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1. The lndiana Deportment of Highways, Stondard Specifications
1988, ore the basic materials and reference specificotion.
The sections noted below for vorious iterns are to cfarify
the intent of the requirements for this pro ject. Pieose
note that other sections of these Stondords Specificotions
may also be applicable.
2. These specifications in themselves, or when combined with
the American Institute of Architects (AiA Document A201}
General Conditi�ns of the controct for construction shaN be
considered os port of the contract.
3. By executing the Contract, Contractor represents that he hos
acquainted himself with the site and has made all
evaluations and investigations necessary to a fuli
understvnding of any difficulties which rnoy be encountered
in performing the work within the time frame allotted.
4. Any soil investigotion dota furnished to Controctor by Owner
shall be for the convenience of Contractor, and Owner wiil
not be responsible for any varivnce in actua� conditions
with such data or interpretations or conclusions drawn
therefrom. Data on subsurface cond+tions do not constitute
a representot+on or warranty of the continuity of such
5. Contractor shall schedule a pre-construction conference with
Engineer prior to stort of construction to review the plans
ond scope of project. Contractor shall obtain latest set of
drawings prior to start of construction. Minor changes may
be made if oll reviewing agency approvals ore not granted
before bidding. Changes in cost shall be negotiated prior
to physical construction based on unit prices subrnitted on
the contract documents.
6. The Controator sholf contact oll utility componies to locote
all mains, eonduits, service lines, etc. in the constru�tion
affected area. Existing utility structures are shown here
in accordance with available information at time of design.
The location and protection of utility structures and
facilities, their support and mointenance during
Construction (in cooperation with oppl�cobfe utility), is
the express responsibility of the Contractor in the
performonce of the Controct and in the preporotion of the
bid. The contractor sholl no#ify the engineer of any
chonges, errors or omissions found on these plans or in the
field before work is started or resumed. Extra care should
be taken where a long time period occurs between design and
7. The contractor sholl be responsible for obtaining or
verifying that all permits an�i approvals are obtained from
the respective privote, City, i,ounty and State agency prior
to starting construction. The contractor shall also be
responsible to comply with the conditions set forth within
eoch permit.
8. It is the responsibility of the developer and contractor to
mointain quality control monagement throughout the project.
Failure to do so may result in removol and replacement of
the defective work. It is recommended that the developer
have o qualified supervisor on the job at all times during
9. It is essential that the work to be done in con junction with
this project be installed according to these plons and
specificat►ons. Upon completion, the Engineer will be
required to cert+fy to certoin portions of this project.
Therefore, �t is necessory that the work being performed
cq�nply with these plans and specifications in order to
obtoin occeptance by the governing agency. Any damvged or
defective work will be the contrvctor's responsibility to
correct or reploce. All changes or discrepancies in plons
shall be reviewed with the engineer prior to implementing
changes in field.
1 0. M ain t oin c or efully all bench marks, monuments and other
reference points; if disturbed or destroyed, controctor
sha�l contact engineer. 6oundory lines of property have
been established on the plvns and contractor shall exercise
� care thot bui{ding lines are established in accurate
conformity with dimensior�s indicated. For construct+on ond
grading purposes, o bench mark has been established; the
elevatian is indicated on the drowings. All vertical
dimensions and final grodes shal) be established from the
bench mark.
11. All quantities given on the prints, verbally or in the Scope
of Work section ore estimotes and sh4fl be confirmed by the
bidding contractor.
12. Contractor shall be requirec� to maintain recards of a11
as-built drowings and construction activity during the
construction process. AII as-built drowings shall be
submitted to the Engineer upon cornpletion.
1. Perform oll work in the mo�t workmanlike manner and
occording fo the besf standord practices. �1ii wori� s�aii be
free from fouits and defects in workmanship.
2. Contractor shall be soley responsible for quality control of
the work and shafl mointain quolity control over suppliers,
manufacturers, products, services, site conditions and
workmonship to produce work of specified quality.
3. Required testing and inspection ore intended to ossist in
determination of� probable compliances of the work with the
Contract Documents but do not relieve Contrvctor or
Subcantractor of responsibility for those compliances.
Specified testing and ins�ection ore not intended to limit
Contractor's quality contro! program.
1. Contractor sholl t�ke all necessory precautions for the
safety o1 persons .and the protection of the work ond
ad joining property. Controctor shall comply with olf
opplicable provisions of federal, state and local safety
laws and building codes.
2. Contractor shall erect ond properly maintain vt al) t�mes,
os required by conditions and the prog�-ess of the work, oll
neces�ary safeguards for the protection of the employees of
Contractor, his subcontractors, Owner and its lessee,
Owner's other contractors, members of the public and for the
protection of the work ond ad joining property.
3. A11 workmanship sholi comply with the Occupotional Safety
and Health Administration Stondards.
S� �7
1. Submit oll drawings, diogroms, illustrations, schedules,
performance chorts, instructions, specifications and other
project dato illus�rvting portions of the work os required
by the specificotion sections. Such submittols, whether or
not referred to os shop drawings herein pr+�scribed. Unless
, otherwise noted in the specification sections, submit a
minimum of five (5) sets of shop drawings to Pro ject
Engineer. Two (2) sets wilt be returned to Contractor
unless otherwise requested.
--� _.�...
2. Qo not comrnence ony port+on of the work requ�ring o shop
drowing or somple submittal until the submitta! has been
approved os prescribed herein. All such portions of the
work shall be in accordonce with vpproved shop drawings or
1. Scope of Work
Clearing and grubbing shall consist of cutting, removoi and
satisfoctory disposal of ol! trees, down timber, brush,
pro�ecting roots, stumps, rubbish, boulders, broken
concrete, fencing (as designated), and other material on 1he
pro ject site as indicated on the Site Demolition Plan.
2. All debris generated from the cfeoring operations stoted in
Item 1 sholl be removed and legaily disposed of off the
project site; unJess a"Bury-Pit", o�proved by the
Construction Manoger and Developer, can be utilized in an
areo where it shall not be bPneath building areas and/ar
pavement �eas and sho�l not be located in on area where ony
utility structures are located or where impoundment of
surfoce drainage may occur.
3. Moterials shall not be disposed of by burning unless
approved by the local Fire Morsholl ond the Construction
Mon�ger, ond all required pe�mits are obtained by the
4. Troffic: Conduct site c►earinq �perations to ensure minimum
interference w+th roads, streets, wolks, and o�her ad jacent
occupied or u�ed tacilities. Do not close or obstruct
s±reets, w�!�s or other occup�ed or used focilities without
permission fram the appropr�ote governmentol agency, s�e
Traffic �ontroi Plan.
5. Protection of Existing Improvement: Provide protections
necessary to prevent dumage to existinq impr�vements
indicatPd to remvin in ploce.
o Protect improvements on �d joining propert�es and on
Owner's proper � y.
b. Restore dam�qed improvements to their or►ginol
conditions, a5 acceptable to parties having
6. Protection �f Exis�ing Trees and Vegetotit�n Pr�te�t
��istin� trees oRd other vegetat+on indic�t�c� '� rPmoin
inploce, agoir�st unnecessary cutt►ng, br�c�� �nf� ;�- sk��nin9
of roots, skinnfnq and bruising Of bprk, ;;mnf h�rEr� ��1� ����R-��
by stockpiling �onstructior� moter+als w+ih�ry �irip ��ne,
excess foot or vehicular tro�fic, c,r pfl�k�nq of vehicles
within d�ip line. Provide temporo�y yuords to ��otect trees
and vegetotion t� be left st�r�din�.
7. All trash and lose deb�►s �5 to be picked up and disposed of
at least once v week. O�tfoli structure of propose�� I�ke is
to be kept free �f �ll trash.
1. The Contrflctor s hall remove oll topsoil in the areas to be
occupied by roads, p��rking areos, walks �uildtnqs and
designoted future building fill oreas. T��so�il sha►I be
removed to a depth of six (6) inches or deeper, if
necessory, to remove veqetative motter where required.
if site has been recently stripp�ci, the topsoil sholl be removed to
depth required to remove all roots as required by engineer
or testing lab.
2. Topsoil shal! be kept separo±ed from suitable fill moteriols
and shall not be use� os fill under pavement and huilding
3. Topsoil shali be stored at o locotion where it does not
interfer? with constructior operations.
4. Tapsoil shall be reason��hly free from subsoil debris,
stones, etc.
5. Topsoil shall be s�,��ead over a!I areos to rec�ive seeding
and fandscap+ng. Lan�:iscaped islands and plonting area sholl
have o minimum of 1: ►nches of topsoif on� seeded or sodded
areas shall hove a minimum of 6 inches of topsoil spread.
6. Excess topsoil to be stockpiled in the areas designated on
th� grading plon, or removed from the site if directed by
the owner or engineer.
Scope of Work
Extent: The work required under this section consists of all common
ex�avaton, fiiling, rough groding, backfilling ond reloted items
necessary to complete the work indicoted on the drawin9s and
described in the specificotians.
1. In general, the items of work to be performed under this
section shall include: fill compaction and rough and finish
groding of entire site as indicated on the drawings
includinq suhgrade preporation and grading for streets,
building pads, parking lots, walks and genera( cut and fiil.
2. Fill materi�l: shall consist of earth obtained from cut
areas, borrow pits or other off--site sources. Eorth shall
be free from vegetoble matter and other deleterious
� substanc?s and large rocks. Fill abtained from off-site
shall be of kind and quality as specified for fills and the
soufce shall be approved by the owner. 1he fill material
sholf be ploced in lay�ers not tc� exceed six inches following
compaction. Moisture content of fil! moterial wil{ be such
that compaction to specified densit y is possible. All fill
beneath paved arPas, floc�r slabs and future buildings shall
be cornpacted to at leost 95% of the modified Proctor maximum
dry density (ASTM-D-1557) or higher if recommende� by Soils Engineer.
See soil boring report by ___________________
3. Excavate, replace and dispose of site soil materiols
determined to be unsuitable by Pro ject Engineer or Soi1s
Enqineer if Engineer so directs.
4. Replace unsuitable soil materiafs with Common Fifl Materials
specified and bockfill, compact and gr�de the replacement
materiQ►s as specif+ed herein,
5 Dispose of unsuitable soil m�tPr�U�S on site in the orea
design{ated hy Engineer and seed as noted. Bury p�is can be
utilized in n�>nstructurol fi11 area not r?s'r�cted by other
easements to obtain suitoble fill mc�terial ond waste
unsuit�b!e soil �nd unused topsoil.
6. Contractor will be compensated for p���vation, replacement
ond dispos�ai of unsuitable ����+} matPriols for �oil other
�hon r:ote�i on pl�ns based o� �hP valume of excovation, time
ond 1he cc�nfroct un�t price �+ `he �pe�ifiPd fill.
7 PPrform eorthwork �pP�,�tions +�, ��st��l:sh requ�red
eievot�«ns �nd dirnens+ons w�th�n the following t��le�ances,
ex�e�t th�t no t��erance wili be permi+ted th�t would al?ow
Q lesser s►ze than End�c�ated f,�� <<�oting<; �nd f�►und�tions or
o lesser thicknes� than indic�t��� f�.�r p�v�n�, pavin,; bose
cnurs�'s ond ConrrPte fl00� si�h� - on-- qr��e.
A Under buildinqs and pnving ���e�as �c swo!es: +�J 10 feet
� Ct her A��os: + n. � u fe�� .
8 Place `;��so+� to mir��miJm de�th� inci�t-c�ted :�n thr �����.��nc�
p�a�� �;, P�rh resn���+iv� ��A�� F'faf� t<.►GSOia ��� �,"
c�rr,� �cte� ?►fts r�r��� ��vel���� �mf��f�� � ���n�ing surfoca.-.
S�;t�qr�;de s����►� ��� �:����+f+ed �" to F�� ��� ��epth before �opso±�
is s���ead. Rem����� <��! veqetot �o�, st�ne:�, rr�oi s anu rt,bh�sh
from �o��n�l r�nd �ekP ±o Pv�r �urfo���. ��arefu±ly spreod
�"�,.-,,, _, meet w�,ks, pav�r+ �, :��jo�e^t proper±�es, onc� t�e
free of ;��w ���o+,^. f�n�sh ��r.:��±p ,ha►I hp � 1" of finish
grode elevr,';;�ns �:,h;�w^ or '� P grod►nq �!'�n
'� '���tt! ���:� INh?re settlinq is meosurohlP or �bserv�ble at
c��f-{1v�±►:-;� C�PQS +�uring gener��1 proJe� t warranty per�od,
rF��nove s�_�r`ace (povem�ent, �own or other finish), add
�or_kfill material, compo�t, at�d replvice surf�c.e treatment.
Restore appearonce, quality, ��nd condition of surface or
finish to match ad jocent work, �n� eliminote eviden�e of
restoration to greatest extent �ossihle.
10. Remov�l from Owr,er's Property Remove waste materials,
including surp lus exc�.avoted materia l, unacceG t�t►►e excavate d
mater ial, trash and ��br is, topsoil, ond lega�l y dispose of
it off pro ject site uniess otherw+�F dire�ted. The tocatior,
of aump and lenqth of h�u� sh��i be the Contractor��
SECTION 0?620 - l.1TI� ITIES (Gas, Flectric, Telephone and T.V.)
1 Util�� �es� It shall be the responsib'rlity of eoch
contractor to verify all existing ut�ities and conditions
pPrfc�ining to his phase of work. It shail olso be the
�ontractor's respon;ihility to contact the owners of the
vorious utilities beforP work is storted. The c�ntractor
shai( notif y in wr�ting 3he ^wners or the EnginQer ^� �ny
changes, errors or ornissions found �n these p�an� or in the
field before wnrk is starte� or �esumed.
2. 1f active utili#ies are encou�tered but not shown on the
drawings, the Enqineer and ut�lity repres�ntative shall be
advised befn�e work is continued.
3. inactivP and obondoned utilities encountered in excavating
and grading operations shall k�e reported to the Engineer and
utility comp�ny. They shall b�� removed, plugged or copped
as directed by the ut�lity company and Engineer.
4. Rules and regulat�ons gove�ning the respective utiiit+es ,
shall bP observed in exe�uti�g .�II work under this section.
5 Gronular backfill sholl be required for oll utility
crossings under p�vement areas except for utilities which
are bored or pushpd undPr street.
6. ��nduit shall be required for �II crossings under povement
areas. Cont�octor sholl coord�nate with eoch respective
utility for their locat+on �nd instollation. Conduit shall
be 4'� PVC Schedule 20 or �pproved equal.
7 Existing storm sewers, sonitory sewers, water mains, gas
mains, electric ducts, telephone ducts, steam mains and
other underground structures hove been shown on the plons
according to the best available information. The exact
location and protection of these facilities and structures,
their support and mointenance in operation during
construction (in cooperation with the proper authorities of
the utility involved}, is the express responsibility of the
Controctor in the perforrnonce of his contract ond in the
preparotion of his bid.
1. Scope of Work
The work required under this section includes ail concrete
and bituminous pav�ing ond related items necessary to
complete the work indicated on �vwings ond described in the
specifications, including but not limited to:
Ail streets, parking oreas in controct limits
Curbs and gu#ters
Signs, concrete slobs
2. Concrete: P�vin concrete pavem�nts sholl be constructed in
accordance with Section 501 of the Indiana Dept. of Highways
Specifications. Concrete shall be ready-mixed concrete and
shalf be a mix of proportioned fine a�d coarse oggregotes
with Portland cemer�t ond woter. Minimum cernent content
shall be 6 bags per cubic yard of concrete and moximum water
content shall be 5.5 U.S. gallons per sack of cement,
including moisture in the aggregote. Slump for normal
weight concrete sho�l be o mvximum of 4 inches and a minimum
of 2 inches. The sfump of machine ploced concrete shall be
no less than 1-1 /4 inches nor more than 3 inches. Standard
test ASTM C-143 shall be used to measure slump. Compressive
strength of concrete ot 28 days sholl be 4000 psi. Ail
exterior concrete shall hove air entrainment of 5� to 8� by
volume per ASTM C-260. Retempering of delivered concrete
w;ll not be allowed. Concrete shall be composed of:
A. Por±land Cement: Conforming to ASTM C-150, Type IA or
Type IIIA.
B. Aqgregates: Conforrning to ASTM C-33.
C. Woter: Shall b�e clear and free from in jurious amounts
of oils, acids, alkalies, organic materials or other
deleterious substonces.
3. Welded Steel Wire Fobric: Where required for concrete
reinforcement shall conform to ASTM A185.
4 Premoulded Joint Filler: Shall be of non-extruding type
me�ting ASTI� D-544, except that premoulded joint filler used
in concrete walk rQnstru�tion mvy be either non-extruding or
5. Bituminous Pavement Materials: All materials proposed for
the construction of bituminous povernents shall comply with
the �nd;�n� Department of Highways Specifications, per
f�test revisions (Se�ction 403).
6�� omp��� ted Aggregate Subbase: Shall be crushed stone or
�r�vF1. Crushed grovel shall be a minimum of 35� crushed
m�f���i�1 Che�t sho►I bp limited to o maximum of 8� of the
'��+ '' �!-�terial shali be free from an ex.cess of flat,
e1;.►� y�t���, !���r�ly ��mfnc�ted, soft or dissintegra�ed pieces;
ond shail be free from f��gments �:oated with dirt
Compacted oqgrPgotes s+�all b� qraded �s follows:
�-.��2" �(}��
i �;�,, - 1(1�
.� i 4 70- 9�
� ;- 2" 55- 8C
�4 35-- ��.
�8 �' S- `-�', .
��o � � - 30
��00 5 --10
7. Toc:k ond Prime Coots: To ossure bond between bose an��
bin��er courses c�r between binder Qnd surface courses, ��ppi Y
complete tock and prime coating. Ploce binder and/or
surfoce course immediotety ofter applying tack or p►+me coat
after specified drying time.
A. Apply tack coat to contact surfoces of previausly
c��n,tructed aspholt or portlond cement concrete and
surfaces abutting ar projecting into aspholt concrete
pavement. Jistr+bute at rote of 0.05 to 015 gallon per
square yord of surface. Cut-back vsphalt type: AASHTO
�I 82 (ASTI� D�027} MC-30, MC-700, MC-250.
B. Apply prime cobt over comPacted base stone. Apply
materiQl to penetrate ond seol, but not flood, surface.
Cure and dry as lo�ng as necessary to attoin penetr�tion
and evaporatio� of vo�atile. Distribute at a rate of
0.2 to 0.5 gallon per sc�uare yard. Emulsified asphalt;
AA�HTO M140 (ASTM D 997) or 1�2�8 (D 2397); SS-1, SS-1H,
CSS-1 d��uted with �ne part water to one p�rt emulsified
8. Striping Moter;ols: Tra�fic paint, white, chlor+nated
rubber base, foctory mized, quick drying, non -bleeding:
conforming to Fed. Spec. TT-0-115C, Type II and conforming
to ISHSS Section 9�08.
9. Gradinq: Do any necessary groding to that performed in
accordance with Emrthwo�k Section, to bring subgrades, after
final compaction, to the required grades and sections for
site improvement.
? 0. Preparation of Subgrade: Remove spongy and otherwise
unsuitable moteriat and reploce with stable material. No
trc�ffic will be ollowed on prepored subgrode prior to
11. Compact+on of Subqrode: The first 6 inches below the
sub�rade shall be compacted to at least 95 0 of tl�e maximum
dry density as determined by the provisions of AASHTO T-99.
Water shall be prevented from standing on the compacted
subgrade. Clay cnd silty clay soil shall be compacted ot a
mo+sture content 1� to 2% above optimum moisture to reduce
future volume ch�nges. All testing shall be performed by a
qualified Soils Engineer,
12. Acceptance of Subgrade: The placing of the stone base
constitutes that the pav�ng contractor has accepted the
condition of the subgrode and accepts full responsibility
for rnaintaining the grade elevvtions and contours indicated
on the Drowings. Subgrade should be inspected and tested by
the appropriote governmental agency prior to pavement
Should the paving contractor refuse acceptance of the
subgrade, he shalll notify the Genervl Controctor immediotely
of the de�iciencie�s. Shauld the paving contractar foil to
notify the General! Contractor of any deficiencies and/or
proceed '+n the placing of the stone base, said actions shall
constitute accept ance of subgrade.
13. Utility Structures: Che�k for �nrre�t elevotion of oli
monhole covers, valve �exes and simile� struc�ures loc�ted
within areas to be paved, and make, or have made, any
necessor� od j,�stments in such struct�ares.
14. Placing Concrete:
A. Subgrade: Place concrete only on a moist, compacted
subgrode or base free from Ioose matPrial. Ploce no
concrete on a muddy or frozen subgra�e.
B. Forms: All forms sholl be free from worp, tiqht enough
to prevent leakage and substantial enough to maintain
the+r shape and position without springing or settling,
when concrete is pla�ed. Forms shall be cleon ond
smooth immediatejy beforP roncreting.
C. Placinq Concrete� Concrete shall be deposited so os to
require as little rehandling as practicable When
concrete is to be pf�ced ot an atmos��heric temper�ture
ot 35 deqrees F. or less, paragroph 702.10 of the
Indiana Department of Highways Specification,, laf est
revision shall he followed.
15. Concrete Curb ond Gut ter:
A. Expansion Joints: Sh;�ll be 1/? in;;h thick. premouldP�� at
ends of oll returns and at a maximum sp����ing of 100
B. Contrr�ction Joints: �lnless otherwise provided,
contr�ction joints sh�ll be sawed joints sp��c��d 10 f�et
on center.
C. f inish: Tamp ond s�reed concrete as soon ���s pl�ce�i, and
fiff ony honey cornbed pla�e. Fin�sh square r�rr�ers t��
1�4 inch ra�iu� and oth�r �orners to radii shown.
1F,. Concrete Walks and Exteri�r S1eps i.on'orming to SeCtinn h04
of the Indiana �Ppt. of Highways �pec�f�catien�.
A. Slopes� F'rovi�e '/4 �nCh ��er foot c�oss s���pe. Mok�
ad justments in slopes at walk inter�ec±i��ns as neCP�SQr�r
to provide pro��er droin��aP.
B. Dimensions: Walk� on� ;t?pc shall b� o�� cours�
construction and of widths ond df�toil:; sh��:wn ��n the
17. BituminUUS Pa��ement: Hot aspha►t cc�n,:re#F� ��nv�men± sho!I t>e
as specifiPd in �e�!ion 403 oi the Ind�ona De��rtm?nf nf
Nighwoys Specifi�otions, I�test revisinns. F'���ing will nc�t
be perrnitted du►ing unf�av�rat>le we��her or when �he
temperature i� 4O �P�r?eS � and f�lling.
18 Comp�cte�� A�gr�gc�fe Subbase: The thickr���ss shown ��n the
dr�wings is the minimum thi���:nPss �f the ful(y ;:�mpa�.;±e�
�uhb�se. Com�a��tion sholl he ar��ornGli�hed hy r�ilin� wilh a
srr���oth whPeled r��llP� w�igh�nq � tu �� ton�� �ompact tr�
1 p��'�� �f m�x�m�.m ,��� y;��n� �' y,r�� a� ,, nr���n��e with ���tion
���� 0�� AIf�� ; `�.r��r '��'U�?rS �n�� w��l�� nnd af ���II ��Ir��es
,. �� / � ' I • l �' t i 'L� (ll�� t� ]� c� � ► <' (
i��' ;` ��ih'� t,h Ile tf ..�ar��., mc� e�oi ,h�',
he t�7r-n� � :j w�•F, rr�,-h,.,,►�'ol '�.�r :�.,. , l}� �v,f�, �t�, ►���?�1 '���nd
°��. ',�.,��-��uF' -,n ���th;� �i��ht-,�' W���= �11 ��'•���t c�-��s,ructi��n
w;ft��n t��t� {inP�> ' d���ii����'t��� riy��' -��f-� �� � ah���� r�e in
��CCC��d�_sric� witr t��e `�,p..�� �� ,!���r� nf ►�:f Cit v��f
.,. .
. F�,;�pmP,,•, �;, t,y �,±..',�� c:�� �' ,�cti�n, th�t �s pavemf�n's
;;se�` ' ,arr � 'r�,''� c., . ,e ., ,� fuli pavPm.�=nt structure i>
�r� pi�cf , w�ll h;�v� �. �ch 'aqe used by tr�ffi� �nspecte�l hy
the Indpl� i`.0. T f�, ��i �� Pssed oreos b�fc�re the next
st��ge i� �tarte�:�. ����� ���-� �:�.�ed areas will be repr�ired to the
sa`�sf�a��!:on c�� '�e N�milton Co. Hlghway D�pt. before an
�dditionol �tt; .� !s �r,n:;tructed.
21. Street S�gns. Street name signs shall
be furnis�ed at the developer's expense and ins!.:��IPd prior
to the release of the performance bond or prior to the
issuance of the first occuponcy permit, whichever occurs
first The signs shali be instolled on one post at each
street intersection at an appropriate spof in the northeast
corner wherever possible. Signs ond posts shall be stond�rd
s+zes and cofors on reflective su�faces in acc�rdance with
Section 909 and 912 of the Stand�r� Specificatien; of tht,
Ind�ana Dept. of N�ghways.
12. Requlotory ond W�arninq Siqns: Requlot�ry �n�j warninq �►qns
sh�ll be furninshed �at the d�velopers ez��nse and insta!le� hy
the County in conforrnity with the In�ianc� Monuol on Uniform
Tr�ffic Contro! Devices. The ���ns ;hall be de�ivered prior to
the release of fh? perf��rman�e bon�.i or �►ri0r tc the �ssuonce
of the first o�CUpon�e permit, whichever oc�urs fir;t ciqn;
and posts sh�_�!I be �tandord sizes anci colors cn refle��tive
surfaces in accordance with Section 909 ond 91 � ot the
Standard Specification; (INDOT} ond Nomi!ton C�un±y �tandard
plans S-1, S- 2, and S- 4.
� r'' -� ''
• � • • LAND SURVEYING �/ / F
� � ,t�i� aG L-�a,�,,� 'G-1 �C""i `,� .�-C,.- •-t'�,d `' 1 � _ __
_ • LAND PLANNING „� - /� --�`�
(317) 842 6777
1. Scope of Work
The work under this section inciudes ali storm sewers, storrn
sewer iniets, and related items, including excavating and
backfiilinq, necess�ry to compiete the work shown on the
2. Standard specifications of City of Noblesville and Indiana
Dept. of Highwoys Standard Specifications shall opply for
�11 work and materiols. Pipe shall be installed in
accordance with Section 715,
3. All storm ;ewer pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe
conforming to ASTM Designotion C-76 Cioss III, unless
otherwise noted, in accordance with Sect�on 9�6. Joints
sholl conform to ASTM C-433 latest revision.
4. Subdrainage system shall be installed os shown on plans ond
be of pipes designated in Section 906 of Indiana Dept. ef
Tronsportation specifications os f�(lows:
P►pes to be installed for subsurfoce drainage only may be
one of the follnwing:
A. Perforated Corrugated droinage pipe in accordance with
AASHTO M252 or AASHIQ M 294. PVC ;hall hove minimum
c?II classification conforminq to requirement of 12344-C
ASTM D-1784.
B. Concrete drain tiie in occordance with AASHTO M178.
C. Vitrified Cloy tile in accordance with AASHTO �1179.
Where pipe is to be used for a collector of other subsurface
l�terals ond�or sump pumps and installed with provi;ions for
cleaning, it may be one of the following�
A. ABS Composite in �7cCOrdonce with A;T�I D-2680
R. PUC in occordance with AST1� D-3034 '�pR-35.
C. PVC Carrugate� with smooth intPrior in occordanc� with
ASTM F949.
5. Backf�ll around all structures and cuts under poved arP�JS
and within 10 feet of pavement edc�es with granular material
in occordancF wi±h >ection 21.1 and 715.
�;�lect Gr��nul�r Fill -- Well qrod�'� san� �nci �r�vel or
crushed stc�n� that has � uniformity co�ffirient (ASTM
C�-?487} of �qgregntes an-� cont�ins less thon 5 percent (by
we��ht) fin�s ��ss;n� � No. 200 ��Pve s�ze. On site
exc.�vote� �r�r��,l�r rn�terials may bP ut�lized if approve�i by
fhP 5oi15 F n��ir�e�r.
6. 5ee st�ndar� d�t��il sheet fc�r ro�st�uction dimensi�ns of
st�rm structurPs INanh�les, inlets and catch basins sh�Jl
�e in accordanc� with Section 710. F'recast �c�ncrete and
steel for manhnles ond inlPts >h�11 be ►n accordance wi�h
A�TM �-478, latPst revision. S�x inch and 8�� seqment��l
h���-;�� k mnnho��� s?al?d with 1; 2'� mortar on the ent+re inside
surfo�P �t th� inlet. St?ps sho!I be du�tile iron or
;�►uminur� �nt����rn;iy cast into catch basin sidewclis
1. Th� Cor;tractor shall pro���de c� minimum of 1' of ;�v�r �ver
�I! �t�rm sewers.
P. Rip ra� shall he a minim�_im 6'� ond a m�ximum of i 7" in size
�and a mir��m�am 18�� in d?pth. C�imensi��ns fnr rip r�ap �►n this
plon are f��r e;t�moting purposes only, A�'uol best
plocemPnt of rip rop shall be dF!ermir?� hy field �onditions
c�.nd shol! he �n oCCOr�on�e with 5����i�n 6�6.
9. Alf drGin�ge pipe and ditch �uf f+�lls to rec�e�vin�� strPoms
shall be censfructed in accord�r���e with dr��wings, sut�;ec�
however, t� �ny modificat�on req«ired hy Fnr�ineer at the
time installation is com�>lefed and to any odjustments nee�Pd
for field conditions not adequately anti�ip�te�j by the
decign drawin�s.
10. Ca�tinqs shcll be os shown on de±ai! sheet for manuf��cturer,
t ypP on� n�,mber. All cast�ngs sha!I b� Neenah or E�st � .
Jordan �pproved ?qu���. C�sfin�s shal! be qray ir�n meeting
ASTM A-4�, Iatest revisi�n.
11 Install qoskets in ac�ordan�e w�th man�af�acture�'s
recommendation., for use of lub�icants, cements and other
spec�al insiollation requiremenfs.
12 F'!oce plugs in ends af in�omplAtA pi�ing at end of work daY
or whenever work stops, and at stubs for future deve►opment.
13 �ar►y de�th of tr�n�hes for pipinq t� establ�sh indicofe��
f�ow lines and invert elev��ti�ns. Notch unri��r pipe bell�
where oppli�;n�l� to prov+de sofid t���ring (or ent+re bc�dy of
� �pP
14 Trench�nq: L�ay all �ipe ir open tren�hes, except when the
fo�al authority qives writt��n pArmission for funneling.
�pen the tren�h sufficiently aheod of pipe-I��yiny to reveal
�ny �bstructi�ns. The width of the tren�h sholl be the
►n>�de pipe diamet�► plu� 24 inches fc►r 12 inches above the
p;pe Sheet and broce trench as necessory to protect
workmen and ad jacent structur?s. A�{ trenching to com��ly
with C�ccu��ti�nal Safety ond Nealth Administrotion
Standords. Keep trenches free from water while construction
is in progress U�d?r n� circumstances lay pipe c�r
appurtenonces in standing woter. Conduct the discharge from
trench dew�ter�ng to dro+ns or naturol drainage channels.
15. Ali pipes on steep slopes (over 20�) shall have concrete
anchor r�p��roximately 1/3 cu. y��. ot maximum 40 foot
1F Backfilling� For a d�pth of ot lea�t 12 inchPs above the
top of the p�pe, bac�,fill with e�rth or gronulor material
frPe frOm lar9e stunes, rock frogments, roots or sod. T�mp
this backf�ll thor�ughly, toking care not to disturb th�
pipe. For the rPm�ining trench dep►h, b�ckfill with ea�th
c�r granulor moterial cc�ntaining stones or rocks not lorger
thcn 4 inchPs. Backfill �in�Pr walks, parkin� areas,
drivPways and streets shall be granular m�terial �n!y -
thoroughly compocted, by approved methods. Trenches
porallel to and within 5 feet of paved roo�woys shail he
constructed the same.
17. Manhole Inverls: Construct manhole flow channels of
�orcrete, sewer pipe cr hrick, smoothly finished and of
semi-cirr,ular >�ction conforming to �he inside diameter of
the cor�nPctinq s�wers Moke changes in size or grade
�radua�ly �n� chan�es in directi�n by true �i.irves. Provide
such channais f�r oll connF,�ting sewers at eoch manhole.
18 �t�rm sPwer structures qreater thon 3 feet in depth shall
be fitted in occordance with the dPtails shown on d�tail
ST-f, c�n shEet C703.