEV- ,� applicable federal, state, or local sales tax, transportation ER INCLUDING,WITHOUT LIMITATION,DAMAGES FOR LOSS lax, other tax vdi;ch is required to be imposed upon the items or ,';I,&J by reason of their sale or delivery. Such tax, if any. will be OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS ARISING chaiged and listed as separate items on the invoice unless the OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE Buyer furnishes PEI applicable,tax-exerription certificates-." -PRODUCT OR THE PROVISION OR FAILURE TO PROVIDE 11, TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS. Title to items P;­ichasecl here- SUPPORT SERVICES, EVEN IF PEI HAS BEEN A,)VISED OF o,ic�,,r shall pass t-) the Buyer and all risk of loss or damages to THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMACES. sucli;tr.ms in tray.zit,,,hall be borne by the Buyer from the time such :,!e delivere,'frow,PEI to the first comrnon c,�rrler.The Buyer i1a 1 have equitahi,., title to all items subject to partial or progress pair-,cents. CiINDIANA RETAIL TAX EXEMPT PAGE ty"' of Carmel CERTIFICATE NO.003120155 002 0 PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER FEDERAL EXCISE TAX EXEMPT 26799 35-60000972 ONE CIVIC SQUARE THIS NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON INVOICES,A/P CARMEL, INDIANA 46032-2584 VOUCHER, DELIVERY MEMO, PACKING SLIPS, FORM APPROVED BY STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTS FOR CITY OF CARMEL- 1997 SHIPPING LABELS AND ANY CORRESPONDENCE. PURCHASE ORDER DATE DATE REQUIRED REQUISITION NO. VENDOR NO. DESCRIPTION 5/30/2013 Reverse 9-1-1 support Cassidian Carmel Communication Center VENDOR SHIP 31 1st Ave NW < / �3 42505 Rio Nedo, P.O. Box 9007 TO Carmel, IN 46032 Temecula,CA 92590 (317)571-2596 CONFIRMATION BLANKET CONTRACT PAYMENT TERMS _ _ FREIGHT QUANTITY UNIT OF MEASURE DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION Account 43-515.02 1 Each Reverse 911 support $5,373.00 $5,373.00 Sub Total: $5,373.00 I NV t ° Send Invoice To: Carmel Communication Center'" -2- 31 1 st Ave NW Carmel, IN 46032- PLEASE INVOICE IN DUPLICATE DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PROJECT PROJECT ACCOUNT AMOUNT Communications PAYMENT $9,373.00 • A/P VOUCHER CANNOT BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT UNLESS THE P.O. NUMBER IS MADE A PART OF THE VOUCHER AND EVERY INVOICE AND VOUCHER HAS THE PROPER SWORN AFFIDAVIT ATTACHED. SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNOBLIGATED BALANCE IN •SHIP REPAID. THIS APPROPR(ATi(� IENT TO PAY FCR THE ABOVE ORDER. •C.O.D.SHIPMENTS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. •PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON ALL ORDERED BY �•---��"' .7 SHIPPING LABELS. Director•THIS ORDER ISSUED IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 99,ACTS 1945 TITLE AND ACTS AMENDATORY THEREOF AND SUPPLEMENT THERETO. CLERK-TREASURER � 67 f P .= DOCUMENT CONTROL.NO._. _!%P.V;;CO,PY="SIGN,AND RETURN TO CLERK'S OFFICE VOUCHER NO. WARRANT ALLOWED 20 _ IN THE SUM OF$ 7 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board Members PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#(TITLE AMOUNT DEPT.# I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for, which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 -............................._-.-...---- ._...... --._...-......__....----...- - - - ..-- Signature _-.------ -- _................................_.--.......-......... Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund I Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 06/04/13 9447 $5,373.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Cassidian IN SUM OF $ 42505 Rio Nedo, P.O. Box 9007 Temecula, CA 92590 $5,373.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Clay Communications PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 26799 I 9447 I 43-515.02 I $5,373.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Tuesday, June 11, 2013 J Director Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund