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221761 07/02/2013
CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 363783 Page 1 of 1 ONE,CIVIC SQUARE WALTER P MOORE a CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 1301 MCKINNEY CHECK AMOUNT: $310,695.78 SUITE 1100 CHECK NUMBER: 221761 HOUSTON TX 77010 CHECK DATE: 7/212013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 902 4460807 D040313010 126, 667 . 20 PERFORMING ARTS CENTE 902 4460807 D04130435 44, 172 . 65 PERFORMING ARTS CENTE 902 4460807 D0414023 139, 855 . 93 PERFORMING ARTS CENTE I WALTER P MOORE Carmel Redevelopment Commission Invoice# : D04130435 c/o Krieg DeVault Project : M0410o0100 12800 North Meridian Street, Suite 300 Project Name : Carmel RPAC Dome-Litigation Support Carmel; IN. 46032-9422 Invoice Group ; Invoice Date ; 4/28/2013 Attention: Robert Schein For Professional Services Rendered through: 4/28/2013 Please direct email to Robert S.Schein-rschein®kdlegal.com ALSO email invoices to: mworthley0carmel.in,gov mlee®carmel.in.gov Salaries Rate Schedule Labor 42,102.50 Total Salaries 42,102.50 Expenses Regular Expenses 2,070.15 Total Expenses 2,070.15 Amount Due This Invoice "* 44,172.65 Dilip K.Choudhuri For questions regarding this invoice, please contact Lora Hendrickson. Telephone:702-944-4710 Email:LHendrickson®walterpmoore.com PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO ADDRESS NOTED BELOW: 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE 1100 HOUSTON,TEXAS 77010 PRONE: 713.630.7300 PAX:713.630.7396 WALTER P MOORE I I i i Project: M041000100 -- Carmel RPAC Dome-Litigation Support Invoice# ; D04130435 j Phase: 9D04 -- SDSG General I Rate Schedule Labor Amount Class/Employee Name Hours Rate Principal Mark M.Holland 27.50 270,00 7,425,00 Project Manager 39.00 210,00 8,190.00 Kyle Dominisse i Senior CAD Technician 1.00 140.00 140.00 Laura B.Woods Senior Engineer Renee R Rajappa 31.00 180.00 5,580.00 Senior Principal Choudhuri 13.00 360.00 4,680.00 Dllip K, i Senior Project Manager Abdelhakim H.Bouadi 35.00 255.00 8,925,00 Rate Schedule Labor 34,940,00 Total Phase : 9D04 -- SDSG General Labor 34,940.00 Expense 0.00 Phase: 9SO4 -- SESG General Rate Schedule Labor Class/Employee Name Hours Rate Amount Principal Joseph A, Dowd 25.75 270,00 6,952,50 Senior CAD Technician 1 Mark Noble 1.50 140.00 210.00 Rate Schedule Labor 7,162.50 Total Phase ; 9SO4 -- SESG General Labor 7,162.60 Expense 0.00 Phase: R000 -- Reimbursable Expense Regular Expenses Vendor Name Doc Nbr Cost Amount Mileage,Parking and Auto Abdelhakim H, Bouadi 50.90 55,99 Kyle Dominisse 44.60 49.06 Total; Mileage, Parking and Auto 105.05 Travel Expense For questions regarding this invoice, please contact Lora Hendrickson. Telephone:702-944-4710 Entail'LHendhckson @walterpinoore.can PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO ADDRESS NOTED BELOW: Page' 1 1301 MCKINNEY,SUITE ino HOUSTON. TEXAS 77010 PHONE: 713.630.7300 FAX:713.630.7396 I i WALTER P MOORE Project: M041000100 -_ Carmel RPAC Dome-Litigation Su pp ort Invoice D04130435 Phase: R000 -- Reimbursable Expense Regular Expenses Vendor Name Doc Nbr cost Amount Travel Expense Abdelhakim H. Bouadi 947.18 1,041.90 Kyle Dominisse 730.95 804.06 Total: Travel Expense 1,845.96 Business Meals Abdelhakim H. Bouadi 25.73 28.30 Kyle Dominisse 82,58 90.84 ITotal: „Business Meals 119,14 Regular Expenses 2,070.15 Total Phase: R000 -- Reimbursable Expense Labor 0.00 Expense 2,070,15 j 44,172,65 Total Project: M041000100 -- Carmel RPAC Dome-Litigation Support j For questions regarding this invoice, please contact Lora Hendrickson. Telephone:702-944-4710 Email:LHendrickson©walterpmoore.com PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO ADDRESS NOTED BELOW: Page: 2 1301 MCKINNEY,SUITE 1100 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 PRONE: 713.630.7300 FAX:713.630.7396 WALTER P MOORE TRAVEL VOUCHER Submitted by:Hakim_ Bouadi , Signature: _ !i��p '� Front Houston 2013 Form Employee r ce Location: Houston To: Carmel Departure Date: 4MI=3 Manager App To:Houston Return Date: yvrmts Division MgrApproval: Purpose:Carmel RPAC Dome Meeting Project orAcct No:M04.10001.00 Net Non-reimb Total -C'it Item Reimb to Personal Cost Reimb lte-®tiort/Notes SEer3fie Stems Na. Item Employee Costs This Item to Client a b c d e 1 Mileage $11.30 $0.00 $11.30 x 20 mites $.565lmi 20 0 0 0 2 Airfare $797.10 $000 $ 9710 x _ $ 97.10 $0.00 .00 S .00 $0.0. 0 3 Auto $0.00 $0.00 $0_00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 4 Tax/Transport $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5 1 _ Net Accommodations $150.08 $0.00 $150.08 x _$150.08 Total Hotel Accommodations $150.08 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 6 Hotel Meals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.0_0 $0.00 _ 7 _ Hotel Mtsmilaneous m'� 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO-00 $0.00 50.00 SO-00 8 - Meals $25.73 $0.00 $25.73 x $10=90 $445 $8.16 3?ZZ $0.00 9 Olient Entertainment $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 10 Parking $0.00 $34.00 x $34.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 11 Tolls $5.60 $0.00 $5.60 _ $280 $280 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 12 Tips $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13 Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 14 Other $0.00 _$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 15_�. Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 16 Other_ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1100 $0.00 $0.00 17 Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 _ $0.00 $0.00 SO-00 $0.00 $0.00 18� Other $0.00 SO-00 $0.00 _ _ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 19 Other $O.Oo $0.00 $0.00_ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 Other $0.00 $0.00 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Ttalj $1,023.81 I $0.00 $1,023.81 1301 McKINNEY SUITE 1100 HOUSTON,TEXAS 77010 PHoNe 713.630.7300 FAY:713.630.7396 201M4-12 Carmel THpxls 4ZM013 Southwest Airlines-Purchase Confirmation Page l of 2 _moo—: &S2�R1'6tYdRG�TG.t�'d' Thank you for your purchasel Houston(Hobby),TX-HOU to Indianapolis,IN-IND New Purchases In Trip Air -i Confirmntlon OGL7370 Houston(Hobby),TX-HOU to Indianapolis,IN-IND Thursday,April 11,2013-Friday,April 12,2013 If TO A$797.10 Amount Paid $797.10 . ... _......__....._.... ...�.�..._.__......__ ,......_._._._.__ Trip Total $797.10 APR 11 THU 04111/13 - Indianapolls New purchases added to your trlp. AIR Houston(Hobby),TX-HOU to Indianapolls,IN-IND 04/11/2013 - 04/12/2013 Confirmation#01.7378 Adult Paasonger(a) Rapid Rewards# ASDELHAKIM SOUADI 00000151722071 Subscribe to Flight Status Messaging DEPART ^03:00 PM Depart Houston(Hobby),TX Flight Ara 11 (HOU)on Southwest Airlines 938 ieac __... THU Stops In Dallas,TX i c ' —HU- 06;00 PM Arrive In Kansas City,MO(MCI) i Thursday,April 11,2013 07;15 PM Change TV, to Southwest +Flight ,�r f Travel Tlme 5 it 40 m Airlines In Kansas City,MO 9610 BelTfu' ! (2 stops,Includes 1 plane change)_ (MCI) I Anytime 00140 PM Arrive In Indlanapolle,IN I i (IND) RETURN 05100 PM Depart Indianapolis,IN Flight t A�Pn�Sx i (IND)on Southwest Airlines 9400 i Friday,April 12,2013 Travel Time 2 h 35 m 116:36 PM Arrive In Houston(Hobby), { I (Nonstop) TX(HOU) —) i Ouslnese Select —� What you need to know to trnvoll Don't forget to check In for your flight(s)24 hours before your trip on southwest com or your mobile device, Southwest Airlines does not have assigned seats,so you can choose your seat when you board the plane,You will be assigned a boarding position based on your checkin time.The earlier you check In,within 24 hours of your flight,the earlier you get to board, i PRICE:ADULT Trip Routine Para Type I View Pare RUIea Fore Details Quantity Total r Fany ReNnUllUle https://www.soutliwest.com/reservations/con-rm-resetvations,html?disc=sdc`/`3A 13651057... 4/4/2013 MHilton. IGardenInIT 13090 Pennsylvania Street • Carmel,IN 46032 Phone(317)581-9400 • Fax(317)581.9411 Indianapolis/Carmel Reservations Name&Address www,hlltongardeninn,com or 1 877 STAY H01 BOUADI,HAKIM Room 416/K1WRQ 2327 WATERWOOD DR Arrival Date 4/1112013 10:30:OOPM Departure Date 4/12/2013 SUGAR LAND,TX 77479-8901 US Adult/ChIld 1 Room Rate 134,00 RATE PLAN LV6 HH# 978463157 BLUE AL: UA #SK036032 BONUS AL: CAR: CONFIRMATION NUMBER: 3519644212 4112/2013 PAGE 1 DATE REFERENCE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 4/1112013 804681 GUEST ROOM $134.00 4/1 1 12 0 1 3' 804581 STATE TAX $9.38 4/11/2013 804681 INNKEEPERS TAX $6.70 WILL BE SETTLED TO MC 5446 $150,08 EFFECTIVE BALANCE OF $0.00 EXPENSE REPORT SUMMARY 1 00:00:00 STAY TOTAL ROOM&TAX $160.08 $150.08 DAILy'T TAL $160,08 $150.08 You have earn d approximate y 1340 Hilton HHonors points and approximately 134 Mlles with n/ted Airlines for this sfa .Visit HHonors, a to check your oint balance fr m stays at any of the 3,700 hotels within the Hilton Worldwide p follo. Hilton Garden It n Is opening to atlons all over the world,Gook for us In Canada,Costa Rica, Ger any,India,Italy,Mexico Saudi Arabia, i Turkey,United ingdom and th oughout the USA.www.hgi.com DATE OPCHAROE PfiT tCHEAKNO, Zip°®lit Cheelk-Out, JL Good Mmeiing I We hope you ottjoyod your stay.With Zip-Out Check-Outs AUTHORIZATION INITIAL. there Is no iteed to stop nt the Front Desk to check out. Please review this statement, It is a record of your charges as of late last PURCFIASES&SERVICES evening. For any charges after your 4000Unt was prepared,you may: TAXES '1•pay at the time orpurohnso, +ellargo purohasas to your account,then stop by the Front Desk for an updated,stateniont. TIPS&MISC. +or request an updated statement be mailed to you within two business days. If the statement meets with your approval, Simply press the Zip-Out Check-Out TO'I'At,Atv1011NT button on your guest room telephone, Your account will be automatically checked 0,00 out and you may use this statement as your recolpt, Fool ft•eo to leave your koy(s) in the room. Please call the I7nrtt Desk if you IPlsh to extend yore'stay or(f you have any questions ahoutyour account, Southwest AirLine Saa,lLh(w��s'►; ►1ir i irt�',30 Open Seating P R 1 R open Seotinla 56 R J Open SnuL.ing 25R �j `A-6I-7` 8 b�A K 1 M (,pi O'A�C?l "A�-E ABC I/AB"6S L H A K I P{ Conf . #: CL7378 IConf. #: tyL737$ rx Conf. #: tsL7378 APR 12 1APR 11 U. APR 11 49:5 INDIANAPOLIS IN Iry, HOUSTON HOBBY h ar LL' 10 KANSAS CITY INTL to HOUSTON HOBBY to KANSAS CITY INTL 0. to INDIANAPOLIS IN (h1.N KANSAS CITY INTL l"( n' Lu 1-1 to INDIANAPOLIS IN V W 00000151722071 - (d(l0A0151722071 tL � A0000151722071 f Ic(t RR z Uj H H d d A �— A cd 156 2 8 Transfer L___......_ www.newsouth parWng•tx.com New P.O. Box 60761 South Houston,TX 77205 Parking (281)2331730 CUSTOMER RECEIPT Toledo Tlokol Do.,Toledo,OH WWW.toledotloke600m Tran In Time Out Time Fee CCd� p 18'47 t ' I+ I ` . Capper Moon trld Cafe V.A N ,;,3 r't l' www,coppe rmooncof fee.c,0111 81 T ro 1 Dato; 04/12/13 Time; 03:48 pill •, 3077 _-_------------------ Order APR11 ' 13 6:46PM _----------------------- .- Server; Paisleyl TO GO Paid; Paid a&G SUB TURK RNH 7 .79 COUNTER HIPS VICKIES 1 .99 Cashier; Pai71eyl Payment:#; 717316 SUBTOTAL 9 .78 Auth Code: 0442OP/•4 TAX 'I . 12 Ref No; 00000000 AMOUNT PAID 10 90 Ca rd11 : XXXXXXXXXXXX5446 %wi pecl XXXXXXXXXXXX5446 MASTERCARD 10 .90 1 COFFEE - DAY $1 .59 ),0781 Closed APR11 06 :46PM-•- 1 NUTS $2.39 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Sub-total: $4.08 $0.3'l Tax: TELL US ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCE Tax: $Q,3S JOHN RICHMOND 816 qF•�_ ".N %sterurd V,45 Tin at (}irpc7t't. PEET'S COFFEE 317 24.1 6534 HOBBY AIRPORT Briadr I pp l e/96th St, HOUSTON, TX www,tchopstIX,com 713-847-7338 09:37pm 04-11-2013 CUSTOMER COMMENTS MC NO-0000 3422 W0,LATRELL.ES.COM LEE K I tchen $7.49T I #0.10 1 1 N _......_w_..__.__._....._._._ 1 SNI COFFE DAY 2.05 SUBTOTAL $7.49 _.....---------_..----------------- .. TAX $0.67 'FAX TOTL .17 COTAL-TAX $0.67 -F A 2 . 2 -.�_�__....._.._._.,_..._. _._.. XXXXXXXXXXXX5446 $8. 16 MASTERCO 2.22 CASH $8. 16 Luis CSHR CHANGE $0.00 0233 14:24 APR 11'13 W/S#01 F' CATERING, PARTY PLATES VIII t or.u- 0 ther shires, WALTER P MOORS TRAVEL VOUCHER Submitted by: K le Do Signature: From: Kansas City,MO 2013 Fom Empio � 015 cce Locadorr Kansas City To: Carmel,IN Departure Date: 4112013 Manager Approval: To: Kansas City,MO Retum Date: 412!2013 Division Mgr Approval: Purpose: PerformincLArts Center-Pre-Construction Meeting Projector Acct No: M0410001-00 Net Non-reunh Total "X-9 kern Rehnb to Personal Cos: Relmb ttemimrtiordNotes specmc kerns No. Ftem Employee Costs This Hem to client a b c d e 1 Mileage $22.60 $0.00 $22.60 X 40 miles Q$.5651mi 0 0 0 0 2 Air`are $511.80 $0.00 $511.80 X $511.80- $0.00 SO-00 MOO $0.00 3 Auto $84.03 $0.00 $84-03 X Rental Car and Gas $71.85- $1218 $0.00 $0-00 $0.00 4 Taxi/Transport $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1 $0.00 $0.00. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5 Net Accommodations $135.13 $0.00 $135.13 X $135.13 Total Hotel Accommodations $135.13. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO-00 6 Hotel Meals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 7 Hotel Miscellaneous itemtz2 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 8 Meals $8258 $0.00 $82.58 X $4.78• 3.59- $47.62' $6.59' $0.00 9 Client Entertainment $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 lo Parkin $22.00 $0.00 $2200 X KC Airport Parkin $22.00- $0-00 $0.00 SO.00 $0.00 11 To4s 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 S0.00 $0.00 S0.00 12 T s $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO-00 13 Meals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 14 I Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 15 other $0.00 $0.00 $1100 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 16 Other $0-00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 17 Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 18 Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 19 Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $O.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 Towl $858.14 $0.00 $858.14 920 MAIN STREET,TENTH FLOOR KANSAS CITY,MISSOURI 641052008 PHONE:816.7012100 FAX:816.7012200 Trip 6 Travel Voucher Kansas City 2013 4115/2013 i . I SO1 11WESTAWILINNIES! ITINERARY / RECEIPT i I DATC;11A:,141i i-0Nr0MATION NUMBER; 66C37N AGENT: MCIK0003 EXPIRATION DATE:2014-04-04 I TICKET NUMBER: 5262119772773 Base IFees/ Estimated i From To Flt Date pep Arr FD Customer Name Fare :Taxes Total Earned Pts MCI IND 510 11APR 0715P 0940P K DOMINISSE/KYLE 455.82 �55.90 511.80 5,8B0 IND MCI 445 12AP14 0325P 0400P K I I TICKET TOTAL 455.82 55.98 511.80 i i I I I 1 I , I I I I I I ' I Rapid Rewards points earned ale only estimates. Visit southwest.com for the most accurate totals - including A-List and A-List PAferred Member bonus pui.nts. ' I Southwest Air-Linn Soutbwest AirHneil Open Seating SR Open Seating 2R DOMI LE Conf . #: G6C37H Conf . #: G6C37H APR 12 APR 11 0 445 INDIANAPOLIS IN 510 KANSAS CITY INTL to KANSAS CITY INTL to INDIANAPOLIS IN 1" _ n. M W V 00000356719440 OD000356719440 W RR RR Q . AA LQ 5 2 KCI AIR ORT P��RKI 0yIER KAHSAS�IrPVNAIiU.C6 153 816 243 8019 tERPIIIIAI 1.3,1 001734000080134682960i MERCHANT RI 8013468296 � 16A PCARD SALE#k��2690 gg[CORD 41 93 I1101 803053 RIE1 APR 12, 13 TIME1 16135 TCH1314 AUINI 08341D TOTALZ .C1W KYLE WHIM CUSIOMER COPY I 1 i i RECEIPT Rental Agreement Number: 664865751 Vehicle Number: 61472176 F y OUR INFORMATION N J i DOMIINISSE,KYLE WIZARD NUMBER: 2DU98U AVIS- DISC: WALTER P MOORE & ASSOCIATES 54432 - USA TODAY i PAYMENT METHOD VISA XX2690 INDIANAPOLIS AIRPORT YOUR RENTAL INDIANAPOLIS, IN 467.41 - -- ---------- 1 (317) 2709506 Picked up: IND i Area Manager - Teres Bingham Date/Time: APR 11 , 2013 @10:16PM Tbingham @lst'rna,com Returned: IND Date/Time: APR 12, 2013 @01 :66PM Customer Copy Veh Group: Full -Size Veh Charged: Standard 049000009714 DASANI WATE $2.39 N Vehicle; DODGE CHARGER 2WD Odometer Out: 3038 049000009774 DASANI WATE $2,39 N Odometer In: 3106 Fuel Reading: Full Subl'otal $4,78 TOTAL $4.713 YOUR VEHICLE CHARGES MINIMUM CHARGE 60.00 VISA $4.713 YOUR TIME AND MILEAGE: 50.00 TRANSACTION RECORD YOUR TAXABLE FEES °11 ,11 FEE - — Y . .__ 6.73 FTP SR$ 1 .00DY 1 .00 CUST FAC CHARGE 4.00/DY 4.00 ENERGY RECOVERY 0,60/DY .60 YOUR SUBTOTAL STORE 4432 CLIENT 8100 TAXABLE SUBTOT 61 .33 MERCHANT ID 30000.3650180 TERM ID 2 TAX 7,000% 4.29 SWIPED Purchase 0 $ 4.7E3 YOUR NON TAXABLE ITEMS CARD: Visa RECEIPT# 9638 #4% TAX 2.66 NO, 0000002690 EXP *k/** COUNTY SURCH 6.00 3.67 DATE 04/12/13 TIME 14,30:16 RUTH # 00344D REF # 00000055 TOTAL CHARGES 71 .85 RESP 000 NET CHARGES 71 .85 YOUR TOTAL DUE: 0.00 APPROVED PAID ON VISA XX2690 "CONCESSION RECOVERY FEE ITEMS 2 04% AUTO RNTL EXCISE TAX Store: 4432 Terminal: 00002 Tran, 9638 FF MLS/PNTS EARNED 600 Oper: 00103 4/12/2013 2:30:06 PM Tax 0134055101 003 8 —THANK YOU FOR RENTING WITH AVIS Thank you for shopping with us! Visit our website: www,lstrna,c.om Toll Pass inquiries, visit WNW.e-toils.com or call HTA at 1-866-642-2000 Other inquiries or e-receipt visit INESS RENTALS ONLY CDW RESPO or, call 317-244-3307`- — � ' / 114arl- STAR0UCKS Store O2459 � MAC.Ing 12465 Q. N8hdi8O � Carmel` IN <817\ SOS-873U ' � � i fit CNK 735040 04/12y2013 01;18 PH 1 . 1663318 Drawer: 1 Reg' Shapiro's 08l1c0t8Go0l ---------------------' '----- � 918 8 HoOg8line Rd � TI Pike Place 1.85 8d��l IN 4�03� � Tl Blonde Roast 1.05 T| LattW 2,75 51O Mary W ! _____________ Nonfat i ---''— Visa 6,511) | 0hh 2258 Apr12'13 12|16P Gst ________________ _ ^ �XXXXXXXXXXX288O � ' _' __-'- � | l 112 8oDd & soup 8.50 ' | 1 &o[O�d 08�f ' CubtO��] *8.O5 � '^ Tax 9% �'$0,54 Toanted O'50 TO bl �N'5S[ite' ''' Chari��e Ou� �O 0 O Daily � 8� 15 FoUUt��D Gn�8 2 ' / ' —'----- 8Ck O]u88� ------------ � 1/2 Sand 8 Soup 0 5O ' . -- ' 84/1y/20\3 O1'l8 PM 1/2 0O[OVd Beef ' U Doily 8OUp ' | % Fruit Salad @ 2,50 � 0O � | ' ' 2 Tea # 1.05 8.70 ' 1 Baked Chicken g � ' Treat yUUrEelf tn layers of Mac and Cheese 0.50' sweet |tcadwDn8 Potatoes 0.50' Mith o NfH hwol|mi Nac8hidt0 XXXXXXXXXXXX2590 ' or [xrxm Visa 42 � ' Try UmW . - LoX[O NU[o, Subtotal � - 39'1U � ! _ Tax 3.52 HM8HO8T ` Payment ' 42.62 TEQUILERIA � KANSAS CITY AIRPORT � | CHECK 2200 . TABLE l 141 1 � SERVER : 161232 Andrea | UATE/ AYR11 ' 13 0:20PM 8h8piro'O Delicatessen CARD TYRE : Yl8A | | Date: Apd2'1312:19PH kCCT # ; XXyXXXXXXXXX2690 � Card Type: Visa AUTH CUD[ 04905D � Acct #: XXXXXXXXXXXX2690 KYLE DUNINI8SE � � Card Entry: SWIPED � Trans Type: PURCHASE TOTAL 1 E9 . 5 9 . Trans Key: EIE007778644693 � � Auth Code: 00679D � Check: 2258 TIP;_________~_______r'__�______ � . � . 8o��[� 510 Mary M ! Subtotal: ^�� ' �5�� T0TAL �______�_______~��^_�__-_-_; � DP: � ! X ______________________________ (� TOTAL: I AGREE TO PAY THE A80Y[ AMOUNT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CARD / - ISSUER ' S AGREEMENT . � CUSTOMER COPY i ! THANK YOU ! | i • ((l7•Hil.to arden 1nw 13090 Pennsylvania Street • Carmel,IN 46032 Indianapolis/Carmel Phone(317)581-9400 • Fax(317)591-9411 Reservations Name&Address-� www,hiltongal'deninn.coul or 1 977 STAY HOI I DOMINISSE,KYLE Room 311/K1DZQ 8111 ROSEHILL RD, Arrival Date 4/11/2013 10:33:00PM Departure Date 4/12/2013 LENEXA,KS 66215 US AdulVChlld 110 I Room Rate 114.00 RATE PLAN LV6 HH# 230474543 SILVER AL: BONUS AL: CAR: CONFIRMATION NUMBER: 3512702405 4/12/2013 PAGE 1 DATE REFERENCE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 4/11/2013 804486 *GREAT AMERICAN GRILL $6.45 4/11/2013 804493 *PAVILION PANTRY $0.93 4/1112013 804493 TAXES $0.07 4/11/2013 804651 GUEST ROOM $114.00 4/11/2013 804551 STATE TAX $7.98 4/1112013 804651 INNKEEPERS TAX $6.70 WILL BE SETTLED TO VS*2690 $136.13 EFFECTIVE BALANCE OF $0.00 EXPENSE REPORT SUMMARY 1 1 00:00:00 STAY TOTAL ROOM&TAX $127.68 $127.68 MISCELLANEOUS $0.93 $0.93 FOOD&BEVE RAGE $6.46 $6.45 OTHER $0.07 $0.07 DAILY TC TAL $135.13 $135.13 i You have ear d approximate y 2000 Hilton HHonors points for this stay, Visit HHonors.com to heck your point balance rom stays at any of the 3,700 hote s within the Hll n Worldwide portfolio, DATA OP CHARGa V�VWCHRAK NO. I Zip-Out Check-Ouse JL Good Morning I We hope you ciljIoyed your stay.With Zip-Out Clicck-OutO AUTHORIZATION INITIAL thcrp is no need to stop at flit Front Desk to clieclt out. ■ Please review this statement, It is a record of your charges as of Into last PURCIWBS&3I3RVIC13S evening. Per any charges after your account was prepared,you may: TAXnS i-'pay at the time of purchase. +charge purohases to your account,then stop by the Front Desk for an updated statement. TIPS&MISC. +or request an updated statement be mailed to you within two business days. If the statement meets with your approval, simply press the Zip-Out Chcek-Out button on your guest room telephone. Your account will be automaticatly checked TOTAL,AMOUNT 0.00 out and you may use this statement as your receipt. Feel free to leave your key(s) in the room. Please call the lry'ont Desk(f you Nish to extend your stay or if you have any questions about your account Prescribed by State Board d Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 14e r P �no r�° Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 4-2.8-13 DOI/3n435 Rftic jone lWq4koo 5 r� 72. Total 2, I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Waller P Moore IN SUM OF $ 172 , 6s ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board Members PO# # EP or EPT. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT D I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 102 3 d 35 099 j ] g 2.� bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except G - /7-20/ Signature Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund � t9lvi v/� WALTER P MOORE Carmel Redevelopment Commission Invoice# : D0414023 c/o Krieg DeVauit Project : M041000100 12800 North Meridian Street, Suite 300 Project Name : Carmel RPAC Dome-Lltlgatlon Support Carmel, 1N. 46032-9422 Invoice Group : " Invoice Date : 2/24/2013 Attention: Robert Schein For Professional Services Rendered through: 2/24/2013 ALSO email invoices to: dcleveland(Ocarmel,in,gov mlee @carmel.in.gov Salaries Rate Schedule Labor 134,700,00 Total Salaries 134,700,00 i Expenses Regular Expenses 5,155.93 Total Expenses 5,155,93 Amount Due This Invoice 139,855,93 For questions regarding this invoice, please contact Lydia S Salira. Telephone:713-630-7300 Emall:LSalira®walterpmoore,com I i I I — I � I i PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO ADDRESS NOTED BELOW: 1301 MCKINNEY,SUITE lioo HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 PHONE: 713.630.7300 FAX 713.630.7396 i i WATER P MOORE Project: M041000100 Carmel RPAC Dome-Litigation Support Involce# : D0414023 Phase; 9D04 -- SDSG General Rate Schedule Labor Class/Employee Name Date Hours Rate Amount Engineer Kurt W Henkhaus 02/04/2013 2.00 165.00 330.00 02/05/2013 6.00 165.00 990.00 02/06/2013 8.00 165.00 1,320,00 02/07/2013 4.00 165.00 660,00 --- ----------------------- 20.00 3,300,00 Principal Mark M.Holland 01/30/2013 3.50 270.00 945.00 01/31/2013 8.00 270,00 2,160,00 02/01/2013 7.50 270.00 2,025,00 02/02/2013 1.00 270,00 270,00 02/04/2013 2.00 270.00 540.00 02/05/2013 2.00 270.00 540,00 02/06/2013 2.50 270,00 675.00 02/07/2013 2.00 270,00 540.00 02/08/2013 3.00 270.00 810.00 02/11/2013 1.50 270,00 405.00 02/12/2013 1.00 270.00 270.00 02/13/2013 3.50 270.00 945,00 02/14/2013 2.50 270.00 675.00 02/15/2013 3.50 270.00 945.00 02/16/2013 1.00 270.00 270,00 02/17/2013 1.00 270,00 270.00 02/18/2013 5.00 270.00 1,350.00 02/19/2013 0,50 270.00 135.00 02/20/2013 1.50 270.00 405.00 02/21/2013 2.00 270.00 540.00 02/22/2013 2.50 270.00 675.00 02/23/2013 0.50 270.00 135.00 02/24/2013 0.50 270.00 135.00 --------------------------- 58.00 15,660.00 Project Manager Kyle Dominisse 02/04/2013 2.00 210.00 420.00 02/05/2013 8.00 210.00 1,680,00 02/06/2013 8.00 210.00 1,680,00 02/07/2013 8.00 210,00 1,680,00 02/08/2013 4.50 210.00 945,00 02/11/2013 5.00 210.00 1,050.00 02/12/2013 8.00 210.00 1,680.00 02/13/2013 8,00 210,00 1,680.00 02/14/2013 8,00 210.00 1,680.00 For questions regarding this invoice, please contact Lydia S Salira. Telephone:713-630-7300 Email;LSalira®walterpmoore.com PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO ADDRESS NOTED BELOW: 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE iioo HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 PHONE:713.630.7300 FAX:713.630.7396 page; 1 i f WALTER P MOORE I . Project: Mb41000100 Carmel RPAC Dome-Litigation Support Invoice# : D0414023 Phase: '9004 -- SDSG General Rate Schedule Labor Class/Employee Name Date Hours Rate Amount Project Manager Kyle Dom!inisse 02/15/2013 6.00 210.00 1,260,00 02/18/2013 8,00 210.00 1,680.00 02/19/2013 8.00 210,00 1,680,00 02/20/2013 8.00 210,00 1,680.00 02/21/2013 5.00 210.00 1,050.00 02/22/2013 2.00 210.00 420.00 96.50 20,265,00 Jacob K, Bice 02/06/2013 5,00 210.00 1,050.00 Total: Project Manager 101,50 21,315,00 Senior CAD,Technician Laura B.Woods 02/15/2013 1.00 140.00 140.00 02/22/2013 2.00 140,00 280,00 ----------- ------------------ 3.00 420.00 Senior Engineer Renee R Rejappa 01/28/2013 1.00 180.00 180.00 01/30/2013 2.00 180.00 360.00 01/31/2013 5.00 180.00 900.00 02/01/2013 5,00 180.00 900.00 02/04/2013 1,00 180.00 180.00 02/05/2013 4,00 180,00. 720,00 02/06/2013 3.00 180,00 540.00 02/07/2013 3,00 180.00 540,00 02/08/2013 6.00 180.00 1,080.00 02/11/2013 1.00 180.00 180.00 02/13/2013 5.00 180,00 900,00 02/14/2013 5,00 180.00 900,00 02/15/2013 6,00 180.00 1,080.00 02/18/2013 5,00 180.00 900,00 02/19/2013 8.00 180.00 1,440.00 02/20/2013 2,00 180,00 360.00 02/21/2013 5,50 180,00 990,00 ------------- 67.50 12,150,00 Senior Principal Lawrence G!Griffis 02/04/2013 1,00 360.00 360,00 02/14/2013 4.00 360.00 1,440.00 02/15/2013 8.00 360.00 2,880.00 CarmeC Connectlon Crisis 02/16/2013 2,00 360.00 720.00 02/19/2013 4.00 360.00 1,440,00 For questions regarding this invoice, please contact Lydia S Salira. Telephone:713-630-7300 Email:LSalira®walterpmoore.com PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO ADDRESS NOTED BELOW; 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE inn HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 PHONE: 713.830.7300 Fax:713.030.7390 Page: 2 i WALTER P MOORE Project: M041000100 -- Carmel RPAC Dome-Litigation Support Invoice#: D0414023 Phase: 9D04 -- SDSG General Rate Schedule Labor Class/Employee Name Date Hours Rate Amount Senior Principal Carmel Connectlon Retrofl 02/20/2013 4.00 360.00 1,440.00 02/22/2013 4,00 360.00 1,440.00 27,00 9,720.00 Dilip K. Choudhuri 01/31/2013 1.00 360.00 360.00 02/01/2013 2,00 360.00 720,00 02/07/2013 1.00 360.00 360.00 02/08/2013 2.00 360,00 720.00 02/11/2013 1.00 360.00 360.00 02/12/2013 1.00 360.00 360.00 02/13/2013 1.00 360.00 360.00 02/14/2013 1.00 360.00 360.00 02/15/2013 1.00 360.00 360.00 02/17/2013 2.00 360,00 720.00 02/18/2013 2,00 360.00 720.00 02/19/2013 2.00 360.00 720.00 02/20/2013 2.00 360.00 720.00 02/21/2013 2,00 360.00 720.00 02/22/2013 2.00 360.00 720.00 02/24/2013 0.50 360.00 180.00 ------------------- -------- 23,50 8,460.00 Total: Senior Principal 50.50 18,180.00 Senior Project Manager Abdeihakim H. Bouadi 02/18/2013 2,50 255,00 637.50 02/19/2013 4.00 255.00 1,020.00 02/21/2013 4.00 255.00 1,020.00 02/22/2013 2,00 255.00 510.00 12.50 3,187.50. Rate Schedule Labor 74,212.50 Total Phase; 9D04 -- SDSG General Labor 74,212,60 Expense 0,00 i Phase: 9SO4 -- SESG General Rate Schedule Labor Class/Employee Name Date Hours Rate Amount Graduate Engineer Mehedy Mashnad 01/31/2013 5.50 150.00 825.00 02/01/2013 4.00 150.00 600.00 For questions regarding this invoice, please contact Lydia S Salira. Telephone:713-630-7300 Email:LSalira®walterpmoore,com PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO ADDRESS NOTED BELOW: 1 1301 MCKINNEY,SUITE iioo HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 PHONE. 713,630.7300 FAX:713.630.7396 Page: 3 WALTER P MOORE Project: M041000100 - Carmel RPAC Dome-Litigatlon Support Invoice# : D0414023 Phase: 9SO4 -- SESG General Rate Schedule Labor Class/Employee Name Date Hours Rate Amount Graduate Engineer Mehedy Mashnad 02/11/2013 1,00 150.00 150.00 02/12/2013 8.00 150.00 1,200.00 02/13/2013 2.00 150,00 300.00 02/14/2013 2.50 150.00 375.00 02/15/2013 3.50 150.00 525,00 ---- --. 26.50 3,975,00 Principal Joseph A.Dowd 01/31/2013 9.00 270,00 2,430.00 02/01/2013 9,50 270.00 2,565.00 02/07/2013 0.25 270.00 67.50 02/08/2013 0.75 270.00 202.50 02/11/2013 1.75 270.00 472,50 02/12/2013 5.00 270.00 1,350,00 02/13/2013 8.00 270.00 2,160.00 02/14/2013 8,00 270.00 2,160.00 02/15/2013 3.50 270.00 945.00 02/16/2013 2.50 270.00 675.00 02/17/2013 2.75 270.00 742.50 02/18/2013 7.25 270.00 1,957.50 02/19/2013 3.50 270.00 945.00 02/20/2013 5,00 270,00 1,350.00 02/21/2013 7.50 270.00 2,025.00 02/22/2013 3.50 270.00 945.00 02/23/2013 4.75 270.00 1,282.50 02/24/2013 2.25 270.00 607,50 --------------------------- 84.75 22,882.50 Senior CAD Technician Mark Noble 02/18/2013 1.50 140.00 210,00 Stephen Smith 02/18/2013 7.00 140.00 980.00 02/19/2013 4.00 140.00 560.00 02/20/2013 4.00 140.00 560.00 ---------------------------- 15.00 2,100.00 Total: Senior CAD Technician 16.50 2,310.00 Senior Principal Lawrence G', Griffis 01/31/2013 2.00 360.00 720.00 Truss Failure Investigation 02/01/2013 8,00 360.00 2,880,00 Carmel Trus"Connection Failure Investigation ------------------ ------ 10.00 3,600.00 For questions regarding this invoice, please contact Lydia S Salira. Telephone:713-630-7300 Email:LSallra®watterpmoore.com PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO ADDRESS NOTED BELOW: 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE noo HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 PHONE: 713.630.7300 FAX:713.630.7396 Page; 4 WALTER P MOORE Project: M041000100 -- Carmel RPAC Dome-Litigation Support Invoice#: D0414023 Phase: 9SO4 -- SESG General Rate Schedule Labor Class/Employee Name Date Hours Rate Amount Senior Principal Viral B. Patel 01/31/2013 2.50 360.00 900.00 02/01/2013 11.00 360.00 3,960.00 02/06/2013 1.50 360.00 540,00 02/14/2013 8.00 360.00 2,880,00 02/15/2013 8.00 360.00 2,880.00 31,00 11,160.00 David A.Platten 01/31/2013 2.00 360.00 720.00 Truss T-2 Connection Review and Discussion 02/01/2013 6,00 360.00 2,160.00 Truss T-2 Connection Review and Discussion 02/05/2013 1.50 360.00 540.00 02/06/2013 4.00 360.00 1,440.00 02/07/2013 4.00 360.00 1,440.00 02/08/2013 2.50 360.00 900.00 02/12/2013 2.00 360,00 720,00 02/13/2013 2,00 360.00 720.00 02/14/2013 2.00 360,00 720.00 02/15/2013 1.00 360.00 360.00 02/17/2013 1,00 360.00 360.00 02/18/2013 4.00 360.00 1,440,00 02/19/2013 6.00 360.00 2,160.00 02/20/2013 4.00 360.00 1,440.00 02/21/2013 4.00 360.00 1,440,00 ---------------------------- 46,00 16,560,00 Total: Senior Principal 87.00 31,320.00 I Rate Schedule Labor 60,487,50 Total Phase: 9SO4 -- SESG General Labor 60,487.50 Expense 0100 Phase: R000 -- Reimbursable Expense Regular Expenses Vendor Name Doc Nbr Date Cost Multiplier Amount Mileage,Parking and Auto Kyle Dominlsse HOU107583 02/07/2013 36.60 1.10 40,26 From Kansas City to Carmel for Performing Arts Center-Truss Bearing Observation HOW 07780 02/14/2013 43.60 1.10 47,96 From Kansas City to Carmel for Performing Arts Center For questions regarding this invoice, please contact Lydia S Salira, Telephone:713-630-7300 Email:LSalira®walterpmoore,com PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO ADDRESS NOTED BELOW: i 1301 MOKINNEY,SUITE iloo HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 PRONE: 713.630.7300 FAX:713.630.7396 Page: 5 WALTER P MOORE Project: M041000100 - Carmel RPAC Dome-Litigation Support Invoice# : D0414023 Phase: R000 -- Reimbursable Expense Regular Expenses Vendor Name Doc Nbr Date cast Multiplier Amount Mileage, Parking and Auto Kyle Dominisse HOU107803 02/20/2013 43,60 1.10 47.96 From Kansas City to Carmel for Performing Arts Center -------------------- 123.80 136.18 Kurt W Henkhaus HOU107581 02/06/2013 48.17 1.10 52.99 From Dallas to Indianapolis for Site Visit Total: Mileage, Parking and Auto 189.17 Travel Expense Kyle Dominisse HOU107583 02/07/2013 935.56 1.10 1,029.12 From Kansas City to Carmel for Performing Arts Center=Truss Bearing Observation HOU107780 02/14/2013 1,147,94 1.10 1,262.73 From Kansas City to Carmel for Performing Arts Center HOW 07803 02/20/2013 986,05 1.10 1,084,66 From Kansas City to Carmel for Performing Arts Center -------------------- ---------------------------- 3,069.55 3,376.51 Kurt W Henkhaus HOU107581 02/06/2013 973.88 1.10 1,071.27 From Dallas to Indianapolis for Site Visit Total: Travel Expense 4,447.78 Business Meals Kyle Dominisse HOU107583 02/07/2013 195,76 1.10 215,34 From Kansas City to Carmel for Performing Arts Center-;Truss Bearing Observation HOU107780 02/14/2013 142.01 1.10 156.21 i From Kansas City to Carmel for Performing Arts Center HOU107803 02/20/2013 126.25 1,10 138.88 From Kansas City to Carmel for Performing Arts Center --------------------------- 464.02 510.43 Other Direct Expense Kyle Dominisse HOU107803 02/20/2013 8.55 1.00 8.55 From Kansas City to Carmel for Performing Arts Center Regular Expenses 5,155.93 Total Phase: IR000 -- Reimbursable Expense Labor : 0.00 Expense 5,155.93 Total Project: M041000100 -- Carmel RPAC Dome-Litigation Support 139,855.93 For questions regarding this invoice, please contact Lydia S Salira. Telephone:713-630-7300 Emall:I-Salira®walterpmoore.com PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO ADDRESS NOTED BELOW: 1301 MCKINNEY,SUITE 1100 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 PHONE: 713.630.7300 FAX:713.630.7396 Page: 6 WATER P MOORE TRAVEL VOUCHER - - Submitted by:_yl D i e Signature: From: Kansas City,MO 2013 Form Employe 15 c Locati on: Kansas City To: Carmel, IN Departure Date: 215/2013 Manager Approval: To:Tan.as City,MO Return Date: 2/7/2013 Division Mgr Appr al: Purpose: Performing Arts Center-Truss Bearing Observation Project or Acct No: M0410001-00 Net Non-reimb Total •'X"if Item Reimb to Pers onal Cost Reimb Itemization/Notes specific items_ d- -1- _ No. Item Employee Costs This Item to Client a b C e I Mileage $22 60 $0.00 $22.60 X_ _ 40_m_i_I_es(cD$_565/mi 0 0 0 0 _ _2 Airfare $499.801 $0_00 $499.80 _X $499.80 _$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 3._ Auto _$152.40 $0.00 $152.40 X_ Rental Car and Gas $16.34 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 4 Tax/Tran�s ort $0.00_ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Net Acco_mmod_ations $283.36 $0.00_ _$283.3_6 _X _$32.3_.3_6_Total H_otel Ac_c_o_mmodations _ $150.08_$173.28- $0.00 $0;00 $0.00 -6 Hotel Meals $40.00 $0.00 $40.00 X _ $40.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 7 _ Hotel Miscellaneous itemize $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00_ __8 _ Meals $155.76 $0.00 $155.76 X S40.00- $27.87. $62.51 $5.70 $19.68 _ 9 Client Entertainment $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 10 Parking $14.00 $0.00 $14.00 X KC Airport Parking $14.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 11 Tolls $0.00 $0_00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 S0.00 $0.00 Tips $0.00 $0.00_ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 _. 13- Other $0.00 $0.00 _ $0.00 _ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 __.14 Other $0_00 $0.00 $0.00 _ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 _. 15 _ Other $0.00 $0_00 $0.00 _ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -16. 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DOM I N I SSE,KYLE VISA PCARD WIZARD NUMBER: 2DU98U #1#44k #42690 AVIS DISC: SALE RECORD N: 16 INV: 000017 WALTER P MOORE & ASSOCIATES DATE: FEB 01, 13 IIKi 15:43 PAYMENT'I METHOD: VISA XX2690 BATCH: 35 RUTH: 01915C YOUR RENTAL , TOTAL X14_06 Ricked up: IND Date/Time: FEB 06, 2013 @07:67PM KYLE DOMINIBSE Returned: IND Date/Time: FEB 07, 2013 @01 :27PM HERCHANT COPY Veh Group: Intermediate Veh Charged: Intermediate Vehicle: VOLKSWAGEN JETTA Odometer, Out: 25074 Odometer In: 26169 �u +e � Fuel Reading: Full Open Seating 9K WELCOME YOUR VEHICLE CHARGES DOMINISSEIKYL ra 88336784 #G9XBD8 God X R..PJI T H A INC �p> titY?i6 W WASHINGTON 2 DY@ 48.00 96.00 fe:b0D7� u IN IN111IANAPOLIS IN YOUR TIME AND MILEAGE: 96.00 `�to SASOCfTSY1tVTL f6' 26241 t° Ga ATE 82/87/13 11 ;4' YOUR TAXABLE_ FEES ,a fV1 P ## 02 >;6719440 ' 'ttODUCT : REGULAR **11 .11% FEE 11 0 �� LALLONS : 4 . 57 i FTP SR$ I 1 .00DY 2-.00 I'(Y� W °RICE/G : -$ 3 . G.?fjs:3 CUST FAC CHARGE 4.00/DY 8.00 k "-IcL SALE 16 . �� ENERGY RECOVERY 0.60/DY 1 .20 - O:C.SA Acct : 24,431< u' ��'.)'E:H : 88-06475C YOUR SUBTOTAL g; I'. 0" ENTERED TAXABLE''SUBTOT 118.22 4; Ei t,ch : 13 Seq : 81fi TAX 7.000 8.28 r- INI)OICE : 114286 Cx•a%n : 368882 YOUR NON TAXABLE ITEMS 94`'G TAX 4.84 �)EALER4t# : 88336784 COUNTY SURCH 4.00 4.72 Term ID : 21 WANT FREE GAS? AL CHARGES 136.06 ;Pi �2lvr� tAftfine's REGISTER TO WIN A`1 TOTAL 136.06 open Seating 3R WWW• G A S V I S I T , C OM NEET YOUR TOTAL DUE: 0.00 DO MINISSEKYL a THANK YOU ' uAVS A N7 cu- DRY PAID ON VISA XX2690 �o Tf.#.G9XBD8 "CONCESSION RECOVERY FEE `��, N' i6 i�ogNSAS CITY N u #4% AUTO RNTL EXCISE TAX to INDIANAPOIJ9 FF GILS/PNTS EARNED 600 __... 719440 THANK'YOU FOR RENTING WITH AVIS i') YpJS 1,t. Yi Noll Pass inquiries, visit ww.e-tolls.com or call HTA at 1-866-642-2000 other inquiries or e-receipt visit twwv.avis.coin �n , or call 317-2441-3307 r� A SA IND, LLC , Brugge Brasserie H A M P P S 1011AL.WestfieldBlvd. NDIANAPOLIS INT ' L AIRPORT Indianapolis,IN 46220 ! S e l e n a P phone:(317)255-0978 . --- ------ -------- --------- www.BiuggeBrasserie.com ': ,, 63/1 www.Bnrgge-Beer,coin 1 8 9 07FEB ' 13 1 :50PH :aver:Joe -Ible: Family dining DINE IN '':07:37 PM 215/201:` DIET COKE 2 , 75 >rder#: 62084 AMER-CHOP-SALAD 12 . 09 ----- _"° ' SUBTOTAL 14 . 84 Item Price TAX Belgian Classic 19.95 TOTAL DUE 1 6 1 8 I ** *a * ". Sausage s/w 1095 : '%,�R�,..�. aj Subtotal: 30.90 ** �1.0 s Oe Ja • �" t '_ Tax: 2,780 at, Total: 33.68 , a" No purchase to enter or win Total: 33.68 Rules at www . areasusa .com/wecare For Guest Service , email : — — gl. ;ts ''1 Tck#; 01 r ---------------------•-- ��— AREAS USA IND , LLC , // CHAMPP ' S ��✓�f INDIANAPOLIS INT ' L AIRPORT CHECK : 1 3 9 Brugge Brasserie B L E : 63 / 1 1011 A E.Westfield Blvd. R V E R : 4042 Selena P Indianapolis, IN 46220 =T E : 07 FEB ' 13 2 : 16PM phone: (317) 255-0978 ?D TYPE : VISA vvww,BruggeBrasserie,com :T # : XXXXXXXXXXXX2690 www,Brugge-Beer.com .:TH CODE : 08526C ::rver: Joe 0037672:- KYLE D O M I N I S S E :.able: Family dining 4 c.T O T A L : 1 6 1 l: :55 PM 2/5/201.. S ` .a T U I T Y : ------------.3. ------- . * p, '** *ISSE/KYLE******2690 V, Exp *4... -r 9 T A L : ------------� --- --ith: 02697C •outl): 333697 SIGNATURE : ----------------------- ,mount $ 33.68 SIGNED COPY TO MERCHANT lip $ 6, z Total $�0.o° Custnmer Com i ` . . STARBUCKOSt0re #2453 12465 N. Meridian Carmel, IN (317) 569-8738 e� -� ` �v 6/� � ���y- OHK 71900 ' � 02/87/2013 06:51 AM 1783788 Drawer: l Reg: l -'----------'------------- HILTON GARDEN INN TI Dark Roast 1 .65 CARNEL, Kind bar/Apple C1[) 1'85 13090 PENNSYLVANIA S[0BT C[aD Almond Bar 1.95 CARNEi. IN 46032 y1ou 5.70 317-501-8400 XXXXXXXXXXXX2690 � | 8UbtO1Ol $5.55 � l 3241 7 . 1 ToK 8% $0,15 NAYELY R Table l �� Total $5.70 Np,| 02/00/13 8:15 AM Guosis 2 Cl-laDcje OUe $[) . O\) 6m�u1 NUM: l -------------------' ------- ChpCk Closed --------- AMERICAN BUFFET 2| .9O 2/7/2013 6:51 AN JubToio| 21 .80 Taxes.. . 1 .87 t".^ P|eoao puy ih|s umoun1 Total 23 ' 87 � * FOR R80H CHARGES & MASTER ACCTS ONLY/* ! * * * NAME � * * =."`r*,w * R00H V * 8henirO.8 Delicatessen � |IP AMOUNT / 91O 3 RaDgeliOn Rd '----------' Carmel IM 46032 / � / ^ 467 Cherie H ^ * �'—_--__'______—___--_ , � Cnk 1339 Feb06'13 01 :16P G8t l —_--_—_—__--____—___ 2 Tea @ 1 .85 3.70 , --'����---- l 5L Boston Cr Pie 5.45 2 Gn[ Pot Salad @ 2.35 4.70 | 3 Reuben 8dDd q 12.45 37.35 I Green Beans 2.35 | 1 GL Rhubarb Pin 3.45 � 1 Lg Orange JU1Co 2.55 � XXXXXXXXXXXX2090 Yino 62.51 Subtotal 57.85 Tux 5.l§ � Payment 52.51 Kyle Dominisse From: Southwest Airlines<SouthwestAirlines @luv.southwest.com> Sent: Monday, February 04, 2013 6:06 PM To: Kyle Dominisse Subject:, Southwest Airlines Confirm ation-DOMINISSE/KYLE-Confirmation: G04RXZ Categories: TRAVEL You're all set for your trip! TST+ My Account I View My Itinerary Online I Ready for takeoff! A Thanks for choosing Southwest for your trip!You'll find everything you need to know , ., about your reservation below. Happy travels! r ' Upcoming Trl 02/05/13 Indianapolis + « « am AIR Confirmation: G04RXZ Confirmation Date:02/4/2013 Passenger(s) Rapid Rewards# Ticket# Expiration Est. Points Earned DOMINISSE/KYLE 00000356719440 5262495972710 Feb 4,2014 5736 I ! it I ` i Rapid Rewards points earned are only estimates.Visit your(MySouthwest,Southwest.com or Rapid Rewards) account for the most accurate totals-Including A-List&A-List Preferred bonus points. - Find a Hotel Date Flight Departure/Arrival See ratings, photos and rates for over 40,000 hotels. ; Tue Feb 5 1196 Depart KANSAS CITY INTL(MCI)on Southwest Airlines at 4:20 ) PM i Book a Hotel 9b Arrive in INDIANAPOLIS IN(IND)at 6:50 PM Travel Time 1 firs 30 mins Business Select ... .................... I✓ �f' u t l Thu Feb 7 550 Depart INDIANAPOLIS IN(IND)on Southwest Airlines at 08:35 AM r ; Arrive in KANSAS CITY INTL(MCI)at 09:15 AM Travel Time 1 firs 40 mins I Business Select Rent Some Wheels Explore your destination on What you need to know to travel: the perfect set of wheels. S • Don't forget to check In for your flight(s)24 hours before your trip on southwest.com or I Rent a Car T4 your mobile device.This will secure your boarding position on your flights. • Southwest Airlines does not have assigned seats,so you can choose your seat when you board the plane.You will bo assigned a boarding position based on your checkin time.The earlier you check In,within 24 hours of your flight,the earlier you get to board. Air Cost; 499.80 1 Carry-on Items: 1 Bag+small personal item are free see full details. Checked Items: First and Mr' second bags are free,size and weight limits apply. LIC I�` S l Fare Rule(s):5262495972710:NONTRANSFERABLE. 1 Cet the:best travel deals Valid only on Southwest Airlines.All travel involving funds from this Confirmation Number straight to yp,t1[.IT1bDit:. � must be completed by the expiration date.Unused travel funds may only be applied toward ! the purchase of future travel for the individual named on the ticket.Any changes to this Itinerary may result In a fare increase. MKC WN IND222.33KZBP WN MKC222.33KZBP 444.66 END ZPMCIIND XFMC14.51ND4.5 AY5.00$MC12.501ND2.50 Important Check-In Reminder Be sure to arrive at the departure gate with your boarding pass at least 10 minutes before your scheduled departure time.Otherwise,your reserved space may be cancelled and you "- won't be eligible for denied booking compensation. I e_ RLY131 Get EarlyBird - �^ Go to Boarding School vl. Check-In"Details vo Cost and Payment Summary C1 AIR-GO4RXZ Base Fare $ 444.66 Payment Information Excise Taxes $ 33.34 Payment Type:Visa XXXXXXXXXXXX2690 Segment Fee $ 7.80 Date: Feb 4,2013 Passenger Facility Charge $ 9.00 Payment Amount:$499.80 September 11th Security Fee $ 5.00 Total Air Cost $ 499.80 o�s; Flight Status Alerts � � - Get exclusive travel deals straight to your " Stay on your way with flight departure or desktop or iPhone, , arrival status via text message or email. z r i , n Subscribe Now q Download DING[ 2 11355 N.Meridian Street•Carmel,IN 46032 DOUBLETREE SUITES Phone(317)844-7994 - Fax(317)843-0678 For reservations worldwide Name&Address iNOIee ■A ro HI u S-CA xMeL m www.doubletree,co or 1-800-222-TREE DOMINISSE,KYLE Room 328/NK1S 8111 ROSEHILL RD, Arrival Date 2/6/2013 5:52:OOPM LENEXA,KS 66215 Departure Date 2/7/2013 US Adult/Child 1/0 Room Rate $119.00 RATE PLAN LV6 HH# 230474543 BLUE AL BONUS AL CAR Confirmation: 83446692 217/2013 PAGE 1 DATE DESCRIPTION D REF,NO CHARGES RED BALANCE 2/6/2013 1714141 THE BISTR $40.00 2/6/2013 1714299 GUEST RO M $119.00 2/6/2013 1714299 STATE TAX $8.33 216/2013 1714299 OCCUPAN Y TAX $5.95 i WILL BE SETTLED ro VS*2690 $173.28 EFFECTIVE BALANCE OF $0.00 i ESTIM ATED CURRENCY FOTAL EXPRESS CHECK-OUT DATE OF CHARGE FOLIO NO.ICHECK NO. 364806 A Good Morning t We hope you enjoyed your stay.With Express Check-Out there is no need to stop at the Front Desk to check out. ■ Please review this statement. It is a record of your charges as of late last AUTHORIZATION INITIAL evening, For any charges after your account was prepared,you may: PURCHASES&SERVICES +pay at the time of purchase. +charge purchases to your account,then stop by the Front Desk for an TAXES updated statement. +or request an updated statement be mailed to you within two business days. TIPS&MISC. Simply call the Front Desk from your room and tell us when you are ready to depart. Your account will be automatically checked out and you may use this statement as your receipt. Feel free to leave your key(s)in the room. TOTAL AMOUN6 0 Please call the wont Desk if you wish to extend your stay or if you have any PAYMENT DUE UPON RECEIPT questions about your account. INVOICES, PAYMENT DUE UPON RECEIPT-1.5%PER NIONTH INTEREST CHARGE WILL RE APPLIED TO ALL PAST DUE i ( Hilton i arden Inrr 13090 Pennsylvania Street • Carmel,IN 46032 Indianapolis/Carmel Phone(317)581-9400 • Fax(317)581-9411 Reservations Name&Address www.hiltongardenian.com or 1877 STAY HGI DOMINISSE,KYLE Room 204/Q2RRP 8111 ROSEHILL RD. Arrival Date 2/5/2013 10:38:OOPM Departure Date 2/6/2013 LENEXA,KS 66215 US Adult/Chlld 1/0 Room Rate 134.00 RATE PLAN LV4 HH# 230474543 BLUE AL; BONUS AL: CAR: CONFIRMATION NUMBER: 3507978171 2/6/2013 PAGE 1 DATE REFERENCE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 2/512013 787209 GUEST ROOM $134.00 2/5/2013 787209 STATE TAX $9,38 2/5/2013 787209 INNKEEPERS TAX $6.70 WILL BE SETTLED TO VS"2690 $150.08 EFFECTIVE BALANCE OF $0.00 EXPENSE REPORT SUMMARY 1 00:00:00 STAY TOTAL ROOM&TAX $150.08 $150.08 DAILY TC TAL $150.08 $150.08 You have earn 9d approximate y 2010 Hilton HHonors points for this stay. Visit HHonors.com to heck your point balance rom stays at an the 3,700 hole s within the Hil n Worldwide portfolio, Hilton Garden It n Is opening to ations all over the world.Look for us In Canada,Costa Rica, Ger nany, India, Italy,Mexico Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Kingdom and th oughout the USA.www.hgl.com DATE OF CHARGE Ffi�f/CHEXK NO. Zip-Out Check-Out® Mood Mo1TUng I We hope you enjoyed your stay, With Zip-Out Check-Out@ AUTHORIZATION INITIAL there is no need to stop at the Front Desk to check out, ■ Please review this statement. It is a record of your charges as of late last PURCHASES&SERVICES evening. For any charges after your account was prepared,you may: TAXES +pay at the time of purchase. charge purchases to your account,then stop by the Front Desk for an updated statement. TIPS&MISC. +or request an updated statement be mailed to you within two business days. If the statement meets with your approval, simply press the Zip-Out Check-Out button on your guest room telephone. Your account will be automatically checked TOTAL AMOUNT 0.00 out and you may use this statement as your receipt. Feel free to leave your key(s) in the room. Please call the Df-out Desk If you Nish to extend your stay at-if you have any questions about your account �tl�,.i 1F•f I KCI AIRPORT ECONOMY LOT 400 B PANAMA CITY Rental Agreement Number: 60035f!,;'% ' KANSAS CITY, MO. 64153 Vehicle Number: 52831111".. 816 243 8019 ' NI-" INFORMATION TERMINAL I.D.s 0011340000801346834602 MERCHANT 0: 8013468346 NISSE,KYLE VISA PCARD RD NUMBER: 2DU98U 0i000*02690 DISC; SALE RECORD H; 16 IHUI 000017 .! LT,ER P MOORE & ASSOCIATES DATE! FEB 07, 13 TIME: 1543 '!ENT METHOD; VISA XX2690 BATCH! 35 AUTHi 879150 RENTAL TOTAL 14_04 ad up: IND /Time: FEB 06, 2013 @07:t ': ''. Returned: IND KYLE DOMINISSE Date/Time: FEB 07, 2013 @01 MERCHANT COPY Veh Group: Intermediate Veh Charged: Intermediate Vehicle: VOLKSWAGEN JETTA Odometer Out: 26074 Odometer In: 26169 Fuel Reading: Full Open Seating yK E YOUR VEHICLE CHARGES 3MI NISSEIKYL 08336784 ' , .JTHA INC f';11>f.#G9XBD8 ::';5 W WASHINGTON 2 DY@ 48.00 9C. :x)07 r,IANAPOLIS IN YOUR TIME AND MILEAGE: 9t_. ' SIOtoN N PSO CITY NTL �'•. E:'�;41 YOUR TAXABLE FEES ` 4'A ��.1I E P # 02 ` `-16719440 7'* r?ODUCT : REGULAR **11 .11 FEE 11 .LONS : 4 . V: r FTP SR$ 1 .00DY 2 ( I °fn!I-'CE/G : 3 . l.:.•. CUST FAC CHARGE 4.00/DY f, 1 L SALE $ 16 ENERGY; RECOVERY 0,60/DY 1 ".J _ .IA Acct : :H : 88-86475C YOUR SUBTOTAL ,; ENTERED TAXABLE SUBTOT 118.2_' ch : 13 Seq : Olt: TAv JOKE : 114386 7.000 8.2 ��� e:• :%n . 368882 NON TAXABLE ITEMS TAX 4. ui:',LER#: 88336784 TY SURCH 4.00 4. Term ID: 21 WANT FREE GAS? =•L CHARGES 13B REGISTER TO WIN AT CHARGES 136 Open Seating 3R WWW . G A S V I S I T . C OM R TOTAL DUE: (t = ; THANK YOU �NINISSEtKI(L u 4 11 F t 7 7 5- . "...D ON VISA XX2690 ".d. GUM ,.:.NGESSION RECOVERY FEE �q 7L AUTO RNTL EXCISE TAX :o IN�APOLI ILSONTS EARNED 600 '19W THANK YOU FOR RENTING WITH Au j , � Toll Pass inquiries, visit www,e-tolls.coni or call HTA at 1-866-642-2000 Other inquiries or e-receipt visit _ `} www.avis.com _ W or epl! 317-74 '1007 A*HAMIND, LLC . Brugge Brasserie P P ' S 10 11 A E.Westfield Blvd. NDIANAPOLIS INT ' L AIRPORT Indianapolis,IN 46220 S e l e n a P phone:(317)2550978 ------ ------------ -- ------ www.BniggeBrasserie.com 63/1 www.Brugge-Beer.coin 1 8 9 wer: Toe 07FEB ' 13 1 :50PM tble: Fancily dining 4 DINE IN 11:07:37 PM 25/201:' D:IET COKE 2 . 75 ,rder#: 62084 AMER-CHOP-SALAD 12 .09 -°- SUBTOTAL 14 .84 Item Price TAX Belgian Classic 1 9.95 TOTAL DUE 1 6 1 8 Sausage s/w 10.95 F` H., E! CrS lt�i v— ;J rte, a, Subtotal: 30.90 u11= or ` _ri d Q" 3 z p n Tax: 2.78 '06-' pAl�� i e at, Total: 33.68 No purchase to enter or win Total: 33.68 Rules at www .areasusa . com/wecare For Guest Service , email : gl - - TA-U 0 ----------------------- AREAS USA IND , LLC , CHAMPP ' S A/V r INDIANAPOLIS INT ' L AIRPORT G't ECK : 1 8 9 Brugge Brasserie ,B L E : 6 3 / 1 1011 A E.Westfield Blvd. AVER : 4042 Selena P Indianapolis, IN 46220 TE : 07FEB ' 13 2 : 16PM phone: (317) 255-0978 ?D TYPE : VISA www.BruggeBrasserie.com "T # : XXXXXXXXXXXX2690 www.Brugge-Beer.com H CODE : 0 8 5 2 6 C aver: Joe 0037672 KYLE D 0 M I N I S S E ible: Family dining 4 TOTAL : 1 6 1 :07:55 PM 2/5/201 6 JMINISSE/KYLE V **********2690 Exp *4 TOT^.L : ------------- ith: 02697C ,6utD: 333697 S I G NA T U R E : ---------_-_ I ---------- ,mount $ 33.68 lip $ 6 gz SIGNED COPY TO MERCHANT Total $��p, 00 CustnmPr ('nn+i / - STAROUCKS Store #2459 12465 N. N8[id18O CuF0Cl' IN (317) 589-9738 ------------- --- '--- -� ` � � ���� Q� 719010 �6� ' 02/07/2013 0051 AN �� . �»� 1783785 Drawer: 1 Rag: l ------'-'------' ''------- HILTON GARDEN INN TI Dark Roast 1 .65 CARMEL Kind Bar/Apple CiO 1.95 13080 PENNSYLVANIA STREET C[aO Almond Bar 1.95 CARMEL. IN 46032 YiSO 5.70 317-501-9100 XXXXXXXXXXXX2090 | Subtotal $5.55 | / l 32^f1 T ^ 1 Tax 8% $0.15 N/'kYELY Fl Table ] Total $5.70 02/06/13 8:15 AM Guests Cl-iaDge DUe $0 . 0( 1 i NUM: l --___----------'-------- '---'---- Check Closed --------- . � AMERICAN BUFFET 21 .90 2/7/2013 6:51 &N SuhTu1o) 21 .00 Taxes.. . 1 .37 P|noue pay this umount Total 23 - 87 � * FOR RU0A CHARGES & MASTER ACCTS ONLY!* SNAPIRS � * * * &NNE * * 41=170=j � * HD0N * * 8hnoirO'G OoliodtBG8Rn 918 8 RaDg8liD8 Rd ' OP AMOUNT ����"' ' -----' -- Carmel IN 45032 . / | ' x~� / ���� » � � �J Cherie H 7. _—__--_—_________-- ^ " Unk 1339 Feb05'13 01 :16P 8Gt � ` * ------------------- 2 Tea @ 1 .85 3.70 wx/ / �/� ' ~~�~���---- 1 8L Boston Or Pie 3.45 2 Gnr Pot Salad @ 2.35 4.70 � 3 Reuben 8dOd @ 12.45 37.35 1 G[n8O Beans 2.35 ' l SL Rhubarb Pie 3.45 � 1 Lg Orange Juice 2.35 XXXXXXXXXXXX2690 YiOd §2.5l Subtotal 57.35 Tax 5.16 Payment 62.51 / i WALTER P MOORE - TRAVEL VOUCHER Submitted by: K D •sse Signature: From: Kansas City,MO 2013 Form Employee .. 3 Location: Kansas City To: Carmel, IN Departure Date: 211012013 Manager Approval: To: Kansas City,MO Return Date: 211412013 Division Mgr Approval: Purpose: Performing Arts Center-Truss Bearing Observation Project or Acct No: M0410001-00 Net Non-reimb Total "X-if Item Relmb to I Personal Cost Reimb Itemization/Notes No. _ Specific items Item Employee Costs This Item to Clienf a b c e ?_ I Mileage $22_60 80 $0.00 $499.80$0_00 _ $2260 40_miles_@ 0 d X $499. _ _5.565/mi 0 0 0 3 Auto $240.29 X $499.80- $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 _ _ $0.00 $240_29 X Rental Car and Gas $216.88• $23.41. WOO $0.00 $0.00 __-4 Taxi(Transport $0.00 _ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00_ $0.00 $0.00_ 5____.__ Net Accommodations __$40_7.85 $0.00 $407.85 X _$-.463_85 Total Hotel Accommodations.. ._--_ _ommodations $299.81 ' $164.04• $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 _. 6 Hotel Meals $56.00 $0.00 $56.00 _ X__ __ $33.25 $15.50 $725 $0.00 $0.00_ 7 Hotel Miscellaneous itemize $0 00 $0.00 _50.00 _ _ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Meals $56.51 _ $0.00 $56.51 ` X $21:00 $6.35 $12.97 $6.35 $9.84- __.9� _Client Entertainment $0.00 $0.00 __- $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00_ 10 Parking $21.00 $000 $21.00 X - _ KC Airport Parking_ _ 11 Tolls S21.00 $0.00 $0.00 S0.00 $0.00_ _. $0_00 $0_00 $0:00 _ _ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 12 I Tips $0.00 $0_00 $0.00 _ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13 Meals $29.50 $0.00 $29.50 X_ I $6.35 $20.69 _$2.46 $0.00 $0.00 14 _ Other $0.00 1 $0.00 $0.00 I $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 15 __ Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 16 Other_ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 j _ $0.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 17. I Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 - $0.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1$ Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 19 _ Othe, $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 Other $0.00 j $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total l $1,333.55 $0.00 1 $1,333.55 I I 920 MAIN STREET,TENTH FLOOR KANSAS CITY,MISSOURI 64105.2008 PHONE:816.701.2100 FAx:816.701.2200 Trip 2 Travel Voucher Kansas City 2013 2/15/2013 . ` � GTAR8UCKS Store *2459 S8P America � 12485 Q. Meridian Z[l[1\/ 500 Gr1 ] ] SSp A0oFjCa Carmel, IN (317) 568-8738 Indianapolis Int.l Airport Ca[O[jerl Foods Indianapolis, IN 46241 Indianapolis IOt'l Airport i CHK 718716 (317) 241-0460 Indianapolis, IN 46241 J02/12/2013 07:27 AM (5\7) 241-O435 1212535 Drawer: 1 Reg: ) | � lZAUET -ate: '�l4'l3 O2�4OPN —'-- --�-----------'------'--- --------------------------------- Cand Type: Visa Vƒ Dark Roast 2 25 l � ) �� 5712 G� ' MoCt #/ XX---- Kind CiO 1.85 F8b14'13 01:55PN Curd Entry: — '---' C[an Almond Bar 1 '95 Reprint Trans Type: PURCHASE Yi8O 6'35 ----------------' Trans Key: AIA008530854267 at I AUth Code: 00546C 'iiRt Coke 16Z 1 '9!-.- Check: 9584 Subtotal $6'15 ' ) Salad 2'� Server: 367 KONGIT N Tax S% $0.20 'f ChiX 8OOd 1O.99 | Total $6'35 Total 2 . 46, Change Due $0 . 01 / .)tOtOl 15'77 FEEDBACK 1.42 Dish Up Your Experience. -------'-- Check Closed ------- !:16PN Total 17 . 19 2/12/2013 7:27 AN We appreciate feedback about your visit, Please call Un 1 877 325 8777 Or 8Nd1l Merchandise on this receipt may be f88dhdCk@fOodt[UY8lnXpnrto.000 [atu[08d or exchange(] within 60 duvo Of the transaction date printed S3P America «buY9. Al rotU[OG or eXchOOQaS 0Uet Zrld\/ 500 Gri 7 l be ac- r�ih tki-:- ''/ igi11'11 IDd1ODOpOl1s IOt'l Airport /u;c/N Indianapolis, IN 46241 (317) 241-0460 Date: F8b14'13 02:22PH Card Type: Visa Acct #/ ~ Entry: SWIPED / a Type: PURCHASE 3 Key: EIE007413623401 �t^~n^ AM7� vux ��//v Coda: 07075C C & '�k' 5712 riK Gourmet within reach. �sm | 'I" ' S7/1 . mv ' �, `317>58�-��� ' a[' 172 ELIZ�BET � 24� �� l�� ��� ' -:013 12M1 Carmel, � 48U33 ' 2�33�8 ��^vyr� Mel ` ' '��8l ' l 7" � E] ' ' 317-816-0033 ' ^ 3-ENTREE PAO P-AJE ' '^ Host: Jonathan 02/12/2�)3 ` CHOW MEII ORDER 0270 1:26 l-IN ORANGE D� 101// �� /�7� � . » �� SWTFIRE �H 8QST i SHANGHAI AN3US ST[N< Sinyle ChiCKBD (2 02.30 4. o' �. MEDIUM 3O0A Single Steak 2.4b ' Chips G Gu8� 2.55 Signature �brola) Lg Soda 1'88 D@ l agree to Pay above total 3ccUnjin� to my card 1Gnu8r Subtotal 11.80 Tax 1 .07 3greement' #* N8[chdOt Copy A 0/ J.8 DINE IN Total 12'87 P,,:'X t:XXXXyKXX2G90 yjs8 IIXXXXXXXXXXXX2690 12.37 0.1 it Ic^do'[3685C Authorizing. . . Balance UUn 12.97 C,:�� �� ��� �' r����7 i Z � I } STARBUCKS Store #2459 * 12465 N. Meridian @� Carmel, IN (317) 569-9738 12195 N, Meridian St CHK 726930 Carmel, IN 46032 02/13/2013 07:43 AM (317) 705-9788 1793785 Drawer: 1 Reg: 1 STORE #333079 Vt Dark Roast 2,25 er: Sandy 4.2 Cran Almond Bar 1 ,95 Kind Bar/Apple Cin 1.95 443 20:11 02/11 8528-1 Visa 6.35 LARfDO STK- - 15,99 XXXXXXXXXXXX2690 Check Subtotal: 15.99 Subtotal $6,15 Tax 9% $0,20 Total $6.35 Net Total: 15.99 Cl-'rar-ige Due $O . 00 Tax: 1.44 Check Total: 17.43 ------- - Check Closed ----------- "Like" us on Facebook!!! 2/13/2013 7:43 AM Max & Erma's - Carmel UPCOMING BAR EVENTS - lif 2/12 - FAT TUESDAY BAR PARTY TnAQT Ask your STARBUCKS Store #2459 12465 N. Meridian g Carmel, IN (317) 569-9738 CHK 723903 12195 N. Meridian St 02/14/2013 08:40 AM Carmel, IN 46032 1081580 Drawer: 1 Reg: 2 (317) 705-9706 ______..._.___-_......-.- --_.._._._.._._........ ... ......._. STORE 9333079 Vt Dark Roast 2.25 YOUR SERVER WAS: sandy 4.2 Kind Bar/Apple Cin 1.95 Cran Almond Bar 1 .95 __-#85'28-1 - ' -02/11/13 - _" 20:11 Visa 6.35 XXXXXXXXXXX2690 LISA 17 .49, (YLE DOMINISSE ubtotal $6.15 ACCT: XXXXXXXXXXXX2690 tax 9% $0.20 3ERVER 443REF. #: 0325 Otal $6.35 1 P : -�? 7 i '1 jai -je Dt-i6 $O � OC) 0-ta1 �� � ---_...__ Check Closed _._......_...._. 2/14/2013 8:40 AM �iu,,ATURE: GUEST COPY .erchandise on this receipt may be II��III�I�II�I�IIIIIIII eturned or exchanged within 60 days II ��III I���IIIII�� of the transaction date printed above. All retur be accompaniecu Southwest Airline WASHINGTON FOOD MART KCI AIRPORT ECOF101'1V L Open Seating 101R 00336784 400 B PANAPIA CITYt PRUTHA INC KANSAS CIT17, 1-10. 6415 Conf . #: G27DPG 6455 W WASHINGTON 816-243-8019 FEB 14 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46241 11R!iIHAL ID.: 0017340000801346834610 289 INDIANAPOLIS IN tlEk HAlli N• 801346834E to KANSAS CITY INTL U1SA DUPLICATE OUTDOOR RECEIPT W044 02690 [0 0/4 swlffD SALE 00000356719440 02/14/13 11:52 RIND 0 Iflu: 000008 RR DALE: Feb 14, 13 1I1f: 1611 # 03 9001. 000381 1"f; FACT: REGULAR R11: 214220932 .;1NS: 6.505 ' AuT H:0799Ei C :IISH 10110 283045797123364 B ;�/G: $ 3,598 SALE $ 23.41 ARRUVAL 07998C 41 v ': Acct: 2690 AUTH: 00-09078C ZIP ENTERED KYLE 00111ISSE Ratcli: 41 Seq: 001 115127 � - 373589 open Seating 8 R i IIIERCHAIII COPY Conf . #: G27DPG FEB 11 ` 00336784 1196 KANSAS CITY INTL ID: 21 ' �,,'ANTT FREE .GAS? to INDIANAPOLIS IN ISTER TO WIN AT ;U.GASVISIT.COM 00000356719440 RR VHANKS COME AGAIN t A 8 DATE:IIFEBI3 CONFIRMATION NUMBER: G27DPG AGENT: MCIK0001 EXPIRATION DATE:2014-02-10 TICKET NUMBER: 5262498024905 Base Fees/ Estimated i From To Flt Date Dep Arr FD Customer Name Fare Taxes Total Earned Pts MCI I IND 1196 11FEB 0420P 0650P K DOMINISSE/KYLE 444.66 55.14 499.80 5,736 IND MCI 2440 13F-EB 0305P 0340P K TICKET TOTAL 444.66 55.14 499.80 1 Rapid Rewards poi-+- - curate totals - including A-List z tints. Hyatt Place Indianap ir olis A' port Feb 14,201,3 Email: gm.ijidiaiiil)-Qlis,,,iiri)ort@tiyatt.com 12:15 am 5500131 adbury.Avenue indianapobs,IN 46241 Telephone: (317)227-0050 Fax: -(317)227-,0952. I KYLE DOMINISSE Polio 4:2`625213 811f1,RO8EHILL-RD RowiNumber:202 LkNEXA;KS 662152632 Rdth;-$119t00 Pay Method:BC2690 Arrival bate:Wedjie8day,Febhity 13,101.3 Depa.rture DaW-ThLpd a'y,Februafy 14 2013 QOLD:Metoer#: G96679863Y Intoernatlon: WB-.00,028 CAN6ELBY4 PM.HOTS bop -2/1312013. Gallery-Food Food 118805 202 21131261.3 Food•Sales Tax Tax 118606 202 $1.09 2/1-8M018' County Tax F&B(Nei Tax 118605 •202 $0.3"1 2/13[2013 .Gallery Food Food, 11*8605, 202 -$.7,25 2/1312011'.3 County T,dx MB(Nei Tax 118605 202 $01,15 2/1312013 Food-Sales,Tax TaK 1186.06 202 $mi 2/1 /20.13 Ro6m'pQstfngs Auto Posted 202 $fib,ob -State Sales Tax Auto;Posted 202 $8.33 1 2/13/2013 1 County 0 0 Tax.(Neti,Auto Posted 1202 1 $11.90 Balance,1 $164—.-0-41 Signature • 1 � ' 11355 N,Mo19disn Shoat�Calrnal,TAI 46032 D OYdl3T�f?' REB SUITES Pllone(317)$44 77994 Fax(317)843-0678 For roservatlons Worldwide. FlV MRE N" Name&.Address NUTANAPO41f--0ARNNL. w.wdoubletree.eoln or i-8OO-222-fRFB' DOMINISSE,KYLE Room '349/SKIS 8111 R06EHILL RD, ArrlVal Date 2/11/2013 7;26;OOPM LENEXA,KS C6215 Departur6 Date 2/14/2013 AdulVC.hlid 1/p Room.Rate 11.9,00 RATE PLAN LV6 HH#230474643 BLUE AL; . •• GAR; G to CONFIRMATION NUMBER: 84634057' 2113/2013' PAGE. 1 H.. HONORS DATH RIWERENCE DESCRIPTI.ON AMOUNT HILTON WORLDWIDE 2111/2013 1715412 GUEST ROOM $119,00 2/11/2013 171.641 STATE TAX $8.33 2111/2Q13 1745412 O.QGUPANC;i TAX 2/1212013 171669.7 THE BISTRO $33,26 2/12013 17158'17 GUEST ROOM $119.00. WAwoRr• AS3bRW 2/12/20.93 1716817 STATE TAX 2JI212013 171580' OCCUPANCY TAX $5.95 2/13/2013 1716987' VS"2690 "BALANCE** $0;00" CONRAU )oitll Y AClaptl'. EXPENSE REr ONT SUMMARY 1 . 00;00;0T):i. 12:00:OOAM STAY TOTAL. Hi li'It Utl ROOM&.TAX $133,28 $183,28 $266.66 FOOb&BEV RAGE $0.00 $33,26 $33.25 DAILY TOTAL $133,28 $166.53 $299189 y D0U1Uer R88 Hlfton"HHonor.(R)stay's aro stem tylfliln 7?..,'�durs bf .checkout. To check your earn/nqs or bock your next stayat more ah 3,960hotels end resorts/6 91 o ntrles,pl*as vls1(141 onors,rom, • .. nenlaRar tlV 1'fn*•" ,T 06""66 il&' AQCOUNT NO, DATE OP CHARaB POLIO NO,/Cli6CK NO, V8 *2690 2/12/13 366160 A . �(n'rrlgfbrtr CARDDMOip��lAvLtsKYLE A 071%CryION INITIAL 8STABLISHHIEN'rNO, LOCATION M-4 1,IEIN.IRNYAOREM TOMANSMIT TO CARD IRXDVRIMRPAYMI1Mf rURCHASAS&SRRVICES ' SI11TTkkSS TAX13S T TIPS&'MISC, CARD MRMEER'S SIONATIJRE' " TOTAL,AMOUNT O PANPIllUC Ul�N; illIP1MRRCIIAHDISIl AND/ L M I ! t GrRnd VHCntlans i� RENTAL AGREEMENT NUMBER: 600369151 RECEIPT Customer Name: KYLE DOMINISSE Vehicle Number: 60619436 Wizard Number: ...98U Vehicle Group Rented: Full-Size Avis Worldwide Discount: WALTER P MOORE&ASSOCIATES Vehicle Group Charged: Intermediate Customer Status: PREFERRED Vehlde Description: RED CHEVROLET Method of Payment: VISA XX2690 IMPALA 4DR/5PSGR Frequent Traveler Number: WN/00000356719440 License Plate Number: NV876YBT Odometer Out: 14210 Odometer In: 14371 Total Driven: 161 Fuel Gauge Reading: Full Pickup DeterrIme: FEB 11,2013(R6:46PM Return Dalerrime: FEB 14,2013(n�1:40PM dditjpn`s['teas ma��yy;apPly Pickup Location: 7800 COL.H EIR COOK MEMORIAL Return Location: 7800 COL.H WEIR COOK MEMORIAL ,ftang�s;�re:metle,;' ; INDIANAPOLIS INTERNATIONAL APO INDIANAPOLIS INTERNATIONAL APO :o'your return date;:t)-me;.> INDIANAPOLIS,IN,46241,US INDIANAPOLIS,IN,46241,US "and/,''Kl,ocatloii:' Y 317-244-3307 317.244.3307 ���;��,.rt•�.�p-, ,;�at =;•;_ "T r• •. Rate Chart: Free Mlles: Time and Mileage: I s7t UNCIMITED Your Discount; Optional Services Total: 0.00 'orirlyt^:.'s.;;;t,?3¢:Ot' 3 DY Q 48.00= 144.00 ;WCkIy �6A0 Time and Mileage: 144.00 ��i'.152;00 11.11%Concession Recovery Fee 17.64 CUSTOMER FACILITY CHG 4.00/D 12.00 ENERGY RECOVERY FEE 0.60IDY 1,80 LATE FEE 10.001DY 10.00 Sub-total-Charges: 188.44 TAX 7.000% 13.19 #4%TAX 7.72 COUNTY SURCHARGE 4.00 7.53 Your Total Charges paid: 216.88 Prepayment 0.00 Travel Partner Points Earned: 600 Net Charges: I USD 216.88EN Your Total Duo: 0.00 Thank you for renting with Avis. I you have any yuesllons regarding eToll,please contact our aToll provider,HTA at 1-686.285-6050 or visit their web site at www.hlallc.com. For all other Inquiries,please contact us at 1-800-352-7900 or www.Avls.com. Al Avis,we are committed to providing you with the best rental experience in the industry.We are In the business of treating people like people, Your vehlcle was rented to you by SANDY. Your vehicle was checked In by MATTHEW. i i WALTER P MOORE TRAVEL VOUCHER submitted by: K Iek Do -nis Signature�_ From: Kansas CKy,MO - 26.13 Form Empl e I office Lo o :Kansas city nnel,IN Departure Date 2nsrm13 Manager Approval To: Kansas City,MO Retum Date 211er1013 {�Division Mgr App / Purpose: Performing Arts Center-Truss Bearing Observation Project or Acct No: M0410001-00 Net Non,4eftrib Taw -D�-if INO I ltern Employee I PCosis This firm I Crsem HemiraSonlNbtes Spec2Rc @ems a b c d e 1 Milea a $2260 $0.00 $22-50 X I 40 miles $_5651mi 0 0 0 0 2 Airfare $499,80 $0.00 $499.80 X $499.80 $0.00 $0.00 $O.00 $0:00 3 Auto $229.09 $0.00 $229.09 X Rental Car and Gas $204.09 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 4 TaxL Trans ort 30.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5 Net Ac commodations $257_1$ $0.00 $257.16 X $257.16 Total Hotel Aommmodations $267.16 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 6 Hotel Meals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 X $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 7 Hotel Miscellaneous dem¢e $0.00 $0.00 $0.1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 8 Meals $87.14 $0.00 $87,14 X $6.36 $22.00 $25.00 $7.79 $26A0 9 Crieni Entertainment $0.00 $OAO $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0-00 $0.00 $p_pO 10 Parkin $21.00 $0.00 $21.00 X KC Airport Parkin $21.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 11 Tolls $0.00 $0.00 Mon $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 12 T $0.00 $0.00 �$8-55 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13 Meals $39.11 $O.00 $8.16 $1025 $1824 $246 $0.00 14 Other $855 $0.00 Flash Drive for transferring Navisworks M $8.55 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 15 Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 16 Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 17 Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 18 Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0-00 $0.00 $0.00 19 Otherl $0.00 $O.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 Other $0_00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total I $1,164.45 $0-00 $1,164.46 920 MAIN STREET•TagTH. ic)OR KANSAS Crry,MISSOURI 641052008 PHONE 816.7012100 FAA 816.701.2200 Trip 3 Travel Voucher Kansas City 2013 2!252013 f.'f30�,NIyt @l' l P.�18aot {7.rinol IN:g6032. .. - • : I'lsoou�s ia)Rd�ip�h•+:I7aXl��(��g�t't•t)G7R' ... .. .. por refigy..WoO wor wi n I4fl111d�GFtlldfg88 nv i+ G'roN^' 1yWl fl,t1011bltil('o$,o&(n:or`l�$d.�-'�22'•�R171? lr{�i(titiQEi�GrR-Ha�Mx4• :M1K15� Y.KyLc nopin:., 3. NfSs $ 11'tp' I11L� Fllt, Al'1'lVlll DACo. 1.120 3' 11.;6m n0Atvl 'ONVA,.K8.'M16 D.etfArfitia.nttte 129120._a ti .aithlldchild 1 ° •IY00t11'']ZAtY+. � b9100 'I I (WilML �Cbjtif�'rt�tY�lo1•i�.{192t�t0�1 i W01261 6 PAGE 'I ° fix .. ._ T lr . l Ittt/&01 1 ,17,019 'OUPT R N1 ✓�10.0,gp, 1'/�7flZ1'f41`ARIi'.83, { ]{$(20'13 V1160 OGUMN `'TAX; 21'f6120lie ITtt?'IM 4GIxOR' M 11.a12a1 a ?. €gj 4 wr�'P%TAX: A f19j d�. 111404' ,�'O.tUUV-A-NC-Y'TA)q 01R! EP- MJYR'*B •1•ANQ$05 0,06 I E Tf TAD W {3 NOY. .61AL 4'llt6l.,-g atad fels,I? d r�sSrfsJii:Bi;v YantrJes,�lasa:'.v.�sit,' (�fo�pr s,o.rid, it a '`rlradk or• .hooslrt q )dfilRbO t Pan fd.Ufo tour worm dho'calale:atitp'aoo, ps aqd rA1�xerf.i;bs 'If�IICy,',��r.yogr:'hekt�trlp.vi TI . :u�aI dbti4le�e.,pouf.tr.�tn°p;��t.eValldbxoYa'� sl . ... l t. >7n�•atoP>ri A ts. ', �©rto:tva,laFtau>rNor f �Op21,.�D1'illtt't{'I. �'t�e'Iit1�t @=YQu;.P?�IS>yol1 ydiTi':3:1'a,},,`Atli l;Y�U7!eRR.GitotXk'�•IA� 'tf>�e}a�l @,�mnq,�'cj.���tttais'rit::tfro�I�imsi�.�Sr;r3Yi�a•dlaoettvu>;r ... 1 ylbtuttirBV�owtltf'asEAtoinottT, 1.&'o40P�9Y9f1Coitatag'dtidEJiiSbirict dti)A;t� MfPi>;t ' w,erilrt¢. WN 0,ohar9os:rL vya.Ur.adoauti¢:�vae:p�opnre;lr you.t�gyl: rw¢�trnsas eiaitrzxtgp0' T4.Q'yO '.q.ViTV tig'vor9haft, f'�hni opUl`a1f'a bH.to:yaurmoa c"thon:atopf>y'tho' Iptft.I adk mi Mrs 'wvAtod,at ti n�rtl, r ar togtleat Ati tYpt�('ed a¢bl4toi7t:lis311nittsd•fb !ourwlthln two.f>0.Nli�nan.anyet 'TIPS pc VIM: gltnply-.ball'ih¢•pion.no*toy"-Y'pur rpQyn+Az.d EoII ,tia whv.yvo."ad:Jiyvly to: ri part., Yoys:.go.Qoul.t will •66:416 ittflodlly 6h0Uk4:6a¢.amf.xw"Jl q ano:.1Itla. ' e¢atotirat>a'tidy"atfPlr000lpr.`.1}oal tied io,loavayour.�SOY(aJ a thmonn; •rp*XL cMO�ta� a; .�'lua��i'airlL�lrn;�'ro�ri,z�'sslc.��,yon�Y1�r1f Ib.•�x�oTiji.y�lrrf��tr��°.or'�ybrr-Itai�e�t�.s� ..;... :' - -_ l'ony.�porc(yp.ry'rtdddnrir Pitt Mf�N'Pnutz QfioN'lilcc(tin.1�x,Q3'r1��RiHUN�l�li uy'��it]�'lti C,II��tC�)1'WII,L'TIIL fil'1LtnfS•4'o.ALk>'AS'n riuRJNY:oic<rcN Murenrnn.-: a.Y / RECEIPT WUTHWESTAII�L.,4�,;...' DATEti8FE813 CONFIRMb)'•,''' '�� u1FICA2 AGENT: MCXK0003 EXPIRATION DATE:2014-02-15 TICKET NUMBER: 5262499422194 Base Trees/ Estimated I Prom To rlt Date Dep. Arr FD Customer Name rare Taxes Total Earned Pts i 1%(:I IND 455 18FEB 0806A 1020A K DOMINISSE/KYLE 444.66 55.14 499.80 5,736 .IND MCI 289 20FED 0315P 0355P K TICKET T 0'T A L 444.66 55.14 499.80 i I i r i 1 ' I i 1 • ` i i I r Rapid Rewards points earned ah only estimates.. Visit southwest.crW Tor thn mnst ar.: totflls +rcl•oding A-List and A-List Pileferred Member bonus points. ' I I ul;vr. 1_;• .1 vqj r, open •Seating 7R J EM-CE --i U. WASHINGTON FOOD MART Conf . #: GIHEA2 Conf. #: GIHEA2 00338784 F E'B 20 FEB 1 8 c ' PRUTHA INC 8456 W WASHINGTON 289 INDIANAPOLIS IN I 455 KANSAS CITY INTL , INDIANAPOLIS IN 4629a to KANSAS CITY INTL I to INDIANAPOLIS IN 0. i H Wi i 00000356719440 00000356719440 w ( DUPLICATE OUTDOOR RECEIPT Ra as cc I i z DATE 02/20/13 11:44 PUMP # 03 A Imo- PRODUCT: REGULAR /�1 r ad GALLON): 8.633 i PRICE/G: $ 3.789. Fl.JEL SALT; $ 26-00 VISA Acct: 2690 ALITH: 00-079990 ZIP ENTERED Carmel, IN 46032 Batch: 67 Seq: 026 (317 A71-1300 INVOICE: 114303 '1/2013 12.6 1:10 PM. KCI AIRPORT ECOh1011V L Tran: 378870 48g 8 ��?sAt'�AI'1q CITY Al REG1 TRN 3071 EMP 635669- KA1.16IRS CRV hill.. 6415 -----------------------.----•--.._..- -- • Oifi'-243-8E119 DEALER#: 00336784 cl Ip DDacriptlon' Total IEkNIHAI.ID,1 0117310000 346834611 Term ID: 21 NEKHAIII H1 0013468346 ' WANT FREE QAS? I' °.ti ORV,US6,CNPCT1 11.995 :.-lant'•Savinas 7,OO UI8 ITEGISTER TO WIN AT You Pau 7,995 1;4k 2690 EIIp�1;klI1 BbIINEG WWW,GASVISIT.COM R 91F20 DIU: 000020 Suhtatal 7.99 DAIS: Feb 20, 13 TIM 16131 TV COME AGAIN .ou,:., Tax; 0•,66 MOD OQ iTRW 220228Z 59' Total; A,GS A.UTH:056EI4C Via')•, 26901 8.CPJ vhll [PAR 101 083031009301243 �I +t ,t >E�rEx lF xaE>F x•F>t �r * +tx * +�,r�c (OR0011L 056840 Total Office Depot Sav I nt{a ' - > -11 s7,0Q K�IE UOEIIIIIBSE #1F;EiklEiFiFiFNlFf f#1FlEi(R1�Yti1:l�";i1:.FN{:1:Y.{:XM...1{i4tt•,:{f1FlF# ' WE WAN; i:i ae;•IIZ 610d 1.IU! A 1S- 100%stnoke-fift fleet! RENTAL AGREEMENT NUMBER: 800380502 RECEIPT -4 V ,� Youir VOW 16 1111forinatioll Customer Name: KYLE DOMINISSE Vehicle Number: 60808482 Wizard Number. 9Bu Valdde Group Rented; Intermediate SUV Avle Worldv4de Dlscounl: WALTER P MOORE 6 ASSOCIATES Vehicle Group Charged; nlermediele Customer Status: PREFERRED Vehicle Desorption: RED CHEVROLET Method of Paymonl• VISA XX2690 CAPTIVA AWD FrequentTmvelar ffumbar: 'WN/00000388719440 Llcense Plate Number. IN813ZZZ Odometer Out: 16025 Odometer In; 16088 Tolal Driven: 111 Fuel Gauge Reading: Full I Pickup DalaMme: FEB 1882013 10:37AM Return DataMme: FEB 20,2013QQ.1:34PM Pickup Location: 7800 INDIANAPOLIS INTERNATIONAL APO Return Location: INDIANAPOL188INTERNATIOENMALL APO ,p INDIANAPOLIS,I1,1,46241,US INDIANAPOLIS,IN,46241,US I 317-244.3307 317.244.3307 r � Rate Chart: Free Mllse: Time and Mileage: r Your Discount: Optional Services Total: 0.00 3 DY®48.00= 144.00 Time and Mileage: 144,00 VIM t 1101.1%Concession Recovery Fee 16.63 CTOM ER PACILITY-CHG 4.0010 12.00 ENERGY RECOVERY FEE 0.60/DY t.80 Subtotal-Chargoo: 177.33 iTAX 7.000% 12,41 ft4%TAX 7.26 j COUNTY SURCHARGE 4.00 7.09 i Your Total Charges paid: 204,09 Prepayment 0100 Travel Partner Points Earned: 600 Not Charges; U3n 204.09 Your Total Duo: 0,00 Thank you for renal g�with Avis, III hove any jquea0bne regarding oToll,pl0000 oontool our oToll provider,HTA el 1.868.286.8050 or visit their web alto at www.hlallo.com. For all other Inquiries,plasso contact us of 1.800-352-7900 or wwwAvls.com. At Avla,wa era oommllled to providing you with the bestronlal experience In the Industry.We are In the business of treating people like people. Your veldcio was rented to you by SHWANEE. Your vehicle was checked In by TONI. AMA P0�3 SSP America ,• I.MRK Pig CHIIIA WE ! Camden Foods 12291 II IRIOIAII Si Indianapolis Int'1 Airport CARHEL 11146032 Indianapolis., IN 46241 (311) 048-1888 (317) 241-0435 14101NA 00801379 0001 Date: Feb20'13 02:39PM ----------__.,----------------------- Card Type: Visa 12297 N. Meridian Street ,.;' I 1104 PN Acct #: XXXXXXXXXXXX2690 Carmel, Indiana ;;�+ I!+ 6118 Card Entry: SWIPED (317) 848-1888 Trans Type: PURCHASE ;:. Trans Key; EIE007423106587 !„ #1& i1 ( k2690 Auth Code; 07793C Check: 1894 REF 02 024 Server: 367 KONGIT W 253 KATHERINE �..:�n; h; 815 AuIH N�.028'l2C , ----------- -------- ---------- Check: 1956 G, 6, "hued; 0,26 Total 2 . 415 Table; Al-1 lIP $3-_ FEEDBACK 02/19/2013 12:41PMz vU Dish Up Your Experience, ------------------------------------ Rik 5---.- 1 ICED TEA 2.50 APPROVED We appreciate feedback 1 HOT &!,SOUR SOUP 2,50 about your visit, 1 GAN PONG CHKN 11 .75. , � r Please call us 1 877 325 8777 eos,of;IN °�'U Or email SUBTOTAL 16.75 feedbackgfoodtravelexperts,com TAX 1.51 TOTAL DUE $18 . 26 ---------------------------------------- Thank you and heve r7,r" STARBUCKS Store #2459 1246S N, Meridian Date; 2/19/2013 Time: 8:17:11 PM, Carmel, IN (`317) 569-91198 CHK 658214 Type: Visa 02/20/201:1 08:55 AM Number; XXXXXXXXXXXX2890 1838138 Drawer- 1 Reg: 2 .01' .Name: MARY ANN k Number: 489829 Vt Dark roast 2,25 Number; 34 Roll Cinnamon 2.45 owner: DOMINISSE/KYLE Roll Cinnr7rann 7,79 �I Visa A ffi L r�,0 IN XXXXXXXXXXXX26% Subtotal N7,15 TIP y Tax 9% $0.64 Total $7.19 z�y0 . 00 X .,•._.,.,...._.__---------•--_�._.�........_...._...__ n.................... i'I+ CIS. f'1 �s":;;;1 ........_ .._._...... GRr1N[,... +•(',.1 :LWERY EVERY !-'Fo A,,4: ;iANDCRAFTED 150 West 96th Street Carmel, IN 46290 (317)218-7185 Server; drew DOB: 02/18/2013 08:32 PM 02/18/2013 Granite Table 93/1 4/40030 City SALE Food & Brewery 4r(J!1 4194340 GRANITE CITY FOOD & BREWERY Garr: #XXXXXXXXXXXX2690 EVERY MEAL AND BREW HANDCRAFTED 'ic card present; DOMINISSE KYLE 150 West 96th Street ,,,rn Entry Method: S Carmel, IN 46290 (317)218-7185 „^hrnvaI: 083360 g rver; drew 02/18/2F`3 = "ieval: 000000102710864 -able 93/1 8,29 r'N Amount; G.lasts: 1 $ 21,80 1 #40030 TIP: yZCI 'TION SALAD 2.95 z6��c� �'RJFFED PORK CHOPS 17 !)5 = Total: WATER (2 @0.00) 0,Of., I agree to pay the above 4 Items total amount according to the Subtotal 21 90 card issuer agreement, ' 97 I Tax 1 X Total 23.87 JOTN i!s FOR SUNDAY BRUNCH .9AM Balance Due 23 - 8 . ENTREE DISCOUNT -1,90 Kyle 1.1;.,.', STARBUCKS Store #8690 10460 N Michigan Rd Carmel, IN (317) 415-•00,2 CHK 717434 02/18/2013 11:11 AM 1770257 Drawer: 1 Rep; 1 - - Vt Dark Roast 2,25 Kind Bar/Fruit&Nui: 1195 Cran Almond Bar 1.05 Visa 6.;35 XXXXXXXXXXXX2690 Sub'tota l 6,15 Tax 9% 0,20 Total 6.35 0I Cl�ar� U bCD _..._.____._.._ Check Closed _._.._.-.__........ 1)" lfI120I;l I � � | ` . . . 8TAKDUCK3 ��[� �%43B � . 88P America 1246,9 N' Meridian Indy 500 Grill Carmel, TN `817) �O8-��� lOdiuOapVUG Int'l Airport --------------'-------' CHK 736942 46241 IUdiUDdpOli8, IN 46� 241-O60O 02/18/2013 08:37 AM (817') / 1815369 Drawer: 1 R8Q| 2 123 TERRI A i ----------------'----'- __^__^_~_~_______`___~_._ `t Dark Roast 2.25 Tb} 52/1 Chk 0473 Gst 1 'trbi� YqQ P�y��1t O 4� ' ' Feb20'13 01:46PH / Kind Oar/Blueberry 1Z' *** Reprint *# viuu8116 --------------------------------- � Eat Zrl 1 F Diet Coke 16Z 1.99 | S�t�8l �7'8� 1 �� & �l� F�O� �1� 11'9B � . �� 8% ��.�1 --- ' � Total lie,16 Subtotal 13,98 [ �)li �*O �O �� 1 ' , � .26 �� Om ���� � '------ tk Cl8� 01/46PH Total 1 �5------- ^ '1/|Q/?0l3 8:37 AM . � . � 88P America � Indy 500 Grill Indianapolis IOt'l Ai¢0[f Indianapolis, IN 46241 � . (317) 2¢1'0460 / UOt8| F8b20'13 82:11PM WHICH WICHY 9086 . Card Type: Visa ' / 1430 West Carmel Drive Acct XXXXXXXXXXXX2690 317-580-9424 Card Entry: SWIPED ! Host: Cashier 02/18/2013 Trans Type: PURCHASE i 121 12:53 PH Trans Key: CIC007418972217 ]0121 AUth Code; 043440 . ChaCk� 5473 � L Buffalo Chicken: 7'45 Table: 52/1 . Lg Fountain Drink 1''95 Server: 123 TERRI A ' Subtotal 9'40 Subtotal: 1S . 24 Tax 0.85 | ^� 0i-nm-In Total 10.25 � Total Xx� VISA #XKXXXXXXXXXX2690 10.25 � Auth:05685C STgOat Vro ' ** Gratuity Not Included *� � Free cO0k18 OO your OgXt visit I agree to pay above total � Visit wWw.w\8hsUrVmy'O0N according to my card 1S8ue[ rntnr store #086 agreement, Take brief omrYVy Customer Copy | Write redemption c8d & bring with you On DoXt visit -- Chock Closed —' . . WALTER P MOORE - TRAVEL VOUCHER Submitted by:Kurt Henkhaus Signature:`l _ From:Dallas 2o13Form Employee#:430048 Office Location:Dallas To:Indianapolis Departure Date: 21SM13 Manager Approval: - t !Rr r To:Dallas Return Date: 2MI013 Division Mgr Approval:_jt t� c�'U v � Purpose:Site Visit Project or Acct No:M04.1 0001.00 Net Non-reimb Total "X"fi Rom Relmb to Personal Cost 1 Reimb ItemintionlNotes - Speck _---_ - No. Rem Employee Costs This Rem to crm..t a----- -b c - d.. e 1 Mileage' $23.17 I $0.00 $23.17 1 X 41 miles(d)$.565/mi 41 0 0 0 2 Airfare $823.80; $0.00 $823.801 X a AA roudtrip flights DFW/IND $823.80 $U0 $0.00 $0-00 $0.00 3 Auto $0.00 $0.00 -$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 __$0.00 - $0.00- $0.00 4 Taxi/Transport. $0.00 j $0.00 $0.00' $0.00 $D.00 $0.00 .---- O.00,$0 $0.00 - ---- -- ---- --- ---- -- -- ---- --- - --- - - -- - -- - - -- -._..- .00 -- 5 Net Accommodations $150.081 $0.00 $150.081 X $150.08 Total Hotel Accommodations $150.08 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 6 Hotel Meals $0.00' $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 7 _ Hotel Miscellaneous eous(itemize) - _$0.00�.- _,-$0.00- - __ $0.00 _ _-__ -,_ - _ ._ - _ _ ._ - --$0.0_0 .-$0.00 -$0.00 -$0.00 -$0.00 8 Meals $0.00 i $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 9 Client Entertainment $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 10 Parkin- - $25.00 i $0.00 $25.00' X a-DFW airport parking $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 -$0.00 $0.00 -Tolls $0.00, $0.00 $0.00. - - - - - - $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 12 Tips $0.00 1 - $0_00 - $0.00 - - _ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13 _ - _._---Other - - $0.00. , -$0.00T - - -- $0.00 -$0-00 - _$0;00 $000- $0.00 14 Other $0.00, $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 - $0.00 15 Oth er $0.00 i $0.00 $0.00 i $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 16 Other $0.00 1 $0.00 $0.001 - -,-$0.00-$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 17 Other $0.00' $0.00 $0.00 -$0.00 $0.00 -$0.00 $0.00 - $O.DO 18 Other $0.00 _$0.00 $0_00;_- - .-.. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 00 19 Other $0.00; $0.00 $0.001 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 Other $0.001 $0.00 $0.001 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0-00 $0.00 Total. $1,022-051 $0.00• $1,022.05 1845 WOODALL RODGERS FREEWAY,su1TE 1s5o DALLAS,TEXAS 75201.2290 PHONE:214.740.6200 FAx:214.740.6300 2 Travel Voucher Indianapolis Feb 2013.rds 52013 Kurt Henkhaus From: Kurt Henkhaus <khenkhaus9qmail.com> Sent Thursday, February 07,2013 9:49 AM To: Kurt Henkhaus Subject Fwd: E-Ticket Confirmation-OFTYQA 05FEB From: "American Airlines(c�aa-comll<aq�ta_ (obalnotifications com> Date:February 4,2013, 16:51:27 CST To: T-HENKHAUS@GMAIL-COM"<KHENKHAUS@GMA1L.COm> Subject:E-Ticket Confirmation-OFTYQA 05FEB A erary Receipfconfirmafion.-.` i A Date of Issue:04FEB13 AVIS' Kurt Henkhaus: ViBudg(at' C— L:C,tc Thank you for choosing American Airlines American Eagle,a member of the =0 oneworldID Alliance. Below are your itinerary and receipt for the ticket(s) purchased. Please print and retain this document for use throughout your trip. Record Locator:OFTYQA You have purchased a Choice Plus Bundle. For more information,please visit www.aa.com[travelootions. You may check in and obtain your boarding pass for U.S.domestic electronic tickets m within 24 hours of your flight time online at AA.com by using www-aa.com/checkin or -- - - - - at a Self-Service Check-In machine at the airport. Check-in options may be found G, e at www.aa.com/options. For information regarding American Airlines checked baggage policies, please visit www.aa.com/baggageinfo For faster check-in at EnrolFNaw the airport,scan the barcode at any AA Self-Service machine. You must present a government-issue photo ID and either your boarding pass or a 30 DAYS.. priority verification card at the security screening checkpoint ;UNLIMITEcD ACCESS. Book hotel r Book a car _ Buy trip insurance 2 - Record Locator: OFTYQA - l;F...l - 'ARivfri- - - =:Nu C• 9 a=:;; :.gib _ m6en: Date&Time -C" Time ;r2�?-�'^iCOde�:s=•� 880 DALLAS FT WORTH TUE 05FEB INDIANAPOLIS 6:55 PM V 3:50 PM American Airlines Kurt Henkhaus FF#:83BDR96 Economy Seat 16B Food For Purchase A/ � 1291 INDIANAPOLIS WED 06FEB ALLAS FT WORTH 9:00 PM V 1�H 7:35 PM ID Ameri can Airlines Kurt Henkhaus FF#:83BDR96 Economy Seat 29D Food For Purchase f^ rli.--� ;",.�,R:-.. _ .,-i.i�:r•• '-;f .:Jn: I: ;F R" E= PA - S$ENGE TAXE S'AND'CARRIE a- .. CEKET ... :..:........ .:r., . ., ._... ....,.. T1 _ , 'NUMBER ' `,USD .... ,. , . . �:IMP.C),SED.FEES - ,..... LL. - .;;TCIT KURT HENKHAUS 0012318750047 746.04 77.76 823.80 vrsa y�. ?0000axxx�ogcssss=- _ �•' _ Baggage Information Baggage charges for your itinerary will be governed by American Airlines BAG ALLOWANCE-DFWIND-01 Piece/American Airlines/UP TO 50 LB123 KG AND UP TO 62 LINEAR IN/158 LINEAR CM BAG ALLOWANCE-INDDFW-01 Piece/American Airlines/UP TO 50 LB123 KG AND UP TO 62 LINEAR IN1158 LINEAR CM 1STCHECKED BAG FEE-DFWIND-USDO-00/American Airlines/UP TO 50 LB/23 KG AND UP TO 62 LINEAR IN/158 LINEAR CM 1STCHECKED BAG FEE-INDDFW-USD0.00 1American Airlines/UP TO 50 LB 123 KG AND UP TO 62 LINEAR IN/158 LINEAR CM 2NDCHECKED BAG FEE-DFWIND-USD35.00 1American Airlines/UP TO 50 LB/23 KG AND UP TO 62 LINEAR IN/158 LINEAR CM 2NDCHECKED BAG FEE-INDDFW-USD35-00/American Airlines/UP TO 50 LB/23 KG AND UP TO 62 LINEAR IN/158 LINEAR CM ADDITIONAL ALLOWANCES AND/OR DISCOUNTS MAYAPPLY You have purchased a NON-REFUNDABLE fare.The itinerary must be canceled before the ticketed departure time of the first unused: coupon or the ticket has no value.If the fare allows changes,a fee may be assessed for changes and restrictions may apply. Electronic tickets are NOT TRANSFERABLE. Tickets with nonrestrictive fares are valid fnr one year from original date of issue. If you.have questions regarding our refund policy,please visit www.aa.com/refunds. To change your reservation,please call 1-800-433-7300 and refer to your record locator. 3 Check-in times will vary by departure location. In order to determine the time you need to check-in at the airport,please visit www.aa.com/ai(portexpectabons. _ (AA CARRY-ON BAGGAGE) American Airlines does not impose Carry-On bag fees however,restrictions do apply. To view carry-on baggage restrictions.for American Airlines or American Eagle,please visit,Carry-On luggage.Passengers who originate flights on other than American Airlines/American Eagle and need to determine applicable carryon fees or restrictions specific to other air carriers in your itinerary,please visit INTERLINE PARTNER BAG CHARGES (AA CHECKED BAGGAGE CHARGES) For travel from US/PR/USVI within and between US/PR/USVI,the charges will be 25.000SD for the first bag. For a second checked bag, the charge will be 35.000SD(or local currency equivalent). For travel from CANADA To/From the US/PR/USVI,the charges will be 25.000SD/25.000AD for the first bag. For a second bag,the charge Will be 35.000SD/35.000AD(or local currency equivalent). For travel from Canada To/From/via India/Europe,no charge for the first bag. For a second bag,the charge will be 60.000SD/60.00CAD(or local currency equivalent). For travel from Europe and India To/From US/PR/USVI and To/From via Europe and India,the first bag will be free. For a second bag,the charge will be 60.000SD or(local currency equivalent). For travel from Mexico To/From US/PR/USVI/Canada and To/FromfVia Europe and India,the first bag is free. For a second bag,the charge is 40.000SD or(local currency equivalent). If traveling to/from Mexico and your flight is operated by American Eagle,only one checked bag is allowed. For travel from Caribbean,Central America To/From US/Canada/PR/USVI Mexico and To/From/Via Europe and India,the first bag is' free. For a second bag,the charge is 40.000SD or(local currency equivalent). For travel from South America To/From US/Canada/PR/USVI/MCIA and To/FronWia Europe and India,the first bag is free. For a second bag,the charge is 70.000SD or(local currency equivalent). When your itinerary includes any carrier other than American Airlines,baggage charges of the various airlines may apply to the flights they operate. Please visit INTERLINE PARTNER BAG CHARGES for applicable baggage allowances and charges speck to the interline partner in your itinerary. Air transportation on American Airlines and the American Eagle carriers®is subject to American's conditions of carriage.. NOTICE OF INCORPORATED TERMS OF CONTRACT Air Transportation,whether it is domestic or intemational(including domestic portions of international journeys),is subject to the indivic ual terns of the transporting air carriers,which are herein incorporated by reference and made part of the contract of carriage. Other carriers on which you may be ticketed may have different conditions of carriage. International air transportation,including the carrier's liability,may also be governed by applicable tariffs on file with the U.S.and other governments and by the Warsaw Convention,as amended,or by the Montreal Convention. Incorporated terms may include,but are not restricted to:1.Rules and limits on liability for personal injury or death,2. Rules and limits on liability for baggage,including fragile or perishable goods,and availability of excess valuation charges,3.Claim restrictions,including time periods in which passengers must file a Claim or bring an action against the air carrier,4.Rights on the air carrier to change terms of the contract,5.Rules on reconfirmation of reservations,check-in times and refusal to carry,6.Rights of the air camer and limits on liability for delay or failure to perform service,including schedule changes,substitution of alternate air carriers or aircraft and rerouting. You can obtain additional information on items 1 through 6 above at any U.S.location where the transporting air carrier's tickets are sold. You have the right to inspect the full text of each transporting air carrier's terms at its airport and city ticket offices. You also have the right,upon request,to receive(free of charge)the full text of the applicable terms incorporated by reference from each of the transporting air carriers. Information on ordering the full text of each air carrier's terms is available at any U.S.location where the air carrier's tickets are sold or you can click on the Conditions of Carriage button below. 4 I IN I Our We know�Jli y you fly' Lowest Fare member of 14,meriGaCtAirfin'es' Guarantee owyataa.cm .A.com This e-mail address's non4etrmabie and does not accortvnodalm replies. ff you have a arsiiomer ss-vice issue:please Contact AA_ NRID:2546603527110416505000500 S 2/511 Print Boarding Pass(es) _� Ar rrca'niA ineso PNR RECORD LOCATOR °� F L BOARDING PASS OFTYQA PASSENGER NAME AADVANTAGE NUMBER HENKHAUSIKURT 83BDR96 FROM: CARRIER FLIGHT CLASS DATE DEPARTS Dallas/ Fort Worth, DFW AA 880 V 05 Feb 03:50 PM its * TO: GATE BOARDING TIME SEAT Indianapolis, IND --- 03:20 PM 16B GROUP 1 Ticket Number 0012318750047 For gate Information,check Gates,Times&Status at www.aa.com/gates or call American,4jdines at 1-800-433-7300 EXTENDED WEATHER FORECAST for Indianapolis 7 Tue,Feb 05 Wed, Feb 06 Thu,Feb 07 `' •} 36°F 117°F 35°F/23°Fr 45°F/28°F i'recip. 17% Precip.6% Precip.26% RESTAURANTS In Indianapolis P.F.Chang's China Bistro 317.974.5747 49 W Maryland St,Indianapolis, IN 46204 Brugge Brasserie 317.255.0978 1011 E Westfleld Blvd,Indianapolis, IN 46220 Palomino 317.974.0400 49 W Maryland St,Indianapolis, IN 46225 Petite Chou Clay Terrace 317.569,0965 14390 Clay Terrace Boulevard,Carmel, IN 46032 ATTRACTIONS in Indianapolis Indianapolis Art Center 317.255.2464 820 E67 St,Indianapolis, IN 46220 Indianapolis Museum of Art 317.923.1331 4000 Mchigan Rd,Indianapolis, IN 46208 Colonel Eli Lilly Civil War Museum 317.232,7615 One Nbnument Cir, Indianapolis, IN 46204 NCAA Hall of Champions 317.916.4255 700 W Washington St,Indianapolis, IN 46204 I Do you have comments or suggestions?Visit Sojern on the web at www.sojem.com/feedback I I hlt ps://w,Aw.aacomheservation/printBoarding Pass.do?selectedlds=01,01 112 1 � 17 PASSENGER TICKET AND BAGGAGE CHECK ' ± }fp���(5�''yi+A` , }� �o g i 6UDECr TO CONDIOON60P CONTitACi ,� . ' 1, 011111. Amenc8lnAArlane� 4merican�4irGne IOPF' BOARDING PASS "�' tL1A1E Of MSSEt106fl(Ii0r 71AMSPEMBLr� ISA AOFM I0. !T13 �'E�PUCE Of PM,IU1D� US wvAQ of PALV40ER _ PApe 6A&9 P IS ,HENKHAUS I KURT Did Ifn1�iAUS/KURT iO' m °"n"• EExv1r--CUSSOATE rnAE Si NE1VfVADEFfOE p�iYAOAI/ PBDR�J6. nO )N.1 NAPOLIS E, JJ29 V, 06FEB510P ADV. . "� o .�;NDLANAP.OLIS DALLAS : � �W ************************** FT WORTH W$� y PMMOE . PmUWE (AMERICAN AIRLINES oaaauESSw IESUE""xc vj FOn y C FTl'(!• t A �' _ rME CAMAMI * BOARDING PASS * rA' Ei CNIflKfl �Ir CUSS DAIE TLLE * a ************************** ; . 06FEB81.OP GRO ® 4 � 9"'2.9 V DO i ABMNMTNE,. :6EAT. suoxe. SEAT 13F 9 440P FM6 EOUN.FARR PM .FORM Of PAYASEM 1 :3 3 F N O ! °e rAwPSE,cttwoe 1 sE01xi ALLOW PCS CX W. ll CLYf ! PCS CR M. ummwr. rA rEQelwwe *********** �j � wr. jyyyry�. 'srcaAoornQl°.rauOEetx �,j ' t 1AOFLRCIpAF****** cowov AauwQ rwus rcAAi° CX seoaAOaoNa 00117754601222 1 CWPOI ALIU64E (00.1iEglIQ Cl *********** 2 001 2318750047 1 1 ! A2H /IND I MHilton lGardenInir 13090 Pennsylvania Street - Carmel,IN 46032 Phone(3I 7)58 L-9400 - Fax(317)581-9411 Indianapolis/Carmel Reservations Name&Address www.liiitongardeninn.coni or 1 877 STAY HG[ Henkhaus,Kurt Room 1041Q2RRP 709 Ridgeway St. Arrival Date 2/5/2013 10:36:OOPM Departure Date 2/6/2013 Dallas,TX 75214 US Adult/Chlld 1/0 Room Rate 134.00 RATE PLAN LV4 HH# AL: BONUS AL: CAR: CONFIRMATION NUMBER: 3503092830 2/6/2013 PAGE 1 DATE REFERENCE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 2/5/2013 ' 787196 GUEST ROOM $134.00 2/5/2013 787196 STATE TAX $9.38 2/5/2013 787196 INNKEEPERS TAX $6.70 WILL BE SETTLED TO VS'5665 $150.08 EFFECTIVE BALANCE OF $0,00 EXPENSE REPORT SUMMARY 1 00:00:00 STAY TOTAL ROOM&TAX $150.08 $150.08 DA I LY TC TAL $150.08 $150.08 i i DATA OF CHARQE F2VgM1C1ILRK No. Zip-Out Check-Out® Good Morning! We hope you enjoyed your stay. With 'Lip-Out Cheek-Out(E) AtrrHOR12kr10N INITIAL there is no need to stop at the Front Desk to checkout. Please revioiv this statement. It is a record of your charges as of into last PURCHASM&SGRVICrs evening. For any charges alter your account was prepared,you may: TAxrs * pay at the lime of purchase, 0 i charge purchases to your account,then stop by the Pront Desk for an updated statement. TIPS&MISC. -r or request an updated statement be mailed to you within two business days. If the statement meets with your approval, simply press the Zip-Out Check-Out TOTAL Ah10UNT button on your guest room telephone. Your account will be automatically checked 0.00 out and you cony use this slatemetit as your receipt. Feel free to leave your key(s) in the room. Please cull the Front Desk(jyou mash to extend your slay or ijyou have any queslionr abortl your account. l DFW Airport Parking Receipt Entry Location Tuesday February 05,2013 14:49 Lane: DFW-SOUTH-98 Exit Location Wednesday February 06,2013 19;00 Lane: DFW-SOUTH-35 Tag Number DNT.06867781 Parking Fee $25.00 NTTA Tag Charged $25.00 Taxes Included THANK YOU FOR PARKING AT THE DFW Airport I Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Forth No.201(Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day; number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Note Purchase Order No. 514'1 I�60 Terms 651on, Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 2-2,x-13 . ' 023 m Ir r su f 131 ASS, 9,3 Total 1391 g55. 9 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accor- dance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. , 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. P' / A� ALLOWED 20 W/(�$�L .! Ance IN SUM OF $ El�s�on, TIC 77o 10 $ 13 9, gs5, 93 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 12. Board Members PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT.# I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), q02 13 6 0 S07 3 855P or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 4—zz 2013 nature Executive Director Title Cost distribution ledger classification if Carmel Redevelopment Commission claim paid motor vehicle highway fund I I I WALTER P MOORE II Carmel Redevelopment Commission Invoice # : D040313010 c/o Krieg DeVault Project : M041000100 128001North Meridian Street, Suite 300 Project Name : Carmel RPAC Dome-Litigation Support Carmel, IN. 46032-9422 Invoice Group Invoice Date ; 3/31/2013 Attention: Robert Schein For Professional Services Rendered through: 3/31/2013 ALSO email Invoices to: dcleveland®carmel.i n.gov mlee®carmel,in.gov Salaries Rate Schedule Labor 121,855,00 Total Salaries 121,855,00 Expenses Regular Expenses 4,812.20 Total Expenses 4,812,20 Amount Due This Invoice 126,657,20 i I For questions regarding this invoice, please contact Angela Farley, Telephone:713-630-7300 Email;AFarley®walterpnloore.com PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO ADDRESS NOTED BELOW: 1301 MCKINNEY,SUITE iin HOUSTON,TEXAS 77010 FHoNE: 713.830.7300 FAX:713.630,7396 i WATER P MOORE Project:,' M041000100 - Carmel RPAC Dome-Litigation Support Invoice 4 : D040313010 r Phase 9D04 -- SDSG General Rate Schedule Labor Class/Employee Name Date Hours Rate Amount Graduate Engineer Kade Gromowski 03/13/2013 1,00 150.00 150,00 ! 03/14/2013 2.00 150.00 300.00 03/15/2013 3.00 150,00 450,00 03/18/2013 6,00 150,00 900.00 03/19/2013 3.50 150.00 525.00 15.50 2,325.00 Principal Mark M. I-Jolland 02/25/2013 1,50 270.00 405.00 02/26/2013 3,00 270.00 810,00 02/27/2013 1.00 270.00 270.00 02/28/2013 2.00 270.00 540.00 03/01/2013 1.50 270.00 405.00 03/04/2013 3.00 270.00 810.00 03/05/2013 2.50 270.00 675.00 03/06/2013 - 5,50 270,00 1,485,00 03/07/2013 2.50 270.00 675.00 03/08/2013 0,50 270.00 135.00 03/14/2013 1,50 270.00 405.00 03/18/2013 3.00 270.00 810.00 03/19/2013 3.50 270.00 945.00 03/20/2013 2.50 270.00 675.00 03/21/2013 1.50 270,00 405.00 03/22/2013 2.00 270,00 540.00 03/24/2013 0.50 270.00 135.00 37,50 10,125.00 Project Manager Kyle Dominisse 02/25/2013 1,00 210.00 210.00 02/26/2013 3.00 210.00 630.00 02/27/2013 4.00 210.00 840.00 02/28/2013 8.00 210.00 1,680.00 03/01/2013 8.00 210.00 1,680.00 03/04/2013 1.50 210.00 315.00 03/05/2013 8.00 210,00 1,680.00 03/06/2013 8.00 210,00 1,680.00 03/07/2013 3.00 210.00 630.00 03/08/2013 2.50 210,00 525.00 03/11/2013 5.00 210.00 1,050,00 03/12/2013 8.00 210,00 1,680.00 03/13/2013 6.00 210.00 1,260.00 03/14/2013 5.00 210.00 1,050.00 For questions regarding this invoice, please contact Angela Farley. Telephone:713-830-7300 Email:AFarley@walterpmoore.com PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO ADDRESS NOTED BELOW: Page: 1 1301 MCKINNEY,SUITE rnoo HOUSTON. TEXAS 77010 PHONE: 713.630.7300 FAX:713 630.7396 I WALTER P MOORE i 'I Project:W041000100 -- Carmel RPAC Dome-Litigation Support Involce# : D040313010 Phase; 9D04 -- SDSG General Rate Schedule Labor Class/Employee Name Date Hours Rate Amount i Project 1\6ager j Kyle Dominisse 03/15/2013 3.00 210.00 630.00 03/18/2013 1,00 210,00 210.00 I 03/19/2013 4,00 210,00 840.00 03/20/2013 1.00 210.00 210,00 03/21/2013 5.00 210.00 1,050.00 03/22/2013 2,50 210.00 525,00 03/25/2013 1.00 210.00 210.00 03/26/2013 2.50 210.00 525,00 91,00 19,110.00 Senior CAD Technician Laura B.Woods 03/07/2013 1.50 140.00 210.00 03/08/2013 2,00 140,00 280.00 03/13/2013 1,50 140.00 210,00 03/14/2013 0.50 140.00 70,00 03/19/2013 1.50 140.00 210.00 03/20/2013 0.50 140,00 70.00 03/21/2013 3.50 140.00 490.00 11.00 1,540.00 Senior Engineer Renee R Rajappa 02/25/2013 3.00 180.00 540,00 02/26/2013 3.00 180.00 540,00 02/27/2013 2.00 180,00 360.00 02/28/2013 1,00 180.00 180.00 03/01/2013 1,50 180.00 270,00 03/04/2013 2.50 180.00 450.00 03/05/2013 5.00 180.00 900.00 03/06/2013 7,00 180.00 1,260.00 03/07/2013 1.00 180.00 180.00 03/08/2013 2.00 180.00 360.00 03/11/2013 2.00 180,00 360.00 03/12/2013 2.00 180.00 360.00 03/13/2013 2.00 180.00 360.00 03/14/2013 3.00 180,00 540,00 03/15/2013 1.50 180.00 270.00 03/18/2013 3.00 180.00 540,00 03/19/2013 5.00 180.00 900.00 03/20/2013 4,00 180.00 720.00 03/21/2013 5.00 180.00 900.00 55.50 9,990.00 For questions regarding this invoice, please contact Angela Farley, Telephone:713-630-7300 Email:AFarloy @walterpmoore.com PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO ADDRESS NOTED BELOW: page' 2 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE iioo HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 PHONE 713.630.7300 FAX: 713.630.7396 WALTER P MOORE Project: 1M041 000100 - Carmel RPAC Dome-Litigation Support Invoice# : D040313010 Phase: 9D04 -- SDSG General Rate Schedule Labor Class/Employee Name Date Hours Rate Amount Senior Principal Lawrence G.Griffis 02/25/2013 2.00 360.00 720.00 02/26/2013 4.00 360.00 1,440,00 02/28/2013 4.00 360,00 1,440.00 03/04/2013 2.00 360.00 720.00 Dinner Merrill AMEC,Preparation for Mtg 03/05/2013 8.00 360.00 2,880,00 Mtg-Dallas-AMEC,CM Shiel Seexton 03/06/2013 4.00 360.00 1,440.00 Weld Specs 03/11/2013 2,00 360.00 720,00 Drawing Review 03/12/2013 2.00 360,00 720.00 AMEC Discussions 03/20/2013 4.00 360.00 1,440.00 03/24/2013 1.00 360.00 360.00 33.00 11,880.00 Dilip K. Choudhuri 02/25/2013 2.00 360.00 720.00 02/26/2013 3.00 360.00 1,080,00 02/27/2013 1.00 360.00 360.00 03/05/2013 1,00 360.00 360.00 03/07/2013 1.00 360,00 360.00 03/21/2013 2.00 360,00 720.00 03/22/2013 2,00 360,00 720,00 03/24/2013 0,50 360,00 180.00 12.50 4,500.00 Total: Senior Principal 45,50 16,380,00 Senior Project Manager AbdolhaMm H. Bouadi 02/27/2013 2.00 255.00 510,00 03/05/2013 8.00 255,00 2,040,00 03/06/2013 8.00 255,00 2,040,00 03/07/2013 1.00 255,00 255,00 03/11/2013 2.00 255.00 510.00 03/12/2013 2.00 255.00 510,00 03/13/2013 2,00 255,00 510.00 03/14/2013 5,00 255.00 1,275.00 03/15/2013 3,00 255,00 765.00 03/18/2013 2.50 255.00 637.50 03/19/2013 2,00 255.00 510.00 03/20/2013 2.00 255.00 510.00 03/21/2013 4,00 255.00 1,020,00 For questions regarding this invoice, please contact Angela Farley. Telephone:713-630-7300 Email:AFarley®walterpmoore.com Page: 3 PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO ADDRESS NOTED BELOW: 1301 MCKINNEY,SUJTE noo HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 PRONE: 713.630./300 FAX:713.630.7396 I WALTER P MOORE Project:;:M041000100 -- Carmel RPAC Dome-Litigation Support Invoice # : D040313010 Phase: 9D04 -- SDSG General Rate Schedule Labor Class/Employee Name Date Hours Rate Amount Senior Project Manager Abdelhakim H. Bouadi 03/22/2013 2.00 255.00 510,00 03/25/2013 0.50 255,00 127,50 03/26/2013 1.00 255,00 255.00 03/28/2013 3.00 255.00 765.00 50.00 1 2,750.00 Rate Schedule Labor 72,220.00 Total Phase: 9D04 -- SDSG General Labor 72,220.00 Expense : 0.00 Phase: 9SO4 -- SESG General Rate Schedule Labor Class/Employee Name Date Hours Rate Amount Engineer Susendar Muthukumar 03/14/2013 7,00 165.00 1,155.00 03/15/2013 8,50 165.00 1,402.50 03/16/2013 6,00 165,00 990.00 03/21/2013 5,50 165.00 907,50 27.00 4,455,00 Principal Joseph A. Dowd 02/25/2013 4.25 270.00 1,147.50 02/26/2013 6.75 270.00 1,822.50 02/27/2013 5.75 270.00 1,552.50 02/28/2013 0,50 270,00 135.00 03/01/2013 2,75 270.00 742.50 03/02/2013 4.50 270.00 1,215.00 03/03/2013 3,50 270.00 945.00 03/04/2013 4,00 270,00 1,080.00 03/05/2013 7.00 270,00 1,890,00 03/06/2013 10.00 270.00 2,700.00 03/07/2013 5.00 270.00 1,350,00 03/08/2013 8.00 270.00 2,160,00 03/18/2013 5.00 270.00 1,350.00 03/19/2013 5.25 270.00 1,417.50 03/20/2013 3,00 2.70,00 810.00 03/21/2013 7.25 270.00 1,957,50 03/22/2013 2.50 270.00 675.00 03/25/2013 0,50 270,00 135.00 03/26/2013 1.00 270.00 270.00 For questions regarding this invoice, please contact Angela Farley, Telephone:713-630-7300 Email:AFarley®walterpmoore,com PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO ADDRESS NOTED BELOW: Page: 4 1301 MCKINNEY,SUITE noo HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 PHOf4E: 713.630.7300 FAx.713.630.7396 I WALTER P MOORE Project:,M041000100 -- Carmel RPAC Dome-Litigation Support Invoice # : D040313010 Phase', 9SO4 -- SESG General Rate Schedule Labor Class/Employee Name Date Hours Rate Amount Principal Joseph A, Dowd 03/27/2013 0.50 270.00 135.00 87,00 23,490.00 Senior CAD Technician Mark Noble 02/26/2013 1,50 140.00 210.00 Stephen Smith 02/27/2013 6,00 140.00 840,00 02/28/2013 4.00 140.00 560.00 03/01/2013 2.00 140.00 280,00 03/04/2013 2.00 140.00 280,00 03/05/2013 4.00 140.00 560,00 03/07/2013 2.00 140,00 280,00 03/12/2013 1,00 140.00 140.00 21.00 2,940.00 Total: Senior CAD Technician 22,50 3,150.00 Senior Principal Viral B. Patel 03/01/2013 2.00 360.00 720.00 03/04/2013 2.50 360.00 . 900,00 03/14/2013 2.00 360.00 720,00 03/19/2013 2.00 360.00 720.00 03/20/2013 3.00 360.00 1,080.00 11.50 4,140.00 David A.,Platten 02/25/2013 2.00 360.00 720,00 02/26/2013 6.00 360.00 2,160,00 02/27/2013 2.00 360.00 720,00 02/28/2013 2.00 360,00 720,00 03/01/2013 2.00 360.00 720.00 03/04/2013 2.00 360.00 720.00 03/05/2013 4,00 360,00 1,440,00 03/06/2013 6.00 360.00 2,160.00 03/11/2013 1,00 360.00 360.00 03/12/2013 1.00 360.00 360,00 03/13/2013 2,00 360.00 720.00 03/14/2013 2.00 360.00 720.00 03/15/2013 2.00 360.00 720.00 03/19/2013 2.00 360,00 720,00 03/21/2013 2.00 360,00 720.00 03/22/2013 2.00 360,00 720,00 40.00 14,400,00 Total: Senior Principal 51.50 18,540.00 For questions regarding this invoice, please contact Angela Farley, Telephone:713-630-7300 Email:AFarley®walterpmoore,com PLEASE REMI1 PAYMENT TO ADDRESS NOTED BELOW: Page, 5 1301 MC'KINNEY, SUITE iioo HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 PHoNE: 713.630.7300 rnx:713.630.7396 WALTER P MOORE Project M041000100 -- Carmel RPAC Dome-Litigation Support Invoice# ; D040313010 Phase : 9SO4 -- SESG General Rate Schedule Labor 49,635.00 Total Phase : 9SO4 -- SESG General Labor 49,635,00 Expense 0,00 Phase : R000 -- Reimbursable Expense Regular Expenses Vendor Name Doc Nbr Date Cost Multiplier Amount Mileage, Parking and Auto Lawrence G. Griffis HOU108831 03/06/2013 57.69 1.10 63,46 Carmel Retrofit 03/05-06/13 Abdelhakim H. Bouadi HOU108871 03/06/2013 50.90 1.10 55,99 Carmel RPAC Dome Meeting 03/05-06/13 Kyle Dominisse HOU108415 03/12/2013 29.60 1,10 32,56 Performing Arts Center-Site meeting 03/11-12/13 Total; Mileage, Parking and Auto 152,01 Travel Expense Lawrence G, Griffis HOW 08831 03/06/2013 662.69 1,10 728.96 Carmel Retrofit 03/05-06/13 Abdelhakim H, Bouadi HOU108871 03/06/2013 746,80 1,10 821.48 Carmel RPAC Dome Meeting 03/05-06/13 Kyle Dominisse HOU108212 03/06/2013 869,58 1.10 956.54 HOU108270 03/01/2013 980.76 1.10 1,078,84 HOU108415 03/12/2013 729.11 1.10 802.02 Performing Arts Center-Site meeting 03/11-12/13 2,579.45 2,837.40 Total: Travel Expense 4,387,84 Business Meals Abdelhakim 1-I. Bouadi HOU108871 03/06/2013 43,47 1.10 47.82 Carmel RPAC Dome Meeting 03/05-06/13 Kyle Dominisse HOU108411 03/06/2013 42.35 1.10 46.59 Performing Arts Center-Truss Retrofit Meeting 03/05-06/13 HOU108415 03/12/2013 35.99 1.10 39,59 Performing Arts Center-Site meeting 03/11-12/13 HOW 08445 03/01/2013 82.54 1.10 90,79 Performing Arts Center-Truss Bearing Observation 02/27-03/01/13 160.88 176.97 Bank of America Business HOU108903 02/25/2013 43.2.4 1.10 47.56 Total: Business Meals 272.35 Regular Expenses 4,812,20 For questions regarding this invoice, please contact Angela Farley. Telephone:713-630-7300 Email;AFarley®walterpmoore.com PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO ADDRESS NOTED BELOW: Page: 6 1301 MCKINNEY,SUITE 1100 HOUSTON,TEXAS 77010 PHONE: 713.630.7300 FAX:713.630.7396 i WATER P MOORE Project: M041000100 - Carmel RPAC Dome-Litigation Support Invoice# ; D040313010 Total Phase : R000 -- Reimbursable Expense Labor 0.00 Expense 4,812.20 Total Project: M041000100 - Carmel RPAC Dome-Litigation Support 126,667.20 i i For questions regarding this invoice, please contact Angela Farley. Telephone:713-630-7300 Email:AFarley@waherpmoore.com PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO ADDRESS NOTED BELOW: Page: 7 1301 MCKINNEY.SUITE lioo HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 PHONE: 713.630.7300 Fax:713.630.7306 ff-\CA-- ll r i -L-0 BreAnne Stretch From Jason's dell [orders @jasonsdeli,com] Sent:' Thursday,.January 31,2013 12:55 PM Td: ; BreAnne Stretch Subject: Your Order 14342.510 is confirrned #'14342510 Dallas,TX: Downtown -1409 Main St.Dalles,TX 75202 214-672-9340 Scheduled: 1131120131,30:00pm(allow 30 rains) For: DELIVERY Addr; Waltor-P Moore- 1845 Woodall Rodgers Freeway 1650 Dallas,TX 7 5201 Contact: Breanne Stretch 214--740-6200 waItomrnoore.coni Status:- . Conrirenott.. -- -- -- - - - Qty Item Each'S Amount$ 1 Roast Beef Sandwich (Gluten Free) 7.17 7.17 (Regular) C;hoico; Proparer Change Glovrrs: Gluten Frua;Gluten free Bmnd: Mayonnaise;Both. Lettuce&Tomoto; Provolano Choose;Baked Ghlps and Picklt:;Ncs Drink, Thank You.; i Club.Royale 6,99 6.99 Choice; No Cheddar Cheese;Chivas tint]Pickle; No Drink.Thank you'; 1 Premium slam Sandwich 6.58 6.58 Choice: tNrholn('main W111"tit;Both NIustarrl&Mayo,Both Lettuce.&Tomato;Chodrlar Qheuse;Chips and Pickle: No Drink,Thank You.; 1 California Club(Manager's Special) 0,09 6.99 (Regular) Choice: Baked Chips uric]Pickle: Fru'rtwith Dip;No Drink. '1°hank You.; SUBTOTAL; 27,73 DELIVERY; 7.00 TAX: 2.87 l TOTAL: 37.60 1 DUE: 37.60 Dell Dollars Awarded 2�` Pendin9 untif ocde{is completed (gonerally wlthia)24.48 scours slier order pickuNderivery) Payments Tip Amt$ Balance$ Visa('1107) 37.60 0.00 exp:3113 Walter P fuiodre 1301 McKinney Suite 1100 Housfon TX 77010 Delivery Instructions: Upst7iru Suit-o 1650 Double Glass doors if you would like to chive us feedback about a product or serAr e,pieaso contact us by phone at 1.500-444-DELI or by visiting tawv�,jasansdrai,co fco_gtact We4are abort our custome!s,-sa-we.remind-you ta-alvrir ba minafut whan sirariny your- widit card inforrTiEdion, Please do not fopfy to onratl confirniodwK lhgy ore nKg worwored, Call your local deft for any order. 7 My. post to Nc spool aw 70 ovok. t qjj cy [naq No Rajecav- "ar lawxi'-i% Q Wn; 3 AVE P�yr it Ser,v-'rg Lk r-S FE:-: SAM, Tn. 2 A' D -3 7 6 0 AW70502.4 jv View Voucher Page 1 of 1 Walter R Moore and Associates, Inc. print Payable Voucher Form Voucher: Hou108831 Vendor Name: Lawrence G. Griffis E/V/C Code: 330003 E/V/C Address: Sub-Consultant: No Vendor City/St/Zip: Hold/Pay: PAY Description: Invoice Number: 030613 PED 03/13: Carmel Retrofit 03/05-06/13 Invoice Date: 3/6/2013 Comment: Invoice Due Date: 4/5/2013 Total Amt: $720.38 ' Status: New Company Account Line Item Project Phase Task Cost Amount (Credit) Code Number Center 0000 560000 M041000100 R000 **** D04 $57.69 0000 '561000 M041000100 R000 **** D04 $662.69 I I http://dotnet.walterpmoore.coin/accounting/vouchers/pf.asp x?id=108831 4/1/2013 WALTER P MOORE - - RAVEL- VOUCHER Submitted by: La Griffis Signature: fj From: Houston 2093 Forth Employee#:330003 Office Location:Austin To: Dallas Departure Date: 31512013 Manager Approval: To:Austin Return Date: 316/2013 Division Mgr Approval: ! Purpose: Carmel Retrofit P{tanning Meeting Project or Acct No: M04 10001 00 f I Net Non-reimb Total 'X`N Item Reimb to Personal 'Cost Relmb ItemizationlNotes __ S irw Hems No. Item Employee costs This Item to Client a b c d e 1 I __ Mileage $14.69 $0.00 $14.69-� x_ 26 miles $.565/m1 0 ' 0 0 0 2 - ____._ Airfare $354.30 ✓ $0.00 $354.30 I x $3.54.30 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 3 _ _ Auto $0.00 $0.00 _ $0.00 _ _ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 4 Taxi/Transport_ $25.00 $0.00 $25.00 x $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 __5 ___Net Accommodations $273.39 _ $0.00 $273.39 _ x $273.39 Total Hotel Accommodations $273.39 $D.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 6 __ Hotel Meals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 _ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0-00 $0.00 7 Hotel Miscellaneous Itemize _ $0.00 _ $0.00 $0.00 _ $0.00 $0.00 _ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 8__ _ Meals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 _ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 9 _ Client Entertainment $0.00 $0.00 $0.00--. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 10 Parking $43.00 $0.00 $43.00 x _ $43.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 11 Togs $0.00 $O.OD $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 _. 12 Tips __$10.00 $0.00 $10.00 x $5.00 $5.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13 _ Other $0.00 1 $0.00 $0.00 ^_ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 14 Other $0.001 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0-00 $0.00 _ 15 Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 _ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 16 _ Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 _ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 17 Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 18 Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 19 i Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total) $720.38 $0.001 $720.38 CHASE BUILDING,221 WEST 6TH STREET,su1TE soo AUSTIN,TEXAS 78701 PHONE 512.330.1270 FAX-512.330.1295 Dallas 335-13Asx 3/25/2013 Z1147 G, ,r: i:4 C I;. t 50lJTE���t'�av Ir'�.�,;,�.�3y� !E,1 A R Y / RECEIPT DATC:05MAR13 CONFIRMATION NUMBER: G0730Y AGENT: HOIJK0019 EXPIRATION DATE:2014-03-04 � itrnET NUMBER: 5262112175144 f•rum To Flt Date Dep Arr Base Fees/ Estimate. FD Customer Name Fare I Taxes Total Earned Pt, tu•U . DAL 42 05MAR 0430P 0535P Q GRIFFIS/LAWRENCE 1A TAUS 362 06MAR 0505P 0600P y 310.70 43.60 354.30 2,771 TICKET TOTAL 310.70 i 43. 0 354.30 i I I I AGE 65 OR OVER/ID REQD I I I Rapid Rewards points earned jre only estimates. Vis St.Cyr., inrludi.ng A-List and A-' ' y-F, M^•^bpr bonus poir- Oill,17 Sr",P r 4 U t West A'i L I-S%L A W R I`41 open Seating 2 7 HI ";Onf . # = '1AR 06 'Conf . #: G0730Y n2 NAIIA', IrtVl ril lU !1'1AR 05 „:) HOUSTON HOB By to AlttirTN 'fX to DALLAS LOVE FIELD . IC8 fllt 7:000028146963 LL I R R i ear � A' !� 2 -7 c THE Room 0915 ' Folio# Cashier# 537 DALLAS Page # 1 of 1 1717 NORTH AKARD STREET DALLAS,TX 75201 T 214 720 2020 F 214 720 5269 Walter P Moore Arrival 03-05-13 Mr Lawrence Griffis Departure 03-06-13 1704 Lakeshore Dr. Austin TX 78746 United States e. e• a yea a a a • - . 03-05-13 Internet- In Room Line#915 : $13,95 +Tax 15.10 $13.95+ Tax 03-05-13 Room Charge 224.10 03-05-13 Tourism PID Reimbursement Fee 2% 4.48 03-05-13 City Tax (7%) 16.00 03-05-13 State Tax (6%) 1371 03-06-13 Mastercard 273.39 Tota 1 273.39 / 273.39 Balance Due 0.00 Thank you for choosing Fairmont Hotels&Resorts.To provide feedback about your stay please contact the General Manager,at dai.gm@Falrmont.com.We also Invlte you to share memories of your experience on our community forum-visit www.everyonesanoriginal.com. I Guest si nature?X agree that my gabglly,for Ihln otitis not t was s cl I agree to be pay personallynoblo In the event es.the g I Indiceled person,company,bevel agent f IZ%per falls to pay for the lug amount d the charges.Overdue For Information or reservations,visit us at balencant tray be to to of the rat edl l.b%per month.(10.58%edwfth e1,11, .Al not Is to demon dalnquenl may be aub)acl to to gal laoe and ell other coals easoclated w rth the DII, Account b payable on www.falrmont.com or call Fairmont Hotels&Resorts from: presentation or departure. United States or Canada 1 600 441 1414 Thank you for choosing to stay with Fairmont Hotels & Resorts YELLOW CAB Dallas / Fort W t Austin nal Air o t� International Airport Amount/Cuenta:�Date/Fecha: Parkin Trip Prom/Viaje de: ,'OIDPuter Number: ;.wer: 35 on: To/Destinati .Ilisaction Number: Allen Id X109 nse Plate Number: 9380 DriverMxista: Bred: X16CY7 tea: OA5/200/k 09-l- tD#: Taxi#: %no �(119 11ck9t 43813 ' Dispenser #3 � Gar ; Area t► Fee: ShortTerrrl `'ee: $ 43.00 ,urtercard A $ 0 Credit Card Number: ** ****� 43.00 Total Paid: 4 •J IfII III IV, 10 An1n boa er Page 1 of 1 cer P. Moore and Associates, Inc. prin Payable Voucher Form Voucher: Houl08415 Vendor Name: Kyle Dominisse E/V/C Code: 380159 E/V/C Address: 13307 W. 89th Terrace Sub-Consultant: No Vendor City/St/Zip: KS 66215 Hold/Pay: PAY Description: Invoice Number: 031213 PED 03/13: Performing Arts Center - Site meeting Invoice Date: 3/12/2013 03/11-12/13 Invoice Due 3/22/2013 Comment: Date: Total Amt: $794.70 Status: New Company Account Line Item Project Phase Task Cost Amount (Credit) Code Number Center 0000 560000 M041000100 R000 **** D04 $29.60 0000 562000 M041000100 R000 **** D04 $35.99 0000 561000 M041000100 R000 **** D04 $729.11 http://dotnet.watterpmoore.com/accounting/vouchers/pf,aspx?id=108415 3/19/2013 WALTER P MOORE - TRAVEL VOUCHER Submitted by:)38001 DO iA1SS _ Signature: � 'e From: Kansas City,MO 2013 Form Employee# Office Location: Kansas City To: Carmel,IN Departure Date: 3/1112013 Manager Approval: To: Kansas City,MO Return Date: 3/12/2013 Division Mgr Approval: Purpose: Performing Arts Center-Site Meeting Project or Acct No: M0410001-00 Net Non-reimb Total -X-if Item Reimb to Personal I Cost Relmb Itemization/Notes Specific Items _ No. Item Employee costs This Item to Client a b c d e _Mileage $22.60 $0.00 - $22_60 X 40 miles @$.565 1mi 0 0 0 0 A rfare _$511_80 $0_00 _ $511.80 X_ $511.80- _$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 _$84.03 --$0.00 $84.03 X _ Rental Car and Gas $71.85- $12.18• $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 4 I_ TaxUTranspori t _ $0.00 _$0.00 $0.00 +-_ --- $0.00 $0_00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -- -- - - - _ N_e_t A_cco_mmodations l_$133.28 -_$0.00_ _$1.33.28 _ _X _ ! $133.28 Total I_H_otel Accommodations 5133.28• $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 _ 6 Hotel Meals $0.00 $0.00 i $0.00 X $0.00 _ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 _ 7 Hotel Miscellam ous(itemize) _$0.00 $0.00 i' $0.00 : $0.00 $0.00 _$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 _-8. - -- Meals $35.99 $0_00 _ $35:94 X _ $10.43 $6.35• $4.73- $14.48• $0.00 9 _ ____Client Entertainment $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 _ 10 - Parkin $7.00 $0.00 _$7.00_ X KC air ort Parking _ $7.00- $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 11 ____ Tolls _ $0_00 $0.00 $0.00 _ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 _12 _ Tips _ $OAO $0.00 $0.00 I I $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13 Meals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 _ , $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 14_ _ Other 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $_0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 15 _ _Other $0.00 $0.00 S0_00 ! $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 16 Other $0_00_ $0.00 $0.00 _ $0.00 $0.00 $0_00 $0.00 $0.00 17� _ Other $0.00 $0.00. __$0.00 - $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Other $0.001 $0.00_ $0.001 . $0.00 $0.00_ $0.00_ $0.00 $0.00 __ 19 Other _$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 j - _ _ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 I Other $0.00 $0.00 - $0.00 I $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total) $794.70 I $0.00 I $794.70 I I 920 MAIN STREET,TENTH FLOOR VANSAS CITY,MISSOURI 64105.2008 PHONE 816.701.2100 FAx:816.701.2200 Trip 5 Travel Voucher Kansas City 2013 3/13/2013 INEW ITINE 1 I 'TION NUMBER: AYHX3G •• -•• �ririniaituiv uNit:[014-03-09 I TICKET NUMBER: 5262113784673 Base Fees/ Estimated From To Flt Date Dep Arr FD Customer Name Fare ITaxes Total Earned Pts MCI IND 510 1].MAR 0715p 0940P K DOMINISSE/KYLE 455.82 55.98 511.80 5,880 IND MCI 445 12MAR 0325P 0400P K I TICKET TOTAL 455.82 155.98 511.80 i I I i I i i i I I I arse only estimates. ie most accur Preferred Member bonus points. SoUthwest Airline Open Sea Lln9, 6 R KCI AIRPORT ECONOMY LOT Conf . #: AYHX3G 4008 CITY, MO CITY M A R 12 KRNS 8161243 601964153 445 INDIANAPOLIS IN IERMINAL I.0.1 0017348000601346634604 to KANSAS CITY INTL MERCHANT 01 8013466346 WELCOME 00336784 VISA PCARO 60000356719440 'R U T H A INC i456 W WASHINGTON CO b RR RECORD I 13 IIIVI 000013 NDIANApOLIS It" DATEI MAR 12, 13 11ME1 16111 16241 BATCHI 421 ATE @3/12/13 12: 05 AU1H1 05435C SUMP dRODUGT : REGULAR TOTAL -- ---$7.00' - — :'RICE/G : 3 . 8351 -UEL SALE 12 . 18 I SA Acct. : 2650 CUSTOMER COPY .,UTH : 00-05318C 'IP ENTERED t:atch : 47 Seq: 022 INVOICE : 120422 Tran : 395227 Open Seating 4 R J -"MINI SS E7KYLE U. DEALER## : 00336784 Conf. #: AYHX3G Ix Term ID : 21 MAR 11 O WANT FREE GAS? LL REGISTER TO WIN AT 510 KANSAS CITY INTL WWW , G A S V I S I T . C OM to INDIANAPOLIS IN 4 THANK YOU W HAVE A H7:' 00000356719440 V W RR CY 2 N Q H W L1 smoke M are -- r r r r ll' Z' Aff RENTAL AGREEMENT NUMBER: 664796788 RECEIPT Customer Name: KYLE DOMINISSE Vehicle Number: 60773031 Wizard Number; °981.1 Vehicle Group Renled: Intermediate SUV Avis Worldwlde Discount: WALTER P MOORE&ASSOCIATES Vehicle Group Charged: Standard Customer Status: PREFERRED Vehicle Description: BRO CHEVROLET Method of Payment: VISA XX2690 CAPTIVA AWD Frequent Traveler Number: WNr00D00356719440 License Plate Number: IN773ZVJ Odometer Out: 11287 Odometer In: 11351 Total Driven: 64 Fuel Gauge Reading: Full Pickup DaterTime: MAR 11,20130i0:15PM Return Datefrima: MAR 12.20I3r;56PM Additional fee's may apply Pickup Location: 7800 COL.H EIR COOK MEMORIAL Return Location: 7800 COL.H WWEIR COOK MEMORIAL if changes are made INDIANAPOLIS INTERNATIONAL APO INDIANAPOLIS INTERNATIONAL APO to your return date,time - INDIANAPOLIS,IN,46241,US INDIANAPOLIS,IN,46241,US and/or location. 317.244-3307 317-244-3307 r r. Rate Chart: Free Mlles: Time and Mileage: Mlles: UNLIMITED Your Discount: Optional Services Total; 0.00 Houdy; 37.51 Daily: 50.00 AM day. 0.00 Time and Mileage: 50.00 Week: 300.00 ---jAon1h y:--1200.00 11 111%Concession Recovery Fee 5.73 CUSTOMER FACILITY CHG 4.00/D 4.00 ENERGY RECOVERY FEE 0.60/DY .60 Subdclal-Charges: 61.33 TAX 7.000% 4.29 2.bc COUNTY SURCHARGE 6.00 3.67 Your Total Charges paid: 71.85 Prepayment 0.00 Travel Partner Points Earned: 600 Net Charges: USD 71.85 Your Total Duo: 0.00 Thaln"ou for renting with Avis. II you have any questions regarding eToll,please contact our oToli pmvlder.HTA at 1.866-285-6050 or visit their web site at www.hlallc.com. For all other Inquiries,please contact us at 1-800-352-7900 or www.Avls.com. At Avis,we are committed to providing you with the best rental experlence In the Industry.We are In the business of treating people like people. Your,vehicle was rontod to you by SANDY. Your vehicle was chocked in by TONI. 11355 N.Meridian Street•Carmel,IN 46032 DOUBLETREE SUITES Phone(317)844-7994 ' Fax(317)843-0678 For reservations worldwide Name&Address OV HILTON' www.doubletree.comor1-800-222-TREE INDIANAPOLIS-CARMeL 1 DOMINISSE;,KYLE Room 353/SK1SX 8111 ROSEHILL RD. Arrival.Date 3/11/2013 10:10:OOPM LENEXA,KS 66215 Departure Date 3/12/2013 US Adult/Child 1/0 Room Rate $119.00 RATE PLAN LV6 HH# 230474543 SILVER AL BONUS AL CAR Confirmatiowi 87191216 311212013 PAGE .1 E DFSCRIPTION ID REF, E I L N 3/11/2013 1773876 GUEST RO M $119.00 3/11/2013 1723876 STATE TAX $8.33 3/11/2013 1723876 OCCUPAN Y TAX $5.95 WILL BE S ETTLED ro VS*2690 $133.28 EFFECTIVE BALANCE OF $0.00 i i ESTIM TED CURRENCY OTAL Hilton HHonor,(R)stays are posted within 72 ours of check ul. To the k your earnings or ook your next stay t more than 3,900 hotels e d reso!IS uI Li c ,.. irl ,i. aye l,sri iliia;,crs.c n, Thank you for hoosing Doubletreel Come bac<soon to enjo our warm chocolate chip cool es and relaxed hosi itelity.For your next trip vl it us ai doubletr .com for our best available rati sl EXPRESS CHECK-OUT DATE OF CHARGE FOLIO NO.ICHECK N0. 367098 A Good Morning I We hope you enjoyed your stay. With Express Check-Out there is no need to stop at the Front Desk to check out. Please reviewlthis statement. It is a record of your charges as of late last AUTIIORIZATION INITIAL JL evening. ° For any charges after your account was prepared,you may: PURCHASES&SERVICES •pay at(lie time of purchase. •charge purcliases to your account,then stop by the Front Desk for an TAXES updated statement. •or request an updated statement be mailed to you within two business days. THIS&MISC. Simply call the Front Desk from your room and tell us when you are ready to depart. Your account will be automatically chocked out and you may use this statement as your receipt. Feel flee to leave your key(s)in the room. TOTAL AMOUNT Please call the Front Desk if yon wish to extend your stay or if you have any questions aborii your account. PAYMENT DUE UPON RECEIPT I i .U PAYMENT DUE UPON RECEIPT.1.5%PER MONTH INTEREST CHARGE WILL RE APPLIED TO ALL PAST DUE INVOICES. I j AREAS USA IND , LLC , HMSHOST CHAMPP ' S FARMERS POST SECURITY INDIANAPOLIS INT ' L AIRPORT KANSAS CITY AIRPORT 4052 Tracy R 3 TBL 62/ti----------- ------------- 1849 Jack ---------- •----------------- 1 8 2 l ' 15 GST 1 12MAR ' 13 2 ; 22PM MAR11 ' 13 6 : 32PM .--- ------ ----- --- -------- DINE, IN DINE IN 1 CALI-TURK-WRAP 10 . 99 SUBTOTAL 10 . 99 LG WTR ARTC SOL 3 , 29 TAX 0 . 99 FRUIT BANANA 2 . (IND BAR 3 , �'°T, T•° ^� ,XXXXXXXXXXX2690 I S A 10 . SUBTOTAL 9 . AREAS USA IND, LLC, TAX 1 , - - --- - --C H-A M P P' S- _...... _A A M.O U N T_. P.A.I D._ .._____1 1 O 4. INDIANAPOLIS I N T ' L AIRPORT --259849 Closed M A R 1 1 0 6 : 3 2°'-- - C H E C K : 1 8 2 1 TARI. F : 6 2 / 1 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINE 4052 Tracy R 12MAR ' 13 2 ;47PM TELL US ABOUT YOUR EXPERIE,IUL • TYPE; VISA JOHN RTr[J1Jr ^ I ; ! XXXXXXXXXXXX2690 ,ODE : 02300C KYLE DOMINISSE. COM AL ;' 1 1 . 98 SSr America ;TY ; ', mid Camden f=oods —=_ --__----- — --- Indi-anapolis-Int'l Airport ---',----------�=—=1-� . : '� 241-0435 oiul4AIURE; '`arl2'13 02:55PM a . visa �,•.. 3XXXXXXXXXX2690 STARBUCK; Store. 112459 Card Entry; SWIPED SIGNED COPY TO MFPrL 12461) N, Meridian Trans Type: PURCHASE Carmel, IN (317) 569.9738 Trans Key; EIE007558354606 _. .. _..... ...... .. ...._....._. ....._._... . ..._.... ._. Auth Code: 08135C CHI; 859428 Check: 1208 03/12/2013 09;50 AM Server: 367 KONGIT W 1871557 Drawer: 1 Reg; 2 __. ._._._.._.-.. ___. .. ...... .... .__ Total 4 . 73 Kind Bar/Blueberry 1 .95 FEEDBACK Kind Bar/Apple I;iri 1 .95 Dish Up Your Experience. Vt Pike Place 2.2b Visa 6,35 We appreciate -feedback XXyXXXXXXXYXt'64](l about your visit. Please call us 1 877 325 8777 Sub Wta1 $6.15 Or email fax 9% $0•20 1 �- _ „t'l: ,.��r+c•GOffl Total $6.35 C;I�< r'► o� [_)L.lr' 1$0 . C)c3 Check C l oi*ed -. .._..... View Voucher Page 1 of 1 Walter P, and Associates, Inc. ndmt Payable Voucher Form Voucher: Hou108871 Vendor Name: Abdelhakim H. Bouadi E/V/C Code: 330387 E/V/C Address: Sub-Consultant: No Vendor City/St/Zip: Hold/Pay: PAY Description: Invoice Number: 030613 PED 03/13: Carmel RPAC Dome Meeting 03/05-06/13 Invoice Date: 3/6/2013 Comment: Invoice Due 4/5/2013 Total Amt: $841.17 Date: Status: New Company Account Line Item Project Phase Task Cost Amount (Credit) Code Number Center 0000 560000 M041000100 R000 **** D04 $50.90 0000 562000 M041000100 R000 **** D04 $43.47 0000 561000 M041000100 R000 **** D04 $746.80 i I littp://dotnet.walterpmoore.com/accounting/vouchers/pf.aspx?id=108871 4/2/2013 WATER P MOORE = - - - - --- _ - - - TRAVEL VOUCHER Submitted by: Hakim Bouadi Signature: 7 From: Houston 2013 Forth Employee#: Ce Loca n: Houston To: Dallas Departure Date: 3/5/2013 Manager Approval:_ _ To: Houston Return Date: 3r612013 Division Mgr Approval: - Purpose: Carmel RPAC Dome Meeting Project or Acct No: Net Non-reimb Total Item Relmb to Personal Cost Relmb Itemizatlon/Notes _ SpedRc Items No. Item Emplo ee Costs This Item to Client a b c d e Mileage $11.30 $0.00 $11.: i - - -- ._- _ -_20 miles @$.565 1mi 20 _-_0 0 0_ Airfare $378.30 $0.00_ $378.:1 x $378-30 $0.00 $0_00 $0.00 $0.00_ 3 Auto $141.27 $0.00 $141.,.'r $141.27 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 - ------- -- - -... --° ._.. --- - _. _4 _ Taxi/Transport $0.00 $0.00 $0.011 -_ $0.00 $0.00_ $0.00 $0.00 $_0.00 5 Net Accommodations ___$216.7_9_ .- $0.00 - -_-_- _ $216_ x $216.79 Total Hotel Accommodations _ $216.79 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 _$0_00 _ _-Hotel Meals $0_00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00_$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 7 - -Hotel Miscellaneous itemize) $0_00 $0.00 $O.qC - _ --$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Meals $43.47 $0,00 $43.' x $10.81 $9.04_ $14.97 $8.65 $0.00 9 Client Entertainment $0.00 $0.00 _$0.07 -_ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0000 $0.00 10 _ Parking -534_00 $0_00 $34.r'i x --.-. _ $34.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 _11-_ _ Tolls -_$5.60 $0.00 - $S.I: x -$2.80 $280 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 _ 12-- _ Tips- $2_00 _-_$0_00 $2..' _ x _ _ $2.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13 Other; $8.44 $0.00 g8:'•' x - -__ _-_ __-_ _- - $8.44_ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00_ _$0_00_ 14 _., Others_ $0_00 _ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 _ -$0.00 $O.OD_ -$O.00 _ -15_ Other _$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0_00 $0.00 16 ---Other:, ______._$0.00_ $0.00 $0_CC ----- ---- - _ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -Other --- 17 Other $0.00 $0.00 $0w, _ .- 1_.. _ $0.00__ _$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0_00_ 18- --_ Other $0.00 - $0.00 $O.OJ $0.00 $0.00 _ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 _ 19 Others $0.00 - $0.00 $O.no- - - $0.00. $0.00 $0_00 $0.00 $0.00 20 Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.:'n $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total $841.17 $0.00 $841.';' 1301 McKINNEY SUITE 1100 HOUSTON,TEXAS 77010 PHONE:713.630.7300 FAx:713.630-7396 2013-03-05 Dalls Trip-Carmel Project.xis 4/1/2013 3oucuwesL ticnmes-rurcnase uontirmanon Pagel of 2 Thank you for your purchase! Houston(Hobby),TX-HOU to Dallas(Love Field),TX-DAL New Purchases in Trip Air Confirmation#G4KPCR Houston(Hobby),TX-HOU to Dallas (love Field),TX-DAL Tuesday,March 5,2013-Wednesday, March 6,2013 Air Total:$378.30 Amount Paid $378.30 Trip Total $378.30 TUE 03/01/13 - Dallas New purchases added to your trip. AIR Houston(Hobby),TX-HOU to Dallas(Lave Field),TX-DAL 03/05/2013 - 03/06/2013 Confirmation#G4KPCR Adult Passengers) Rapid Rewards# ABDELHAKIM BOUADI 00000151722071 Subscribe to FROt Status Messaging _ .........._......- DEPART. 07:00 AM Depart Houston(Hobby),TX Flight rtnn•; (HOU)on soulho,e<t AIIIIntlS "I 54vi{f>r TumsdnY,March 5,2013 TUE Travel Time 0 h 55 in 07:56 AM Arrive In Dallas(Love Field), (Nonstop) TX(DAL) Anytime WFI RN 06:00 PM Depart Dallas(Love Field), Flight MAR 0 I TX(DAL)on Southwest 442 You 101= Wednesday,March 6,2013 WED Airlines . Travel Time 1 h 10 in 07:10 PM Arrive In Houston(Hobby), (Nonstop) TX(HOU) Anytime This Itinerary Is operated by Southwest Airlines. What you need to know to travel: Don't forget to check in for your flight(s)24 hours before your trip on southwest.00rrh or your mobile device. Southwest Airlines does not have assigned seats,so you can choose your seat when you board the plane.You will be assigned a boarding position based on your checkin time.The earlier you check In,withln 24 hours of your night,the eatller you get to board. PRICE:ADULT Trip Routing Fare Type I View Fare Rules Fare Details Quantity Total • FOyRofUnMWo Depart HOU-DAL G tbne"Ity • Ua WyChanges 1 $188,40 a No Ch•ngo Feec Artytlme • Fugy Refunaa6le https://www.soutliwest.coin/flight/itineracy-cliaiiged,httnl?companyName=&disc=pdc°/D3 A... 2/27/2013 I www.nowsouthparking-tx.com — I RECEIPT -- New P.O. Box 60751 South Houston, TX 77205 _— ,)l Agf,comenL Number . fi391951 ` --- 44 Parking {281)233-1730 gyp,. cle VORMATION of ; 580781 ` ------=- i CUSTOMER RECEIPT = I ' - IR IN i Toledo Ticket Co.,Toledo,OH _-- www.toteduucker.com ,D I,ABDELHAKI M Tran In Time Out Time Fee CC# ',RD NUMBER: 4KW13S p ,.;•;. rr, r i ------ � )i7t-i,• (,J �''t'?:�, (:1=;.ii s�� ,{ �r,� 4::`'4 :1'i�� �:-,�__— ._•, ! a DISC: %.LTER P MOORE & ASSOCIATES '0 ENT METHOD: MASTER XX5446 YOUR RENTAL ed up: DAL —.—_ -- /Time: MAR 05, 2013@07:561 '-- rned: DAL -%/Time: MAR 06, 2013 @04-. 12Fi•� --- Group: Intermediate - -- � Charged. Intermediate cle: DODGE AVENGER Li�augn�tr�lzr r�snatec -eter out: 28172 — — eftim !a — eter In: 28206 Reading: Full E�:Orif.#G4KPGR : 1R VEHICLE CHARGES Mar 05. � . --- ,Z 4CrUSTONN OBBY --- — 2 DY@ 54.00 108. I:oDA LOVE FIELD t TIME AND MILEAGE: 108.1 ' _ t.;i TAXABLE FEES 1 5'1722671 — -- - e 12 HP. 8 --- .11 6 FEE 2.G SR$ 1 .00DY LIC RECOUP � ZClY RECO.VrRl' n 77l DY 1 )R SUBTOTAL ABLE SUBTOT 112 12. " _.—_—�— '�0 � `------ ----- ., . 10.000% 'F� — ...__-t --- ---- SAU t,i I'-1 -------! -- R NON TAXABLE ITEMS -- 57 541--) 7831 02 --- - SHELL - --=---- __- 3100 NC K I N OB I RD L I AL CHARGES 141 .` DALLA:, T,l' 78205 _ _ CHARGES 141 -- - 0.(R± DATE 1�, .�.)�, :f..3 3:'�£�PM — - — ---- IR TOTAL DUE: _ — f NVO i. G'bl .D ON MASTER XX5446 A LI T H 0 111 P -------—---- - --- -- MA '? :f;C';�iG ;ONCESSION RECOVERY FEE -----__-_.-- ' ACCO(IfT NW_ff3ER -------...-----____-- _ MLS/PNTS EARNED 600 -- 'iXXX Y XX XXXX 5445 - - sa- ------ ----- - — THANK YOU F01: RE.N 1 1NG WI fFl AVIS --- 03 hill <3 .699 ------ I,ALLON:, ;',.! TOTAL ------------_—_--- Toll Pass inquiries, __-- $ S.44 visit.www.e-tolls.com � . or• call HTA at 1-866-642-200N --------- TOTAL ;:)AL i 8,44 - --------------.--- Other inquiries"or e-receipt visit --- D I ESEI FLIEL. CC.NTA IN INESS RENTALS ONLY UP To 5% BIDDIESL or call 214-357-1711 !'H 1PI i p.� SPRI(IGHILL SUITES" Sp�ingHill Suites by Marriott 1907 N. Lamar St karrwtt, Dallas Downtown Dallas,Tx 75202 West End t(214)999 0500 H.Bouadi Room:606 Room Type:DDST Number of Guests:1 Rate:$169.00 Clerk:. Arrive:05Mar13 Time:08:40PM Depart:06Mar13 Time: Folio Number: 50106, Date Description Charges greclits. .' 05Marl3 Valet Parking 20.32 05Mar13 Sales Tax 1.68 05Mar13 Room Charge 169.00 05Mar13 State Occupancy Tax 10.34 05Marl3 City-Tax _- 12,07 05Mar13 Tourism Pid Assessment 3,38 06Mar13 Master Card 216.79 - Card#:MCXXXXXXXXXXXX54461XXXX Amount: 216.79 Auth:01730P Signature on File This card was electronically swiped on 0510ar13 Balance: 0.00 Rewards Account#XXXXX2842. Your Rewards points/miles earned on your eligible earnings will be credited to your account.Check your Rewards Account Statement or your online Statement for updated activity. As requested, a final copy of your bill will be emailed to you at: HAKIM_BOUADI @HOTMAIL.COM. See ".Internet Privacy Staten Ord"cn P:Rarriott.rom. i CEDAR ' S M E D . G STARBUCKS Store #13723 —� - 8141 Walnut Hill Ste 1200 5715 Lemmon - ----_ Dallas, TX 75231 Dallas, TX (214) 353-6907 -- - -- Tbl: 01 Gsts: i Srvr: Jessenia -- CHK 736277 03/05/2013 08:06 AM Date; 03-05-2013 6:08pm 1 .0223,00114 1827567 Drawer: 1 Reg: 2 ----------------- - 1 (3)Kabobs Pltr 9.99 Strblu Yog Parfait Chkn Kabob Pltr ---- Spnch Brkfst Wrap 3.45 Guest # 1 Sub-Total ; 10.81 TI Pike Place 3.25 - - - -- Mastercard 1.65 --- Sub-Total ; 9,99 9'04 XXXXXXXXXXXX5446 ---- Tax: 0.82 -- Total Due : 10 . 81 Subtotal P y m t Cash 1 0 . 8 1 -- Tax 8,25% $8.35 D i n e I n Total $0.69 -- .--.— Dining ha _ - .. .. $9,04 .... Dining n9e Due $O . O - ----------- Check Closed ----------- ------ - For Your Convenience: W5/1)ni'z Q.nr lm 1541.49 17.541.74 2041 .99 I ' I ; h F'eeb•i •CJs World :jut rito I Fey I x Downtown --- '15285 ,3o.athwe s-: Freeway - i --------= --- Sarar .aua- T:xa:; 77478 ---- EL FENIX-DOWNTOWN Ph 28':555-87z.0 555-87x•0 1601 U KNINIFY K, ----- -! (214) 747-1121 ----- STORE # 01 ---.-.- 1 _ -lost: KE'V•in 03/06/2013 ------- Current Batch 03052013 343 PM Tue 3/5/2013 12:16:38 PM -_ 7:43 20204 04 — -- Check 15 — _---- ii Pandora A. - 40118i.er Chicken Barrit) 7,99 _ — -- • cardholder acknowledges receipt of goods :;ubto•taI j 99 _ --- --- and/or services in the amount of the -- I'ax C,66 — 1 TOTAL shown hereon and agrees to perform ---- ` the obligations set forth in the --- U i r-ie— nt 7 --- ..ardholder agreement with the Issuer I/C MasterCard XXXXXXXXXXXX5446 Authoriz 1rg,. , E"65 ----- ---- -- A;tProva 1 04297P --- -- 'a"lance Du„ 8.E:5 -- ---- °SSE $12.97 --- __.. IIP FREE:I3I DS Ca'fE;1MG! for 1Jpp.-1),0)Dpp 1 TOTAL 1 -- Ca°e-@f roo I rd.:,. ON -------- ---- i t3;3�::-F613-;:r,••fr ;:33 -::287) View Voucher Page 1 of 1 Walter P. Moore and Associates, Inc. Payable Voucher Form Voucher: Hou108212 Vendor Name: Kyle Dominisse E/V/C Code: 380159 E/V/C Address: 13307 W. 89th Terrace Sub-Consultant: No Vendor City/St/Zip: KS 66215 Hold/Pay: PAY Description: Invoice Number: 030613 PED 3/13 M04-10001-00 Performing Arts Ctr - Truss Invoice Date: 3/6/2013 Retrofit Meeting Invoice Due 3/15/2013 Comment: Date: Total Amt: $911.93 Status: New Company Account Line Item Project Phase Task Cost Amount (Credit) P Code Number center 0000 561000 M041000100 R000 **** D04 $869.58 0000 562000 M041,000100 R000 **** D04 $42.35 http://dotnct.walterpmoore.com/accounting/vouchers/pf.aspx?id=108212 3/11/2013 WALTER P MOO'RE _ TRAVEL VOUCHER Submitted by- Kyle Dgy e Signature: _ From: Kansas City,MO 2013 Form Emplo 59 ce Location: Kansas City To: Dallas,7X Departure Date: 3rsrz013 Manager Approval To: Kansas City,MQ Return Date: 3rerz013 Division Mgr Approval: CS Purpose.' Performing Arts Center_Truss Retrofit Meeting I I ProjectorAcct No: M0410001-001 E Ne! Norrrehnb Total "X"if _ hem Reimb to Personal I cost I Reim], Ftarnizatlon/NOta; Specific Items No. Item I costs This item to cNent a b c d e 1 Miles a $2260 $0.00 $22..60 X 1 40 miles $S651mi 0 0 0 0 2 Airfare $495.80 $0-00 $495.80 X $4.95-80• $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 3 Auto $0.00 $0.00 $0-00 X $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 4 TaxVTr2 rt $49.00 $0.00 $49.00 i $25.00- $24-00- $0-CO $0.00 $0.00 5 Net Accommodations $258.18 $0.00 $258.18 X i $258.18 Total Hotel Accontmod_a_tions _S258-18• $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0-00 6 Hotel Meals SO.00 $0.00 $0.00 _ $0-00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 7 Hotel Miscellaneous rtem¢e $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0-00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 8 Meals $4235 $0.00 $4235 X $12.35- $30-00- $0.00 $0-00 $0.00 9 Cfient Entertainment $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO-00 10 Parkin $44.00 $0.00 $44-00 X KC Airport Parkin $44-00• $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 11 Tolls $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0-00 $0.00 $0.00 12 Ti $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO-00 13 Meals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 14 Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 15 Other $O.DO $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0-00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 16 Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 17 Otheri $0.00 $0.00 $0-00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 18 Other $0.00 S0.00 $0.00 $0-00 $0-00 $0.00 $0-00 $0.00 19 Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 Other $0.00 , $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0-00 $0.00 $0.00 Total) $911-93 $0.00 $911.93 920 MAIN STREET,TENTH FLOOR KANSAS CITY,MISSOURI 641 05-20 08 PHONE?16.701.2100 FAY:816.7012200 Dallas Meeting Travel Voucher Kansas Gty 2013 3!7/2013 i THE Room 0515 ' Folio# , Cashier# 537 DALLAS Page # 1 of 1 1717 NORTH AKARD STREW DALLAS,TX 76201 T 214 720 2020 F 214 720 5269 Arrival 03-05-13 Mr Kyle Dominisse Departure 03-06-13 8111 Rosehlll Rd Lenexa KS 66215 United States. 03-05-13 Room Charge 224,00 03-05-13 Tourism PID Reimbursement Fee 2% 4.48 03-05-13 City Tax (7%) 15,99 03-05-13 State Tax (6%) 13,71 03-06-13 Visa .258.18 Total 258.18 258.18 Balance Due 0.00 Thank you for choosing Fairmont Hotels&Resorts.To provide feedback about your stay please contact the General Manager,at dal,gm@Falrmont,00m.We also Invite you to share memories of your-experience on our community forum•visit www.everyone8anorlglnal.com. I uprea Ihot my{ahXryy for this by b not waived and I afire to be hok er.onel Rabin In Iha event That to Guest signature C I.Olod Parson.company.bevelnponloras.oclntbn lob Io Qayffthefillannuhto flhecharpee.peardue For Information orreservatlons,visit us at balanceaabp oltoasut.hargoatpwf oloof1.6%pernoonth,(10.50%porannunQ AIonoounbdoorpea dolhquonl may be subleol to bpot lone and as other coots a.soalatod wlIn the bM Aoo aunt a peyeblcon www,falrmont.coln or call Fairmont Hotels&Resorts from; rto.aatotbn or departure. United Stales or Canada 1 800 441 1414 Thank you for choosing to stay with Fairmont Hotels & Resorts i +"SUED DYAND VAW ONLY ON SOUTHWEST AIRLINES, I T I N t:R,,t; r N I DATE:05MAR13 CONFIRMATION NUMBER: GCKLWI: A60N1: M,. 11:00 41 t:X1'1kAr r. :+ Carr ttd1,i 0,1-25 TTCKET NUMREk: 5262111959437 Base j Fees/ Estimated Froth To Flt Date pep Arr FD Customer, Name Fare Taxes Total Earned Ptr. IACI DAL 31 05MAR 1155A 0130P K DOMINISSE/KYLE 440.94 1 54.86 495.80 5,689 DAL! MCI 203 06MAR 0545P 0710P K 1 TICKET TOTAL 440.94 1 54.86 495.80 I I I I 1 I ! r ' 1 I 1 ' I Rapid Rewards points earned pre only estimates. Visit •, .,+lav,•st ,rom for' 1-ha most accurate totals - including A-List and A + !-,1. f'v0orrrd Mewlrt r• ne.nus points. I I ' I, Southwest Airlino; Southwest Airl. inej Open Seating 14 Open Seating 2rq �Cunf. #: G6KLWK ! Conf . #: G6KLWK iMAR 06 MAR 0'5 a +!1/0 DALLAS LOVE FIEL 31 KANSAS CITY INTL to KANSAS CITY INTL r to DALLAS LOVE FIEw a• IIERCIIAIII COPY 00000356719440 �u+,aurH356719440 1�•( ililt a RR � 1 - KCI—AI-RROR1'-.-RARKI1'1G...T- - "�" I KA4SRSEiCITYAi 1-10. 6415 816•-243-8013 1ERMIHAI I0.1 0011340000801346831206 MERCHANT RI 8013468312 --�— -- N IU>k4132690 EPISSIRR 861IpE0 ggqq ,. REC E0 INU 100©014 _ EEflVE A ER OAIE1 Mar 06+ 13 1IME1 16174 �- 0A1CH1 000611 • AUTHORIZATION N0. REFERENCE N0. ! A U T H:01148 C TOTAL $44.00 I � ✓� .:t .w ru4+ntol)rnpv PURCHASER SIQ 6A�" � TAX •+ ° _ SALES S� SLIP •OeMh!def E p� reoalpt of Ooode a d/or eorvboa In 1ho amount of .I the T8W annAKfl-hereon end e�rooe to pertartn+he ohllOetlone at torch ` ., 0 I In tfie udlt0l oree0rooment the Ueuaa I IMPORTANT:RETAIN THIS COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS 1 Ilu, I'urcil 21912 N. Henderson Avenue Dallas, TX 75206 HMSHOST 214-828-2916 FARMERS POST SECURITY Server; Stacy 03/05/2013 KANSAS CITY AIRPORT Table 14/2 7:30 PM 231247 Stella Guests; 3 60045 _ Menu; Server 6938 GST 1, MAR05 ' 13 1 1 ;06AM Ballast Point IPA (2 WOO) I Berk Pork Chop 22,00 TO GO Complete Subtotal 34,00 1 SAND RST BF BRIE 8 .29 3 Items 1 WTR ARTC SOL M 2 .79 XXXXXXXXXXXX2690 VISA 12 ,35 Subtotal 34.00 Tax 1.82 SUBTOTAL 11 .08 . ._. TAX. ... . -1 ,2.7-- Total 35.82 AMOUNT PAID 1 2 . 3 5 231247 Closed MAR'05 11 ;06AM-•• - Balance Due 35 . 82 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Thank you for dining with us! Please join us for brunch TELL US ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCE Saturday & Sunday llam-2;30pm JOHN RICHMOND 816-464-4524 JOHN.RICHMDND @HMSHOST ,COM The 2912 N. Henderson Avenue Dallas, TX 75205 214-828-2916 rve r-Stacy e-.- a y -- DOB 03/0.5/201:3- — ..._: -Se t•� a. `'' 32 F'11 03/05/201-33 14/2 6/60045 K Y 1.E R D O M I PI 1 S S E nj (� �� SaaF1lC�41S1 I ,l i. A 2097213 R R O U 0 0 0 3 5 V 2 1 9 4 4 r3'd.wtiJdDtu�^',•'•.^'• a• 1NOR T10 NO,RE ERE ENO. :`i rd #XXXXXXXXXXXX2690 ngnetic card present; DOMINISSE KYLE i AoI,roval ; 07504C u � Amount; $ 35,82 1Y• I OESCRIPTION AMOUNT E •�g • 0 + Tip; _ Total �� 0o TAX XaCtiAS6we IdEFgx SALES, q1P a� I 00 �,+� •-• .._• __,._. BLIP ` f✓� /� of�dt�(tlayyo e'dpee reaetpt of goods and/or eaMoee In the amount T/ e�qtdl shown horaon end aggra�a to perform the oblige get forth In the Cramdhnklar'e agroamenl W9 the Jaguar. IMPORTANT:RETAIN THIS COPY FOR YOUR.RECORQS I Thank you for dining with us! Please join us for brunch Saturday & Sunday llam-2;30pm I Customer Copy View Voucher Page 1 of 1 i rint Waiter P. Moore and Associates, Inc. Payable Voucher Form Voucher: Hou108270 Vendor Name: Kyle Dominisse E/V/C Code: 380159 E/V/C Address: 13307 W. 89th Terrace Sub-Consultant: No Vendor City/St/Zip: KS 66215 Hold/Pay: PAY Description: Invoice Number: 030113 PED 3/13 M04-10001-00 Performing Arts Ctr - Truss Invoice Date: 3/1/2013 Bearing Observation Trip Invoice Due 3/15/2013 Comment: Date: Total Amt: $1,063.30 Status: New Company Account Line Item Project Phase Task Cost Amount (Credit) Code Number Center 0000 561000 M041000100 R000 **** D04 $980.76 0000 562000 m041000100 R000 **** D04 $82.54 http://dotnet.walteipmoore.com/accounting/vouchers/pf.aspx?id=108270 3/12/2013 WALTER P MOORE -- -- TRAVEL VOUCHER - - Submitted by: K le Do -nl Signature: �~ - From: Kansas City,MO _ 2013 Form Employee . 8015 /A:�eLocaton: l:ansas City To: Carmel, IN Departure Date: 2127M13 Manager Approval:, To: Kansas City,MO Return Date: 31112013 Division Mgr Approval: Purpose: Performing Arts Center-Truss Bearing Observation Project or Acct No: M0410001-00 Net Non-re imb Total Item Reimb to Personal Cost Reimb Itemization/Notes Specific Items No. Item Employee I Costs This Item to Client a b e d e $22.60 50.00 $22.60_ __ X 40 miles @$.5651mi 0 0 0 0 2 Airfare $511-80 S0.00 -$511.80 X -- -- _- --- -_. -- --. - --- - ---- .. - $511.80. $0.00 $0.00 _$0.00 $0.00 _3_ - _--__Auto $1.49.17_ __$0.00 ___$149-17 Rental Car_and Gas $136.06• $13.11- $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 4 Tax/Transport $0.00 $0.00 ! -$0.00 _ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5 Net Accommodations $279.46 $0.00 _$279.46 i . oaeccommoaons _ $279.46• $0_00 $0.00 _$0.00 $0.00_ -6 - _Hotel Meals $0_00 $0.00 $0_00 --X _ _ r $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 _$0.00 $0.00 7 -Hotel Miscellaneous itemize $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 8� -_-_ Meals -_$55.19- _ $0.00 _ _$55.19J X $14.97- $8.16 $14.46- _ $1.84 $15.76 9 Client Entertainment $0.00 $0.00 $olg0 ' $0_00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00_ __10 _ Parkin $14.00 _ $0.00 $14.00 X_ KC Airport Parking $14.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 11 _ Tolls $0_00 $0.00 $0_00" $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $o_oo $o.00 ! $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -- ___ 13 _ -- ---Meals -$27- .35 _.___$0,00 $27.35 X _- _ $6_35- $21.00- $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 - -- --- ---- _ 14 Other $3.73 $0.00 $3.73 ; Pocket Scale $3.73- _ _S0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 - 15-T __ Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 j _ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 16 _ Otherl $0_00 $0_00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ?? Other $0:00 $0.00 $0.00 I _ --50.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO.00 $0.00 10 Other $0_00 $0.00 _ $0_00 1___ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 _--19 _ Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 Other $0.00 $0.00 $O.DO ; $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total $1,063.30 $0.00 1 $1,063.30 920 MAIN STREET,TENTH FLOOR KANSAS CITY,MISSOURI 64105.2008 PHONE:816.701.2100 FAX:816.701.2200 Trip 4 Travel Voucher Kansas City 2013 3/4/2013 S&UID Fft ANG 6•aU(11IlY OH I T I N E R A R SOUTHWEST AIRLINES ' DATE:27FEB13 CONFIRMATION NUMBER: ASBXIU AGEL.. i•.niivry vnic:2O14-02-26; Base Fees/ Estimated TICKET NUMBER: 5262110992239 -)m To Flt Date Dep Arr FD Customer Name Fare Taxes Total Earned Pts IND 492 27FEB O735P O95OP K DOMINISSE/KYLE 455.82 , 55.98 511.80 5,880 MCI 289 O1MAR O315P O355P K TICKET TOTAL 455.82 ! 55.96 511.80 . I I i I I I Rapid Rewards points earned ;are only estimates. Visit southwest.com for the most accurate t••` :���'' + and A-List tireferred Member bonus points. ithwes Southwest Airline c)pwi seating 13 Open 5�.:__..e 7 _ �-M� : DOMI Conf .. # : ASBXJU ; FEB 27 MAR 01 , :.'H , INDIANAPOLIS IN 492 KANSAS CITY INS,, to INDIANAPOLIS IN to KANSAS CITY INTL i I l 00000356719440 I 00000356719440 IRR RR i A A 13 I I I , At 1 1 / to i f2EN7AL AGREEMENT NUMBER: 664770175 RECEIPT i i f Customer Name: KYLE DOMINISSE Vehicle Number: 61340720 Wizard Number; 98U Vehicle Group Rented: Intermediate Avis Worldwide Discount: WALTER P MOORE 8 ASSOCIATES Vehicle Group Charged: Intermediate Customer Status: PREFERRED Vehicle Description: RED TOYOTA Method of Payment: VISA XX2690 COROLLA 4 DR Frequent Traveler Number: WN/00000356719440 License Plate Number: MISKU6597 Odometer Out: 6340 Odometer In; 6429 Total Driven: 89 Fuel Gauge Reading: Full Pickup Daterrlme: FEB 27 2LO.i a110:15PM Return Date/Time: MAR 01,2013@1:47PM 7 dditional fags mag apply Pickup location: 7800 COL,H P EIR COOK MEMORIAL Return Location; 7800 COL.H WEIR COOK MEMORIAL (changes are made INDIANAPOLIS INTERNATIONAL APO INDIANAPOLIS INTERNATIONAL APO to your return date,time INDIANAPOLIS,IN,46241,US INDIANAPOLIS,IN,46241,US tandlortocatIan. 317-244-3307 317-244-3307 & TIM=I Rate Chart: Free Miles: Time and Mileage: Mules:- UNLIMITED Your Discount: optional Sarvlcas Total: 0.00 Hourly: 36.01 2 DY Q 48.00= 96.00 'Doily; 48.00 hd'I day.. 0.00 WaeX� 266.00 Time and Mileage: 96.00 Mon!hiy:—_.-115200 11.11%Concession Recovery Fan 11,02 CUSTOMER FACILITY CHG 4,00/0 6.00 ENERGY RECOVERY FEE 0.60/DY 1,20 Sub-total-Charges: 118.22 TAX 7.000% 8.28 MW I rs�l tee•• �•-- i 94%TAX 4.84 COUNTY SURCHARGE 4.00 4.72 Your Total Charges paid: 136,06 Prepayment 0.00 Travel Partner Points Earned: 600 i Net Charges: USD 136.06 Your;Tolet Due: 0.00 Thank you for renting with Avis. If you have any questions regarding eToil,please contact our eToll provider,HTA at 1-866-285-6050 or visit Iholr web Bile at www.htalic.com, For all other ingnrlas,please contact us at 1-800-352.7900 or www.Avls.com. At Avis,we are committed to providing you with the bast rental experience In the industry,We are In the business of treating people like peoplo. Your vehicle was rented to you by AZIZ. Your vehicle was checked In by KEON. PTY I I fea,t tire a 100%smoke-free RENTAL AGREEMENT NUMBER: 664770175 RECEIPT Customer Nome: KYLE DOMINISSE Vehicle Number; 81340720 Wizard Number: "'98U Vehlde Group Rented: Intermediate Avis Worldwide Discount WALTER P MOORE 8 ASSOCIATES Vehlde Group Charged: Intermediate Customer Status: PREFERRED Vohldo Dosonplion: RED TOYOTA Method of Payment: VISA XX2690 COROLLA 4 OR Frequent Traveler Number: WN/00000356719440 License Plate Number: MIBKU6597 Odometer Out: 6340 Odometer In: 6429 Total Driven: 89 Fuel Gauge Reading: Full Pickup Date/Time: FEB 27,2013(WO:16PM Return DateMme: MAR 01,2013�i 1:47PM Additional fees may apply Pickup Location: 7800 COL.H WEIR COOK MEMORIAL Return Location: 7800 COL.H WEIR COOK MEMORIAL If changes are made INDIANAPOLIS INTERNATIONAL APO INDIANAPOLIS INTERNATIONAL APO to your return date,time INDIANAPOLIS,IN,46241,US INDIANAPOLIS,IN,46241,US andfor location. 317-244-3307 317-244-3307 Rata Chart: Free Miles: Time and Mileage: '14114— -UNLIMITED Your Discount: Optional Services Total: 0.00 :reoudy. 36.01 2 DY®48.00= 96,00 ally: 48.00 d'1 day 0.00 eeyy;_____2$8,09 Time and Mileage: 96.00 onthly. 1152.00 11,11%Concesslon.Recovery Fee_ 11.02 CUSTOMER FACILITY CHG 4,00/D 8.00 ENERGY RECOVERY FEE 0.60/DY 1.20 Sub-total-charges: 118,22 TAX 7.000% 8.26 FOX,.�.,..�.�.,..__-^-•-`--=�.r,..�rw->.:.fza-zv.ti.f.v....s.,._..�a..a.._nc-._�<..�.� 114%TAX 4.84 COUNTY SURCHARGE 4.00 4,72 Your Total Charges paid; 136.06 Prepayment 0.00 Travel Partner Points Earned: 600 JNa'tChargos: USD 136.06 Yr'Total Due: 0.00 Thank you for renting with Avis, If you have any questions regarding eToll,please contact our eToll provider,HTA at 1-888-285.6050 or visit their web site at www.h(allc.com. For all other inquiries,please contact us at 1.800-352-7900 or www.Avis.com' At Avis;we are committed to providing you with the best rental experience In the Industry.We are In the business of treating people like people. Your vehicle was rented to you by AZIZ. Your vehicle was checked In by KEON. I 1135,5 N,Morldhm Sbvpl Cal'Ilial,IN 46032 DOUI3LE7'It> �+SUITES phone(311)844.7994 Fax(3 17)843-0678 For resetvnllons Worldwido BY Name&Address INNIANA"LIA-CARME WWN dotlblDhee,o0at61'1-800-222-TRRL DOMINISSE,KYLE Room 3261NK1SX 8111 ROSEHILL RD, Arl•Ivnl Date 2127/2013 11:14;OOPM LENEXA,KS 06216 Departure pate 3/1/2018 US Adul(IChild 1/0 Room Rate $119.00 RATE PLAN LV6 HHt1 230474543 SILVER AL BONUS AL. CAR Cotltlrmallon 86336£330 311/2013 PAGE 1 6 2/27/'1013 1720607 THE BISTRO $12.90 2/27/2013 1720052 GUffST ROM $119,00 2/27/2013 -1720652 STATE TAX - = _ $8.33 .. 2/27/2013 1720662 QCCUPAN Y TAX $5.95 2/2812013 1720940 GUEST RO M $119,00 2/2.8/2013 1720940 STATE TAX $8.33 2128/2013 1720940 OCCUPAN Y TAX $5.95 WILL BE SETTLED FO VS*2890 $279.46 EF ECTIVE B 4,LANCE OF $0.00 . i NESTIMATED CURRENCY FOTAL Hllton.HHcndr (R)stays are posted wlthln 72 ours of check tit. To,che k your earnings or&ook your next stay it more than 3,900 hotels a id resorts In 99 countries,please vlslt HHonors,c m, IT 7 �� I bath(you for •hoosing Double ireel Coq',s pads' suo:,t0 6;nfo%Li/.'W0!14_1 LiiOC�ladu Ghy,d00J�'es wid 1'Cli'7X,::'�i 11( 1,4:a?;t);1'51 3'CUT nG.(1 f!i'i) us at dotiblotre .Dorn for our best available pal sl �,XPRE S rr r�T,l•r T/' o Urry DATC OF CHARGE POLIONO,ICIiRCK NO l LAJ l�.L Ll�1L'" U1 366142 A Good i\'lornhig I We Ilopo you enjoyed your stay,WIEh Fxpress Checl(-Out V there Ls no need to stop a ttho-Front Deslt to chech out, _ Plonso roview this statement, It Is a rocord of your ohargcs as of Into Inst A(1THORIZAT[DN INITIAL evening. ° For any oliargos after your n000unt was propm•ed,you mays PURCHASCS&SUVICPS +Puy at the[11110 of purchase. +•Charge purehnsos to your aocount,thon stop by the Front Desk for an TAxns - updated st6teniegt• +or roquest an updated statommit be mailed to you within two business days, TIPS aI MISC. Simply call the Front Desk from your room and toll us whoa you are rowdy to depart, Your n000unt will be automatioaity uheok6d out and you may use this statement ns your receipt. Feel free to leave your koy(s)in the room, TOTAL A1OUN5 0 Please call Ilia Front Desk/f yon'wish to oxtetid your day or if you have any questions aboel your aceortlit, PAWRNT DUE UPON RECEIPT V VMlbN1'DUE UPON REG'RIPP-1.5%PER MONTIt INTI0,RIWI'CHARGE WILL nE,0i,LiGD TO ALI,PAST DUE INVOICES. � � . � | ' SSP America Iridy 500 Gril ] � Indianapolis Int'l Airport —rOX AND HOUND | Indianapolis, IN 45241 | (317) 241-8460 / FOX and Hound .TZAAET Pub & Grille _- ------------------------------ 14480 LON8G W»« 0hk 7869 Gnt 1 Cdrm8l, IN 46033 ' HOr01'13 01:59PN (317) 844-0075 �# Reprint m# —'^�-------------- Card 10 Fext I ............. -----'- � -1et Coke 16Z 1.99 120 112 GSt 1 Salad 2.79 Feh28'18 87N9PM .�kva[d 8tke[ 10.99 ---------'-------------'----------' 1 DoD8l8GG Wings 8.49 � Subtotal 15.77 1 Acid HOUG8 Salad 2.49 � � Tax 1.42 02/32PH Total 17 . 19 ' Subtotal Sale. .Sg FEEDBACK 8pH i 17 }. OSP America ' Zndy 500 Gr1ll Indianapolis ��'l Airport_ _ Fox and ADUOd Indianapolis, IN 46241 (317l 241'U4h0 pU� W 8r17�8 ' ' 14490 iON�G Way Date: N0[01'13 02/34PH '-' Ca Card rmel,rN8l` IN 48833 Type;I (317) 844-0075 Acct #' �j : 3�`P O) --'-- Date: FBb28'13 09:0pH TrDDS '� ���r � PURCHASE Ca rd Type: V1eu ——'E Trans Key: CIC007478759396 Acct #'' AUth Code: 02718C Ca rd Entry: SWIPED Check: 7059 Trans Tyw PURCHASE Table: 32/1 Trans key: EIE007478852948 Server: 172 ELIZA8ET AUth Code: 08597C check: 9426 | | /tal: 17 . 19 Check ID: 112 | Server: 2110 Card 10 ' — Subtotal 1 1 ' 97 Ti' � 0_0 � nature, I agree pay above total oocordlOgtO my card issuer agroaN8Ot. I agree to pay above total Merchant Copy doCO[UiDQ to 0y Cd[d iGGU8[ agreement, i � i.lu[/d I'll/ . Cd��l, IH (O17\ b03-8738 . CHK 7l84UU /03/01/2013 10;00 AN 1733706 D[UMU[� l Reg: \ Thank you iox your business! —'-----------------'---'-- ------- muonuys Cajun Cafe LL.. � Yogurt 1 AUD8y Greek 3.45 20 W.M ainS�eet Kind 88//8lUaborry |.95 Carme|.|N 40032 Vt Pike Place 2.25 =========================== 0iOd ; 8.16 c2tyDesoiplion Gxtend XXXXXXXXXXXX2O90 -------------- 1 .00 Pick Three Co P-95 Subtotal Q7'65 1.00 —'�--Red 0.00 OO TUX 9% $0'51 1 1 —0 ---�G um'>Jam 0'00 OO ' Total $8'10 1�][ Soft Or�k i.� � � {�hang� [)ue $0 ' O' ' Subtotal 11 70 � Tax1 7.009b 082 ---- r `"k Cl0-,-�8d ----' ' Tax2 1l0Y� 012 ' Tax3 1.0O96 0.12 Total $1276 \4SA````2890 $1276 Paid VD270. Change$0I0 f `^''~ ''r R e c e i t#---Z."-:) (}'uet 97 8TAKBUCK% 5tO[8 V2459 Date 2/28/2O13. i 22 PK4 12455 N. Meridian T'88 Carmel. IN (317) 569-97J8 CHK 729,562 ' 02/28/2013 08:47 AN 1515389 D[uNor: l Reg: 2 HMSHOST --___---' — — FARMERS POST SECURITY KANSAS CITY AIRPORT o1k8 2.25 x Alivd Bar 1.95 ,d 8ar/BlU8b8rry 1.85 250500 8OOCO m ''- - '--'- -'- - -- --- ---'' -- 0 3S ' ' � 2 � X �������� . F[827 13 6 :45PM btOi6\ $0.l5 --'-'- - - --'' --''-' -- ' TO GO � ix 9% $0.20 iota! $6.35 ' ' 1 WRAP OHTX BAC 7 99 Ch�0�]c DLoe NV0 8() ' � ^ 1 CHIPS KETTLE 2 . 19 � 1 NTR �RTC �O[ � 2 79 -- -'--- Check C|o8Cd - ---- — ' ' 2/28/2013 8' XXXXXXXXXXXX2690 '�7 AN VISA 14 . 46 SUBTOTAL 12 .97 ' i TAX 1 . 49 Merchandise on this receipt my he AMOUNT PAID 1 4 . 4 6 � |at.Urne' U or Bxda! o8d within 80 (lays ' ' '25050O Closed FED27 Uh �45PH--- o[ t|l� i'oVauntim) doLo p/intud dh0YB' All retUrns Or "^"=wo» ��t THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS ! by Oo:Ompnxiud with this, WiUiDOl [ac81pt. TELL US ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCE discovered RICHMOND 0v8 you diooOY8 � our 815-454-4524 08py-d[i/ k1nA Rl8odo [o«Si JOHN . RICHMOHD�HH3HOST . CON / � | i WELCOME TO HOOSIER PETE AIRPORT MARATHON White's lilU't1�1�ir�� 00000114207-01 HOOSIER PETE 5405 BRADBURY DRIV INDIANAPOLIS IN erra.:d (xita'e6z�aa t.�t','=�<;:• �1'Ql�rd�S;erlia�<-��crrr',4�.irc� Thanks for chopping DUPLICATE OUTDOOR RECEIPT our friendly 6tore. v.1 SA mi i t e ' s Ace Hardware` ITH# 00 DOC# 47021 Carme �. TE 03/01/13 1334 TP # O1 731 S RanOeline Rd DUCT: UNLD Carmel, IN 46032 (OVAL # 02120C 317-846•-2311 DNS 3,362 MINISSE '/G; $ 3'899 SALE $ 13.11 QTY_S_A_L_E_/REG EXT 4,6i28320360 1.00 3.49 3.49 rn up to $ . 25 on 20889 EACH Marathon purchases 6" POCKET SCALE with .Mar_athon__VA sa SUBTOTAL $ 3.49 THANKS FOR SHOPPING TAX $ 0.24 CHECK OUR HUGE VARIETY AND TOTAL $ 3 . 73 LOW TOBBACO PRICES OPEN 24 HOURS CREDIT CARD 3.73 CARD AUTH 03802C T nroCC Tn DAV TIIC AO01IC TnTnI Arl-AW L Y,CI 6IRPO;;1 �C!';idi4 Ley. 400 8 PANAMA CITY Welcome to DUnkin' DOI-MtS KANSAS CITY, M0. 64153 816 243 8019 Store #345039 TERHIHAL I,D.I 0017340000801346834604 Indialiapolis, IN 2/28/2013 1:51:47 PM MERCHANT NI 8813468346 D r 1 Ve— 1 h r u tkYY� PO*002698 SALE der Number ` 675 DALE ; MAR 40 1,13 ITIU TIME! 017 16 BAICHI 388 ;'e1':5 Tran Seq No: 326675 RUTNI 07540C ' :Alex T. TOTAL f MD Or i gBl lid 1.69 ,,o. total : $1.69 C9ST00 COPY Tax: $0. 15 Total : $1,84 Discount Total: Tn.00 Change $0. 16 Cash $2.00 W. ;*�� f t.f.s,, �. I�.� 'fix L <4.3� � 't K: ,� �F - �'t. .. ��-• s{ f* d _ Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Forth No.201(Rev.1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. / Payee 1A/ f MOOte _ Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 31-13 Po�p31`1�i0 FA6 ' on wovf (i tlo L� Total 2 Z� I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accor- dance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. I H ALLOWED 20 r I / IOC7r IN SUM OF $ ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR qo)- [446M67 Board Members PO#or D PT.# INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), Q 130 2p or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except S 2 2013 ignature Executive Director Title Cost distribution ledger classification if Carmel Redevelopment Commission claim paid motor vehicle highway fund