HomeMy WebLinkAbout25.97.05PERSON ONSITE RESPONSIBLE FOR EROSION CONTROL: TI M WALTER ESTRIDGE DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. (317)-846-7311 NOTE: TO CON7RACTOR 1. Prior to any work commencing contractor shall install stone drive at entrance, and all silt fences shown on pian. 2. Upon completion of the atorm structure from being buTit the fabric drop inlet protection is to be instailed ON curb iniets ond straw bales on yord tnlets immediotely. 3. Upon completion of the swale constructf�, contractor shaii notify engine� to as-buiit, upon review of as-built engineer sholl notify contractor to install the erosion control bionkets as soon as possible. FORMS/22687 So'� Erosfon Control Summory The following is c liat in sequence of co�atruction activitiea to control soil erosion: I. Contractor shall (nstall sediment traps and straw bala filters, as shown. 2. Grade the site (sides of swates. mounds ond ponds to be seeded ond mulched immediately upon completion). Temporary sead�g shdl be rocommended for all swdes and dieturbed oreas that cannot be flnal seeded within o time period thot wNl provent slope erosion. For temporary seeding, the contractor shaii ut0ize a fast growing seed of eithar oats, �nual ryegross. whect or rye depanding on time of yeor. Disturbed areos ahould be kept to o minimum at ati times. 3. Contractor sha11 contrd mud accumulation on ali streeta surround�g proJect by installing stone surface at ell locationa where conatruction traffic leaves the site. Duat shall be kept to a mk�imum by utiltzing sprinkling, Colcium k� Chtoride, Vegetat(we cover, spray on a�esives or other c�proved methoda 4. Maintoin all ftitera and traps dur�g conatruction to prevent any blockages from accumulated sediment. Additional seeding and atrow botes moy be required during constniction as specified by Enqineer or Soii Conservation Service. Payment for additional atraw bdes shdl be at the Contractors expense. Puyment for addttional rip rap (not __ _�s�wrs c� �lar�) and ��ssdin� �l:aU be paid -€<� oat a untt at basis. 5. Contractor shall install ail sanitary sewers, storm sewers, subsurface drains, and water matns. Struw bale ftiters ahall be tnatalled at dl storm inleta (including atreet inlets). ■ Seeding Specifications: I. Ditch Banka: �oli be aeeded and cov�ed with North American Green fiber blanket �5750 and �SC150 (or EquaQ or Hy�oseeded with straw muich. The Controctor shall follow the manufacturer's recommended guldelines for installation and staple pottems whan hstaliing the fiber blankets. Seeding rate: IIO�/acre or 2.5�/1000 S.F. Seod(ng mixture: 38R Kent. 31 Fescue 19� P�ennial Rye 19lL Annual Rye 14?G Orch�d Grass IOX Kent. Bluegrass 2. 4' of topsoii (minimum) shall be plxed prior to permanent seedtng. 3. It grades are estabiished between Moy 15 �d August 10, a temporary seeding consisting of 40� of Annuai Ryegrass shall be planted per acre. 4. If grades are eatoblished between October 15 and December 30, either Rye (groin) or Wheat moy be used at the rate of 2 bushels/Ac. Ali grains ahould be mowed prbr to seed maturing. 5. If temporary seeding is estcblished prior to permanent seeding, the mulch may be eliminated except in "bare' areas. 6. If gradtng occurs during December, January. or February, use dormant seeding and it shouid ba dona within 7 days of last lond disturb�g octivity. REQUIREMENTS: CONIPoBU't1NG DRAINAGE AREA: 1 AGRE MAXIMUM. CAPJ1qT1N RUNOF'F FROM A 2 YR. FREWENCY, 24 HR. DURATION STOR�1 EVENT EN7ERING A STORM DRAIN WIiHWT BYPASS FLOW. FABRIC MA'tERUII: GEQTEXIILE FABRIC FOR FlITRATION. F�'lt#iT OF FABRIC 1 TO 1-1/2 F'f., MEASURED FROM TOP OF INLET. APPROACH: POOL AREA FIAT (LESS THAN 1! SLOPE) WITH SEDIMENT STORAGE OF 945 CU.FT:/ACRE DISTURBED. STABILITY: STRUCTURE MUST WIiHSTAND 1-tf2 FT. HEAD OF WATER AND SEDIMQJT WITHOUT COLLAPSING OR UNDERCUT7ING. SUPPORT POST� STEEL FENCE POSTS OR 2 x2" OR YX4' HARD WOOD POSTS, 3FT. MIN. tENC7H, 3 FT. MAX. SPACING, TOP FRAME 5UPPORT RECOMMENDED. CROSS BRACING TOPS OF POS15 TO OPPOSIlE CORNERS GREAAY STRENG7HENS SUPPORT. 2"x4" WOOD FRAME 1.5 FT 9URIED COMPACTED AX. ) .�. z � OVERFLOW LEVEL SET TO PREVENT BY-PASS 1 FT. �ow � � � � � t '�' U U � BURIED FABRIC INSTALLATiON: 1. TO PREVENT RUNOFF FROM BYPASSING 11iE INLET, SET 1HE TOP OF THE FABRIC AT LEAST B" BELOMt 1HE DOMMSLOPE GROUND ELEVATION, OR BUILD A TEMPORARY DIKE (COMPACTED TO 8" HIGHER THAN THE FABRIC) ON 1HE LOW SIDE OF 1HE INLET. 2. CUT 1}1E FABRIC FROM A SINGLE ROLL TO EUMINATE JOINTS. (PROVIDE AT LEAST 2° OF OVERIAP IF A JOINT is N�o.) 3. BURY THE B�TT�OM Of' 1HE FABRIC AT LEAST 1' DEEP. BAqCFlU., AND COMPACT THE BAqCFlLL 4. SPACE THE SUPPORT POSTS EVENLY AGAINST THE INLET PERIMElER A MAX. OF 3' ARART> AND DRIVE THEM A@OUT 1-1/2 FT: INTO 1HE GROUND. (OVERFLOW MUST FALI DIRECILY INTO 1HE INLET AND NOT ON UNPROTECTED SOIL) CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN EXIST{NG STREETS FROM DEBRIS OF DIRT,SAND,OR STONE AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CLEANING OF SUCH ITEMS. AFTER COMPLETION OF THE WORK, THE BUILDERS WILL BE REQUIRED TO KEEP STREETS FREE OF THE SAME, AT THE CITIES DISCRETION. EXISTING VEGETATION: _ _ ___ _ _ E3R.U�H_. TREES _ . _ _ __ �Temporcry strow bcle dam to be removed during blanket tnstaliation. + ��� Denotes seeding dc mulch areas SeeCing rate: 130�/acre or 3�/1000 S.F. '�'�`�`� Seeding mfxture: 25X creeping red fescue ..., 359G perenniai ry�e 407L Kentudcy bluegrass �Denotes seeding w/ftber blanket �S't50 by Nor�.h American Green y Seedfng rate: IIU,#/ocre or 2.5#/1000 S.F. Seeding mixture: 38� Kentucky 31 fescua 199: pererrnial rye 197G annual ryre 14% o�chard grass 109� Kentucky bluegrass �Denotes permar►ent seedinq dc muiching. Seeding rate: 50�Jacre Seeding mixture: IOQ9G perennid ry�e. Recommended Erosion Controi Measures Erosion Control Blanket: Recommend erosion control bianketa such as North Americ� Green S150 be tnstallsd as a temporary erosion control meesure in the bottom of any swale with a concentrated aurfoce water flow. Refer to erosion c�ontrol practice number 3.17 . Straw Bale Drop Inlet Protectlon: Recommend uaing strow bde drop lnlet protectbn as per erosion control practice number 3.54 aa a temporary erosion contrd meusure until bia�kets oro tnstailed. Other drop inlet protection proctices may become necessary upon the recommendation of tha engineer or era�ion control c�nsultent ff o speciRe need arises during caistructi�. Topso(I Salvoge and Uttiizotion: As per erosion control proctice number 3.02. Removai of topsoil to a depth of six incfies (or moro tf required by the eng(neer) trom ali oreos to be excovoted or tilied. Topsoil should be stored et a Ixation where it will not interfere with construction operations. Temporm�y Seeding: Recommend temporary seeding es per erosion controi pmctice number 3.11 ff disturbed ground is to be left bare for two months or more. fn oddition, it is recarnmended red dov� be odded to the seedk�►g mixture at u rcte of 10 pounds per acre. Dormant and Frost Seeding: As per practice number 3.13 ottachad to be appited if necessary. Surface Roughening: As per erosion controi practic� number 3.Q3, . suggest using a bulldozer to tradc with cieots perpendtcular to the slope of slopes � diaturbed ground of six parcent or greater and around the shore of the lakes as a temporary mecaure unttl ready for blankets. Tempor�y A-cv�el Construction Entranca/Exit Pad: Recommended as per �osion control proctice number 3.01. Tree Conservatton/Protection: As per eroston control practtce numbar 3.83, tha contractor sho0, at the direction of the developer, endeavor to save and protect trees of value and worth which do not fmpak construction of improvements ae destc,�ned. In the avent eut or f�l exceeds 0.5 foot aver tha root area, the developer shdl be coneulted with �espect of protective meeeure to be ta�cen, if any, to preserve such trees. Mointen�ce Schedule: Maintenanca of ali erosion control practtc:es should be done cs needsd � a weekly bcsis and after oll large storrr►s. A constructton supervisor shouid be assigned the task of seeing that ell practices are installed and maintatned occording to the deslgn criteria. Maintenance for each erosiai controi practice should be conducted p� maintenance schedula shown on each erosion control practice Job sheet (attached). Construction Sequence Schedule: Spring (ProJected seaeon to start): Locate areas of tree protection. instali grovel construction entronce, instdi temporary sOt fence, strtp and stodcpile topsoil. Excavate building areas and other earthwork (lakes, roads, swoles, sewers, etc.) Spring/Summer: Install strawbale tnlet protection. Install rodc chute outlet protection. Instdl t�nporary erosion control blankets as needed. Trodc in ridges with dozer deota on all slopea greater than six percent and around side siopes of lakes. Summer/Fdl: Apply sod in all areas that aro flnish grndsd. Appiy t�nporary aeeding in areas where earthwork construction is halted and aree will be bare and exposed for more than two months. Matntain erosfon control proctices as p� eroaton contrd maintenance achedule above. R�r►ove temporary erosion controi measures in stabilized areas that have been sodded. Wtnt�/Spriny: Appiy dotmant aeeding on any areas that ahow a need fa i� Continue maintenance of existing eroaton contrd proctices. Spring/Summer/Fall {following yeor): Stabilize all open ground and remove temporary ero5ion control practices. implament final Icndscape plan. �ORMS\18545ECM EROSION CONTROL FOR INDIVIDUAL LOTS 1. CONSTRUCT A GRAVEL DRIVE 2. CONFINE ALL TRAVEL TO THE GRAVEL DRIVE 3. PRESERVE AS MUCH OF THE EXISTING VEGETATION AS POSSIBLE 4. IF THERE ARE LARGE EXPOSED AREAS ON OR NEAR SLOPES A SILT FENCE MAY BE REQUIRED 5. AFTER FINAL GRADING, SEED OR SOD THE YARD AS SOON AS POSSIBLE 6. AFTER A YARD IS RE-VEGETATED, REMOVE ALL TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES ALL AREAS NOT DENOTING PERMANENT SEEDING OR FIB�R BLANKETS SHALL BE TEMPORARILY SEEDED. RECOMMENDED EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WERE TAKEN FROM CHAPTER 3 AS STATED IN THE INDIANA HANDBOOK FOR EROSION CONTROL IN DEVELQPING AREAS. ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REQUIRED BY INSPECTOR AS CONDITIONS WARRANT. ANGLE FlRST STAKE TOWARD PREVIOUSLY LAID BALE � 1 � i �/ / j � WOOD STAKES 15'-20" f r r� IN GROUND i � '� �/-� � � � � / � ,- �/ ' r � r � .� .v •v CHINK GAPS ( �f� �� ' W/STRAW � r � , - .v .� �v � � r � y y � y � W �V W �• U� STRAW BALE DAM DETAIL SECTION NOT-TO-SCALE FENCE POST� ti 3' u 1' FENCE POST SHOIJLD J � BE BURIED �1' BELOW GROUND SU�ACE� � SILT FENCE MATERIAL 6'-8' SILT FENCE DETAII NOT-TO-SCAIE �„ � Ci�UND SIJRFACE SILT FENCE MATERIAL SHOULD BE BURIED 6' BELOV GROUND SURFAC£. +Y t . } � t�IYY� +� Y • �L : � 7 �� � �a :: t, �, ::: {," a � NY> �40 .. �° .. � : : : {, MY t> 1�� �.,� . t' .. .. . ': K. FD ai • Y: �n ' :. �:, � M� � « :: �. Y � (� M M • r■. r� � .: . ::�: M i �� .' : :�`.' •,,,f M •;� N � �r � � � ,� :::: � 9 �,....� �,�..,,,��,•.-.,4� x,. • i'�f�� �1 M � + s � y�E ,f l..s���,�+°�.�.W�;" iF.�.,,�,,w+�,_.,H Mi ; R� ... � . . SEE SNEEf �13 �,. �• • � a�si� sTOw�.,, .. „ � r �^. a � � P �,` ■ � � �'t'' ]!, � � a R M i R k Y • • 11 M Y ; t Yi�%�P� ■ Y11 Y\� • i tlt•ti� i 1 �• Y" k11tM� � I�1{a�.+ � �, �, � � �- ... _�w rt�� � � � ,,..,., , ,� a�u.� �� rs 3J y �. . �I -�.�- RUNOFF OVERFIOWS INTO INlE7 ..-------- .. -.---- -.�- ,. SLOPE - - -.,.�,- � _ _ �.----� `����� .._�------- � �� COMPRCTED DIKE TO PREVENT BY-PASS FLOW (6' HIGHER iHAN INLET PROTECTION) 6' 3' 8' 3' _�� _�� � 1 1/2' 1-t ' ` � - �p 3 Ax v x 1 STAPLE t-1/2 STAPLES PER SQ. YD. PER SQ. YD. BTAPIE PATTERNS APPLY TO ALL NORTH AMERICAN GREEN EROSION C�ITROL BLANKEIS. STAPLE PATTERNS WILL VARY OEPENDING UPON SI�E LENGlH, SLOPE GRADE, SOiI TYPE AND AVERAGE n ANNUAL RAINFAU.. � W � 4' r Y r- 4' � 2' 3' 4 .-�c �.n- -u x �-x- � - r x X x x �C x xDx x x x 2 STAPLES 3.5 STAPLES PER SQ. YD. PER SQ. YD. 8 C C C 8 C D A A B 8 20' SEASONAL SOIL PROTECTIpN CHART STABIUZATION pRq�(� JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY ,IlN1. ,IUL AU6. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. PERMANENT � '/////////�/'-s///> SEEDING _ _ _ _ � DORMANT B _� - - - - - - B--� SEEWNG �wNG ----- E-- .I///III/'°� T --_ SDDDING F'�" • -� MULCHING G A= KENTUpCY BLUE GRASS 40 Ibs./AC.: (�tEEPING RED FESWE 40 iba./AC» P�us � ToNS s�w►w auux+/�a oR � �wNUU. �c,�ss 2aes>/�c. B= KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS 60 Ibs./AC,; CREEpIN6 REp FES(XJE 60 Ibs./AC.: PLUS 2 TONS STRAW MULCH/AC. OR MD ANNUAL RYEGRASS 301�a>/AC. C� SPRING 0/1TS 3 BUSHEL/ACRE D� WFIEAT OR RYE 2 BUSH0./ACRE E � ANNUAL RYEGRASS 40 Iba./AC. (1 ib./1000 aq. ft.) F � SOD G= STRAW MULCH 2 TONS/ACRE •///+ s IRRIGA710N � DUI�NG ,WNE, �1tY. lUVD/OR SEPT. �= IRRIGATION NEmm FOR 2 TO 3 yy�KS AFTER APPLYING SOO `,,����1� /1 i I I I(q�� j''','',,' ��� :�,,`, � ,''�' = � No. - �9358 = �1 x� z> >:� �ow ►�ol►r� � STATEQF � c��w�i�t �t % ,�. �.`� . ``,,��. SIOPE GRADIENT � ����i� `` ,, ♦ ,���'��prmnua � , ERO�ON �'�ONTRa BLANKET STAPL� PATTERN GUIDE I.00A710N: ON CtJRBED PAVED S7REET DOWN ORAOE FROM L�HT CONS7RUC710M AC'lIM'nCa4. MmIMDUAL. "�... ,`L /��� HO/M���pA��i��/�A90�MpE� �1�HE �IN�Ip.Ei�:��y�� VN\IIVa/Ilih/ NWI�/�\lr Ir\GIti �/fN1f6 w/Np�R/ll�� CAPAdTY: RUNOfF fROM A 2-YR. FRECUEIICY. 24-1�. DURA710N S70R11 EYDiT EN7ERNiG 'IFIE S10RM DRNN � M11li0UT BYPASS FLONL FE70HT: 1-3 U1rIIt5 OF SAl1DBACS AS t� ' �C� � aP' �N� NE�EQ T�0 �VEHICLES FROIA F�ITIING 1HE BARRIER. / / EmE ....��.--� � � � ✓ � � � / ' � � _ _ /-`� �-- � ^...- ti � .�----- �� �� �\... ..._. . ._..... ..... . �r+�"'r� .._... ... ...... .. ... � MAIN?ENANCE: 1. INSPECT iHE FABRIC BARRIER AfTER STORM EVENTS, AND MAKE NEEDED REPAIRS IMMEDIAlELY. 2. REMOVE SEDIMENT FROM 1HE POOL AREA TO PRONDE STORAGE FOR THE NEXT STORM. AV+OID DAMAGING OR UNDERCUTTiNG THE FABRIC DURING SEDIMENT REMOYAL 3. WHEN 1HE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN STABIUZED, REMOVE AND PROPERLY DISPOSE OF HU. CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL AND SEDIMENT, GRADE THE AREA TO THE ELEVATION OF 1HE TdP OF THE INLET. THEN STA81L12E. 4 i i' FABRIC DROP INLET PROlECTiON (TO BE INSTALLED AROUND ALL CUR@ INIETS) i { � .� �„. t� h ,f' . .�.��, af' � i } t ,1 1 � f�� _...... ...... .._� ��/ GAP BEIMIEEt1 BAtS �----�.,� AC15 AS A SPtl1dMAY ,� � � � �, �„„,. .�.«a M . 3 Ff. (MIN.) SAND BAG INt,ET PROTECTION OET/UL � � � '�P � ���i m � � �Z O � � s � W v � � F � a �' � � � a °� � � I Y ' � i � � Q „� n � V m m � 0�0 k' � (n t�5 � tyi z(� c N r \ � \ N � W L� F- � W U � � SCALE: 1"= 80' y�.. _ __ _ � �^ V I 0 � J I � W Z Z W V f � � z i �W'r ( ..�° � i- �, ���.�� �- � � . � i i a,«ww ka �, �.- � w�� ��� �- � � ~ � � � (n --�-- � z � � �� � � ` F, : �� U } � � ? � � �' �,�� �s� , � �� .. � ;�� �.`' . �! 1 V�. � t `` �t � � �. 'i � '� ''3. � �{� � � � ( � 44' � � �� �� � y � � � �� ' � � �� � � �. � f � P� T �'_ � � � � �{ �, r y � � .� a �a� ,P �a Pr � ,�� � aa.ar � � r� , �1� ��� ��� � � � � f ,00` ,....,... .A.,.� .� � � ..M.. ..�. ,,.y.,» ..�. `'� � � � j � € �' f � ,€ r � f Ct7 �� r ,d� t,� �' � f' �r � � � ' �,. .� � t � � �� � m �� w._ � .: �• r €�� �``�� � r � � � �.•�',_�'��..���.., .��.��f�. � ,�, �,,.�. ,��"° � � '�' � �� �� `" �,",�' '"`~~ "�"��""` J �, ,�.� � �„ ...� °�" ,� �� � j `� �� "� .,�- .,� �` , � � ...� � � � � �� �� �� � � ��� � � .� ,. ' �,.. ... � .�"' '�' ,� fi :,� �' r `�. �� �, �r, � r� , � �` a, ¢ rn � � °z 1 ' � _ _. �f' � .-. � � X � � � rn � I � N � 0 O � I 4 / � ��/'� Y / i � � °� °a i-. q � Z a M � �� � W U Z Q QJ J � � W J zW � O I..L � ( n ...i� � �/ ! � Z w ^ �" Z V � U c�j3 _ � z �� O(/'� �V! V/ Q � � I..L� � �.J.� � � SHEET NO. oF 17 s+� ,ae No.195��FB Z 0 Z J W � �