HomeMy WebLinkAboutBZA Minutes(Wk'�iie':a:, .ra.... ,.�,.. ..:;..pt. . .c--• -r:. ...�. ...w .-.^152i't. -:.`Al -.. .. vy- -.yl Ffi: W.S'" 'c :-. ,� .eN _',` .'.. . _. .. __ .. .. _ . _ ... t( �.' ��^ "S . _ 5 Z��%s- f . �..��O�:RD OF ,Zt�Ig NG: `APPEAL'S MINUT_-ES -~:OCTOBER'�22, �i979��� . ,r�:�, - _: Pa•�e �c°:',.,,£' '� 6.: . . • � - . � . . � • � .3a, $000. F.M.:, Public .Hearing on Docket� No., BA �52-79=, Varia4nce �Ap,plication ' to. vary from_ the �Qrdinanc;e; o�•f: 50 ft. bld�.. �h'ei�h.t; �to 6.6' f"t":.� on� a ,5:�:" � � y bankin� and off_ice,. fa°cility "f.'o,r .Fid.eli;ty ;Bank of Indiana:; . , � stor . -loeated.- (i50 'E;.' Carmel �Drive in, B-4 z�on-in�, _ - =��,° , - File,d by :Davi:d= �Fletcher o;f R:V'. Welcli I:nves`tmerits. ���� � 8 s30 P. M. � Publlr Hearing; :on Do.ck,et N.o: BA 54 7g, Varianee �Ap:plication� for F-idel'ity �Ba.nk: :of Indiana to pla'ce a,nd us'e �or tempo.rary branch bank (mobil,e) on p•roperty l;o,cated 650 E. Ca�rmel Dr�. i�n B-4 zoning,. F-i.led by Da�vid Eletch.er o:f R.V: We`leh �Inves-tments. � �Mr,'.., Johnson and Mr. Carl T-uttle_, who i:s in char�e: 'of a•11 branch bank,s .of' Fide:lity of ,Ind"iaana�, were ,pre:serit. Both �3a �a.nd �5a .were heard to�ether_. i�ir. Eletcher inade th,e ;pres;en�ta,tion givin� 1•ocat=i,on and showin� a.n archi�-, tec:t`s ;renderiri�,. Mr. :Fl.etche�r sa�id ari, a.dd�i:tional '15 ft:. i-s nee:d;ed to �;et an a,dditioria'1 floox. Th�e� .lot� ,s`ize includ�i_ng th:e ri�ht of way is 2;50 ft. x 250 ft. a=nd th�ey � mus�t �o up to 5 .floors i-n order to be� competit-iue . • ' The r_eq•uested ':mobil.e t�ra�iler is to be. °use:d a,s, a t,empora�ry branch uritil th;e cons.truction is .eomple-ted which will take appro�x. 1F3 m:o�nths'. A te:mpo;rary � � � curb cut ori Keystone Way i;s needed' fo,r a d>"riv'e-up:. . : Th�e Publi-.c Hea,rin�; o.p;ened a�t 8:3,9. No :remon�strators ��vere `present and th.e. : Public .Hea�rin°g closed at '8'.40. _ `Ms . A�nn Cha�pman., City, Plan'ner., ,ques't-iorie`d har"dship . Mr. Fl,etcher said it i�s a' finaric'ia3 h`a°"rdship . Th�e plari fo;r the tempoiary -trailer was shown: , , . �Mr. York"` que�stioned the need for this faci_l,ity. ��and said he feels ther-e are° t�o many� ban.ks _in the area .. . . � Nir :� York questio-ned curb cut`s arid expr.essed. con;cerr for :traffie probl.ems. -. � -.- 'I'h�e plans' were shown:., - :`�'�.ri. Y,.�:r.k qu;estioned how tra�ffi,c can �et up t:he ,�ar.row Keystone 6�lay :a*�d f pe:l:s anot'h,er- road is nee,ded in, order not t-o e:reat�. a traffic proble:m. ` Th;e t,raffic p,lan was shown a�nd, discus:sed �by_ ;M,r,. J�hnson . Mr. Y;ork feels that ;anothe:r east-west r.oa.d i;s r�ee:ded n Mr�. Smith sa'i_d he feels �the Board ca�nnot� vot�e to approve a trailer unti.l the ,buildin� �i,s a,ppro,ved by the P1an Commi-ss;io;n ,for- Architeetur,�l llesi�n an.d Li�htin� . Mr.: Smitta stated that' if th�e -Plan Comm;is�s.i:on approves that then° 'the Bo�,rd can �act on the temporar.y° °traile�r. B`oth items are befo_re the Tndust�riaT and Commercial Q'ommittee for Nov- . ernb_er 1'3.. The pet'itione�rs wi11 come back in November to conc:lude these items . , : 4a . £3 :15 P. M', ;, Pu�bli,e Hea-r--i_mg, g'n Doe�ket N.o,. BA 5;3�-79; Variance App'lieati.on ' for an a,dditional ssi�n and 1a`r.ge"r than the si��n ordinance allows for _ t'he Golden. Lion Resta�uran�t,; locat.e:d 14`0:12. N. 1�er_idian St. in: ,B-'3 zon=i"n�, � � F;i l ed by ,Pa`ul Ka:ub a nd Edmond Ga ss. - `Phis i't;en� wa�s tabled du;e to improper not:iac'e . F.. �:ld -.Business - . • lb. Board to consi:d:er pocke�t No. BA 44-=79, Variance Applicati.ori to con- � struct. an off'i.ee for `th;e practiee of op�tometry,� located Ea 96th St. t . • � an'd Da�:y Dr. Ta.bled, b"y -petitionex at S�eptember meeting,. Filed by' Jack A. B'eiman., O.D. ; represente:d �by Al�an I . Klineman , ' Dr. Beiman. and Mr. ' Klineman were present. - ���r�.� Meaeha�m qu;e,stioned; who had, rece.ived not,i..c;es.. . Mr�. �Re�an rea°d; the names of the ad.jacent prope_rty owners who were 'not:ifie:d = ir7�: Re�an, a�k:ed wny they are not rec�uestin� �°a rezone inst��d c�f a varian�;c� • - _ . �:. , �.,. : . .. .� ,_.: ,�. . . , . �:, : . :_ _ ,_ . � ],,3;�OA�RD OF-; ZOPtING •APPEAZS MINUTES :', 'OCTOBER� 22.. 1979 � � Fa�,e 2',�. ��' �; � , - ,. � . _ _ _ _ - . , `"� �� 3a.;. � &s00 P.M`., Public� '�Hearing o'n Do:cket' No., BA 52-79E; Yariance Applicat�i.o'ri . ; to vary�-from the. Or.d'ina�nce of 50 f.t. bl'd�. hei-�h�t to 66 ft.• �on. a. 5 � �' � sator-y barrki-n� �and'. offic�e .facil.i;ty for Fide`l_ity $a�nk •of Tnd�iaria,,. . y , , � located 6:5o E. Carmel Dr-ive i-n B-�+ ;zo�ning;. � - �Filed: by Da.vi,d Fl,etch,er of' R. V,: Welch Inyes�tmerrts. ' � -~ ' � . ;.�� _ . __ 5a ; 8 s 30_ P.M;. , Publie Hea.ring� on �D;ocke:t N.o,. BA 5`4-79., Va-rianc.e: Appl'ication ' � for F=i.delity Bank of Indiana to place a�nd use #'g "r temporary b'r;a°nch ban,k (mob'ile) o°n pr.o,pe_rty_ located 650 E.. Carmel. -D"r. ,in B-4 zoning: - . F`i'led by ��ia Fletch,er, o°f R.V: Welch I:nvestments. � M_r: Jo�hnson a-n'd Mr. :C.ar„1 Tu.t"tle, who is in char�e of al_1 branch bariks of . �Fidelity of =Tndiana�, wer.e presen:t. � Both :�a and �a we_re -h�eard; to.�ether. � Mr. Fletcher made t}i.e -pre'sentation giving To;ca�'t-ion and showin� an a"rchi�- tec-t's .rend,er�n�. Mr. .Fle.tcher sa'i,d an additi;onal 16. ft. i.s ne:ed°e:d to� �et an addit'io`nal '' floor. Thke lot size; irielud�in� the ri�ht o:f way is; 25Q� ft. x 250 ft. and tfiey : mus't �'o up to 5 floo-rs in ord�.er to be compe.titive:. � The reques•ted mobi.le� trai;l:er �i;s to: be u:sed ;as a. tempo:rary branch until the, . - •,constructi:.on is comple'ted which will take �approx. 1��3 months. A tempo.rary cu-rb c,ut on ,Keys,to�ne, Way� ;is ne:eded, _for a drive-,up. The Public Hea�ring opened' a:t 8s39. No rem:onstrat�rs were present and the Pu.blic Heari-ng cl:osed at 8S.«4:0 . � Ms.. Ann Chapman,. C'ity Pla�nne__r-,� qu:estioned h'a-rds.hip . Mr. Fletch�er said it .is a f'inancia3 hardship:. � The plan for th,+e� tempo,ra-ry trailer' was� shown. Mr. York .q.uestione,d th;e` ne;:ed for this facility a,nd said he feels ther:e are � _too many banks i'n the, a�rea . � , Mr. Y'or-k questioned :curb ,cuts and exp'res5;ed conc;ern for traffic nroblems: . Th;e �1:�n:s we;re, sha;wn, , ,: �:!Vir �York quest`ion�ed h.ow tra,ffic can �et 'up �the �a�rro.w: �'Keysto;ne vVay anci _ fee'ls, a��riother �road i;s -needed in ord;er not `to ereat�e a; traffic �roolem. 'I'he t;raffic ,pla,n� was sh�own, and disc.ussed b;y Mr-.. Johnson. M�r. York fee`ls, that anothe;r ea�'st-west road: is need�e'd . Mr. Smitfi said he, fe,e-l:s •th�e. Board cannot� vot:e "t:o approve a trai.ler until �. the bui�l:d+in� is a,pproved by t:h�e: Plari Comm-i:s�sion for Arc;hitectural Jesi�n and � Li�h;tin� . Mr. Smi,th stated t'hat `if the P:lan Comm:issi�n approves that then th,e� Boar:d cari: act; on th°e temporary trailer:• � B'oth items are before the Ind�ustr'ial and C,ominercial Committee far Nov- emb:er 13. • . = The peytitio°ners wi:ll 'c,om:e° ba+e�k in November to conclud;e these items'. 4a'. �3.:15 P..M. , Public H.earin�' on Docke<t. No, =BA.. 53-Z9, Variance Applicat'ion for �an ad,ditional si�ri; a�nd "larger than th�e: si�n o;rdinan�c,e allows for the G°o,ld:en Lio.n Re'sta.uran�t;� `located ;14012 N'. Meri.dian St. in B-3 zoriin�;,. � � - F"ile:d by Pau_l Ka�u�b� a,nd Edmohd Ga,ss. � Thi;s item was tabled d,ue, to impro,per noti:ce . F.. O l`d Bu�s�i°n''e�s�s � � � . � � � � � � � . �:� .� , - l�b:: Boa-r,d to c;onsider pocket No. BA 44-79,` Varia:nce �Ap:plica"t-'i;on. to eon- "s:truc�t a�n �ffice for, 't_h;e pra,cti,�e of optome'try, located E'. 96th St. � and Day Dr:. Tabled b>y petitioner at 5ept.ember .me_etirig.• Filed b�y J°ac:k A. Bei�man,; O..D. ; rep�resent:ed by Al'an I , Klin.eman . 'Dr. �:Beima.n ar�d Mr. Kli�n�eman' were .preSent:. " i��Ir,. r�^ea.cham ques`t�ioned' who had r•ecei've_d not'ices'. �r. l?�,e��a:�.;read th;e na�mes o,f the: adja;cent. p=roper."ty owri�ers wtio were- notifi:ed,. Mr„ :R��a�: :a�s.'.�ed ,wh'y th.e;y �re riot requ;estin� a r;ezonA i,ns*e��d. of � variance . . , , . � - _ _ . . :„ ris � •,. �, . : . ' _ '. . . . - .3,• 4' � �'iOA�RD ,>jF ZCi�TIN:G. .APP:EA-LS I�I:NU.TES - NU:VEMBER 2_'6� 1',979' Page 3 �-�� � F'. �ld Bu�s'i�ne;ss, � . , . - , . . - . `l.by. � Board to consider po:cket No. BA 52-79, variaric'se .Appl`ication to vary . � _ =.. ;from th:e requir-:emen�t of the ord'irianc'e of 50 �ft, bui:ldin� �hei,ght to '; � 6`6 ft. .on a �-st9ry tianking an'd o'ffic�e- fa�c'i-lity for Fid;e3.ity Bank of �_3 Irid-iana , located 6�50 E. Ga�rmel. Dr.. in `B=4 zonin�.. `Ta:bl.ed at �ctober meetin� p'ending. Plan Comm;i:ssio�n. re.commendation on Architectural � ' De:s'ign and. L'i�hting: • . Eiled by David Fletch,er of' R'.,V. Welcii Tnve;stmerits . ° � , The �bui,ldin� ha°s now `been lowe,red to '4 storie,s a�nd' Mr. Fletcher �req;uested to with�dra�w th.e: petiti;on. • 2b� Boa-rd �to con;sid�er pocket No.. �4=�79;; Va�ria,nce A�pplication fo-r Fi,delity � ' Bank of India:ria 'to p�la°ce and us'e fo.r t�mpora�ry .branch bank (mobile) � on �prop;er,ty° loca:t:ed: 6�0: ,E;. Ca`rmel Dr�. in B-L� z�onin�. Tabled .at Octo=ber. �meet;in� pendi,n� �Plan Commi.ssi,on re!eommendation on Architect- , u�ral De.s`i�n and Lighting:. Fi`led b:y David Flet°e:her o.f R'. V,. Welc'h Investinerits. � Mr`�. Fletcher made: the p.r:esen:tation for a t;empora;ry m�bile fa�cility to � s;e:rve cus.t,omers: at their d;emand while buildin�; i;s'. being constructed . ' Mr. Fletcher stated� th�e :hardship to be. f.ina°nc�ial .. - . P�i�ss A�nn Cha°pman qu:estio,ned fina.ncial ,as �a. ,hardshi� . � The � trai:ler: .is to: be us?ed `for o,ne y'ear while the, bu'ild:in� is tar:der con- struction. . �"�Ir. Smi:th- sa'id h:e i:s in. favo:r of th.e :tia°.nk :but' �u�e:stions the nardship wit:h the 116�th a�nd R'ange Lirie bra;n�ch so elose : { -. P�;r. 'F,e"an as:ked t'o table tris item un�t-i,l the Dece;mber 1.9 meetin� when � . � i�r, Bo,��arl :�a�n tie pres,e.nt to pres:ent the tia°rd;s°hip . ,Z'hi.�. �:i.tem was ta;bled un;til th;_e December 1,9 me°etiri�,, 3:b•. �B�ar.d t:o c�risid.er pocket 'Iv'.a. BA 44-79 , v�ariance Ax�F�licatlor: �:� cori- ;str-u.et an offl;ee �for the praetic,� "of optom�try, l�cated �, 96th S�t . _ -aend'. _Da�y Dr: , pro,pe.rty being kn,�wri as lot;s;- 7 &.-8 in D�y° s Survey, in . S-.2' zo:n=i.ri,�. No de:cisi�n r.eneiered, at Octo'ber rr:,eetin�;. `�lled by Jaek A..,. Beiman,, �.,D. ; repr�e:sented by hlan I . Klineman . This item was ta;bled un;til the Decemb'er m�eet.in� fo"r a full �oarc�'. 4b : - Boa-rd to eo:nside;r Var;ianc:e ren,ewal on Do°cket No . 3A 37--71 , fo•r a h.ou�se tra:i:l;er for- livi_n� qua.rt:ers; located� 11.415 River Dr. i:ast. (l.ot ° 18, No-rth,erri :Beach.) . No compl,aint:s on fi-1-e. Tabled at Oetqber meet- � �in� �fo:r Buildin� `Comm'issi.one�r' s of'f.i.ce to verify who resides in trai.ler . 'Fi,led by Jewell. Chari�e;y. � M.r. R;e�an. �read .a. _letter from I'/!r. Chaney sta�ting that they r�es.�ide in t'he . . h,ouse trail.er_. . � I7r,. Durr.`er :mo�ed to rene:w BA 37-71 as pr-e:sented for o,ne ( 1`) year. S`e:c o nd,e:d by TIlr. �Sm i th. , The, vote was� u�nanim.ou;s� for approval (4-0 ) . 5.b. Board t'o consider Va,ria.n;ce renewal on Doc•ket No . �A 23-63, for a ' tra;iler 1o:cate.d a"t 2;60.8. `6�V. 96th S't. The� trailer is bein� used as a ' � , hobby works.hop. No eomplaints on file . , � Fi`led by_ Dortha_ M: ' �'sbo.rn. � P�Ir. :Re�ari read a l.ett;er fr�m .Mrs . Osbo;rn requestiri� reriewal . ':�`�Ir.' Srriith mo-ve;d to renew BA 23-63 for one. ( 1`)' year. � �ecorided by P�Lr. ' R'e�a ri. . . Th�e v��c_� �rra5 �u�ranrmo:us for a�;ppr�va,l ( 4-0,) . , ,,, ,�. .; . . , , � =..DECEMBER' 19'�.�' 1979 � �:: Pa�e 4 .. _� �� � 130A�RD OF ZOIV�NG` �APPEALS MINUTES - F � 1�� R . ; � . - . . ; �`• ' � Mr,: �:Chirr.ch �r,.elat:ed that th°ere 'ar,e 2 on;site pa_rkiri � , _ g spa c e s� and o_n�e on , the � street.. � . . • ,A� note�. f�rom Ma.u�rine ;Beach,. ne:ighb:o,r.ing prope.rty owrier, was �read. by- P�lr. ; Regan =stating 'approval o;f the pro,:jec�t�.. - ..� . ,_. . Mr. �Mea�eham moved that BA 63-7.9 be approved a,s- presented. Se'con'd;ed .by . ' . Mz��. Smi th: . - . . , , The vote was':u�nanim:o'u!s fo:r a�pp.roval:. "° ` F.: Old Bus'ines , . lb;. Boar-d to conside_r poc'ket� No. BA 56-79, Specx;al Exce,p�ti�on A•pplieation . for' ,shop,piri� een°t:e�r 'for .Ro.bert S.: Bodri•er, "locat:e_d N.E. corner o'f 103;r.d and Meri,d:ian Stre:et; 'in, �EC-1 zonin�. � • . Fi1ed 'by Ro+bert �S°. ,Bodne�r, ° � fih�s; i"t em, wa-s w�i t�hdrawn:; � �- , . 2;b . Boa�r-d to consider pocket No. 'BA 54-79� �a.r-ianc°:e Applicatiori for , F'idenity Bank of I�ndi�a�na to pla.ee and use for 'temp�orary br�nch bank' _ _ °(,mob'ile,) �ri p_roper:ty l.o.cate.d 650 E. Carmel Dr. in B-4 zonin€,, Tabled� �_ .. until December m,eeting, fo:r 'Mr. �Bo�an 't;o pyre,sen't ha_rdship . � � hiled by I?avi:d Fletcher of H. V. '�lelch In`ve,stments. "!Irs. R"e,ima�n,, Somerset 6Vay ;So�. � questioned if °the F'ublic was to be heard a.t .thi:s me:ttin�. � - �a1r: Re�an stated tha:t th;e Pu,blic H�ear'in�' was held ir. ��:ctober. _ - . i��rs . ti1c:Cart; secretary, rea,d the �:ctober a-nd �Novem�er min_utes ��rtai��in� to this• item. � ` "�ir,.. .Bo�an commented on h:ard'ship and said their ;appNroval by the Dei�t. �f Firi�ncial Institu.tioris was Nov. �3:, 19'?9 and `the.y h�ve t� be in o�;Pration by , i�o:��., 3 , l,y_£i0 , � !�Ir•:. Bo;�an .said it is a totally set un facility that tne�i ��4 � have stcred for f'our year-:5., ���r�. �e`iman said ' sh,e: i�s co�ncern:ed with. safety with. :a inobi.le unit °the-re � . _ vrnile t�he build'in�; is b,ein�- constr.ucted and aske:d. fo�,r m�.rc c�iscussion o.n harcisnip an.d wi11 t;he Dept. o�f F.�nancial Inst'ituti�ns �xtend their time t� �morz, than �ne year. ' ��;r . B�o��n said th;ey have 'r�a;d no p.roblems with 5afety in the past . � �e;�ardln� ha-rdshi�, Mr. Bo,gan sa�id the branch. °at 116th St., serves a - e3if_fere;nt ma�rke;t area�. They are handli�n� many' mo,rt�age -loans and fe:e1. that they ne.ed to serJe people, i'ri this a:rea f�r c.on:venience. `I'he movile unit wil:l not� 'be set .u;n imtil c,o.nstr.u�ction be�`in:s. ���I'rs:. Re�i`man_ refe;rre;d t:o a t�raffic stu,dy and commenteci tnat Ca,rm�l. Ur. ' and Ye:ystone � ��la"y ha;s the hig•hest traffic cong�estion of anyuihe,re in t?�e area.., � Mr.s,-: R;eiman, sa-id she is c'once�rne:d a�.bout the mob.i�e ur.i.t bein� there w}i�le con.struetion. i,s ,��in� ori. „ P,�. York: expressed conc,ern abou� traffi;c �r:o:blems wi Chout a�no-ther exit.� ;T/li�sis Chapman9 said sh.e is not only concerned a,bo,ut th;e� _bankin�g' tr.affic : � but also . th,e c`o;nstr,ucti�-n_ tra:ffic . ;i�/ir•.. Sinith sa_id he `is i-m fa;v�:r of the ba;nk but doubts vahethe�r t,he temporary s,tructure i`s nee:ded.: ' � 'Mr. . 3o�;ari ;said tkiat takin�� �o,u,t the me,dian i:n 'Keyst�ne ��Iay wr�ul� hel� th-e nrohl;em �and th;ey �vould `�a�y ha=1f t:o ta'ke thi�s. out . . _ ° ��rs . Re�iman said- that w<e are off the. subject :and° she feels it i;s riot a ha�rdrs�h;ip f.��r pe;ople to dr°ive to thtie ��Ieridian St. facil�i.t,y or the 116th St. .bra�rc�h a-nd tha_t tive mus:t conc�e�rri ours,elves w-ith saf�ety. :��Ir: Bo�a�n said tria�t thei-r lea;se is subj°ect to the Va:ria�nce . P.Zr. :Yo_rk:'sa.id he .fe�els� it was �an error to appr�:ve th.e bu;ildi�n� and not �have another acce.ss. , . r��lr., Smith in'oved. that BC� 54-7=9 'be_ approved for o'�nee. year '�rom the; date :�t is �4.ssed . Second'ed by P�Ir. Mea:cha;m, The. Vo�t;e� �h�a,s 'unanimaus for. approval . . - -i. . . .. . � :. ... ..:. . . . . .. . . ..... .. .... . . . ... . . . . __ . .. _ . . .. . . ; � . - � . • . . . . . . , � . ' � � 1��ARMEL .PLAN.C.QMMISST;ON :MINUTES �� NOVEMBER; .20, .1979 Page 2� ` _ .. , . � . _� � 1 ..60�;,000 -sq., ft. � . , - Ke,rr stated that "stie feels tfre Commissiqn p�o�ecthan,d must beep` thi;s . . Mrs; � evenin� withou�t a Publi,c Hea�rin�, �as this '-is a new rese�n�t- . ed' to � the publi�c., �- t , . _, , _ ,. 1 bu� th�e use �and a eara_nce has no:w �h°n to re;zone to 8-,3 remains. tfie �a'me ` Mr,. Coots re3atied� that� tne e �iti ? � PP . _ an�e:d. 1 'Mr: C�lark spoke in favor of anoth>er Pu'b`lie Hearin� �fo_r this _i,t:em, , ;, . . ^ Mr Goot;s sai+d that' the p,etiti.oner�sh�ould �r-efile for R:�zonegto �B'-3 arid� = readvertise for anoth.er Publ.ic Hearin� for th'e, December .meet�in _ . Th.e fil-in� � i e'e w,i11 b.e:,��waived . - Th�e petitioner can readverti;se for t}i�:e Deeemb�e,r� Pubiic Hearin� on.� the - appii;cati�on �no,w- on f'il;e a�rid: °using the same Dock�e:t �No . �• The reason fo`r 'the Public :Heari,n� is to l,et the publi�e know that; this . pro,ject` is' riot �oin� to be a Kro�er-Sup.e�rX. : 4`b.� Commi{s'sio,n to co.nsider �si�n for Gold;en: :Li.on Re:s'tau�rant, -loeate;d' 1401;2' N. Meric�ian S�t. 'iin B'-3 zon_in�. Varlance fi,l.ed �a`nel Pub'lic Hearing se�t '�for �:BZA';: ,Referr'ed' to Indu�tr_ial a-nd G.ommerciaT Committee for report at No,vemb,er meet�ing,. � Filed` by Pau1 Kau.b a.n�i 'Edmond Gass: � ,Thi<s item wa;s; tabled .as tfie petiti:ori:er fail.ed to appear. ' ,z_, � . Y.. ��b. -omm<iss,ion to consid:e.r Arcnitectu�ral Desi�ri:, Li,gh.tin� and S:i,�n App1i - cation for Fidell.t:y Bank of In.diana for a 5-stor;y bankin� and offi.c'e facility;, located 650 �,�. Carmel Dr: in B-4 zqnin�. Referrec� to In- dustr?;al; a�rid_ Commerc�ial Committee f_or repo;rt ,at Noxrem;ber meetin�. ,�F`i,l,ed by :Davi.d Fl,etc�he_r- o,f R . V, 1•J:elch I`.nvestments.. � . <M'r- ; Flet�he�r` mad�e . th,e p;"re:sentation. showin�; ar,ch',i,tect' s renc��P:"ri:n�:s:. The:y ; arre now prop;os+in�� only 4-stories .. The buildin� si.ze 'is 10`6' x 88° . Th.e � l,ot cove;ra�e is� �9��f :and, there are ?2 .par-kin�, sp.ace:s. � = �Mr. F.le.tch�er �ave a hei�ht com:parison o,f th.e: tiu:ild,in�s- in th.e a;re:a:. � -''�Ir. `Hor�ath. .ave the: I.n.�'ustr"' ' ' " � ial and Com-m�e:rc_r�a1 :Comm'i�ttee rerport (w,h.�c'; i;s= a part� g'f the o;ffic'ial minute.s and a��ttac'hed'; to the. ma�ster co.py).. The c:om- mittee re.comme►�d;:Pd. t:� a`p:prove: the. s�i�n a���lica:ti,��n but :made no re.commen�at_;ion ;on °the build;in� arei 1i�h`ti:n��. ` st�•Mr. Re�ari' mo•✓.ed to a�;��rove th�y archite.ctu�al d`es'i�n fi�naapplicat8o, � 4 ry offic.e: ar,d bamk_.�n � fac.l:l.it � �n'c: thP li �;tin� and ns�. � Sec`onde:d by .Mi.ss Doane. � - � �� _ The ;1i�htin� :and land€sca?ping n;la-ns were: sh:�wn anel Fsplai;ne� by" t�r. Fletch,er ,: '1h�e�r�e wi11 be lo.w �z�o�fii.e typ�e shrub.s arou.nei_ the buiidin��: ,. � M_r= C'oots s�tated ne f:eel:s t}�e medi�n in_ K,e;yst��_r,r� b�V�v sho,ul� be _rem,��-.�ec� . ^,^rs . Kerr qu,2�t`i:��r;:�d i L ��' ti� � ��-2 1�;,� �inr. Mr. Mor�an q;u;es±i:�ne�d al;lo:.wim� a �4' h:i�h. tiuildin� instead, o:f �50'' . Mr. -.Fletche_r rela�tec� tha,t th.e, extr:a .4� is 3 wall ar�unc� the to.p, o.r � masonry con�s.truc-ti•ori, which is .to hi,d.e air- 'conditi<onin�: and equip . The �. bu� idir�; �tself 'is a,ctual� v 50' t�i�h�t� �, ,;,, r� � < i:<<4�;� a. � ;, ��•�:r':._��}c,•.:�r. �';or�a.I1 ;. -,� .�� a--�----�-�-:;���-�..`_€,� �c�m�so�r�y' ce:�-�-��-��-�°- r�z., ,..�r- _.,x'l- �,., T?�,e sz,�,n nlan^s were s'hown . �� i-�. �t�. h.���.:Z7 �'-< <.<<.z�t.��;:-r .. �?}-!� ,;r"'t'R Wc� S. .�_�' .�'+i.r,, .1. �F�-:� �._ 1>` . l;r� •',.. �"� ��..,I�•cc`i. i:' VOt:.l;t-1� 1_��i . i' ���J u1QI1.. Cai'T'�. -C'.C? . . 5b .' Commiss�io.n t,o' co;n;sicier Archi:�,�ctur.al Desi�ri,. Li�htin=�� and Si�-n A�pl,i-- � cation fo;r Fide�:ity- 3arik of Indiana to �p.lace ard u:se a;s ;a temporary . branc;h bar�k (;m,ob'ile,) o,r. prop.er-ty l�ra�ed 650 E'.: Carm.el nr. in B-4 ' T� _� , . ' .I_ndustria�l. and' Commerc;ial, Commi:ttee<, for, rep,ort ..;_Y ;� , z:onin . Keferred_ to , � ' _' �at Novem,ber meeting • - ., ���-Filed' .by Da.vid Fle°tcher of R!;U. !�Jel�ch Investments ..� ';`iIr. .,Fletche,r was present • . ! Mr. - Horva,th gav�e th,e Ind�u;strial and Commercial Gomm.i;ttee' report (:whic'h is � a� .par-t of t�h,e of:ficial minute;s anc: attach,ed t'o t.he, mast,er c:opy:) . Ttie, � � ..A t. n �,�.i. .l �'-: tY. .�. �.:..r "u::.__ ._.. . .. _ _ __ _ _ _ .. .. ..a -. .:-... . .a . ...-.... � .. . _ . ... _ ... ... _ . .. . . .. ... .,._ . . .. ..l _ . � .._.. _ _ .�..... - ... . �._. . . ... . ..._ _ ._ _ , � '.,` .�. .,.. - -. . . - .,. -. � . .. .- �-� �°-''� �s CARM�L 'PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES - NOyEMBER' 20, 1979 ". 1,� ' � . • . � . The regular ineeting of the Plan Commission was ea�lled to ord_er by the � Pre,sident; Da:vi:s Coo.ts�, at 7,:3Q- P.M , ;Novembe-r, 2Q,. 19'79� in the .:City �Buil:ding. ' Ro,l'1 was `call:ed .and members preserit were..: `Davis Co�ots� Mi.rinie� ;Doane, Rob;ert , Ho_r-vath:, J'im Smith, ,Fran'k Re�an,, Yir�inia; Kerr, Eric C'lark, All:en �L'indley, ` _ � - _ . � . .� : � ., , � hil Conklin. . ; Ruth $oo;ne (arriv�ea' 7 :40) Charle;s Mor an (arrived 8 :08;) and. P � There w,ere no adel-ltions or .corrections to the minutes o.f the October 1,6: � meetin� an,d `i�r. Re�;an m,oved that they `be approved �as su:bmitt;e,d . . Seeonded tiy. Mi�ss �Doane. Motion carried . - � � Members of t;h�e Commission are to remain follov✓in�- `th:e me;eti'n�.. fo,r an .. . ,�. , , I'ridustrial Zon�in� report from .the City�.Planne�r, Ann Chapman. � � _ � Mr. Coots a�n,ounc.e:d a special meeting of the P-,lan. �Comm��ssi.on called ..for �1�'ovember 29 :at. 7 �00 P .��1. in th�e: C.;ity Bui.ldin� for the purpo,s'e o;f co;n'sider'in� . the Mer'idian corric�o�r. Mr. Ariderson„ Buildin� Commissiorrer-., is to � have availabTe at this -spe.cial meet-in� th�e° fi�ures of w.hat �th�e roac�; ri�ht; of way i,s . � � ��Ir. Bo:je, Commission attorney., s�oke re�a,rdi:n�g a home in the ��l.00d'lanc�:s, See . 3� dev.el,oped by Schutz & Th.ompso.p a;nd platte.ci in 1,973:. The're; i:s. a problem with th,e: ditch near this h�ome :and the own�er, P��r. Bus'h, is askin� the Plan Commissio:n to enforce whatever commitments were macie re�ardiri��; the ditcY,i when app�rova.l was. .�ranted in 1973• Mr.; C.00ts recommended that Mr- . Bo j e try to loca�te t'h�e ' r'eco,rc� and report's pertainin� to ±his 3pproval and', state:el that the P'lar. Coinmissl��ri ha;s to be� willin� ° to e;nforce; thr�,u�h 1e�a1 acti;on �r �therwise. T�r.: Co;o°ts sai�d th�e Plan C:ommiss;ion a.tto.rney and the. Gity attorney should proceed �as s��n as a d:etermination is mac�-e as te �vha:t i.s to be enf�rceci . F. 01�3 Bus'iness ]_b. C�mmi�ssi�:�i t� co.nsic?e?� D�cket .l�d:� . 12='?� 7, Rezo:ne A_�nlieati:�n 7:o�r . Robert 'S. Boc�ner �� chan�;e zoni_;n� from EC-1 t� I3-4 ��n ��;,rope:r-.t.y locatec?' N. �. c�rne-r of l�jrc� and N. ��e:ridla_n :atreet co•n`tai:n;im�` 7.3.I acres . Ref�er�r-ed to Land Use Comm'ittee for ren�rt at N�vember ,me.etin�. Fil,ed b'v' R�be,rt S. Bodne.r: � . This; it:em was t�b.l.ed �y the .pe:titi:oner . . ; 2b... Ce�mmis"s''ion t'o c:onsic3er Sp.e:eial .i:xcention, Arch.itect:ural. Des:i�n anc� Li�;htin�;: A.nplicati,on fo .r Robert S: 'Bodner for shopp=in� ::ctent.er, 'l,ocat�ed NE.E. � c�rner 103rc� and N. ��Ieridian� St. in EC-1 zoniri�;. Rezo.ne �t.o 3-�� fil,ed. i�eferred to Industri�l ar� Commercial �ommittee for re�.o>rt a.t No,v,e*nber: �e.e:ti;n�.. - _ Filed '�y R�'�ert S . ��c�ne;r. , . mhis item ��vas ��a,}�l�u �,y �?�e ne:titioner:. 3b. Commissi�n to �o:�sider Do-cket No . 5=79 'Z, kezone !�_ppl`icat'io;n fo=r Ki.l:e�v Han:coc,k, R-4 to B-j, 6 .906 ae�res ( f:or..m;erly kn,own as '�Voc�ciland `rra;ce Ph�s>e .IIZ ) l���catee' a��pr�c�x, 19�(?� .E.: :�15th St._ No offieial a.ct,�:n ±�.ke_n at a�p-t�mber me��a:_n� . Tahlee3 by pe � :��i:�n-er a.t i):ct�b�e=r m,eet�:rn�. Filed by Dor�� Church . . . � ;•�r.� Ch�zrch ma:cie the '�.resen�;a�i�r� f�'o�: a- cYia�n�:e-iri r•eques�t.: . l�ir. Bi1'1 Lrnst relateel th�*, bec�,u.�se_ �f d,elays in the process of thi:s '` ' pet?iti,c?'n�, he had :ree:eived in Se�tiember a-. lette� fr�m _Kro�e`r-Sup�e�r-',{ st�.ti,n�: . s that� th-:ey c:�ul;d . no lon�er make the time ta�bles fo.`r thi�s lo:cati,on. . - . `Mr�. Church r'e�luted 'th`at muT�ti-fam�il.y is not f;�a•;�i:bl.e .he.re :a3�nd t��a���� a.re now.;�se�e�kint�`to d,evel�o thi�s�-a'rea "i�n °�a. co*nme-r�cial�-�fa�sh.io;n�- °a,� 60`,=0.00 's� :� ft . _.�. . � . ..., ,, , � ' � maximum of reta:il space . The- form:er plans ior li�h_ti_n�, la,ndseapi°n� a.ne� a;l,l , . _ v.-ouT�d b;e wo�rkec�' �ut wi�?i this new pro�j'�e;ct: an� all th.'e ite�^s �r. ±he eave`nar.ts° will be uph:eld . � Mr... Goots. sa;id tha.t the a�neric�ment sh.ould be a�mended to d:eletE Kro�er= Su':�er-:;C fr�m th;e c�v�n�nts anc-j to sh�w i.nstead a_ maximum re,tai=1 sna:ce of e «,��: ��� +:. �-�!£t'xr�a-.'; ,.:>,_ S..,a � 'k A,a '`x. t . �.R �.._. .-tr � ..�.,x^.l .. �„5„ i� S� �*'�,li �s��y�14�'�'"�.,F,.zf'.. r�s 5s �3 �-� 3v`' �^�t '� 4'4s.�s. ,�th-.;�'h �`,i ��°ir�.Y fa� kf�'�� ^�:�' �� . -;� . 'xi�: 3,�,y,r�'X'� ��, �..�. ��.,;�z�T. ''� �'i3"'" f g�',.�^r '�'`��'�k a"T,�'�,� ��-a . :. ..�:n'�'s ��.co..'e rN,k�w+.t-c��"'' ,Y i 3 -�r;?..Yc. , �:. � �6>2ih,�. �;t.�'r r.'4 C ' � Y"� ,:�'s4 s�`�_ M�^us.Y-y�'� �; � `.fi,��6..;� r:a.:r... ..��es-w. w . "�:"-�^ �,`,� ,�. .;,��4x 3� � i F.N""�.a, :^�.: a sw�,��a� �= R�. ��4�'�* � 'Y�dF rZQNtNG��APPEAZS�,�INIITES � T�DECEMH£R�19.�'1979` `�"�.�'' ��h��Pag��4����a�.����=y. �� a,. ,�, r�+- , --, -� � � � �4.� µ � � ri a ti,,3S t..+.r;`� i �. - 4 '� �'� e S , c c a ��- - "- . . .. � .w� ar �;���'���:�z�'y2Y^.-h s �#'�t z �, > � � .� . � �� +,+-� .. r �:w� �' - 4 r� , .. .�,. .,.. ^ :�! A• . � ", .s: i'� k�� �t ss ��b��� t. � y. .1: �.. , . - . . ., 4 � � � ��1r: Ghureh re°lated� thaGt there- are. "2'' on ;"site�•park'ing .'spaces and on'ei�ori ss��` . ��;�1 .� _ � th e�s tr'e e't:. ' . : - . �;�-, nb-���-.���,� �.�r r�r, . : ; � . .,: , ��tY � ' , �: , � .. .�� . - ' ' .. .. ._ � . . .. � FY 6 F .., a .� - A° not�e ,from Maurine Beach;, neighbori:ng'� property � own`er� was r;ead by $Mr�. x ,�; Rega�n stating approval of' the pro�j�ect�. � -' " '' I�ir. Meaeham m�ove.d that_ BA �63 79 be� appi•oved as�.presented;. •Seeond`ed�by,� ��� � L�� _'; NT�: `Smi th. , � - - . . � ,� :� � �; . . , . �. > '' � The: vote. wa;s unanimg.us. for' appro�al�. � - . ,,. . : fF• Ol:d Busin�;s's . ., - . � l,b. . ,Boar;d: 'to consid�er 'Dock;e°t No.• 'BA 56-79., Special� Exc,e;ption �AppTi:cat�ion � ,- � for shopping c.ente:r for Robe�rt S. $odn`e_�r, loeateci N. E. corrie�r o�f 103rd, � and Mer`idian Street iri EC-1 zo;n'ing. • � E.iled. by =Robert S. B'odner. This item. was withdra=wn.• - , 2;b. B'oard to c'ons.i;d,e;_r- D.ocke;t. No . BA 5.�`-79+ Va,r`ia�n:.c e App�l i.ca ti on for , _ ' , �Fidenity Bank o.f Indiana to plaee and use #'�r, temporary bra.nch ba!n_k � . (:mobi.l,e) �n property' 'loca`t�ed 6°�0 �. Carmel pr. � in 5-� zon'in�, 'I`�bled , ,u;n,t�i1 D'ec-embe:r ;me,e't`i_ng fo;r� Mr. Bo�an to p-,reser.t 'harc�sh'ip. Filed by _�Javic� Flet�cher o_f R. V, 'n��el-ch. In�estment;s . . niIrs: Re�iman, S'omerset 'rVay So. , qu.estionec�; if tre: I�uL_1.ic ��ras t� be heard w at this meetin�;,. � , . r�i!r, R.r��;�n stated that the: Fublic Hearin� wa-s: ��;1_cl ir� ;�ct�r�er. _ t�irs: �r1c(;ar-t, s.ecrnta�r�✓.; r�ad ttie �etob�er an� r�,c�'tiE_.��er '-��n�_ite.s p�rtai�in� to th,i�s 'i,tem:; � !Mr . .Bo�an co.mmente.`d on ha�r'dshi_:p ,an.d said the:ir a:p�ro'val by the Dept: of � '. Fin�ncial Institu�ti�ri�s� was Nov.. 'f� , 1;97'9 aric: they ha.v�� ±e, �,;.� in ��erat-io:n by �OV . �q, Z���i�C� . �'�T'. �O'cTC!n' Sd1::Ej 1i:_ 1S a ��ta�ly SF� , �L'_C1.il ��' trlc �, �.��V C?c'�U'�'' S t n`Y'F:,G f'�:)T' I C%�U rr � n .r;c , � ;frs, ;;�1'-�_i:� �a.id s!}:p �is c�;�,cer.ned �vit.h saf'�tv '.J�;_ �~ a �r�cibi.l� u:n;i: t there : � . . ;, .; �,},°ile th.:� ��:ildin�:: i:� be:inr: c;�nstruct.ed �na �l:skea : :�r. :�•��;� .� :ii_sc�,_<:;�i �n c?r, nareis:�i�; �n�: �hill th�.� �E=-it . c�i r:�nancial I:n_s�it�ati-c�r:s �3:�_'tc;:�:d their time to ;rr�cre th�n �:��e year. ly;r. �o�a.r: �a.id' tr�y r�`ti�e !:3;d r:� p�roblems �,vi�h �� . ��;?Y ii; t�e pas�, Re�ardin� hard>shi;�P, �?i_r: -�����n said the �'�raner� a� ll�th :�t. serves a dif'fereri,t. �r!ark.et ar,e��,. 'Trey �.re h'andlin� man��,� m�r �_:-�::Te l��a:ns and `eei. that they nee;d t;� se�ve peop,l:e, i-ri this area for c�nver�i�;�ce . �"he rnovile unit will not :be� s.et. up �iTn�til con>.stru.ction be�:ins . � � rylr.s;. :Reiman r��l'erred t:o. a. ,tra.ffi.c stu:dy and comr���:-�tc;�l, tn�t .Carmel �r. a'rid ' Keyston:e Ja:y has the hi�h;est traffi.c con�e;st;i�n of arry��rh.ere in the area . Mrs, Re.i,ma�ri said .."she is conc:e�rned about the m���ie ��;r.it a�ir.�; th.erP while con;st�ructio�n i� �7oin� o.:r , P�Ir. Y:ork ex�res�s:ed co-n�eern about t�raffic nr��ale,;m:; w:ithout an'ot`he;r 'exit . !MisS 'Cha,pmari: sa.id, :she. is no�t+ o.nl,y concerned about t'he ba:nkin�: tra:ffic ��but als� tri;e c.oristructi.o�,�i, tra.ffic : �!Ir. Sm'it:%� said '�n,e is 'in, fa,vor of the bank bu"t dou?�ts �vhethe'r the temporary - s tru.c tu "r.e i s. �n e e d�e:� . . Mr,. �.o��.n :sa;id thart takln� out th.e media,n in Keyst�ne: �'�lay tivould help the p;robl;em anc�� the�y �vould pay ha;lf t;o take this ou`t . ;i��[rs. Reiman sa-id; that �we a.re off the �ubject, and. she feels i:t is r.ot a � hardship for p�eople� to dEr`ive 't'o the 'P/leri:dian St . f�:cili;t,y .�r th-e 116th at . br�ri-ch, .a_nd th_a;t •�ye .mu:st �concern 'ours,elv.es wi'th safety . P�Ir: Fso�an said tha-t their lease i.s. subject t.o th,e Jariance . � P�lr. . Y.:o�rk said he i:eels it was a�n error to a�i=pr�v:e t_re bu,ild'.in� and not . ha��,e, an,othe>r. a,cc�ss . ��rlr. Smi�';� mo-ved that FA 54-79 be ap,proved f��r �':n� y,:ear f.rom. the date it is :pa�s'se�d. Secon.d�e:d by �v[:r. n�Ieacham,: ' _ Th•e 'vo.te was° `unan.imou,s fo.r a,p�roval . �i r 4 4t-:' ..�� � 5 .`¢.;."°�� �;Sk �a.�..��J`"`"$4�-R.`d��.y`'r"'sa.�..✓v a.� v-n .s+� y� ..� =sc "� ' .� ;��`l x'� t. ,t i ;l` �,:a g.. _ . �� �54 �'�'k�' �;T ?i .. . � ���t � s�.'.y�'� s'?.s,.��"''sc�_k,m��'��'~�*��.��`"yN#y'.u'F„�'!�-'"+�'�}-�.,� y��4e#� �Jxx. 'y,21S"�,���" +— i � � �� r � _ .. �,a� �..�`''..-¢«'.y�+,�.-'�r��,':"Y'�s�:�X��'�,'��;��',�'v,��'��a.`.`"'S�y�*:��k���t1£.� .r `;�:r xr�.r�dS :,�� _ �.� .,:�.a � BdAaRD QF. ZOI'R?I�NG ?APPEALS, A�INU:TES� *NOY�+iBER:rK26,�'��l`979����'�:�h -Page�'3y ��� `�`�� .. . � . • ,:. . . , . � . ' , �, ,���3 r� . . �,:-:; . � - w .' - , fi� �� ,� j� i K � :: �� � . ... _ _ ,. . . . ..� �F _ 4 . . � . � _ - .. ,v . `�.r��,� r e r '�-' �. . � ;��F .� "` "�r'� �? �t' , r • � �F.�, � OId�_ ��Bu�s�i�ness� � � � - - � �°� , . � ° , ._ � ,.. _- - , :. _ _ : . -y �'s , ~ 1°b. : Board. to consi.de�r poc.k�et No. BA' S2 79. 1lariance �:App�lication „';to va.r.y . from th�e requirement. of the ord�inarice of 50,�;ft�:� bu`ildin� -hei�ght ;to ._ .. � _ , 66 ft..� �'on �a 5=story banking and` office °fa�cileity��for. Fideiity'�°Ban�k o'-f' � � � Indiana.� loca,ted 6,50 E;. Ca�rmel Dr. _=in. B'-4 zo;nFing'. � Table`d a�t October � _ . m�eeti°n� p�ending. Plari Gommi�ssio�n°, recommendation o`n A�rchitectural� � . . De:s'i�n a�n,d. Li�hting.. � - " FiT.ed' �by David Fl�etche_r o;f R.V,, Welch Investm,ents . , , - - Tli�e,.`buil-d;.in� has, riow b`e�e'n. lo,wered �to 4 stori�es and Mr:.. F1_etcher requested . t�o with'dra,w the petition. � , • • � � . 2b.- Boar.d. to consi`dter pocke.t No. 54.=79, � va'r.iarie�e; A�plieation for Fide;lity '�� Barrk c�f I�ndiana to pla,ce and, u•se fo:r tempo:ra.ry b.ra:nc`h �ba._nk '(mobile ) on property locate:d 6,50 E. Carmel pr. in F-'1� zonin��.. Tabled at, Octob:er ineetin� p�end`in� Plan Co,mm'is;sio:n re:c;�mme;ndat'ion ori Areh.ite:ct�= „ , ural Des,i;�n and L`ighting. . . �. ' File:d b,y David� Fletcher of •R:U'. 6�Je1;c-h Irive;stm,ents::: � Mr . Fletc?��er made th;e pre:sen�ta�'t'io:n :for a tempe�ra�ry m�b�il�e fa,cility to s;e�r.v"e custom:ers at their° :dema-nd wh�ile bu,il,c7in�, iis bei-ng 'co�n:struete.d . Mr . Fletcr:er ''stat;ed the hardsh;i;� t;o be financ�i`al_ . Iilis-s ,Ann� Cnapmar. qu.esti,one:d financ'ia1 a,s � har;c?sh.ip , The trailer is to �e us.ed `f.o"r one year wh.i;le ,the r�ui`ldi.r:�, is ��r;der con- s t-•ru c t i:o n;. . . . "�Ir. ?Smith sa;id he is i-n favor oaf .•t:he: ba_nk :but c�u;esti-ons the hardshi� wit:n �tn.e 11E�th and Ran�;e L�ine br.a,nch so close - � ^�r. ?;e�ar. a,k:ed to tabl.e tris itein until t:h� Jece:n.'b�r 1.Q ��ee±ir��7 w�r,r.� .�'r--.: :���r�ar can D"sP_ pr-ese:*lt :t.o presen�t t;he hard=�ni..p . � � Thi,s i�em' r��s �a�l:ed u�ntil the De;eember ���� m�F�t;n�: . �b . :_i(�:3Y'� �� CC�!�-Sl,�.�PT' �O.C.�:'E't �i;0 . ���1 �14-7,Q'� 'i/2.T':id..r�C.E' i�t�:�)11:;:�1Li0'� ±n C!;r— struct an offic.e for� the � � p�rac:tic��_ �f ��tome.t,ry� loc:a �eci �. 9Et~; _:+ . and �a�;l Jr . , nr�p�erty ;b.ein�, kn�wn �as lots 'T �z° :� in J����' � aurve;y, �r, S-2 zoriin�. No ci,e;c�is.i,�n r'endere;d ;at Oet�bPr _mreetin� . riled by Jack 4,. Beiman� O;. D. ; re�;re�s;e:n�tec3' '�y Alan I . r_lineman . mhi:� it,em ,was �tab,leci un;ti.l th:e D.e;cemib,er meet'in�; f'or a f�_il1 i�nard . 4�, . �c��rd t� consi,de'r Var.ianc.e ren:ewal o�n, n:ock.et No ,. 5C� 3n-71, fo:r a !�ous.e. traiTer f�r livin� qzuarter"s l�cat.e,d 11415, River Dr . �;ast ( l�t 1.�3 , Northe "rn :Beach') : No eomplairnts. �n `filF:., :'��led at Octobe�r rneet- in� f�r �uildsn� Comm°iss:iorier' s off.;i:ce to v`erifv who resid�s in tra„i1Fr`. , r i.l.ed bj� J e.we.11 �han�ey.. � i�1r . Re�an .r°ead a 1-ett',e=r from Mr. Chaney sta;tin;� ±hat they res.ide: i:n thG r.o;���,s e tra i 1 e-r- . • -- . , - . Dr� Du.rre�r 'mov�ed to; re;n,e:�w BA 37-71 .as presente;d. f�r one ( 1 ) year. Sec�on�eii by T�Ir. Smi+�h. � Th,e vote was unar.i�,mo.us fo:r a�.prova.l ( 4-0 ). . 5b. B�ar:d, t� c.or,�s:ide�r Varianee rene�wal on. vucket .�'�. ��'; ?3-b3, for a tr.ai,ler located at '2.60;8 i�J. 96th St: The tralle.r is .bei,n� used as a . hob�y w.orkshop.. PI;o eomplaints on file . ` File� by Dortha - "��1. Osb�rn. . '��/Ir._ �e�:an read a. letter fr:om i�lrs . esbo.rn requ,:esting- renewaT : ` :`?Ir. 'S�r�ith mov'ed to renew `BA� 23-63 fo:r one '{1 ) y'ear. �e:c�nd"ed ��y ��r. �,?;�a n. _ � m,� _ �r��t�� ,� :_��-,n�--�,o�i;5 �'c'r ?n��'�v�l ( '�-01 . , . ,� Y .. . .-. Kr:, ,�� ,a... , ,�. ��, A. . ...�� .E. >. . ..:. . ._. __ n � '4� 'u�4 '"F }w� .���flA.RD �F ZONIN.G -A�PPEALS MINUfTES x � �'OCTOBER 22. 1979 •: y.�,, ;TM�v ��� z,,��Pa.�e�K2�z����,�'�` � �a ' . . - • • . , -, ,_ ,� .�- ;.. ,,� . , . .. � _ . . �y,3a. 8;se00 P, .M. , Public Hear;ing :on Doek•et No:., BA 52-;7.9 o Va�riance Application �. to, vary from th�e �Ord-iriaMnce: .o,f �0 ft�. :bldg. height to; .66 fta:�- �:on a 5 ;. ' W ,. " story banking; and office faci�lity. for -Ei.delity 'Bank bf India_na, , � � . - loea�t�ed� 650 .E:.� ,Garme�l: 'priue in. B-4 zon�irig�. � . . � �;>;, . �� . :Filed by' Davi:d Fl>etcher of R. Y. We1cfi I:nyestments... ��F' _ . , � . .. _ �.�:� -:u � � _:_;;� .; 5a° 8'�3� P•M•.. Publie H�earing . on Do;ck�et No. BA 54-`79, Var'iance Application. ' for. Fide'li.ty Ba.nk of' Indi'a`na to plac,e and us'�e �or temporary branch bank � � (;mobi-le) on proper"ty lo�cated 650 E, Ca:rmel Dr.. i'ri B-4 z+oning. . Fil�ed by David Fl,e:tcher o-f R. V: Welc�h Inve:s:tmen,ts. � - � . - • � = Mr. John_son and Mr. ,Carl `Tuttl;e;,, who is. in char.�e. o.f all branch ba:nks of � _ 'Fid!elity of :I�ndiaria,, `w,ere -present; � Both �3a and 5a were hear-d toge;ther. . � Mr. Fletc_her mad.'e- the presentation givi:n� loca.ti.on ,and showin� an ar:ehi- tects rendering:. � � Mr. Eletch:er .sa.i,d an additional 16 ft. i-s needed; to get an additional � , . flUOr. The lot si,ze incl-udin� `the right of way is 2-5o f.t;:, x 25o ft. and they �r;ust �o up to S floor,s in or-der tb b:e compet,itiv'e. - lhe reque,sted `mo�bi;le trail:er i:s to b°e izsed as, a "temporary branch until the. cqnst�r.u-ct`ion is. comple`t;ed which wi11 .take ap.p,ro,x;. 18 months. A temporary cur�i cut on Keys;t,o.n:e ti�Jay is needed for a ,drive:-up. - ' Th.e Publl;c. Heari'n� op.ened. at 8�:3,9. No remonstrators were present a,nd `the �uublic ��iear:in� closed� at 8 .40,, " � �Ms . Aian Cha;pman, C'ity Planne=r, ques�tioned ha°rd.sh;ip. ��r . Fletcher "said it is a -financia3. hardship,. � ' The p:l�an fo'r the temp�o;rary' trailer wa5 :Shown�. " inr. Yor;k que,stioned the rieed for. this facility a,�nd sai;d he feels there ar.e� �;�a- °rnan,y ba.nks 'in the area . . i'�Ir . Y'ork qu,e;stioned curb euts and expresse,a. eoneern f�or traffi.c p:roblems, ' 'Th-e, plans were ,shown,; � ��'Lr . �'ork qu,est-ioned how tr.affic can �et up the �arrow K'eystone �Vay 'and �`e�e.ls• an.��h,er r�ad, is nee:d'ed in o,rd�e-r not to. creat'e a traffic pr:oblem.. T'he traff�,c plari was sh,own and disc�u;s;sed by� �Mr. Johns'on. Mr.. Y��rk feels that another ea•st-we;s;t roa,d .is .ne:eded. �r. Sm°ith sai:d' he fee'1<s the. Board cannot vote'� to ap.p-rov.e a trail_er unt<il th;e bui-ldin� is a:pproved by th�e Plan Commi�ssion' for Architeetu-ral Desi;�n and ' Lightin� , Mr:. Smith; sta-ted that i:f' the P'lan. .Commi:ssion a_pproves that then th.e `Bo�rd' can act on 'the temp:,qra�ry trailer. ' Both �items are b,e-fo"re the Ind�us'tr,ia_1 arid Gommerc�ial Comm'ittee for Nov- em�be.r .13, - � � . The petitioners wi11 c:ome baek in, �N:ovember to �conc�lude these items . •4-a. £� :15 P. M. , P•u,bli:e. .Hea_ring on Docket No. BA �;3-79, Variarice Applica�tion ,� for an additi.onal "si�n ;and lar�er than the s`i�ri ord.in'ance allows- for the G`old�en Lion 'Restaurant�� �l.ocate'd: 14.012 N, Meridiari. St.. �iri B�3 'zoning: Filed b'y Paul Kau:b and Ed•mo;nd Gass, � - Thi;s item 'was tabled du�e to improper notiee. ' F.. Gld Bu.sin�e:ss � ��- . .. ��. . . �l,b. B�ard to :con�szde:r pocket No . BA 44=79� Var_ia,nce -Appliea„tion to con- ' struct an .offi:ce. ;for the praeti�;e of optometry, Iocat'ed E. 96th St. � _ and, Day Dr.� Tatile.d, by petitioner at Septe:mber me.etin��:.� : , Fi:led by J,"ack A. B:eiman, O.D. ; represented by Alan I . Klineman ., � Dr; Beiman aand Mr. Kliri,eman wer-�e present. � �Mr. Mea:cham� .questioned° who had ree:eived n�ti:c�es. i�r, Re�an read. the na�mes o'f th�e acijacer.�t property �wners 'who `vrer:e no�tified`. T�T' . C'�e:{�'3!1 �Sf'�c7 W,}l�� ��1.£?�J Z'?":? T1C�t •T'eC]U�S�i.:� �'lcry, �±. T'P`70:'1° 1;G1;S:t�?d 'O_f' �: variane'.e : _. . .3: y._ :__ n . . _ _ „ _ . - . , _ . _ .. , . <. ,. � � ,. .. . . , .� � � BUl��RD OF Z�I�IING' �,APP:EALS 'MI;N.UTES - NQVEM�BER -26';, 1,9`79 � � . � �Pa°g.e� 3 ���.� � , 4, :s� , - _ • .. . - � . ;. : f F. OId Business. . � � . .. , . ;. � lb�. Board �to consi,der po.eket No. BA 52-7�9, Var;�ianc:e Applicati'on, to: vary ' from the requ_iremen't o.f the� qrdinance of 50 ft'..; building hei�ht to "66 f�t.� on a �-story ba�nk°ing and offi,ce faei`lity° for Fide3:ity" Bank of' _ .. Irid'iana.� :located 6�0 E-. Ca�rmel. Dr, in B-'4 zoriin�. Tabled at October mee.ti�ri�. pending,..Plan Commissio,n, re:commendati,o,n on �Architec>.tural � De�s:i:gn �a=n�d �Z�i�fitfi�ng.: � � � � � � FiTed by David Fletc�fier of R.V. `Welcfi. Investments��.. . � � Th�e build�ing 'has riow been. lower,ed to 4 �sto:rie:s and ;Mr. 'Fl,etcher requ�ested• to w�ithdraw the p.etitio.n. , • . 2'b Boa:rd' to c�onsider- ,Docke�t No. 5!�-79, va?riance Application for F.id`elity Barik of I'ridi'a�na to� place and uise for tempo:rary br.a�nch b�arak (mobile) . . on pro,perty' locate.d 6�0 E�. Carmel: Dr: in B''-� z.o�nin�. Tabl�ed at � Octob.er me.et-in�, .pen,din� Plan Com_m=iss=ion r.ec:ommen�dation on Architect- ; ural D;esi;gn- and, -Lighting=.. . . . Eile_d b;y� Da.vid Fl�e�tcher of R.�o �'Jelch Investments. ;Mr:: Fletcher mad.e th-e p�r• esenta°tion `for a tem�.orary' mobil,e= 'facility to serve cu;st:omers at� thei.r demand while build'in� is being. constructed. Mr. Fleteh,er s�tate:d th,,e .hardshi� to be -financial . `��Jliss ann .Chapman que,stioned f'1,nanc,ial a,s� a hard;shi-p; T,he trai,ler is to be u-s;ed for� one y,ea:r whil.e th�e bu'ild.ir.� i,s und`er co,n- struct-io�n. � "�r. Srrrith sai.d .he, is in. favor o_f the: bank but questions the. hardship wi.th t�e .116th. ��nd 'Rang_e Li_ne branch s�o clos,e . � ' � P�^r, Rega:n a-sk;ed to- t�ble thi:s item unt'i1 the De,cember 19 meeting when ir?r. B"�:��n �a_n', be p.rese:nt "t�o �p�r.ese;nt� th,e h'ardship . . `_�tiis i�t�m wa.s tab-1-e.d unti;l: th•e: Dec�embe;r 19 m:eetin�. _ . �b . ��ard to co.r.•sicie:r pockEt No, BA 44-79, 'farianc�e Applicatiori to eo'n- stru�c_t! an of'fice for� t-re pr,actic.e of o;p,tome.try�, located E'. 96th St. and' Da:y 'Dr. , 'pr�p,erty be.i;ng kno..wn as lots 'J &> �8 in Day° s Su_rvey� i�ri � S-2 zonirg. No d�:ec�is;ion rend•ered at Oe�tober, me:eting;. , riUle;d by Ja�.ck A . B"eiman„ O.D. ; repres;ented by .Alan I . Klinema�n, This :item was ta:b.led�; unti;l, the_ Dec�ember meetin� for a full Board, . - 4b.. �oa°.rd to coris.id'�e�r Va�rianc,e r'ene;wal ori Docke.t�, No . .BA 3,7�-71� for a hou:se t_r-ailer f�r liv-ing quarters 1.oca°ted: `ll°415 River Dr.. East (lot � : 1'�3, Northern. Bea,ch )'. No complaints: �ori fi,l'e :: 'Tabl,:e�d a�t, October me:et- in�� for Buil.�in� Co,mm°i:ssi.on:er' s. of;fice to ve,ri,fy who. resid�.e's in` trailer: . Fi1ed by Jewell �haney. . , - Mr. Re�an :read. a lette-"r from �llr. Chane;y sta"t�ing tha;t th•ey",- reside in th;e: h o u s!.e t ra i;l;e:r. Dr., ;Durr.er move;d to renew BA 37-71 as pre.sen;tetd fo��r one {'l ) year: Second�eid by .Mr. Smith. � . • , The vote was unanlmous� f'or approval (4-0) . 5b. Board to con!sid-er Var:ianc=e. ren�ewal "o'n Docke�t :No , BA 23-63� for a ` tr.a,i:ler l_ocat.ed a';t 2608 W. 9Eth at. The trail;e=r i;s. beiri�� us'ed as a 1 hob'by worksh:op . l�1'o complaints on fi1e . � �, Fil,e;d by, Do�rtha M. U;sborri. r � - � ` P�Ir.. Re�ai1, "read a lett'er �f�rom P�lr.s . Osborn req;uesting' ren;ewal . � Mr. 'Smit1� m°oved' to rene:w $A 2`3-63- for on<e {,1 ) year. . S'econdec� by TJIr. R e,�a ri. Th� vo�te wa.s unan�i;m:�us for anpr�v�l ( ic=G ) A; ��.*��r.�a��wwn r.-_, .. �--J`'u.r.i di�^�" ,{ �?'..-`�-t 3 "F �-Ks+`�`�y`W�J"�'E'^�-�.'�+'-,".. . �'a.,'� �.. .Y.r,'4.'i m ,.v��x� t F.} �;,`Y. :,t",,�'�..� .y.�,..,�'.�iS�'�+�,�;-��'P�'ttt"�.� �Y�t��'�`�g, ��"'s. ..� �a_-",i'i�"`.�7i.f 7 .f .e "vt "6'a. � .t_,"�,�.7'� �„n�.� iLff� r�r . .3 �r-�.:r.'���'�r�i`�,�.�N A` 1 ?Sa� �'���1.�-" �.;� � �"x'yt'.�,'�"� �.t n`�� =�' ,;r �`���n��": a�...,?.. ��a�-i�z?�.�et3�i3�.�,*��.t,y°f�j�n`_�?'"-�" �,�4''�>n,r_: � ;'? � ws,.;>r t-S s� �t... -'C��:e! � �' � 3 � � a f s; � y � �.��:u a �:� ��.R r.r �.^,�fi F h � 1'' `�� � ��3`� }.- r�+�-k�� Y ARD QF' ZO;NING:�'APPEALS� MI=NUTES � �DECEMBER 19��. 197�9� ,;�'�'�,,, "" �����Pa�ge k,� �����,,�°x '�'�����,.. _ .�5,�. { r- : :* ,•. . r �;, . r�t_.w�' ,�.d,��,$� �-.�,'���`v��.�.#��i?�� z�,a �j� J °r.' . y : . � � . � ' � y _ � � n:. �. . .+ �c . .. .- .�r.' . .} .�.;t f #,v�� 1�2�,���r '�"��..4.'�.�c't W�i. $k�'��..;•+{ :�.� �, =� Nir, •Church re`lated that there ,are r2 on-s'ite par-k�n�~spaces and�one�on��� ' '; . .. . . the s,tre.et.. . _ . . : . � . � : „_ .. , "��_ y% ���2. '�; � �� • A note from Maurine �-Beach;:� neighbo`ring p"roperty owner, , was�r'ead} byQMi�,. � �. ;.�y`- , Re.gan s ta ting approva�l of the pro�ee't. . . '� �:�,� £ ' ' i ; �:,� !;' _ _f 3•�r. �r�^ .. L��'f � 'Mr,.. `Meacha�m :moved that. .BA� 63-79� be: approv�e;d ,a�s pre's`,ented�. �'�}S:econded �by �;:;� ��_ � . _ . : -., _ . e - . NI�. Smi-th�. � . - . _ . � ;> � . �. i,; ` ��-� ,.", ' , <� .. ., a �,:. .. �� �The v.ote: 'was urianimous for approval,�. - -� ' _.. - . � . ; . , F. O1d Bu�;siness. � . � � � , . . .._ . . . . � . . _ . . . .. ... 3.. � , :� ' � _ _ __.. - � �. � � � . ° lbr, B'oard� 'to co'n"s�ider� `Doek,e`.t No. BR 56-.7;9,, Special. Excepti,on. Appli'cati:bn ' . � for sh:opp,in�, cent:er_.-for Robe.rt; S:� Bodnefr,: loca,ted N.E., corner of 103.r:d� � and- Meridian Street .in EC'-:1 z:oning:, • � . F'i:led by Ro�b:ert� ;S. `Bodner. Th.i;s i�t em wa s- wi thdra.wn'.. ` . ` , PP� . � 2b Board to conside"r pocke,t ,No. BA �4-79� Variarr,ce A lication, 'for , Fidenity Bank of India;na to p.lacje and use .�o"r temporary, bran;ch- bank (mot�il.e ) on pr�,pe�rty located 650 ,E.. Carmel Dr. �in B=4 Zoning. Table:d ' �u.n�ti'1 De,c.ember meetin� for 'I�7r. Boga-n to pre_s;ent hardship. Fil.ed' by -Davi�d: Fle,tc'he�r .o°f H.`V: `uVe'lch :I`nve;stmerits, . . , . , !"�rs . Reiman, Som;erset `�Ja,y So. , ques�t-ioned i.f t�he Publ,ic was to be heard ; at thi_s m.�,e;t;ing. . - . Pi�r, �?�e��.ri stated that th'e: `Pu'bl'ic HEearin�� was he;l,d in October,. r.�=r:� . ^�Ic�'art; �secreta�ry, read the Oct;ober and - November m`inutes pertainin�; ±r� this i+e�n;. . - - . - :"�Ir : Bo�:a:n comm,ent'ed o:n, hardship an_d said th,eir approval, by 'the Dept. qf r�".irl�n:ci�:il Institu�tions was, _Nov, �3 , 1',979 and the;y have. to be in operation by �Y,���� . ��,, 19t:;0., n�r., E'o,�;a.n, sa.id it, is a to'tally set up facility that they . �:au� ti�t�re�cj far four y�ea_rs, itri�s . Ct�-i`-i��:n s��;i:d sh:e ,i.s conc�erned �vit� sa.fety with a mobil;e unit :there ° ^ ,'r�:,�e �rhe ��;:�ildirl� is bein`� cons�tru`ct,ed arid� ask?d for more discussiori on � ::ar.nship anG w:i11 the Dept, of Fi:nancial in;s°t�itut;ions ex°tend the:ir t.ime 'to more t�an -one year. _ ` r�r� �3o.�;�n �a,id th:ey have .had no problems w�i��th, safety iri the past. Re�ardin� hardshi;p, Mr: B'o,�a.n said the branch a"t 116�h St. serves 'a c?if-fer�,nt m�rket area . The;y are handli`ng �ma-ny mort�ag.e 1;oa�ns and fee.i.: that . _ , �hey r:.e�ec to s,erve. p.eopl.e in th'is area for converiieri,ee. The movile unit � ` w:i11 n�t b;e set up imtil- cons.tru;ction b;e�;in,s�. - � • - �'.�Ir:s . Re:iman refer-red �to� `a traffie ;s"tudy a.rid cominen,te.d. t'hat Carmel Dr. ' � afnd Ke��stone !.J_ay has th,e, hi�h�est t�r,affic, •conge,stion of an,ywhere i•n the area . �Irs.. Rei�man said; sh�e� i�s .com.cer.ned' atio:u°t the m�o:bi�.e unit b.e:i:rig th:ere wYiil:e � , c:onstru.cti�n is �oin� �on°. ��1r., York �xpre,sse.d, c;on,cern about. traff;i`c pro�blems without a=nothe�r e`x'it,. Mi,ss Cha;pman sai°d; she is n`ot .only eo.ncern.ed abo:ut the �banking; traff.ic� � . but� also t}:=e; constructiori traff�ic.: ' - ;ir;r; Smith sai:d he; i.s in. favor o'f th�:e� ban�k 'but doLrbts whether the temporar,y' � structure i>s nee.ded . . ' � .It"r. �o�an "said. that takin� out th,e median in Keystone d�lay woul.d help th:e . p,roblem anc�' they would pay hal-f to take� this out. , � Mr,:s.- �eim�ri said that� `we are of'f the subj;ect an'd, she feels it is :not a h_ardshi:p for p,e;ople to d:r�ive to the !P�Ieridian '5't. `facility or .�h:e li6th st.. . , � �r.�n.c,h- and that we mus�t cone�ern 9urselves � wi th safety. � 1'�tr. `Bo�an sa:id tYiat their' leas�e is sub�ee�t to the Var-ia:nce., ^`: - r�ir., Yo•rk "s�id he f.e;els it wa:s a�n `error to appr�v� the build'i�n� and not . , � have another a,ccess, � .�,. , . � ��Ir. Smith. mc�ved th"at BA 54�79 be, a•pproved, fo.r one yea-r from �th.e date it I i:s passed�o. Seeo`nded by Mr. .Mea:cham: � Th:e vote wa,s uria-nim'ous �for� approVal . .