HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket CARMEL, INDIANA YORKTOWN WOODS DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE 12..4 Acres on the east side of Keystone Avenue and north of 136th Street Docket No. OS080044V City of Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals - September 26, 2005 Applicant: MHE Development, LLC Attention: Bob Ellis Phone: 370-5631 Attorney: Charles D.. Frankenberger NELSON & FRANKENBERGER 3105 East 9Stl1 Street~ Suite 170 Indianapolis, IN 46280 Telephone: (317) 844-0106 TABLE OF CONTENTS l~ Explanation 2. Aerial photographs 3. Colored rendering of plat 4. Primary Plat 5. Tree preservation plan 6. Commitments 7. Variance exhibit H ;\Janot\MHE\CarmcJ Variance\ TOC..BZA 092605.doc ExnlanatioD M:HE Development, LLC is the contract purchaser of the approximately 12.4 acres of real estate outlined on the aerial photographs included as EXhibit 2. As indicated, the entire western boundaIy of this transitional site fronts U.S. 431.. It is currently zoned R-l (Residence District), and is occupied by a landscape business and a rented house. By way of general backgroun~ on July 19, 2005~ MHE Development obtained, with respect to the 12..4 acres, (i) primary plat approval under the Residential Open Space Ordinance and (ii) a subdivision waiver pertaining to the clearing of young woodlands. A colored rendering of the approved plat is included as Exhibit 3, and a reduced copy of the primary plat is inclutled as Exhibit 4.. The fol1owing were among the reaSOnS considered by the Plan Commission in approving the above requests: II Tree Preservation.. As indicated on the tree preservation plan included as Exhibit 4, there is extensive tree preservation, as wen as the reforestation of ..38 acres of young woodlands. · Open Space - The open space required is 20%!J and the open space actually provided is 39%.. j . } .. Commitments... The architectural character of the residences is assured by the commitments included as Exhibit 6. The homes on this 12.4 acres win be upscale, providing desirable transition and buffering from the heavily traveled Keystone Corridor.. The ex.pected price range will be from $350,000 to $450,000. The Residential Open Space Ordinance provides that qualifying subdivisions are exempt ITom area.., yard, and width coverage standards specified in the applicable underlying zoning district. Chapter 26 of the Zoning Ordinance, however, contains additional requirements and provides, in summary, that (i) a dwelling, with a side-loaded garage, must be set back 15 feet and (ii) side-loaded garages must be set back a minimum of 25 feet. The purpose of the 25 foot set back for garages is, in part, to assure that there is sufficient room in the driveway to permit 2 cars to park without encroaching into the sidewalk. !v1HE is desirous of conslructing homes with side-loaded garages on the real estate; however, without compromising tree preservation, the garages cannot be set back 25 feet Consequently, to pennit side-loaded garages, MBE is requesting a development standards variance from the requirement that side-loaded garages be set back 25 feet.. In this regard, included as Exhibit 7 is a drawing illustrating the manner in which residences will be situated on lots.. As illustrated, while the side-loaded garage wi]} not be set back 25 feet, the length of the driveway will exceed 40 feet, providing sufficient rOOm for 4 cars to park in the driveway without encroachment into the sidewalk. Four of the 33 lots are sufficiently deep to permit compliance with the set back requirement. As such, this variance is requested for 29 of the 33 lots.. We look forward to presenting this request on September 26~ 2005. Respectfully submitted~ 'I I~~ .~ _r? ~~ )- /G~ L-r-- Charles D. Frankenberger H=\Janel\lvfim\Canncl V arianr:e\EJ:pl;,u,~tion-EZA 0926os.doc 'L.......... '- .......... ,.."."..". I..... ~i I ~I) ! ~ YORKTOWN WOODS g~ ~ ~ MHE DEVELOPMENT7 LLC 001 14000 KEYSTONE AVENUE (i\PPROXlMA.TE) ~~ ~ ~ 55 MONUMENT CJRCLE, SUI'tE 201 ~ ~ ~~ CARMEL, INDIANA [NDrANAPOUS~ INDIANA 46204 ~ ~ ~; ~ .' ~Ib 11:181:/ QoII Jc ~~~j!~ III.. ~ ~i AERIAL MAP a~ ~~L .......~.. '-' ...... ~ ~ ~ o~~ ,t;; U1 ...Z~ QII wLi; ~... ~ :;.....% !C ~I YORKTOWN WOODS 14000 KEYSTONE ^ VENUE (APPROXIJMATE) CARMEL~ INDIANA AERIAL MAP - LOOKING NORTH ~ ~ ~ .]'1;1 ~ MHE DEVELOPMENT LLC 55 MONUM~NT CJRCLE, SUIii 201 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46Q04 /I. 7 a,n II: !.b.'f1rmmum1al eoo.uJ.t.nt.. IDe. ~~~.~ m__-,_I_ _ -...... - """"1141) - - - -.-~~:=7--e.~~ i~u L........ 11110110 ; ~ ~ i ~ i ~ ~ I ~ ~ i! 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L........, III~ !1~lrl:I!lIf ~ 'iJlIJI:!ltr ~ II u..I~lllt. g I' &.. .'1:1 f " J rr, ~ en i f i'~iflFt ~ iiil ~ilIGI ~ s~ll} I'H. ~ i;, i~1 ill ~ .llllf~11 i ~ r w' !l =t: ... ..., ~ I I ! ~ I..... ~ I'if ~ \ 2: ~i Ir I~m ~r~o \ I ~ ' ~il f I~ !!J~ \ , ~II~ I m II S6 !~~~ I~. . I~!i~ "I t nf I,' ~ p; r 0 ~- ! \ ~2! ~ YORKTOWN WOODS ~~ ~ ~ MHE DEVELOPMENT LLC ~i 14000 KEYSToNE A VENUE (AP~OX1MA TE) is z 5S MONUMENT CIRCLEr SUiTt 201 C1\RM:ELj INDIANA ~~ rNOIANAPOLI3, INDIANA 46Q04 I!O~ ~: ~~ Cf:ril ik ~~ COIIIuI.t.autB, Inu.. ;~ OPEN SPACE MAP ~~ 11:181:/ ~.=r=..:. m DATE OF aUEMI8BION OF L\~'J.' Re\i'lt;10~j ~ ~~~"~Ia .:tt 200500~~611 Filed tor Record in HAnIlTON COUNTY, I~DIAMA JENHIFER J HAYDEN 08-25-2005 At 03:1)5 Pm. nISC 23ROO COMMITMENTS CONCERNING THE USE AND DEVELOPMENT OF REAL ESTATE MHE Development~ LLC (1;'1v1HE'~) makes the following commitments (~~Commitments") to the Plan Commission (the uCommission") of~e ~ity of Carmel, Indiana: 1. Description of Real Estate. The real estate is legally described on Exhibit A (the "Real Estate"). 2. Docket Number.. The Docket Number is 05050005 PP, under which primary plat approval was granted, subject to and conditioned upon compliance with these Commitments. 34 Definitions. A. '~Association" shall mean and refer to the Indiana Non-Profit Corporation which the Developer incorporates as required by the Covenants~ B.. The "Builder" shall mean and refer to any person or entity which builds a residence upon the Real Estate. c. The ~~Committee'} shall mean and refer to the Architectural Review Committee established by the Covenants. D. The HCovenants" shall mean and refer to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions which, in connection with the Real Estate, the Developer prepares and causes to be recorded with the Recorder of Hamilton County) Indiana. F. ("Developer~' shall mean and refer to MlIE and its successors and assigns. G. An "Owner" shall mean and refer to a person or entity to which the Developer or a Builder conveys a lot and which intends to occupy a single-family residence to be constructed on a lot. H.. '(Tree Preservation Area" shall mean and refer to the Tree Preservation Area identified on the drawing attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhi bit "B~' ~ 4. Architectural Standards + The following architectural standards shall be required and applicable to all residences constructed upon the Real Estate: A. Brick, stone~ cultured stone, EIFS and/or stucco shall be required on the exterior of the fust floor of all residences, except historical architectural styles such as cape cads and salt boxes.. Brick, wood or composite siding materials are pennitted on levels above the first floor. B.. Exterior materials are limited to brick, wood, natural stone, stucco, EIFS~ cultured stone and/or COl1crete fiber (e.g.-Hardy Plank or similar product). Aluminum. siding or vinyl siding are prohibited, but vinyl clad Vifindows and/or soffits are pennitted.. c. Windows will appear on at least three (3) sides, with the front being one of the three (3) required sides. In the event that a fourth side does not have a window, it shall have at least two (2) architectural breaks, such as a chimney or other comer break. The outermost corners of the dwelling shall not be counted as architectural breaks to meet this requirement.. D. A standard street address stone~ selected by the Developer, shall be installed and purchased by the Owner and/or Builder+ E. A standard mailbox and post, selected by the Developer, will be installed by Developer's vendor and purchased by the Owner and/or Builder. F. Each residence shall ha.ve a 12 inch eave and overhang. In certain limited instances, the Committee may consider and approve a smaller eave and overhang, but not less than 8 inches in dimension. G. Chimneys occurring on the perimeter of the house will be constructed of brick, stone or stucco.. No wood chases will be permitted. H. Concrete driveways are required. Concrete or brick pavers may be pemritted with Committee approval. 1. Exterior color selection shall be submitted and approved by the Committee prior to exterior materials being installed. Acceptable colors shall be generally defined as the earth tones and other traditional colors.. -2- . -. J. The minimum roof pitch on the main roof of each residence shall be 6 horizontal to 12 vertical (6: 12).. The roof pitch may be less on porches, bump outs, dormers, and gables. K. Roofing shall be of architectural grade shingles that have greater texture than standard 3-tab shingles. Cedar shake roofing shall also be permitted. Copper and metal roofing shall be permitted with Committee approva1~ L. A standard 70-watt dusk-to...dawn pole yard light or garage mounted carriage light, selected by the Developer, shall be installed by Owner and/or Builder and purchased by the OWner and/or Builder. M. Whenever a single house design is used repeatedly, materials and details of the major facade elements shall be vaxied from lot to lot. In general, design elements and detailing shall be continued completely around the structure.. Such design elements shall include, but are not limited to, windows~ window placement, trim detail and exterior wall materials. Long~ massive, unbroken exterior building walls shall be avoided. Na Various lengths and heights of ridges shall be encouraged by the Committee for diversity of elevations. Certain historical designs or eIevations~ such as cape cads or salt boxes, may contain only one main ridgeline per rectangular living area. o. Basement foundations will be constructed of poured concrete. Pa Crawl space foundations and/or garage foundations may be poured wall or concrete block construction. All homes shall have basements. Q. Equipment vents are to be located to be minimally visible from the street frontage and will be color coded to match the trim or roofing materials.. Ra Before commencing construction!! the Owner and/or Builder will submit to the Committee a landscape plan and obtain Committee approval of the plan. This plan shall address all yards; however, the front yard must contain the fOllowing: One (1) tree~ measuring at least 2-1/2 inch in caliper at the time of installation, located in the front yard; For comer lots, two (2) trees (one for each frontage), measuring at least 2- 1/2 inch in caliper at the time of installation; -3- Twenty (20) shrubs, the proposed size of which is to be specified on the plan submitted to the Committee; and All trees to be of a,specie listed on the ~'Approved Plant Materials List" supplied by Developer and/or the Committee. S. All residences shall have a minimum of two thousand (2,000) square feet of finished living space. 5. Tree Preservation Area. Except as 1.1oted immediately below, each Builder and/or Developer shall endeavor to conserve trees within the Tree Preservation Area. Except as noted immediately below, the Developer, any Builder, any Owner, and the Association shall not remove trees within the T lee Preservation Area: A. The clearing of underbrush and dead trees within tbe Tree Preservation Area shall be allowed; B. The removal of trees necessary for the installation of access easements, rights-of- way, streets, paths, sidewalks, and utilities and drainage improvements and infrastructure within the Tree Preservation Area. c. Trees may be removed within the Tree Preservation Area as necessary for public health and safety. 6. Bindine- on Successors and Assigns. After the Effective Date (defined below), these Commitments are binding upon Developer, each subsequent owner of the Real Estate, and each other person acquiring an interest in the Real Estate, unless modified or tenninated by the Commission. These commitments may be modified or tenninated only by a decision of the Commission made at a public hearing after notice as provided by the Rules of the Commission~ 7. Effective Date. The commitments contained herein shall be of no force and effect until the occurrence of all of the following: A. The approval of the plat request under Docket Number 05050005 PP; and B. The acquisition oftitIe to the Real Estate (i) by the Developer, (ii) by Developer's grantee, successor or assign, or (iii) by any person or entity who develops the Real Estate pursuant to the approvals obtained under Docket #05050005 PP; and -4- I .. C. The commencement of the development of the Real Estate pursuant to approvals obtained under Docket #05050005 PP.. 8. Recording. The undersigned shall record these Commitments in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County ~ Indiana, upon the occurrence of all events specified in paragraph 7 above. 9. Enforcement. These Commitments may be enforced by the Commission and the City of Cannel and any owner of part or all of the Real Estate. 10, Compliance Confinnation. The Director of the Department 6fCommunity Development of the City of Carmel. Indiana, shall, when requested by the owner of the Real Estate, give written assurance, in letter fonn, that the owner of the Real Estate has or has not complied with these Commitments. EXECUTED this I ~ day of A ~ u~ -\- ! 2005. By: -5- ..... - ~ . , I ~ : - ;' STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS~ COUNTY OF HAMILTON ) "" . -.- ~ - ~ ~ . \. ~ - I . , ~ BEFORE ]vIE,. a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared · ~~ A":" t~/.~l'/.~ , the l..r'.tp-./"~.-/l.. of MHE Development, LLC, who ackn Iedged e execution of the foregotng Commitments. WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal this ....L!L day of tlJ-tf/4-;)7f , 2005. My Commission Expires: ~~.//..c,(' ~ ~4..L6 1...-z"'14r.1t /r:~;l()()3_ Not y Public - 8i ature Residing in ~.4A 1JfrI,- County . \ f~/:)~ L~ ~J. G r L -4 Printe Name Prepared By: Charles D. Frankenberger, Nelson & Frankenberger, 3105 East 98th Street, Suite 170~ Indianapolis~ Indiana 46280. J anet\MHE\CalJ11el Primary Phlt\Commitme:rlts-RE 060805, doc -6- j .... EXHIBIT" A" L......"-,,. ~JZal Description ...~ A part of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 19, Township 18 North. Range 4 East~ more particularly describe.d as follows: Beginning North 89 degrees 14 minutes 55 seconds East, 1440.16 feet East of the Northwest corner of said North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Sectjon 19, Township 18 North, Range 4 East at a point on the East right of way line of State Road #431 and on the North line thereof; thence continuing North 89 degrees 14 tninut~s 55 seconds East On and along the North line of said Quarter Section 1110.33 feetto a round stone; thence South 00 degrees 16 minutes 40 seconds East 623.00 feet to an existing iron pipe and the North right of way line of the abandoned Traction Company right of way; thence South 65 degrees 37 minutes 15 seconds West 422.90 feet on and along the North line of said abandoned right of way line to the Easterly right of way of State Road #431; thence North 50 degrees 39 minutes 55 seconds West 155.25 feet; thence North 44 degrees 00 minutes 05 seconds West 300.00 feet; thence North 42 degrees 16 minutes S5 seconds West 100.04 feet; thence North 45 degrees 35 minutes 10 seconds West 108.44 feet; thence in a Northwesterly direction 189.93 feet along an arc deflecting to the right and having a radius of 5679.6 feet and subteoded by a long chord having a beating of 43 degrees 02 minutes 35 seconds West and a length of 189.93 feet; thence North 34 degrees 48 minutes 35 seconds West 219.31 feet to the North line of said Southwest Quarter and the place of beginning. EXCEPT that real estate conveyed to Board of Commissioners of Hamilton County per Warranty Deed recorded as Instrument #200 100073740 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana. Containing after said exception 12.40 acres, mOre or less. Subject to and Easement for water lines granted to The City of Canuel by instrument recorded July 31, 1985, in Book 3, Pages 39-41 as Instrument No. 85-10715 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana. Subject.to an Easement for utilities granted to The City of Carmel. Indiana, an Indiana Municipal Corporation by Instrument recorded July 3,2003, as Instrument No. 2003-64122 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana. Subject to all other legal easements and rights of way of record~ J anct\JVIHE\Carme' Primary Plat\CommilmentS"-RE 060805.doc -7- ~~~ ~~ k~ ~ ~OI~^3'!::1. .L~Yl .alO ~l~]I'iBne.110 :tl.'II(] .~ .~~." JllDa.L7/ ~! dVW 3:~VdS N3dO - ~~ ~ =~ fi ..... ~ijgv VNYfONI "SrIOdVNV!aNI ~~ VNVItJrU ~~ a Um U] r O~ &Una Im'i!l~ J.N;i(wnt.low ~ ii (3JNWDCO~) ~v '3NOJ.S}..~ oQOtoy 0 J" t:J,N:!l~dcn:3:~CI ~HW i~ ~I~ saooM. NA\O.LmIOA. ~ I...,~ . ; 'r .. it 'n- ,,1,11'1 ~ ir.:IBd1b UII I....IIJJ ; n~air!1f1 J~t~llfll.. ~ Jtfill.l II II- III lilt. I {Ii J~~ 0J I." III IC j.J. ~I lih 1111 II! ~;. f!1~ --~i *~I ~S I ~I ~II~ ~~!~ ~I= Q:r~J~ w;bm ~ti z ~ i I I ~ I~I I~I I~I > II II~ ili ffi III '!I I~~ f.nLU II'" 1",/ ... ~ .... p f'tII' /"'\. i .. \I ..... ~~.""'.1,~ Il. ~ ~~l?,~~. l1J '!J~. "t. W I ~j h ~ D::: .;.( .,', ' I-- ; :\....' r +oJ .r-t A 'M ..c; &-3 II II ;~ I~ I~ I~ II r~~i · I.,,~~r \~\,1 f ~ , \-" ~ ~'i ('{'.\<I f ,':, I. ~\'; I ~ ~' '\ "'.~.~dd '... (' 60.00' 10' TREE PRESERVATION EASEMENT ---------------~-~-~~~ --- o (Jl o o -- L2' 26~ 8wS.LA~ D.&U~E. 501 " o L--___ gr:llPi qiJJJ 24~67F 151 8wS.L., D_&U.E. U! 60.00' 51 SIDEWALK ~ ~ cc CD 8~ 6 6' cr: 16.671 / I CONCORD COURT ROLL CURB AND GUTTER SAMPLE PLOT PLAN YORKTOWN WOODS LOT #17 GEC PROJI;CT NUMBeR 050318 l~eET ' 1 ~ 1 I DATE: DWN. BY: CHKD. BY: SCALE: 9/01/05 JCB Bse 1" = 20. LEGEND .......... . -.............. ............... ~ o (J1 o o \ B~S.L. BUILDING SETBACK LJNE D_&U~E. DRAINAGE AND UTILlN EASEMENT Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. ~I ~"~~~~..~7 10 WEI'l!it MQrbt streEl~~ S'LJih~ 1 J60 ~ Indicncpolls. ~ndiotl.c 4B204-2960 (J17) eSS.....77i1 (677) 746-0748 Pit~bFJrgh. PA Ci["J~il1""Q't;~ OH Columbus;:, OH N~ehV'ille. TN Chiea90w IJ.. ~portl PA St. Laur~. MO