HomeMy WebLinkAbout221566 07/02/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 366092 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE INDIANA DESIGN CENTER, LLC CHECK AMOUNT: $5,184.53 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 ATTN:LAUIE SILER 770 3RD AVE SW CHECK NUMBER: 221566 CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK DATE: 7/2/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4350900 APRIL 3 , 263 . 93 OTHER CONT SERVICES 2201 4350900 MAY 1, 920 . 60 OTHER CONT SERVICES INDIANA DESIGN CENTER, LLC One Pedcor Square 770 3rd Ave. SW Carmel,Indiana 46032 June 19, 2013 City of Carmel: Street Dept. Attn: Dave Huffman 3400 West l 31 st Street Carmel, INT 46074 RE: :Billing in accordance with the Parking Administration Agreement between Indiana Design Center and The City of Carmel dated December 1, 2011. INVOICE - April Due: Upon Receipt Invoice City% Date Vendor For Amount Amount 04/02/13 Duke Energy Garage/Stairwell Electric $ 2,477.84 $ 2,477.84 04/02/13 Carmel Utitilies Water $ 384.38 $ 128.17 04/07/13 AT&T Fire/Elevator Phone Lines $ 258.61 $ 86.23 04/01/13 ThyssenKrupp Elevator Maintenance Contract $ 1,514.52 $ 505.00 04/03/13 AADCO Annual Fire Monitoring $ 200.00 $ 66.69 Total Amount Due $ 3,263.93 If you have any questions please contact Laurie Siler at 317.587.0467 Please make checks payable and mail to: Indiana Design Center, LLC Attn: Laurie Siler 770 3rd Ave SW Carmel, IN 46032 DUKE ENERGY f3ue'Da#e ,: .: A`tnoun#Dua Account Number 6340-3678-02-5 Cm 01 Apr 25,2013 $2,477.84 For more detailed billing information on your monthly bill,check box on right -- Helping Hand Contribution Amount Enclosed #63F0 S6LH 02CM SWQO# (for Customer Assistance) 0000096 01 AV 1).357 "AUru 10?36846032-203670 :.01-1'00000.1 4 IIII tf'II'IIIIIIII till li III IIi'fIIIhI'IIII!!pill IIf11111iIIIIII[ Indiana Design Center, LLC Y Attn: Laurie Siler PO Box 1326 770 3Rd Ave SW Charlotte NC 28201-1326 Carmel IN 46032-2036 900 00002477840 63403678025 042520136 00002547317 PLEASE RETURN THE TOP PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT Page t of 1 its .:...........:...... ..::............:.::...::..: .. Indiana Design Center,LLC Duke Energy 1-800-521-2232 6340-3678-02-5 200 Range Line Rd S Misc:Hse Pan 1 L1 Carmel IN 46032 ` � t , O agents To Accc�un3rlarmatt PO Box 1326 Payments after Apr 03 not included Bill prepared on Apr 03,2013 Charlotte NC 2820 1-1 326 Last payment received Mar 25 Next meter reading May 01,2013 ::. Reat3irag'.L�a,t� .. ... : <i�li��r;Ftear#in # keler. iumtaer: 1;<: rtiii Ta:?:: paysl,.Previcus'Prese#i: •.} it$i►1ti:: fists g., Z*1 Elec 106996865 Mar 01 Apr 02 32 5932 6093 160 25,760 48.00 e trio �estoenterrcf : :..::..:-: Usage- 25,760 kWh 9.50 kVar Amt Due-Previous Bill $2,349.83 Duke Energy-Rate LSNO $2,315.74 Payment(s) Received 2,349.83cr Current Electric Charges 2,315. 4 Balance Forward 0.00 i Current Electric Charges 2,315.74 Taxes 162.10 Current Amount Due Taxes $162.10 2,477.84 Duke Energy Indiana is holding a series of stakeholder workshops in conjunction with the development of its 2013 Integrated Resource Plan(a 20-year planning document). Details on the April 24th workshop and additional information can be found at www.duke-energy,comlin-irp• ri 7 - Date Amount flue Fspr 2'S;,2,013 Average Cost: $0.0899 per kWh Apr 25,2013 $2,477.84 $2,547.31 DUKE �/ �E6 ERG Q�t _'368-01-00-U011orY -0u01-(}cxx)1v6 - www.duke-energy.c-om city.of i�armel Utilities Account N�umber�06�62496�401 P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 1 Amount Due $384.38 Customer Service , L ate 0 www.carmelutilities.com (317)571-2442 Due Date Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Amount Due $410.27 After Due Date INDIANA DESIGN CENTER M 770 3RD AVE SW CARMEL, IN 46032 CONSOLIDATED BILLING C\ 0 MEMO== FANE=�d PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU 03105/13 04102/113 63083245 423 440 (406.22) WATER 17 $82-83 SEWER 1 STATE TAX 7 $122.36 ITotal Location Charges For: 200 S RANGE LINE RD aR $5.80 03105113 04102J 13 ojVUjzqd 729 736 $210.99 WATER SEWER 7 $82.83 STATE TAX 7 $84.76 ITotal Location Charges For: 200 S RANGE LINE RD#A $5,80 $173.39 PREVIOUS BALANCE FOR ALL LOCATIONS $0.00 CURRENT BILLING FOR ALL LOCATIONS $384.38 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $384.38 AMOUNT DUE AFTER 05/03/13 $410.27 LL 0 0 Service Location acme! Account Number armel Utilities �iil JeliNf—v1:­ be-fr'r-ihe $384. u CARMEL UTILITIES PO BOX 109 Amount Enclosed k CARMEL, IN 46082 F Please use return envelope provided when paying by-ail. Make sure address shows in window. C PEDCGR IT 08A INDIANA DESIGN C Pegs 1 2 j� ENfERtiC AceouMNmnbar 3177 7060306 867 1 7203RD AVE SW Billing Dab Apr 7,2013 j CARMEL,IN 16032.7016 eat� �� WabSile BtLCOrr1�) Invoice Number 31770BD30501 Monthly Statement Mar 8-Apr 7,2013 'AT&T Benefits Previous Bill 236,96 •Total AT&T Savings 14735 Payment Received 401-Thank You 236.98CR Adiusunents .00 Balance 00 Mooft Serolee-Apr 71hreo6 Charges for 317 706-M Current Charges 256,61 Monthly Charges 11,45 But Local Calling Measured Z.30 Total Amount Due $258.61 Individual Message Business Measured Pion Amount Due in Full by Apr 27,2618 Calling Name Display Caller tdetldfinetion By choosing Bus Local Calling Measured, you are saving 529.55 over the cost of the some services purchased separately. Billing Ouesdonst Visit aft-cont/billing Charges for 317 706-M Monthly Charges 5.75 Plans and Services 258,61 Bus Local Calling Measured 35,30 1-600490-8086 Individual Message Business Repair Service: Measured Plan 14 MO-727-2273 Calling Name Display Callerldentification Total of Current Charges 258.61 By choosing Bus Local Calling Measured, you are saving 529.55 over the cost of die same services purchased separately. Charges Lot 317 706-M Monthly Charges 5.75 Bus Local Calling Maaswed 3630 Individual Message Business Measured Plan Gelling Name Display Caller Identification By choosing Bus local Calling Measured, You are saving 529.55 over the cost of die some services purchased separately. Charges for 317 706-08 Monthly Charges 575 *PREVENT DISCONNECT -LONG DISTANCE INFO •DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE Ses'News You Can Use'for addidanal information. Lno1 swims,provided by AT&T minds,AT&T Indary AT&T Mlddoaa AT&T Ohioor AT&T Wismmf n based upon the snefeoa_ddas&locad n. Rstmnbattam potion with your tlwcY In fho andotad easelopa. GO GREM-Enroll In Papmfoas billing. DUE BY: Apr 27,2013 $258.61 ea LATE:After Apr 27,2013 $273.61 PEDCDR IT DBA INDIANA DESIGN C •�{.pp� Billing Date Apr 7,2013 Account Number 317 706-0305 867 7 ENTER LLC M GilOt� Plot-Include your account number on your check 7203RD AVE SW CARMEL.IN 16032.2036 Make Checks Payable to: AT&T PO BOX 5080 CAROL STREAM IL 60197.5080 "11111irllr11'1,111,1.-111111ir111,1rllhlrr11 Ill.11101111hr11 7317070600305867711110020000000000000000000258610000027361 PEOCOR IT DBA INDIANA DESIGN C Page 2 of 2 ENTER AVE Ace Billie Date 317706-0305861) at 1203RD A SW Billing Date Apr 7,2013 CARMEL IN 48002.2036 Invoice Number 31TA W3W Laced Calls-Continued Call($)Charged to 317 706.0632 Moatbk Service-Candaned Measured Plan Plan Summary Bus Local Calling Measured X30 30 Mmute(s)billed at 50.03 per minute 90 Individual Message Business Total Callfs)Charged to 317 706-0632 .9D Measured Wan Total Local Cefls Z97 Caging Name Display Caller Identification Smchameaand Other Fees 9.1.1 Emergency System By choosing Bus Local Calling Measured, Billed ford's State of Indiana AIM you eta saving 52 M over the coat of the same Fedaral Universal Service Fee 165 services purchased separately. IN Universal Service Surcharge .97 IN UQIY Receipt Surcharge 110 Charges for3177054W Telecommunications Relay Service 15 Monthly Charges 5.75 Toter Surcharges and Other Feas 1537 Bus Local CaOiag Measmad 36.30 Individual Message Business Taxes Measured Plan Federal at 3% &� Calling Name Display State at 7% 1583 Caller Identification Total Texas 22-40 13Y changing Bus Local Caging Measured, Total Plans and Services 23Bb1 you are saving S29..%over the host of the same services purchased separately. TOW Nice"Sasafea 215.75 Additives and Chooses to Service PREVENT DISCONNECT This section of your bill reflects charges and credits resulting from Thant you for being a valued customer.It is important to inform you account activity. that all charges must be paid each month to keep you,account current Item Monthly Amount and Prevent collection activides.In addition,please be aware that No. Description Quantity Rata Billed we are required to inform you of certain charges that MUST ba paid in Date:Apr 7,2013 order to pteventinterruption of basic local service.These charges Order NumberES03674B84 are alreadyincluded in the TOW Amount Due and are 5258.61. Effective Apr 1,2015,your If you don't agree with the amoant due,you should dispute the portion BID rdeetc a decrease of you disagree with before the payment due data. S40 in you Monthly Service charges.Charges are LONG DISTANCE INFO prorated from Apr I,2013 Our records indicate that you have chosen not to have a tutu Apr 6,2013 local W1 or a fang distance company. 1.Monthly Service .O8CR Effactive Apr$2013,your DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE Bill reflects an increase of On or after OW2013,calls to Directory Assistance wig be entirely $16.50in your Monthly automated.Customers can obtain one telephone number par call.Charges Service charges.Charges are are unchanged and will be assessed only when the caller is provided prorated from Apr 1 2013 fisting information. thru Apr 6,2013 L Monthly Service 2.T0 TOW Charges for Ordar Number 89034374984 112 TOW Additions and Changes to Service L12 LocalCAUs Will Charged to 317 70fr03i9 MaeatttadplaO Plea Bammary W Minute(s)billod atS IM per minute 2,07 TOMI Califs)Charged to 317 706-0365 107 4752.0112-002761.01.01 A0000011 NNNNNNNY 5543.5543 N ?a0s9g6T 1(roa4rQps ��, SCOZ-ZENO NI 13W11V3 MS 3AV(7HC OZL 3111131N3 3 NOM30 VNV1f3Nl Ve0 L klox3d Illlrll��l'I'��Illlll�lrllrl�ll'1III1I'111E11�I�I'I'f III IIrIIrIII 90 09C'O AV L t9LZ'6'tZSLp THYSSENKRUPF- CLEVATOR CORP. L_oRI=NALiNvu,cE7 TERMS:NET-INVOICES ARE DUE WHEN RENDERED FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING THIS INVOICE REMIT TO TKE CORP CONTACT: 317-595-1125 PO SOX 933004 ATLANTA GA 31193-3004 2877 INDIANAPOLIS BRANCH THIS IS A BILLING FOR THE SERVICE PERIOD REFERENCED BELOW. 1,514.52 ATSAX e>M 0.00 1,514-5J2 WCAMD STOVER PURCRA :-.'OPDER ND. ONE PEDCORE SO INDIANA DESIGN CTR PEDCORE HOMES CORPORATION 200 S RANGE LINE RD 770 3RD AVE SW CARMEL IN 46032-2135 CARMEL IN 46032-2036 United States 'a' JOB NO WOIC--DATE OURJOS,N().�. .9 24060 US5679 01-APR-13 ICE mo GOODS OR SERVICES COVERED BYTHiS INVOICE WERE PRODUCE[)IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938,AS AMENDED. 3000467690 04/01/13 0 06/30/13 FOL042 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP. CUSTOMER COPY TERMS:NET-INVOICES ARE DUE WHEN RENDERED FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING THIS INVOICE REMIT TO TKE CORP CONTACT: 317-595-1125 PO BOX 933004 ATLANTA GA 31193-3004 2877 77,7 INDIANAPOLIS BRANCH THIS IS A BILLING FOR THE SERVICE PERIOD REFERENCED BELOW. 1,514,52 Yw c) O'Go A'EASEPAY 1,514.52 ONE PEDCORE SO INDIANA DESIGN CTR PEDCORE HOMES CORPORATION 200 S RANGE LINE RD 770 3RD AVE SW CARMEL IN 46032-2135 CARMEL IN 46032-2036 United States 24060 US5679 0I-APR-13 N*Qo o GOODS OR SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE WERE PRODUCED IN COMPLIANCE WITH - THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938.AS AMENDED. 3000467690 04701/1.3 TO 06130/13 RX042 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP. -REMITTANCECOPY TERMS:NET-INVOICES ARE DUE WHEN RENDERED FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING THIS INVOICE REMIT TO TKE CORP CONTACT: 317-595-1125 Po BOX 933004 ATLANTA GA 3'1 193-3OG4 2877 INDIANAPOLIS BRANCH THIS IS A BILLING FOR THE SERVICE PERIOD REFERENCED BELOW. PT.• 1,514,52 ........... 0.00 1,514.52 ONE PEDCORE SO INDIANA DESIGN CTR R PEDCORE HOMES CORPORATION 200 S RANGE LINE RD 770 3RD AVE SW CARMEL IN 46032-2135 CARMEL IN 46032.2036 United States Y-XIJSTQMEB; 24060 US5679 01-APR-13 GOODS OR SERVICES COVERED By THIS INVOICE WERE PRODUCED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT Or 1938,AS AMENDED. 3000467690 04/01113 TO 06/30/13 FDLO42 AAoco, mc. Invoice P. O. Box 401 APB: Gt a3 ZU 13 Date Invoice# Beech Grave, IN 46107-0401 63343 P# ( 317) 781-7680 F# ( 317) 781-7 ------_.___ Bill To Ship To Pedcor Homes Corporation Indiana Design Center 365 City Center Dr. 200 S. Rangeline Rd. Carmel,IN 46432 Carmel, !N 46032 Attn:Tosha Jackson I PI Terms Rep Ship Via F.O.B. Project Net 10 Moe 4/3/2013 Monitoring Monitoring Item Code Description Price Each Amount Monitoring Annual Monitoring Fee From 4/3/13 To 4/3/14 On 200.00 Fire Alarm System 200.00 Sales Tax 7 40% 0.00 It Thank you for your business. [Total $200.00 INDIANA DESIGN CENTER,LLC One Pedcor Square 770 3rd Ave. SW Carmel,Indiana 46032 June 19, 2013 City of Carmel: Street Dept. Attn: Dave Huffman 3400 West 131 st Street Carmel, IN 46074 RE: Billing in accordance with the Parking Administration Agreement between Indiana Design Center and The City of Carmel dated December 1, 2011. INVOICE - May Due: Upon Receipt Invoice City% Date Vendor For Amount Amount 05/01/13 Duke Energy Garage/Stairwell Electric S 1,706.01 S 1,706.01 04/30/13 Carmel Utitilies Water S 388.14 S 129.42 05/07/13 AT&T Fire/Elevator Phone Lines S 255.41 S 85.16 Total Amount Due S 1,920.60 If you have any questions please contact Laurie Siler at 317.587.0467 Please make checks payable and mail to: Indiana Design Center, LLC Attn: Laurie Siler 770 3rd Ave SW Carmel, IN 46032 DUKE ENERGY Que.Date, ;:.: Ar�touiit Due _::; Account Number 6340-3678-02-5 CM 01 May 24,2013 $1,706.01 For more detailed billing information on your monthly bill,check box on right $ $ HelpingHand Contribution Amount Enclosed #63FO S611-H 02CM SW00# (for Customer Assistance) 0000111 01 AV 0 157 "AUru i 0 zase avnu-2o3viu 4:0i-PW00fW 4 °'Irrll�I�I°III°II'I�16r�lllrllllll'�'��Ilrllll�rlll�rlrlllll" ' Indiana Design Center, LLC Attm Laurie Siler PO Box t326 770 3Rd Ave SW Charlotte NC 28201-1326 Carmel IN 46032-2036 900 00001706012 63403678025 052420130 00001753843 PLEASE RETURN THE TOP PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT Page 1 01 1 :::<::.;:�;::::-:::,;::_>;;>:!;;5[:•_:.:`"::�`7:?;`t;i:i;�:; i�2;:YSi ? :>:iz:i:<:E:si;.<.;:-:s i::4:{:::..:i:<:�;•:::;:>::<%:.:,::.::;:;::;<.:;:::::;•::;.�:�i::^-i:i i<:::>�:::;:;;:::::.:::r�:;.;:;:;:.t r`�>Y`.'i:�i:,:... :..........fur::IO. u�c�e�:;�a11::::<:::::::.:::.;::::::::::;:.::;•.:>:. :. Indiana Design Center,LLC Duke Energy 1-800-521-2232 6340-3678-02-5 200 Range Line Rd S Misc:Hse Pan 1 �, ` \ Q Carmel IN 46032 o\� ac?ac? r l u0 0 ; ::..,...:...:...:.:.:...:..<;.:....:;.;..:;;:;:<:, ::.;::..... Accouftr#<Ft#at°rn�#r _:::>:;:.: :; PO Box 1326 Payments after May 02 not included Bill prepared on May 02,2013 Charlole NC 28201-1326 Last payment received Apr 26 Next meter reading May 31,2013 Reaiilg:f}ate; L..<. ..: dAeter Act3a Number Frarit To , Days RreveaatS ArBSen' Multi t Usage' i ' ( Elec 106996865 Apr 02 May 01 29 6093. 6201 160 17,280 36.80 .......... m rcrl ................:.............:.::..:..:..:.: ucrart#:.8afiiut Usage- 17,280 kWh 7.80 kVar Amt Due-Previous Bill $2,477.84 Duke Energy-Rate LSNO $1,594.40 Payment(s)Received 2,477.84cr Current Electric Charges 1,594.40 Balance Forward 0.00 Current Electric Charges 1,594.40 Taxes 111.61 Current Amount Due 1,706.01 Taxes $i 11.61 I b D.ue Date: . Amount;Due Ma 24 2013 _ ,..::.... . . :,::. Average Cost: $0.0923 per kWh May 24,2013 $1,706-0i $1,753.84 DUKE ENERGY.zae5r>t-00cxxoiit-xxn-0ocxrcii wRVw.cue-energy.com 4rf l Utilities Account Number 0662496401 R.O. Box 109 Carmel,IN 46082-0109 Amount Due $388.14 Customer Service �--"---i www.carmelutilities.com (317)571-2442 D U .+date 06102113 Mon-Fri 8am -5pm Amount Due -- ----$414.41 After Due Date INDIANA DESIGN CENTER >.y ' +t ;'.'riaSl:° - ?_ - - 77 AVE 0 3RD AV_SW r,�" " -` CARMEL, IN 46032{{ tt CONSOLIDATED BILLING !!�� -15 IA D e o PAYMENT PECEIVED, THANK YDU (384.38) 04/02/13 04/30/13 63083245 440 458 WATER SEWER 18 $82.83 STATE TAX 18 $126.12 $5.80 Total Location Charges For: 200 S RANGE LINE RD#B $214.75 2/10 ne 0 �T �,�� 04/30/13 oouus[va 736 743 WATER 7 $82.83 SEWER STATE TAX 7 $84.76 $5.80 Total Location Charges For: 200 S RANGE LINE RD#A $173.39 PREVIOUS BALANCE FOR ALL LOCATIONS $0.00 CURRENT BILLING FOR ALL LOCATIONS $388.14 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $388.14 AMOUNT DUE AFTER 06/02/13 $414.41 s . a s LL 0 O `ie,:i Li C'�ri:!i'I::✓j;n YC., ,ay�i,_��? Service Location Account Number 0662496401 _ -m. "anal Utilities �;,,:,•,,,• :F,t:,..:_:�:-....�s�::,��;��. . - $388,14 v, . r. -'� - $414.41 CARMEL UTILITIES RO BOX 109 Ar���arat Enclosed CARMEL, IN 4 6082 Please use return envelope provided when paying by mail. Make sure address shows in window. I✓ PEDCOR IT DBA INDIANA DESIGN Page I of 2 IX'l\-V ENTER LIC Account Number 311106-0305MY7 ^ 7203RD AVE SW Billing Date May 7,2013 '4\�'__�,l' CARMEL IN/6QJI•I038 at&t Web Site att.com 0 NW ImmfceNumber 31TIO603M Monthly Statement Apr 8•May 7,2013 A77 Benefits Previous Hill 258.61 •Tout AT&T Savings 147.75 Payment Received 4.28-Thank Youl 258.61 CR Adjustmems ,Q0 Balance .00 Monthly service-May 7thmJun 6 Charges for 317 706.0305 Current Charges 255.41 Monthly Charges 1125 Bus Local Calling Measured 36.30 Total Amount Due $255.41 Individual Message Business Measured Plan Amount Due in Full by Ma 28,2013 Caging Name Display y Caller Identification By choosing Bus Local Calling Measured You are saving 529.55 over the cost of the same services purchased separately. —Billing QueatfOM7Viaftatt.eom/baling Charges for 317706-M _-____- Monthly Charges 5.79 Plans and Services, 25SAI But local Calling Measured 382 140DA804HU Individual Message Business Repair Service: Measured Plan 1.800-727-2273 Calling Name Display Caller Identification Total of Current Charges 255.47 By choosing Bus Local Calling Measured, you are saving S29.55 over the cost of the same services purchased separately. Charges for 317 706-M Monthly Charges 6.75 Bus Local Calling Measured 3630 Individual Message Business Measured Plan Caging Name Display Caller Identification By choosing Bus Local Calling Measured, you are saving 52955 over the cost of the same services purchased separately. Charges for 317 706.03!3 Monthly Charges 5.75 PREVENT DISCONNECT •LONG DISTANCE INFO IMPORTANT NOTICE -NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT -DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE •LOCAL USAGE See'News You Can Use for additional information. tool enrMon provided by AT&T Imooke,AT&T bu6em,ATBT IWcWyn, AT&T Ohio or AT&T wm wntio band upon the aarviea edam bradon. Reran bottom portion W th yawahe"In the enclosed wiretaps. GO aREEN•Emon In "•.. •'�:,..�,�,;..vc...... PnPede•s brainy. .. DUE BY: May 28,2013 $255.41 LATE:After May 28,2013$270.41 } Blttmp Data May 1,7013 PEDCOR R DSA INDIANA DESIGN C at&t Account Number 317 706-0305 867 7 ENTER LLC Please Include Your account number on your chack. 7M 3R0 AVE SW CARMEL IN 46032-2036 Make Chocks Payable to: AT&T PO BOX 5080 CAROL STREAM IL 60197.5080 11111111111 Jill Ilt1111111 11 11111111111 t111111►1Itu11111h1hlir 7317070600305867771480020000000000000000000255410000027041 I AOr PEDCOR IT OBAINOIANADESIBNC Page 2012 t&t ENTER AeeouutNumaer 317706.01058677 7m AVE R0 A SW BUUog Data May 7,2013 CARMEL.IN 46M2.261a Invoice Number 31770803DSDS L, Plans and Services Morally Service-CoOtiaued PREVENT DISCONNECT Bas local Calling Measured 36.30 Thank you for being a valued customer.It is important to inform you flur"al Message Business that all charges must be paid each month to keep your account curtent Measured Plan and prevent collectim activities.In addition,please be aware that Calling Name Display we are required to inform you of certain charges that MUST be paid in Caller Identification order to prevent interruption of basic local service.These charges are already included in the Total Amount Due and are 5255.41. By choosing Bus local Calling Measured, If you don't agree with the amount due,you should dispute the portion You are saving 529.53 over the cost of the same you disagree with before the payment due date. services purchased separately. LONG DISTANCE INFO Cbaws;lar317 7W-= Our records indicate that you have chosen not to have a Monthly Charges 5.75 local tall or a long distance company. Bus local Calling Meas lied 36.30 Individual Message Business IMPORTANT NOTICE Measured Plan INFORMATIONAL BULLETIN REGARDING THIRD-PARTY BIWNG Calling Name Display AT&T allows third-party billing for traditional telecommunications Caller Identification providers(such as long-distance,operator services and directory asssancel,and AT&Ts own affiliates and marketing allies.AT&T By choosing Bus Local Calling Measured, takes immediate action to help customers who contact us and report you are saving 529.55 over the cost of the same that they may have been billed for unauthorized third-party charges. services purchased separately. To dispute a charge,we encourage customers to first deal directly with the third parry that originated the charge,whose name and toff-free Tow MOady,service 215.75 telephone number are printed on the same brill page as the charge in Local Celle question. Often,the problem can be resolved with a single telephone Calls)Changed to 317 70"M call.AU customers who call us to capon cramming complaints w71 he issued credits and will riot be required to pay AT&T for the disputed Measured Plan Plan Summary charges.(Credits generally appear on customers'bills within one or 41Minwe(s)hnledat$0.03 per minute 1.23 two months.) Total Ca11(s)Charged to 317 706-0365 1.23 NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT Cams)Charged to 317 706.0632 If your postal mailed bill envelope contains a yellow Class Action MansaW Plan Plan Summery Settlement Notice,or H your a-bill contains an insert entitled 32 Minimills)frilled at 5103 per minute .96 "Third-Parry Billing Gass Action-Notice&Forms,that means that Total Call(%)Charged to 317 7060632 .96 AT&T's records indicate that in tie past you were charged for Third Total local Cells 119 Parry Charges that are the subject of a Class Action Settlement.You should read the Notice careluay to find out about obtaining a Sumbasrras and Other Fees settlement Payment if you did not authorize the charges.If you have 9-1.1 Emergency System any questions about the Settlement go to Billed for the State of Indiana 4.50 swvw.ATTihirdp artybilfingsetdeinentcom,email Federal Universal Service Fee 7.65 in(o®ATTthirdpartybilli ngeetdementcom,or call 1.86042.0601. IN Universal Service Surcharge ,96 IN Utility Receipt Surcharge 2.07 DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE Telecommunications Relay Service .15 On or she SMD13,calls to Directory Assistance will be entirely Total Surcharges and Other Fees ism automated.Customers can obtain one telephone number per call.Charges are unchanged and will be assessed only when the caner is provided Taoin listing information. Federal at 3% 8.51 state at 7% 15.63 LOCALUSAGE Total Tmres ZL14 Effective July 1,201.1 the local usage message rate will increase from 50.29 to S031.The number of local messages included in Message Rate Teel Wins and Services 2%41 Service will decrease from 30 messages to 0 messages.For questions on these changes or information about discount calling plans that could save you money,please call the number fisted on your bill at visit www.attcom. 5101.003.011221.01.01.0000000 NNNNNNNY 2248512485 =1 N a ' All NO I am A BCOi: EO" NI13WHVO MS 3AV Oue ou 011 H31N3 0 NE)IS30 VNVIONI V80 11 U0303d Illlrrl�lrrllllrl'��11111 11lrslr III Jill I fill 11111111611111111111 s3 09VO AV l I ZZ I l'Bp'E•lot s Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 06/19/13 April $3,263.93 06/19/13 May $1,920.60 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Indiana Design Center, LLC Attn: Laurie Siler IN SUM OF $ 770 3rd Ave. S. W. Carmel, IN 46032 $5,184.53 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 April 43-509.00 j $3,263.93 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 2201 May 43-509.00 $1,920.60 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 1 )A // hur un , 2013 Str&tEfti( tmi iisaiener Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund