HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket l' ,""" CITY OF CARMEL - CLAY TOWNSHIP HAMILTON COUNTY. INDIANA APPLICATION FOR BOARD ZONING APPEALS ACTION DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE REQUEST FEE: Single Family (Primary Residence) $250.00for the first variance, plus $75.00 for each additional section of the ordinance being varied. All Other $950.00, plus $450.00 for each additional section of the ordinance being varied. DOCKET NO.05070025V DATE RECEIVED: 1) Applicant: Ralph Akard Construction. Inc. Address: 4429 Blue Creek Drive. Carmel. IN 46033 2) Project Name: Lot 25 Swim PoollWoods at Williams Creek Phone: 848-5709 Engineer/Architect: Weihe Enaineers. Inc. Phone: 846-6611 Attorn ey: Phone: 3) Applicant's Status: (Check the appropriate response) (a) The applicant's name is on the deed to the property {b) The applicant is the contract purchaser of the property x (c) Other: Contractor 4) If Item 3 (c) I checked, please complete the following: Owner of the property involved: Stephen G. & Sherri A. Faulkner Owner's address: 14064 Salsburv Creek Dr.. Carmel. IN Phone: 5) Record of Ownership: Deed Book No./lnstrument No. Instrument number 200467040 Page: Purchase date: (Deed Date) 9/27/04 6) Common address of the property involved: 14064 Salsburv Creek Dr.. Carmel. IN Legal description: Lot 25 Woods at Williams Creek subdivision Tax Map Parcel No.: 17-09-22-00-15-025.000 7) State explanation of requested Development Standards Variance: (State what you want to do and cite the section number(s) of the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance that applies and/or creates the need for this request). Construct swimmin S:JO(J SOOe s , d3S 11)J)H B.3.b i b - Pool located in easement .~. 8) State reasons supporting the Development Standards Variance: (Additionally, complete the attached question sheet entitled "Findings of Fact-Development Standards Variance"). Pool deck within easement would not interfere with surface drainaae and/or utilities. Qualitv of home and pool construction warrants usable buildina space of said lot to maximum. 9) Present zoning of the property (give exact classification): 5-1 10) Size of lot/parcel in question: 0.52 acres 11) Present use of the property: Sinale-familv residence under construction 12) Describe the proposed use of the property: same 13) Is the property: Owner occupied X Renter occupied: Other: 14) Are there any restrictions, laws, covenants, variances, special uses, or appeals filed in connection with this property that would relate or affect its use for the specific purpose of this application? If yes, give date and docket number, decision rendered and pertinent explanation. No 15) Has work for which this application is being filed already started? If answer is yes, give details: Building Permit Number: Builder: 16) If proposed appeal is granted, when will the work commence? Upon Approval 17) If the proposed variance is granted, who will operate and/or use the proposed improvement for which this application has been filed? Property Owner NOTE: LEGAL NOTICE shall be published in the Indianapolis Star a MANDATORY twenty-five (25) days prior to the public hearing date. The certified "Proof of PublicationJJ affidavit for the newspaper must be available for inspection the night of the hearing. LEGAL NOTICE to all adjoining and abutting property owners is also MANDATORY, two methods of notice are recommended: 1) CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED sent to adjoining property owners. (The white receipt should be stamped by the Post Office at least twenty-five (25) days prior to the public haring date.) 2) HAND DELIVERED to adjoining and abutting property owners (A receipt signed by the adjoining and abutting property owner acknowledging the twenty-ive (25) day notice should ~e'l7';" kept for verification that the notice was completed). UU( NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE .THE CARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Docket No. 05070025V Notice is hereby given that the Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on the 26th day of Sevtember , 20 05 at 5:30 pm in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1 Civic Square, Carrnel, Indiana 46032 will hold a Public Hearing upon a Development Standards Variance application to: Construct swimming vool deck within drainage and utilitv easement (20 Chapter 25.01.01 B. 3. b(i)(b )- Poo/located in easement property being known as 14064 Sqlsbury Creek Drive, Carmel, IN The applica,tion is identified as Docket No. 05070025V .The real estate affected by said application is described as foll9ws: Lot 25, Replat of the Woods at Williams Creek as recorded in P.C. No.3, Slide No. 75 as instrument 200200081175 in the Office of the Recorder, Hamilton Countv, Indiana All interested parties desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned time and place. Ralph Akard Construction, Inc. PETITIONERS HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITOR I, ROBIN MillS, AUDITOR OF HAMilTON COUNTY, INDIANA, CERTIFY MY OFFICE HAS SEARCHED OUR RECORDS AND BASED ON THAT SEARCH, IT APPEARS THAT THE PROPERTY OWNERS IN EXHIBIT A ATTACHED ffERETO ARE THE PROPERTY OWNERS THAT ARE TWO PROPERTIES OR 660' FROM THE REAL ESTATE MARKED AS SUBJECT PROPERTY. THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS IS ACCURATE OR INCLUDES ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ENTITLED TO NOTICE PURSUANT TO lOCAL ORDINANCE. ANY PERSON SEEKING A MORE ACCURATE SEARCH OF THE REAL ESTATE RECORDS OF THE COUNTY SHOULD SEEK THE OPINION OF A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. ROBIN MillS, HAMilTON COUNTY AUDITOR DATED: 1- /;l~ 05 ~7tr s~oa S l Monday, September 12, 2005 Page 10'1 HAMILTON COUNTY NOTIFICATION LIST PREPARED .BY THE HA1WILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION O.F TAX MAPPING PLEASE NOTIFY THE FOLLOWING PERSONS 17 -09-22-00-15-025.000 Subject Faulkner, Stephen G & Sherri A 940 Sable Run CARMEL IN 46032 17 -09-22-00-04-010.000 Nei ghbor Michael S & Cheryl L Burns 14357 Whisper Wind DR Carmel IN 46032 17-09-22-00-04-011.000 Neighbor o Scott & Ruth L Straton 428 Twin Oaks Dr Carmel IN 46032 17 -09-22-00-04-012.000 Neighbor Goldfarb, Charles J & Nancy Mark 436 Twin Oaks DR Carmel IN 46032 17 -09-22-00-04-013.000 Neighbor Michael R & Tina A Shea 444 Twin Oaks Dr Carmel IN 46032 ~~? Vage10f6 Monday, Septelnber 12, 2005 17 -09-22-00-04-023.000 .Cohoat, Janice C 445 Twin Oaks Dr CARMEL IN Nei ghbor 46032 17 -09-22-00-15-012.000 George, Joseph C & Cheryl Lynn 486 Bolderwood Ln CARMEL IN Neighbor 46032 .17 -09-22-00-15-013.000 Quality Homes by Brian Hayes Inc 7287 Oak Cove Ln NOBLESVILLE IN Neighbor 46060 17 -09-22-00-15-014.000 Fusile, Jeffrey P & Teresa A 514 Bolderwood LN CARMEL IN Neighbor 46032 17 -09-22-00-15-015.000 John J Schneider & Co Inc 12505 West Rd ZIONSVILLE IN Neighbor 46077 17 -09-22-00-15-016.000 Fetes, Christopher L & Michelle L 546 Bolderwood Ln CARMEL IN Neighbor 46032 Monday, Septelnber 12~ 2005 17 -09-22-00-15-017.000 Vavoso, Glenn R & Autumn C 552 Bolderwood Ln CARMEL IN Neighbor 46032 17 -09-22-00-15-018.000 Bellar, Fred Jill & Ann 568 Bolderwood Ln CARMEL IN Neighbor 46032 17 -09-22-00-15-019.000 A & J Builders Inc 417 Fox Ln Neighbor Carmel IN 46032 17 -09-22-00-15-020.000 Williams Creek Woods LLC 4429 Blue Creek Dr Neighbor Carmel IN 46033 17 -09-22-00-15-021.000 Williams Creek Woods LLC 4429 Blue Creek Dr Neighbor Carmel IN 46033 17 -09-22-00-15-022.000 Williams Creek Woods LLC 4429 Blue Creek Dr Neighbor Carmel IN 46033 Monday, Septelnber 12, 2005 '17 -09-22-00-15-023.000 Williams Creek Woods LLC 4429 Blue Creek Dr Neighbor Carmel IN 46033 17 -09-22-00-15-024.000 Williams Creek Woods LLC 4429 Blue Creek Dr Neighbor Carmel IN 46033 17 -09-22-00-15-026.000 Williams Creek Woods LLC 4429 Blue Creek Dr Neighbor Carmel IN 46033 17 -09-22-00-15-027.000 Williams Creek WQods LLC 4429 Blue Creek Dr Neighbor Carmel IN 46033 17 -09-22-00-15-028.000 Zeller Construction I nc Neighbor 13986 CARMEL Salsbury Creek Dr IN 46032 17 -09-22-00-15-075.000 Williams Creek Woods LLC 1018 Henley Cir CARMEL IN Neighbor 46032 Monday, September 12, 2005 ~. 17 -09-23-01-03-025.000 Neighbor Thomas M & Lori L Kennedy Jr 1615 Springmill Ponds Carmel IN 46032 17 -09-23-01-03-026.000 Neighbor Anderson, Phillip G & Elizabeth 1627 Springmill Ponds Cir CARMEL IN 46032 17_-09-23-01-03-027.000 Neighbor Wilkerson, Jason & Annaley 13868 Springmill Ponds Cir CARMEL IN 46032 17 -09-23-01-03-028.000 Neighbor Hunter, Steven A & Kimberly L 13880 Springmill Pond Cir W CARMEL IN 46032 17 -09-23-03-04-001.000 Neighbor Herndon, John 0 & Jane Neuhauser-Herndon 1384 7 Mill Stream CT Carmel IN 46032 17 -09-23-03-04-002.000 Safranek, Mark & Stacia 13848 Mill Stream Ct CARMEL IN Neighbor 46032 MOllday, September 12, 2005 17 -09-23-03-04-027.000 Beck, Arthur T Jr & Joyce Margaret 13840 Mill Stream Ct CARMEL IN Neighbor 46032 17 -09-23-03-04-028.000 Neighbor Standifer, Daniel Steve & Angela J 13832 Mill Stream CT Carmel IN 46032 17 -09-23-03-04-029.000 Neighbor Mark E & Julie A Bruner 13822 Mill Stream CT Carmel IN 46032 17 -09-23-03-04-048.000 Cynthia J Huang 13825 CARMEL Neighbor Mill Stream Ct IN 46032 17 -09-23-03-04-049.000 Gary L & Sue Ellen Ballard 13833 Mill Stream Neighbor Ct Carmel IN 46032 17 -09-23-03-04-050.000 Daugherty, Scott A & Shay W 13841 Mill Stream Ct CARMEL IN Neighbor 46032 Monday, Septelllber 12, 2005 ~ <1: N ~ ~ f\; L{) m L{) o o N --- N ~ --- ~. 'Ji i~ ~IEl -- c 0) I rj"WItffi eY I 1J>r~ Q) ~ co C3 AFFIDA VIT I, being duly sworn depose and say that the foregoing signatures, statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I, the undersigned, authorize the applicant to act on my behalf W12.th ar to th(JfiJ0. a lic f n and subsequent hearings and testimony. , , I Signed: (Property Owner, Attorney, or Power of Attorney) {<ALP/,{ Av-p\4J (Please Print) STATE OF INDIANA SS: ~. Co- of <r"" County ofC::~/tl/l1 ~ .! f":r-~'1A , (County in which notarization take place) for ~7"7t1~A -<~A ) ((Notary Public's county of residence) Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public County, State of Indiana, personally appeared and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing instrument this 15 I-H day of \\ ';1--1) iZrn -b e I.) - / (" . CV)d.~--'".lj( ~ /, ()/r lk/l~ *~ ,/ Notary Public--Signature / Ie , 20 () 6 (SEAL) ." .1/'1 I"~ j ~ Jt'1 ) ( c- n e-.j e..- IC',: ;:) tJ U..j/~ f e...(;;?J )'1 Notary Public--Please Print My commission expires: Ie; -. / -' .;2 0 (5' J>~ \ \. :%f9<ii;~~~.~ d~ \( r,:;:;'fffii~' ~r ~-;~~-r~'(Z'4j~ ;;~'~' >~~fl~Cl~~ "-~l'''' ~ ~ I fJ ~~ ~ '\ (\.." '- ~) ~ \~~~~~{) BZA Appeal Application - pg 4 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Docket No. 05070025V Notice is hereby given that the Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on the 26th day of SEPTEMBER , 20 05 at 5:30 pm in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1 Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032 will hold a Public Hearing upon a Development Standards Variance application to: Construct swimming pool deck within drainage and utility easement (20 Chapter 25.01. 01B. 3. b(i) (b) - Pool located in easement property being known as 14064 Salsbury Creek Drive, Carmel, IN The application is identified as Docket No. 05070025V The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: Lot 25, Replat of Woods at Williams Creek as recorded in P.C. No.3, Slide No. 75 as instrument 200200081175 in the O(fice of the Recorder, Hamilton Countv, Indiana All interested parties desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned time and place. Ralvh Akard Construction PETITIONERS PETITIONER'S AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 'CARMEUCLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS I (WE) RALPH AKARD CONSTRUCTION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A LEGAL (Petitioner's Name) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL/CLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CONSIDERING DOCKET NUMBER 05070025V , WAS GIVEN AT LEAST TWENTY-FIVE (25) DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING TO THE BELOW LISTED ADJOINING AND ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS: OWNER ADDRESS SEE ATTACHED LISTING STATE OF INDIANA SS: The undersigned, swear that the above information is in ~sac/J> tr~ cou~t to the best of my knowledge and belief. ~~ ~ Signature of Petitioner - County oOxh /YJ.f~' ;-;rvu' (County in which authorization takes place) for 0/)r1.~ ~)A .J County, State of Indiana, personally appeared (Notary/Public's County of residence) ^ 1/ J! ~ .... Q/ /J ./..~ and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing instrument this (P~ppert1 Owner, Attorney, or Power of Attorney) / ~) -I-~ ; /.:J day of <1 ))(t1 / Ij'~u / c,,r'7 ~oo: .i /~) , 7/ 1'~l~/~~ /(. (.~-/;tA.J,I.A.Uf70 / Notary Public -,Signatuf'e Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public (SEAL) ml c.Jz.g.t_ k S;J Lt. bt q e.cJ"J'1 Notary Public - P1ease Print My commission expires: BZA Appeal Application - pg 6 CARM.EUCLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Carmel, Indiana Docket No: 05070025V Petitioner: Ral Dh Akard' Construction FINDINGS OF FACT ....;.DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE (Ballot Sheet) 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS DAY OF , 20 - Board Member s~OQ SOOZ S \ d3~ a3J\\3~Jj~ CARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CARMEL, INDIANA Docket No: 05070025V Petitioner: Ralph Akard Construction. FINDINGS OF FACT - DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE 1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community because: Pool & deck will be constructed cerbuildina code and desianed to enhance existina neiahborhood counterparts. 'All safety features reQuired bv City of Carmel to be cut in place. 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in'the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: Pool & deck will be built usin~ Qualitv materials crovidina distinauishina attributes for improvement of tractandadioinina lot owners. 3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: Lot size and.existina house footprint limits re'mainina SQuare footaae for desired pool & deck area without encroachment into 15' drainaae and utilitv easement surroundina lot. DECISION IT .IS THEREFORE the decision of the Carmel/Clay Board of ZO'ningAppeals that Development Standards Variance Docket No. 05070025V is granted, subject to any conditions stated . inthe minutes of this Board, which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. Adopted this day of ,20_ CHAIRPERSON, Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals Conditions of the Board are listed on the back. (Petitioner or his representative to sign )'. ~.:.._, ~.. ',' ,r;~""-,,, ~~: ,\j\'.' SECRETARY, Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals AUG-15-2005 MON 06:12 PM CARMEL COMMUNITY SVCS FAX NO. 317 571 2426 P. 02 .~f!!I~~gelina v Sub,)ect: Conn, Angelina V Monday. August 15, 2005 6:11 PM Tingley. Connie S; Wold, Alexia K Morrissey, Phyllis G: Hollibaugh, Mike P; Keeling. Adrienne M; Kendall, Jeff A; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock. Ramona S; Brennan, Kevin S; Griffin, Matt L; Littlejohn. David W UPDATED: Docket No. Assignment: (V) Woods at Williams Creek. lot 25 (#05070025 V) From ~ Sent: To: Cc: Please note the updated meeting dates and deadlines for September, highlighted below, within the e-mail. Alexia, I have updated the file. I have conta,ctedthe petitioner and issued the necessary Docket Nun1ber for (V) Woods at Williams C..eek, lot 25. It will be the following: ])ocl(et No. 05070025 V Total Fee: $128.75 $128.75 Woods at WiJlianls'Creek, lot 25 The applicant seeks the fol1owing develoPl1lent standards variance: Doc1cet No.. 05070025 V ZO Chapter 2S.01..01.B.3.b(i)(b) pool located in easen1ent The site is located near the southwest cOl11erof Springmill Rd. and 141 st St. and is zoned S..l/Residence-Estate. Filed by Stephen & Sherri Faullmer. Petitioner, please note the following: 1. This Item will not be on an agenda of the Technical Advisory Committeer . .~ 2. Mailed and Published Public Notice needs to occur no later than Friday, Seotember 1B, 2005.. Published notice is required within the Indianapolis Star, Not,e: i~e BZA Hear'ing Officer Ineeting will begin at 5;30 p.m. ~ 3. The Proof of Notice win need to'be receiv~d by this Departrnent no later than noon) Friday, September 2~2005. Failure to sublnit Proof of Notice by this time \vill result in the tabling of the petition. 4. The Filing Fee and Nine (9) Informa.t.ional Packets Juust be delivered to BZA Secretary Connie Tingley no later than NOON~ ~ Friday, Seotember 16~ 200S. FaihU'eto submit Infonua.tional Packets by this time wil1result in tho automatic tabling of the petition to the Monday, September 26, 2005 agenda of the BZA. ""'~ 5. This Ittnl will appeal' on th~ Secten1ber 26, 2005 agenda of the Board of Zoning 'Appeals HEARING OFFICER u11der Public Hearin.gs.- - , \ 6r The p~titioner will need to proVide a fully filled-out Findings~of-Fact sheets for each petition the night of the meeting for the B.oard's uSe (Sheet 8). On Ballotsheets, only fiU out docket number) petitioner, and date (Sheet 7). Ballot sheets must be coUated. 7.) PETI1-'IONER: refer to your instruction sheet for more details. . Mr. Faulkner ca'!1 be contacted at 340-7722 or fax: 284~5471. Peti.tioner: pJeasecomplete the follo,ving: la) Make sure the public notice meeting tinle to the newspaper and neighbors reads 5:30 pln1. It is snggested to send the notice to the IndyStar by Noon On Wednesday, to allow for the Friday printing. 2.) Provide a site plan showing the building and pool location, along with the easements and the lO-ft side yard setback line. , 3.) Prov:ide a copy of the official list of adjacent property owners from the IIamilton Connty Auditor's Office. 4.) Provide a notarized Affidavit, page 4 of the application. S.) Provide the notarized A.ffidavit of Public Notice, found in the application. 6.) IlJrovide n filled out Findings of Fact sheet, found i11 application. . 7.) co, ntact the Engineering Dep, t at 571-2441, regarding the .f Consent to Encroach" agreement, to be ib, Ie to have. the poolloc~ted within the,. easement. , ' ;)JjDa 8,) If this variance is approved, a building permitwilJ need to be acquired from the Building & Cod~ Enforcement nept. ::JU C S ! d3S Thank Y:A~ j U 1 / / J' f'I\ ______ M -- M ./ ~=-=:::.------:-- ./ * ~:;::::::;::::::- / *~ .~ ,/ ~ ./ ~ &- <-:S'" \~ ---S\OR~ INlLl. #65 - ./ ~/# G~v/' ~\ , ~ #' \:J<<:--i 6/ \) ~ . \ . / #', #' 1~ ~<Q . ) '1 '?\ <6\ ~ ~~ \\ ---- --- /" ~ \y ------- S\OR~ INlLl. #66 \\ ------ ) - ~ :\-...._.._--~-~ \\ ~ L "\. Lot 25 house under constru~t1on.....photo taken across SalsbmyC1;eek Drive looking west - 9/13/05. Rear of house - cleared area indicates location of proposed pool and deck - Photo taken from adjoining Lot 26 looking north. Pool and deck would sit along top rim of slope. Photo taken frOIn east comer of Lot 25 looking west along south property line of said lot. Pool would sit in cleared area at rear of house. Re', "'Ue!nea.13 hl'"mm'CU9H 3/2005 .' , , ,:., I q " ,- Y j" "" ....d... _", . , D'ULY ENTERED FOR TAXATIDN Subject to final acceptance for transfer -2..lday of .4J ' 20~ 14 ~ Ihsjl!.r ~ Aud~or of Hamilton County ~rcel #17tio2- ~ ../)()..IS-o~'..I)()f) '200400067040 Filed for R@cord in HAMILTON COUNTYL INDIANA JENNIFER J" HAVDt:.N 09-27-2004 At 01:13 pI. WARR DEED 14.00 Parcel No. Warra~ Deed 1'7" 6 -- L. 2 --~ () -- I S" ~ eJ 2. S; e;eJe') This Indenture Witnesseth, that Williams Creek Woods, LLC ("Grantor"), an Indiana limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Indiana CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to Steuhen G. Faulkner and Sherri A. Faulkner. husband and wife of Hamilton County, in the State of Indiana. for the sum of One and no/lOO Dollars ($1.00) and other valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the following described real estate in Hamilton County, in the State of Indiana: Lot Number 2S in Replat of The Woods at Williams Creek, a subdivision in Hamilton County, Indiana, as per replat thereof, recorded October 29, 2002 as Instrument No. 200200081175 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana. Subject to taxes for 2004, due and payable in May and November 2005, and subjectto taxes payable thereafter. Subject to covenants, agreements, easements, restrictions and rights.ofway of record. Subject to a mortgage to Monroe Bank and recorded March 9, 2004, as Instrument No. 200400015364, which shaH be paid in ful1 from the proceeds of sale and/or re~eased. Property Address: 14064 Salsbury Creek Drive. CarmeL IN 46032 The undersigned person executing this deed.on behalf of Grantor represent ..and certify that he is a member, manager or authorized representative of Grantor and has been fully empowered, by the operating agreement of Grantor~ to execute and deliver this deed; that Grantor has fun capacity. to convey the real estate described herein; and that all necessary action for the making of such conveyance has been taken and done. ill Witness Whereof, Grantor has caused this deed to be executed this ,;t3 day op~ 2004. STATE OF INDIANA Wil1i~s cree~LE~) Member ( ) )58: COUNTYOFHAM~TON ) 2AlfV ~ Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared'Dav id .hf~.rton , the Member of Williams Creek Woods, LLC, who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Deed for and on behalf of said Gr. antor, and who, having been duly sworn, s~. e. P.resen. tations therein contained are true. Witness Iny hand and Notarial Seal thi~ay 0 , 2004. , Notary Public My COl'nmission Expires: My County Of Residence Is: CYNTH1A.H. BABS Comm. Exp. 5~16..200Z Res. of Marion Co-, HTS# 204.2748 This in. S.tru. men. tprepared by. DaV.id. L. Walsh, Attorn...... ey a~.Law., 8.65. W.' Cannel Drive, #110, C;annel, Indiana 46032\. ~-Pleas-es-endtaxstatements: G' ~e J - q'/t> · ~Ie . RvYl A '. . ~ · . .. . 'Y!a-rmeiJ Iii/' t./~03~ 5/ '~ NON-ENFORCEMENT OF DRAINAGE EASEMENT IN SUBDIVISIONS STATE OF INDIANA ) ) COUNTY OF HAMIL TON ) BEFORE THE HAMILTON COUNTY DRAINAGE BOARD At the request of Ralph Akard Construction, Inc. The Hamilton County Drainage Board considered the extent of the drainage easement on the ,Woods at Williams Creek Drain in the Woods at Williams Creek · Subdivision. Upon the agreement in. writing by the recorded owner(s) of land involved that such owner(s) agree and covenants that neither the Hamilton County Drainage Board nor any Contractor nor Workman operating under the a~ihority of said Board will be held liable for any dam.ages resulting from construction, reconstruction, or maintenance of the above named drain at said location, whether to the real estate or improvements thereon the Board agreed: 1. That it will no.t enforce the easement beyond those shown on the Subdivision plat recorded in Plat Cabinet Slide in the Hamilton County Recorders Office. 2. It will not object to the improvement of said real estate beyond such distance, and 3. Other Conditions: Property owner agrees to remove deck in event legal drain storm pipe needs repair and/or replacement SIGNED: Ralph' Akard Stephen Faulkner APPLICANT PRINTED NAME PRINTED NAME (Owner of Land ) ***FOR BOARD USE ONLY*** AGREEMENT WILL BECOME EFFECTIVE UPON RE'CO.RDING. SIGNED THIS DAY OF 20 . BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY DRAINAGE BOARD. PRESIDENT OF DRAINAGE BOARD MrnMrnER OF DRAmAGE BOARD ~-"~1';\-"'~ ~\- \ tl,cA r /~ /~<'> ':1/' --- .. --"'L~:,j/' , ......' '.,~ MEMBER OF DRAINAGE BOARD s~oa Prepared by the Hamilton County Drainage Board Revised January 2000 I Adobe PDF Fillable Form I NON-ENFORCEMENT INFORMATION Hamilton County Surveyor's Office One Hamilton County Square, Suite 188 Noblesville, IN 46060 317-776-8495 fax: 317-776-9628 Name of Drain: Woods at Williams Creek Project Name: Lot 25 Woods at Williams Creek Parcel Number: 17-09-22~00-15-025.00 Township: Clay Applicant's Name: Ralph Akard Construction.. Inc. Property Owner: Stephen & Sherri Faulkner Address: 4429 Blue Creek Drive Property Address: 14064 Salsbury Creek Dr. Carmel" IN 46033-4170 Carmel" IN Phone: (317) 846-3656 Phone: unk Fax: (317) 848-5709 Fax: ) Contact Name: Ralph Akard Contractor-Installer: Ralph AkardConstruction" Inc Address: 4429 Blue Creek Drive" Carmel.. IN Address: 4429 Blue Creek Drive" Carmel" IN Phone: (317) 846-3656 Phone: Fax: (317) 848-5709 Fax: Purpose of Non-enforcement: to allow pool deck to encroach into easement Reduced to: N/A feet on side of Drain. IfUtility, how many feet is line paralleling drain: N/A Plan Project / Job Number: Weihe # W05-0699 Project Location: Woods at Williams Creek Subdivision., Clav Township., Carmel.. IN Engineering Finn: Weihe En1!ineers" Inc. Address: 10505 N. Colle1!e Avenue" Indianapolis" IN 46280 Phone: (317) 846-6611 Fax: (317) 843-0546 **For Office Use Only** Pennit # Project # Check # SJOQ SOOl S I d3S \i\ ~=~~D3AJ3a3H 't ,/ ,\ ~ CONSENT TO ENCROACH INFORMATION Full name(s) of property owner: Stephen G. & Sherri A. Faulkner Address of Property Owner: 14064 Salsbury Creek Drive. Carmel State IN Zip 46032 County Hamilton SubdivisionlProject Name:* Woods at Williams Creek Subdivision/Project Lot Number:* Lot 25 Encroachment Requested: Construct swimminQ pool deck within drainaQe and utilitv easement We require an Exhibit be provided to accompany the Agreement. The drawing should be to scale if possible. It should indicate all easen:--ents and easement lines and all right way and right of way lines. The drawing should show the encroachment or encroachments and all necessary dimensions relating to the encroachment. S Y2 x 11 Exhibit Provided Yes X No *If the property is not within a platted subdivision, we will require a copy of the deed for the property or a legal description of the property. In addition, we will need the date the deed was recorded, instrument number, etc. The Consent to Encroach Agreement requires the Social Security Number of the person or persons signing the Agreement. You may either place the SSN on the Agreement or, if you are uncomfortable with,your SSN being on the Agreement, you may give us the number or numbers separately and they will be maintained with a copy of the Agreement, in confidence, in the office of the City Attorney. There will be no reproduction of the numbers. SOoa sooz g I d3S ,THE WOODS A T WILLIAMS CREEK Secondary Plat North line of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22, TownshIp 18 North, Range 3 East S 89'36'36" W S 89036'36" W 1318.02' Northeast corner of the, Southeast Quarter of Sect;on 22, Townsh;p 18 North, Ronge 3 Eost ~ o LEGEND :: 4"x 4")( 36" CONC. MON. =: ALUMINUM CAPPED 5/B"X 36" REBAR SET :, COPPER WELD (36" w/cap) :: STREET ADDRESS ASSIGNED TO RESPECTIVE LOT 10 LQQQQQJ Surveyor: Weih'e Engineers, Inc. Allan H~ Weihe, President 10505 North College Avenue Indianapolis, Indiona 462.80 Phone: (317) 846-6611 Owner / Subdivider~ Williams Creek Woods, L,L.C, Allan H. Weihe. Reg. L.S. Indiona No. 10398 ~ :Q~ ~ 141ST S 00.23'24" E 15.00' 31.91' C5(in) C5 34,36' 197.37' STREET ~ :Q8J ~. I I r I I I I I I IE~I II~I I~~I I~~I I~~I I~~I I~~I I~~! I I I I I I I-I I 1 w "0 r<") r-.. N b c z L.() J' 1<'7. - _~2' Non-Access Easement \.fJ' {">$..>.. ........... Drainage & Utility Easement'O,9. <f' '- '- Block "A" " I (1 :1 gl ~I ~I ~In 3 ~ ~ I ~ \ ~I; \ 10 \ I~ \1 b i~ I I I i (/) o w N 89' 36'36" E 409.03' ~~ WETt1~~~~w~~E 197.37' ~ - - 0 RIVE:, - ...- . .... ...---.r------___ 91.97' 53.55' ~ a o ai r<") <.0 N "'- ~ v>~ "'- :-... C'~ <f v. 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