HomeMy WebLinkAbout221691 07/02/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 354867 Page 1 of 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL CHECK AMOUNT: $1,723.26 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 410 W CARMEL DRIVE CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK NUMBER: 221691 CHECK DATE: 7/2/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 1604081 43 . 20 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 2583901 41 . 80 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 2655911 233 . 53 OTHER EXPENSES 1120 4353099 2665801 27 . 00 OTHER RENTAL & LEASES 651 5023990 2683841 41 . 80 OTHER EXPENSES 1110 4239099 2685581 2 . 78 OTHER MISCELLANOUS 2201 4353099 268739-1 64 . 80 OTHER RENTAL & LEASES 2201 4356003 268804-1 23 . 94 SAFETY ACCESSORIES 2201 4231400 268831-1 19 . 50 GASOLINE 2201 4353099 268831-1 194 .40 OTHER RENTAL & LEASES 2201 4231400 268846-1 6 . 89 GASOLINE 2201 4353099 268846-1 48 . 60 OTHER RENTAL & LEASES 2201 4231100 268849-1 38 . 90 BOTTLED GAS CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 354867 Page 2 of 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 410 W CARMEL DRIVE CHECK AMOUNT: $1,723.26 CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK NUMBER: 221691 CHECK DATE: 7/2/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4353099 269123-1 64 . 80 OTHER RENTAL & LEASES 2201 4353099 269130-1 118 . 80 OTHER RENTAL & LEASES 2201 4353099 269431-1 243 . 00 OTHER RENTAL & LEASES 2201 4237000 269893-1 47 . 00 REPAIR PARTS 601 5023990 2700661 297 . 00 OTHER EXPENSES 2201 4238900 270344-1 56 . 94 OTHER MAINT SUPPLIES 2201 4353099 2703681 97 . 20 OTHER RENTAL & LEASES 2201 4238900 270400-1 5 . 69 OTHER MAINT SUPPLIES 2201 4356003 368849-1 5 . 69 SAFETY ACCESSORIES 111111111111!1111111111111111111 till IN Page 1 of 1 Ru NYYON 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Status: Closed CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice#: 268739-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Fri 6/14/2013 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Thu 6/13/2013 2:14:OOPM "Don't be a tool-Rent one` 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: SCOTT FLOWERS CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 PO#: pool Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: MOFFITT, SAMUEL Salesman:NONE Qty Key Items Rented Ser# Status Returned Date Price 1 3262#0002 VACUUM 17 GAL FLOOD SUCKER 1585059 Returned 6/14/2013 3:22:OOPM $60.00 lday$60.00 lweeks$240.00 4weeks$720.00 1 3262#0001 VACUUM 17 GAL FLOOD SUCKER 61271 Returned 6/14/2013 3:22.00PM $0.00 lday$60.00 lweeks$240.00 4weeks$720.00 Thank You for your Business You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person,(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel,(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug,(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned,and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name Signature: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-MOFFITT,SAMUEL Rental: Damage Waiver: Sales: Delivery Charge: Misc Charges: $60.00 $4.80 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: INDIANA: Total: Paid: Amount Due: $64.80 $0.00 $64.80 $0.00 $620 Modification#4 Printed On Fri 6114/2013 5:50:23PM Contract-Paramsrunx t(1) 1 111111 11111 111111111 1111111111 IIIN Page 1 of 1 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Status: Closed V ry CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice#: 269123-1 EQUI9MENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Mon 6/1712013 1-800-276-TOOI(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Mon 6117/2013 8:47:OOAM "Don't be a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: JOEL PROCHNOW CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 PO#: reflecting pool Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by:WALDEN, RICHARD J Salesman:NONE Qty Key Items Rented Ser# Status Returned Date Price 1 3262#0002 VACUUM 17 GAL FLOOD SUCKER 1585059 Returned 6/17/2013 3:41:OOPM $60.00 1day$60.00 1weeks$240.00 4weeks$720.00 Thank You for your Business You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel,(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after,the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: Signature: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-WALDEN,RICHARD J Rental: Damage Waiver: Sales: Delivery Charge: Misc Charges: $60.00 $4.80 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: INDIANA: Total: Paid: Amount Due: $64.80 $0.00 $64.80 $0.00 $64.80 Modification#3 Printed On Mon 611712013 5:33:42PM Contract-Paramsrun.rpt(1) 111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 Page 1 of Status: Closed �U lyyol I 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice#: 269130-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Mon 6/17/2013 1-8007276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Mon 6/17/2013 9:15:OOAM "Don't be a tool-Rent one` 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: MEL SPROUSE CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: JOHNSON, RANDY Salesman:NONE Qty Key Items Rented Ser# Status Returned Date Price 1 8136#0001 PRESSURE WASHER 5000 PSI 10112509 Returned 6/17/2013 10:02:OOAM $110.00 4Hrs$110.00 lday$135.00 lweeks$540.00 4weeks$1,620.00 Thank You for your Business You understand that:(a)4 is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person,(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug,(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned,and(e)labor rate is charged at$85 00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of4his ContracLx (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract Printed Name: Signature: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-JOHNSON,RANDY Rental: Damage Waiver: Sales: Delivery Charge: Misc Charges: $110.00 $8.80 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: INDIANA: Total: Paid: Amount Due: $118.80 $0.00 $118.80 $0.00 $118.80 Modification#3 Pnnted On Mon 611712013 5:33:49PM Contract-Paramsmn rpt(1) 1111111111111111 Ill/ 11111 11111 Ills IN Page 1 of 1 rsu lyy®� 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Status: Closed 16\ CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice#: 268831-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Fri 6/14/2013 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Fri 6/14/2013 9:57:OOAM "Don't be a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: SCOTT FLOWERS CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: MORRIS, NATHAN Salesman:NONE Qty Key Items Rented Ser# Status Returned Date Price 1 8136#0001 PRESSURE WASHER 5000 PSI 10112509 Returned 6/14/2013 3:22:OOPM $135.00 4Hrs$110.00 lday$135.00 lweeks$540.00 4weeks$1,620.00 3 8100-1 PRESSURE WASHER HOSE 50'RE Returned 6/14/2013 3:22:OOPM $45.00 /day$15.00 lweeks$60.00 4weeks$180,00 Qty Key Items Sold Part# Status I Each Price 3 GAS-1 GASOLINE 4 Pulled $6.50 $19.50 314 ✓ �q,5a Thank You for your Business You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person,(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned,and(e)labor rate is charged at$85 00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract Printed Name. Signature: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-MORRIS,NATHAN Rental: Damage Waiver: Sales: Delivery Charge: Misc Charges: $180.00 $14.40 $19.50 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: INDIANA: Total: Paid: Amount Due: $213.90 $0.00 $213.90 $0.00 $213.90 Modification#3 Printed On Fri 6/14/2013 5:50:29PM Contract-Paramsrun.rpt(1) 111111 VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII IIII III Page 1 of 1 P V IYYO 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Status: Closed CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice#: 268846-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Fri 611412013 1-800=276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Fri 6/14/2013 11:00:OOAM 'Don't lie a tool-Rent one' 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: SCOTT FLOWERS CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: JOHNSON, RANDY Salesman:NONE Qty Key Items Rented Ser# Status Returned Date Price 1 8131#0017 PRESSURE WASHER 2000 PSI 10240928 Returned 6/14/2013 3:22:OOPM $45.00 4Hrs$45.00 1day$55.00 1weeks$220.00 4weeks$660.00 Qty Key Items Sold Part# Status Each Price 1 078371905811-1 EAR PLUGS NON-CORDED PAIR 078371905811 Pulled $0.39 $0.39 1 GAS-1 GASOLINE 4 Pulled $6.50 $6.50 Thank You for your Business You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85 00 per hour X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions X (Initial) I have provided Runyon,with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract Printed Name Signature: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-JOHNSON,RANDY Rental: Damage Waiver: Sales: Delivery Charge: Misc Charges: $45.00 $3.60 $6.89 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: INDIANA: Total: Paid: Amount Due: $55.49 $0.00 $55.49 $0.00 $55.49 Modification#3 Printed On Fri 6174/2013 5:50:08PM Contract-Paramswri.rpt(1) III II VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII IIII IIII Page 1 of 1 R I NY0I 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Status: Closed CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice#: 268804-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Fri 6/14/2013 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Fri 6/14/2013 8:58:OOAM 'Don't be a fool•Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: WINNIE HELMS CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: CARTER, MARK Salesman:NONE Qty Key Items Sold Part# Status Each Price 4 072874015367-1 GLOVE LATEX LARGE 8426L 072874015367 Pulled $3.99 $15.96 2 072874015374-1 GLOVE LATEX XLARGE 8426X 072874015374 Pulled $3.99 $7.98 Thank You for your Business You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel,(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug,(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Items) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract Printed Name: Signature: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-CARTER,MARK Rental: Sales: Delivery Charge: Misc Charges: 50.00 $23.94 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: INDIANA: Total: Paid: Amount Due: $23.94 $0.00 $23.94 $0.00 $23.94 Modification#1 Printed On Fri 6/14/2013 5:50:01PM Contract-Parannsrun.rpt(1) 111111111111111111111111111111111111 IN Page 1 of �I S�y®� 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Status: Closed U CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice#: 268849-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Fri 6/14/2013 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Fri 6/14/2013 11:21:OOAM "Don't he a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: WINNIE HELMS CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: BROWNING, TIM Salesman:NONE Qty Key Items Sold Part# Status Each Price 1 103-1 PROPANE 60 POUND REFILL 103 Pulled $38.90 $38.90 1 072874129040-1 GLOVE LEATHER PALM LG 1290L 072874129040 Pulled $5.69 $5.69 311 - M,qo Thank You for your Business You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person,(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: Signature: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-BROWNING,TIM Rental: Sales: Delivery Charge: Misc Charges: $0.00 $44.59 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: INDIANA Total: Paid: Amount Due: $44.59 $0.00 $44.59 $000 $44.59 Modification#1 Printed On Fn 6/14/2013 5:49*54PM Contract-Paramsmn.rpt(1) 111111111111111111111111111111111111 IN Page of Rai NY01V 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Status: Closed CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice#: 269431-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Wed 6/19/2013 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Wed 6/19/2013 9:10:OOAM "Don't be a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: WINNIE HELMS CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: PRIVETT, SHAUN Salesman:NONE Qty Key Items Rented Ser# Status Returned Date Price 1 8786#0006 EXCAVATOR 35N 10'4"DIG 27 HP WM002483 Returned 6/19/2013 11:50:OOAM $225.00 Meter Out:1431.7 Meter In:1433.1 Total hours on meter:1.4 i 4Hrs$225.00 lday$275.00 lweeks$825.00 4weeks$2,075.00 CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TRACKS IF THEY COME OFF MACHINE. X 1 4100-1 EXCAVATOR BUCKET 35N C 24" Returned 6/19/2013 11:50:OOAM $0.00 1day$45.00 lweeks$135.00 4weeks$405.00 �I Thank You for your Business You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person,(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel,(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug,(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned,and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name. Signature: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-PRIVETT,SHAUN Rental: Damage Waiver: Sales: Delivery Charge: Misc Charges: $225.00 $18.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Sub ltota1: INDIANA: Total: Paid: Amount Due: $243.00 $0.00 $243.00 $000 $243.00 Modification#3 Printed On Wed 6119/2013 5:37 02PM Contract-Paramswri.rpt(1) 111111111111111111111111111111111111 IN Page 1 of 1 ��� ®� 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Status: Closed CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice#: 269893-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Sat 6/22/2013 1-800-276-TOOI(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Sat 6/22/2013 10:56:OOAM "Don't be a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: Tempe Thompson CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: VANWINKLE, JEFF Salesman:NONE Qty Key Items Sold Part# Status Each Price 1 SU-200-AB 2 M&F Suction Hose Coupling SU-200-AB Pulled $10.14 $10.14 1 JBHA-200 2 1/2 NST x 2 NPT Brass Hydrant A JBHA-200 Pulled $36.86 $36.86 Thank You for your Business You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned,and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this ContracLx (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract Printed Name: Signature: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-VANWINKLE,JEFF Rental: Sales: Delivery Charge: Misc Charges: $0.00 $47.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: INDIANA: Total: Paid: Amount Due: $47.00 $0.00 $47.00 $0.00 $47.00 Modification#1 Primed On Sat 6/22/2013 4:39.23PM Contract-Paramsmn.rpt(1) I��III II�II I��II��III�IIII 9IIII��II III Page 1 of 1 ��®� 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Status: Closed CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice#: 270400-1 1E;QUIPM6NT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Wed 6/26/2013 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Wed 6/26/2013 3:17:OOPM Voa't be a tool-Rent one` 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: WINNIE HELMS CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: MARTZ, FREDERICK KENT Salesman:NONE I Qty Key Items Sold Part# Status Each Price 1 072874129057-1 GLOVE LEATHER PALM XL 1290J 072874129057 Pulled $5.69 $5.69 i I i Thank You for your Business You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person,(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e g.Biodiesel,E85,etc)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug,(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85 00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back'of this Contract x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract Printed Name: Signature: �I CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-MARTZ,FREDERICK KENT Rental: Sales: Delivery Charge: Misc Charges: $0.00 $5.69 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: INDIANA: Total: Paid: Amount Due: i $5.69 $0.00 $5.69 $0.00 $5.69 Modification#3 Pnntetl On Wed 6/26/2013 5 43:54PM Contract-Paramsmn rpt(1) 111!1111111111111111111111111111111 IN Page 1 of 1 �U yoly1 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Status: Closed �I CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice#: 270344-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Wed 6/26/2013 1-800-276-TOOI(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Wed 6/26/2013 10:04:OOAM 'Don't be a fool-Rent one' 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: WINNIE HELMS CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by:ALDEN, RICK Salesman:NONE Qty Key Items Sold Part# Status Each Price 1 641817000540-1 RESPIRATOR MULTI-PURPOSE M 641817000540 Pulled $37.99 $37,99 1 641817021569-1 FACE SHIELD HIGH IMPACT 641817021569 Pulled $18.95 $18.95 Thank You for your Business You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract Printed Name* Signature: ,I CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-ALDEN,RICK Rental:' Sales: Delivery Charge: Misc Charges: $0.00 $56.94 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: INDIANA: Total: Paid: Amount Due: $56.94 $0.00 $56.94 $0.00 $56.94 Modification#1 Printed On Wed 612612013 5:44:O1PM Contract-Paramsrun.rpt(1) Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 06/14/13 268849-1 $5.69 06/14/13 268804-1 $23.94 06/14/13 268831-1 $194.40 06/14/13 268846-1 $48.60 06/14/13 268739-1 $64.80 06/14/13 268831-1 $19.50 06/14/13 268846-1 $6.89 06/14/13 268849-1 $38.90 06/17/13 269130-1 $118.80 06/17/13 269123-1 $64.80 06/19/13 269431-1 $243.00 06/22/13 269893-1 $47.00 06/26/13 270344-1 $56.94 06/26/13 270400-1 $5.69 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Runyon Equipment Rental IN SUM OF $ 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 $938.95 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 268849-1 43-560.03 $5.69 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 2201 268804-1 43-560.03 $23.94 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 2201 268831-1 43-530.99 $194.40 materials or services itemized thereon for 2201 268846-1 43-530.99 $48.60 2201 268739-1 43-530.99 $64.80 which charge is made were ordered and 2201 268831-1 42-314.00 $19.50 received except 2201 268846-1 42-314.00 $6.89 2201 268849-1 42-311.00 $38.90 2201 269130-1 43-530.99 $118.80 2201 269123-1 43-530.99 $64.80 Th r A 2 ay 3 2201 269431-1 43-530.99 $243.00 2201 269893-1 42-370.00 $47.00 S��$�ti?aeim�rer 2201 270344-1 42-389.00 $56.94 Title 2201 270400-1 42-389.00 $5.69 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund IIIIII VIII VIII VIII II II VIII IIII IIII Page 1 of 1 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Status: Closed Ru wyolV CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice#: 270368-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Thu 6127/2013 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Wed 6/2612013 12:27PM "Don't be a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: JOEL PROCHNOW CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by:ZELLER, STEPHEN W Salesman:NONE Qty Key Items Rented Ser# Status Returned Date Price 1 7019#0077 PUMP SUBMERSIBLE 2"ELE 74 G 70410069 Returned 6/27/2013 3:10PM $70.00 4Hrs$30.00 lday$35.00 lweeks$140.00 4weeks$420.00 DO NOT RUN PUMPS DRY,CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO PUMP.X 1 7024-1 HOSE DISCHARGE 2"X50' Returned 6/27/2013 3:10PM $20.00 tday$10.00 lweeks$40.00 4weeks$120.00 Thank You for your Business You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned,and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name Signature: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-ZELLER,STEPHEN W Rental: Damage Waiver: Sales: Delivery Charge: Misc Charges: $90.00 $7.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: INDIANA: Total: Paid: Amount Due: $97.20 $0.00 $97.20 $0.00 $97.20 Printed On Thu 6127/2013 5:41 PM Modification#3 Contract-Paramsmn.rpt(1) Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No 201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 06/27/13 270368-1 $97.20 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Runyon Equipment Rental IN SUM OF $ 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 $97.20 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. I ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 1 270368-1 1 43-530.991 $97.20 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except F id y, J 28, 2013 Street Commissio rp q r% Street LDmissloner Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund IIII I I II I I III III I I IIII Page 1 of 1 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Status: Closed 1V�Y®� CARMEL, IN 46032 Invoice#: 268558-1 i� EQUI?M6NT RGINITAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Wed 6/12/2013 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Wed 6/1212013 10:09:OOAM "Don't be a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: SCOTT FLOWERS CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account I 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL, IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm, Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm, Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: TABAK, TRAVIS MITCHELL Salesman: NONE Qty Key Items Sold Part# Status Eac Price 2 045734926967-1 PAINT BRUSH CHIP T' 045734926967 Pulled $1.39 $2.78 Thank You for your Business You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract Printed Name: Signature: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-TABAK, TRAVIS MITCHELL Rental: Sales: Delivery Charge: Misc Charges: $0.00 $2.78 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: INDIANA: Total: Paid: Amount Due: $2.78 $0.00 $2.78 $0.00 $2.78 WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT,NOT TIME USED. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES,FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. RENTAL FEES DO NOT @PP,, B �l'b pl�f1S. Printed On Wed 6/12/2013 10 10:31AM ontr i-P�r r NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment malfunctions unless Runyon has been notified. A LARGER-FONT VERSION OF THIS CONTRACT IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR A LARGER-PRINT VERSION OF THESE TEPMS AND CONDITIONS IS AVAP.AfEKE UPON REQUEST ONNS AT AM 'to CAINIC 11 Qshrw M WV MOWS TuMOrTaw Tew• mMad Ranted M IMM,memo a Ma Dwcled ho:r.­_,, tilt Ia; yoe ii"Aial-ly js 0 my -i Peg me of am ne mai Rn, Ecropen WrW Me and ilnp, x:Um om a jawas Q you*he ommmA A m 5> M0 3C 04 can n sm moa r am IV 0 w - c- 1. I Loosa-,' `i_�rys, Hu,kcs 7�rw;I- �,I,sno uf�q?qe-refer,5 0 1 M Inage 0 Am J to Cu"a it Awlen An I-In ywe A ps own cmewp nxn na,mge,am.FgTe 4 wm=Q emote d 1 qHs uMs act no ic i ,.,-!is:' ne�"),-,�le tSIq�,reri:p'!to a P, mW�8!"Te-fr"rn,.,,�,s low! e-,� r-P R Aim i�an PrImm,aw b,NowN Ad-wo 1 m om can, ,to A mmOu �,_,a,; Our Isis s.)cei`ip.-Ian Pa'm' .c to Agreed How Jae as sw9wo an Page 1Y AL FvTq apee to'e's:No he ohm(w In pwaieds tmcl,as alow nb IV ij a as No AV tie=wmm of W evert sr-.q me­_ .to&Kimm,&fm me ram ovowircow Tk, w"ImpMe,*Man om , mw cogs wumg nemuraer r.thous Dwrawn renctan I SOO aw A How waspsare(e:wnec 3!e hot Co�jee,,,md,Te Equqrawev Palmier,Plan an-aoue�I rer-asi I at,e Ni r ta: S�:;­! n XM 00001�s T Will AMN Wrk�Q In Agra_,He"T DOW Pit 0 1 COW01I- an bw y"n arroyo a=-yV=Md awls:Onr`,,,u'•.0 Mom me Ps ral lymp, a"raw, jinct'j"ng"Oncol mialf"I I_y: to n:,_­ 1,_ s V on H&A,in exceeQ 8 ha",day 'ary gintemse h racle Ay o"6 hmis am by O w s L&s am mess (r,Aw a d an W :he %-% In,0 n 1-mem oo se": ": 7 Nq w,,..! , pQ Law 1 or 00mrs n 4 oh M.j Im pel ww be Co"I cialy ow.!a-ItIlie, haigu bmq T AKAN in Rink k"M£!'^.0 Am. :-u-,V 3 a 11 Ire m1i ,,,nd rc a 1:;o­,-_de to: 'ei .eras I AM,Me It MW 0; My 0­0 PC ON)A IQ INUIS to Orn o'the COHLaV D,..:oat.Aw rav a I'my ouriamg n i o"­, tr.nrl any umn wUm ml m yx opt be d­ienc�c YL or My 00"N 91 M n 1&VMN 30a P10001 C"an: M ywk ary mom! or m mn whmb I wo w_q wann My a% I mw I" I-2 Use. 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C-.In:k,,y"Lo rsay-J-t'Inc LOU rary mom met .:n_• :14:: cmqn GWO rd! axon Irim Ail Owl Woo. ,'z, pg4!nn o"..o.io-_el.-,�i I,:;-,-,I a WW Rmn"PAO TA*I PW or�P> wh 4"­-, ;..,) iniMechaWly leal, disale. qnc'or retake a)C "'Ool'ol of Ile P&ItEj lom:s' ea lea W yhwwwa V.On dwue now ear as a MA W MYL AFHOUT NIT.W, �Inml m&,^n� Iny^.-. b�-Rar� , Yr, ar�; eq�:,-Int -ann"ar, aqno can saw ;=3 h do"go wwass 1 0 avy C Coe arm in an cow; no a n " � il"HMO ky� 1- ow n wn�wid G wtw";n Hown Env W.en 1="WQ &YE an MU=W, Lrw VVAiV F RIN DPAV T Y Am" cu_vow alynts L!� q_ pig 11 y"A M.1 n punis of ow vArmem awwo M mum !ante" 0 on NO AnRAUES E&FES1 GP SAn bQ0415 40 A -ANT; V panne) U, AH Mao Kim� Von NW&VI fm "d, Y. alTe n mmmy defend a 2 , j WAMPJA&Y "TWN. VANUCT DHI'. 0PAaM OF IT?"' PRY lawless 141"1. MURMG TIE RENTED FER"AM 00 WVAAKE ANY W*PANW AWAST 1401 _S=ITE A Rmtalhm and Ration,SmW:An am d ary Dv ye INAm am m4"whao yu w J inneste MAZEMEN7 All OF WHIM YOU EREBY W4NE N";DESCHIPTIOI`,�'�­)F CNE:;A3,�EqTo':, PiNT h liryar on Me,car nd Ovin,in goo-I ome"onclAn ad mbar P-:GAIICLESS C-Wi­�Pz THPY AJ EAF�CONS1111][c P,_PHESENT.AUON_-OH ViARRAIME��1,v J, YOU MSM"P PIK CIMURY,LIS&1ANAM A1-i(;INVIPONMFNTA:_ 'D AM ARMNG N COAEUM, ',NlT[- THE RENTED TEE:IQ IALWAG WFHWT LWTUIC! ANY "'PO,oil lore s rla� is �ou­asaorobIlty, A'jl) k! L,�'.�FJES, CLANI�� A.N) ,7AcIA,-,-=S FR?M OP IN MNNECT:T V;T#- --IF !S Inspintionsisafety. Juno yow Num" of As Un:w", now sAqml =Val o' A Amu SETINOT ANUFX%RE USE LOADING.ALGADN,(, -RA,,SPOFTAT:C'r,. �:��EHA-ICON_-l­CI;AJ'E :e-IfS '' y"_1 metjilior n. I:,,"_'M! ywi, was, Karowup ad nymn m and "M SEWLTIG QNTNAWE =E AIR AND OP KETU=14 C7 AM OF 1-14 RBTA FEAQ VMEr'R CF C=a m ma P mon of the RupVt"?j No two rountea and NOT YOUR'­uL:F 'OU HMEB! RE_:;SE AND LIKI V WE LE "ACV Aj AOHEE-C 10EVNf it- --air an swat I=W n and v,n all ways wmn%0 nj (0)to men cleNind I DEFEW KID HMD AMAHS LHSTI? AND TS O'.-VNERS, 0 =OF IS 1 AT HA ANNO you QH 110 an a mcmaq Inds ad UnraTs(as as 2 a aw X)a nxiss ale,'ar your wips•s, UAPI-O S) %SU,?IRS JB-t& i_I--�. LOCESS,)Hs ,i,`)ASS GNS 1 1 AN,,,'�G?dNAT A`Y Ul namn yu own M ONAM Q"i M on WN A TM and X"mw:he KXNAsmudnr s ALL DABtAIS, CLAWS, DAN'MCLES, LOSSES COSTS AND EX--ENSEr i]a,',_l,DN3 %k17l­-QLT an rwm i ac :her nfairfw:ro ,if r.,:Varc udirg A"• an W v&"Wmb a EPA. MRA amAn UMITAT ON ;7701NEYS TEE- ATMO IMV CR LSSOCIATED A7,! rAC-1 01 THE 7TN-F� ANSI Standards,d any, ne A Prix:my swe my alronAve, ilicloatur,allu s: age [TEM(S� (INGLU)hw Wq1­CLT I-WiTOUN. MV AND Aa GOES AROUATED W"'i REMHI%�,' A he R."204 W a I fl,1:f,onll,�"tPe'r,�.-tn Inw;.,new ltnd a I mcconesodo ,:, AND.,H RE ACjti3 THE SA''F, EVEN IF_AF,SJNI:= FRC'%j OF Jt.ECI ON ',WT, OL,:� qqI,IP.-cm;11,Ud1r-g ows^Ial Sh onto or Qns and Prnico',,c cy-.:ear a-,aCla Io_1*), ;w)wi! js�^na- NEGLIGEN'E 1p,,' 7HE E`v PA I -HA', AN .4,3TION IS CO': ", ts, _NCE jq�f",� AS %Vc un vVy for nfor mwon porau,Q In a quanxt and safe -woN N) a I rrmammai RJNYON IV A,'El--^• TG DFIFF",4)FAI)AC-1014 ON 0'0A 9EHA;_- IDU AGF__-[ Ir,"I Z SWTrN.SR A IF RFrpd holy K i bay mallunjonk or a'P")ea-(s)!e ;rte""0. 'MaRordor­j anc SHALL BE L,`IBLE FOR ALL EXIDSES AND A­OVEYS FEES n-IRPEC SY At TM 1 Rayn OW-0 we: IM IV:Nil 0 a"1 An secs 0 X",At to A=n SUCH DE=a E, �6-Eau! meet Failure.In:he cvert any-_Ienteo tem'.i s to start Creaks,maffonctrs,booms irsfe y a Ir a TWn Pq qhfa M I-WISKYly 6M Y111100 Us ndt Q*1 4 0who�oo n Laws.Yoj�r:,,t_p mum me Read h9i I L9 AN hAw agn po w=ww y Nim nw,eN mw a,Tmd Nm (1.11 gi scelita n eo us. Th 1� �Cntac-_ air ar,-. A So em a;rte:::; or-,no-.,u ca b i :i,rya n f e,---S, t S Iail.,,c to tv,�j ioT:,,.o r­y,cs_:i iryv�f oeirg chi,)1go'd I"'IC �a[ opro"o,ia� "Pa� ijmsMS7,:b".-:eon On and RXI! 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Rmwn%maximum hAMly under or in connection WA this cwunl is "I froxyry""I vol ry Nor A rmcmnce wa C r "n493,Y but W any nVo A low fQ y7wrd limited totl,,,,Rent_actuallv_pAidby_yq_t_�hereunder eere'ai lint;iiy!nsLranre:;:c'ar't,:al c;:era1;r5 anc co'ma;r.ra o l qaI c is:v f�rn n r,!,-!Ic-iiis ci 51,Oiiii�d0 censor=or pr,:peey t..sing;:Con'tecuor ;:i;h;he R�,te.i Ite':-=i.arri alt a to;;aticn is re'e;;tec i.t'te t'-t - pu orwwrewi, in, man,_ rn ,, %wame or me eTha ET Awlidwi =onip W pweU im a W te W It knwa*I ne ceerel 4 Eply rn, or-,I,,)th-Panted tprr(sj ide)!ilad,n Paq,e 4 WVN W bn of 0 Amp W An sow aq%,y to khel acement VaLe Wine ad 1)n red auto C.`hx,'jxms err 4nmr Aar.y�p j! iexwc::t 0't,,'as e"dinsly So: ::,T :1, C.M' phys A dxAqe iN New aul, mis hy won Tr no- WAz A S!CKWO PC owns., 11 Wy Tmec subw*UTY umon * j" yom wam"a 2100 or. esamb "W VU "Wr V-0 moy A Sw ank a snail (0 mire H wyar as an A&=Ina red arn low ape Nks dews tor."e clumen v rus ad ma facs-6,n M enh=a K ar mural W A ln-on a w A .0 v SL,C!­joT,or n3irl n'.cu pa,einiv aN was agents mzsrs amass and anoWs 3m PY A p'r aN Qor Mue latent ry two and wt a hwxg arwignort Ppartriv m wenchoclor mono smV r D insi,rancewil;be F,,ess).t,r.,,or ­Iues: •jau,vtj pro-,,if!F nlk�'n,'Un W M mp.of V4 Ings erm"wins 5 he syn W In &T W ark:�'�A t-grovp'ned�,,��olv��.I I, ans O'n a, Win pqly Wins is npt "cove C-3�el saes slaec,ty rig that t-iey*,d not be ar rig tte rental term, to a jwy trial oL a-�-jclairo or"m d mW eased w y ar 51=of a a aqw"� c q VI, — tri, T Eallignst knevOn Rom Ke n qtjrw Pnonamr P an to Rugn Nks s a Damqs dawn P ""d AN SAT Cmay a W 0, no TM my Twx W in swal win vy" W."n ,S NCT INSI,RANCE NOPJS r A WARMITY. D%m no It DAMAGE WANER IS OPP044 q--- Ha-mim-1 contract. M *;Kh of=I a A A 01M UMMI M MO&On L P75 OW a C! -", -, 3W C 0"s AA Inn Pau 41 indernno lix to 5 a wow W Immiant lev nwis mMs n qu own bminme mnTj A da-ye W y an A IN Timed brn�and poMp u wO wn A acwaraAn;"tit I n0ar has VA a vlawnle nosm,a 1 r swu Ins n.xr iv 5 Mcs PI s"wwwo,ponq m5lo to Equoren:Protector 0 an by No N pour did 4:4 some p wled for VZO. T*PUjWL0I1Pq61 w0w In its fle Darrap Wmw moun: 6 Ira aral no: ndice- I-, me Hsi` anc: -.eve vol, suCl.,,ct to to i 15)WARNING REGARDING CRIMINAL CONVERSION.FAILURE TO RETURN RENTED MEM(S)CAN,IN amemns to an us 0%at s M to Wa a ou qw ;WMV from am -,Cal MT 1 nor it ad CERTAIN COCUMSUNCE%BE CONSIDERED A THEFT RESULTING IN CR!r,,,1INAL PROSECUTION. "eon voich wis dwaged Q Is i ru mums w);up to a,Tmximurr cf5i)­ot the;er;lacemen:1m:o-'ary Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 06/12/13 268558-1 paint brush/range $2.78 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Runyon Equipment Rental IN SUM OF $ 410 West Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 $2.78 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Police Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1110 268558-1 42-390.99 $2.78 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or _ bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Wednesday, June 26, 2013 Chief of Police Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund 05/28/2013 13:36 T0:+1 (317) 5712615 FROM:8006529440 Page: 1 5/28/2013 5:36 PM FROM: Fax Microsoft TO: T3175712615 PAGE: 001 OF 001 111111111111111111111111111111111111 IN Pagel oft Status: Closed 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice#: 266580-1 E UIPMEN7 RErJTAL Invoice Date: Tue 5/28/2013 4 v�nntrunyonrental.com 1:-800-276-Tool(8665) 317566.8888 Phone Date Out: True 512812013 8:33:OOAM "Don't be a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax -----------------------------------�Customer#: 1182 Operator: SCOTT FLOWERS CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT 317 571-2600 Fax 317 571.2615 Terms: On Account 2 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL,IN 46032 PO#: st31 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm, Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm _ ------------------------ Picked up by FORCE,JASON--------------------------- Salesman:NONE CityKey...........................................................Items.Rent ed.........................................................Ser#..............................................................Status ......_Retumed.Date....... ................................................................. .................................................Price 1 15601#0010 DOLLY APPLIANCE 650#CAP 209 Returned i 5/28201312:38:OOPM $25.00 1 day$25.00 1weeks$100.00 4weeks$300.00 ...-......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:................................................................................................................................. Thank You for your Business ....................._.................................................-................................................................................................,,,,................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ......... You understand that(a)it is unauthorized forme to lend the Rented Items)to any other person,(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e g Biodiesel,E85,etc)in Rented Items)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel,(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs lot-use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug.(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Items)have been returned,and(e)labor rate is charged at$85 00 pei hour X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as descnbed on the back of this Contract x_ _ _(Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations ansing under this Contract Printed Name' Signature: CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT-FORCE,JASON ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------v------------------------------°------------------------------- Rental: Damage Waiver: i Sales. Delivery Charge: Misc Charges' } $25.00 : $2.00 : $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 j Subtotal: INDIANA: Total: Paid: i Amount Due: $27.00 $0.00 : $27.00 $0.00 $27.00 ........................... ....................................................._.."`.... .............._. ._.........._. ............................................_......._.............................. Modification#4 Printed On Toe 5/2812013 5 34 50PM Contract-Param,run rpt(1) Prescribed by State Board of Accounts . City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 266580-1 Rent Dolly $27.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Runyon Equipment Rental IN SUM OF $ 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 $27.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. I ACCT#!TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 I 266580-1 I 43-530.99 I $27.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except JUL -.1 Zpa Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Status: Closed RA��o 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Invoice#: 268384-1 �W CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice Date: Tue 6/11/2013 EQUIPMENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Date Out: Tue 6/11/2013 9:08:OOAM 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone "Don't be a fool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Operator: Tempe Thompson Customer#: 9985 Terms: On Account CARMEL WASTE WATER 317-571-2634 Phone 760 3RD AVENUE SW SUITE 110 CARMEL,IN 46032 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Ordered By: Picked up by: MALLABER, BLAINE Salesman: NONE Phone:-- E-Mail: Qty I Key Items Sold Part# Status Each Price 2 101-1 PROPANE 30 POUND REFILL 101 Pulled $20.901 $41.80 a� o( Thank You for your Business Rental Contract Rental: You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S) $0.00 IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for Sales: $41.80 double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to :) charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s)which is Delivery Charge: $0.00 discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) 1 have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those Misc Charges: $0.00 instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Subtotal: $41.80 Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefu3y read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: INDIANA: $0.00 Total: $41.80 Signature: Paid: $0.00 CARMEL WASTE WATER-MALLABER,BLAINE Amount Due: $41.80 I Modification# 1 Printed On Mon 6/2412013 9:14:04AM Software by Point-of-Rental Systems www.point-of—rental.com Contract-Params.rpt(6) Status: Closed ��®®�®� 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Invoice#: 260408-1 �g CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice Date: Tue 4/9/2013 EQUIPMENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Date Out: Tue 4/9/2013 8:38:OOAM 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone "don't be a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Operator: WINNIE HELMS Customer#: 9985 Terms: On Account CARMEL WASTE WATER 317-571-2634 Phone 760 3RD AVENUE SW SUITE 110 CARMEL,IN 46032 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Ordered By: Picked up by: STEWART, JASON Salesman: BONNIE LICKLIDER Phone:317-696-8886 E-Mail: bonnie @runyonrental.com Qty Key Items Rented Set# Status Returned Date Price 1 5857#0016 LASER LEVEL 12325307 Returned 4/9/2013 10:19:OOAM $40.00 I ,7%), 0� Thank You for your Business Rental Contract Rental: $40.00 You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S) IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative Damage Waiver: $3.20 fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for Sales: $0.00 double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s)which is Delivery Charge: $0.00 discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned,and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been intruded and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those Misc Charges: $0.00 instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Subtotal: $43.20 Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: INDIANA: $0.00 Total: $43.20 Paid: $0.00 Signature: CARMEL WASTE WATER-STEWART,JASON Amount Due: $43.20 Modification# 3 Printed On Mon 624/2013 9:13:04AM Software by Point-of-Rental Systems www.point-of_rental.com Contract-Params.rpt(6) Status: Closed 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Invoice#: 258390-1 �ry CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice Date: Fri 3/15/2013 EQUIPMENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Date Out: Fri 3/15/2013 2:27:OOPM 1-800-276-Tooi(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone "Don't be a toot-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Operator: MEL SPROUSE (Customer#: 9985 Terms: On Account CARMEL WASTE WATER 317-571-2634 Phone 760 3RD AVENUE SW SUITE 110 CARMEL,IN 46032 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Ordered By: Picked up by: MALLABER, BLAINE Qty Key Items Sold Part# Status Each Price 2 101-1 PROPANE 30 POUND REFILL 101 Pulled $20.90 $41.80 I ^�D IC)ko Thank You for your Business Rental Contract Rental: $0.00 You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S) IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for Sales: $41.80 double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s)which is Delive arge: $0.00 discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those Mlsc Charges: $0.00 instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon wrh proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Subtotal: $41.80 Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: INDIANA: $0.00 Total: $41.80 Paid: $0.00 Signature: CARMEL WASTE WATER-MALLABER,BLAINE Amount Due: $41.80 Modification# 1 Printed On Mon 6/2412013 9:12:43AM Software by Point-of-Rental Systems www.point-of_rental.com Contract-Params.rpt(6) Status: Closed n 0 ®,�■ 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Invoice#: 265591-1 W ��1 CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice Date: Mon 512012013 £QUIVMENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Date Out: Mon 5/20/2013 8:16:OOAM 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone °Don't'be a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Operator: MEL SPROUSE Customer#: 9985 `—� Terms: On Account CARMEL WASTE WATER 317-571-2634 Phone 760 3RD AVENUE SW SUITE 110 CARMEL,IN 46032 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Ordered By: Picked up by:COOPER, JEFF Salesman: NONE Phone:-- E-Mail: Qty Key Items Rented Ser# Status Returned Date Price 1 1905-#01 DIAMOND BLADE 26" Returned 5120/2013 11:53:OOAM $4500 Reading Out 468 Reading In:468 Total units used:0.00 Blade must be used with water.Any damage done to blade you are responsible.X 1 7461#0001 SAW CONCRETE 65 H.P.26" 407576 Returned 5/20/2013 11:53:OOAM $140.00 BLADE Meter Out:388.2 Meter In:388.2 Total hours on meter:0.0 Qty Key Items Sold Part# Status Each Price 1 1905401 DIAMOND BLADE 26" Units Used $15.00 $15.00 Usage$15.00 per unit with 0 units free. 1 079085104859-1 MASON LINE WHITE 1050' 079085104859 Pulled $9.95 $9.95 1 052000336917-1 GATORADE 2 1/2 GAL FRUIT 052000336917 Pulled $4.39 $4.39 PUNCH 1 052000039696-1 GATORADE 2 1/2 GAL LEMON 052000039696 Pulled $4.39 $4.39 LIME oa ` Thank You for your Business Rental Contract Rental: $185.00 You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person,(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S) IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative Damage Waiver: $14.80 fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for Sales: $33.73 double-insulated safetyapproved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s)which is Delivery Charge: $0.00 discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(a)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those Misc Charges: $0.00 instructions X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Subtotal: $233.53 Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contracl.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: INDIANA: $0.00 Total: $233.53 Paid: $0.00 Signature: CARMEL WASTE WATER-COOPER,JEFF Amount Due: $233.53 Modification# 3 Printed On Mon 6/24M 13 9:13:48AM Software by Point-of-Rental Systems www.point-oLrental.com Contract-Params.rpt(6) i Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 354867 RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL Purchase Order No. 410 W. Carmel Drive Terms Carmel, IN 46032 Due Date 6/25/2013 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 6/25/2013 265591-1 $233.53 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 �Z//-)/ Date icer VOUCHER # 135792 WARRANT # ALLOWED 354867 IN SUM OF $ RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 265591-1 01-7202-06 $33.73 265591-1 01-7362-06 $199.80 96*9390-1 of-7ao,9-©b y1,8z) I1b0y09-i 0 1 - -7 36a-o( 3.610 a(o�38y-i ol-76109-N, yl,$o 360, 33 Voucher Total -:J Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund 111111111111111111111111111111111111 IN Page 1 of 1 ��� ®� 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE Status: Closed CARMEL,IN 46032 Invoice#: 270066-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL www.runyonrental.com Invoice Date: Tue 6/25/2013 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone Date Out: Mon 6/24/2013 9:27:OOAM "Don't be a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Customer#: 1384 Operator: SCOTT FLOWERS CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317 733-2001 Fax 317 733-2005 Terms: On Account 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 PO#: WATER DEPT.PLANT 5 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by:ZELLER, STEPHEN W Salesman:NONE Qty Key Items Rented Ser# Status Returned Date Price 1 8786#0005 EXCAVATOR 35N 104"DIG 27 HP WM002302 Returned 6/25/2013 10:33:OOAM $275.00 Meter Out:1180.0 Meter In:1181.7 Total hours on meter:1.7 4Hrs$225.00 /day$275.00 /weeks$825.00 4weeks$2,075.00 CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TRACKS IF THEY COME OFF MACHINE. X 1 4100-1 EXCAVATOR BUCKET 35N C 24" Returned 6/25/2013 10:33:OOAM $0.00 /day$45.00 lweeks$135.00 4weeks$405.00 Thank You for your Business You understand that.(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person,(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S)IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s) which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) 1 have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract Printed Name Signature: ��� •� CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT-ZELLER,STEPHEN W Rental: Damage Waiver: Sales: Delivery Charge: Misc Charges: $275.00 $22.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: INDIANA: Total: Paid: Amount Due: $297.00 $0.00 $297.00 $0.00 $297.00 Modification#3 Printed On Tue 6/25/2013 5.4437PM Contract-Paramsrun.rpt(1) Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 354867 RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL Purchase Order No. 410 W CARMEL DRIVE Terms CARMEL, IN 46032 Due Date 6/27/2013 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 6/27/2013 270066-1 $297.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1. Date Officer VOUCHER # 131958 WARRANT # ALLOWED 354867 IN SUM OF $ RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL 410 W CARMEL DRIVE , CARMEL, IN 46032 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 270066-1 01-6360-03 $297.00 Voucher Total $297.00 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund