HomeMy WebLinkAbout222483 07/30/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351455 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE LONDON WITTE GROUP LLC CHECK AMOUNT: $9,781.25 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 ONE AMERICAN SQUARE + :0 1776 N MERIDIAN STREET SUITE 500 CHECK NUMBER: 222483 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46202 CHECK DATE: 7/30/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1801 4340303 26194 9, 781 . 25 OTHER ACCOUNTING FEES i LONDON LWG WITTE GROUP Carmel Redevelopment Commission Client No: 1002.004 30 kV.. Main Street Date: 0613012013 Suile 220 Invoice No: 26194 Carmel, IN 46032 For services rendered as detailed in the attached summary. 1 Operating $ 9,781.25 Non-Operating 3,567.84 Current Amount Due $ 13 349.09 I 1 Certified Public Accountants 1775 N. Meridian Street, Suite 500 Indianapolis, Indiana 46202 Telephone 1317-634-4747 Facsimile 1317-632-2727 Web I LondonWitteGroup.com London Witte Group, LLC June 2013 Billing Detail 1 of 8 Carmel Redevelopment Commission 1002.004 Hourly Employee Date Hours Rate Invoice Memo Lee 06/14/2013 1.00 75.00 75.00 Revised budget based on conversations with Dave Bowers, reviewed emails, prepared agenda and gathered documents in preparation for meeting at CRC offices. Lee 06/14/2013 2.00 75.00 150.00 Attended meeting with Jim Higgins, Dave Bowers and Les Olds to review CRC budget and to determine money available at the end of the year. Higgins 06/14/2013 4.00 325.00 1,300.00 Prepare for and attend meeting at the CRC with Mike, Dave Bowers, Matt and Les. Carney 06/19/2013 0.50 70.00 35.00 Printed June CRC Meeting Packet. 7.50 1,560.00 Subtotal -Financial Advisory-Finance Committee Lee 06/03/2013 2.50 75.00 187.50 Searched for 2012 receipts from August through December. Scanned and organized receipts for responses to auditor. Lee 06/0312013 2.50 75.00 187.50 Finished updating TIF register as of 5/31/13. Organized TIF register report for response to auditor. Worked on gathering information for more auditor responses. Lee 06/04/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Email and phone discussions with Ben Roeger RE: line of credit wire transfer documentation from 4CDC to CRC. Lee 06/04/2013 0.75 75.00 56.25 Prepared and emailed responses to State Auditor's questions. Lee 06/04/2013 2.00 75.00 150.00 Researched additional items requested by State Auditor. Higgins 06/04/2013 2.00 325.00 650.00 Follow-ups with Bob Reynolds and Mike Lee re: audit questions and related matters. Lee 06/05/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Communicated through email and had phone conversation with CRC counsel to review State Auditor questions RE: 4CDC's role as landlord for Office Building and Shapiro's financial information. Lee 06/05/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Prepared responses to State Auditor questions RE: 4CDC as landlord for Office Building, Star Bank account and Shapiro's financial information. Lee 06/05/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Researched Rob DeRocker contract and amount of payments made by CRC to Rob DeRocker in 2012. Asked CRC staff for contract/agreement signed in 2011 that extended Rob DeRocker's services. Higgins 06/05/2013 0.50 325.00 162.50 Follow-up call with Bob Reynolds and Mike Lee re: open and outstanding audit items. Lee 06/05/2013 0.25 75.00 1875 Explained Rob DeRocker contract to State Auditor and sent newer contract that extends to the end of 2013. Reynolds 06/05/2013 0.25 80.00 20.00 Audit-Answered various audit questions from Mike Lee. Lee 06/06/2013 1.50 75.00 112.50 Reviewed Star Bank ledger, checks written for Parcel 7 rents and 2012 CTAR. Replied to auditor's email with Star Bank information. Reynolds 06/07/2013 0.25 80.00 20.00 Audit-Went over Audit questions with Mike Lee. Lee 06/13/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Responded to auditor's question RE: BJS, LLC checks. London Witte Group, LLC June 2013 Billing Detail 2 of 8 Carmel Redevelopment Commission 1002.004 Hourly Employee Date Hours Rate Invoice Memo Higgins 06/13/2013 0.50 325.00 162.50 Email from SBOA postponing the exit conference; follow-up with Bill Hammer re: same; adjust calendar and pass along unavailable July dates (vacation)to the auditor; follow-up with Mike Lee re: open issues. Lee 06/13/2013 1.50 75.00 112.50 Researched minutes, CRC files and agreements for information requested by auditor. Lee 06/17/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Requested legal documents from CRC legal counsel for audit. Forwarded documents to auditor. Lee 06/18/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Responded to auditor's questions RE: ticket surcharges and Energy Center. Higgins 06/18/2013 0.25 325.00 81.25 Follow-up with Mike Lee re: additional information request from the SBOA Examiner. Higgins 06/24/2013 0.50 325.00 162.50 Retrieve voicemail and return call to Lori Danford (SBOA) re: open/outstanding items with the CRC's 2012 audit(Swap termination fee and energy center matters); follow-up with Mike Lee re: same. Lee 06/24/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Emailed 2012 Refunding Bonds report to auditor as requested. Higgins 06/25/2013 0.50 325.00 162.50 Follow-ups with SBOA Examiner on open and outstanding matters. Higgins 06/26/2013 0.50 325.00 162.50 Review and respond to a follow-up email from Lori Danford re: CRC, Swap and Energy Center Matters. 19.00 2,615.00 Subtotal -Financial Advisory-Audit Lee 06/06/2013 2.50 75.00 187.50 Revised the CRC forecast based on conversation with Dave Bowers and Les Olds. Input May expenditures and revenues. Lee 06/07/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Updated forecast May actual amounts. Lee 06/07/2013 1.00 75.00 75.00 Updated Expenditure/Revenue Analysis as of May 31 st, 2013. Lee 06/07/2013 1.50 75.00 112.50 Altered Financial Information Packet. Organized Financial Information Packet files. Lee 06/10/2013 1.00 75.00 75.00 Reformatted forecast for financial information packet. Formatted months June through December to flow better. Lee 06/10/2013 1.50 75.00 112.50 Reformatted and updated summary page for commissioners'financial information packet. Lee 06/11/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Continued to update monthly forecast for financial information packet. Lee 06/13/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Updated revenue and expenditures analyses for monthly packet. Lee 06/13/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Updated claims sheets and monthly forecast based on additional invoices. Lee 06/13/2013 0.75 75.00 56.25 Revised monthly forecast and scanned large invoices and claims sheets for monthly packet. Lee 06/14/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Made additional revisions to forecast and revised budget based on meeting at CRC offices. Lee 06/14/2013 1.00 75.00 75.00 Finalized monthly financial information packet for commissioners. Lee 06/28/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Updated Revenue and Expenditures analysis with June information. London Witte Group, LLC June 2013 Billing Detail Carmel Redevelopment Commission 3 of 8 1002.004 Hourly Employee Date Hours Rate Invoice Memo Lee 06/28/2013 1.50 75.00 112.50 Reviewed expenditure and revenue audit trails for June. Identified errors. Input expenditures and revenues into forecast spreadsheet. 13.50 1,012.50 Subtotal-Financial Advisory-Financial Dashboard Lee 06/03/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Discussions with Les Olds and CRC staff RE: claims, June TIF distribution, 2012 claims, 2012 receipts and 2014 budget. Lee 06/04/2013 1.00 75.00 75.00 Responded to several emails from CRC staff and Les Olds RE: questions from auditor and June TIF disbursement. Lee 06/05/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Discussion with Les Olds RE: confirmation on question for auditor and revisions to CRC budget. Lee 06/06/2013 1.00 75.00 75.00 Reviewed information requested by Dave Bowers. Requested information from Mike Anderson to more accurately project construction management expenses. Created energy consumption payment receivables sheet. Prepared and sent email explaining requested information. Lee 06/10/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Updated check register. Lee 06/11/2013 2.25 75.00 168.75 Reviewed all CRC and Redevelopment Department invoices for processing. Lee 06/11/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Communicated with trustee of 2012 Refunding Bonds RE: first payment invoices. Lee 06/11/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Met with Les Olds and CRC staff to go over plans for CRC budget, contracts needed and purchase orders. Lee 06/11/2013 3.50 75.00 262.50 Made copies of all invoices for packet. Filled out claims forms for invoices to be processed. Input invoices into CRC computer database. Lee 06/12/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Discussed purchase orders needed to pay invoices with CRC staff. Lee 06/12/2013 1.25 75.00 93.75 Discussions with CRC staff and Les Olds RE: contracts already submitted to Clerk-Treasurer and ones that are still outstanding. Discussed vendor invoices and went over which ones to pay this month. Lee 06/12/2013 1.25 75.00 93.75 Filled out additional claims forms to be submitted to Clerk-Treasurer for payment. Lee 06/12/2013 3.25 75.00 243.75 Input CRC invoices into claims approval sheets for CRC monthly meeting. Input Redevelopment Department invoices into reference sheet for monthly meeting. Lee 06/12/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Reviewed new Redevelopment Department invoices prior to processing. Lee 06/13/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Reviewed revised budget and matched it with forecast. Lee 06/13/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Reviewed additional invoices for processing. Lee 06/13/2013 1.00 75.00 75.00 Prepared additional claims forms to be submitted to Clerk-Treasurer. Lee 06/13/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Met with Jim Higgins to discuss Meridian and Main TIF analysis, auditor questions and monthly CRC meeting. London Witte Group, LLC June 2013 Billing Detail Carmel Redevelopment Commission 4 of 8 1002.004 Hourly Employee Date Hours Rate Invoice Memo Lee 06/14/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Updated defeasance analyses for Parkwood Bonds and Merchants Square Bonds. Lee 06/14/2013 1.50 75.00 112.50 Gathered contracts agreements needed for claims submission. Prepped claims and purchase orders for submission to Clerk-Treasurer. Created spreadsheets for contracts being submitted. Lee 06/17/2013 1.25 75.00 93.75 Updated TIF register with June TIF collections information and bond payment. Lee 06/17/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Responded to inquiries from CRC staff RE: vendor payment inquiries. Lee 06/17/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Phone conversations with Jaime Browning, Dave Bowers and CRC vendor. Higgins 06/19/2013 1.00 325.00 325.00 Prepare for the evening's CRC Executive and Regular Meetings; review Commissioner's packet. Lee 06/19/2013 2.00 75.00 150.00 Attended monthly CRC meetings. Higgins 06/19/2013 0.50 325.00 162.50 Attendance at the CRC's June Commissioner's meeting. Higgins 06/19/2013 1.75 325.00 568.75 Prepare for attend the CRC Executive Session. Lee 06/19/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Discussions with Les Olds RE: vendors with outstanding payables, CRC budget and professional services agreements. Lee 06/19/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Prepare transfer of warranties documents for Angela Painting and Indianapolis Concrete. Lee 06/19/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Reviewed CRC invoices for payment. Lee 06/19/2013 1.00 75.00 75.00 Worked on action items. Prepared and reviewed documents for CRC meeting. Lee 06/20/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Organized and filed away May and June CRC and Redevelopment Department approvals. Lee 06/20/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Reviewed CRC monthly meeting notes for approvals and TIF notifications. Lee 06/21/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Reviewed contractor invoice and communicated with CRC staff and 4CDC to see who is responsible for payment. Lee 06/21/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Responded to several emails from CRC staff RE: purchase orders, sales tax exempt form and vendor payment reconciliation. Lee 06/21/2013 3.50 75.00 262.50 Compiled information for DLGF report due by 8/1/13. Created spreadsheets for report. Reconciled report numbers to check register. Lee 06/24/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Made updates to DLGF report due August 1 st. Lee 06/24/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Responded to emails from CRC staff RE: outstanding invoices from vendor. Lee 06/24/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Reviewed and responded to emails from CRC staff RE: updates and revisions to Commissioner's report to City Council. Lee 06/25/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Responded to CRC staff email RE: budget line items and appropriation amounts for specific vendor. Lee 06/25/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Phone conversation with Ben Roeger RE: amounts CRC can send to the City of Carmel in 2013. Higgins 06/25/2013 0.25 325.00 81.25 Follow-up with Mike Lee re: request for assistance in recoding of fixed assets and related matters. London Witte Group, LLC June 2013 Billing Detail Carmel Redevelopment Commission 5 of 8 1002.004 Hourly Employee Date Hours Rate Invoice Memo Lee 06/26/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Reviewed email RE: Parcel 47 Garage. Reviewed prior installment purchase contract information and responded to email. Lee 06/27/2013 4.00 75.00 300.00 Revised August 1st report for DLGF. Reformatted 2012 check register and checked that it reconciled with Redevelopment Report filed at the beginning of the year. Input information for each TIF area into report. Created exhibits A and B to be attached to report. Lee 06/28/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Discussed 2014 budget, invoices and capital assets with CRC staff. Lee 06/28/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Reviewed previously sent capital asset information to Clerk-Treasurer's office. Lee 06/28/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Responded to several vendor payment inquiries. Explained reasoning why checks had been cut but not mailed out. Lee 06/28/2013 1.00 75.00 75.00 Input Redevelopment Department and CRC invoices into CRC computer database. Lee 06/28/2013 1.50 75.00 112.50 Reviewed Redevelopment Department payables to be submitted. Reviewed some CRC payables yet to be submitted. Lee 06/28/2013 2.00 75.00 150.00 Filled out claims forms for Redevelopment Department payables to be submitted and made copies for July packet. Higgins 06/30/2013 0.25 325.00 81.25 Follow-up with Les Olds re: fixed asset accounting and related matters. 46.25 4,406.25 Subtotal-Financial Advisory-General Reynolds 06/04/2013 1.50 80.00 120.00 TIF Disbursement and Debt Service Coverage- Updated the TIF Disbursement and Debt Service Coverage analysis to include the June 2013 Disbursement. Reynolds 06/04/2013 0.75 80.00 60.00 TIF Disbursement-Met with Mike to go over the 2013 TIF Disbursement and answer various audit questions. Lee 06/04/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Calculated gross June TIF receipts and net June TIF receipts after developer pass-through. Sent email to commissioners with this information. Lee 06/04/2013 0.75 75.00 56.25 Responded to emails RE: comparison of what was projected for June TIF and what was actually received. Lee 06/04/2013 0.75 75.00 56.25 Email discussions with County Auditor RE: June TIF disbursement, delinquent payments and Meridian and Main late payment. Lee 06/04/2013 2.75 75.00 206.25 Worked on TIF analysis sheets comparing December 2012 collections to June 2013 collections. Worked on analysis of actual Spring and estimated Fall 2013 TIF collections. Reynolds 06/05/2013 0.50 80.00 40.00 Meeting with Jim and Mike to discuss various TIF analysis covering the June 2013 distribution. Higgins 06/05/2013 1.00 325.00 325.00 Call with Mike Lee and Bob Reynolds re: Spring 2013 TIF distributions and related matters; follow-up emails re: same. London Witte Group, LLC June 2013 Billing Detail Carmel Redevelopment Commission 6 of 8 1002.004 Hourly Employee Date Hours Rate Invoice Memo Lee 06/05/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Conference call with Jim Higgins RE: TIF analysis worksheets. Lee 06/05/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 'Responded to emails from Les Olds RE: developer pass-through for June TIF distribution and how it compares to what was forecasted. Lee 06105/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Requested more TIF information from county auditor. Reynolds 06/05/2013 0.50 80.00 40.00 TIF Collections and Disbursement-Finalized the TIF Collection and Disbursement document. Lee 06/05/2013 1.50 75.00 112.50 Recalculated Indiana Spine Group developer pass-through amount for 2013. Verified the correct tiers for remaining CRC debt. Made revisions to TIF analysis worksheets. Lee 06/05/2013 2.00 75.00 150.00 Worked on adding additional information to TIF analysis worksheets. Verified that the developer pass-through amounts are correct. Lee 06/05/2013 1.00 75.00 75.00 Reviewed TIF refund spreadsheets provided by county auditor and made listing of parcel owners that received TIF refunds from appeals in CRC TIF areas for December 2012 and June 2013. Reynolds 06/06/2013 0.75 80.00 60.00 Meridian and Main Distribution-Contacted Lee Graham at the auditors office to discuss a possible advance distribution of the late payment by the Indiana Spine Group.Also gathered all information needed for this discussion. Had a follow up phone call with Lee discussing the steps needed in order to request the advance distribution. Lee 06/06/2013 1.50 75.00 112.50 Prepare back-up documentation for TIF appeals/refunds. Checked revisions to TIF analysis sheets and sent on to CRC counsel for review. Lee 06/06/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Made additional revisions to TIF analysis worksheets. Reynolds 06/07/2013 1.00 80.00 80.00 Meridian and Main. Lee 06/07/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Prepared and sent out email with CRC 2013 June TIF analyses. Lee 06/07/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Indiana Spine Group 2013 TIF analysis. Higgins 06/11/2013 0.25 325.00 81.25 Review voicemail and return call to Jamie Browning re: Indiana Spine Group payment and related matters. Higgins 06/13/2013 0.50 325.00 162.50 Meeting with Mike Lee to review ISG taxpayer payments and amounts due. Lee 06/13/2013 1.00 75.00 75.00 Updated Meridian and Main TIF analysis. Contacted trustee to verify debt service and interest rate. Sent email Jaime Browning with TIF analysis. Lee 06/19/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Updated TIF appeals analysis sheet and sent out for review. Lee 06/20/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Made revisions to TIF notification documents for 2013. Created processing engagement memorandum. Carney 06/20/2013 0.50 70.00 35.00 Processed&mailed TIF. Higgins 06/25/2013 1.00 325.00 325.00 Follow-up with Mike Lee and review open and outstanding items-transitional matters. 23.25 2,453.75 Subtotal-Financial Advisory-TIF London Witte Group, LLC June 2013 Billing Detail Carmel Redevelopment Commission 7 of 8 1002.004 Hourly Employee Date Hours Rate Invoice Memo Lee 06/26/2013 2.25 75.00 168.75 Created CRC 2014 forecast spreadsheet based on discussions with Les Olds and research on debt. Lee 06/26/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Discussed preliminary 2014 CRC budget line items. 2.50 187.50 Subtotal -Financial Advisory-Budgets Lee 06/03/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Picked up check from City Hall for construction contractor. Lee 06/04/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Responded to CRC staff email RE: payment status for vendor. Lee 06/04/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Responded to vendor payment inquiry and asked Clerk-Treasurer's office if check had been sent out. Lee 06/06/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Sent reminder to Clerk-Treasurer's office to transfer energy center consumption payments to the CRC's fund for June. Lee 06/07/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Reviewed specific vendor's invoices from March that had not been processed. Responded to email to verify they have not been processed but will be in June. Lee 06/07/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Made additional revisions to compliance information. Reviewed Certificate of Compliance for errors. Lee 06/07/2013 1.50 75.00 112.50 Made revisions to NBI compliance coverage worksheet. Lee 06/07/2013 2.50 75.00 187.50 Reviewed 2012 end of year forecast. Input information for Compliance Junior Parity Obligations Debt Service Coverage Calculation 2012 for NBI. Lee 06/10/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Responded to emails from Les Olds and CRC staff RE: TIF analyses and vendor payment inquiries. Lee 06/11/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Responded to CRC staff RE: vendor payment inquiry. Lee 06/11/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Responded to email from Ben Roeger RE: 4CDC tax bill and how it affects 4CDC's ability to grant money to CRC in 2013. Had phone conversation RE: same issue. Lee 06/12/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Contacted trustee for Illinois Street Bonds for invoice to be paid in July. Lee 06/12/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Researched Arts District Lofts and Shoppes TIF area collections for June 2013 as per CRC staffs request. Lee 06/12/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Created May Club Canine invoice and sent to Club Canine for payment. Lee 06/13/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Researched Arts District Lofts and Shoppes TIF area collections and responded to emails from CRC. Lee 06/13/2013 0.75 75.00 56.25 Responded to several emails from CRC RE: project expenses for previous two years for report. London Witte Group, LLC June 2013 Billing Detail Carmel Redevelopment Commission 8 of 8 1002.004 Hourly Employee Date Hours Rate Invoice Memo Lee 06/13/2013 0.75 75.00 56.25 Discussed purchase orders with CRC staff. Worked on plan to get them ready for Monday claims. Lee 06/14/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Contacted Bruce Donaldson RE: defeasance of Parkwood Bonds and Merchants Square Bonds. Lee 06/14/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Discussed and helped prepared purchase orders for claims. Lee 06/17/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Researched for revenue stream source for Village Financial Primary Installment Contract as per Dave Bowers' request. Lee 06/17/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Phone conversation with Vicki Sponcil RE: former installment purchase contract vendors. Lee 06/20/2013 0.75 75.00 56.25 Researched vendor's invoices, contracts and payments to verify how much they are owed and from which contracts. Lee 06/20/2013 1.00 75.00 75.00 Researched invoice history for specific vendor. Researched IPC payments made to same vendor and compared to customer history report provided by vendor to determine if an overpayment had been made in the past. Lee 06/20/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Sent email to V. Sponcil RE: transfer of warranties. Lee 06/20/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Researched CRC records to determine when CRC started paying taxes for Shapiro's property as per CRC staffs request. Lee 06/20/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Researched budget line items for purchase orders. Created spreadsheet for CRC staff to use for reference. Lee 06/20/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Attended meeting with CRC staff and vendor regarding outstanding payments. Lee 06/20/2013 0.50 75.00 37.50 Reviewed vendor payments for meeting at CRC offices. Lee 06/27/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Communicated with CRC vendor and Clerk-Treasurer's office RE: June check and when they can receive payment. Lee 06/27/2013 0.25 75.00 18.75 Communication with Heidi Amspaugh and Jaime Browning RE: Meridian and Main TIF pass through amount and how much is attributable to the base. Hancock 6/28/2013 7.84 Postage/Courier. 14.75 1,114.09 Subtotal-Financial Advisory -Other 126.75 13,349.09 Total Invoice Summary: 9,781.25 Operating 3,567.84 Non-Operating 13,349.09 Total 0 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No.201(Rev.1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. I Payee / ���dOn P �Y'OUw Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) S q,7y l. Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. / II Eye / ALLOWED 20 �7r0�'�' _ IN SUM OF $ $ q, 7S], zs ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR (101 /q3qo)05 Board Members PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#!TITLE AMOUNT DEPT.f# I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or I 2 q — 43�Ml q73 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except -7-22 —2013 Signature Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund