HomeMy WebLinkAbout222596 07/30/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 360767 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE TERMINAL SUPPLY CO CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 1253 CHECK AMOUNT: $153.61 TROY MI 48099 o„�o CHECK NUMBER: 222596 CHECK DATE: 7/30/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1120 4237000 43606-00 164 . 11 REPAIR PARTS 1120 4237000 9994797 —10 . 50 REPAIR PARTS tt ,t�,RMI2V,gl 1800 THUNDERBIRD/ _ INVOICE CO \ TROY,MICHIGAN 48084 S5#OOOOG0 PACE 01 Since 1966 (248)362-0790 • (800) 989 9632 ® FAX (248) 362-0824, REMIT TO: stJppLY CO' wwzu.Termina)SupplyCo.com TERMINAL SUPPLY CO. P.O. BOX 1253,= 1644 TROY,'.MI 48099 S 13222 $ 13222 CARMEL fTRE DEPT H CARMEL FIRE DEPT D 2 CIVIC S(yJARE P 2 CIVIC SQUARE T CARMEL IN 46032 p CARMEL IN 46032 DATE TSC ORDER NO. F.O.B. CUSTOMER P.O. NO INVOICE NO. 7/11/13 471682 BOB V 43606-00 'SHIP_P_I.NG_P_OINT " DATE SHIPPED SHIPPED VIA TERMS ACCOUNT NO. SLSM 7/10/13 SLSM NET 30 DAYS SML 13222 V 1 ORDERED QUANTITY N� . DESCRIPTION EXTENSION SOG S00 16-2 D-SOO\ DUPLEX PARALLEL WIRE 32e. 22/ M 164. 11 We certify that these goods were produced in compliance with all applicable re- SALES TAX FREIGHT quirements of Sections 6, 7 and 12 of the Fair Labor Standards Act, as amended, and SUB of Regulations and orders of the United States Department of Labor issued under ©Q CO TOTAL, 164. 11 Section 14 thereof. All material on this invoice is on consignment until invoice is paid in full.A re-stocking charge may apply. ORIGINAL INVOICE ISO 9002 Certified THANK YOU AM°DUE l 6`* '1 REV.7/2003 PLEASE PAY LAST AMOUNT IN THIS COLUMN CREDIT MEMO TERMINAL SUPPLY CO. PAGE 1 y ISO 9002 Certified e 1800 THUNDERBIRD REMIT 0 TROY, MICHIGAN 48084 - TERMINAL"SUPPLbY-,;CO BOX1253 (248) 362-0790 • (800) 989-9632 TROY;,MI 48099 FAX(248) 362-0824 S S 0 13222 H D CARMEL . FIRE DEPT p SAME 2 CIVIC SQUARE T T 0 0 CARMEL IN 46032 .DATE , _- TSC 6RDERN6. ?';' CUSTOMER P.O. NO: CREDIT MEMO# 6/12/13 4 S049 SHIPPING POINT °ACCOl14T N0:^ 'SLSA4 INVOICE NO.�. SHIPRED VIA R.M A ,NO UPS 3486 NET 30 DAYS 13222 013 QUANTITY ORDERED SHIPPED DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 1 TSC-700-20B BLACK SHRINK TUBING— DUAL WALL S. 2SEA 5. 2S 1 TSC--700-20R RED SHRINK TUBING — DUAL WALL S. 2SEA 5. 2S PER "INVOICE #30839-00 °,SALES TAX FREIGHt ,SUB . 00 00 TOTAL, 10. SO THANK YO U TOTAL► 10: SO VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Terminal Supply IN SUM OF $ P.O. Box 1253 Troy, MI 48099 $153.61 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#!TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 9994797 42-370.00 ($10.50) 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1120 43606-00 42-370.00 $164.11 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except JUL 2 92:013- Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by Nhom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) 9994797 ($10.50) 43606-00 $164.11 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 120 Clerk-Treasurer