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Plan Commission
The Executive Committee of the Plan Commission will meet at.6:3Q p.m. in the Caucus Rooms, 2nd
Floor,.City Hall, to discuss general administrarive matters.
A�enda �
A Call Meetin�to Order Subjeet: Rewlar Meetin�
B. Pledge of Alle�iance Daie: March 21, 2000
C. Roll Call Time: 7:00 p:m
D. Declaration of Quorum-. Place: City Ha1l, 2nd F7oor
E. Approval of l��nutes One Ci�1c Square
F: Gommunications, Bills; Expenditures, Carmel, IN 460�2
&LeQal Counsel Report
G. Reports, Announcements, & Deoartment Concerns:
lg. Old Mendian Task Force
H. Public Hearinas:
lh: � Docket i�To. 4�-00; PP; P,rimary Plat applicat�on for the Richard Carriger Company.
The petitioner se,eks ;approval to plat 2.1 Yots on 39..i60-- acres to be l�.nown as
Treesda7e Subdivision. The site is located northeast of West 96�' Street and
Towne Road: The site is zoned S'-1Lres'idential (Very. I,ow Intensity) and is being
developed as.a Qualifyin��Subdivision under ROSQ:�
Filed by Adarn -I:. DeHart of Keeler-Weliti Associates for the R.ichard Ca.rriger
- 2h. Docket'No: 47-00 OA; A proposal to amend Chapter 3: Definitions of the Zonin�
Ordinance by adding the.following definitions:
Filed b.y�the�bepartment of Comrnunity Services.
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O��F ci;IVi( �`U;-�ft£ C:-�fZ�1EL. IN1)I.AN.-� =6J3`Z 3I i/�il-'{�,?
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3h. Dockef No. 57-00 PP; Primary Plat ap;plication,for Mark Stout Development. The
petitioner requests approval to plat 3 T lots on 23.945�acres to be kriown as Hazel -
Dell Pond Subdivision. The site is located northwest of the intersection of East
116`i' Street and Hazel Delt Parkway. The site is zoned R-2/residential. The
petitioner also seeks approval of the foilowing Subdivision Waivers:
57-OOa SW SCO 6.3.7 to plat a cul-de-sac in excess of 600 feet in length
57-OOb SW SCO 6.3.19(1)to taper the required landscape easement to under
50 feet in width
57-OOc SW SCO 6.S.7 to orient dwellings froriting on a thoroughfare
towards the street of lower functional classification
Filed by Eric W. Penland of American Consulting for Mark Stout Development.
4h. Docket No. 59-00 PP Amend; Primary Plat Amendment application for Centex
Homes. The petitioner requests approval- to plat 67 lots on 23,323� acres within
the Haverstick Subdivision. The site is located northwesf of the intersection of
East 131g` Street and River Road. The site is zoned S-1/iesidential(Low Intensity)
and'was originally granted Primary Plat (11-94 PP) approval under the old Cluster '
Ordinance. �
Filed by Thomas L. Kutz of Centex Homes.
Sh. Docket No. 61-00 DP/ADLS; Development Plan and Architectural D.esign,
Lighting & Signage applications for REI Invest.ments. The petitioner requests
approval for two hotels totaling 166,000 square feet on 8�.070� acres to be known
as Residence Inn and Spring Hill Suites. The site is located northwest of the
intersection of East Carinel Drive and Keystone Way. The site is zoned B-
8/business and is located within the US'31 Overlay Zone.
Filed by Elizabeth Hobbs of REI Investments, Inc.
6h. Docket No. 62-00 Z; Rezone application for the Carmel Rede�elopment
Commission to change the official.Zoning:Map. The petition_er requests a.favorable
recommendation for a rezone of 17.677t acres from .I-1'/industrial to Gl/city
center. The site is located on the southwest' of the intersection of City Center
Drive and 3`d Avenue Southwest. The site is zoned I-1/industrial.
Filed by Rick Roesch, President, Carmel Redevelopment Commission:
7h. Docket No. 63-00 OA; Petition to amendment the GarmeUClay Zoning Ordinance;
creating the C-1 Zone District. The pr.oposed amendment would create a new zone
district, the C-1. The purpose; of the Gl District (City Center) is to create and
protect land areas for the developinent of the Carmel.City Center. project„ a central
mixed-use comp_'lex of retail, cesidential; office, and community facilities designed .
� to meet the cultural and economic needs of the Carmel community.
. Filed by the Department of Community Services
Page 2
ONE CIVIC SQUISRE C��RititEL, INDI.�'A 4G032 317/�71-2417
.. '1c:7 ._ . .. . . . . . . ..
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� 8fi. Dockef No: 64-00 CPA;; Comprehensive' Plan Amendment application for the
CarmeUClay Plan Commission. This proposal would add to the CarmeUClay
Township Comprehensive Plan (202Q Visio.n_) a series of specific recommendations
resulting from a multi-jurisdictional transportatiori and land use study titled the 96`h
Streef Corridor Study.
Filed by the Departmerit of Community Services.
I. Old Business:
l i. �Docket No. 98-99;Z;Rezone application for Kite Real Estate, Inc. The petitioner
seeks approval of a rezone to PUD/planned unit de�elopment in order to construct
two'retail buildings on �7.076± acres. T�lie site is located southeast of East 146`�'
Street and 'US 3-1.. The site is zoned B-2/;business, R-1/residential and R-
4/residential within the US 31 Overlay Zone and the SR 431 Overlay Zone.
� Filed by Paul G. Reis of The Reis Law Firrn. '
� 2i. Docket No, 5=00 FP; Primary Plat application for SCM Development. The
petitioner seeks approval to plat 6 residential lots on 1'3.13f acres to be known as
Spring►yood Subdivision. °The site is located northwest of the intersection of
West 106`�' Street�and Spring Mill,Road. Tfie site is zoned S-2/residential and is
being developed as a N'on-qualifying Subdiuision under ROSO. The petitioner also
seeks approval of:tlie following Subdivision Waiveis:
6-00 SW SCO 6:3.20 ta plat a private street
7-00 SW SCO 6.2.1 to subdivide land wifhin ayfloodway
8-00 SW SCQ 6.3.19(,!)to plat lots within SO feet,of Spring,.Mill Road
9-00 SW SCO 6.,3.22 to altec acceUdeceUpassirig blister design
� 10-00 SW SCO 8.9.:1 to e�� termiricrte internal sidewalks �60 shor•t
of the Spring 11%Ii71 Road•right-of-tivcry
11-00 SW SC0 8.9.2 to a°�:� :��*�"�+;�� ��'iristall a �'-wide, meanderi�ag
sidetivalk instead of c�n 8'-wide multi-use path
18-00 SW SCQ 7.=1 to plat 4<0% op.en space
, 19-00.S`V SCO 7.6(F) to forego subrnittal of an Open Space Plan
20-00;_SW SCQ 7.7(A) to circumverit minimum design sfandards
21-00:SW SCO 7.7(B) to alter existing natural,open space
22-00'S`V SCO Z.7(C) to exclude.Primary&,S.econdary areas
23=00 SW SCO 7.7(D) to forego protection of Primary areas
� 24=00 SW SCO 7.7(F) to forego protection,of Secondary areas
25-OO;SW SCO 7..7(J) to forego protection of Woodlands
� 26-.00 SW SCO 7.7(K) to forego submittal of a Woodlands Evaluation
,27-00'SW SCO 7.7(L) to forego protection of vegetation
Filed by James J. Nelson of Nelson & Frankenberger for SCM�Development.
Page 3
� ONE GIVIC SQUARE C_�R\fEL, II�'DI1��I�4G032 �17-/571-2�17
;�'*-' .
3i. Docket No. 12-00 PP; Primary Plat application for Pittrnan Partners: The
petitioner seeks approvaT to plat 122 lots on 61.468f acres fo be known as
Maebeck Commons Subdivision. The site is located on the northeast corner of
West 1413` Street and Towne Road. The site is zoned S-1/resideritial (Very Low
Intensity) and is being developed as a Qualifying Subdivision under ROSO. The
petitioner also seeks approval oftlie�following Subdivision Waiver:
13=00 SW SCO 6.�.1 to plat lots with less than 50 feet of'road frontage
Filed by Steve A. Pittman of Pittman Partners.
4i. Docket.No. 36-00 ADLS; Architectural Design;: Lighting & Signage application
for Equicor Development. The petitioner requests approval of:two multi-tenant, -
multi-level general .office buildings on two parcels totaling 4.38'6� acres to be
known as Fidelity Keystone` Offce Par.k. The site is •located northwest of the
intersection of East Carmel Drive and Keystone Way. The site is zoned B-
8/business. �
Eiled by David B. Huffman ofCSO Engineers for Equicor Development.
Si. Docket No. .38-00 PP; Primary. Plat application for Kosene & Kosene. The
;petitioner requests appro�al to plat 24 lots on 10.65� acres to be known as
Faizgreen Trace Subdiyision, Ahase II. The site is located •northwest of'the
intersection of.East 116�' Street and South Range Line Road. The site is zoned R-
l/residential and is being developed as a,Qualifying Subdivision under ROSO. The
petitioner also seeks approval of,the following Subdivision Wai�ers:'
39-00 SW SCO 6.5.1 to plat lots withless than Sb feet of�road frontage
40-00 SW . SCO 6.3:6 to plat a residential street with 40=foot right-of-way
41-OOSW SCO 6.3.6 to construct a residential street 24 feet in widfh
42-00 SW SCO 6.3.1�,(3)to plat a residential street with radius less than 150'
43-00 SW SCO 7.7(D)(7)to clear more than 50% of the scrub woodlands
Filed by Roger C. Ward, Jr. of Roger Ward Engineerinj for Kosene&'Kosene.
J. New Business
lj. Docket Na 37-00 ADLS; Architectural Design, Lighting & Signa�e application
for the McDonald's Corporaton. The petitioner requests approval to build a 4053-
square-foot McDoncild's fast food restaurant on 1.78.8� acres: The site is loeated
at 750 East Carmei Drive. The site is zoned B-8/business and is located within the
SR 431 Overlay Zone.
Filed by Kevin Cavanaugh of the McDonald's Corporation.
Page 4
ONE CIVIC SQUARE C:�RMEL, INDI�N:�4G032 317/�71-2417
�- .,�;� , _
. �,
TUESDAI'; l�1ARCH 7, 2000 =
CARN�I.; IlV 4'6032
DOORS OPE�i AT`6:30 P.M.
. SPECIAL STUDY CONTi�IITTEE;will meet to consider the folloiving items:
1. Docket No. 98-99 Z, Ki'te Rezone
Petitioner see�CS appioval of a rezone to PUD/planned unit development in order to construct two retail
buildin�s on 39.076- acr,es. The site is located southeast of East 146`� Street and US 31. The site is
zoned B-2/business, 1R-l/residential and R-4/residential wit�n the US 31 Overlay Zone and partially
within the SR 431 Over.lay Zone.
This item was continued from the January 4, 2000, Speciaf Study Committee meeting in order to allow
the Committee more time for a thorough review of the proposed PUD Ordinance. At the February l,
ZOOQ; Special Study Committee meetin�, this item was scheduled for a Special,Meeting, which was held
� February 22, 2000;: �t the conciusion of the Special �Ieeting, itiis item was forwarded to the regularly
scheduled vfarch commirtee meezin�.
Fil'ed by Paul G. Reis of The Reis Law Firm for Kite Realty.
2. Doeket No. 10�-99 Z, l�Ierchants' Pointe
Peiitioner seeks a favorable zecommendation for a rezone frorn. R-1(residential to B-8lbusiness in order to
construct betw:een five and eight retail buildings not to e�ceed a total of 95,000 square feet on 14.378± acres.
The site is located on the southwest corner of East 1 I 6�' Street and North Keystone Avenue. The site is zoned
R-1/residential parfially within the SR 43'1 Overiay Zone.
?his item has been continued from the'February 1, 2000, Special Sfudy Committee meetin�.
� Filed by James 7. Nelson ofNelson & Frankenber�er for The Linder Group..
. 3. Doeket Nos. 106-99 SP c4z .107-99 D:PIADLS, Carmel Science & Technology Park, Bloek 1=t, Lot 3
Peritioner seeks approval to plat one lot on 3,>»T acres and to construct seven self-stora�e buildings with
o;ffice totalin�,69;�00.square�feet on 3.533+ aeres to be !�own as CarmeCDrive Stor.age. The site is located
at 5�0'West Carmel Drive., T}ie site is zoned NI-�/manufacturing.
', This itein.has been continued from the February l, 2000, Special Study Commirtee meeting.
Filed by Keith Bonham of the Tower Desisn Group, PC.
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. =�: Docket�No: 36-00�ADLS, Fidelity Keystone Office Park
Petitioner requests approval for tlie first of'two rnulti-tenant, multi-level Jeneral office buildin�s�on two
parcels totaling =�.�86� acres. The site is located�northwest of the intersection of East Carmei Drive and
Keystone Way. The site is�zoned B-8/business. � �
� Eiled by David.B. Huffman of CSO En�rieers for Equicor Development.
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, - - RL��I CON�i!IISSION: -
. TUESDAY, 1�1A.RCH 7, ?000
C:�Rl��, IN 46032 .
SUBDIVISION COMIVIITTTE: ruill meet to consider the following items:
1'. Docket No. �-00,PP, Springwoo,d Subdivision:
, • Petitioner seeks approval to pl'at b residential lots on 13.1"�t aeres. The site is located northwest
of the.intersection of:West 106`�.Street and Spring 1VIi11 Road. The site is zoned S-2/res'idential -
and is being developed as a Non=qualifyin� Subdivision under ROSO. The petitioner also seeks
approval of the following Subdivision Waivers:
' 6-OO SW SC0 6 3:ZQ' to plat a private street
?-00 SW SGO 6.�2.,1 � to subdivide land within a'floodway
`8-OO SW SCO 6:3:19(4)to plat lots within 5.0 feet of'Spring'Yl:ill Rd.
9-00 SW SC.O 6.3.?2 to alter acceUdeceUpassing blisfer desi�n
10-00�S`V SGO 8.9:1 io eliminate internal sidewalks
� 11-00 SW SCO 8:9.;2 to defer installation.of multi'-use.path
18-00:SW SCO:7,=� to plat �.0% open space: .
19-00 S�V SC0 7.6(F') to fore�o submi'ttal bf an Open Space Plan
20-00 S'W' SC0 7..i(�1) fo circumyent minimurn design standards
� 21-00 SW SC0 7.7B) ,to alter existing natural operi space
' 22-00 SW SCO, 7.7(C)' to excfude Primary & Secondary areas
' 23-00 S`Y SCO Z.7(D) to fore�o protection of Primary areas
, 24-00 SW SCO 7.7�F') to forego protection of Secondary areas
25-00 S��' SCD 7:7(,� to fore�o protection of Woodlands
26-00 S`'V SCO i.?(K) to fore�o submittal of a Woodlands E`�aluation
27-00 S`V .SCO Z.i�L) to fore�o protection of vegetation
Filed.by James J. Nelson of Nelson &Frankenber.ger for SClY1 Development.
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2. Docket No. 12-00 PP, Nlaebeck Commons S'ubdivision
'Petitioner seeks approval to plat 1�22 lots on b1:�68�- acres. The site is lo.cated on the northeast
corner of West 141'` Street and Towne Road. The site is zoned S-�l/.Tesidential (Very Low
Intensity) �and is being developed as a Qualifying Subdivision under ROSb: The petitioner also
seeks approval of the following Subdivision Waiver:
13-00 SW SCO 6.i.1 to plat lots withless than �0 feet of-road fronta�e,
Filed by Steve A Pittman of Pittman Partner�: -
3. Dockef No..38-00 PP, Fairgreen Trace,Subdivision, Phase II
Petitioner requests.approval to plat 24 lots on.10.6�� acres, The site is located northwest of the
intersection of East 116`� Street and South�Range Line Road. The site is zoned R-1/residential
and is being developed as a Qualifying Subdivision under ROSO. The petitioner also seeks
approval of'the following Subdivision Waivers: _ ' � �
39-00 SW SC0 6:�.1 to plat lots with less than 50 feet:of road fronfage '
40-00 SW SCO 6.3.6 to plat a residential street with 40-foot right-of-way
41-OOSW SCO 6.3.6 to cpnstruct a residential street 24 feet in width
42-00 SW SC0 6.3.1�(3)to plaf a residential street with radius iess than 150'
43-00 SW SCO 7.7(D)(7)to clear more than 50% of the scrub woodlands
Filed by Roger C. Ward, Jr. of Roger Ward Eng'ineering for Kosene & Kosene.
4. The Residential Open Space Task Force will be meeting to discuss proposed amendrnents to .
Chapter 7: Open Spaee Standards for ltilajor •Subdivisions' of tlie. Stiibdivision .Control
Ordinance. �
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Plan Commissiom
The Executive �Commiftee of':the Plan Commission will meet at 6:30 p.m. in the Caucus
Rooms, 2°d Floor; City Hall;to discuss general administrative matters.
. A, Call`Meetin�'to Order Subject: Re�ular�Ieeting
B. Pled�e of Allegiance Date: February 1�, 2000
� C. Roll Call � Time: " 7`.00 p.m.
D. Declaration of Quorum Place: City Hall, 2nd Floor
• E. Approval of Ni'inutes � One Ci��c Square
F. Communications,Bills,.Expenditures, Carmel, IN 46032
� &Le�al Counsel Report -
G: Reports, Announcements, & Department Concerns
H. Public Hearin�:
.m.. �
Ili. Docket No: 96=99 DP/ADLS; Developrnent- Plan and Architectural Design,
Liahtina & Si�naae applications for tifeijer,. Inc. The petitioner �ee!cs approval to
� construct three r.etaiL kiuildinas for vleijer, Inc: on 26.060= acres. The site is
located southeasi of.106`� Street and U.S. 421 af West Carniel Cerrter, Block D.
The site is zoned. B=3�'business and is located within fhe LTS 4'i-Z�iichiQan Road
Overlay Zone. � .
I'his itern.has been carried over from the�Decernber 21, 1999, and the January 18,
' 2000', meeting agendas at.the petitioner's request.
. Filed by Jamie Poczekay of American Consultin�Enaineers For Vfeijer, Inc.
2h. Dockef No: �=QO PP; Primary Plat application for SCM Development. The
petitioner seeks approyal to plat 6 residential lots on 13.13� acres to be�known as �
Spring�vood Sub.clivision. The site is located northwest of fhe intersection of
`Vest 106`� Street and Spring �till Road. The site is zoned 'S-2�;residential and is
being de�eloped as a`�Ton-qualifying Subdivision under ROSO. The petitioner also
seeks approval of the followins Subdivision Waivers:
- 6-OO,SW SCO 6.3.20 to plat a private street
'�'7-00'SW SCO 6.?.1 to subdivide land within a floodwav
, 8-00;SW SCO 6.3.19(-�) to plat lots within 50 feef of Sprins vtill Rd.
9-00 SW SCD 6.3.22 to alter acceUdeceUpassing blister deSian
10-00 SW SCO 8:9.1 to eliminate intemal side�valks
- 1,1=00 S`V SCO 8.9,? to defer installation of multi-use path
o�;FC��'«��u:=�aE c.�R�rE�. ��i�i:��.������i �i;r: :.���,o
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18-00 SW SCO 7.4 to plat 4.0% open space
19=00 SW SCO 7.6(F) to forego submittal of an 0pen Space Plan
20-00 SW SCO 7.7(A) to circumvent minimum design standards
21-00 SW SCO 7.7(B) to alter existing natural open spaee
22-00 SW SCO 7 7(G) to exclude'Primary& Secondary areas
23-00 SW SCO 7.7(D) to forego protection of Primary areas
24-00 SW SGO 7.7(F) to forego proteetion of Secondary areas
25-00 SW SCO 7.7(J) to forego protection of Woodlands
26-00 SW SCO 7.7(K) to.forego submittal of a Woodlands Evaluation
27-00 SW SCO 7.7(L) to forego protection of vegetation
Filed by James J. Nelson of Nelson & Frankenberger for SCM Development.
3h. Docket No. 12-00 PP; Prirnary Plat application. for Pittman Partners. The
petitioner seeks approval to plat 122 lots on 61.458t acres to be known as
Maebeck Comnzons Subdivision. The site is located on the northeast corner of
West 1415` Street and Towne Road. The site is zoned S-1/residential (Very Low �
Intensity) and is being developed as a .Qualifying Subdi�ision urider ROSO, The
petitioner also seeks approval of the following Subdivision Waiver.:
13-00 SW SCD 6.�.1 to pTat lots with less than 50 feet of r.oad frontage
Filed by Steve �. Pittman of'Pittman Partners. �
4h. Docket No. 14-00 PP; Primary Plat application for Craig S. t�nderson. The
petitioner seeks approval to plat one lot on 1.66t acres to be known as Anderson
Acres Subdivision. The site is located at 13495 Six Points Road. The site is
zoned S-1/residential. (Residential Estate) and is bein� developed as a Minor
S,ubdivision under ROSO. The petitioner also seeks approval of the following �
Subdivision Waivers: �
15-00 SW SCO 8,8 to eliminate curbs & gutters alori� Six:Points Road
16-00 SW SCO 8.9.1 to eliminate sidewalks along Six Points�Road
� Filed by Craig S. Anderson.
Sh. Docket No. �28-00 EP Amend; Primary Plat Amendment appIicatiom for Keenan
Investment Partners — Carmel; Inc. The petitioner seeks approval to incorporate a .
4.00� acre tract into Carmel Science & Technology Park,, Block 7, Lot 1 for the
. MISO Corporate Heddquarters site. The site is located at fhe :norfhwest corner
of West Carmel Drive and South Guilford Road. The site is zoned 1V1-
, 3/manufacturing.
Filed by Joseph M. Scimia of Baker&Daniels for Keenan Investment Partners.
Page 2
ONE CIVIC SQUARE CAR��fEL, INDI.�NA 46032 ;17/�71-2417
�W�` . _ .
. 6h. Docke.t No. 30-00 DP%ADLS; Development Plan and Architectural Desigri,
Light'ing & Signage petitions for Keenan Investment Partners — Carinel, Inc. The
petitioner see_ks approval to construct a 98,323-square-foot of�ice building on
9.299t acres'to 6e known as MISO Corporate He'adquarters. The site is located
� on.fhe northwest corner of West Carmel Drive and S'outh Guilford Road. The site
� is zoned M-3/manufacturing.
Filed by Joseph,M._ Scimia of Baker&,Daniels for Keenan Investment Partners.
� 7h. Docket No: 38=00 PP; Primary Plat application for Kosene & Kosene. The
petitioner requests� approval to plat 24 lots on 10.65� acres to be known as
Fnirgreen Trace Subclii�ision, Phnse TL The _site is located northwest of the
intersection of East 116`� Street and South Range;Line Road. The site is zoned R-
1/residential.and is being deveIoped as a Qualifying Subdivision under ROSO. The
. petitioner also "seeks.apptoval of the following Subdivision Waivers:
39-00 SW SGQ. 6:S.1 to plat lots with''less t�han 50 feet of road frontage
40=00 SW SGO b.3.6 to plat a residential street with 40-foot right-of-way
41-OOSW SCO 6.3:6 to construct a residential street 24 feet in width
42-00 SW SCO 6.3:1�(3)to plat a residential street with radius less than 150'
43-00 SW ' SCO 7.7(D)(7)to clear rnore than 50% of the scrub woodlands
• Filed by Ro�er C. Ward, Jr. of Roger Ward Engineerin� for Kosene & Kosene.
I. Old Business:
1i. Doeket No. 8.1.-99 ADLS; Architectural Desitrn, LiQhtina & SiQnaQe petition for
Dauby O'Conner Zaleski,LLC: The petitioner seeks approval to construct three office
buildings on �.46f actes, known as Mearl"mvlark Uffice Park; Plzrrse Z. The site is
loeated at 698'Pro-\%Ied,Lane. The site:is zoned B-SBusiness.
At the February 1,;2000, Special Study Committee meeting, this petition received
a conditional favorable recommendation.
Filed.by Steve Dauby of Dauby O'Conner Zaleski,`LLC.
2i. Docket No. 87-99 Z; Rezone application for- 'Jasneek Health Care, LLC. The
petitioner' seeks a favorable reeommendation of a rezone of 1.920- acres of the
Five Sezrsofrs Sports Cotrntry Chrb property from R-17residential to B-5/business
- in order to develop a medical office building. The site is located at the northwest
corner of East 96`h Street and the Monon. The site is zoned R-1/residential.
� This itern�was'tabled af the December 21,� 1999 meeting and the January 18, 2000,
� . meeting at ttie petitioner's request. At the December 7, 1999, Specia.l Study
. Committee meeting, this petition received a negative recommendation.
Filed by'Harvinder Dhani of Jasneek Health Care.
Page 3
ONE CIVIG S(�U_�RE G�R�4EL, INDIA�IA�6Q_�2 317j�71-2�17
�F.w rI1
3i. Docket No. 108-99 EP; Primary Plat application for Deylen Development. The
petitioner seeks approval for 27 residential lots on 21.39+_ :acres to be known as
English Oaks Subdivision. The site is located northwest of West 105`i' Street and
Shelborne Road. The site is zoned S-1/residential and is being developed as a
Non-qualifying Subdivision under ROSO.
This petition received a favorable recommendation at the February 1, 2000,
Subdivision Committee meeting.
Filed by Anne Burget of Paul I. Cripe, Inc for Deylen Development> ,
J. New Business
lj. Doeket No. 97-99 SP; Secondary Plat application for Meijer, Inc. The petitioner
seeks approval to plat one lot on 26.060t acres. The site is located southeast of
106`�' Street and U.S. 42,1 at West Carmel Center, Block D. The site is zoned B-
3/business and is located within the US 421/Michigan Road Overlay Zone.
This item has been carried oyer from the December 21, 1999, and the January 18,
2000, meeting agendas at the petitioner's request.
� � Filed by Jamie Poczekay of Arrierican.Consulting Engineers for Nleijer, Inc>
2j. Docket No. 31-00 CA; Commitment Amendment applieation fbr Keenan
Investment Partners — Carmel, Inc. The petitioner seeks approval to arnend the
commitments for the Carmel Science & Technology Park in order to a11ow a curb
cut on South Guilford Road between West Carmel Drive and Ci"ty Center Drive
into Carmel Science & Technology Park, Block 7, Lot 1 for the M'ISO Corporate
He�drjuarters site. The 'site is located' at the northwest corner of West Garmel
Drive and South Guilford Road. The site is zoned N1-3lmanufacturing.
Filed by Joseph M. Scimia of Baker& Daniels for Keenan Investment Partners.
3j. Docket No. 3,6-00 ADLS, .Arehitectural Design, Lighting & Signage, application
fbr Equicor Development. The petitioner requests appro�al for the first, of two
multi-tenant, multi-level general office bu'ildings on two parcels totaling 4.386t
acres to be known as Fi�lelity Keystone Office Pnrk, The,site is located northwest
of the intersection of East Carmel Drive and Keystone Way. The site is zoned B-
Filed by David B`. Huffrnan of CSO Engineers for Equicbr.Development.
Page 4
ONE CIVIC SQU_�RE r.�R'�-fEL,INDI_�tiTA 4G032 ;,17/�71-2417
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� � � � C�O�M N1��I�TT E E AG�E N�D�4�
Date: January 19; 2000
Place: Departrnent of Community Services Conference Room - 3rd Fioor
Carme{ City Hali`
9:OO.a.m. Nlaebeck Commons Subdivision (PP)
� Petitioner seeks approval (Primary Plat) for 122 r`esidential lots on 61.468± acres.
The site is located on the northeasf corner:of West 141'` Street and Towne Road.
The site is zoned S-1/residential (Very Low Intensity) and is being developed as a
Qualif'ying,Subdivision under ROSO.
Filed by C. Anne Burget ofPaul I. Cripe, Inc. for Pittman Partners.
9:30 a.m. SprinQwood Subdivision (PP,�
' Petitioner seeks approval (Primary Plaf), for 6 lots on 1�..13y acres. The site is
located northwest of fhe intersection of West 105`f' Street and Spnn� 11�Ii11 Road.
The sife is zoned' S=2/residential and is being de��eloped as a Non-qualifying
Subdivision under ROSO.
Filed by Gre;ory L. Rasmussen of Weihe Engineering for SC�I Development.
10:00 a.m. Fair�reen Trace,.Phase II (PP)
Petitioner seeks approval (Primary Plat) for.24'lots on 10,.6��- acres. The site is
located northwest of the intersection of East 11:6`h S�reet and South Ran�e Line
. Road. The site is zoried R-1lresidential and is beinQ .developed as a Qualifyin�
Subdivision under ROSO.
Filed by Roger C. Ward, Jr., of Roger Ward En�ineerin� for Kosene & Kosene.
1.0:30 a.rn. Treesdale Sub`division fPP & SPJ
Petitioner seeks,approval (Prirnary Pfiat) for 21 lots on 39.360± acres. Petitioner
. also seeks ap,proval (Secondary Plat, Section 1) of 10 lots on 27.I61�- acres: The
site is located southeast of the intersection of West :106`� Street and Towne Road.
The site is.zoned S-1/residential (Very Low Infensity) and is beinQ deveToped as a
Qualifyin� Subdivision under ROSO.
Filed by Adam DeHart of Keeler-Webb Associates for Lucky, LLC.
11:0:0 a.m�. CarrneI�Science& Tech Park, blk 7, lot 1 (PP Amend. SP CA. DP/ADLS�
Petitioner seeks approval{Primary Plat Amendment, Secondary Plat, Commitment
' :�mendmerit, Development Plan, and Architectural Desi�n, Lightin�, Landscaping
, & Signage) to construct a 98,323-square-foot headguarters for MISO
Corporation on 10.592± acres. The site is tocated on the northwest corner of
�Vest Carmel Drive and South Guilford Road. The site is zoned M-
Filed by Joseph'vI. Scimia of Baker& Daniels fqr Keenan Investment Partners.
{,:�: ,<!►
page2of3 �
Techniaal %�dvisory Cornmittee Agenda
January 19, 2000 �
11:30 a.rn. Villa¢e of WestClav, section 10011 (SP� ��
Petitioner seeks approval (Secondary Plat) of 5 lots on.3.85$� acres. The site is
located southeast of the intersection of West 126`� Street and Towne Road. The
site is zoned PUD/planned unit developrnent.
Filed by Keith Lash of Schneider Corp for Brenwick T'iVD Commuruties.
11:45 a.m. Vi11aQe of WestClav, section 15003 (SP�
Petitioner seeks approval (Secondary Plat) of 4 lots on 5.02Si acres. The site is
located southeast of the intersection of West 1315` Street and Towne Road. The
site is zoned PUD/planned unit development.
Filed by Keith Lash of Schneider C'orp for Brenwick T'iVD Communities.
12:00 noon Lakes af Hazel Dell, sectiori 3 (SP�
Petitioner seeks approval (Secondary Plat) of 1 S lots on 5.472� acres. The site is
located southeast of the intersection of East 126`� Street and Hazel,�Dell Parkway. �
The site is zoned S-1/residential.
Filed by Keith Lash of Schneider Corp for Zaring Homes, Inc.
12:15 p.m. Lakes at Hazel Dell, section 4 (SP)
Petitioner seeks approval (Secondary Plat) of 16 lots on 7:748� ac_r.es. The site is
Iocated southeast of the intersection of East 126`� Street and Hazel Dell Parkway.
The site is zoned S-1/residential_ �
Filed by Keith Lash of Schneider Corp for Zaring Homes, Inc.
12-:34 p.m. Break for lunch. Re-convene at 1:30 n.m.
_ 0 p.m. tdelitv Kevstone Office Park.(��Sl
. Petition �se.�lc�-a�ppr va-�ctiitectural Design, LightinQ, Landscaping,& SignaQe)
_�ct two 2-story;, 41,428=square-foot office buildings on 4.;86� acres.
The site is located northwest of the intersection of East Cannel Drive and
Keystone Way. The site is zoned B-8/liusiness.
Filed by David HufFinan of CSO En,ineers for Equicor Development.
2'00 p.m. Providence at Old Nleridian (DP)
Petitioner seeks approval (Final Development Plan) to eonstruct a
commerciaUresidential Planned Unit Development on 28.4� acres. The site is
.located northeast of the intersection of West Carmel Drive and Old Meridian
Street. The site 'is zoned PUD/planned unit development.
Filed by Lynette Williams of Buckingham Properties, Inc.
. f...,_ �-^..i� ., _' __ _ _ _ . .
�`� Technical 1Yd�isory��Committee Agenda
January 19; 200Q
2:30 p.rn. �Iarriott Suite Hotels (DP/ADL5,1
Petitioner seeks approval (Development Plan and Arcfiitectural Desijn, Lighting,
Landscaping & Signage) to construet two hotel 6uildings totaling 166,000 square
feet on 8_,070f acres. Tlie site is located in the 11800 block of North Pennsylvania
Street. The.site is zoned B-6/business within the U,S 31 Overlay Zone.
� Filed by Elizabeth Hob6s of REI Investments for Nleridian Mile Associates.
: 3:00 p.m. McDonald's (ADL'S�
Petitioner seeks approval (Architectural De,si;n, Lightin�, Landscaping & Signage)
to construct a 40��-square-foot MeDonald's Restaurant on 1.8t acres. ?he site is
located at 75Q East Carmel Drive on the site of an existing NlcDonald's
Restaurant. The site is zoned B-8/business partially within the SR 431 Overlay
Filed by Kevin Cavanaugh of McDonald's Corporation.
3:30 p.m. Asherwood Golf Course fSLT�
Petitioner seek"s' approval (Special Use) to expand the e�stin� Asherwood �olf
course onto the adjoining 14.4= acres. TYie site is located at 99�0 Ditch Road.
The site is,zoned S�-l/residential.
• Filed by Duane A. Sharrer of Schneider Corp for M&B Associates.
� 4:00 p.m. Rose'Walk onlVlain (S'U. Vl - �
Petitionez seeks approval (Special Use and Variance} to establish two one-story
office/retail buildings and five multi-family residential buildinas on 4.70�- acres.
The site i"s located southwest of the intersection of West Main Street and South
Guilford Road. The site is zoned B-�/business.
Filed by Steve f1. P.ittman of Pembroke Place LLC.
No other items filed as of Janu"ary 7; 2000.