HomeMy WebLinkAbout036-97.erosion control plan2� U � � � � r � m � � 0 � cu � � � � L � � 0 � w i m _ cn � �o v � � � � � � a � NOTE: TO CONTRACTOR 1. Prfor to any work commencing contractor shall install stone drive at entrance. and all silt fences shown on plan. 2. Upon compietion of the storm structure from being built the fabric drop iniet protection is to be inatalied ON curb iniets and straw bales on y�ard inlets SmmedTately. 3. Upon completion of the swale construction, contractor shail notify engineer to as-built, upon review of as-built engineer shatl notify contractor to install the erosion contrd blankets as soon cs possib�e. FORMS/22687 PERSON ONSITE RESPONSIBLE FOR EROSION CONTROL: TOM KUTZ CENTEX COMPANY (317)-574-6950 Soi1 Erosion Controt Summary The following is c list in aequence of construction activities to control so� erosion: I. Contractor shali inatail sediment traps �d atraw bale f�ters, as shoam. 2. Grade the site (sides ot swcies. mounds and ponds to be seeded and muiched immediately upon completion). Temporary seeding shcll be recommended for oll swates and disturbed areas that cannot be flnd seeded within a time period that wi11 preve�t slope erosion. For temporory seading, the contractor shall utAize a fast growing seed of either oats. annud ryregrass, wheat or rye depending on time of year. Disturbed areaa should be kept to a minirrwm at all times. 3. C�tractor shall cantrol m�d accumuletion on all streets surroundtng project by instelitng atone aurface at all Ixations whare construction traffic leoves the site. Duat sholl be kept to a minimum by utifizing sprinkiing. Calcium Chiortde, Vegetotive cover, spray on adhesives or other approved mathods. 4. Maintain ail filters ond tr�a during construction to prever►t any bixkeges trom occumulated sedimen� Additional seeding and straw bales may ba required during construction es specifted by Engin� or Soil C�servation Service. Payment for odditional straw bales shdl be at the Contractors expense. Pcyment for additional rip rap (not shown on plcns) and seeding sheii be paid for on a unit basis. 5. Contractor shall install vll sanitary sewers, storm sewers. subaurfoce draina, and water maina Straw bale filters shalt be tnstalted at all atorm inlets (inctuding street z��et9�. Recommended Erosion Control Measuros Erosion Control Blanket: Recommend srosion contrd bia�kets such as North Ame�tcan (;reen S750 be instailed as a temporary erosion co�trol measure (n the bottom of cny swale with a concontrated aurface water flow. Refer to eroaion control practice number 3.17 . Strnw Bale Orop Inlat Protection: Recommend using straw bcle drop inlet protectlon as per eroston controi practka number 3.54 as a t�nporary erosion contrd moasure unttl blankets ara installed. Other drop inlet protaction pract(ces may become necessary upon the recommendation of tha engineer or eroaion control consultant if o speciftc need orises dur�g construction. Topaoil Saivoge and UtHizotfon: As per erosion controt practice number 3.02 Removal of topsoil to a depth of six inches (or more if required by the engTneer) from etl areas to be excawted or fllled. TopsoN should be stored at a location whera it w�l not interfere with construction operatians. Temporary Seeding: Recommend temporary seedtng es per erosion control practice number 3.11 if dtsturbed c,�ound is to be left bare for two months or more. In uddition, ft is recomm�►ded red clover be added to the seedtog mUcture at a rate of 10 pounda p� acre. Dormant �d Frost Seeding: As per proctice number 3.13 attachad to be applied if nocassory. Surfoce Roughen�g: As per aroaion control practice number 3.03, suggest using a bulldozer to track with deqts perpendiculer to the slope of slopes on dtsturbed ground of six percant or greater and around the shore of the lakes as a temporary measure untq ready for blankets. Temparary Gravel Canstruction Entrance/�xit Pad: Recommended � per erosion contrd practtce number 3.01. Tree Canservation/Protection: As per erosion control prxtice number 3.83, the contractor shall, at the direction af the developar, endecvor to sav�e and protect trees of value and worth which do not impair consiruction of improv�nents as designed. In the event cut or flit exceeds Q.5 foot over the root area, tha developer shall be conaulted with respect of protective mea�re to be taken, if �y, to preserve such trees• Ma�tenance Schedufe: Ma�tenance of oli erosion control practicas should ba done os needed on a weekly basis and after all large stoRns. A construction supervisor shou�d be ossigned the task of seei�g that ati practices ore installed and maintatned according to the design criteria. Meintenance for each erosion contrd practice shoutd be conductad per mainten�co schedu�e shown on each erosion control practice Job sheet (cttcched). Construction Sequence Schadule: Sp�ing (Projected season to stert): Locote areas of tree protection, install gravel c�nstruction entranca, tnstali temporcry silt fence, sMp and stxkpile topsoD. Exccvate building areas and other earthwork (Idces. roads, swales. sewers. etc.) 0 Sp�ing/Summer. Install strawbaie iniet protection. Install rxk chute outlet protectton. �nstdl temporory eroaion control blankets as needed. Track in ridges with dozer d�ta on all slopes great� th� stx percent and around side siopes of lakes. Summor/Fail: Appiy sod in oll areas that ore finish graded. Apply temporary seeding in areas where eorthwork construction is haited �d areo will be bara and expoaed for mae than two months. Molntain eroaton control practkea as per erosion contrd me�t�ance achedule above. Remowe temporary erosion control measures in stabtlized areos that have been sodded. Wint�/Spring: Appiy dormant seeding on any areas that show a need for i� Continue maint�ance of existing erasion contro! practices. Spring/Summer/Fall (following year): Stabilize all open ground and remove temporary �osion cantrol practkes. Implement final landscope plan. FORMS\18545ECM • Seeding Speciflcotlorta: I. Oitch Banks: shall be seeded and covered with North American Green flb� blanket �5150 and �SC150 (or Equal) or Hydroseeded with straw mulch. The Contractor ahall fdlow the manufacturer s recommended guidalinas for lnstallation and staple pattema when InatallMg the fiber bfonkete. Seediny rate: IIO�/acre or 2.5�/1000 S.F. Seedfng mixture: 389G Kent 31 Fescue 19X Perenniol Rye 19X Annucl Rye 14% Orchard Grass IOX Ken� Bluegroae 2 4' of topsoll (minTmum) shall be placed prior to pertnonent seeding. 3. if grades �e establ}ahed between May IS and Auguat 10, a temporary ssedtng consisting of 40# of Annuat Ryegrass shall be pla�ted per axe. 4. If grodes Qe eatobtiahed between Octobx 15 and December 30, aither Rye (groin) or Wheat may be used at the rate of 2 bushels/Ac. All grains ahould be mowed prior to seed matur�g. 5. If temporary sssding is established prior to pertnanent seading, the mulch may be etiml�ated except in 'bore" areos. 6. If grading occurs during December. .k�nuary, or February, use dormant seedtr�g and it sha�ld be done withfn 7 dcya of last land diaturbing activfty. Maintenance: Seeding *inspect periodically, especially after storm events, until the stend is successfully established. (Characteristics of a successful stand include: vigorous dark green or bluish-green seedlings; uniform density with nurse plants, fegumes, and grasses well inter-mixed; green leaves; and the perennials remaining green throughout the summer, at least at the plant base.) *Plan to vdd fertilizer the following growing season according to soil test recommendations. *Repair damaged, bare, or spdrse a�eas by ftlling any gullies, re- fertilizing, over- or re-seeding, and mulching. *If piant cover is sparse or patchy, review the piant moterials chosen, soil fertility� moisture condition, and mulching; then repair the affected area either by over-seeding or by re-seeding and mulching after re-preparing the seedbed. *If vegetation fails to grow, consider soil testing to determine acidity or nutrient deficiency problems. (cantoct your SWCD or Cooperative Extension office for assistance.) *If additional fertilization is needed to get a satisfactory stand, do so according to soil test recommendations. Maintenance Storm *Inspect after storm events to check for movement of mulch or for erosion. *If washout, breakage, or erosion is present, repair the surface, then re-seed, re-mulch and, if applicable, instail new netting. *Continue inspections until vegetation is �rmly estabiished. Maintenance Blankets *During vegetative establishment, inspect after storm events for any erosion below the blanket. *If any area shows erosion, pull back that portion of the blanke# covering it, add soil, re-seed the area, and re-lay and staple the blanket. After vegetative establishment, check the treated area periodically. METES/23899 Gravei bags overlap onto the curb 1. Fill geotextile bags approximately half full with 2 to 3 inch stone or gravel. 2. At a position downslope of the lat and upslope of the inlet, lay bags tightly in a row curving upslope from curb and away from inlet. 3. Overlap bags onto the curb and extend a min- imum of 3 feet into the street. 4. For additional layers, overlap bags with the row beneath, and leave a one-bag gap in the mlddle of the top row to serve os a spfliway. 5. Piace bags in an arc around curb inlets that are in a sump position. 6. Set up safety/traffic barciers to keep vehichles from hitting bags, causing possible in jury. 7. Inspect and repair as needed, and remove any accumulated sediments after every storm. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN EXISTING STREETS FROM DEBRIS OF DIRT,SAND,OR STONE AND SHALL BE RESPONSlBLE FOR THE CLEANING OF SUCH ITEMS. AFTER COMPLETION OF THE WORK, THE BUILDERS WILL BE REQUIRED TO KEEP STREETS FREE OF THE SAME, AT THE CITIES DISCRETION. EXISTING VEGETATION: PARTIALLY HEAVY WOODS/WEEDS EROSION CONTROL FOR INDIVIDUAL LOTS 1. CONSTRUCT A GRAVEL DRIVE 2. CONFlNE ALL TRAVEL TO THE GRAVEL DRIVE 3. PRESERVE AS MUCH OF THE EXISTING VEGETATION AS POSSIBLE 4. IF THERE ARE LARGE EXPOSED AREAS ON OR NEAR SLOPES A SILT FENCE MAY BE REQUIRED 5. AFTER FlNAL GRADING, SEED OR SOD THE YARD AS SOON AS POSSIBLE 6. AFTER A YARD IS RE-VEGETATED, REMOVE ALL TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES ALL AREAS NOT DENOTING PERMANENT SEEDING OR FIBER BLANKETS SHALL BE TEMPORARILY SEEDED. RECOMMENDED EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WERE TAKEN FROM CHAPTER 3 AS STATED IN THE INDIANA HANDBOOK FOR EROSION CONTROL IN DEVELOPING AREAS. ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REQUIRED BY INSPECTOR AS CONDITIONS WARRANT. .-,'.. /""`- Gap between bage acts as a sptliway � % �� CURB INLET PROTECTION DETAIL ../'•, �� ! � � � • � � • �,��-!'�.��+}��l '��`-+! � �� �� ����r ���� � �!� , �...��i��!��--� STONE ACCESS DRIVE DETAIL 8' 3' -�� -�..� � A 1 STAPLE PER SQ. YD. 6' r- 3' _ ' "� '� �-' 3 e 1-t/2 STAPLES PER SQ. YD. ti - 3' aoo 2 STAPLES PER SQ. YD. a' �- 2' -+t x �-w- � x x x x xDx x x x 3.5 STAPLES PER SQ. YD. zo• � C STAPIE PATTERNS APPLY TO ALL NORTH AMERICAN � 8 GREEN EROSION WNif20L BLANKETS. STAPIE �op PATfERNS WILL VARY DEPENDIN6 UPON SLOPE C C LENGTH. SLOPE GRADE, SOIL TYPE AND AYERAGE � t7s ANNUAL RAINFALL ��6p p C D w ,aa ° � '� A �8 '� A 8 2,s g �. a:t xi x> >:i �ow �o/uww i a �. � SLOPE GRADIENT � ��. � ri���. �� STAPLE PATTERN G'�E Conalderations in Constructi� Sequence Schedulk�g Constructbn phass (specfftc acthRtba or eroaton control praatioea)• Conetruotbn schedule consideratbns Pre-construction actiona (Evaluation/protec- Before construction, evaluate, mark, and protect tion of important site ch�aracteristics) important trees and ossociated rootln9 zones. unique oreos (e.g., wetiands) to ba preserved, on- site septic system absorptton ftelds, ond vegetation suiteble for fiiter strips, especially in perimeter areas. Construction access (Constructlon entrances, 5tabilize bare areas immediately with grovel and conatruction routes, equipment porking areas) and temporary vegetation as work takes place. Sediment barciers and trops (Basin traps, silt install principai basins ofter constructton sfte is fences, outtet protectton) assessed. Install additiona! trops and barrters oa needed during groding. Runoff conveyance system (Stabilized stream- Where necessary, stabilize streambanka as early banka, storm draina, iniet cnd outlet pro- os possbie. tections, chonnels) Install principal conveyance system with runoff control measures. Install remainder of system after grading. Land clearing and grading (Cutting/ftllingJ Begin mojor cieoring and grading after inatall- grcding, drains„ sediment traps, barriers, the key sediment and runoff measures. divexsions, surface roughening) Gear borrow and dtsposal areas as needed. Install additionai control measures as grading progresses. Surface stabilization (Temporary and p�ma- Appiy temporary or pem�anent atabilizatiort nent seeding, muiching, sodding, riprap) measures immedfately on all disturbed areas where wwk is delayed or completed. Building construction (Buildings, utAities, Install necessary erosion and sediment control paving) practices as work takes place. Landscaping and flnal stabilizotion (Topsoil- St�ilize all open areas, including borrow and ing, trees and shrubs, permonent seeding. spoll areas. muiching, sodding, riprap) Remove temporary control measures ond stabilize. *Maintenance -- (1) inspect practices at ►east once a week, and (2) make repoirs immediately ofter periods of roinfali. �FSS/��4ao�o SEASONAL SOIL PROTEC110N CHART STABILIZATION PRACTICE JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUN. JUL. AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. PERMAN�rvT q *IIII/IIIIII* "/II> SEEDING ------------------------- DORMANT B _� g_� SEEDING SEEDING --------E -- *IIII//II" --> ------ SQDDING - - - - - F�* - - - *I�///II/�/////*- - �- - - - - MULCHING G A� KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS 40 Iba/AC.: CREEPING RED FESCUE 40 Ibs./AC.: PLUS 2 TONS STRAW MULCH/AC. OR ADD ANNUAL RYEGRASS 201bs>/AC. B= KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS 60 Ibs./AC.: CREEPING RED FESCUE 60 ibs./AC.: PLUS 2 TONS STRAW MULCH/AC. OR ADD ANNUAL RYEGRASS 301bs>/AC. C= SPRING OATS 3 BUSHEL/ACRE D= WHEAT OR RYE 2 BUSHEL/ACRE E= ANNUAL RYEGRASS 40 Ibs./AC. (1 Ib./1000 sq. ft.) F = SOD G= STRAW MULCH 2 TONS/ACRE *///* = IRRIGATION NEEDED DURING JUNE, JULY, AND/OR SEPT. �* = IRRIGATION NEF�ED FQR 2 TO 3 WEEKS AFTER APPLYING SOD WOOD STAKES 15"-20" IN GROUND FENCE P�ST ti; �; FENCE P�ST SHDULD � BE BURIED �1' BELOW GROUND SURFACE, ANGLE FIRST STAKE ; TOWARD PREVIOUSLY f f 'i LAID BALE f % � r, � 1 � � � 1 / f� � `� ` , r f � �v �v �t . i � ;- .. / Jr ,j ' f r -� r � .v �,�i �ri � .� w � y W y � y � �Y �V �Y J• � � W y STRAW BALE DAM DETAIL NOT-TO-SCAtE CHINK GAPS ` w/STRAW _ 'L - » �,r- U. T SECTION � SILT FENCE DETAIL NOT-TO-SCALE `���. �� "._''�`! ``� .� � No. = 193.58 : BTATE OF : 'NOIN�' .� ., �' � ., •,�i.. GROUND SURFACE E MATERIAL SHOULD BE BURIED 6" BEL�W GR❑UND SURFACE, } m � z O � 5 w � Y °�d' � Q 0 � m � m p �Z �� � � W � � Z �\ M ; : : � O) � � M � � W li. � H � W U � � � W � � � Z J �'i � ' � l.l� z C� W � z � J � z O U N d- � � I � � .-�. � M X Q L� r rn t0 I 00 N � O � � I tf') � � � I '� ' �' � � � � � � ¢ ¢ 0 z � O Q Z a s z V! 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