HomeMy WebLinkAbout222006 07/17/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 319510 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE GRAINGER INC O e CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 DEPT 804572097 CHECK AMOUNT: $1,089.17 PALATINE IL 60038-0001 CHECK NUMBER: 222006 CHECK DATE: 7/17/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 813555497 664 . 56 9179999934 651 5023990 813555497 106 . 13 9181164881 651 5023990 813555497 318 .48 9181792038 RZ PAGE 1 OF 1 • 111e� GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 813555497 — INVOICE NUMBER 9179999934 8211 BAVARIA ROAD INVOICE DATE 06/28/2013 MACEDONIA, OH 44056-2259 DUE DATE 07/28/2013 www.grainger.com AMOUNT DUE 664.56 Ship to information is listed below PO NUMBER: 513636 -� in the description section PO RELEASE: 513636 PROJECT/JOB: 513636 BILL TO CALLER: BLAINE MALLABER r� MDG2013 00026059 1 MB 0405 CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571-2634 ORDER/DELIVERY#:6232274291 ®� III'lllllll'I'VIII'I'II'IIIIIIIII'lll�lll���l'lll'llll'Illll'll' INCOTERMS: FOB ORIGIN CARMEL WASTEWATER UTILITY 760 3RD AVE SW STE 110 STE110 CARMEL, IN 46032-2070 Interested in receiving invoices via email? Sign up for paperless invoicing at: www.grainger.com/paperlessinvoicing = THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1-877-202-2594 •o ° The following items were shipped to: BLAINE MALLABER CITY OF CARMEL WWTP 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY '1`* INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 000001 13G204 DISP. GLOVES,NITRILE,2XL,BLACK,PK100 12 18.46 221.52 MANUFACTURER# N645 000002 2VLZ8 DISPOSABLE GLOVES,NITRILE,L,BLACK,PK100 12 18.46 221.52 MANUFACTURER# N643 000003 2VLZ9 DISPOSABLE GLOVES,NITRILE,XL,BLACK,PK1 0 12 18.46 221.52 MANUFACTURER# N644 NUMBER OF PKGS:0 WEIGHT 56 40 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 664.56 DATE SHIPPED:06/2812013 CARRIER:UPS GROUND TRACKING NO:1Z3018W70309202906 1Z3018W70309210004 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States. If exported,purchaser assumes full _ ---responsibility-for-compliance-with US export controls. PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS.PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT,PAYABLE IN U.S DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE 664.556 GRAINGER STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. SALES POLICY 4, Warranty Product Return 1. Wholesale Only. Before rotOlFurill a27 Pro'-nXt slap (I) jr ite OF cali bile local Grainger Danch hone v!Irich line pruouci)i Os WW Grainger,Inc.(Grairlgei"i Fel;s products for use to customers with proper business sdenlifir.abcrl purchased l;o in the.case of an ine!ndt clear,contact wwo and provide o-ic date,Me Original which Is requhpo from all cuslurne(l,prior to purchase number,the stock number.and 3 doscrPhwl of the defdct•cr p!i�C:i;!Customer Car,,at 1 ano p""lue 2. Prices. the date,the Original invoice ril-untieI,the smcY numcer,and 2 descqpuon of the oefect lfocnt,,if outche.se is required taxes,and/or duties ano are subject tocorlecoon Or in 0 r2ses coange without notice f0a,xel sensitive cormoodit!product,will I.,priced acotoinQ to current market conditions 5. Manufacturer's Warranty. G'ustomei , huod coma-,I the io,,al Grainger branch Or cn?Och uo)nue at v;vi,.,qnnngfa com for current or�)no I`xport r unformodion on a sip,cific manufacturers i-arranny.plaastl c intact the local Grdungl;:n;tinCh or call Ceslniner Cro-e orcrco,�rna",be subject to other special mic;ng GrxrgOi rest,✓es the riot to accept of reject any cider at 1-888-367-8649 3. Sales Tax. 6. Product Compliance and Suitability. Custafners are responsible IOr I)Jyluart Of all 3P-,IrC,,Oc state and local taxes.Or tot providing a valid sales tax J u l,sd,c I,OF)s nave e a rving laws,so doF and i ag u la ti 0 9 s,to ve I n 1 Org construction,installation.and/Or use of a(od no is for a"enlpolln car"Incate When n;axwo an order customer shall indicate v-,Ibich products are 12,exempt a particular Purpose Certain Products may not be aviuh.,Ole for safe in all areas Gitcfll;er does not guarantee 4. Payment and Credit Terms. compliance Ol suitability of the areducls it sells with any laws."Odes or regulations,iwi&does Grainger accept Glaiioi,,.r accepts casn, checks roOey orders,Visa,MasteiCard.and Arnetic3n Express. Fir customeis vrth reSponSihility for construction instiflianun ando,use Of a product,![is rus-,coner's rceponsibility is review the moduct ,stabir'.,J)"d Granger credit Faymer.1 are net dhirill(30)days train the data of shipment or Oick-up A8 cre(ort application and all applicable laws,code;and regulations for each relciant iunsdicron oc he sine that the construction e,tcnrsed by Grainger to customer and the limits of such credit,is at Gairigar's act-dOmeuon.and may be reduced insIbilianon,and/or use imol•ing Ibe products ara compoaril, or revoked by Grainger at any time.for any reason Gvaunijar rasp;-ves the r; 0 f right to of tuge a cog I Venience le a for late oa+rn,mrs Grainger further!eseoas the right to charge custorlef a tote Pavmern fee at the rate of one and One-half D. PRODUCT INFORMATION pe,cew(1-1;'2",,)co the 3nioLru:due for each mouth or portion thereof that the"lin'unt one remains unpard,or such 1. CatalogAtlerasite Information onoilnr as may be perloituic;ufulel apphcabla law. Anhui iron and cash discounts are not allowed. Export Riders Grainger r,.cut:,es the cornt to cof,ect pun limbo errors n Its caaaklQ"or an%,of as weirsues Proluct Jeoll-o'lls in the are sub".",to so'cral export payment hlun,and conatilors. All pavmems most be made in U.S dollars. Grainger ciatliot,Or welbioles are for illustrative proposes OrIv PoiisesF,ou ot,of access to any Giaincluff catalog,ihlnaturr of Shan have the JgInt of et-otf and deduction for an,'�sums owed 6),customer to Grainger If custome.,foils to make ivelbsoes does not constitute the inhh',I,purchase products bajyjr:art VrIplin thirty(30)days Of juleMent C 0 pic;<-up.oi falls to compli✓will Cfaincref's crecht terms or fzuK to 2. Product Substitution. SUJPIP;y acr,,,vate ashraie of full ps,fo,naanc,to Griuule;v;ithm a hallsonabia time after requasted by GtairujEi tsuch Products land country Of origin!may be sObsvfuhed'flor ilu,,!POI be roentic3i to crfzuag 0' va.sllc Published Inn,is speuried in Grainger s request).Graingin may miner shipments until such payment or compliance 1�,made, descriptions and/or Images requ;la cash in advance for pay tun the(shipments,demand immediate payment(it all ammults then crweo,elect to 3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration("OSHA" Hazardous Substance, pursue collection action(uicOud,nq without finuhruan.attorneys'teas and any aid all other associated costs et Mate'lai safety Data Sheets(-tvSLIS"i for OSHA defincid naza;dous subsirioces,.!a prepared and;upobe'hv the "Oflec -in u slit CLAIMS ALL LIA811:TY TO AN�' ounl judeoT lay,at ifs oin,on,cancel all or any part of, n tirlec;order GRAINGER NIAKES NO WARRANTIFS AND FXPRESSLY DISC CUSTOMER OR USER ild"TH RESPECT TO THE ACCURAC�'OF THE IhJFORMkATlOi Or THE SUITABil ITY OF THE Customer aore83 u)asstu'lle for and customer hereby uncondruonaliv guarantees parvintult or is RECOMIMENDAT ONIS IN ANY MSOS CUSTOMER iS SOLELY RIESPONSI)BLE FOR AN'il RE�hNNCE ON OR Us=Or AN't iu,m,rh,C herein all purchases madi,ul rustornef is subsld;oinis add aftliabas Each of customer's'suDsidiarois and INFORMATION,AND FOR USE OR APF;NCATION OF Af,.'Y PRODUCY, afbll,,tes purchasing licrii viii be 7oi9ti..sno se✓aiTally liable for purchases v4du customer,and customer is 4. MSDS anti Proposition 65 Product Requests. also 2chng as agent 1:h sue h and.affiluties PASDS and a hst or Pagosihon 65 prodocts are it,atlac;c 6)4n ihri locai Grainger O'andl 1;;�by cont3cu"g Gmino"', 15.Credo Balance- Dent.61 L57,Arm Environnnerj�f Hpalth and Stuoty Deot,1�101 Grainger Par%%%'ayr-j Iliac Pat— L iI F Cu-Iorwt agrees that any cfaoil caltioca(s)issued by Graingo voet be applied to customer's account bin by cafling Gminge('s MSOS Request Line at 1-877286-9800 or hv)by;opgunq on to corn ifiT; WIth1W One(l)year Of Its iSSUNTO IF CUSTOMER HAS NOT REQUESTED THE CREDIT BALANCE WITHIN ONE it I clicking on Ina'Resources"tau at the Lop of the page YEAR ANY REMAINING CREDIT BALANCE WILL BE CANCELLED,AND GRAINGER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER 5. Important Notice to Federal Customers Re:Country of Origin. !Affii I Ty Wme 311 products listed on GSA.Advantagell§meet the requitemienIs of the Trade.Agwenrients Act CTAA'1,as ortibleniented by Federal Acquisition Regulations Par! 25 other products soid by Granger may not lne;t MP 8- FREIGHT POLICY requirements. At trip pure of purdraso,ClaurqeT WIN advise customers oJila proper crptificarion as an autflunzed Prices stated aie F 0 B origin,ifaicht prepaid to destination specified in the order Grainger charges a shipping and schedule custorn'T whether or not onoductis"FAA-comphani, ArrifderPi cusvomet pe(chasrng a non-TAA gem wall handlimb tee;wlucii includes internal handling and related costs)on each order which is app:ieci at time 01 order and be maiiingin crion market"purchase that is riot covered Ov any i,P ribac! Federal customers aia advi,,ed that the o-pan reflected on customer's nVo'ce. Receipts for shipping and handluto cnaigas wil not be lurnishol Grainger covers market purchases are NOT GSA schedule Pid,chases,By Puwhasing anv product On the open rna,ket the COSIOM( shipping and haunting for standard ground delwary for orders over US$1500 before tax and height(including any back represents viat it has authority to nral,s.such purchase and la,cornpl,ed with all applicable p;,2cOhenlen1 regniauopS ordors) C 0 D shipments are net torturred Other teens and l;onddunls may apply to!other than standard dehwery 6. ARRA Orders. ("Other Fraigl-,T Services"),including w0cut annuation exileuned same day deliver,/,air freight,freight collect,export It is the customer s responsiodov to advise Grainger whether this Order is funded in any part CV rinds from'r related arse's hazardous materials customers came.,shromems outside the contiguous U S.or Other special handling by the to the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act(ARRA') carne, Any charges Incurred for Other Freight Services must be Paid by customer Fuel surcharges may be applied.Tide tPulb L No.111-5)(i.,. Stimulus Frunci Upon request,Grainger will provide country or on,j Urianon F,-inm and its,,of loss pass to customer upon render or shipment To the earlier If the product is damaged in transit,cusiornal's customer may daterunine compliance-mth am,,applicable iquilemerns under AREA Scber, 1605 or any tidier orh,recourse is to file a claim wri the carnet a0pbcF.,)!e leQuIsnorls; C. WARRANTY POLICY E. GENERAL TERMS I LIMITED WARRANTY. 1. Force Majeure. ALL PRODUCTS SOLD ARE WARRANTED BY GRAINGER ONLY TO CUSTOMERS FOR- ti)RESALE;OR(I,)USE IN Graingoi shall not be,liable for any delay in.01 irnpalffhant of peifdrmznre resulting III roholie or n part from any foice BUSINESS. GOVERNMENT OR ORIGINAL EOUlPf,.•EN1 MANUFACTURE GRAINGER WARRANTS PRODUCTS maleur,event including but not holood to acts of God,labo,dis7upcons,acts of Wml act,of berro,isn(nirathel actual AGAINST DEFECTS IN MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP UNDER NORMAL USE FOR A PERIOD OF ONE{1)YEAR orthrearlarted)gcvarnma7tal deOrv.es or controls rnsunerirons, AFTER THE DATE OF PURCHASE FROM GRAINGER,UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED, PROVIDED THAT GRAINGER Power ftulureSr fire accident e,,ploston,inability to r"O."loO or sh,o Product o,Obtain pamois and licenses frarliiii,,to ACCEPTS THE PRODUCT FOR RETURN DURING THE LIMITED WARRANTY PERIOD.GRAINGER N14o:AT ITS procure supplies or Onv maternis,saijlifa nearher road--ikons oala"hophe events Or any Th",,"cocUrnsunKe Of pause OPTION REPAIR,pi)REFii ACE,OR 6h)REFUND THE AMOUNT PAID BY CUSTOMER CUSTOMER MUST beyond the reasonable control of G(tonger In the conduct of If,,huFmass. RFTUpl1j THE PRODUCT TO THE APPROPRIATE GRAINGER BRANCH OR AUTHORIZED SERVICE LOCATION AS 2 Grainger's Performance of Services. AiNGER, DESiGNATED BY GRAINGER. H; E i SHIPPING'COSTS PREPAID GRAINGER'S REPAIR, REPLACEMENT OR REFUND OF Customer hold harmless ano wich"frunfi,Sfaoigf,its ,Ks eallatopoes aaenta subcontractors o, AkIOUNTS PAID By CUSTOMER FOR THE PRODUCT SHALL BE CUSTOMERS SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY reinesentafives front and against any ano all cianns inducing bod"Ij in;uOy death't,damage 10 personal property,and all other losses.irabikbcs,nlraahous.demands,actions and erne rises.1."I'mer direct or ir,dir,ft known,o,unl%,owl 2 WARRANTY DISCLAIMER. absolute or contingent,incurrani by Grainger related to the parmfon-ance Of se!,fcas fol ii!stnmln(including wiiho,a a NO WARRANTY OR AFFiPMATOIr OF rACT.EXPRESS OF IMPLIED,OTHER THAN AS SET FORTH IN THE LIMITED formation settlemant costs,anorucvs'tees,and arv,tord all imar eyoiorsas for cafe".ung ary actors of icreaiemed WARRANTY STATEMIENT ABOVE IS FAADE OR AUTHORIZED BY GRAINGER GRAINGER DISCLAIMS ANY actions)a. I out Of is inhale); n part,guy lot or o,msloh of vustoqner its ennok""'es.L"Tarrs.xuticonulurlm or LIAfpUTY FOR CLAIMS ARISING OUT OF PRODUCT MISUSE,IMPROPER PRODUCT SELECTION,IMPROPER rapresemalivas. INS',I-LATION, PRODUCT MODIFICAT;Ok MISREPAtR OR MISAPPLICATION ICATION GRAINGER EXPRESSLt 3. Cancellation, DISC [FLAT THE PRODUCTS 6t ARE POERCHANTABLE (d) FIT FOR A PARTICULAR Ali product cider lni�-,,i be approwo-v Granger and o:av 00 50jecl•",Tet-cking ted-11-6 other nr,g�, �L,�LNIS ANY WARRANTY EC]H PROPERTY RIGHTS PLRPOSEl OR hill DO NOT AND WILL P40T INFRINGE UPON OTHER'S iNTELL, IAL 4. Product Reborn. FAaKES I,,() WARRANTIES TO THOSE DEFINED A CONSUMERS THE rVACNUSON- ObS M AANIlYwFEDEPAL TRADE C0oyrI!SSIOet IMPROVEMENT ACT ln"nuchen- 3. LIMRATiON OF LIABILITY. GRAINGER'XPPIFSS!Y 0;Sol--�JIOS AN', 1;ABILiTV FOR CONSEQUENTIAL INCIDENTAL SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, F. EXPORT SALES "�DAMA- ' Y OR PUMTf,! CES� GRA;'-,G�.R'S LIABILITY IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES IS LIMITED TO AND SHALL NOT Ciders for export sales tire cwthipct In the terms coudibons mono at griinoer cOm and can b,access,ecl 1,v EXCEED,THE PURCHASE PRICE PAN?FOR THE PRODUCT GIVES RISE TO ANY LIABILITY. On the"Tams of Sale"link ,1:1 1 111— 11—,,I'll I M1— -1-1 1c inn::n.1 c—...........;-- .—-11 1."1"'--.r . GRAZNGER. PAGE 1 OF 1 GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 813555497 INVOICE NUMBER 9181792038 ° 8211 BAVARIA ROAD INVOICE DATE 07/02/2013 MACEDONIA, OH 44056-2259 DUE DATE 08/01/2013 = www.grainger.com AMOUNT DUE 318.48 Ship to information is listed below PO NUMBER: 513629 in the description section PROJECT/JOB: SHOP AIR CALLER: BLAINE MALLABER BILL TO CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571-2634 ORDER/DELIVERY#:6232466286 MDG2013 00028628 1 MB 0405 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN CARMEL WASTEWATER UTILITY 760 3RD AVE SW STE 110 — STE110 x.. CARMEL, IN 46032-2070 Interested in receiving invoices via email? Sign up for paperless invoicing at: www.grainger.com/paperlessinvoicing THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1-877-202-2594 i0iiiiiiiiiiiiia 11' 09 The following items were shipped to: BLAINE MALLABER CITY OF CARMEL WWTP 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY ** INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 000001 6AYY9 BRASS CROSS,3/8IN,FNPT 4 12.57 50.28 MANUFACTURER# 6AYY9 000002 30E657 COUPLER PLUG,1/4 MNPT 12 2.12 25.44 MANUFACTURER# 30E657 000003 30E685 QUICKCOUPLER,1/4 FNPT,1/4 BODY 12 7.78 93.36 MANUFACTURER# 30E685 000004 30E664 COUPLER PLUG,1/4 FNPT,1/4 BODY 12 2.17 26.04 MANUFACTURER# 30E664 000005 1PZA8 BRASS BALL VALVE,INLINE,FNPT,1/4 IN 4 7.50 30.00 MANUFACTURER# 1PZA8 000006 30E692 QUICKCOUPLER,1/4 MNPT,1/4 BODY 12 7.78 93.36 MANUFACTURER # 30E692 NUMBER OF PKGS 0 WEIGHT 6.65 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 31848 DATE SHIPPED 07102/2013 CARRIER UPS GROUND TRACKING NO:lZ3018W70309321788 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States. If exported,purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls. PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT PAYABLE IN U.S.DOLLARS AMOUNT DUE 318.48 GRAINGER STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. SAB PM my 4. Warranty PmaluO fisturn. wMess"mur. 'I:: �'G;air e-"C i S.'A�n for lri'l us';:"'C'Is� in e!z: i�r ,u,a o-, r:i �,n th-,O"'t,'f„a in tn - W "On ai,; de n,r:',tc efog;;vs Ksa'i"m,t�dl uo"mrina, ni"i"."m n),-In(i, u'l 7�'�d jn�!�:IP "i a")ca'�� "arr o;- - 1-S6-19 r 2 Rovs. `.Iis dauP t1a, Odaiij 11.1":ce nn' !.a'srx�o'n-nain al'.!,i d' t.,. Prc,i m;cie�aje a,.. vt iack;l, nnanl'nii o., �ae,"', ""-t "o ci" �fl r-0 cnca. b�"'r�al se-�iv_w'OM"onj 0:wiuri..eai'iz eved 6 n W"Wil.0 sown 5 marnifamm S warmly. 'N 1-"p 1- 33W 1. ismi-W awrivia n pimm&A Wkm"o no at no x.nm6q a 44 am Me ANOWK AV Kim ow '000,Wri uce-if W-I r'w- inl Favamao and Cied,t Terms s'dil-,wivink A an an uy an ches W 1mWeA im a"Gowu aw", "as�! cn"-�ee' -xv Ono To bloom am Twun knew 11 vanin, .5 pro, x! i7!ial"11)n ca'�d ". ii,On,!Pre rn.t"ef z'haonnpat-,f M";tia ,)F.,^l,:r -w's'�'dr, F'o i"r To L' rp o�zd 2j�' M"5 1 yn�xd' M M&I"M vwwwu on"M Wnei dtv w1he mfe 31 lil'-'[;n'eral-Nif 0. PROMXT INFOWAATION vii amumon arnow anom!a%Q 1 cataymww mmm- ADS of 3fe fW C,'l ;e 0 "nd:! n lo: sii'in' i:')M"M y "y H mm.Av=Q "Win M-W"Wm MOW,"nam uwa�'- i-,E)i n�'�i'i"il:aneq�C7 ra k-',i e, lo'--nnimi,%%'�!' u:q-c,c'-fmil,1, 2 pfaiuct ,c'*r; w pr way 1 Tai"a a Maus um 0-pan"4 T.W M" RMOB 00 C, 'J W Say, an A nowai a a M n- aw A V -MA j W""w s-s 0 in sma wi'-d;o!"' miadiii-, :1`� 3. 0-cilpatpan;safratv all!Huflni ("(13rIA i S 'O°e:v Cat', urhnf-u 1 n(- !Si il`jAfiPANTHFG 'Jr� �A :11P leC�jf G��AiNGE� 'Ri' y 0 All'i C �!�iT, WIER DR il�,R rhi'-TR Tt�"C�4F ka-'Iap""T'. "� 1�ir- ')R�il- i-i,i-1-,Y�Ir 71'i- `wrriiP'-o as .1 "flS:T"W Propaaa:nilii 55 pmofon'!;'inju %!a' "Um kWL" 5 71 3 n r 1, 1,n 1";?rl u.C.1y 1 1�i a 0 o W y W •F UTOW?AS&I ABE&M NE TRY 64ma womu 05,A anog wo inumms my M do Q N Q op. 50 AV AWME KNIT RQATT AQ RE OWM LOO,40 GFENGAP SHAL HME NO FRFAR t hwom Mo M wvamwmw soun"0 UP, Avuh v✓Nij ail podu"I 11swul on""SA Ad',',r¢ Fa�-et uo", the--"3d'� lqp�eoieouic a" '9'pral;%cuts!�nti R'.j!]au,,ns Far: i, Wha,, aid, uy '�-a2 !,-',a I FMOT PUT Y !e(juui,oenr,'� ;41dn� CiimCa""ls'mPl as SO E�pa; 1 i�o i-'T R. fi, a"ifien a M 05 own,rom a xMrr1jaoii scip v4pihef or rif a is'1AA-,0mPiji;a'Ao� a non-l"'Al n sl�.)�n an ww MW I"K A wx I vmwiotil""Pll'oiaA�t '--xr.o.a '. o,, onar'ri!aorc�� va�iuffi GS!"")"0 ao;-"W"!�asn Ry '-rodl-t 6-�th,"p"'o nx�n'on, rilpf6ltd"io�1 a;1 ill aliSa"LlIP",u,W'ai�""In j-'n?0oi and �An� ymy 1 U 0-',u,,... .aN ow p se O&K 0 am clout S M"aqT 0,Ono on nuinam dehnj S. ARRA W&n. (Cah,r.-��� � ficij,"nl�'*,dr-nit ,u,.:.p� :..!=..r nl_ra�'J'.hvrt�"at ft�in!)�'ai,ir�;idt colle"� np'iO t's ur.lng�� is lJo.19-I noan 0 nevi'n4 rJ 0&1 "T 0 MAMA mummy we maws so"y"annas J S Q-00 spal hump 0 no "Oe (Fafl) � "i"111&0 1 SMOM No 4 Limp may cu",w4w.A%ny�"""hwhn H K'f JKaowT wwm W Meow mmm nw am nu wwo a at my wins n"WaiN Mu AU 4", HE- �-Q 'olp;!"'I'Ae G WNRAW I P(rl"O' E. GENERAL fERN)i� bw Myna. NA P40055 SOW KE WAVAMED ATRANOR=10'UT„MET MR mRBRE.UitiJSF!�! 0� "QU;P%AEi1'i qRW%R WARROA PROMCK rimmewn! muvjvywa� KIM" OSE FO�! ,ir,,��!00 01�ONE il)'r,'AR of N i der," jroi as,ro5uoaa.!,io� JNL`-�7,E'I !�R%NiSE STAIEp PR(;V1DW-i)m`J F,RAIN'�,�R f,fp,a,,�dult.C/Pios� op"flil;io prnl';r'�v"ho" d"rincs mani'lay AUPM ME PENS 40 ADAN DXW RE ITUN WMANA A=MAIRM MA A " P50 M im inmews.WMmy.SMAW OQ04V nVA le"MININ A Q= MIT T PRAn M RS T' U"P, HMO 75 AMMT 90 h WOMER QROWR UM M W ovai m " MmW'.M REM&KE 75DAT 7D OR 40POT05 G5145;NWH M QTNAaO SEVoT LOSMACK 5 A howl Mawra W bwa. 0RATWRSRMJ? ANANEWORATHET CHOW Q No ha d. ad awmb&W u A on Ammo xaqav yon wMaimms-'a aba!n!c f:,u,,rtaiiient.incW"ed ritii:huding;ititmut a �,/PIJED. THA;,,A5 SET MR1N, ,N-Imr AIat�c, unlovirti sainenip17 x0s low, On ad a,ad 9 Ono venvas W wKwA io�mums a twunnO W"PaV SWOEY AKVr 0%1M CR MIMaP V GMWM GMWER MEMW ANY now ON"cut a in Mmy a QW:n am ju v no,3 m W&two a arg"nj qmv HUnWaT ra U&M, MP UNK AlWin OM 14 000ai`Wa%JMPF-�OPEIR PRCR�CT)ELECTION fpP-es'nWn1'vta PS C'-ac" acriz"'� N11SRD'Ani OR GRAINGER 3 n c e 11 a�i m �j,'CVPIS Aby 1,`.-ARRAA'7y-1 '-hc a-0DJc1S QRi- �,1.--RCHANI 1*o-L, i I�trOii 1,PAR-i;Llu�A;i prjdtir! �ne,,! or]a�,�,,,,(!-'.b,,. 4. ?rrjdn,,i ionuviri. To TKIR NNIP AS GOTUMERS 1 41 hwovko',wvw Mom""T WN no.WK 1_ "x ANT 6%a f on,4 Ax n d W 1 AkTAP FORTY y 010 640 K 41 Mq WNSEWMAin mus A HEM EMMM 1 F BNRR SALES OR r QMqQ DWAGES 0002P 5 AT f A 4A DKOhIANCES 6 NOT,M AD IMPA orms or •po an div amps v Z'mom woman OWN Z aw gunmcum no ,.'1 wnwo Qw',' ry. 0-'�pi!'c!'ASE PJR!v, 7 PR 0 C!1C;ii i.1,f „ES Rl'sE TO A r i-A6 D[f on vw. 1efni.M Sa:e'!;,,4 4 lil;1 111 —Piil' lilak AM P f-b,u"--—i—.'—WO 1C ny GRAINGERS PA6EiOF1 ® • GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 813555497 .® INVOICE NUMBER 9181164881 = 8211 BAVARIA ROAD INVOICE DATE 07/01/2013 MACEDONIA,OH 44056-2259 DUE DATE 07/31/2013 m;® www.grainger.com AMOUNT DUE 106.13 r Ship to information is listed below PO NUMBER: ADMIN BUILDING in the description section CALLER: BRAD OLIVER CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571-2634 BILL TO ORDER/DELIVERY#:6232412229 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN MDG2013 00015633 1 AB 0384 l�ll�l�l�ll�lll�lllll �,�111�11�1 ��111�1111'I'�III'I'llll,ll CARMEL WASTEWATER UTILITY —� 760 3RD AVE SW STE 110 STE110 CARMEL, IN 46032-2070 Interested in receiving invoices via email? Sign up for paperless invoicing at: www.grainger.com/paperiessinvoicing = THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1-877-202-2594 .e The following items were shipped to: CARMEL WASTEWATER 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280-2935 k 5K534 GP MTR,SPLIT PH,ODP,1/3 HP,1725 RPM,56Z 1 106.13 106.13 MANUFACTURER# 5K534 NUMBER OF PKGS:0 WEIGHT 15 61 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 106.13 DATE SHIPPED 07/0112013 CARRIER:UPS GROUND TRACKING NO.lZ3018W70309281689 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States. If exported,purchaser°a'ssumes full — --responsibility for cornphance with US export controls_ PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT.PAYABLE IN U.S DOLLARS AMOUNT DUE 106.13 GRAINGER STANDARD TERMS AND CONDiTIONS A. SALES POLICY 4. Warranty Product Return. 1.Wholesale Only. Before returning any concoct,cus',mn,s rattail ;,ii wn','g a, "H the Incal Gra!ngat branch Lprn ahrh the prndu�-t`vas t''d.'.4 r;:droner,I I C r G ainger sc L;Pf ad ucg for aas!n?s„!,-e to customers f+nth proper^usmesS i den hticaIf on pufchased,n!±n.1 ihz case of an ruP:net,u d1, rntaCt err;vn;ra�nget roof and;r.evlde?he n,a, to ongfill invofcr ich eno!adf front all cu,,inmij i crlor to purchuse flornbe!,the:s70::k!lumber.and a fosc(Iplion of the defect or(dil,,a'J Cu,tomer Care at 8oLI-Kt-8649.and ofo✓.de. 2. Prices the date,the'.ul j!ral rr✓oice number tnq seack number,and a'),:s'.I giucn of the defect Pr:fo`of m,[chr.sz ir.raru:re^ Prices!'ls M are cith,olest l"raid flit for lude tteioht nannhn,.r fps,ygtes and/or runes and are-object to coiractior,'n! in a11 cases :;range v!hho,O notice, Ntalket,rtln,TFNO romfilochy;Jrooi,,![',vW i8 priced afco0ing to❑,rreor market condihow, 5. ManO)aCiUYnrS Warranty. vustd:Tn,I ould contact the,!ocai C,; oger branch of ch&4,,nnJ a at vTw+„gramoei con,for correct p.l'ng rt f t ,on a specific nianofacb- p! ni ! al G ei �C; +nn PoI m cf,,.a u,r I errs:.of r..ntT Pleas,, I the i05' rar,ne arch or ra;i Customer Czf e ,•;rr,-I!ar'Le subject to ohul eo7iail pncfnr G,611)o.r rr,.'r✓es file faill to accept oI re;ecr tiny Order. at 1-388-2l4'.-3649 3. Safes Tax, 6. Product Compliance and Suitability. Cost"nie. "ie responsoitI fef p„ymurt of ill applitaine sa6:ann Ional taxes,or flit lrovioirg a valid:,ales fr:. Jur!sf iehunc h;:.;vafving la':'. c,±i,u and f flolatrocs;u+iefrl!no,:un,iru5lio!i,,r^'s,;burl ands r use of pl,lduc>;O' ,- nP[ .. bhcal, `!When olscigt c„orde, _ustomef shin!.nd;cafe tAlch products are nax c<e.mpt a„articuW ilinse C?rfam pfndoc!s!nay nut be avhdaule lot sale In all°Fear f,;oniiter does!tot guarantee 4. Payment and Credit Terms. contpGancP off sanabtldg of ihz pr d uc s °.ells mth z riw; codes or regula.ons or G omger an,pt _ran of cepis r;asn „e,.kr rr:,ne;orders ',hsd,, ++r0aa; ,no Arnericar Eipre;•„ For custon',r!s red!I re>Pumhl;ifty for a;nSoHctror itsfsd.11ionraod/uiUs?nfapr0000, ctis!nmei':respons„ dnytorevfee:'(he ernduct ;.;taL ;Gram[= Credit ..,lit' lit net nlfit"r'rz Jt,e horn the of`.Ili ni?rut hr pick crud¢ -Lc1h 'If'd able I^ Fo ire'n^r?,_ilr ..rl role`` :mil rlrff n to ue, r t the COrhio'r' n j..i Cred ''.f S are I I„g! Id Ye J tier% I- pick-up app Gn. ..ad 2,ppilC, d�'a5 ,. ,, .”} ,t!onS hot Car: J," .5, G :.�.,,iho,....,,.,.,,-.40 .1 b"G„m„ to c„oan,g ..,r}:,,,;nits of sock tin.,,., :s at Grainger's sole dl.nrenon•and may he~reduced losfaliation,aria/o Iise in-..olvu,g try p;od,)Its are sonloL•a.�, e•.0:P .noingef at Ivy r -iaason Gr„ngef esar'e the right to rhafge a cor[vemence m,for rife :,arr�. !,f zr t 'es f th,.rIUht to chary.: ,,..,cure.a late oaymdnt fee at e rate of One and unt--half 0 PRODUCT INFORMATION -he,a,,,,.,, �Ouh month of Elort:,rf thereof that the amount one remains unpaid.or such t. Catalog/Werbente Information. !Pap nit., Ia tt'r and cast. n s if n� allo [tit f n of ,tit� error-a,ITS r - r.h„ +aF ,;be - .r L.,c .- ,:nplo>>J'a_Ti✓, Fl Jt:; ,,eas d,cot t,,f, I•,eG lip, r t'r. Grafnye!reset vn,>the grit to ca.r ,puoi!c'iulg c ,_-a!aiugr r ,:rrd et.-,':"✓. nor- -„.,.,,,.Clctic;r,tin the nib•-I< e r. -;i - .,�.,. ��l, ',,5 '(” r'r" „ 'tin" ill .Iii 'Ii , , t?Ir catalog rut:"` r�irl,"i' i „'P JPf,'?;.•:.,, � ��n'„';r 1'or!�r �s,,.,, fir -al ,,..and ca..,.�d.,�Al;11!I pe! rots n,.s,be aae I U Sr S .o'iars. G u +)e: Ca,,,ug un.�,.,de:,are,c f ,,.r,4rn-[I„p',,,,5 art`J .. -.,., r,t,., .��.a.,o, .3:,«;rr,.., ,,I,,.z-.re r„ Pd:1:7 }t of p 'jr,!rh''!i'..u, jr, ,"l.'t!h+p .,'touter 10 v aingel it customer rail,1 to ncike vvabsde;doe not cofist!ttite the n+lhi rU ouicriaGe product „•i,Jut:•,:"9i f- or -u!; 1), to comply mhtf Grz llpi's credit terms,or fads to 2. Product Substitution. - - to, _ r J- a - r fi. r c;n• I - h< <h,.I f„�, -,_ [r�t .,.,.,,., .,._, .::u-:��.ninna,2asofab; n^lea...r. ueste h+Grrnne :.n Daunt' 'old cowrtn:cf n ;n re ,_�:,1 ,.i,e[.,.,., ...f'n;,+ i`;?rr.:cai'f ,,. .. ,fsrte^u%b .. - e G G / (, o q 1 I �t . .. - r�iou� �'Z` v 7 ..,.c !r�- ,1i le„li, _ t,a;<a�pn;an:s until such ga` vent ur compliance road”, de5C:Iofa,n:anGror imaaaS, eqo �, .:u'✓a,;.�to, �;�o ref-. ,po,n,M .r„11 nn led rate uaynient Of a allluuITS then O':C2u elect,' 3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration(°OSHA"!Hazardous Substance. r fry - ;:n' Other on tt 1 et N _ �. �,. rtt,- ,Horn and c•I a;!,,,her assocr,,..cos, o' tt7a[cnal Saisry Data Sheets!'PASOS for OSHA defined hacar^ous. e;af:ties are piep,•.ir•d and supplied 'the ;,n c;, ';p^sl:... -dl.. r ;P,,., �fn•,Jnsij:!hPpadorder manufa urc[s GRAINGER MA6ES NO WARRANTIES AND! _x,PRES Sr; TO! Y c.aSLf OL. _AIMS 4L[. -!ABf'_iTY AN CUSTOMER OR USER WITH,RESPECT TC.'H t. ! U S!lT"' IT,i'OF tiE E ACCUR.4C'i 0; .^dFQfl AF'.T 0°d t 3 liE h81_ C[r.tn!n> us .. fo, :,, ncrpIOy uncunrf?ioraliy qu.antees payment., RECOMFOENF)A?IONS IN ANY MSOS CUSTOMER IS SOLELY RE',;PONSIBLE FOP ANd RE:IA;,1UE ON OR USE OE AN .-- ston !:d affiliate Eat. of cus toner's s;nsldia!las ann iNFORkgAT TON,AND FOR UGE OR APPI ICA''0N OF ANY PROD'UC:l purrhrfs fie f fo,,.,;rig,.• f.o'd. ,ilhl abut for pure`Piasas'...,.;cuadmar,and rusiomer 4. MSDS and Proposition 65 Product roduc Requests, ,•!°" bnq JS ant _ ,.�. ..and a„,.vese "+'SUS and a Ilsl of Proposrt!cn 55 pr,fiucts are&,jiLaDle (Ij at the ocal Grainger,,^,ram:h {u)Ly amiacung Graulge: S.Credit Valance. DeTA 31 L57,Ahn, Envuonmenta!twilit,and Safe^Her: 1O&6o-uny r Pak.:ay t±k,l Fo,?rat h.150045-h?OI_ Crn„)n Ln _ „that ry r•affil o,., ;e;si issued h,Gr,,n c' 'r!L or:applied ro customef's account bn}by,a l!nq Gramgef's tyiSDS H?qr,sl_ilia,.t 1�6,7->36 9(i6p,ur(I:, ;y iogyinr,r••tl w+.:'+,v-e:ain9er nom,:nu -:urn[.' !j tea of it, ',E GUSTONIER•HAS NO1 REQUESTED THE CREDIT BALANCE WITHIN ONE(1 f ciiekmg en the"Resources”tea a[ipe top','!the page YEAR ANY RNMIA;INING'CREJ)ll 6At.ANCE WILL BE'CA&CELLcD AND GRAINGER SHALL HAVE NO FUR'HEH 5. Important Notice to Federal Customers Be:Country of Origin. _,,;HruITY While,all r,aaduxs ust?d on GSA Afivaniage''„meet the re%nramen-,s of the Trade, Act D"TAA'; lmplerh,nt?d Fadefai Acqui'uhon He4uiaunns Part 25. Other ;nducts -old llv uillwger nn, not meet the B. FREIGHT POLICY requr,elnardc Lit the hole of pun o;sff,Gra!,igar will advi�a cusfomars'snin proper;n.r;ll'rnGOn es an authorized 'rfr.r�°Matti;aft,F,O.9.orgfn,frloth prepaid to deshnahtni'_pe^Ifi3d c in,- ,._r Grainger^5efoes a shlpOmCJ and srhedulacastcnfer.rhetherol nG?sh!f.,diuils 7AA-0(3rnpl,1nt" Aniifedefalc4stonief p;Irdih singanon-TAAl tern will hat,rii,irn fee 'rich Includes!,vernal han;;ling ano related,oscsl en ebrain order which i,,apa;!2d a•Time of ordef and gee making,ill'open market'piirch ,e,it!aI!s not Cove rad by am' 'J 11112 Or ,m raI ci5tt,r;.rs arc arl:n<.ed that the C p a n Bhe°oed,in ;tpmar's invoice He,. for Shipping and nandl,r.c narger.!!I nut tit fort!sh p S +!;';p !' i; f,eiri market the euslorncf f r;d- Grainger covers mark",[ urctaszs are NOT G.,P.'-rah°s purchases B` a�urh,t�-:,rl! ;froou:[on L',,; n deli,,_ ,r r urn S and , r„ r"' n+r it'g , - .n , , qg err roLr taft.,aa mill„ �r(,. J ,ors o'„oi JS Jb00;efo;r lax err,t,e;yht{incul,t n ar,v bac;c roof-vents lh_,.,hay at,f.unh/L mrn..;!r:.h purr,hasc afro rd::.,niptied w,..t cpi,ca%Ir pro;me+rent faguE ncft': lfoi,.s', C G U JZpments are p niHe.:; Off t t6mi5 rohunts may apply foi other than slanda!d delivery 6. ARRA Orders. t"Ot'r r:; ,"Vices ntiudinq w:thr 1A hmrta'.:,- ,>d,;,d same day deltverJ air heol freight solid npou It a the r:ur,.pmzr's resPOnsdnf;^.is advlso Fringe,',vhetn; this viler I;a:nCad it,acv• by f;qd;;torn nr re!5t?r, ord clod is �._..,ols custnn!, .f r•:r smpmen'_- ;luc fit,Bona s U S,or filher spacial har['Jlmg by in,, to American Reinvestment and Ro r Jvery Act I':ARRA' ar As,';,^iaTq,­�ao'erf for O„n.r,Fr.� [S-fv,ces _:customer.Fuel sun r,arg?.,'nag oe ap,ned. :rte iPut, L tit„ •,--i ire.Stimalus`(rv!s) 4on provide c f,q'm r,;orn;a'Irn s- �aa 'g'`i Y C G't rto it f li, n- fr f;hl g,nn _,roe[ h he •r• art, t- 'rr� , cut �,; n pl v'h 'n" :fr"^vr- ,r` 'RR' r tl',, - if , .!..%n,,- .,,acs to rustOrnel i:pu�, n[k:r o., ,pn,tit ir`�ihef,,:�^'e! ,tt.groat,.,le d,mae,.._'n.c,ns''t custJ ,rat's �us.omer r, :/f)?temu e writ,,�nc� r,t _ appiir.aMe' y D ��„-„t.: ,,,der u. H'�,�.-„� i60o� any c.. ^rri;, to;fie a cialm with if ...,.;ef appiir,2h0 f ryuiatiens C.WARRANTY POLICY E. GENERAL TERMS 1, LIMITED WARRANTY. 1. Force Ma}eure. 'f)i �5 SOLn ARE NJARHAN`ED 5Y GRAiM1iRER OPIL Y 0 CUSiOrAERF.FOR pi RESALE,OR t)ij USE IN Gra get It tie liable. p to part rfy t- tit st!a;l n,. a.,,:to aoy delz •or ringer rani or. e:rota s!n!utu f :nn or a troni; of r V/ phi f -k ll f'c R TS of ing t is n, „tit,•, rr li aS r'it: r-r;r ,•k;-r,�-!7'+,,! SO.�RhdilE>. OR JR;G!P;AL ECi P".7EjJT „AGPJRE GRA @J(iER `dJAR,.AttiTS PRODUCTS mai?urer including r:'itr. snfGod,laitott,,.;iupR.i., ,r=u!'.,..e,,. ,...!- ,,it ' - t T RIPltiS l „In' Fn .OR F - 'ro:,.:u tar„err r,.fgr _f„p!`::DcitCTS,"�te.A f1.F...h vD 4'+ion,:m,k•Sr,, u,..f-,,;IO„qAt USE F�„n PEF,OD 0 0„e l;i r AH or to.,.cr�d�gavernmF¢t,i d-�.,,e.� �.,.:oIS n.r,rreCtrlr.; ”A,",',JR 1HE NLEh OTHERW;SE SIAT-0 PROVIDED THAT GRAINCEr -r;E power tadureS,fife acrftlent. tpios,m,Ir,abdity to p cme rgr snip p!oduct cf ertam4 G�.'n;ns ran,.+i!cense;., an:bA!o PROttfUCT "'R -TURN DURING T'r- l5,!TED'•rARRANTY PERIOD GRAINGER MAY At-IF9 rocufe w Ir:;!es of ran.lnatena!s, vac vaeatiter conditmnr cata;tro ",verse ,f airy nthZr c;rcums[ar:ce u,�e Ok'T�' h, FR=,F I0 REP e - fn ,T 3v C!lc, t`E TER r h C fit-Control Of GJia!r,[ ul ilia conduct rf:t ..''ICE OR RE'UfJ2 Af .LIP. PAID 0 A R.CUSTOt: iAU3 eycnd the!':e; na.,,d !cr - _ .- -.. - . Th PRODUCT'0"„4 A^ R(i°i'!Ai�GRAINBE,- BRANCH OR AUTHORIZED SERVICE LOCATION F'.6 2. Grainger's Performance of Services :,ES*NAdED N'!CP.Ai".IGEA ,�s'I^, CCST3 PREPAID FIAINGER'S REPAIR PEPLACEIJENT.OR REFUND OF Custonief v.,di hold harmless and mdelnr;dy Gram no,ri::;.'na.dfntciors,emnP:yart:;.agonts,subco.noacto e ar gF.!. A7:100„ S PAPJ By CU,.Or:41- rlq 4E F�OD'UC?,GFiAL,�•Gi GUSTO"1,ER S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REi'✓E01' rapresr;ntafn'es front and against Liny.,ml ail claims insWd!ng buihw/!nit;v.death,of dent,:;le ro; cartel PrepZ,Y•..and alt gtf4?r O;t;eS!lahllihe nbfigaftine:'f?mannS,aciiCriS ann- OFlrl.i„elhiether i., nr in,N'N.erknOWn or Untnoi-.11, 2. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER. absolute a contingent,incur", u; 'fainger related he , ,tic c for , „e g �d fat_ to i 'oar f sard;c ;t:.r,,I UnNUdnig v,'ailo,d NO NfARRAfa i i OR AFRRnAAP,'!N tic FACT ExnR.ESS OR!10PUEC,OTHER TH AN AS C i FORTH IN THE L MI TED ^artatlon,sztth:rnent Costs,"hiJrn,ys'teq'.and am_'and apps p,.� ,�:n-,es fur d?fzr��t!Inf;a:r;ertNns or pi tone, 'NAr'�Rlu`aT „TPTEN,10ir {rdk fdAD"c OR.A.U1 tv_',F;IZEO BY GRAINGER. GR�A!NGER DISCL A!MS ANY artionsl arising mf of,in vrhes or in p,,il,an:'act r c,.,. it,'P r „ c.ur mr.leslnu�- ion;?;,;is emo-✓' ;:cards su.;conirector,r olka!; FOR CLAIMIS LR '.O'uT OF PROOUCT IX2USE IMPROPER PRODUC SELECTION,IPAPROPEH rePresnntdives („- -.i!OfJ PRODUCT ,til'f;FICAT.iUi•J, PJLSr'. ,1 , OF P.'IS.iPPLiCkT'Otd `?RAUJGER EXPR[SSIl' 3. Canceifalion. D;SC LAMISANYWdRRAN,Y-HATTHEPRODUCTSr (;!ARE4AERCHANTABLE In; FIT FOR APARTIC;)LAR Ali produaoldelc.ante!irhensrnustb'rafq;rovedb{Gialn^,e.r..rill.,at':;esuL(ectlOrr:=lrrk,nU flea'aod Other c_har;'?s. Pi' -SP n^ ;O NrnT AND`rr,p rdnT';.IFR;!dGE rnq;fSHEH S!M?ELLEC'1!>it PROPERry R!GHT5 4 Product Return- ER '' IF JI' C AS CC'lSJN+E�, 'lPCt.USO'`I VGrS Prno;f!.` ror,,,.;er,de .r(.):. r, ,;;nr.m,r r� C .f•„ , .h�.� "c� Ra r v'J',iIS"C tiff FRr l u l �, a ,, IaC�',C I cal,the vc a r'aioum or It ,,ura,'tge'ra” „ickaumg, ,nos.,, amac-d,amir m:aleabie c_nd!uor: °r,ol of i;urr,Msa;b, qwm,, oi!ii asz., 3 LiM TAtiOH OF LIABILITY GRAIIdG'c R.EX?riESS'_'.'D;+:;I F`;t;_ FL."J'.LiA81i.!?l'i-0,q CfiNSEQUt"reT;AL.+NCI�`Eti''AL,SPECfP.L,EXENF1AirY, F. EXPORT SALES OR zlUiHTWE 0.4iOAGES .HER'S LLABILl7Y!N A.!' ;IRCUTASTANCES IS LIPAITED TO AND SHALT-NOT Ordetsiof e,port.sales ate sub{era,,.,the terms rondiuons fouou,I nar,un:nyer i.ofn.af,,,r„+be lci.essao by cGrk,a4 EvCE l "'LE PURCHASE PR0.y:I'Ac,=0R...E PROpU.,'HAI GIVES RISE TO ANC'LIABH ITT on the"T61nls of Stile”fink. n.,•+: _r.,Tr_nns�r nc r`o"„,nroo rr_ons nr,n rnnf n:Tn":c fc r.vn, rim c nn,..,...... o-.na,tic:n:r�ncur,an-cn ov occ-'-rrlrc VOUCHER # 135956 WARRANT # ALLOWED 351533 IN SUM OF $ GRAINGER INC DEPT. 804491322 PALATINE, IL 60038-0001 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code -i 9179999934 01-7202-05 $664.56 -'q'7 aON 01-79ol -o(. 3iS.yg qjjgIIoggg, 0)-°7a0a-oe 1-7 Voucher Total Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 351533 GRAINGER INC Purchase Order No. DEPT. 804491322 Terms PALATINE, IL 60038-0001 Due Date 7/9/2013 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 7/9/2013 9179999934 $664.56 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer