HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice e e Ordinance No. Z-470-05 NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS CARMEL, INDIANA NOTIC'E OF PUBLIC HEARING TO AMEND THE CARMEL/CLAY ZONING ORDINANCE Z-470-05 Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of the City of Carmel and Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, that the proper legal officers of the City of Carmel will meet at their regular meeting place, Council Chambers, Carmel City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032, at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, the 7th day of February, 2005, to consider the following: Petition to Amend Chapter 23F: Carmel Drive - Range Line Road Overlay Zone; ~hapter 25: Additional Use Regulations; Chapter 25.07: Sign Ordinance; Chapter 26: Additional Height, Yard, and Lot Area Requirements; Chapter 28: NonconfotmingUses & Exemptions; Chapter 29: Administration and App'endix A: Schedule of Uses of the Zoning Ordinance, adding provisions and making corrective amendments the CarmeVClay Zoning Ordinance pursuant to the application filed by the City of Carmel Department of Community Services and identified as Carmel Advisory Plan Commission Docket No. 04100026 OA. Taxpayers appearing at the meeting shall have the right to be heard. Diana L,'Cordray, Clerk-Treasurer January 20, 2005 2005-0120; Z-470-05; Council Notice e e CERTIFICATION OF THE CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATION ON THE PETITION OF THE CITY OF CARMEL TO AMEND THE CARMEL/CLAY ZONING ORDINANCE PURSUANT TO INDIANA CODE 36-7-4-605 ORDINANCE No. Z-470-05 An Ordinance to amend five chapters and appendix A of the Zoning Ordinance in order to add new provisions and makes several corrective amendments. To: The Honorable Common Council Of the City of Carmel Hamilton County, Indiana Dear Members:, The Carmel Advisory Plan Commission offers you the following, report on the application to the Commission (Docket No. 04100026 OA) to Amend' Chapter 23F: Carmel Drive - Range Line Road Overlay Zone; Chapter 25: Additional Use'Regulations; Chapter 25.07: Sign Ordinance; Cpapter 26: Additional Height, Yard, and Lot Area Requirements; Chapter 28: Nonconforming Uses & Exemptions; Chapter 29:.Administration and Appendix A: Schedule of Uses of the Zoning Ordinance in order to add , new provisions and make several corrective amendments. The Carmel Advisory Plan Commission's recommendation on the petition is FA VORABLE. At its regular meeting on January 18,2005, the Commission voted seven (8) in Favor, zero (0) Opposed, zero (0) Abstaining, to forward to the Common Council the proposed Ordinance No. Z-470-05 with a Favora.ble Re'commendation. Please be advised that by virtue of the Commission's Favorable Recomtnendation, pursuant to IC 36-7-4- 607(e)(3), theCouncilhas ninety (90) days to act on this petition before it becomes effective as Certified by, the Commission. Ninety days from the date of the original Certification (January 19, 2005) is Tuesday, April 19, 2005. d 4~': Ra ona HaJicock,'Secretary Ca mel Advisory Plan Commission Dated: January 19, 2005, 2004 Received JAN 1 9 2005 Carmel Clerk.. Treasurer 2005~0119; Z-470-05; Patch V Certification . . I<~-e lin 9 ,Ad ria nn~1VI Subject: Keeling, Adrienne M W-ednesday, December 22, 2004 t :39 PM 'Pu bl icN otices@ I ndystar. com' Hollibaugh, Mike P; Conn, Angelina V; Dobosiewicz, JonC; Hancock, Ramona B; Griffin, Matt L Plan Commission Hearing: 1 ordinance amendment From: Sent:' To: Cc: Carol: please publish this one item in the next available Friday issue of the Indianapolis Star. 2004-1222; ~100026 OA; PC Not Thank you. Adrienne Keeling Department of Community Services City of Carmel 317-571-2417 317-571-2426 fax 1 e e Docket No. 04100026 OA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Advisory Plan Commission will hold ,a public hearing upon a Petition To Amend the Zoning Ordinance pursuant to the application. and plans filed with the Department of Community Services as follows: Amend Chapter 23F: Carinel Drive - Range Line Road Overlay Zone; Chapter 25: Additional Use Regulations; Chapter 25.07: Sign Ordinance; Chapter 26: Additional Height, Yard, and Lot Area Requirements; Chapter 28: Nonconforming Uses & Exemptions; Chapter 29: Administration; Chapter 34: Zoning Violations and Appendix A: Schedule of Uses of the Zoning Ordinance. Designated as Docket No. 04100026 OA, the hearing will be held on Tuesday, January 18,2005, at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers, Carmel City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032. The file for this proposal' (Docket No. 04100026 OA) is on file at the Carmel Department of Community Services, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032, and may be viewed Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Any written cOh1ri1ehts or objections to the proposal should be filed with the Secretary of the Plan Commission on or before the date of the Public Hearing. All written corhments and objections will be presented to the Commission. Any oral con1Inents concerning the proposal will be heard by the Commission at the hearing according to its Rules of Procedure. In addition, the hearing may be continued from time to time. by the Commission as it may find necessary. Ramona Hancock, Secretary Carmel Plan Commission (317) 571-2417 FAX: (317) 571-2426 Dated: December 22, 2004 r I From: Fax number To: 5712426 Page: 1/1 e Date: 10/20/20045:50:59 PM e Indianapolis Star Fax Receipt Date: 10/20/2004 5:50:06 Pl\1 To: Company: Fax: 3175712426 Emall: RE: DSR #9408 The Indianapolis Star has recei'Ted your fax. Should you need to contact us, please refer to the DSR # shown above. An Indianapolis Star representative will process your information and make contact with you as quickly as possible. If you receive a proof, please approve the proof and fax it back to us at: Churches: 317 4448806 Churches Fax Number If you need to refer to your fax please caD: 317 444 4444 Joi Walker PublicN otices: 3174448806 Public Notices Fax Number If you need to refer to your fax please caD: 317 444 7163 Carol MitcheR e e One Civic Square Carmel, IN ~ (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 To: CAJ~M(td1ell Fax: f1t-f ~ 'f; 80(0 Phon~: fJ!!f I Re: rpl/GbtLc' No -h uz From: Pages: Date~ cc: r;rtJrgent 0 Far Review 0 PIease Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle ~#L4-L r'~L / /7~ Fh~vU1 ( ()c/r2;Z, ~I e e Keeling, Adrienne M From: Sent: To: Subject: encom pass@indystar.com Wednesday, October 20,2004 11 :50 AM Keeling, Adrienne M IndyStar Confirmation Receipt Indianapolis Star Email Receipt Date: 10/20/2004 11:49:09 AM To: Keeling, Adrienne M Company: Fax: Email: AKeeling@ci.carmel.in..us RE: DSR #9290 The Indianapolis Star has received your email. Should you need to contact us, please refer to the DSR # shown above. An Indianapolis Star representative will process your information and make contact with you as quickly as possible. If you receive a proof, please approve the,proof and fax it back to us at: Churches: ,317 444 8806 Churches Fax Number If you need to refer to your fax please call: 317 444 4444 Joi Walker PublicNotices: 317 444 8806 Public Notices Fax Number .If yo~ need to 'refer to your fax please call: 317 444 7163 Carol Mitchell ,1 KeelIng, Adrienne M . From: Sent: To: Subject: e Keeling, Adrienne M Wednesday, October 20, 2004 11 :48 AM 'p ub I icn otices@indystar.com' Plan commission hearing: ordinance amendment Carol, Please publish 1 x on Friday, October 22, in the Indianapolis Star. g[;;:n.'.'.,',.,'~.',.:':.',':.'."'..','.:,.,','.,:.,:..,..:::...:.::... ~ 2004-1020; ~ 100026 OA; PC Not Please contact me if you have any questions'. Sincerely, Adrienne Keeling Planning Administrator City of Carmel Department of Community Services 317-571-2417 317-571-2426 fax 1 e