HomeMy WebLinkAbout222549 07/30/2013 f CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 358681 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE PURDUE UNIVERSITY PEC BUS OFFICE CHECK AMOUNT: $105.00 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 128 MEMORIAL MALL y roN�o STEWART CENTER ROOM 110 CHECK NUMBER: 222549 WEST LAFAYETTE KS 47907-2034 CHECK DATE: 7/30/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4357004 31255 105 . 00 REGISTRATION Registration Information Registration Form 11792-13FY-NB � ® � Payment is required upon submission of registration.Acceptable PASER— e First Step in Telling(Your Infrastructure Story forms of payment are a hard copy of a purchase order,check, Name .J t t or credit card.The registration deadline is July 26.Refunds for cancellations will not be given after the deadline. Purdue University Title S G� !$,✓ /0!K( /' t I is not responsible for costs due to cancellation. Agency C Cif c, ,-e ✓e I E� Direct questions regarding registration,billing,and payment to Address 3 ,i 3(<e Purdue Conferences at(866)515-0023 or(765)496-6500.For additional lr�✓ ZIP'16 Q r Y LPA Cerdfieation Trammg r` program information,contact Indiana LTAP at(800)428-7639 or City L�;y' t State (765)494-2164. Work Phone _ ?17-7 j j' - �' Fax s'I7'7ff_LC)0' LPA&Consultant LPA-Ditty To register online,visit www.conf.purdue.edu/LTAP or visit the June 11 July 9 Indiana LTAP website training calendar at www.purdue.eduhnitap E-mail (� (1k t. cwt �d Cted—P, I (n n Fort Wavne District, Vincennes District and click"register"next to the event. Purdue is committed to making its programs accessible to individuals - Jnly 11 with disabilities.If you require an accommodation or special assistance consultant-only Road Scholar Information for this program,due to a disability, lease contact us at 765 494-0243 at Crawfordsville Dtstnct P g Y'P ( ) June 12 The Pavement Management Workshop meets the requirements for least one week before the program begins. ; Registration Form 11792-13FY-NB ® B Registration Information Payment is required upon submission of registration.Acceptable PASER—The First Step in Telling Your Infrastructure Story forms of payment are a hard copy of a purchase order,check, Name �Q t ✓'y /�t / I Q-i or credit card.The registration deadline is July 26.Refunds for cancellations will not be given after the deadline. Purdue University Title YLt G 1 1 is not responsible for costs due to cancellation. Agency C_Ct✓,&v,w' S�lr P`t r J -(�r✓t Direct questions regarding registration,billing,and payment to Address 3tf(�O iJ 131 r ST � t r Purdue Conferences at(866)515-0023 or(765)496-6500.For additional 1 1 information,contact Indiana LTAP at 800 428-7639 or City C� ZIP7 LPA Cer #�catlon Trammg program ( ) (765)494-2164. j 7 73 � Fax —7 Work Phone S3 LPA&Consultant LPA Onty To register online,visit www.confpurdue.edu/LTAP or visit the E-mail r Jurie 11s July 9€, w Indiana LTAP website training calendar at www.purdue.edu/initap IL t((?v� CLl✓ e( /vt , q G iJ Fort Wa ne Dtstrtct Utncetihes District �:; g' Purdue is committed to making its programs accessible to individuals y I and click"register"next to the event. dui 1T with disabilities.If you require an accommodation or special assistance Consultant Only A Iys , Road Scholar Information for this program,due to a disability,please contact us at(765)494-0243 at i Crawfo�rdsv€IIe.Dtstnct Jude 12 The Pavement Management Workshop meets the requirements for least one week before the program begins. IlndranapolLS September,5 Core Course#6:Basics of a Good Road.This workshop will also Greenfield District R .€ be considered an elective in the program and is worth six(6)Road Registration Jutte?3 ., Scholar credits.Certificates of Attendance for this course will be Indianapolis Septetnberl9 Ple a check one rate: emailed to each attendee after the workshop.These should be kept North Central Indiana 4: P p Government($35) ❑ Non-Government($100) ❑ Exhibitor ($225) Au stl f with your Road Scholar files to verify your attendance.To be eligibile No th Central Indiana October 24 ,, for Road Scholar credit,participants must sign-in at the beginning of Please check one session: India apohs the session and stay for the entire session. ❑ Clarksville(July 30) ❑ Indianapolis(July 31) ❑ Plymouth(Aug.1) Septembir 17 u South Central Indiana,-, November? Continuing Education Units/ � �l`€ � south Central4ndiana Professional®ev @lopm @nt Hours Payment Method(Payment is due upon submission of registration): -TranSportati0ni2013 �� € ❑Enclosed is a check made payable to Purdue University r �, Continuing Education Units(CEUs)are a standardized,nationwide p y y Wlthlnstldr�teof�anaportatlon Engineers(IIEj IndlanaSectlon method of recognizing and rewarding participation in non-credit 56 am paying with a Purcpha�1e Order �� 8 . educational activities. PDH/CEUs will be available to licensed P.O.# I t� Indiana Wesleyan University Indianapolis, engineers.Participants in this workshop will receive 0.6 CEUs.These ' I f Bill to RoadScholarCoreCogrse#7 t are granted through the Purdue Extended Campus.CEU request forms will be available at the workshop.In order to receive full credit Company/Organization �Q✓ "^�' S'f,� lr ,�c',� TemporaryyTraffic Control p i i for the da participants must check in at the registration desk at the i Brest 22(During ISCAAnnuai Convention} Y p p g Address beginning of the day and complete a CEU request form at the end of :- Swan Lake Resort Plymouth t€ € / l/�)7Y training.Requests for CEUs will not be accepted after the session City _t; w��,( State ` /_IP � F�[/ 28th Annual CIAI'Engmeering Professional date. Development Seminar(CEPDS) ❑Please charge to my: Exhibitor Information WlththiiAmeilcanSoc/ety„„ofClNlEn�neers(ASCE) r ❑MasterCard C3 VISA ❑Discover ❑American Express Vendor booth rates are$225.This fee includes one six-foot table and Noaenrber 2] K two chairs for the day.This fee also includes registration for one Account Number I uue mversny West Lafayette t representative from our agency.Additional representatives should P Y p Y P Expiration Date RoadScftotarCore course#5 register separately. RoadWa Safe Printed Name y ty t �_ Booth set-up will be available beginning at 7:00 a.m.You will not December4``<During IACCAnnuatkimfereuce) _ - be able to set up the night before.Booths will be assigned on a first- Signature Sheraton Keystone at the Crossing Indianapolis come,first-served basis. - > Fax with credit card or P.O,information to: (765)494-0567 i Purdue University is an equal access/equal opportunity university. Mail with payment to: PEC Business Office s For More D italls and Registration Information, s Purdue University Stewart Center,Room 110 YI$It�(IrQU$ite ate- �i 128 Memorial Mall WWW pll-dLlB 2dU�1>Z)tap �” West Lafayette,IN 47907-2034 ' . . , Registration Form 11792-13FY-NB 9 . Registration Information Payment is required upon submission of registration.Acceptable PASER—The Fir Stepi inOTellinggYYo r Infrastructure Story t forms of payment are a hard copy of a purchase order,check, Name s �. t I or credit card.The registration deadline is July 26.Refunds for cancellations will not begiven after the deadline. Purdue University Title Q N t 1 is not responsible for costs due to cancellation. Agency " tL If"e* Direct questions regarding registration,billing,and payment to Address 3qW 01 111'S 57f'tPT E " Purdue Conferences at(866)515-0023 or(765)496-6500.For additional LPA Cerb icatlon Tram►ng program information,contact Indiana LTAP at(800)428-7639 or City CIAC"E;L State 1T1t zip 60�]W (765)494-2164. Work Phone 3';001 Fax '133-2005 LPA&Consultant LPA-Onty To register online,visit zuzow.conf.p«rdue.edu/LTAP or visit the E-mail 10��r jj �� �jw �Jmie 11 July 9 Indiana LTAP website training calendar at mww.purdue.edu/initap Port Wayne Dtstnctcennes District t .; and click"register'next to the event. Purdue is committed to making its programs accessible to individuals July P with disabilities.If you require an accommodation or special assistance Consultant-onty Road Scholar Information for this program,due to a disability,please contact us at(765)494-0243 at Crawfordsville IDtstrict June 12 The Pavement Management Workshop meets the requirements for least one week before the program begins. Indianapolis, y September 5 j_t Core Course#6:Basics of a Good Road.This workshop will also June 13 Greenfield District be considered an elective in the program and is worth six(6)Road Registration Scholar credits.Certificates of Attendance for this course will be Indianapolis' September,19 Please check one rate: emailed to each attendee after the workshop.These should be kept North Central Indiana I��Government($35) C3 Non-Government($100) ❑ Exhibitor ($225) August 1 ,• with your Road Scholar files to verify your attendance.To be eligibile Noah Central Indiana October 24 for Road Scholar credit,participants must sign-in at the beginning of Please check one session: _/ September 17 Indianapolis , the session and stay for the entire session. ❑ Clarksville(July 30) I/Indianapolis(July 31) ❑ Plymouth(Aug.1) South Central Indiana November? Continuing Education Units/ South:Central Indiana Professional Development Hours Payment Method(Payment is due upon submission of registration): `Transportation 2013 ❑Enclosed is a check made payable to Purdue University With lnstltuteoliransportatlonEnglneers(rrE)lndlanaSectlon' Continuing Education Units(CEUs)are a standardized,nationwide p y y method of recognizing and rewarding participation in non-credit ❑I am payin with a Purchase Order August 8 r, educational activities. PDH/CEUs will be available to licensed P.O.n S lndtana Wesleyan,Untveraty Indianapols engineers.Participants in this workshop will receive 0.6 CEUs.These Road Scholar Core Coarse#7 are granted through the Purdue Extended Campus.CEU request Bill to Tiemporaty-TrafflC.COntiol forms will be available at the workshop.In order to receive full credit Company/Or�g1anization t+r�t°1 ,n Aagust22(During'ISCAAnnual'Cotiventioii) d for the day,participants must check in at the registration desk at the Address �-1 00 UJl 3 l .5T t� M1' Swan Lake Resort,Plymouth c beginning of the day and complete a CEU request form at the end of ,�+� �M_ training.Requests for CEUs will not be accepted after the session City L.iT rV �(; State S 7_IP 6Q� 28th Annual CiviLEngineeringProfessiona[ ,. date. Dt velopment Seminar(CEPDS) ❑Please charge to my: With theAmedcanSoeletyofC(NlEng(�neers(ASCE) Exhibitor Information ❑MasterCard El VISA ❑Discover ❑American Express November 2l ` Vendor booth rates are$225.This fee includes one six-foot table and Purdue University West Lafayette two chairs for the day.This fee also includes registration for one Account Number representative from your agency.Additional representatives should Expiration Date RoidScholarCoreCourse#S register separately. ROadwaySafety Printed Name Booth set-up will be available beginning at 7:00 a.m.You will not December4(DunriglACCAnnuul Confereiue) ,:- be able to set up the night before.Booths will be assigned on a first- Signature Sheraton Keystoneat ttie Crossing Indtanapohs come,first-served basis. Fax with credit card or P.O.information to: (765)494-0567 Purdue University is an equal access/equal opportunity university. Mail with payment to: PEC Business Office For More Detalls and Registratlon Information, Purdue University w 7 4 Stewart Center,Room 110 `Visit Our-Website at' 128 Memorial Mall wvw.ptlydue.edia/initap West Lafayette,IN 47907-2034 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Purdue University PEC Business Services ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF $ 128 Memorial Mall, Stewart Center Room 110 West Lafayette, IN 47907-2034 $105.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. I ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 31255 I I 43-570.041 $105.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Fri July 6', 013 Sf,e 46 r i gr Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 07/25/13 $105.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer