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. Fire Department Headguarters
31?/5 71-2600 ,
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CSO Architects Engineers & Interiors O � �
Attn.David I3uffman
9100 Keystone Grossing, Suite 200 � �� °� �9� �
Indianapolis,Indiana 46240 ��C �pGS � .
The undersigned has r-eviewed the proposed plans' for
Fidelity Keystone Office Par_k
and has approved the plans subject to the following:
1. Install a Knox Box on each building at a location appro�ed by the Carmel Fire
2. Relocate the proposed new fire hydrant to a loeatiori that is more accessible for
the fire departnlent.
3. Relocate the exisfing.fire hydrant to an island in the parleing lot. .
� Date:_December 21, 1999 By: 5tanley Puckett; Fire Marshal
� Carmel Fire Department
Fire Prevention Saves Lives and Property
^ _ . .. . ". .
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_ - ,. - � � � �-. .,� � �
. .� _ ._. _
C.SO�. • . .
� ... . : . _ LE:T-TER OF� .
9100 Keystone Crossing;$uite 200 30'Monument Circle � �
; Indianapolis;Indiana 46240 Indianapolis;Indiana 46204 ��
317.848.7,.800 fax,317'.574.0957 317.229.7000 fvc 317.229:7010 ;'`°� �'�
' [north] � [downtown] . � �
www::sc'so-;arch:com ' � '�!�',
. ` U99
TO: Cit of Carrriei ' DATE: 12/20/99 �
Y _ �OL'$
_ ;:.
` Dept. of Community Services PROJECT IVO.; 99427
One Ci�ic Square .
. Ca�mel, IN 46032 RE: Fidelity Keystone Office Pa
ATTN: Cawranee`Lillig . �
WEARE+SENDING'YOU: � �;;Attached ❑ Undenseparatecoverdia
, � 0 Shop drawings ❑.Print`s � Plans . • ❑ Addendum ❑ Specifications
� ❑ Copy of letter � Change order ❑ Application�for-;payment ❑ other
CQFIES r �ATE i> ; ;; ;; ; T3�SGRIPTIQN
2; „ 12/2_Q/99 Fidelity,Keystone:Office Park-Site Construction Plan
� � �
❑ ReViewed as-su6mitted ❑,Resubmit for approVal
❑.For approval .
❑For your,use ❑A§�noted; • ❑Submit for distribution ,
❑As tequested ❑ Revise and Resubmit . ❑ Return corrected'prints
� �`For review and comment� .,❑Rejecfed ❑, othe�
" Plans are submitted for'the 1�/19/OO Ga�mel T.echnical Advisory Gommittee.
CC: file 99427 �
� ���:y.`� uBY: David Huffman
. -�,::� . �
'. � � �
:CSO AFchitec s En inee�s&Interiors'.. � �
� 9100;'Keystone Grossing,Suite 200 30 Mqnument Circle � -- "
� . T R� ,L .
Indianapolis;Indiana46240 - Indianapolis,Indiana46204
31,7t848:7800 fax 317:574:0957 317.229.7000 fax 317.229.7010 �' �
[nocth] [downtown] �
," , www.,c;so=;a�ch:.com �
_ TO:� City of.Carmel DATE: � 2/1%00 �
Plan Commission PROJECT NO.:. 99427 _
. 1 Civic Squar.e '
Qarmel, Indiana 46032 RE: �Fidelity Keystone Office Park
ATTN: Ramona �
WE ARE SENDING'YOU: � Attached ❑ Under separate cqyer via
❑ Shop drawings ❑ 'P-rints ❑ Plans . � Addendum ❑ Specifications �
❑ Copy.of letter ❑ Ghange order ❑ Application for payment � other
;_; Ct,�PtES DATE ;; ; ; ', ' 13E5GRIRTfL71� .
.20 ?J1/00' ADLS Booklets'for Fidelity Keystone Office Park
, �
. _ _ -
❑ Forapproval 0 Reviewed;as submitted :❑ Resubmit for approval
, �For youruse ❑As noted '❑,Sutimitfor distribution
❑As requesfed ❑ Revi`se and Resu6mit � Return cor�ected prints
❑ For review3and_comment � Rejected� ❑ other
For Plan Comrriission use at°the'Febcuary 15,2000 meeting.
CC: file-99427
Bob Olson
' Andy Guljas �
BY: David Huffman, P.E.
CS� Ar.chiteets � �
Engineers & Interiors .
. � 11
� � �
February 28, 2000 �
� Architecture
� i�cer�o��es�9n Mr. Laurence Lillig, Planner
Space Planning City of Carmel
Graphic Design
Land Planning Department of Community Services
Historic Architecture One Givic Square
Landscape Architecture Cacmel, Indiana 46032
RE: Fidelity Keystone Office Park
CSO Project No. 99427
Dear Mr. Lillig:
Per your request at the February 15; 2000 ADLS Hearing, we are forwarding
the Fidelity Keystone Office Park Phase Two site plan, rendeced elevations
and floor plans for your review. As was stated at the ADLS Hearing, Equicor
Development, Inc: (the Owner) and GSO'Architects Engineers & fnteriors (the
Architect) is concurrently requesting ADLS approval for both the Phase One
Andrew Gufjas,aia and Phase Two'6uildings. As you can see from the attachments, the Phase
Associate/Project Manager
aguljasC�csoarchitects.com Two building is an ex.act mirror image of the Phase One building. �In addition,
the two buildings will be built with the same materials, finishes and finish
We appreciate your assistance in gaining ADLS approval for the Phase One �
and Two complex. If you have any questions or comments, please do not
hesitate to contact this office.
��2i�:c�� � .
Andrew A. Guljas, AIA
Associate/ Project Manager
9100 Keystone Crossing
Suite 200
Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 cc: Greg Small, EqUICOC
si�.sas.�eoo Dann Small, Equicor
FAX 317.574.0957 Ch.ristopher Day, StarCom
www.cso-arch:com Dan Moriarity, CSO
Tom Jolly, CSO
30 Monument Circle
Inciianapolis, Indiana 46204
FAX 317�229.7010
'p�f21/00' T[lE 15':58 FAg 7733274 GORD�N BYERS � �J041fUO3
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insrror, please ir�rr�diately o�vtif� us k�y te9e�horae���rren�e#�return of tY��o�rarded
da�c,�ta��ats to �s.
9�Y�3LD D� NaT���91I�ALL PAG�S, �AL�(�'17) 773-322'6.
Urigina9 tn�vll�w 6�r mail.
` � C�ri�ina�will nat f�llow by msil.
03/21/OU TUE 13:57 Fr1% 77332'�4 GORDUN BYERS �10�43rOt)3
--� -�--M�R-2o-2aao i�N 04:14 AM ----.- F�i Mo. .---------- -�. ��v2 -
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Mp.�erz E.ULson FA�,: 574-0�57
7n�n�apolis.IId 45240
Re: 635'�armel Drive
�tC�C°tf���-5�'CGS 80��,iE],tm'Wit11'd�I9�it+3jJ45s��:R�,�}BTI+O 61�L8CR�
ae�erotfam,`�,t�cfludins�our'�cut re�locaticm onto����riv�.
. This is coutingeat;�poa;ot�°�It���tri+�ear c�rhe.de�ilcd g�laas aa+d��r�her ei�at,da��nsb cut
or�to C�armB��ve�►ili°aot'6�I�ss ttDan t�iirty-tluc��t.
gT �ruly y�vurs,
Cc: J.,,��bu�nnd
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`U3,/21�U0 TUE 13:5B FAg ^a7332�4 ��RD�N BYERS �1002/Q��
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StP'Y6�nglGkin,�, �iTCCt01'
Terry J�t'es, Carmel Department o�'
�ommunity Llevelnpment '
Dear Cren�lemeta,
Please be advised:that the prmjecG for�fface bui�d.ings under A]�LS docke#numl�er36=
, OOAl)LS su�mitted by_Equico�bevelopmcnt has receivc�approval from the f'a�mel�oaird a�
�ublic�1Vorks and Safe¢y v�rithrres�ect t�a ingress and egress frotra�arm�l �rive ta the sate located
at hTorthwest qu�drant o�'��ar��fl,�rive and ICeystvnc�T�.y. In�dc�ition,� wo�ald ask that you
wo�ld co�tr�unic�tie this$�Prov�B�roni ttYe���d,�oarc�ofP't�b1iG Works �nai S�feey to�'anal �
�prangeT, Chari��an of t�c$pecial Studies Commi�tee.
. . on.JQ'.B ers
12f28�'9q 10:33 FAg HA�ILT�IV C:D fl1PY. -+i-� Car�el D4CU �041/OU2
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December 28, '1'�98
�Ar. David F�u#�man �
CSQ Architects, �ngineers and']nter�ors �
�'�4Q Keyston�Ceossin�, Suite:2aD
lndian�polis, Inc9iana��i2�0
�E: Fici�lity K�ysj,�on+��]fFi�� �ar�C
S6fe G�nst�e.;�tis�n Pl�n�
N af Carrnel arive J 17V of 421
Clay Tav�nship
�7��r Mt, Heaffm�n_
This&e4ter se�ves fl�acknowletOc�e.teceipt af��a�smiEta!ednt�ining th�� �larvs f�r Fidel�ty
Ke�rstane Office Park. After�reviewing the plans, ih� Highway Departim�r±t h��th�fnitc�►nr,�,�
1. It�pp�ars that t�tis pfa�e�lie$within the Iimi1��f the Gity a#��rrt��f. Th�ref�r�� �II
r.amments are def�tr�ed`to the Gity of C�rrn�L
lf you hav�arty corr�in�n4s pP qcae$tians regat�cting this lettee or a�roject, �►le���f�el fr�e t�
conta�t me�t any time. Thank you for your�tt�nti+�n and c�op�t�tio�s.
� .. ,�,,.r��.-.�,.b,r..�-
s�v��"�,D. �r�er�-�ara�
c�; LaurenGe Lillig, Jr.
,l�ohrl South
1797PI.EASANT STB.�ET Nt�BL1ESV[LLE.INDIAI"dA 4� (317)7737770
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c� oocs
To: Laurence Lillig � �
From: Melissa Spiker �' ' '�
Date: 1/7/00
Re: Fidelity Keystone Office Park
The following are comments/suggestions#o the above proposed projecf.
1. Suggest alternate species to Red maple such as Red Oak or Tulip tree.
2. Suggest alternate species to VVinter King hawthorn in parking islands to a taller growing shade
3. Suggest planting shrubs in parking lot islands.
4. DOCS BufFeryard Guidelines suggest a planting of three shade trees, two ornamental trees
and nine shrubs per 100 linear feet between an office use_next to another office use. This
would apply to the north, east:and west perimeters of the property.
• k
o Page 1
JRN; 11 '0� 06�40PM P.1!1
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David Huf�nYar� d,, �
C�C1 Architect�ngineers �'i Int�ri' �
ity ICepstvtxe C7f�iice P�rk
I have revie�ed th�e p�lans tar t�iis pr�j��t and have tlie fcillowir►�comments.
1. It��aea�tkx�t this site is�rn1y annexed.into the City of Carmel at�d�.�so daes not
�tnpact any Caunty R�e�ulat�Drains. The�ef4r� na permits ar�reyuireel frorn tk��s
office. Appgov�l.for th�storm s�we�systen.�faJls'un�de�ttxe,juris�.ic�ion of the
Caixnel.Giiy E�igi;necr's office.
2. I t�cammen�..tha�t the under,�ZOUnd detention area be r�e�igra�d with main�tena�ce
access in mint�. Currer�tl�fbe ac��ss is via two;manholes,an th�sc�uth side c�f'tb,e
. _
de�ntaon area, it is suggested ihat d cnnksactvr with a vticuine tsuck be can�ulted to
determine if in.tact t;his detention area co��ld be adequ.ately sex�vi:ced as designe�.
Ifyou hav�:an�qt�estioiys, please #'eel �'ree to canta�t this'office at 77�-8�95,
Si �ely,
St�ven T.Cash
Cc: Carmel DOCS
Carmel Eng,
Co. Ht�y
JRN' 1'1 '00 06�;38PM P.lil
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�gx �3r?} �y6_96a8 � �olilesvi�jc, �9►�diana lj6060a4Y,�G
� � January 11,2000
David Huttman �
� CSO Architect'�ngineers&Inter`ior
e: Fidelity KeystonaOftice Park
I'have reviewed the•.pfans for tkis'project and have the following'comments.
l,. It appears that this;site is<cunently annexed into�the City of Carmel and also does not
irnpact any County Regulated'Diains. Thez�e�'oze,no permits are required&om this
office. Approval`for"the storm sewer system falls under th"e jurisdiction of the
Carmel Gity Engineer's office.
- 2. I recommend tharthe undergr�und detention area be eiesigned with;maintenance
access in mind. Currently the acce9s is via two manholes on the south side of the
d�tention area: It is suggested that a contz�actvr with a vacume truck`be consulted to
.. determine if in fact ttiis�detenfion area could be adenuatelyserviced as designed.
. If you have any questions; plense feel free tv contact this office at 776-8495.
Si el�,
` -.,_
Steven T. Cash
Plan Reviewer
Cc: 'Car�nel'DOGS
Co. Hwy '
SCS � �
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' � . 'J� i! � CAR11IiEL/C'L�4Y TECHtVICAL. ADVI�ORV
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.. . LL00 �if UQI1 F�'Y 'l� ^jc r nipr
Date: Janua :ry�19, .�� �, ��..!�1% 1�/�/C�
Place: Depactment of Cornrnunity Se icenf s �i1f"��T1oom=�3rd�/-�fo r
- c �..�r.._: . •_ 1 �
Carmel City'Hall
9:00 a.m. Mae6eck Gorrirnons Subdivision (PP�
�Petitioner seeks approval (Prirnary Plat) for 1-22 residential lots on 61.468± acres.
The site ►s located on.the northeast corner of W, 'est 1415` Street a.nd Towne Road. .�;��
. . ,
The site is zoned S'-1/residential (Very:Low Intensity) and is bein� developed as a �`
Qualifyin�,Subdivision under ROSO.
. Filed by C. Anne Bur�et of Paul I. Cripe, Inc. for Piftman Partners.
9:30 a.m. Sprin�wood Subdivision (PP�
Petiti�oner seeks-approval:{Primary Plat) .for 6 lots on 13.1�� acres. The site is �
� located northwest of the intersection of West 106`� Street and Spnn� vlill Road. ~ �
The site is zoned S-2lres'rdential and is being, developed as a Non-qualifying C'"
Subdivision'under.ROSO. . . .
Filed by Gr,egory L. Rasmussen of Weihe Enaineering for SC�1 Development.
- 10:00 a_m. Fair�'een Trace;-Phase.II (PP� �
Petitioner seeks approval (Primary Plat) for 24 lots on 10.6�- acres. The site is
located northwest of the intersection of East�116`'' Street and South Ranee Line , �
Road. The site is zoned R-1/residential and is bein� developed as a Qualifyin�
Subdivision under ROS:O. � �
Filed by Roger C. Ward, Jr., of Roger Ward Erigineerin� for Kosene & Kosene.
10:30 a.m. Treesdale'Subdi�ision(PP &.S'Pl
Peti't.ioner s;,eks a��,ro�•�?�(Prir.zary Plat) for ZT 1'ots on 39.360± acres. Pet�±ioner
also' seeks approyal (Secondary Plat, .S'ection 1) of 10 lots on 27.161- acres. The �
site is 1'ocated,southeast of the intersection of West 106`� Street and Towne Road. ��,��' ,
The�.site is zoned S-1/residential (Very Low Intensity) and is bein� developed as a �
Qualifyin� Subdivision under ROSO.
Filed`by Adam°DeHart of Keeler-Webb Associates for Lucky, LLC.
11:00 a.m. Carmel Science& Tech Park..blk 7, lot 1 (PP t�mend, SF: CA. DP/ADLSI
P,etitionerseeks approval (Primary Plat �mendment, S;econdary Plat, Commitment
Amendrnent; Develop'ment Plan, and �rchitectural Desi�, Lightin�, Landscapin�
& Signage) to construct a 98,323-square=foot headquarters for I�IISO
Corp,o�ration on 10.592= acres. The site is located on the northwest corner of �
We"st Cacmel Drive and South Guilford Road. The site is zoned NI- �
Filed by Josepfi�vt. Scimia of Baker& Daniels for Keenan Investment Partners.
- �
• � ,._�- _- -- : �
;� .� �
page 2 of 3 �l t' ,�; ' 7 -
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�'Y� :�7�
Technical Advisory Cornmittee�genda � -
� �,:� .,, ,.,
� Januarp 19� 2��0 et."; t�S.e a� «'.�
� 'w' 2:�:r�
\ ��
11:30 a.m. Villa�e of WestClav, section 10011 GSP) � . . � ;� _ _ . . �,
� . Petitioner seeks approval ('Secondary P.lat) of 5 lots on 3'.858t acr�.,�'�he site`s,;> �
located southeast of the intersection of West 126`� Street and Towne Road�:�'�The '
site is zoned PUDLplanned'unit development. ' � �
Filed by Keith Lash ofSclineider Corp for Brenwick T'ND Communities.
11:45 a.m. Villa�e of WestClav..sectiori 15003 (SP)
Petitioner seeks approval (Secondary Plat) of 4 lots on 5.02Sf acres:, The site is ,
located southeast of the'intersection of West 1315` Street and To�vne Road. The
site is zoned PUD!planned uni� development.
Filed by Keith Lash of Schneider Corp for Brenwick T�TD C`ommunities.
12:00 noon Lakes at I=Iazel Dell; section 3 (SP)
Petitioner seeks approyal (Secondary Platj of 15 lots on 5.472t acres. The site is
located southeasf of the intersection of East 126`� Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. ,
The site is zoned S-1/residential. �
� Filed'by Keith Lash of Schneider Corp for Zaring Homes, Inc.
12:15 p.m. Lakes at Hazel Dell, section 4_(SP�
Petitioner�seeks approval (Seeondary Flat) of 16 lots on 7;748� acres. The site is
located-southeast of the intersection of East 126�' Street and HazeT D.ell Parkway:
The site is zoned S-llresidential. /� �
Filed by Keith Lash of Schnei'der Corp for Zarin� Homes, Inc.
12:30 p.m. Break_for lunch. Re-convene at1r:30 p.m.
1:30 p.m. Fidelitv Kevstone Otfice_Park (ADLS�
� Petifioner seeks approval (Arciutectural Design, Lightin�, Landscapin� &:,Si�na�e)
to construct two 2-story, 41,428-square-foot office buildin�s on 4.386� acres.
The site is located northwest of the intersection of East Carme� Drive and ��
Keystone Way. The site is zoned B=87business, /
Filed by David Huffrnan of CSO En�ineers for Equicor Developrnent. �
2:00 Q.m. Pro�idence at Old Meridian (DP)
Petifioner seeks appro�al (Final Development Plan) to construct a
commerciaUresidential Planned Unit Deyelopment on 28.4� acr.es. The site is /
located northeast of fhe intersecfion of West Carmel Drive and Old Meridian J�,/�
Street. The site is zoned PUD/planned unit development. �u
Filed by Lynette Williams of Buckinghain Properties, Inc. t
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Tanu nic��000 Cornmittee '�genda ��/--'' �. .,f_�' ! %�f.G�
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2:�0 p.m. Marriott Suite�Hotels (DP/ADLSI
, _ . �
Petitioner seeles approval (Development P1an and. Architectural Design, Lighting,
� Landscaping & Signage) to construct two hotel buildings to"taling 166,000 square
feet on 8.070�acres: The site is located in the 1;1800 bloek of.North Pennsylvania �
Streef. The�site is zoned:B-6/busines"s within the US 31 Overlay Zone. �
Filed by Elizabeth Hobbs=of REI Investments for Meridian 1Vlile :�ssociates.
�:OO p:m. McDonald's (�DLS�
Petitioner seeks appr.oval (Architectural Desi�n; Lighting; Landscaping & Signage)
to construct.:a 405,3-sq_uare-foot NlcDonald''s�.Restaurant �n 1.8- ac.es. The site is
located at 750 :East C'armel Drive on the site of an e:�cisting NlcDonald's ,,.�/ ,
Restaurant. The site.is zoned B-8/business partially within the SR 431 Overlay f��J�
� Zone: (
Filed by Keviri Cavanaugh of McDonald's Corporafion. •
�_3:0 p.m. Asherwood Golf'Course (SU�
� Petitioner seeks appro�al (Special Use) to expand "tfie existin� Ashenvood golf
course onto the adjoining 14.4- acres. The site is located at 99�0 Ditch Road. ��
The site is zoned S-1/residential.
F�led'by Duane A: Sharrer of Schneider Coip for�1&B Associates.
4:00 p.m. Rose Walk on iVfain (SU. V� -
. Petitioner seeks approval (Special Lse and Uarianeej to establish rivo one-storv
office/retail buildin�s and five multi-farnily residential buildin�s, on 4.70= acres..
T'he, site i"s located soufihwest of the intersectiori of��'est Vlain Street and South ,� .`� :
Guilford Road. The site is zoned B-3/business: /v�
Filed by Steye A. Pittman of Pembroke P1ace LLC. j
No other items filed as of 7anuary 7; 2000.
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January 19,2000
- Mr.Daviii Huffman
CSO Architects Engineers and Interiors
: 9100 Keystone Crossing,Suite 200
Indianapolis, IN 46240
RE: Project Review—Fidelity Keystone Office Park
� Dear David:
We have reviewed the plans submitted for this project. We offer the following comments:
1. All infrastructure improvements are City of Cannel jurisdiction.
2. T'he project will require board ofPublic Works and Safety appro"val of Water and Sanitary Sewei
Availability. Plan Commission and/or'BZA approval is required prior to Board of Works submissions.
This office will not submit,Board of Works items based upon Plan Commission approval on the
Tuesday prior to the Wednesday morning Board of Public Works and Safety meeting.
� 3. Our office is not aware whetlier tlus projeet will require IDEM�pennits for Water and Sanitary Sewer.
Please refer to the Carmel-Utilities departrnent to verify this infonnation.
- 4. The drive/curb eut modifieations>on Cannel Drive were approved conditional to inodifying the Steak-
n-Shake entrance. Verification by Steak-n-Shake will need to be provided to our department prior to
flie approval of the proposed drive'modifications. If approval is received,please include modifications
to the Steak-n-Shake drive on the project pla�is. Othenvise, neither drive modifications should be
shown on the plans.
5. Please show all property lines on tlie Site Layout Plan.
6. Is the drive planned to be exit only? Currently,this drive is not two(2)way.
7. Do you plan to use corrugated or perforated pipe or both for the underground detension? The note on
flie plan view(sheet C103.j indicates perfarated and the nofe on the typical pipe section indicates
corrugated pipe. Please supply our department with product spec'ifications for the 48"underground
detension pipes.
8. Do you plan to construct,a swale along the North and East erids ofthe building?
9: Please include a typical detail for the yard drains on the project plans:
10. Drainage patterris and/or proposed topography need to be indicated on.the parking lot.
11. Please include the sizes of tlie downstream pipe at tlie Ue-in structure.
12. Our office is aware tl�at drainage problems exist downstreain from tlus site,and ask that the offsite
storm se�mer sizes and inverts be shown to insure that Q�e current system does in fact,have a suitable
outlet for drainage.
13. Please use R.C.P.for the 10'section of 12"pipe at the tie-in location. Our office has found it mare
difficult to construet a suitable collar with H.D.P.E. pipe.
14. The Gity maintains diat further discussion and comments may be submitted at a later date regarding the
previously di"scussed'"Loop Road'' location. At tliis time,the proposed plans do not preclude the
ability to locate andlor construct the aforementioned Loop Road.
ONE CNIC SQUARE CARMEL, [NDIANA 46032 317/571-2441
• ' � �� ��
Y .
. If°y,ou.have anyquestions;regardi'ng these comments,please;contact Kate Boyle-Weese,,Dick Hill,or ine at
571-244'1. .
' Sincerely;
Craig M. Parks
Assistant City Engineer
Cc: Kate.Boyle-Weese, City'Engineer
Dick Hi11,.Deparfinent of'Engineering.
Laurence Li11ig�;D`epartment of,Gommuni"ty Services
John DutT'y—Cannel Utilifies
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To: Robert Thompson via facsimile:. 5
From: Mike Hollibaugh
CC:� Laurence Lillig �
Terry Jones �
� Gordon Byers� ,. . � � :
Paul Spranger
Date• 3/Z/00
. , .
R� Fidelity Keystone:Office Fark
The following is my response to the�amended plansfor the a66ve project,dated 1/19/00. -
1. Replace'Winter King Hawttiorn's; located wifhin the=parking �area, with shade frees s.uch as
1Nhite Ash:
2. Extend,sidewalk, located along edge of east parking-area, to Keystone V1/ay(you may have to
relocate�proposed sign).,
. S ..
m Page 1 �, "
.� .
. ;.ti: . . - �- '
. � �
Lillig; Laurence;M; ,;�t,�a
- � ��r�
From: Hoyt, Gary A '��,,8`
=Sent: Monday, April 24, 200b 12:07 PM,
To: Kendall, Jeff A;Hanebck, Ramona B; Jones, Terry J; Lillig, Laurence M; Stafi1, Gayle H
� Cc: Hill, Dick B
�Su6ject: RE: Pre-submittal for Fidelity Keystone Office Blding.
Jeff; The pet'itioner agreed to supply.a knoz boz, move a fire hydrant as'we asked and will need to meet with me if the
�building is fo be sprinKlered for hook-up location. �,g �
Gary �,O
� � �
' ��--Original fVlessage----- � � �
From: Kendall,Jeff A �
Sent: Monday,April 17,2000.2:13 PM
To: Hancock, Ramona; Hoyt,Gary A;::Jones,Terry; Lillig, Laurence;Stahl,Gayle � � �
Gc: Hill; Dick B
Subject: Pre-submittal for Fidelity Keystone Office Blding. � .
8" �. . _
' I have scheduled a pre-submittal�meeting at 2:00 PM 4/18100 with;Dan Filkouski of Kramer Corp. 4-5030) They
will 6e-tFie contractor for fhe abo.ve mentioned project. The docket#for ADLS is 36.00 and#he TAC date was
1/19/00. Please respond with any concerns that would hold up issuance.
Jeff kendall
. . . - � ._;y,�R:.�,r,:.,.+H-^�-M.,.��:rvr..:,�w.�•--�'�`,P"'J"-�" .
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� � . �r � 925-Div�sion Street � �
''�' , � �O16 6J� �atef" • ' ,Noblesville,.IN 46060-2744 ,
Ph. (317)773 1'432 �
' - ' (317)776 t 101; � �Y
, F� ,�,� .
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_ - . � ,
. , ` � `: ' ' Drainage,:Erosion,and.Sediment`C `� 1.`PI.`o � ' �
' � - Teehnical Review and'+Com t ����Ql�/ �
. �o , �- , - ' � '� . � � _ JAN , 00 � • -
. � �ocs
ProjeetNa`nie: � Q ��E 5_. _, FF:fE' k - . _ '�
, . .
_ ,..� � . _ .
Subniitted By: : . . . _ CS A - " � EC : �
% � _ � �o ct s;-avE _ ` - s �vG � z� �
. � � rnioianrQPo�%S. :l.;v� YGzyp .
Reviewed By;° ._I'DN�C_SouTiS� h
a, . . , r , _
P1an Review:Procedure:• Srte Visrt,Date: _ 'P1an:Review Date: l-�2oD�. _
Location: ° . . • �
Legal Description: _ SEC 3�- _ ,` _,, i _ .� -- ----. ._ _
Township; � =/g� _Range: y� Civil Townsfiip' �C�AY
.The technical review and comments are>intended to evaluate the completeness,of the erosron°and�sedimerit conCrol '`�
� _ . � ti� �� -
- plan for;he�project Tlie,erosion and,sediment'.control plan`su6mitCed'was�not'reviewed for ihe adequa_`cy of the �
� engineering design 'A'll practices included�n tlie pldn,as we!!;a"s"those recommerided in�ihe commenls should.be.
_ � : .
' evaluated;as to_their feasi.bility=6y:a qual fed individual witlz•sCructural.practices designed,by:arqual�ed engineer; -
' • Theplan,hcunot�6eenr"eureivedfor�local,,"slafeorfederalperm"its�that_may,be:requiredrto;pr.,oceed,wifh'this, . _
, . ,
' project. Additional informatron; including design calculatrons may be'�;requested to further'evalua[e.rthe erosian
sedimenl:coritrol plan.: - . . � ` .
• _
The erosion and sediment:control,plan�has'been reviewed and it fias been determined that the plan: � :
� Satisfies the.minimum requizements°and intent of 327IAC 15-5 (Rule 5). Notifcation_will,be forwaided � -
l�' - - _
� to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. . . .
' ' Q Refer to the commenfs section for additional�:information..
' � � Q . Does not satisfy'ttie;rriinimum requirements and infenf of'327IAC 15-5(Rule;S);.:d'eficiencies are noted'in
' the checklist.and'an,ttie comments section, Def ciencies constitute.potential.vi�lation-.of the:rule and'must
� . be�adequately.addressed•for compliance. The information necessary to:sati`sfy the deficiencies'must be
, , submitfed: ' . Please address,revisions to the reviewer.
�,- _ - - - . �
Proper:implementation of fhe er.osion.and sediment control plan and inspections of the conslruclion site'by the
. developer or a represenlalive acefnecessary•to minimiie ofJ=site:sedimenlalion. The developer,should'be aware �
:: , _. . � ., , •
thal unforeseen construetion actrvrtres and weather conditions may effect the performance of a pracl�ce or!he •
erosion dnd�sediment control plan. The plan must be p flexible document, with provisioiu to mod�or su6stitute
' practices,.as�necessary_
� � • _._ ' � �
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, � � �C�CA.L IZE�V�EVW. '� ,. L�D �
1 � � - �co��N�TS ; . - � . � �AN- 11 2000 �
, . Project: �I;OELI _Y EYSTDrt/E Df=,�y�E A,fz/ � �q
Page 3 of." 3 . , - _ . •
�.No�e A!l erosron:andsedimettt'conh'ol'measures�shox�n on rhe,plans and rejeren"cedfiin:lhurevlew.m � e
- - __� .
� . _ design cr.ileria;,s(andards,:�=spQcfc[al[otu out/ined in Ihe "`/"ndiona Handbook'forEroslottCo�ll�'Ol;in `
.. • Deve/opingAreas"fr,om„lhe:lttd[anaDeparlmen!o.flJarurol Resour'ees; Drvision�of,Soil�Conservalionorsimilar
Guidanee Docum,"eirls, ��.: � - . .
• .
_��• i _ � � � _- . � �.. ,_
� ' �• A �tlAY TO _C;CEA%� / /�E< G/AN,OE2;6:�bC;YyID DET6"NT/� .
ST�2�4 GE o.� � S�;r� �NV o T.�,EiZ aE�2t-3 S�UlI� .RE
Eon!�'i,DE,2E,•D._ - . . �
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cc: L. ;L7�G'%G' ,1� . . _
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