HomeMy WebLinkAboutProof of Publication PROOF OF PUBLICATION State of Indiana, ss: County of Hamilton, Before me a Notary Public in for he Coloy of alto and State of�Indiana; 'personally appeared __ -_ _------_! who being y sworn upon his oath, deposes and NOTICE-0F'PUBLIC HEARING' says, that he is Publisher of the:Noblesville BEFORE THE.CARMEL BOARD OFZONING'APPEALS Daily Ledger, a newspaper of general cir- Docket No.S 22.82 Notice'is hereby given that the Carmel' culation_ in Hamilton County, State of Indi- Board of Zoning Appeals,meeting on the, - " 23rd day,of,,AUgust;1,982 at 7 45-R M 'in : ! ana, printed in the English language and the city Meeting'_Hall, 15 First Avenue N.E.,•Carmel, Indiana 46032 will hofd.a' printed and published dailyin the city of .Public- Hearing,'.upon"a',Special'-Ex-.; i Noblesville Hamilton Coun � 'State'of Indl- caption ;appk6tion`fOr Dan Young Noblesville , Hamilton tyi St .Honda to be located'on East 96th Street 'CQla� and.that'said Noblesville Dail Led er - between Shell Oil,(9601 N._Keystone).and y _g `i Nora Rentals (3220'.E.-961h St.) in B-3 has been-published .continuously for. more zoning. The application is identified'as,Docket than five years last past, in said County No S22-82. . The Real Estate affected by said ' ' and State; that the.Notice of.publication, a application is described,as foflows:. L- _art of the East Half of the Southeast• true Copy of which Is hereto annexed was Quarter of Section 7,T p:l7 North, Range .4 East m S_!ay Townships duly p ublished in said news pap er, for . ;- Hamilton"county Indiana descnbedras follows: ' ► __ __ weeks (insertions successively) t Beginning on ihe:,�SOUth`line of the: h Southeast Quarter of Section Town-• whie publications were made as follows: .ship 17.North Range 4'East 6'2i.95 feet North 89 degrees 57 minutes 00 seconds iWest (assumed bearing)`fro —i _— / —/--- / Z_I a Southwest corner-of� said Southeast u % Quarter; thence Norih.,'89 degrees'57 minutes 00 seconds Mist on said.South. ___________________--__---_--__ - - Iine 261:97 feet to.a--point 437.00'feet South - 4'89 degrees 57),minutes 00 seconds East i from_the Southwest cor"ner'of the East Half of said,Sb6theasl.,Quaeter..; thence "North,00 degrees.03;minutes 00 seconds• East 285:00 feet ihence,5outh 89 degrees ----------------------------------------- 1 57 minutes'00 seconds Eastparallel with: And that a Of Sai said South line 26218 feet-to a po'4.: pub ,c ,on were 622 95 feet North 89 degree it minutes' made i m liQ Wi 00 seconds West from theEast line of p }said SoutheastiQuarter,then_ceSoUMDO ' ,degrees OS minutes 30 secon ds *e it _ ' parallel with said East-line 285:00 feet to - ---- ithe place of beginning containing 1215 Sul ibed an . F- worn to.before .me this i acres more or less % i Subject to an easement for roadway - •and parking andssanrtary sewer,being _— d f 20 feet by parallel lines across the entire Ntract, orth side of the right described Subject'to the.right of way.granted'to ----T , —=-` iheStateof Indiana;for.iheapproachand, �,{/� /"/L -/ / ��� Notary Publ clVVJ intersection of 96th,street with state- I ` �u / !Road 431(Keystone Avenue)-and subject. to theiri4ht of way of 96th Street across; : (Deal.) .. the south end thereof. My COmm1SSIOn expires Subject to a 30 foot wide roadway J easement-as set oufby Amindmentito Roadway Easement. 'recorded Publisher S Fee, November 23 1 n. the Deed.book 292, pages.725J2' m the Office. Ind the Recorder of Hamilton County; Indiana - ' being 30 feet by parallel lines off the -entire East side'of said real estate. 56bject,to a 40'foot.wide.Electric,Llne .Easemegt,to Indiariapolis,Power&Light Company;along the entire South.end,of the above descr i bed Yea l•estatepe�'Deed Record,245;'pa g e:206. Subject,further' to,Fall, other legal- easements'and rights of:way. All•interested. persons'desiring'-to ,present their views ontfhe:-above:ap- - plication;either iii writing orverbally will be an opportunity to be heard , . . _ e t _......- ,..s.,,,..m.••••yo PROOF OF PUBLICATION ,Stdte of Indiana,, • ss: County of Hamilton, Before,me, a Notary—Public in • r i e for he Co of . .I. tf, and State a of Indiana, personally appeared _ who being • . _ 0 y sworn upon his oath,, deposes and _ says, that he is Publisher of the Noblesville - • Daily Ledger, a newspaper of general,cir- culation in Hamilton County; State of.Indi- - 7 ana, printed in the English language and ,,,/ • printed and published daily in the city of / .....-,r.w.- Noblesville, Hamilton County, State of Indi- _py ._ .-fa!=•,• .-.: cma„cmd.that said Noblesville Daily Ledger has been published continuously for. more .__... than five years last past, in said county , , 7 ' • . ., -- - and state; that the Notice of publication, a true copy ,of which is hereto annexed was in duly published in said newspaper, for t.., ( weeks (insertiont, successively) _. 77 w hic ublications were made as follows: ,_,.• . . ,f.,4_.,,,?_ . /3 /9 8,a ,.,. . :7 .-- ,. . . . . \ v.,-„..•, - And, that all of said publications were ma de full omph e . . 41 1 , 0- • er:, Su 0 ribed and to before me this • •...• 12 day of . . \+•-...*.s . L a , r , oiikdE 0 y-nci-erz_ Notary Public. • . - (0 '(Seal.) ,f7 ,My commission expires .11 ---6 - .?My Publisher's Fee, $3k.......2‘ . r d dce---/-i'Li 12104)