HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice 80000-3861872 ~ PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Indiana SS: MARION County Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said county apd state, h d 'd .. h ' L: ., JUN 3 0 2/1(>>1; t e un erslgne Karen MullIns w 0, beIng duly sworn, says that SHE IS clerk flJU~ \. .... Dn f't.:! of the INDIANAPOLIS NEWSP APERS a DAILY STAR newspaper\of.general cIr~on printed and published in the English language in the city of INDIANAPOLIS in state and county aforesaid, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, which was duly published in said paper for 1 time(s), between the dates of: 06/23/2005 and 06/23/2005 c.9/',--"" ~~~lerk Ti tl e Subscribed and sworn to before me on 06/23/2~~ /'X J~ . - - - - - . - No taryPublic KIMBERLY R. HACKER Form 65-REV 1-88 My cOIrunissionexpires: Notary Public, State of Indiana County of Morgan My Commission Expires May 13, 2010 ST A TE PRESCRIBED FORMULA RA TE PER LINE 7.83 PICA COLUMN - 94 POINT 94 POINTS / 5.7 PT. TYPE - 16.49 16.49 EMS /250 - .06596 SQUARES .06596 SQUARES x $5.14 - .339 CENTS PER LINE PUBLISHED 1 TIME = .339 PUBLISHED 2 TIMES= .509 PUBLISHED 3 TIMES= .679 PUBLISHED 4 TIMES= .848 f) .. ~ t ~~~D~~:' C(jMP~FTE ,!H,'S SEC!IO~ ' ~ ''-" . Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed -to: ~at\e- A, ~ S\-t:p~n ~l&b,. . !~~~ 1 LLu 5 ~ (S't) n a. t)e.$~ e-~ -rN Lf-~o ~ &- L.a (' V\o\.. e.- \ \ 2. A ( psl_ ~t,LS ~t:.~. ., ~. I; ~ t ~:: ~ '{ 'COMPtETE',;q!fiS.S~C:T{ON,ON ?ELlVERY , .. :', ,,: o ~gent o Addressee C. Date of Delivery lL. or ~tf, W^CJ !S D. s deUvery address different rom item 1? 0 . Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: 0 No 3. Service Type' o Certified Mail o Registered o Insured Mail D Express Mall o Return Receipt for Merchandise o C.O.D. A_Bestricted Deliverv1JExtra FeeL-, 0 Yes ~ ,} ~ l. : : J ~'~ 1 02595-02-M-1 ~40 SE~iD~~: C~MP~EiE,Ti.IIS'SECr;IOf.{ ,'":.;' \:' '~',< ~ .' ,,"" , ..\ 1 ~ (.!:. ; . "", C~MPfETE\THI"$ $lfci:~ON:O':"PE~/VERY '":-'~;' ,. ~,' J . ~~ ~ _'- .. . . f '" 1 1 .. I- If ,f'_ j: 1.,,'" . Complete items_ 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and ~ddress on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the. back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: c~ t ~~ l c..1~; c.. ~~ u ctl'e... g,^,~ \ &~~ c.!e('f · \ 0-\ J \ c.. ~D \A..CLi'~ G,VV\.e-\ ,-r-N %D3~ D. Is delivery address different from ite 1? If VES, enter delivery address below: 3. Service Type o Certified Mail o Registered o Insured Mail o Express Mail o Return Receipt for Merchandise o C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 2. Article N~mp?r ~ ~ ~ ~ ;i ~ i! (Transfer from service label) I ~)S fo~~ 38~ 1, F~Rruaryii~qq4 ~ 8 ~lO 10 I.1l0 2i 7:780:-161:8 f11i?9m~~t'ic ~~twrn Receipt DVes 1 02?~5-02-M-1540 ~~NDER: G~MPf':E;!~ ~H!S S~~C.TIO!1 ~'> ~'<I<:> " .J. . ~. t ~ t . I t 1 . Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and ~ddress on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to th'e, back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. ' 1,;-Ar1icle Addressed tQ: Q,o'oct.d- ~. ~~, A-.~fr~1\ I' I N \~~~l~l'L~ 12.&. Qa('ML\ , J;:.AJ L-f~D 3~ ... - I \ COf'!iPLETE, ~f;fIS SECTIOf:i o~ ,DEL.It!.pRY : " ;" ':' ~ ' ~. i ~ \ ~ :\ \"-<. ... \, t I ~ ~.. ,~ ....." .. A Si~n ure. / 'J~fl.& AL, ~~ X ,~~ 'f-"ieceif3d by ( Printed N. a. me) ~ ~rL~ D. Is delivery address different from item 1? If YES, enter delivery address below: 3. Service Type o Certified Mail D Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label) 'l.- RS Fprmi!$81 ~ , ~ebfu'~riYJ~004i 7004 .'28'90 0002 7780 1571 [i D~rf;1~~tiF ~eturn Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 SE~DE>R~ ~OMPLETE' TH~S SEl;1/0N , ' :' : ': ~/ r I . Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed-.to: P e. -\-~ <; i du'\Ct If.:r 1 ).. D t-J. RaNj~l ~ ~ V2J), Ca. r V\>\.LI TN , L/-ItJD3~ , , ' , ,CO~~~ETE' ~t!!~ SEGTio~ ?~ ~Ei.IVER-: "..,.' _' 3. Service Type o Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured, Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (~ra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label) P9~~qrm ~811, ~~bru,f1rx ?P04 7004 2890 0002 7780 1595 102595-02-M-1540 P!bm~lic ~~turn Receipt ..t. . ,.....- .... t . .!::, ()~() WOQo 3~cn 5D ::;0 -0 w ...,. z::Jo <C '1:J ~CDCD C)=::::I- O::J,< WCD~ F\J::;o:::::" a.~ Q) c.c CD 3 CD :J .-+ ,.-.1. ...1. .~':. ....... . ........ __A .- ... -' ... r r () ....... . -" - ..... .... ... -. ... ... ... -... ~ ~ ~ nO OJ Z 3 ~ ~OJ ~ ::s -c.o Zro ~= O\~ o~ Wo... t\:) , ~ c:J 0. .+:' ru Q:2 -D CJ t:J t:J C ru ~ ~ - (]:I r:J i:-I a- t::J f::-I CD N m .b. "C:~ ~~ n~j Q~~ .b. 0') c W N c.... (J C c: :J:' · :I>Z :tJ (/) 3: .b.3-o. ONmf'T'!:I> cwor......-o z. w. 00 -.of .Nt-< (/) o Z -.of UI ::D C") rrt g~ ~~ m. ~~ ;-~_.. rf- ; t ~ r- ~ o rn ;0 o b ~ ~ B. L. POER, D.D.S. June 22,2005 110 N. Rangeline Rd, Carmel, IN 46032 Telephone: (317) 848-3088 Dear Neighbor, This letter is sent to notify you of my request to the Cannel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals to grant a variance so that I may build a lawn equipment storage shelter within the required 5' side yard setback on the north side of the property identified below. I have enclosed elevation drawings for your review. The purpose is to store and secure all equipment and supplies needed to maintain the property. The custom designed plan emulates turn-of-the-century carriage houses and together with the l1ew fence that has been approved and is scheduled to be installed on July 5th, will provide a cleaner and more attractive property from all directions. I feel it compliments all of the positive changes in Old Town. I appreciate your consideration and support. Sin:e~ ~.<' , < Bart 'L. Poer, DDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notice is hereby given that the Cannel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on the 5th day of July, 2005 at 5:30 pm in the City Hall Counsel Chambers, 1 Civic Square, Cannel, Indiana 46032 will hold a Public Hearing upon a Development Standards Variance application: Docket No. 05060028 V: to build a 180 sq/ft lawn equipment storage shelter inside the required 5' side yard setback on the northern boundary of the property at Lot Numbered 1, in Nathan I-Iawkins Addition, to the Town of Bethlehem, now Cannel, in HaJ;l1ilton County, Indiana, as per plat thereof, recorded in Deed Book 5, page 460, in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, or known as: 110 N. Rangeline Road. Initiated by, B. L. Poer, DDS, this petition may be examined at the Office of the Board of Zoning Appeals (Carmel Dept. of Community Services). Any person may offer verbal comments at the Public Hearing or may file written comments prior to or at the hearing. - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - -- - -- -- -- --- -- --- - - - - ------- - --- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- r I '<f Ln ~ Z 0 (/) ,-tN.~ aD .M.Z a..~...JoM:J <I: i.l.1(oN 0 · a.. ~ 'V' ::E (/) a:: Z<I: · a: :J :::J W .., I I, ,:". a""~ ~~I ~... ~~ ~~ en Q Q Ii '-'J o ~ .J = ~ '" '-I en ~~ , .(0. ~~ i:A- g N M o (!) 'V' 'V' (!) N 0') ...L cO M ...J] ..-:I t:J c() I"'- I"- ru o c:::J c:::J o Ir E:(J ru .:T c:J LJ I"'- , C\J ~8 Q)\O ,5 ~ <i>Z 01 - c: ~ ro- c:: E , ~ Z ro aU r-4 r-4 ... ...- . ....... ... ..' . ~.... ... .~ ......... ... -. ... ,.. 0- L- a () C> c:: :2 ::J en Q) L- eo N & ~ (J)Q)O ~C.D ()eo~ 'S; ::J z G 0-_ (J) .. 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A. h (' ~ ~ Sir~9)3~fT.G-!.k_~L -, ,"~'----~JJ-Y.).--- ~:_ r:.~_ ~_o~!!~:_ _ \-. t-l- __ _~_J_ __~IL.+i_!\c ~ ---- -- - --- --. -- - -- - -- City, State, 4 :.x .:t' .J]' U1 r-=t D cO r'- r'- 0..37 UNIT ID: 0814 Postage $ ru Certified Fee o D Return Receipt Fee o (Endorsement Required) 2.30 1..75 Postmark Here o Restricted Delivery Fee [T'" (Endorsement Required) cO IiJ Clerk: KS28YP , 'I') t.t II 'f.:., 06/23/05 .::t' .0 D ('- Total Postage & Fees $ sea~~ 1\. -l-k5:b~-.''lh:~._.-...._.:B.~c__.~QL& L:- -=-' .:..__ reet, Apt. tJ!;,; to c\u. ^.y: ~~ ~~- ~~~-~~: - - \~ t.t 5 ~_ __ .u.o .o~ ~ ~ys_ _ _. __ f.~_ _ __~_ ~~_ City, Stat , ZIP+4 ~ .LJ- 0 . r-=I t::I ...[) .=I, o a:() ('- f"- 0.37 UNIT In: 0814 Postage $ ru Certified Fee o o Return Receipt Fee D (Endorsement Required) 2.30 1.75 Postmark Here D Restricted Delivery Fee u- (Endorsement Required) cO ru Clerk: KS28YP {t II 42 06/23/05 Total Postage & Fees $ .::t' ~ ::;~pt?~.~~~--~Nl.l,~eJy.u?k\.t*L~- ~;~f~;:~~+4 --Q...- ---.-'.-.~~. :0~.-.tj60"3~. Postage $ 0.37 UNIT 1[1: 0814 ru Certified Fee 2.30 CJ CJ Return Receipt Fee Postmark CJ (Endorsament Required) 11175 Here CJ Restricted Delivery Fee Clerk: KS28YP ~ (Endorsement Required) CO $ 4.42 06/23/05 ru Total Postage & Fees .::r S 7i ~ s:r:~hl~:ke:~.....Sk~....~n.~... ...... --. ----., ~!.~~-~-~~-~~:Jm1_oY.:\-'k\_Q:\+ ---~1~~__360~ C. ,State, t(+4, ~~ S Postage $ 0.37 UNIT lIt: 0814 ru Certified Fee 2.30 CJ Postmark L:1 Return Receipt Fee 1.75 Here L:1 (Endorsement Required) CJ Restricted Delivery Fee Clerk: KS28YP c- (Endorsement Required) cO $ , 'I') 06/23/05 ru Total Postage & Fees 't II 'kG ~D;~{1.lJ*=:&-#~.fi.e~..~.:.1i_~<;.+e.es__ ['- ;Z~~€;;:;;~~J~L12~_LS.t...-A~.~_~...~..~.\tl.:.._.m....__ City, State, ZIP o HAMIL.TONCOUNTY AUDITOR ~..... --'. I, ROBIN MILLS, AUDITOR OF HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, CERTIFY MY OFFICE HAS SEARCHED OUR RECORDS AND BASED ON THAT SEARCH, IT APPEARS THAT THE PROPERTY OWNERS IN EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO ARE ALL OF THE ADJOINING AND ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS TO THE REAL ESTATE MARKED AS SUBJECT PROPERTY, THIS DOCUMENT OOE$NOT CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS IS ACCURATE OR INCLUDES ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ENTITLED TO NOTICE PURSUANT. TO LOCAL ORDINANCE. ANY PERSON SEEKING A MORE ACCURATE SEARCH OF THE REAL ESTATE RECORDS OF THE COUNTY SHOULD SEEK THE OPINION OF A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, ROBIN MILLS, HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITOR DATED: 6 -- 22- ()5 ~AMtff · Wednesday, June 22, 2005 Page 1 of 1 .. HAMILTON COUNTY NOTIFICATION LIST PREP A RED BY THE HAMIL TON COUNTY AUDITORS 0 FFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING PLEASE NOTIFY THE FOLLOWING PERSONS 16-09-25-12-02-013.000 Poer, Bart L 110 CARMEL Subject Rangeline Rd N IN 46032 16-09-25-12-02-012.000 Peter S Canaley Neighbor 120 Carmel Rangeline Rd N IN 46032 16-09-25-12-02-014.000 C & S Property Management LLC 40 Rangeline Rd N CARMEL IN Neighbor 46032 16~9-25-12-02-028.000 Carmel Civic Square Building Corp . Civic Square Nei ghbor Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-12-02-029.000 Jane A & Stephen B Goldberg Trustee. 12658 Bonaventure Ave CARMEL IN Neighbor 46032 Wednesday, June 22, 2005 Page 1 of2 16-09-25-12-02-030.000 Fields, Donald & Betty Co-Trustees 121 First Ave N W Neighbor Carmel IN 46032 16-1 0-30~09~01-016.000 Robert G & Carol A Fearrin 111 Rangeline Rd N Carmel IN Neighbor 46032 16-1 0-30-09-01 ~017.000 Kristoff, David J & Linda M 121 Rangeline Rd N Carmel IN Neighbor 46032 16-10-30-09-05-001.000 Union State Bank Natl City Center 300E Indianapolis IN Neighbor 46255 Wednesday, June 22, 2005 Page 2 of2 41- . 4- N f")~ '-" ex) ~ 0'99 0'99 0'99 0'99 0'99 O'Z9 0'99 0'99 0 ~I; ~I ll) ~ 0'-' 0 ~ 0.99 0'Z9 0'99 0'99 ~ 81 v ll) 61-- ~ o 0 ::t o .q- F' J- ogl~ ll) ~ --..I <{ z () 0:: 7 OoN --..IuiO w l.O ~ ~ o <( ll)U ~ 0'99 0'99 J- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.... - - - 4 ~ 0'99 0'99 0'99 0.99 0.99 ~ <C z ~I 0 ~C) ll) ll) ll) ll) f' '" f' I") ~ CD - ~ lQ ~ ~ --0::: '-' ............. 0 ~I g/ ~I ~ 0:::: ~ ~I '-' '-' <{ 5/ U 0.99 0'99 0"99 O' NI 0'99 0'99 0'99 n ............. 81 0 o n ~ l.O 81 0 ~ ~I 0 ~I ~ lO r--: N f") ~ '" N '" ~ ~ ~o '-" '" ~ '-' o If). 111 ~ .q- D... ex:> J- ~ 0> (J) 0 ~ ex) N 0.99 0'99 0.99 0'99 0'99 0.99 .q- l.() 0 0 N """- N ~ CD c:: O'9C; Ol O' f'r 0' f'f' 0'99 Q) 0'99 0'99 0'99 -0 a... -. to I N to N 0 t) t- t- t- . 0) I 0 Q) ~ '~ a.. o -- 0 ~ ll) 0 en <X) 00 S? $2 ro CX) 0 N - U ~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Docket No. a~Ou,Ooz8> V ~j-1^. Notice is hereby given. that the Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on the. day of Zfu ~ " ' 20 at~pm in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1 Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032 will hold a Public Hearing upon a Development Standards Variance application to: (explain your request--see question numbered seven (7)) property being known as The application is identified as Docket No. The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: (Insert Legal Description) All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned time and place. ~~ l-. jJ tJE'/ IJJJ S PETITIONERS / ( Page 5 of B - z:\shared\forms\BZA applications\ Development Standards Variance Application rev, 03/01/05 I remainder of the Questioo- . naires and Material lists shalt be submitted prior to 11:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time on Tuesday. the 26th day of July 2005, to: PhYsicat FacUlties Construction Department 401 S. Grant5treet Purdue University ViJest Lafayette. IN 47907-2024 Bids shan be for complete con- struction only. properly exe- cuted and submitted on Form 96. accompanied by executed Form 96A{as prescribed by the State Board of Accounts) giving financial data as recent as possible, and a No~Conu- sIon AffidaVittogettter with other documents as required fr--~~~.~~;~ =~J':t~:~ti~~:~~:r~ 1 t~~~~i~~:~~~~~ Fe A " ~~~igi~~~~~t~iicompanied ..Ii...... run~ smg .....11............ ~.Yd a ~~.nn.::c. n~r'.io~~.m.f~~n~~~..ri NANNY We are afamHy in '. ... ... . . struction in the form included $~~~~;.~h~i~:~~~I! . 'OPP:Qrtuni ..... ~~:~~~~~f~~ prefer a live-in; but would :-.' . to the maximum total of the ~~~m;r aw~~~ig~t. ~g~~ '--:rhe Trid~C!nap9lisSt?r base bid and an alternate bids. weekends. Please caJl317 - tsJookJngfor.non~... ~~~ra~~~lg :,.torm~~~':f 770.6253 for more info. 1<;\ profit ofgani~at!on$ the contrac.t for the work if STUDENT\i'/ORI( . to sell sub.s<;nQtaoo? ~V.h'JeardInestd.ructf:ons to BI'dde.rs $14bas~-appt. to The IndIanapolis will trai!'4 cust sales/svc.. Stal; contained in the specifications aOages.v &o!daJ;cond.aDJ1bc ~~;tbt:~~{e~;der~11 b1~~:r: North Indy 253-273'4 - Raise $$$ for travel, shaUbedeemed advised olthe South IndY 243-8098 athletic Programs provisions. thereof, and of the General Conditions of the um-rCHMAN n, or supplies. contract. speCifications. plans VVltf! I and drawingsfortheproj*JCt. Full time .watch.man .....'... For Hl0re...i...O...f....O.hfl...atio....11 :~~~~dD:~;;:ren~ are to be needed 5:00 p.m. - 1:00 ..~ on this opportunity E i . Res am Mon-Fri for office call 9;~:~~~~ Ro:Srces buifdings. Prof essio~al ,. .: fort Wayne. Indiana 46825 rf&:;cr:~r,Tf1;~~1~~~: Phone 260-490-1025 and excellent communi- ~~)(fto~~1f~sit witt be cations skills necessary. required for each set of Bfd- . bEXecbeOUnendatblwe.a90e5....e. Must ding Documents which will be E. refunded when . returned promptly and In good condi- tion. . Bidding Documents are on file in the office of: Vice President for Physical FaciJities 401 S. Grant Street Purdu(! University West Lafayette, IN 47907-2024 Phone 765-494-7242 The Board of Trustees of The Trustees of Purdue University reserves the right to reject any and an bids and to waive, to the extent permitted by law, any of the terms. conditions and provisions contained in this Advertisement for Bids or the Instructions to Bidders or d d any informality, irregularity or ~= enk ne~:d omission in any bid, provIded for the distribution m:~r:~~~ ~a::~~~~o~~:s: SOftar..lnththee_. IndianapoliS tees. be to the advantage of The Trustees of Purdue Univer- sity. THETRU5TEES OF PURDUE UNIVERSITY ~rc~~~;;i~c:.~f~~' physical Facilities Date 6/16/05 (5-6/23.6130,7/7-3857603) If you are interested ~~~~-h<6~~t:r~ in an ear~ mornin~ THE INDIANA STATE FAIR ~~~tTl~~:e~Ii:~fe at~~~: COMMISSION IS SEEKING portation, please call: ~%1cITgu~~r~~CHASE OF THE . BID SPECIFICATIONS DETAIL THE REQUIREMENTS NECESSARY TO ADEQUATELV SUBMIT AN INVITATION TO 810. . SEALED BIDS MUST BE SUB- MITTED BY 1:00 PM, INDI- ANAPOlIS TIME TUESDAY, ~ JULV 5, 2005. ," ""4! ~W'~~i~bwMBUS, DIRECTOR PUIBiLBC &4l(Q}TRCES PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT F__,,-,,'~-:C.'I ~J~~~:~ION LEGAL NOTICE 1202 EAST 38TH STREET :;'6~:~d~.t~~s ~~:;~i:~~E gW~~~~~vWE48f:lCTED subcontractors and suppUers TO SUWNI KOLUMBUS. for the Town of. Pittsboro. IN ~~~~~~~J?IRECTOR ~;~1:~t~Y~~~n:mtH8'J~e~ (5 - 6/16.6/23 - 3843560) 1:00 PM. Please contact Randy Tummers at (812) 865-3232. ~~1:~f~~~~~~1~ :~~~:3s~ Inc., 4520 N. State Road 37. Orleans. IN 47452. Possible subcontractors opportunities include asphalt paving, con- crete. truckingl hauting.land- scaping. and traffic mainte- nance_ Initial contact must be made by MondaY 06/27/05. (5 - 6/23 - 3862496) :banics If.y:lL Mechanic It' construction ~ $Outhside. aU: 786-8480 AN # Tuesday ;\ -HAIR STYLISTS Green""'ood's . neweSt., cutting edge salon Is looking for a team of ex... perienced stylists. Com- mission, great scheduf~ great location! Call Kelty ~ea~~~9~3~P- HOKANSON COivU'At~ES INC ***** · ulndependent Newspaper Distributors Are Needed!" ****-*- ;:':"~;.;1~.1...C~~..s;r.~ D....n Contact Steve Thoman at 875-1082 Mon - Fri 10:00 a~m. - 2:00 p.m. Pendleton, . Madison County & Fortville, Hancocl( ~ounty Areas Neysa Macy 311-485-5812 TilE INJ)t~\POUS Sn\R if~lii.\~iii The a following 90 000 ~B3}CC 56R>tLD728089 will be sold 9 AM 7-8-05 at 59~~ E 21st for $1155_ (S - 6/23 - 3863310) The a fonowing 92 HON JHMC B765XNC013507 win be sold 9AM7-S-QSat4l49N Keystone for $1610 (S-6/23-3863329) The follo\ving "'Jill sell 00- 718/0510 am. 5851 E 34th St: 87 Dodge Vin# 2B4HB21T3HI< 21.5946. (S- 6/23 - 3863444) ,..wt:.i vvcuucn ",v4Jn,;ab .....-...v. ~r :~r::i~~:;a~~:tIn~o~;::~ structUres. .Alter existing ~~~~~~:. ?&g~~ bUi~~~l~ family residence. 05-1.93 (CA); 901 N. East St.; Teagen Investment II. llC.j . Approva' of site plan and park- ing plan to satisfy stipulation #4 of 2002-VHP-012. 05-195 (HMP) Part; A318-320 E. 17th St.; Harold Bell; .5 tor e one boat in east side yard within the required yard set- battt..,Retain e1tisting storage shed instaUed without approval. located in west side yard within required side yard setback. 'locate eldsting dog pen in VJest side yard within required. side yard setback.. Install 6 ft. Priva1:Y fence .in side yard in front of a point midway between the front and back facades. . . 05-196 (WP); 2OOS-VHP- O~7798 Woodruff Pl., East Or.; ~f~~ar: ;~o~a:s:~~~~:'~: iog unit to be used as a private studio on the second floor of garage to be builL .Variance of Development Standards to allow the gar3ge to be 22 ft. taU (20 ft. permitted) in a D-5 zoning district. 05-215 (OMS); 2005-VHP-019. 200S-VHP-020. 2005 - .AHP- 0011502, 1508. 1514. 1520 CarroUton Ave., 722,726 E. 15th St~ and 1501,.1511 N. Col- lege .. Ave.; Grace Missionary Baptist Church clo Mike Kias. Variance of Development Stan- dar-ds to permit maneuvering of vehicles within the altey and public right-of-way adjacent to properties. .Special E>tception from the D-8zoning ordinance to permit development and use of the properties for religious use. .Modification of the State- ment of Commitments entered into by the petitioner in' con- junction with Special Use Exception Petition 96-SE-1H. 05-216. (ON5); 200S-VHP-018; 1436 N. CarroUtor) Ave.; Grace Missionary Baptist Church clo Mike Kias .Construct a. two- story masonry buHding. .V a r i- ance of Use to allow a. buitding with 3 dwetling units to also include an office, 2 conference rooms and a garage, when only residential uses are anowed in a 0-8 zoning dis- trict. .Variance of Development. Standards to allow for: 1. A floor area ratio of 0.35 when a 0.660 ratio is required 2. A minimum livability space ratio of 0.536 when a 0.660 ratio is reQuired3.A major livability space ratio of 0.62 when a 0.110 ratio is required. The apptications wiU be avail- able for public inspection after June 20, 2005 in Room 1801 of t~~vee~i~~~cgg~Zof 8~~W:~~~ and 5:00 p.m.. Monday through Friday. This is a legal notice contain- ing new cases to be heard Ot ~~~:;:~a~g~~~i~~f~~ri~,;~r81~ not an agenda for the lull - ar- iog. ' for accom(nodatiol :raJ.r~~~~S att~:lh 327-4406 or 327- (S-6/23 -3 Publ. 10 compliance 15-S (Rule 5), given that Anson Phas Whitestowl is schedul July / 200 should be mpl(~te Decmnber / 2007. . ore specifically Jocat~d at · ear the south cor- ner 01 SR 34 and CR S 650 E being par >>'of the S\fiJ (.)uarter of Sectio :36. TQ~r"nship 18 North. Ra ." .e 1 East and a part of the no., h hatt of' Sf~(;tion 6 Township. 7 North, Range 2 East. The) ecehiing wa~er of this proje:is Fishback Cree'~ and Gree-, Ditch. Any qut!;;- tions sho' .~I be directr;d to Michael Je .. <:It American C.~1sultii19, Inc., 7260 Sha t~1tion. ~~~:N~3 ~~~8. (S - ,. (9) l\l! the (irntteci'ancfsubmlited 'consis~ 756036~f:~ieghiiner i990. ic.. tent with United States Envi- 765799-Forest River ?Trt..- ronmental protection Agency 77362S-0ther 2000 Na.. (USEPA) guidance. 77363O.$tar craft ? TrJ.# Copies of the draft documents 78246l}-GMC 1989 Van.. are avaUable to aAY person 782611.Dodge Intrepid 1993 upon request and at the fol- 45., 783161-Pontfac: 2001 Cp.. towing locations: 783166-Chevrolet COrsica -Indiana Department of Envi- 1991 4S.,78334&-Ford Crown ronmental Management, Victoria 1994 4S., 783580- Office of Air Quality, Indiana Ch~vrolet Caprice 1987 4S., Government Center North. 100 785568-Chryst~r 5th Ave 1987 North Senate, Room N1003, 4S.~ 785579-ctievrofet lumina Indianapolis. Indiana- 199~l4S" 78795S~Chevrolet + Muncie-CenterTownshipPub- 200i 45.. 7880J;()'.Ford,,8ronco ~u~c'1~~d~~.W~ Adams; ~~~I;9~~~.':~:3~g~~~t~~~ . Vortrtown-MLPleasant Towl\'" BonneviUe 199 ,,.45.~~7882~S- ship Community ,Ubrary. 8920 Chevr-olet 19 . Tk_>~~t.A$T West Adaline. ~ci..kto. \Yn, Indi-, CHANte ~pw SERVIce-, ana. tJ, . 783287-..€hevrolet 1991 ~ 45 Ora' statements~wm be heard, 783289-PrYlnO'uth Breeze 19961, but for the accuracy of the 4S.178629~lasmobite 1995 record,statef11ents should be 4S.:-7a7949-Doad&Neon 1997 ~ sUbm. itted in \VfiJ.i.'.'9. Written .4.S... '..78.7..-953...-....C..:treqrolets.iI\!.fe-,1\ statements maf(be submitted; ~tad'o 1996~k 7879S4-Chev;O:- to th~ attef!dan~ des,ignated to~ ~f~l~prizm(~'i'9'96 4S.. COOK'S t:;~~~n~vh:~~r.\;~n1ments at ~~~:t~G Gr~~:V~~~~ l;:BS:;t IDEM will also a'ccept written 780599-Dodge Neon 199645 ' ~~g'~entsM~i~~~U9~C~~~I~\e~is ~~~~6-~~El::: T~,~~~: should be addressedlQ: 767643-Ford Taurus .1996 45.; Delaware County Redesigna- ~~L~~;:Ei~rolet:~~9~er:ita tion Petition and Maintenance. 1989 25.. lS3377-Chevrotet Plan, Kathryn Watson, Chief C3\.f3Uer- 1993 4W., 783380- Air programs Branch. Office of Ford Taurus 1990 45., 783384- Air Quality - Mail Code 61-50 Chevrolet Ilnpata 1979 45., 100 North Senate Avenue 783588-Nissan Pulsar 1987 Indlana Department of 25.. 784659-Chevrolet lumina Environmental Management 1993 4S.. 784677-01dsmobite Iridianapolis, IN 46206-2251 Cutlass 1988 4W.. 78Sl33- A transcript. of the hearing and Chevrolet SUverado 1989 Tk., :J~~~e~h:u~a::~1f~O~~a~r~g ~~~57~~~~~~&,~~~~:~~ l~ig shall be oDen to public inspec- 1992 Tk., 786517-pontiac tion at IDEM and copies may Grand Am 1993 25.,786518- be made avaUable to any per- Dodge. Ram 1990 Van., son. upon payment of repro- 78651 (.)-Dodge Ram 1985 Van.. duQjon costs. Any person 7865iJ7-Ford 1984 Van.. heard or represented at the 786631-Chevrotet 1987 Cp~ hearing or requesting notice 78663:J-lincoln TO\.Jn Car 1990 shan be given written notice of 4S.. 786634-Pontiac Grand Am ~~~~. resulting from the !~~ 1}S4's:.8661~~~~:~r:~ For addilional information con- Grand Prix 1988 Cp., 787499- tact !(rista Gremos. at Chevrolet Beretta 1989 25., the Indiana Department of 78750o-Plymouth Voyager Environmental Management. 1987 Van., 787S01-Pontiac Office of Air Quality. Rm 1001, 6000 1987 4S., 787504-0odge Indiana Government Center Dynasty 1990 45.. 787531- North. 100 NortbSenatc Ave. Hondn Accord 1987 45.. Incli~!OapoUsorcaU 787532-Chr::'.'ITllet Lumina (317)233~5680or 1992 4S., 7S7'i33-01dillac Se- ~~~~~:~~~~27 ext. 3-5680 ville 1991 :IS.. 787930-Mer- Kathryn Watson. Chief j~i9~~~~~11~,~~~~:t~,Ui~;.gl~01~~6 ~iffi~~(:;r::~~~~~h iBs9 X~~9frf~8gg~f.I~"on~~I~~~ ~;~\l~V~~~~~1f~:~~~~~S f~~~~~= cnnl1983 45., 78S00S-Chevro- ticipalion in this hearing ~I~I;:;;;:~:;~; 1},~;~~~gl;:~~~ ~I~~t~!;r~an~on~~~t ~i~abf~f~ ;~~~~~=~r~~~~tl~~1 c~~~ 1~~ Act (ADA) coordinator at: 4S.. 78S216-CIJevrolet Beretta ~~~:~:;~~~~o~~~~~or 1989 2()r.,. 788239"Oodge of Environmental Management ~~;.'NC;:~o...~;~)ZJfct(~~a l~~~t -!VIail Code 50-10 Wt'iI::f.LER'S TOW!NG SER- 100 North Se. 766299-Dodge 1500 1l1dian~ . 7S0616-Ford'Enpedi- Or ca 233-1785 (voice) /.,783281-Chevro- or H ) 232-6565 (TOO). TI,.; 787970-Pon'" ,>~ 'se provide a minimum of m. 1995 25., .. '2 hours notification. Bonnevifte (S - 6/23 -3861124) 1992 4S. ,I N NA'5 FINEST PUBUCNOTICE WREC'<H~ Sf lCf-782462- Notice is hereby given that the NiSS3n Pi1thfin 2000 45.. Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning 782588-Mercury .. able: 1992 Appeals meeting on the 5th i~86 t?~.:~5f:2J3(_ t~liCk~W~ ~~~it:lfi~?O~~iOt'::~~ 45., 892S97-OId5' obile Cut- t~dran; ~~~l~y.rh~lJ:rB~~ ~~;noti~~51 ~~4' \I;! ~SiM~~ tic Hearing upon a Oevelop- Mercu ry r opa: 89 45... ment Standards Variance 782602-t)odge Da 1991 g~8~~~~;nv: t~~~rJ a f'8~ ~gtia 7f9~J}~f,(,>r7k ~go~~ sq/ft lawn equipmeot storage 1991 25., 78'1849 Chero- ;:~~t:~r:r;~~a~~eo~~~:i~~~t~~ ~~i51~,~:: '~~48~4- -T~~ ern t>oundry of the property at vajo 1991 2W" 785 -<:hev- Lot Numbered 1. in Nathan rotet Blazer 1984 2 88246- H3\'Jkios Addition. to the Town Toyota Tercel 125.. of Bethlehem. now Carmel.. in 788250.Plvmoulh ndance Hmnilton County. lndiana.as 1992 45..' 788251.L s 1990 pCI: plat thereof, recorded in 45., ZOHES INC- 781 2-Chev- Deed Book 5. page 460. in the rolet Silverado Tk., Office of the Recorder of Ham- 782509.Buick leSa 1993 ~~n ftocn~ I~~~e1i~: k:g~"ct~ 1~~l82~~~-po71S; :~~:j~ initinted by B. L Po~r. DDS.. 1995 2$., 78~35 vrolet ~t1ifl,~eg~fY~em~y l~~ ~::~~ ~gg~ V7j'~':. 7SM. ~~~t~ Zoning Appeals (Carmel Dept. Grand /\11\ 1997 786300- of Community Services). Any Ford 200~) lt~., -Chevro- person may offer verbaf com- let 197H Tk 528-Buick ments at the Public Hear-ing or 1996 45., 7 29-chevrolet m3Y file written comments 2004 45., 7 O-Chevrolet prior to or atthehearing. 2001 25.. I" 01-oldsmobile (S-6/23-3861Srl) 199645. JOEl L 51 Stand out COMM1 'l/ith a nURE MAN, ER f MOTOR VEHIClES 6/23 . 3854053) SSifledj~1=Pst Results E-mQU d~ndvstnr.com _,_.__,..~.~'I, ___...... "II'OI"'...n.~r rt,,.. IUIMII AVAl\t K~orn 04-Ui -.., e e PETITIONER'S AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS I (WE) BAR.T t--. ~(!)r=/Z.. DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT NOTICE OF (petitioner's Name) PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEUCLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CONSIDERING Docket Number . was registered and mailed at least tw-oe ,9'> days prior to the date of the public hearing to the below listed adjacent property owners: \ OWNER ADDRESS STATE OF INDIANA SS: The undersigned, having been duly sworn upon oath says that the ab e information is true and correct and he is informed and believes. Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public County of flam { (Iv n (County in which notarization takes place) ,_ for ~m {Iftyt( (Notary Public's county of residence) ~ ct.F-t- L. ,{J 0 e t- (Property Owner, Attorney, or Power of Attorney) / 'I f t.. day of . u n ~ County, State of Indiana, personally appeared and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing instrument this (SEAL) N ry Public--Signature -:P!;vl(rs G- ~/I'f[ S5-€.:_V , Notary Public--Plea,e Prif}t\ / My commission expires: 7 I~ S- /70 0 1 Page 6 of 8 - z:\shared\forms\BZA applications\ Development Standards Variance Application rev, 03/01/05