HomeMy WebLinkAbout221223 06/18/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 354867 Page 1 of 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL CHECK AMOUNT: $2,379.99 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 410 W CARMEL DRIVE CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK NUMBER: 221223 CHECK DATE: 6/18/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4231100 STREET 38 . 90 267904-1 2201 4236400 STREET 45 . 04 267756-1 2201 4237000 STREET 154 . 95 268259-1 2201 4237000 STREET 18 .48 268566-1 2201 4238900 STREET 2 . 78 268558-1 2201 4238900 STREET 150 . 94 268575-1 2201 4353099 STREET 291 . 60 267294-1 2201 4353099 STREET 135 . 00 267421-1 2201 4353099 STREET 297 . 00 267887-1 2201 4353099 STREET 345 . 60 268391-1 2201 4353099 STREET 118 . 80 268393-2 2201 4353099 STREET 496 . 80 268538-1 2201 4353099 STREET 194 . 40 268569-1 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 354867 Page 2 of 2 ,. ONE CIVIC SQUARE RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 410 W CARMEL DRIVE CHECK AMOUNT: $2,379.99 CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK NUMBER: 221223 CHECK DATE: 6/18/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4356001 STREET 69 . 75 268681-1 2201 4356003 STREET 19 . 95 267294-1 6111111111111111111111111111111111III Page 1 of 1 �U N y®� 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Status: Closed CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice#: 267421-1 £QUIPM£NT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Tue 6/4/2013 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Tue 6/4/2013 7:04:OOAM "Don't be a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: JOEL PROCHNOW CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 PO#: clay terrace Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by:JOHNSON, RANDY Salesman:NONE Qty Key Items Rented Ser# Status Returned Date Price 1 8136#0001 PRESSURE WASHER 5000 PSI 10112509 Returned 614/2013 8:50:OOAM $110.00 4Hrs$110.00 /day$135.00 /weeks$540.00 4weeks$1,620.00 1 8127-1 PRESSURE WASHER ROTARY NO Returned 6/4/2013 8:50:00AM $15.00 /day$15.00 /weeks$60.00 4weeks$180.00 Thank You for your Business You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned,and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Conlract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract Printed Name: Signature: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-JOHNSON,RANDY Rental: Damage Waiver: Sales: Delivery Charge: Misc Charges: $125.00 $10.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: INDIANA: Total: Paid: Amount Due: $135.00 $0.00 $135.00 $0.00 $135.00 Modification#3 Printed On Tue 6/4/2013 6.04.07PM Contract-Paramsrun.rpt(1) 11111111111111111111111111111111 IN IN Page 1 of 1 IRU NyON 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Status: Closed CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice#: 267887-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Fri 6/7/2013 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Fri 6/7/2013 9:25:OOAM "Don't be a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: WINNIE HELMS CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: TABAK, TRAVIS MITCHELL Salesman:NONE Qty Key Items Rented Ser# Status Returned Date Price 1 8786#0006 EXCAVATOR 35N 10'4"DIG 27 HP WM002483 Returned 6/7/2013 3:36:OOPM $275.00 Meter Out:1424.4 Meter In 1425.0 Total hours on meter:0.6 4Hrs$225.00 lday$275.00 lweeks$825.00 4weeks$2,075.00 CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TRACKS IF THEY COME OFF MACHINE. X 1 4100-1 EXCAVATOR BUCKET 35N C 24" Returned 6/7/2013 3:36:OOPM $0.00 tday$45.00 lweeks$135.00 4weeks$405.00 Thank You for your Business You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned,and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract Printed Name Signature: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-TABAK,TRAVIS MITCHELL Rental: Damage Waiver: Sales: Delivery Charge: Misc Charges: $275.00 $22.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: INDIANA: Total: Paid: Amount Due: $297.00 $0.00 $297.00 $0.00 $297.00 Modification#3 Punted On Fn 6/7/2013 5.41 31 PM Contract-Paramsmn rpt(1) 11111111111!I II I1III 11111111111111 IN Page 1 of 1 Status: Closed ' U 1yy®N 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice#: 267904-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Fri 6/7/2013 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Fri 6/7/2013 10:19:OOAM "Don't be a fool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: WINNIE HELMS CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: MARTZ, FREDERICK KENT Salesman:NONE Qty Key Items Sold Part# Status Each Price 1 103-1 PROPANE 60 POUND REFILL 103 Pulled $38.90 $38.90 Thank You for your Business You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug,(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned,and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name Signature: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-MARTZ,FREDERICK KENT Rental: Sales: Delivery Charge: Misc Charges: $0.00 $38.90 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal INDIANA: Total: Paid: Amount Due: $38.90 $0.00 $38.90 $0.00 $38.90 Modification#1 Printed On Fn 6/7/2013 5:41.23PM Contract-Paramsmn rpt(1) 11111111111111111111111111111111111 IN Page 1 of 1 Status: Closed ��®� 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice#: 267756-1 EQUI9MENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Thu 6/6/2013 1-800-276-TOol(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Thu 6/6/2013 9:26AM "Don't be a fool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: JOEL PROCHNOW CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: STAPLETON, NATHAN A Salesman:NONE Qty Key Items Sold Part# Status Each Price 12 1043281001915-1 PAINT MARKING WHITE 20 OZ SE 043281001915 Pulled $3.753 $45.04 Thank You for your Business You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug,(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned,and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: Signature: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-STAPLETON,NATHAN A Rental: Sales: Delivery Charge: Misc Charges- $0.00 $45.04 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal INDIANA Total: Paid: Amount Due: $45.04 $0.00 $45.04 $0.00 $45.04 Modification#1 Primed On Thu 6 16/2013 6'01 PM Contract-Paramsrun.rpt(1) /1111//111111 11111111111111111111111111 Page 1 of 1 RU��®N 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Status: Closed CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice#: 267294-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Wed 615/2013 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Mon 6/3/2013 9:54AM 'Don't be a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: MEL SPROUSE CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by:TABAK, TRAVIS MITCHELL Salesman:NONE Qty Key Items Rented Ser# Status Returned Date Price 1 7066#0004 PUMP TRASH 4"611 GPM WACJ-1108353 Returned 615/2013 10:05AM $150.00 4Hrs$65.00 /day$75.00 /weeks$300.00 4weeks$900.00 DO NOT RUN PUMPS DRY,CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO PUMP.X 5 7026-1 HOSE DISCHARGE 4"X50' Returned 6/5/2013 10:05AM $120.00 /day$12.00 /weeks$48.00 4weeks$144.00 1 7032-1 HOSE SUCTION 4"X20'HARD RUB Returned 6/5/2013 10:05AM $0.00 /day$14.00 /weeks$56.00 4weeks$168.00 Qty Key Items Sold Part# Status Each Price 2 072874015374-1 GLOVE LATEX XLARGE 8426X 072874015374 Pulled $3.99 $7.98 3 072874015367-1 GLOVE LATEX LARGE 8426L 072874015367 Pulled $3.99 $11.97 5 uib.03- I\q- 530.gq - $Ali. �o Thank You for your Business You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person,(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug,(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned,and(e)labor rate is charged at$85 00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: Signature: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-TABAK,TRAVIS MITCHELL Rental: Damage Waiver: Sales: Delivery Charge: Misc Charges: $270.00 $21.60 $19.95 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: INDIANA: Total: Paid: Amount Due: $311.55 $0.00 $311.55 $0.00 $311.55 Modification#4 Printed On Wed 6/5/2013 5.41 PM Contract-Parannswn.rpl(1) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Page 1 of t RU Ny®N 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Status: Closed CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice#: 268259-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Mon 6/10/2013 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Mon 6/10/2013 10:01:00AM "Don't be a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: MEL SPROUSE CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by:WALDEN, RICHARD J Salesman:NONE Qty Key Items Sold Part# Status Each Price 1 701846813099-1 BLADE DIAMOND 14"CONTENDER 701846813099 Pulled $154.95 $154.95 Thank You for your Business You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person,(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned,and(e)labor rate is charged at$85 00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name Signature: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-WALDEN,RICHARD J Rental: Sales: Delivery Charge: Misc Charges: $0.00 $154.95 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: INDIANA: Total: Paid: Amount Due: $154.95 $0.00 $154.95 $0.00 $154.95 Modification#1 Printed On Mon 6/10/2013 5:43:28PM Contract-Paramswri.rpt(1) 111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 Page 1 of 1 Status: Closed �U IVyol10 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Invoice#: 268391-1 CARMEL,IN 46032 EQUIPMENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Tue 6/11/2013 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Tue 611112013 9:32:OOAM "Don't be a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: JOEL PROCHNOW CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: PRIVETT, SHAUN R Salesman:NONE Qty Key Items Rented Ser# Status Returned Date Price 1 8786#0006 EXCAVATOR 35N 10'4"DIG 27 HP WM002483 Returned 6/11/2013 3:14:00PM $275.00 Meter Out:1425.7 Meter In:1427.0 Total hours on meter:1.3 4Hrs$225.00 lday$275.00 tweaks$825.00 4weeks$2,075.00 CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TRACKS IF THEY COME OFF MACHINE. X 1 4100-1 EXCAVATOR BUCKET 35N C 24" Returned 6/11/2013 3:14:OOPM $45.00 1day$45.00 1weeks$135.00 4weeks$405.00 Thank You for your Business You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Siodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel,(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customers prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: Signature: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-PRIVETT,SHAUN R Rental: Damage Waiver: Sales: Delivery Charge: Misc Charges: $320.00 $25.60 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: INDIANA: Total: Paid: Amount Due: $345.60 $0.00 $345.60 $0.00 $345.60 Modification#3 Pnnted On Tue 6111/2013 5:41.59PM Contract-Paramsmn.rpt(1) 111111 ill/1111110 9111111 II II 1 IN Page 1 of 1 Status: Closed 410 W.CARMEL DR. Invoice M 268393-2 Z U CARMEL,IN 46032 SURFACE PREP www•runyonsurfaceprep.com Invoice Date: Tue 6/11/2013 RENTAL&SUPPLY 800-896-8665 Phone Date Out: Tue 6/11/2013 9:33:OOAM 800-652-9440 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: BECKY POWERS CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 PO M City Center Drive Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Ordered By:WALDEN, RICHARD J Picked up by:WALDEN, RICHARD J Qty Key Items Rented Ser# Status Returned Date Price 1 2023#0004 CONCRETE PLANER 8"GAS 15477 Returned 6/11/2013 11:01:OOAM $110.00 /day$220.00 /weeks$880.00 4weeks$2,640.00 Thank You for your Business You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name Signature: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-WALDEN,RICHARD J Rental: Damage Waiver: Sales: Delivery Charge: Misc Charges: $110.00 $8.80 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: INDIANA: Total: Paid: Amount Due: $118.80 $0.00 $118.80 $0.00 $118.80 OPEN MON-SAT 7:30 TO 5'00,SUNDAY 8'00 TO 5.00 Modification#2 Printed On Tue 6/11/2013 5 41:52PM Contract-Paramsrun.rpt(1) 111111 IIIII 11 II IIIII 11111 11111 IN IN Page 1 of 1 lyy®ly 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Status: Closed 111\7 CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice#: 268558-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Wed 6/12/2013 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Wed 6/12/2013 10:09:OOAM *Don't be a tool-Roof one" 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: SCOTT FLOWERS CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: TABAK, TRAVIS MITCHELL Salesman:NONE Qty Key Items Sold Part# Status Each Price 2 045734926967-1 PAINT BRUSH CHIP 3" 045734926967 Pulled $1.39 $2.78 Thank You for your Business You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: Signature: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-TABAK,TRAVIS MITCHELL Rental: Sales: Delivery Charge. Misc Charges: $0.00 $2.78 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: INDIANA: Total: Paid: Amount Due: $2.78 $0.00 $2.78 $0.00 $2.78 Modification#1 Printed On Wed 6/12/2013 5:42.43PM Contract-Paramswit rpt(1) 1111111111111111111111111111111 IN IN Page 1 of 1 R V iVY®N 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Status: Closed CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice#: 268538-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Thu 6/13/2013 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Wed 6/12/2013 9:10:OOAM "Don't be a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1584 Operator: JOEL PROCHNOW CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: STAPLETON, NATHAN A Salesman:NONE Qty Key Items Rented Ser# Status Returned Date Price 6 7022-1 HOSE GARDEN 3/4"50' Returned 6113/2013 1:49:OOPM $24.00 lday$4.00 lweeks$16.00 4weeks$48.00 8 3033-1 CORD EXTENSION 100' Returned 6/13/2013 1:49:OOPM $160.00 lday$20.00 tweeks$80.00 4weeks$240.00 1 3257#0002 VACUUM 55 GALLON WET/DRY 1507918 Returned 6/13/2013 1:49:OOPM $50.00 lday$50.00 lweeks$200.00 4weeks$600.00 1 3262#0001 VACUUM 17 GAL FLOOD SUCKER 61271 Returned 6/13/2013 1:49:00PM $60.00 lday$60.00 lweeks$240.00 4weeks$720.00 1 3262#0002 VACUUM 17 GAL FLOOD SUCKER 1585059 Returned 6/13/2013 1:49:OOPM $60.00 lday$60.00 lweeks$240.00 4weeks$720.00 1 8135#0002 PRESSURE WASHER 4000 PSI 355790 Returned 6/13/2013 1:49:00PM $90.00 4Hrs$80.00 lday$90.00 lweeks$360.00 4weeks$1,080.00 2 3251-1 VACUUM WAND ATTACHMENT Returned 6/13/2013 1:49:OOPM $8.00 lday$4.00 lweeks$16.00 4weeks$48.00 2 3251-1 VACUUM WAND ATTACHMENT Returned 6/13/2013 1:49:OOPM $8.00 lday$4.00 tweeks$16.00 4weeks$48.00 Thank You for your Business You understand that(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person,(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned,and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract Printed Name Signature: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-STAPLETON,NATHAN A Rental: Damage Waiver: Sales: Delivery Charge: Misc Charges: $460.00 $36.80 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: INDIANA: Total: Paid: Amount Due: $496.80 $0.00 $496.80 $0.00 $496.80 Modification#3 Printed On Thu 6/13/2013 5:37:26PM Contract-Paramsmn.rpt(1) 11111111111111111161111111111111 IN IN Page 1 of 1 R V IMY®N 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Status: Closed CARMEL,IN 46032 V\ Invoice#: 268569-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Thu 6/13/2013 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Wed 6112/2013 11:26:OOAM "Don't be a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: JOEL PROCHNOW CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by:ALDEN, RICK Salesman:NONE Qty Key Items Rented Ser# Status Returned Date Price 1 8135#0003 PRESSURE WASHER 4000 PSI 10112576 Returned 6/13/2013 1:54:0013M $90.00 4Hrs$80.00 lday$90.00 lweeks$360.00 4weeks$1,080.00 1 8135#0006 PRESSURE WASHER 4000 PSI 10582697 Returned 6/12/2013 1:09:OOPM $0.00 4Hrs$80.00 lday$90.00 lweeks$360.00 4weeks$1,080.00 1 8135#0007 PRESSURE WASHER 4000 PSI 10583244 Returned 6/13/2013 1:54:OOPM $90.00 4Hrs$80.00 lday$90.00 lweeks$360.00 4weeks$1,080.00 Thank You for your Business You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85 00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: Signature: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-ALDEN,RICK Rental: Damage Waiver: Sales: Delivery Charge: Misc Charges: $180.00 $14.40 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: INDIANA: Total: Paid: Amount Due: $194.40 $0.00 $194.40 $0.00 $194.40 Modification#5 Printed On Thu 6113/2013 5:37.19PM Contract-Paramswn.rpt(1) 111111111111111111111111111111111111 IN Page 1 of 1 R V Ntfori 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Status: Closed CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice#: 268681-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Thu 6/13/2013 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Thu 6/13/2013 9:42:OOAM "Don't be a tool-Rent one' 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: SCOTT FLOWERS CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: DAVIS,JOSHUA ALAN Salesman:NONE Qty Key Items Sold Part# Status Each Price 1 STYLE 29 BOOT HIP STEEL TOE&SHANK STYLE 29 Pulled $69.75 $69.75 Thank You for your Business You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned,and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name. Signature: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-DAVIS,JOSHUA ALAN Rental: Sales: Delivery Charge: Misc Charges: $0.00 $69.75 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: INDIANA: Total: Paid: Amount Due: $69.75 $0.00 $69.75 $0.00 $69.75 Modification#1 Printed On Thu 6/13/2013 5:37:12PM Contract-Paramsrunspt(1) IIIIII VIII VIII /III VIII VIII/III/III Page 1 of 1 RU NYON 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Status: Closed Invoice#: 268675-1 CARMEL,IN 46032 EQUIVMENT DENTAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Thu 6/13/2013 1-800-276-TOOI(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Thu 6/13/2013 9:23:OOAM 'Don't be a tool-Rent one' 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: MEL SPROUSE CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: HIGGINBOTHAM, LEE MATTHEW Salesman:NONE Qty Key Items Sold Part# Status Each Price 4 761475960632-1 SQUEEGEE 36"W/HANDLE 761475960632 Pulled $2999 $119.96 1 079154163411-1 CUPS CONE 40Z 20OCT 079154163411 Pulled $4.99 $4.99 1 072874030445-1 BOOTS SLUSH BOSS SIZE 17 YEL 072874030445 Pulled $25.99 $25.99 Thank You for your Business You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract Printed Name Signature: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-HIGGINBOTHAM,LEE MATTHEW Rental: Sales Delivery Charge: Misc Charges $0.00 $150.94 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: INDIANA: Total: Paid: Amount Due: $150.94 $0.00 $150.94 $0.00 $150.94 Modification#1 Printed On Thu 6/1312013 5:37.05PM Contract-Paremsmn.rpt(1) 11111111111111111111111111111111111 IN Page 1 of Status: Closed 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE ®� CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice#: 268566-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Wed 6/12/2013 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Wed 6/12/2013 11:16:00AM "Don't be a tool-Rent one` 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: JOEL PROCHNOW CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: HOBBS, JAMES A Salesman:NONE Qty Key Items Sold Part# Status Each Price 1 075352003436-1 DRILL BIT SIDS 7/16"X12" 075352003436 Pulled $9.89 $9.89 1 075352003368-1 DRILL BIT SIDS 3/8"X12" 075352003368 Pulled $8.59 $8.59 Thank You for your Business You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned,and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract Printed Name Signature: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-HOBBS,JAMES A Rental: Sales: Delivery Charge: Misc Charges: $0.00 $18.48 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal. INDIANA: Total: Paid: Amount Due: $18.48 $0.00 $18.48 $0.00 $18.48 Modification#1 Printed On Wed 611212013 5*4236PM Contract-Paramsrun.rpt(1) Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 06/04/13 267421-1 $135.00 06/05/13 267294-1 $19.95 06/05/13 267294-1 $291.60 06/06/13 267756-1 $45.04 06/07/13 267887-1 $297.00 06/07/13 267904-1 $38.90 06/10/13 268259-1 $154.95 06/11/13 268391-1 $345.60 06/11/13 268393-2 $118.80 06/12/13 268558-1 $2.78 06/12/13 268566-1 $18.48 06/13/13 268681-1 $69.75 06/13/13 268538-1 $496.80 06/13/13 268569-1 $194.40 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Runyon Equipment Rental IN SUM OF $ 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 $2,379.99 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#!TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 267421-1 43-530.99 j $135.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 2201 267294-1 43-560.03 $19.95 bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the 2201 267294-1 43-530.99 $291.60 materials or services itemized thereon for 2201 267756-1 42-364.00 $45.04 2201 267887-1 43-530.99 $297.00 which charge is made were ordered and 2201 267904-1 42-311.00 $38.90 received except 2201 268259-1 42-370.00 $154.95 2201 268391-1 43-530.99 $345.60 2201 268393-2 43-530.99 $118.80 2201 268558-1 42-389.00 $2.78 F y, iYWAAM 2201 268566-1 42-370.00 $18.48 2201 268681-1 43-560.01 $69.75 Str� b�a>ri�iissis�ne r 2201 268538-1 43-530.99 $496.80 Title 2201 268569-1 43-530.99 $194.40 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 06/13/13 268675-1 $150.94 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Runyon Equipment Rental IN SUM OF $ 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 $2,379.99 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. I ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 1 268675-1 1 42-389.001 $150.94 Street Commissioner Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund