HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Long Ridge Estates & Carmel Dads' Club Athletic Fields Commitments June 27, 2005 1. The athletic fields shall be used for their intended purpose only by the Carmel Dads' Club and the community residents and for no other purpose_ IAnle33 QJ3pro\/.ed b}' the CBrn,el Dads' Club boald of difcctBf:S. Said uses shall be restricted to the use of the Three Fields located at approximately 13800 North Shelborne Road. 2. The Carmel Dads' Club will be responsible for maintaining the fields in a consistent manner with the other common areas in a first class residential neighborhood.- 3. The fields will not have night lighting. 4. The Three Athletic Fields will be used by Carmel Dads' Club for the following purposes: Spring Play Carmel Dad's Club - boys and girls lacrosse March 15th though June 15th Monday through Thursday from 5:00p.m. to 8:00 p.m. There will be no scheduled use on Fridays. Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. · Three fields at a time will have 30-minute staggered start times Sunday from 1 :00 to 4:00 p.m. (make up games only) Fall Play Carmel Dads' Club - 5th & 6th grade football program August 1st through October 31st The fields will not be used on Fridays Monday through Thursday for practices 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Games on Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 5.:00 p.m. · Three fields will have 30 minute staggered start times on game day Sunday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. (make up games only) 5. The Carmel Dads' Club commits to providing off duty officers to direct traffic into and out of the facilities during game day. 6. Entire development shall be kept clear of all debris and trash/litter year round. Goals shall be dismantled and shall be placed inside the maintenance buildings at the end of each respective season. 7. The Carmel Dads' Club shall meet with the representatives of the adjacent homeowners associations within 14 days after the end of each season to address any issues resulting from the use of the subject premises. 8. Special care shall be taken when applying fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals to fields that applications be done on calm days so as to protect chemicals from drifting onto neighboring playground equipment, vegetable and flower gardens. . '. e e e>5CbCJDiJ So June 17,2005 JAMES BRAINARD, MAYOR CI EL Mr. \V illiam A. Bryant Stoeppel\verth & Associates, Inc. 9940 Alliso~ville Road Fishers, IN 46038-2005 RE: Longridge Estates Amenity Area-Project Revi.e,v #1 Dear Mr. Bryant: \Ve have reviewed the initial construction plans submitted for this project for review at the June 22, 2005 Technical Advisory Committee meeting. We offer the following comments: GENERALINFO~~IATION 1. The project site is located within current City of Carmel Corporate Limits. 2. Jurisdictions: . Streets and Right of Way- City of Carmel. . Water - City of Carmel service area. . Sanitary Sewer - Clay TO\Vllship Regional Waste District service area. . Storm SewerslDrainage - Hamilton County Surveyor's Office (City of Carmel revie\v). . Regulated! Legal Drains - Hamilton County Surveyor's Office. 3. Board of Public Works and Safety Requirements: . Water and Sanitary Sewer Availability for s\vimming pools/pool houses. . If an irrigation system is planned for this development, additional Board of Public Works and Safety approval will be required and additional Water Connection Fees will be assessed. . Commercial Curb Cut approval will be required for the amenity area drive. Please provide 8 ~ x 11 exhibits to include. \vidth at throat, overall width at street, radii, existing opposing curb cuts, etc. . Temporary-Construction Entrance (if applicable) . Please be advised that any open cuts of dedicated streets will require separate Board of Public JVorks and Safety approval. . Any permanent improvement (including irrigation systems) to be installed within dedicated right of way or dedicated easements. This approval would require a Consent to Encroach Agreement between the Owner and the City of Carmel. I am also enclosing a schedule for Board of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines for your use. Please use the Engineering Department deadlines for submissions to the Board. Any sllbnzission to the Board requires prior approval by the Carnlel Clay Plan Comnlission and/or the Board of Zoning Appeals (if applicable) and conlpletion of review by the Technical Advisory Comnlittee. All written requests to be placed on the Board's agenda nlust include the appropria.te Docket Nunzber and the date (or dates) of approval by the Plan Comnlission and/or the Board of Zoning Appeals (if applicable). 4. T.A.C. Revie\v/Dra\vings submitted for approval: \Ve request that all comments and comment lett"ers generated by this office be answered in \vriting and be accompanied by a dra\ving reflecting requested revisions. Final dra\vings \vill not be approved for construction until all Engineering Department and Utility Department issues have been resolved. The design engineer must certify all dra\vings submitted for final approval. This DEPARTNIENT OF ENGINEERlNG ONE CMC SQUARE, CAR1\tlEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441 FAX 317.571.2439 EMAIL engineering@ci.carmel.in.us e e office will require a minimum of four-sets of drawings for approval after all issues have been resolved. The drawings will be stamped as approved and will be signed by the City Engineer and the Director of Carmel Utilities. The Owner will receive one-set which is to be maintained on the construction site at all times. Carmel Utilities will receive one-sets, our Public Works Inspector will receive one-set and one-set will be maintained in the Engineering Department. 5. Please be advised that any installation of signs, walls, irrigation systems, etc. within dedicated right of way or dedicated easements will require a Consent to Encroach Agreement with the City of Carmel's Board of Public Works and Safety. 6. Carmel Utilities should be provided drawings for review of water issues. They will provide a separate review regarding these issues. 7. Carmel Utilities does subscribe to "Holey Moley" who should be contacted directly for all water main locations. BONDING.REQUIREMENTS 8. There are no Performance/Maintenance Guarantees associated with this development. A Right of Way Permit and Right of Way bond will be required for the curb cut. Contact Fred Glaser, our Right of Way Manager/Inspector for details regarding this permit. AVAILABILITY AND CONNECTION FEES 9. It is assu~ed that Water Availability (acreage) Fees for this area were included with Section 2 acreage and were paid with Section 2. Therefore, no additional Availability Fees will be assessed. 10. Current Connection Fees are: . . Swimming Pools - 1.60 E.D.U.s/I000 square feet of water surface area. This includes the main pool and baby pool. Please provide this figure with your BPWS request for Water and Sanitary Sewer A vai1~bility. . Pool House - There is no classification in our Ordinance. Please provide usage figures with your BPWS request for Water and Sanitary Sewer Availability. COMMENTS-CONSTRUCTION PLANS 11. Please provide ADA ramps where the new drive crosses the sidewalk. 12. Indicate removal of existing curb. State removal to nearest joint in curb with saw cut. 13. Please show saw cut and removal of mainline pavement for new entrance to facilitate curb installation. 14. Please provide valley gutter detail. 15. Please include the City of Carmel standard sidewalk detail for sidewalk in right-of-way where it crosses the driveway. 16. Ple(ise include the City of Carmel standard street cut patch detail. 17. Please remove the landscape plan from plans subrintted for approval by the Department of' Engineering. The Department of Engineering does not approve the landscape plan. 18. Please increase the curb return radius at the driveway to 20 feet. 19. Please show details of water and sanitary connections. These comments represent the Department of Engineering's initial review of this development. We request that all responses to our comment be provided in\Witing. Failure to provide \Witten responses may result in the delay of the review process. It is critical that our office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being re-submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please provide revised plans including all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any changes, including changes resulting from Plan Commission, BZA or other committee meetings. All bonds and performance Guarantees must be posted prior to Engineering Department approval of construction plans. Also, Board of Public Works and Safety approvals and any other governing agency approvals (if required) must be obtained prior to Engineering Department approval. e e The Department reserves the right to provide additional comments based on subsequent reviews and on the grading and drainage system upon receipt of drainage calculations and more detailed construction drawings that provide grading elevations, pipe sizing and invert elevations. These comments may affect the drainage system layout. If you have questions, contact me at 571-2441. Sincerely, Nicholas :. Redden, p.1 - Plan Review Coordinator Department of Engineering --/~ Enclosures Cc: Matt Griffin, Department of Community Services John Duffy, Carmel Utilities Paul Pace, Carmel Utilities Steve .Broermann, Platinum Properties Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office Project File Engineering Department Review S:\DHILL\PROJREY05\LONGRIDGEESTAMENITY AREA JUN-24-05 FRI 03:27 PM PL~UM PROPERTIES LLC. FAX NO. ,B.10 Platinum Properti es, LLC 9551 Delegates Row . Inuiar\apolis, IN 46240 (317) 818-2909 offi 4:~'" (317) 290~~~ ... , .... RECEIVED 24 DOCS Pial To: Angie Conn -DOCS Fax: 571-2426 facsinille transmittal From: Steve Broermanl1 Date: 6/24/2005 Re: LRE - Lacrosse Fields Pages: 4 (Including this s11cet) cc: D Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply ~ As Requested 0 Original to FolJow by Mail . -----........... - . ~_ .."..------1 . I. . . . Notes: Angie AttacllCli is a copy oft11e agreel11ent betwecl1 Corby Thompson (Boo111eral1g D~vclopnlel1t), PPV LLC (Steve Pithl1al1) ,n1d the Carmel Dad's Club (Brad Liltle), showil1g t11e "Agreemel1t to I)onatc Lal1d al1{\ COllstrL1ct Sports Fields~).. We bclieve that this ~lc1s as 11le requested letter frOIn Corby Tholllpson to al10w 111e fields to be built on tl10 (;laybourl1C Site. If you l1eed ~111Y further in [01111ation, feel free to contact n1C at allytinlc. Steve Brocr111ann Mobi1c PJ10J1e 366-3971 CAN CONFIDENTIAL a _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ , JUN-24-05 FRI 03:27 PM PL1iIrUM PROPERTIES LLC. FAX NO. 8.10 P. 02 ACiREEMENrr TO DONATE LAND AND CONSTRUCT SPORTS FIELDS THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between Boolnerang LLC~ an Indiana lirrlited liability company ("Boomerang"), PPV, LLC~ an Indiana. limited liability company ("PPV';J), and th,e Carmel Dad's CI\lb) Inc., art Indiana non-profit corporation (the (~Dad1s Club"), and is executed <;>n.dates corresponding ~Q sigJ1atures bclow; WITNESSETI-I: WI"IEREAS, Boomerang is tl1e developer of a residential S11bdivision located illlJamilton County, Ind1ana, commonly known as Claybourne; WHEREAS) BOOmer3I1g is the owner of tl1e real estate described in what is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit "A" (the "Field Area"); WHEREAS, on the terms and conditions which follow) BoOnlerSJlg has agreed to donate the Fie]d Arca to the Dad's Club1 and PPV has agreed to construct three sports fields on t11e ~Field Area. NOW, THEltEFORE, in considerati011 of the foregoing preambles and recitations, it is acknowledged and agreed as follows: j) /i Section 1. Preambles and Recitations. The foregoing preambles, recitations) and LA[fJY definitio11S are made a part hereof as though ft111y set forth herein. J _ I / "'~ <1M . ~ e"""~ 1""" I" f" "'1 {l!fff.(t:::., '-'l'Y ie€m ..'" t . ,.;: {U ,.'[i... -1:1,,:: .a....,l,' (l,,6 -/t:r r ~ L>qn d ~.J Section 2. Field Am!! Duratiol1. Within 30 t:Y..s aRer the satisfaction of the h 1>;..' I~,&r conditiol1S set fortb it\ Section 3 below:! Boomerang shall ~nat~ the Field Area to the Dad's ft.~VI:~~~t Club, at no cost to the Dad's Club, free and clear of the Dcc~on of Covenants, Conditions, /:5- /x"".M~-!:' and Restrictions of Clayboume, but subject to all other easements~cments, and restrictions -{:,.,J~ t';: .41- of record, and f"Urther subject to the following deed restriclions; ~ .~/, <"' /~r~"-Jt c: !JQ,..... a ~ , .~he kb"~-::e7' &~;Ji'?J~f1'/"4(,1J (a) Outdoor lighting on the Field Area is prohibited; '... 5~..,.11 ~ . :;I? (b) ~f11e Fie1d Area sha11 be used either as ope11 space and/or for Inu1ti-purpose sports fields including (i) soccer, lacrosse, and footbal1 fields, and (ii) SUCll other accessory n11d aIlcillary uses as a building, bleachers, 11ets, goals, parking lot, and landscaping. (c) The Dad's Club shall not install any fencing without first receiving approval from Claybourne liomeowncr~s Association Architectural J{eview Committee. Such approval shall not be unreasonably witlu1eld.. ~st~ti9Jll- .fu?ort Field Constn1ctiOll_ Witl1in 360 days after the conveyance of the Field Area by Boomerang to the Dad's Club, PPV sha11 constnlct, at its expense:l within the J"(ield NNED JUN-24-05 FRI 03:28 PM PLVUM PROPERTIES LLC, FAX NO, 81910 PI 03 Area, three multi~p1Irpose sports fields andJ simultaneously therewith or thereaftcr~ such other accessory alld ancillary btlildings and impW. oy~ent~ as ~p~ ~q 4 its sold discretion, Jr1~Y ~ · dcterm.ine. PPV 1",),1/ b~ re.5~(;:JnS";'I..e.. ~ r:, """,rrrllu1"7. 4/1 ~J'//,t!Jve.if (tfJ?d:;~r(7 I"~ r,",?'/~1 ;II11:~~. ~'(J~''<'t?:;-''1e WJ0! //p~~1I &"/fip:1V~~~ '*'~<tl'~ ;2:~//C~~t~/.,~.A;; I ~~"-,6c//V'4"~C.~ t)\~~. Pr!'?{/ tIJ..P{j /A ~/;"IY P/'/2J-C)"'..e.Pt'-r~QI"/~ 4 i5~fI1q ;l7C/PdrA~~ ~~ d.i1 .~.... ,Sect1On<l maitions. T e conveyance 6f the Field Area by oortlerang to the./J, /-1. ' Dad's Club, and the improvement thereof by PPV as set fo~ above, is contingent upon the ~:Z;""I <. satisfaction of al1 of the following conditions on or before the 31 Sl day of December, ,2004: jJ.'x,;.j 7 ;'/'.(;..:'<... ~t:.. <" ,'M d (.: ~ ~ h V4".> fI,.e (a) The granting of primary plat approval for Long Ridge E~~~~~~nlloih~r /I~7 1v residential subdivision located in Hamilton County, Indiana, under Docket No. L?~~;;(~. 04060029PP~ 04060030SW~ 04060031SW and. the obtai.ning of all constructiol1 plan #~p reviews and permits for the constrnction oftbe initial phase of Long Ridge Estates; and ~ (b) Written assurance from the City of Cannel that (i) the conveyance by Boomerang of the Field Area will in no manner affect primary plat and other zOl'ling a. pprovals already obta.ined in connection witll Claybourne ancl (iij-t~hat-n6{=wi-a.~eftdmg !;) / the-~filt1e~e?t1"le-i=-reld~A""f~l~\~T}re-eannur1:)acr-~lnb-;-thc-Fte}d-^I.ecrsira'~h1tl1 l/' ~11fy-as~ep@f\-&p~..~bouTRe. BOOMERANG DEVELOPMENT, LLC, an Indiana ]i1nited liability cornpany ~~ By: (l~ ~ ---y-- ~-- ~~1~ Date: PPV, LLC, an Indiana limited liability company By: PITTMAN PARTNERS, INC., an Indiana corporation, M er By:?L" , steve A.. PJttman, President Date: "7~r~Y , f, J;. ~~o;~ .5~ ~ f I .,-- / P II I- 1fJ:!d Area.. rpl)or-f b~< t::.k CARMEL DAD;S CLUB, INC., an Indiana non-profit corporation By: 7{)~h~~~" ;;::~;~~::;~ 7A /~f e'/R~I /)~7/lj~- ~I /.~. eVr!?r- 4"&d...1a&;t2;/ .s4 .'ic/ h'.5U 4rY24.- /., ,~rkll/ i 4 Ck-/kfNrl-lt.:. /lClA.. 5'/' s NN JUN-24-05 FRI 03:28 PM PL~NUM PROPERTIES LLC, FAX NO. 81910 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION A part of tIle Northeast Quarter of Section 30~ Township 18 North, Range 3 East~ Clay 1"ownship, Hamilton County, lndiana, 'being more particu.1arly described as follows: BegirlIling at tl1e Northeast corner of said Quarter Section; thence South 00 degrees 25 111inutes 34 seconds East along the East 1ine of said Quarter Section 841..73 feet; thence South 44 degrees 34 minutes 26 seconds West 70~71 feet; thence Soutb 89 degrees 34 minutes 26 seconds West 50.00 feet; thence North 00 degrees 25 min'l1tes 34 seconds West 140rOO feet; t11ence SOllt11 &9 deglMees 34 minutes 26 seconds West 83..02 feet; thence North 72 degrees 26 lT1inutes 21 seconds West 74.15 feet; thence North 66 degrees 50 minutes 59 seconds West 270.48 feet; thence North 70 degrees 06 minutes 56 sec011ds West 102~80 feet; thence North 76 degrees 28 111h1utes 49 seconds West 102.62 feet; thence Nor111 82 degrees 50 n1inutes 24 seconds West 102..62 feet; tl1ence North 89 degrees 43 minutes 42 seconds West 119..66 feet; t}lence Soutl) 83 degrees 02 minutes 09 seconds West.119~54 feet; thence South 75 degrees S9 minutes 29 seconds West 99r71 feet; thence So~\th 74 degrees 161ninutcs 38 seconds West 195.00 feet; thence So\dll1 S degrees 43 tnin11tes 22 seconds East 140.00 feet; tllencc South 74 degrees 16 minutes 38 seconds West 63..94 feet; tllcnce North 15 degrees 43 m10l1.tes 22 seconds West 140.00 feet; thence South 74 degrees 16 miolltes 38 seconds West 167~93 feet; thence North 46 degrees 01 minutes 22 seconds West 25.28 feet; thence North 2S degrees 10 minutes 59 secoJlds West 251 ~29 feet; thence Nortl1 88 degrees 18 minutes 14 seconds West 196~28 feet; thence South 47 degrees 34 !PJ~m[Q JJ I1mMOJ )Y fjVl~l'si IJNi~~OOfw'[QWaitij8I!i~ 8tmJnim i tnifuml[Yl.wlII l1ll West 140~OO feet; thence South 59 degrees 25 minutes 51 seconds West 422.74 feet; thel1ce SOUtl1 61 (legrces 35 nlinutes 09 seconds West 135.95 feet to the West liIle of said Quarter Sectiol1; t11ellce North 00 degrees 26'lnint1tes 36 seconds West along said West line 874..36 feet to the Nortllwcst comer of said Quarter Se"ction; thence North 89 degrees 27 n1inutes 39 sec011ds East along the Nortl11ine of said Quarter Section 2,580.24 feet to the place ofbeginning, containing 37.780 a.cres, more or Jess, subject to all legal highways, rights-of-ways) easenlents, and restrictions of record.. 3 PI 04 NN 0 e e LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: June 17, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 47425PLA-LA WE ARE SENDING YOU ] UPS [ ] Courier [ ] Other: Deliver TO: Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Connie Tingley RE: Longridge Estates LaCrosse Area COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 9 Informational Booklets THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] ForApproval ] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: ~~ Cc: Steve Broermann S:\47 425LA \Blue _Book\Agency Correspondence\TRANSDeptofCommunityServicesTingley06-17-05.DOC MEB/jag 6SD5(X)~) 50 Clay Tovvnship Regio.n.al Waste District www.ctrwd.org · (31 7) 844-9200 · Fax (31 7) June 2'1 ~ 2005 'Mr ,Edward Fle.hling Stoeppelwerth, & Associates, Inc. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, IN 46038 Fax 849-5935 Subject: Longridge Estates See 1 AmenitY-Area D~,ar Mr. Ftem.ing: . ' We -have<r~ceive_d the construction plans for the a'bove mentioned project and have the following comments:, - 1. ~ " '. . . .... .~ I , . - . . . :.. :. - - .A .CT.RWD applicatiO[l needs to completed'and sub,m.itted. This' aPe I isatiopcClnjR~qQ~nJqadedfrqrp our"Yep$it~ (www. ctrwd .0 rg). The sa.nitary sewer cQ.nn~ct,on 10catiQ~ needs to be shown.on.the plansQlf the main is tq be extended, the plan and profile ofthe's'ewer shaH 'be shown. 2. Please contact me 'at 844-9200jf you'have'a~y questions. Sincerely, ~b~ W~ Andrew J. mliams, P.E. Utility Director / . cc: Matthew G~iffin, Carmel Department of Community Services 10701 N. College Ave., Suite A · Indianapolis, Indiana 46280- 1098 i. " J!i" o 5 QSCv-{ ~gu June 20, 2005 JALVIES BRAINi\RD, MAYOR C1 EL Mr. William A. Bryant Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, IN 46038-2005 RE: Longridge Estates Lacrosse Fields-Project Revie,v #1 Dear Mr. Bryant: We have reviewed the initial construction plans submitted for this project for revie\v at the June 22, 2005 Technical Advisory Committee meeting. '-tVe offer the following comments: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. The project site is located \vithin current City of Carmel Corporate Limits. 2. Jurisdictions: . Streets and Right of Way (Shelbome Road) - City of Carmel. . Water - City of Carmel service area. . Sanitary Se\ver - Clay To\vnship Regional Waste District service area. . Storm Sewers/Drainage - Hamilton County Surveyor's Office (City of Carmel review). . Regulated! Legal Drains -Hamilton County Surveyor's Office. 3. Board of Public Works and Safety Requirements: . Water and Sanitary Se\ver Availability if applicable. . If an irrigation system is 'planned for this development, additional Board of Public Works -and Safety approval will be required and additional Water Connection Fees will be assessed. . Commercial Curb Cut approval will be required for access drive from and to Shelbome Road. Please provide 8 Y2 x 11 exhibits to include width at throat, overall width at street, radii, existing opposing curb cuts, etc. . 'Temporary Construction Entrance (if applicable) if at a location other' than the location of the permanent curb cut. . Please be advised that any open cuts of dedicated streets will require separate Board of Public Works and Safety approval. . Any permanent improvement (including irrigation systems) to be installed within dedicated right of way or dedicated easements. This approval would require a Consent to Encroach Agreement between the Owner and the City of Carmel. I am also enclosing a schedule for Board of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines for your use. Please' use the Engineering Department deadlines for submissions to the Board. Any subnlission to the Board requires prior approval by the Carmel Clay Plan Comnlission and/or the Board of Zoning Appeals (if applicable) and conlpletion of revie}v by the Technical Advisory Conlmittee. All written requests to be placed on the Board's agenda nlllst include the appropriate Docket Number and the date (or dates) of approval by the Plan Commission and/or the Board of Zoning Appeals (if applicable). 4. T.A.C. ReviewlDrawings submitted for approval: We request that all comments and comment letters generated by this office be answered in writing and be accompanied by a dra\ving reflecting requested revisions. Final drawings will not be DEPART!\1ENT OF ENGINEERING ONE CMC SQUARE, CARlvlEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441 FAX 317.571.2439 ENlAILengineering@ci.carmel.in. us .. approved for construction until all Engineering Department and Utility Department issues have been resolved. Tbe design engineer must certify all drawings submitted for final approval. This office will require a minimum of four-sets of drawings for approval after all issues have been resolved. The drawings will be stamped as approved and will be signed by the City Engineer and the Director of Carmel Utilities. The Owner will receive one-set which is to be maintained on the construction site at all times. Carmel Utilities will receive one-sets, our Public Works Inspector will receive one-set and one-set will be maintained in the Engineering Department. 5. Please be advised that any installation of signs, walls, irrigation systems, etc. within dedicated right of way or dedicated easements will require a Consent to Encroach Agreement with the City of Carmel's Board of Public Works and Safety. 6. Carmel Utilities should be provided drawings for review of water issues. They will provide a separate review regarding these issues. 7. Carmel Utilities does subscribe to "Holey Moley" who should be contacted directly for all water main locations. BONDING REQUIREMENTS 8. Certified Engineer's Estimates and Performance/Maintenance Guarantees will be a requirement for the right-of-way improvements. A Right of Way Permit and Right of Way bond will be required for the curb cut. Contact Fred Glaser, our Right of Way ManagerlInspector for details regarding this permit. WATER AVAILABILITY AND CONNECTION FEES 9. W ater Availability (acreage) Fees for this area were included and paid with Section 3 of Claybourne. Therefore, no additional Availability Fees will be assessed for this development. 10. It does not appear that this development will be served with water or sanitary sewers. If that is the case, Water Connection Fees will not be applicable. If the area is to be provided with water and sanitary sewer service, these need to be indicated on the plans. Water Connection Fees will be assessed if the area is provided with water service. COMMENTS-CONSTRUCTION PLANS 11. Please provide auxiliary lanes on Shelbome Road at the entrance with dimensions that conform to the functional classification requirements of the 20-year thoroughfare plan. The auxiliary lanes to be provided are acceleration and deceleration lanes and either a passing blister or left turn lane. 12. Do not provide the taper portion of the acceleration lane for the Long Ridge lacrosse fields entrance. Instead, extend the full width section so~th to connect to the full width portion of the Claybourne, Section 3 entrance de.celerationlane. 13. Please indicate .widening across. the property frontage or to the extent~ of the auxiliary lanes, whichever is greater for IS-foot travel lanes on the property side of Shelborne Road. Auxiliary lanes shall be measured from the edge of the 15- foot travel lane. Please add a note to the site plan that all existing pavement shall be saw cut to a clean edge where new pavement (for widening or for auxiliary lanes) is to be installed adjacent to existing pavement. Any new pavement placed in the Shelbome Road right-of-way for widening, for auxiliary lanes and for each entrance up to the mainline right-of-way limit shall meet the following section: 1.5 inches HMA #11 surface on 2 inchesHMA #8 binder on 3 inches HMA #5D base on 7 inches #53 stone on 4 inches #2 stone or match existing, whichever is greater. Please delineate this section with hatching on the plans and appropriate reference in the legend. Provide a cross-section detail for all pavement within the right-of-way. . 14. The City typically requires 1" milling with 1.5" H.A.C. #11 resurfacing for the entire width of the existing roadway across the property frontage or to the limits of the auxiliary lanes, whichever is greater. The roadway would then also need to be restriped with thermoplastic striping. Please develop a plan for the restriping and for striping of the auxiliary lanes. Please add a note to this plan that all striping shall be thermoplastic. Please delineate the milling and resurfacing areas with hatching on the plans and appropriate reference in the legend. 15. Please add an Asphalt Path Detail that requires 1 inch HMA #11 surface on 2 inches HMA #8 binder on 5 inches #53 stone. -; 16. All paving within the existing and proposed City right-of-way shall conform to the requirements of the Department of Engineering. Please add a note to the drawings that the Contractor shall contact the Department of Engineering to schedule a pre-construction meeting to review the Department's construction requirements, staff notification requirements, required inspections for certain stages of the work and to review the authority of the Department as it relates to work within the existing and proposed City right-of-way. 17. A three-foot wide #73 stone shoulder at a minimum depth of six inches is required across the property frontage or to the limits of the auxiliary lanes, whichever is greater. Subsurface drain is required beneath the stone shoulder. 18. Was this area accounted for in the Claybourne, Section 3 drainage pond? 19. Will there be facilities that will require water and sanitary sewer? 20. Please remove the landscape plan from plans submitted for Department of Engineering approval. The Department of Engineering does not approve the landscape plan. These comments represent the Department of Engineering's initial review of this development. We request that all responses to our comment be provided in writing. Failure to 'provide written responses may result in the delay of the review process. It is critical that our office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being re-submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please provide revised plans including all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any changes, including changes resulting from Plan Commission, BZA or other committee meetings. All bonds and performance Guarantees must be posted prior to Engineering Department approval of construction plans. Also, Board of Public Works and Safety approvals and any other governing agency approvals (if required) must be obtained prior to Engineering Department approval. The Department reserves the right to provide additional comments based on subsequent reviews and on the grading and drainage system upon receipt of drainage calculations and more detailed construction drawings that provide grading elevations, pipe sizing and invert elevations. These comments may affect the drainage system layout. If you have questions, contact me at 571-2441. Gary . D can, Jr., P.E. Assistant Ci Engineer Department of Engineering Cc: Matt G~iffin, Department of Community Services John Duffy, Carmel Utilities Paul Pace, Carmel Utilities Steve Broermann, Platinum Properties Chris Werth, Boomerang Development Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office Greg Ilko, Crossroad Engineers Project File Engineering Department Review S:\D HILL \PROJREY05\LON G RIDG EES TLA CROSS EFIELDS ' e e ~~Lf/S0 Clay Tovvnship Regio.n.al Waste District www.ctrwd.org · (31 7) 84,4-9200 · Fax (31 7) 844~9203 June 21 ~ 2005 'Mr .Edward Fle~ing Stoeppelwerth. & Associates, IncD 9940 Allisonville Road Fi.shers,1 N 46038 Fax 849-5935 Subject:' Langridge Estat~s~Sec'1 Amenit}r.Area De.ar Mr. FI.em.ing: " " . ". I ,", , We-havereceive,d the construction plans for the a'bove'mentioned project andha've the following comm~nts:. . 1. -: .: I - - . :, ' . ": " : : ':". "'. .':" . ,::,,'~;'. ;." . ': . : . . '. . . '. . ! . . ,~ . ",' . . : ':. ..:." : ;.; . ' I :.: . ~ . '.. . - "". .A .CTRWP applicatlQ[lneeds tQ complete:d'and subm:ittedw' This' ap pi iGatio[}ccm)t>g~q~nJ()c;tRE?d Jrqm.. ql.JJ~~b~itE?(wwvv .ctrwd. 0 rq).. The sc;tnitary s~wer cpnnection IOGation needs. to be shown on the plaris~.'-lf the m~i.n. istg be extended, the': plan and profile of the: s'ewer shallb.eshown;' 2. Please contact mei'.at844~9200:if you"haveaqy questions. Sincerely, , ~Jlia~~ Utility Director / cc: Matthew G~iffin, Carmel Department of Community Services 10701 N. College Ave., Suite A · Indianapolis, Indiana 46280-1098 e e LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: June 17, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 47425PLA-AA TO: Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Connie Tingley RE: Longridge Estates Amenity Area WE ARE SENDING YOU ] UPS [ ] 'Courier [ ] Other: Deliver COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 9 Informational Booklets THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval 1 As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Y our Use REMARKS: Cc: Steve Broermann 'S:\47425AA \Blue _Book\Agency Correspondence\TRANSDeptofCommunityServicesTingley06-17-05.DOC MEB/jag Wold, Alexia K From: Sent: To: Wold, Alexia K Wednesday, June 15, 2005 3:49 PM 'gayle. helart@usdoj .gov'; 'dmcgu ire@cripe.biz'; 'msettlemyre@foresightengineering.com'; 'srsarch@insightbb.com'; 'eflem ing@stoeppelwerth.com' Wold, Alexia K T AC Agenda Cc: Subject: June 15, 2005 Attached is the TAC Agenda for June 22, 2005. ~ TAC200S-0622.rtf Notes: You are listed as the contact person for this docket. Please share this information with your Petitioner(s). Feel free to call if you have any questions. Thank you, Alexia Donahue Wold Department of Community Services City of Carmel 317-571-2417 Fax:317-571-2426 1 06/~8/20B5 14:01 3177769628 HAMILTON CO SURVEYOR PAGE 01/02 6~56D~%S;U ..?(cnl()11 c.., 'If 'o,.d ~ ~~1111.'0}or <Phone: (j.17) 776-S4~J5 "FaJ." (..1 17) 77(;-~'l;.z8' ,5ro'((. ,I $ 8 ()l1C .'.T{a 771 ilto 77 C ollnt)? Sq (J/1 rc .j\{ nbh'.'\lJille, I ne/fallD 4(;(.1 60- 2~JO Re: J.Jongridge Estates, Lacrosse Fields .. ~ June 8, 2005 Stoeppelwerth& Associates, In.c. ATTN: Ed Fleming 9940 A11isonville Road Fishers, IN 46038-2005 VIAFACSIMILE: 849-5942 Dear Mr. Fleming: We have reviewed the constmction plans submitted to the Hamilton. County Surveyor's Office on May 23, 2005 for this project and, have the following commen.ts: 1. This proposed project falls in the incorporated area of the City of Carmel. 2. This proposed project DOES, NOT fall within a CannelWeJn~ead Protection Zon.e. 3. The proposed site falls in. the Lion Creek Regulated Drain Watershed. 4. The new,.stann sewers being installed win become Hamilton County Regulated ,Drain.. It will be known at the Longridge Estates Common Area Ann, Lion, Creek Dwn. 5. Please submit the following procedural items to this office, petition for regulated subdivisi~n, outlet permit, engineer's estimate, an.d all associated bonds for 120% of construction cost. The applications are available on ourwebsite at http://vvww.co.ha111ilton..in..us, go to Departments, Surveyor, and Fonns. 6. Since this area will n.ot be platted, to reduce th.e regulated drain easements to 30 feet, please. submit a subdivision no~-enforcement agreement,' a complete Drai.n.age ~asem.ent (ftom. our wcbsite) and a legal description for 30' easement centered on the ~gulated' drains. 'Tb.ese forms and. the. petition will need to be signed by the property own.er'ofrecord, not the developer 1n this case. :061' 138/ 2131215 14: 131 3177769628 HAMILTON CO SURVEYOR PAGE 132/1212 7. Please move the. landscaping around so that no trees are in' the regulated drainage easements (15' each side ofth.e pipe). Also, two trees are shown in the middle of the parking lot outside of the landscape island. 8. The HCSO would recommen.d the parking lot SSD continue straight across the la.ndscape islands, rather then following the curbJine. 9. Hamilton County Ordinance 4-26...99...C' does not allow pipe discharges into open swales. . Pi.pi.ng the swale would be i.n.compliance with the ordinance and would be a benefit to the proj~t because flood water would not back up into the a.rea near the field. Please review and revise. 10. The proposed lan.dscapingalong the west side of this project does not allow access around. the detention p'ond as required, by our pond details. Please revise the lan.dscape plans to accommodate access completely around the pond. 11. Please note the additional comments maybe warranted at a later date. Should you have any questions, I can be reached at 317-776-8495. Sincerely, '91 ~.. ./ /,"A J I? I, . ~t' 11 /~ l.VVj' ,. "/ t Greg Hayes Plan Reviewer cc: Jon Dobosiewicz- Cannel DOCD Dick Hill - Carmel. Engineering., John South - HCSWCD Mike McBride - HCRD Steve Broennann - Platinum Properties 06/08/2005 10:42 3177769628 HAMILTON CO SURVEYOR PAGE 01/01 June 8, 2005 Xenton C. tlfJard. ~~ll1.1.1e"Or ( ("1'6017(' (3 17) 77(~-S4:J..~ 'Fax (J 17) 77L;-~H;;1S SUill' rS8 C)Tlf :Ha17ri!tal1 (:""t">~ Sqrl"n~ . ",,"~I{(,b{e$f1jllc, Jl1r1i1l/1tl 4t~tJc.i~-:'2.J(.' Stoeppelwerth & Associates,. Inc. AT1N: -Ed Fleming 9940 Al1ison.ville Road . Fisherslt IN:46038-2005 VIA FACSIMILE: 849-5942 Re: LOD.gridge Estates, AmeDity Area Dear Mr. Fleming: We have reviewed the construction plans submitted to the Hamilton County Surveyor~s Office on, May 23, 2005 for this project and have the following comments: 1. Thispropos<<i'projectfalIs in the incorporated area of the. City ofCarm.eI. 2~ .This proposed project DOES NOT fall within a Cannel Wellhead Protection Zone. 3. The proposed site falls in the Lion Cre~k Regulated Drain . Watershed. 4. Storm. water detention is provided for this site in the overall deveJopm.ent detention system. 5~ No new regulated drain is being installed with this project and. no pennits will be needed from our office. 6. Please note the additional c'omments may be warranted at a later date. Should you have any questions, I can be reached at 317-776-8495. ~.er~I:. ..incer...eIY.'hl . '.' ,R.) ~u:J" (j JJ/JJ11 Greg Hayes Plan Reviewer cc: Jon Dobosiewicz - Cannel DOCD Dick Hill -. Carme1 En,gin.eering, John. South -HCSWCD Mike McBride - HCHD Steve Broennann - Platinum Properties r Angelina V Tuesday, May 24, 2005 11 :02 AM Tingley, Connie S; 'efleming@Stoeppelwerth.com' RE: Docket No. Assignment: (SU) LongRidge Estates, Sec 1 : Amenity Area & LongRidge 'Estates Lacrosse Fields (#05050047-48 SU) please be advised that the dockets are switched 05050047 = amenity area and 05050048 = lacrosse fiejds. thanks, angie -----Original Message----- From: Conn, Angelina V Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 10:53 AM To: Tingley, Connie S; 'efleming@Stoeppelwerth.com' Cc: Morrissey, Phyllis G; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Keeling, Adrienne M; Kendall, Jeff A; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock, Ramona B; Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Brennan, Kevin S; Griffin, Matt L; Mindham, Daren Subject: Docket No. Assignment: (SU) LongRidge Estates, Sec 1: Amenity Area & LongRidge Estates Lacrosse Fields (#05050047-48 SU) Connie, Please print and fax this e-mail to the petitioner identified below and update the file. I have assigned the fees and Docket Numbers for (SU) LongRidge Estates, Sec 1: Amenity Area & Lacrosse Fields. They will be the following: Docket No. 05050047 SU $772.50 + ($103* 1.8 acres) = 957.90 Docket No. 05050048 SU $772.50 + ($103* 9.5 acres) = 1,751.00 Total Fee: $2,708.90 LongRidge Estates, Sec 1: Amenity Area Petitioner seeks special use approval to establish an amenity area: Docket No. 05050047 SUChapter 5.02 special use in the S-l zone The site is located at approximately 13800 N Shelbome Rd. The site is zoned S-l/Residence - ROSa. Filed by Ed Fleming of Stoeppelwerth & Associates for PPV" LLC. Clayborne, Sec 3, Blk N: LongRidge Estates Lacrosse Fields Petitioner seeks special use approval to establish lacrosse fields: Docket No. 05050048 SUChapter 5.02 special use in the S-l zone The site is located at approximately 13800 N Shelbome Rd. The site is zoned S-l/Residence - ROSa. Filed by Ed Fleming of Stoeppelwerth & Associates for PPV" LLC. Petitioner, please note the following: 1. These Items will be on the June 22, 2005 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee. Plans must be mailed to T AC members by June 7. 2. Mailed and Published Public Notice needs to occur no later than Thursday, June 2, 2005. Puplished notice is required within the Indianapolis Star. 3. The Proof of Notice will need to be received by this Department no later than noon, Friday, June 24. Failure to submit Proof of Notice by this time will result in the tabling of the petition. 4. The Filing Fee and Nine (9) Informational Packets must be delivered to BZA Secretary Connie Tingley no later than NOON, Friday, June 17. Failure to submit Informational Packets by 'this time will result in the automatic tabling of the petition to the Monday, July 25, 2005, agenda of the BZA. 5. This Item will appear on the June 27, 2005 agenda of the Board of Zoning Appeals under Public Hearings. 6. The petitioner will need to provide a fully filled-out Findings-of-Fact sheets for each petition the night of the meeting for the Board's use (Sheet 8). On Ballot sheets, only fill out docket number, petitioner, and date (Sheet 7). Ballot sheets must be collated. 7.) PETITIONER: refer to your instruction sheet for more details. Petitioner: .pleas'e complete the followin2 items: 1.) Provide an up-to-date list'of adjacent property owners from the Hamilton County Auditor. 2.) Note: you may receive an additional review letter after the TAC meeting 3.) Please note the new meeting time is 6 pm on the public notice sheet. 4.) Please provide a Filled out Findings of Fact sheet that is more substantial. 5.) After public notice is made, please provide a filled out and notarized Affidavit of Public Notice. 6.) Please label the height of the pool house building. 7.) Ple'as'e label/show buffer yards along perimeter of the whole site, per Chapter 26.04.0'5 8.) Please forward a copy of Scott Brewer, Urban Forester's approvalletter/e-mail. ~ 9.) Please provide a fence detail. 10.) Please provide a lighting plan or label lights. Please provide cut sheet for light " fixtures. -vi 11.) Please provide a recorded commitment that there will be a lifeguard on duty and that the pool will be at least 2,000 square feet in area. .If 12.) Provide a set of commitments regarding the intensity of the use of the lacrosse fields; ie. schedule for the year, traffic counts (cars arriving and leaving), and examples of other comparable sports fields, such as Mark Badger Park. (The Dept recommends you come in to review the River Road Soccer Fields file, docket no. 05010046 SU, as an example of how to handle issues that may come up with these lacrosse fields.) 13.) Change the typical sidewalk section to show a 5-ft minimum width. 14.) Verify that the installation of the lacrosse fields and the parking area will not keep Clayborne subdivision from providing the required open space for a ROSO. Re- calculate the open space schedule for Clayborne subdivision. .J!/ 15.) Provide a parking breakdown chart for the lacrosse fields ( proposed vs. required). Please contact Mr. Fleming at849-5935 (Fax: 849-5942) with this information. Once the file is updated please return it to my office. Thank you, Angie City of Carmel Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 317-571-2417 Fax: 317-571-2426 FACSIMILE TELECOPY COVER LETTER DATE: May 24, 2005 FAX: Ed Flemming, Stoeppelwerth FAX: 849-5942 FROM: Connie Tingley BZA Secretary Attached hereto are 3 pages, including this cover letter, for facsimile transmission. Should you experience any problem in the receipt of these pages, please call 317/571/2419 and ask for Connie. NOTES: You are listed as the contact person for this docket. Please share this information with your Petitioner(s ). Attached is the filing information for: LongRidge Estates, See 1 : Amenity Area & Lacrosse Fields Please call if you have any questions. Thanks, CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The materials enclosed with this facsimile transmission are private and confidential and are the property of the sender. The information contained in the material is privileged and is intended only for the use of the individual( s) or entity(ies) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, be advised that any unauthorized disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this telecopied information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this facsimile transmission in error, please immediately notify us by telephone to arrange for return of the forwarded documents to us. From: Sent: To: Cc: Conn, Angelina V Tues'day, May 24, 2005 10:53 AM Tingley, Connie S; 'efleming@Stoeppelwerth.com' Morrissey, Phyllis G; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Keeling, Adrienne M; Kendall, Jeff A; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock, Ramona B; Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Brennan, Kevin S; Griffin, Mattl; Mindham, Daren Docket No. Assignment: (SU) longRidge Estates, Sec 1 : Amenity Area & longRidge Estates lacrosse Fields (#05050047-48 SU) Subject: Connie, Please print and fax this e-mail to the petitioner identified below and update the file. I have assigned the fees and Docket Numbers for (SU) LongRidge Estates, Sec 1: Amenity Area & Lacrosse Fields. They will be the following: Docket No. 05050047 SU Docket No. 05050048 SU $772.50 + ($103* 1.8 acres) = 957.90 $772.50 + ($103* 9.5 acres) = 1,751.00 Total Fee: $2,708.90 LongRidge Estates, Sec 1: Amenity Area Petitioner seeks special use approval to establish an amenity area: Docket No. 05050048 SU Chapter 5.02 special use in the S-l zone The site is located at approximately 13800 N Shelbome Rd. The site is zoned S-l/Residence ~ ROSa. Filed by Ed Fleming of Stoeppelwerth & Associates for PPV" LLC. Clayborne, Sec 3, Blk N: LongRidge Estates Lacrosse Fields Petitioner seeks special use approval to establish lacrosse fields: Docket No. 05050047 SU Chapter 5.02 special use in the S-l zone The site is located at approximately 13800 N Shelbome Rd. The site is zoned S-l/Residence - ROSa. Filed by Ed Fleming of Stoeppelwerth & Associates for PPV~ LLC. Petitioner, please note the following: 1. These Items will be on the June 22, 2005 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee. Plans must be mailed to T AC members by June 7. 2. Mailed and Published Public Notice needs to occur no later than Thursday, June 2, 2005. Published notice is required within the Indianapolis Star. 3. The Proof of Notice will need to be received by this Department no later than noon, Friday, June 24. Failure to submit Proof of Notice by this time will result in the tabling of the petition. 4. The Filing Fee and Nine (9) Informational Packets must be delivered to BZA Secretary Connie Tingley no later than NOON, Friday, June 17. Failure to submit Informational Packets by this time will result in the automatic tabling of the petition to the Monday, July 25, 2005, agenda'ofthe BZA. 5. This Item will appear on the June 27, 2005 agenda of th~ Board of Zoning Appeals under Public Hearings. 6. The petitioner will need to provide a fully filled-out Findings-of-Fact sheets for each petition the night of the meeting for the Board's use (Sheet 8). On Ballot sheets, only fill out docket number, petitioner, and date (Sheet 7). Ballot sheets must be collated. 7.) PETITIONER: refer to your instruction sheet for more details. Petitione-r: please complete the followin!! items: 1.) Provide an up-to-date list of adjacent property owners from the Hamilton County Auditor. 2.) Note: you may receive an additional review letter after the TAC meeting 3.) Please note the new meeting time is 6 pm on the public notice sheet. 4.) Please provide a Filled out Findings of Fact sheet that is more substantial. 5.) After public notice is made, please provide a filled out and notarized Affidavit of Public Notice. 6.) Please label the height of the pool house' building. 7.) Please label/show buffer yards. along perimeter of the whole site, per Chapter 26.04.05 8.) Please forward a copy of Scott Brewer, Urban Forester's approvalletter/e-mail. 9.) Please provide a fence detail. 10.) Please provide a lighting plan or label lights. Please provide cut sheet for light fixtures. 11.) Please provide a recorded commitment that there will be a lifeguard on duty and that the pool will be at least 2,000 square feet in area. 12.) Provide a set of commitments regarding the intensity of the use of the lacrosse fields; ie. schedule for the year, traffic counts (cars arriving and leaving), and examples of other compara.ble sports fields, such as Mark Badger Park.. (The Dept. recommends you come in to . review the River Road Soccer Fields file, docket no. 05010046 SU, as an example of how to handle issues that may come up with these lacrosse fields.) 13.) Change the typical sidewalk section to show a 5-ft minimum width. 14.) Verify that the installation of the lacrosse fields and the parking area will not keep ,Clayborne subdivision from providing the required open space for a ROSO. Re-calculate the open space s'ch'edule for Clayborne subdivision. 15.) Provide a parking breakdown chart for the lacrosse fields ( proposed ,vs. required). Please contact Mr. Fleming at 849~5935 (Fax: 849'-5942) with this information. Once the file is updated please return it to my office. Thank you, Angie v~ ~J Conn, Angelina V From: Sent: To: Cc: Conn, Angelina V Tuesday, May 24, 2005 10:53 AM Tingley, Connie S; 'efleming@Stoeppelwerth.com' Morrissey, Phyllis G; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Keeling, Adrienne M; Kendall, Jeff A; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock, Ramona B; Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Brennan, Kevin S; Griffin, Matt L; Mindham, Daren Docket No. Assignment: (SU) LongRidge Estates, See 1 : Amenity Area & LongRidge Estates Lacrosse Fields (#05050047-48 SU) Subject: Connie, Please print and fax this e-mail to the petitioner identified below and update the file. I have assigned the fees and Docket Numbers for (SU) LongRidge Estates, Sec 1: Amenity Area & Lacrosse Fields. They will be the following: Docket No. 05050047 SU Docket No. 05050048 SU $772.50 + ($103* 1.8 acres) = 957.90 $772.50 + ($103* 9.5 acres) = 1,751.00 Total Fee: $2,708.90 LongRidge Estates, Sec 1: Amenity Area Petitioner seeks special use approval to establish an amenity area: Docket No. 05050048 SU Chapter 5.02 special use in the S-l zone The site is located at approximately 13800 N Shelbome Rd. The site is zoned S-l/Residence - ROSa. Filed by Ed Fleming of Stoepp~lwerth & Associates for PPV'I LLC. Clayborne, Sec 3, Blk N: LongRidge Estates Lacrosse Fields Petitioner seeks special use approval to establish lacrosse fields: Docket No. 05050047 SU Chapter 5.02 special use in the S-l zone The site is located at approximately 13800 N Shelbome Rd. The site is zoned S-l/Residence - ROSa. Filed by Ed Fleming of Stoeppelwerth & Associates for PPV'I LLC. Petitioner, please note the following: 1. These Items will be on the June 22, 2005 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee. Plans must be mailed to T AC members by June 7. 2. Mailed and Published Public Notice needs to occur no later than Thursday, June 2, 2005. Published notice is required within the Indianapolis Star. 3. The Proof of Notice will need to be received by this Department no later than noon, Friday, June 24. Failure to submit Proof of Notice by this time will result in the tabling of the petition. 4. The Filing Fee and Nine (9) Informational Packets must be delivered to BZA Secretary Connie Tingley no later than NOON, Friday, June 17. Failure to submit Informational Packets by this time will result in the automatic tabling of the petition to the Monday, July 25, 2005, agenda of the BZA. 5. This Item will appear on the June 27, 2005 agenda of the Board of Zoning Appeals under Public Hearings. 6. The petitioner will need to provide a fully filled-out Findings-of-Fact sheets for each petition the night of the meeting for the Board's use (Sheet 8). On Ballot sheets, only fill out docket number, petitioner, and date (Sheet 7). Ballot sheets must be collated. 7.) PETITIONER: refer to your instruction sheet for more details. Petitioner: please complete the followin!! items: 1.) Provide an up-to-date' list of adjacent property owners from the Hamilton County Auditor. 2.) Note: you may receive an additional review letter after the TAC meeting 3.) Please note the new meeting time is 6 pm on the public notice sheet. 4.) Please provide a Filled out Findings of Fact sheet that is more substantial. 5.) After public notice is made, please provide a filled out and notarized Affidavit of Public Notice. 6.) Please label the height of the pool house building. 7.) Please label/show buffer yards along perimeter of the whole site, per Chapter 26.04.05 1 8.) Please forward a copy of Scott Brewer, Urban Forester's approvalletter/e-mail. 9.) Please provide a fence detail. 10.) Please provide a lighting plan or labeflights. Please provide cut sheet for light fixtures. 11.) Please provide a recorded commitment that there will be a lifeguard on duty and that the pool will be at least 2,000 square feet in area. 12.) Provide a set of commitments regarding the intensity of the use of the lacrosse fields; ie. schedule for the year, traffic counts (cars arrivili'g and leaving), and examples of other comparable sports fields, such as Mark Badger Park. (The Dept recommends you come in to review the River .Road Soccer Fields file, docket no. 05010046 SU, as an example of how to handle issues that may come up with these lacrosse fields.) 13.) Change the typical sidewalk section to show a 5-ft minimum width. 14.) Verify that the installation of the lacrosse fields and the parking area will not keep Clayborne subdivision from providing the require'd open space for a ROSO. Re-calculate the open space schedule for Clayborne subdivision. 15.) Provide a parking breakdown chart for the lacrosse fields ( proposed vs. required). Please contact Mr. Fleming at 849-5935 (Fax: 849-5942) with this information. Once the file is updated please return it to my office. Thank you, Angie 2 Conn,.Angelina V Subject: Tingley, Connie S Friday, May 20, 2005 3:33 PM Mindham, Daren; Brewer, Scott I; Conn, Angelina V; Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Griffin, Matt L; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Keeling, Adrienne M New submittals From: Sent: To: Rec'd today: Heather Knoll SU Amenity Area ~~~ ~;~ii~i:r~tates SU) >~'.....'. ..' /...-" ~~'~~/ Edward Fleming Stoeppelwerth 849-5935 Edward Fleming Stoeppelwerth 849-5935 Longridge Estates Lacrosse Fields SU Edward Fleming Stoeppelwerth 849-5935 Gayle L Helart 21 Fifth St NE Lots 17 & 18 UV Jim Mack Mack Architects 251-2468 Gayle L' Helart 21 Fifth St NE Lots 1 7 & 18 DSV Jim Mack Mack Architects 251-2468 I have given the dockets to Angie Cf 1 ......, .,.."" ~. . . <.. ~: ,77J,1 . ,,{~. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 . DATE: May 20, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 47425PLA-AA TO: Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Angie Conn RE: Longridge Estates Amenity Area WE ARE SENDING YOU ] UPS [ ] Courier [ ] Other: Deliver COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 2 Sets Construction Plans 1 Special Use Application 1 Transmittals to Agencies 2 Informational Booklets THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As.Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Thank you, e~~~. ?~ Edward E. Fleming Cc: Steve Broermann S:\47425AA \Blue _ Book\Agency Correspondence\TRANSDepartmentofCommunityServicesConn05-20-05.DOC EEF/jag _~i . .. . .r e LETTEROFTRANSMITT AL ,-- STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: May 20, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 47425PLA-AA TO: Carmel Water Department 760 3rd Avenue SW Carmel, Indiana. 46032 ATTENTION: John Duffy RE: Longridge Estates Amenity Area WEARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ ].Conrier [ ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. t Set Construction Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Thank you, f~~(.1L · .~ Edward E. Fleming Cc: Angie Conn Steve Broermann S:\4742SAA \Blne _Book\Utility Correspondence\ TRANSCarmelW aterDepartmentDnffy05-20-05.DOC EEF/jag S ANN D e e LETTER OF'TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 AllisonviIle Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: May 20, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 47425PLA-AA ( TO: Carmel Clay Schools 5201 East 131st Street Carmel, Indiana 46033 ATTENTION: Ron Ferrand RE: Longridge Estates Amenity Area WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ ] Courier [ ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. t Set Construction Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested 1 For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Thank you, ~~{.~ Edward E. Fleming Cc: Angie Conn Steve Broermann S:\47 425AA \Bloe_ Book\Agency. Correspondence\TRANSCarmeIOaySchoolsFerrand05-20-05.DOC EEF/jag C NND e e LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPEL WERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: May 20, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 47425PLA-AA TO: Carmel Clay Communications 31 First Avenu NW Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Bill Akers RE: Longridge Estates Amenity Area WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ ] Courier [ ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. t Set Construction Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Thank you, ff2tA4'. JL Edward E. Fleming Cc: Angie Conn Steve Broermann "C ~ S:\4742SAA \Blue _Book \Agency Correspondence\TRANSCarmeIClayCommunicationsAkersOS-20-0S.DOC EEF/jag e tit LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERm & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 AUisonville Road Fishers, Indiana. 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: May 20, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 47425PLA-AA TO: Carmel Clay Parks Department 1055 Third Avenu SW Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Mark Westermeier RE: Longridge Estates Amenity Area WE ARE SENDING YOU [X ] UPS [ ] Courier [ ] Other:' COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED. as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Thank you, tR:~ ~. ?t ~ Edward.E. Fleming Cc: Angie Conn Steve Broermann S:\4742SAA \Blue...;.Book\Agency Correspondence\TRANSCarmelClayParksDepartmentW estermeierOS-20-05.DOC EEF/jag N D e e LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERm & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 AllisonviUe Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: May 20, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 47425PLA-AA TO: City of Carmel Engineering One Civic S-quare Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Dick Hill RE: Longridge Estates Amenity Area WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ ] Courier [ 1 Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. t Set Construction Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked. below: ] For Approval X] AsRequested I For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Thank you, ff2~ {. ~ Edward E. Fleming Cc: Angie Conn Steve Broermann S:\47 42SAA\Blue_Book\Agency Correspondence\TRANSCarmeICityEngineeringHilIOS-20-05.DOC EEF/jag e e LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERm & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: May 20, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 47425PLA-AA TO: Office of Police Chief Three Civic Square Carmel,Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Michael Fogarty RE: Longridge Estates Amenity Area WE ARE SENDiNG YOU [X] UPS [ ] Courier [ ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. t Set Construction Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Thank you, fLu-,; ,,#~ Edward E. Fleming Cc: Angie Conn Steve Broermann S:\4742SAA \Blue_Book\Agency Correspondence\TRANSOfficeofPoliceChiefFogartyOS-20-05.DOC EEF/jag c e tit LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERm & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: May 20, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 47425PLA-AA TO: Hamilton County Local Emergency 1717 Pleasant Street Suite 100 Noblesville, Indiana 46060 ATTENTION: Robert Hendricks RE: Longridge Estates Amenity Area WE ARE SENDING YOU [X 1 UPS [ ] Courier [ ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] ForYourUse REMARKS: Thank you, t~~~, ~ Edward E. Fleming Cc: Angie Conn Steve Broermann S:\4742SAA \Blue _Book\Agency Correspondence\ TRANSHamiltonCountyLocalEmergencyHendricksOS-20-OS.DOC S CN EEF/jag e e LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERm & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 AIlisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: May 20, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 47425PLA-AA TO: Hamilton County Soil & Water 1108 South 9th Street Noblesville, Indiana 46060 ATTENTION: John South RE: Longridge Estates Amenity Area WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ ] Courier [ ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. t Set Construction Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment .[ X] For Your Use REMARKS: Thank you, f1~~~~ Edward E. Fleming Cc: Angie Conn Steve Broermann S:\4742SAA \Blue_Book\Agency Correspondence\TRANSHamiltonCountySoil&WaterSouthOS-20-0S.DOC EEF/jag It e LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: May 20, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 47425PLA-AA TO: Hamilton County Surveyor's Office One Hamilton County Square Suite 188 Noblesville, Indiana 46060 ATTENTION: Greg Boyes RE: Longridge Estates Amenity Area WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ ] Courier [ ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: . Thank you, f f2u-v<-~~ ~ Edward E. Fleming Cc: Angie Conn Steve Broermann S:\47425AA \Blue_Book \Agency Correspondence\TRANSHamiltonCountySurveyorHoyesOS-20-05.DOC EEF/jag e _ LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: May 20, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 47425PLA-AA TO: Office of Fire Chief, Fire Station #1 Two Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Gary Hoyt RE: Longridge Estates Amenity Area WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ ] Courier [ ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. t Set Construction Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Thank you, t~v-A~. ?L!- '- Edward E. Fleming Cc: Angie Conn Steve Broermann S:\47425AA \Blue_Book \Agency Correspondence\TRANSOfficeof FireChieftloyt05-20-05.DOC EEF/jag ':,::,:~:-'- "., e e LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERm & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 AIlisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: May 20, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 47425PLA-AA TO: Clay Township Regional Waste District 10701 North College Avenue Suite A Indianapolis, Indiana. 46280 ATTENTION: Candy Feltner RE: Longridge Estates Amenity Area WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] UPS [ ] Courier [ ] Other: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. t Set Construction Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Thank you, f~~9~~ Edward E. Fleming Cc:Angie Conn Steve Broermann S:\47425AA \Blue_Book \Agency Correspondence\TRANSClayTo"WDsbipRegionalW asteFeltner05..20-05.DOC EEF/jag ..... e e LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL .. STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: May 20, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 47425PLA-AA TO: Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Scott Brewer RE: LongridgeEstates Amenity Area WE ARE SENDING YOU ] UPS [ . ] Courier [ ]' Other: Deliver COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. t Set Construction Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] . For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Thank you, tL~?1L Edward E. Fleming Cc: Angie Conn Steve Broermann 8:\47425AA \Blue_Book \Agency .Correspondence\TRANSDepartmentofCommunityServicesBrewerOS-20-05.DOC EEF/jag A ......,.,... ..,...C, - , '. ,: .,~,I . .~,d. , . LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: May 20, 2005 JOB NUMBER: 47425PLA-AA TO: Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Angie Conn RE: Longridge Estates Amenity Area WE ARE SENDING YOU ] UPS [ ] Courier [ ] Other: Deliver COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 2 Sets Construction Plans 1 Special Use Application 1 Transmittals to Agencies 2 Informational Booklets THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] AsRequested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: Thank you, t'L~~. ?~ Edward E. Fleming Cc: Steve Broermann S:\47 425AA \Blue _Book\Agency Correspondence\TRANSDepartmentofCommunityServicesConn05-20-05.DOC EEF/jag