HomeMy WebLinkAbout223045 08/13/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351017 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 664117 CHECK AMOUNT: $3,895.98 '?• INDIANAPOLIS IN 46266 «o„� CHECK NUMBER: 223045 CHECK DATE: 8/13/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 106945863002 61 . 34 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 106955227002 19 . 00 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 106982059001 1, 017 . 60 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 106997223001 129 . 70 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 107003447001 2 , 418 . 78 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 107004673001 54 . 91 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 107016793001 112 . 31 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 107021004001 69 .40 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 107028320001 12 . 94 OTHER EXPENSES DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT 74918 S13659 PT 10TH PROX NET 30TH JEREMIAH S ELY DIRECT BLAINE MALLABER FISHERS 317-598-6170 07/16/13 64ea 64ea REN C886345 5.40 lea 345.60 RETURN SHOES, UHMW KRPNM PRINT C886345 "*SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY" 64ea 64ea REN C886346 5.40 lea 345.60 WEAR SHOES, UHMW FLOOR KRPNM "SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY" PRINT C886346 64ea 64ea REN C866805 5.10 lea 326.40 F-22-8 FILLER BLK PLASTIC KRPNM "SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY" PRINT C866805 ALL ITEMS ARE IN STOCK 3-5 DAY LEAD TIME Billing Questions: Billing—request@kirbyrisk.com(765)446-3054 Invoice Number S106982059.001 Subtotall 1017.60 S&H Chargesi 0.00 Invoice is due by 08/31/13. Sales Taxi 0.00 0 ® 1017.60 0001:0001 'Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 'Ov"S kND (A0,1sI)ITION,,17'� OF SALY UNT111TANC 44,)FIBE, ,41VEPTANCH OF THE 110NIS ANo C(')NDITIOW� (""4,SALVV,,,�Ii(I I FWj AM (2 "vicirdwad6e k mv n invuNc ii;Q., wa can somn; a-RawTM kAwds YwOwn ' Goin r.W (MmmT*I awfadyn .if! ;Trees slat in .I mmuWas at pmxk;md v xkvh bon, SiVn0lin- '! AVS jh)O%v,s vnnumicc or mTOd "maznk. Y mcalaxwY A It mot Won hm-any p-nn nn- pupiva.". 0 flyopw, lvnv% Hha lvfll nx R Paola Jor any i vskWal damoyo arkpq-, AU", —a'TS,:, ""ith the 2ood�; irmn, (51 Mcm Shmn"'I (10 noa irJuk, sales or.0cr iaxv it sm Tc mm Aqw& kn "wnw ,.A,aAc; iacvp, Bu>A"q:A- n,, OM,rvn,Sulk Q" my such us or provido So!Qr wRh ncyull? wx cnn"Rm cKtlnvp ,, 10, SUPPHUNUTIOUIDOCUSS -WHSCHUM KAN in d��Hvory, MWAnOrMo4solvenny rigIn WoundershvE nN he di., W boa W"ioNuik tow—, �.H,d,n!'Ons in Uw amun Rushall 4 Q Wated W be a yokunfanv who Lam, nAhwm, f',,r is) ASWUMMAIn 01 Wrims MY MOWIM" 1�M, nnq j�. .Mk1. AnT C an_. at n A ,nV w" <i: w 2ny ma, j pwimg in nudi" We in"q orvn"Q .it W, Onfing an SM Wthow SAWA wrim coven ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT ;:74:918 JOE 278 PT 10TH PROX NET 30TH MIKE E WILSON WC51 WILL-CALL JOE FAUCETT FISHERS 317-598-6170 07/25/13 7 lea LUTR MRF2-8S-DV-WH 112.31 lea 112.31 lea 1 MRF 8A DUAL VOLT SWITCH Billing Questions: Billing_request @kirbyrisk.com(765)446-3054 71250201312:58:16PM 3107016793.001 Invoice Number_s1o�o�s7ss.00� Subtotal 112.31 S&H Charges 0.00 Invoice is due by 08/31/13. Sales Taxi 0.00 JOEFAUCETT - _ ® -. ® p 112.31 0001:0001 Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 TERMS AND COINDITIONS (W SALE ACCEPTANCE OF THE GOODS PURCHASED ON THIS INVOICE C0NYllT0TLSANB ACCEPTANCGMTBE TE.RMS ANT) CONDITIONS OF8ALE. WHICH FMLLQ\f: (Q 8kck5donchuudY,issohjor/unu/r/om No_�Youdsma[yhe`-C/ummdvvid`ou,x tickc/ and/or invoice ounnherund prioruo\hol-izubnn, (2) Non-Stock Merchandise is riot returnable un|uao wu can mzmr u"Returned Goods Aud`mig/' hmm the vendor. (3) Thc Customer ucknovlcdgca and agnouthu/in all puobumnn�g'oudu and ycrvicoshnmsd|c� 3dkx givcvnooxpoas *enno/icx,mrbnpUcdwm/ruo/icsu[oiozhuumhUi|9 and fitness for any pa/bcu|m, Pog?nyo� (4) Ile Customer xgreeethat SAW w0 not be \\ob\ekx any consequential and dwidonudJuuugcs u6sing from any cnusrassociated wi|bthe�,,xdnpurcbawd bom5eUcc (K Taws- Pldces Wwwn do mq WHO saks or mher taxes imposed on the safe of'�oods. Tuxcy now or be-coftoriolj�oacduyno sales o,ddpmonm ,ihhmuddcdm the purchase price. Bu}cru&roustn reimburse Seller lor anysuch tax or provide Seller With acceptable ux exenipiion certificate. (0) Delay inDr|i`cry—8e||n,is not mbruocouomWn for del uysio del i very,occoy(onodby acts ofOudn, orhorcizumguxoca over v/hich Sd|v,huu no direucno|noi Factory uhipmonznr delivery dxoca are the best unimacs of our suppliers, and in no caw shAl Seller be We for any consequerahl or special arising Front any delay indch,cry. (7) Waiver--The 11lury of Sdler to insist upon the perforniance of wq of Me tertm or uinditkw of Wis contract or to exercise any right WCUrlder Aull not be dcemNi U)he a Wwr thsuch ternw, conditions or rioht in Me fuum, nm shall 4 be dmnwd to be a waivto(A any other wrm.comfidmL or 6gh1 under this con/mcr. (8) NUdi5cabuuay Terms and Cuod1hm/n— No nunneund comb rinnymhcrdhon low x/mrdhuoiu. awl ooaqrcuemozuudczsloodiutio any wuypuzynrhogromo'Ufyrheoe (eccm. urcoodidnou. sbo// he hbdin�,�on Seller without Seller's \viitten consent, DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT 74918 SHOP PT 10TH PROX NET 30TH MARKS BAYS PK PICK-UP BLAINE FISHERS 317-598-6170 07/29/13 77E14GLBAG 30C-1-1/2X30FT 21.30 lea 63.90 1.28 CING TAPE DC 10 110.07 100ea 5.50 0.11 DUCT SEAL Billing Questions:Billing-request@kirbyrisk.com(765)446-3054 V291201311:29:40 AM 5707021004.001 Invoice Number S107021004.001 Subtotal 69.40 If paid by 08/10/13 you may deduct$1.39 S&H Charges 0.00 Invoice is due by 08/31/13 net of any cash discount. �� Sales Tax 0.00 ELAINE ® ID 69.40 000t:000i Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE MWEPTANCE OF THE GWDS PURCHASED ON THISJNVO]CE CONSTITUTLS AND ACC0pTANCE0FTRETERNIS AND CONDITIONS 0FSALE WHICH FOLLOW: (]) 8<ucti Merchandise is subject ,o u o{mn durge. No gonds may bureturned �Nidkou/o shipping, ticket uod�vit- voice number and prior authorization. (2) Non-Stoch Merchandise is not returnable unless �e can secure a"Returned, Goods Authody"front the vendor. (]) The Customer ucknnv/|cdgromnd agrees that inuD purchases u[guds and yopiccwfrom ScOuqSd\cr gives oncxprcsxvanun6cn.orimy|ic6 warranties u[mer6unoJili(yuod fitness torunJparticUlm pWpmse, A; The Customer agrees that Seller v,iU not hoWu6nonycuuscquondu\ unJ incidental Jmougcxmiung from any cause my»uuiated with,the goods puoxhuue] front Scher. (5) Taxes Pdccs shown d000t inC\odc sales c«mhczmxcsiogxscdoo the ",JcoCgxxy. Taxcmnu"vor |zczcufto impoycJ upon sulcs ors6ipmcntsvO\ beodded u`the purchase pricc. 8u�cz agrees to reirnbursc Seller for any such tax or provide Seller with acceptable tax exemption,Corti ficatr. (6) WuJioDclivory—So||crisoo|\ohoucnomouabiefbrdeloysinddivoryoocaeionedb�ou�uo[Godor other cimumseocco ovc,vbic6 Seller has oodirnotcontrol, Factory shipment ozde|ivo,,� Jatcs arci6c bcs/csdmawxufoozsopp|ico, ondi000cuseyboD3J|crhcliaNc±oroo} cooecgueo/io| mrypecia| dommgesnd»io,g, from any delay iodelivery. (7) Wuircr— [hr6Jlumnf8d\ur|nWtuynndzperfhrmanouofanynfU`r|cnneorcm/di6on»n[d'iy comract or to exci-ciseany right hereunder W not be deerned to be a-,,vaiver of such tcrtrrs, cnodid000 or in the 6/mrm, umrahxO irbc Jenmcdtohcu waiver nfmoy other{erm, uondidm\ or right under this contract. (#) MudiDcud000f Terms and Coodhinnx—Noounny and condiOnnxmhu`huoOhonxmm:d herein,and uouyrroocnuormndersmnding. inunyv/zypurpordug/nmodifyUhcxcucm�-, orcauJi|'ouu, ybaUbo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT CUSTOMER • • RELEASE NUMBER-, 74918 FORK TRUCK PT 10TH PROX NET 30TH SALESPERSON �SHIP VIA' . DATE MARK S BAYS PK PICK-UP JOE FISHERS 317-598-6170 06/19/13 • . . . . • AMOUNT CASIZISC lea lea HUBB HBL2430 22.48 lea 22.48 0.45 LOCKING SGL RCPT NEMA L16-20R lea lea HUBB HBL2431 19.30 lea 19.30 0.39 LOCKING MALE PLUG NEMA L16-20P -1 ea -lea HUBB HBL2721 25.51 lea -25.51 -0.51 LOCKING MALE PLUG NEMA L15-30P **Original Sale : S106955227.001 ** -lea -1 ea HUBB HBL2720 35.27 lea -35.27 -0.71 LOCKING SGL RCPT NEMA L15-30R **Original Sale : S106955227.001 ** OTHER 38.00 Billing Questions:Billing_request @kirbyrisk.com(765)446-3054 091201311:45:06 AM S106955227.002 Invoice Number S106955227.002 Subtotal 19.00 /J S&H Charges 0.00 Invoice is due by 07/31/13. Sales Tax 0.00 JOE ® ® 19.00 0001:0001 Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 TERMS AND CX)NDITIONS OF SALE ACCEPTANCE OFTtIE (;0@0SP0RCBASEDQNTB/S INVOICE CONSTITUTES AND ACCEPTANCE 0WTB0TERM8 AND CONDITIONS(}F SALE \N8lC11FOLLOW: (1) Stock Merchandise bxuhirr|mu return charge. Nogxx)xmxyhoreturned wi,bnutvshippin�" ticket u11(1k01-iovoicz nuo1he/'und prior authorization. (Z} Nuo'Sknk Merchandise is not ommob|eyn|uuyxzoxuseconru '1R^xoncdOoodsXmhohty^ 0nm Hit vendor. C5) Ile Cudomcruckom«\cdgcsundugcos that inAlpoohun«n[gxub and yuniccs6nx SoOcq5dler 8>vrs nnoxp/ran *annmW urAo!p|icd vu/run!iun oymu/zhmnmhilhyax| Mmcxy For any puuioJm, pupmso (h Thc Customer agrees that Seller will not be liable for any un ,�cgum(iu\ and incidonxd 6uxugc^mrisinq' Iwo urycanseuysocluucdwbbrbcguodopmrbmsed from Seller. (g} '[asus—Pdrw hbowudono|iociudesu|esor other mxo»iaiposedoo the ou1�ofgoods. Tu�,�y now o/ bcreu8exionpuscdupoo sates orublpmcum0Ubruddo] zotbt�purchase pdco. Buycr zo reimburse SrUoz for any such /uxor provide SuUo.With urccp|uh|c tax exzmprioaueoifioo{o� t,6V Delay in DeliNery--Seller is not to he acawntable Go dAps W dchvery ocemkoied by acts oFGtW Or Wcrdrcumsmxcca over which Seller has no dircc{coo|n`i Fucmry xhipmwntprddUvcry Juorx are W, heat e,,tiiriates ofour suppliers, and in rro case shafl Seller be liable for arW Lamsequentid Or SIWCiLl dxm:,,,moriuh`g, front any delay in delivery. (7) Walver--The fAhme of Seller to insist UpOn the performance ofany ofthe terms or condifitins ofthis contract or to exercise any right hereunder shull not be deerned to be a v"tiver(4 such tcnmn., conditions or right in the future, norshall h he cKerned to be a"wiver of any odwr term,conthtion. Or dghiundUddaContract. (8) Modification of Terms and Condid(ms--No mr-rus and con,dirions Other than thoue surted heroin,and uoxgzrcmeo/orondrzs/undiogiounyva7puq?mhng /omodifyrbexo /czzns. ozc.xx|lhcos. sbuUhe VOUCHER # 136119 WARRANT # ALLOWED 351017 IN SUM OF $ KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY PO BOX 664117 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46266 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code S106982059.( 01-7202-06 $1,017.60 S 107o 93 (19, 31 16 .00i � e ot-� o�-o 51010Q100Lj •ors ot. iaoa.�b �9-qd S 10(0Qssaa-). boa 0l,1laoq.0G 11 .00 PaigP31 Voucher Total Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 351017 KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY Purchase Order No. PO BOX 664117 Terms INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46266 Due Date 8/6/2013 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 8/6/2013 S106982059. $1,017.60 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer Idt Kirby Risk INVOIC INVOICE D• • •. 11 1815 Sagamore Pkwy ­.' Y Lafayette, IN 47904 �mwo S107028320.001 11788 08/31/13 12.94 • IKIRBY RISK CORPORATION P.O. BOX 664117 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46266-4117 SHIP TO: 639 1 AB 0.384 E0083 10143 D747943001 P1555369 0003:0003 IIII�I'I�'III'�I"I'I"III'III�I'I�""'ll�l'I�'�"�III��III'll� CARMEL WATER TREATMENT CARMEL WATER TREATMENT 4915 E 106TH ST 3450 W 131 ST ST CARMEL IN 46033 CARMEL IN 46074-8267 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT CUSTOMER . • NUMBER RELEASE NUMBER TERMS.. 11788 8-1-13-TJ NET 30 DAYS SALESPERSON • . e • • MIKE E WILSON PK PICK-UP AMADOU DIALLO(TJ) FISHERS 317-598-6170 08/01/13 .ORDER . lea lea HOFF A16P14 12.94 lea 12.94 PANEL 14.75X12.88 FITS 16.00X1 Billing Questions:Billing_request @kirbyrisk.com(765)446-3054 8111201310:27:48 AM S107028320.001 Invoice Numberl S107028320.001 Subtotal 12.94 S&H Charges 0.00 Invoice is due by 08/31/13. Sales.,Tax.,.. 0.00 AMADOU DIALLO(TJ) 12.94 0003:0003 Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 TERMS AND CONDITIONS (W SALE ACCEPTANCE 0FTHE GOODS PURCHASED K}N1[BTS INVOICE. CONSTITUTES AND ACCEPTANCE(MT THE TERM AND CONBkT[ON8OFSALF WHICH FOLLOW: (1) Stock Merchandise ix subject murommchurgu. NnjxGmuyhurr/umuj *idmLxashipping ticket und/o,iovniry nun8`o,undnrioruu(bohzubon (Z) Non-Stock Merchandise is riot returnable un|"u we can ymcunru^Roumod ( o^da Avd`orry^ hnm dc vendor. (3) The Customer acknowledges and u�gjnzs that in all purchases o[�'oudu and ocnicc,6zun 5d}mr. Sd\cc 8ivcv no oxpnsn wannn/ics`or impUcJ varmohuy u{ono/zhunubi|i(y und thmcs for any pur|icolur Purpose. (A lhc(vs|omer:Toes U`u/SAW p/iO no be 1401c knuoy un seqocn(la\ and howidenxJ 6uougcx cising bnm any cause uyuochad wkbde gvodspozdmo*d from SAW. (5) Wes Pdcessbowudono/include mks orod%taxes ioiposcdou the cui�o[,(,,,uode. Taxco now or bcouftexiropnycd upon sukoorddpmrots will be added w the purchase price. Bu�cl:og,,reoszu orimhomu Seller forany such mz or provide Seller with uoocpzubb umezcoipdonrerdficote. (6) Delay inl�dirc/7—Seller ix not tobeuuc"unmb!c for-dc1uya in delivery occasioned by acts ofGodnr other cl,cumguncco over which Seller has no direct control, Factory ahipmcntor delivery dates air 11c bcy'clldmx/c`o[uu,nV7p|lrx. and in no caw xbaU Seller he liable[urxny consequential mFyp:du| dxmugcu mising from aoydu|uy in delivery. (7) Waiver—Ile fui|uoof Seller m Insist upon the perkro oncoofauyof|heocnnyo/cooddimmo[[hio contract or to cxc/zixc any Aigb|heir under ohuU riot be dccmc6 wbc o v,uircr ofnuch unnx, condidonsnr right.in the future. nor shall hbcdrcmcd|obeu waiver ufonI other tern .unmiidnn.or 6�1111| ondCrdhixcoo{mc|. (8) Nlod0§cndooMcrom and Coudittimxn—Notunnn and conditions other-than |boecyuuu|hurciu. and no ogzrcmam couudosmnd�,in any v/ayyuryozbng to omdify thcae terms,or coodibnoo, oboi|be binding on Seller without Selter's written consent, --- DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT 11788 W09838 NET 30 DAYS KEVIN R FORD UPS GROUND KEN RHODES FISHERS 317-598-6170 07/25/13 lea lea AB 1746-P4 1102.90 1 ea 1102.90 RACK MTD POWER SUPPLY 2ea 2ea AB 1746-P2 657.94 lea 1315.88 PACK MTD POWER SUPPLY Billing Questions:Billing_request @kirbyrisk.com(765)446-3054 Invoice Numberl S107003447.001 Subtotall 2418.78 S&H Charges 0.00 Invoice is due by 08/24/13. Sales Tax 0.00 e 2418.78 0001:0001 Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE' ACCEPTANCE O[],HEC',OODSPlJRCHASLJ)8N1[H|S INVOICE CONSTlIQlTIS AND ACCEPTANCG��FT��EA�R[VS AND C�}NQITI8NS(}FSAL� u/HIC0KFOLLOW: (D Stock K{ecdmudiseia subject mo return rhur�,u, NoL'x0(1umuyhonrmmcdrjdm/uuuhippinl-Iticket uodkrinvoice numhc'undpriuruoMhohzubnn (3) Nuo-Slnrb Merchaudiseix umrc|urouh|e un|CaS `vc Can secure ^'Rcmmcd Goods Authority" 0om d1c ,cndor. (3) Thc mid uzrux that,ill all porchuxoyni'2uodsuud yorviCrx6nmSoDoI',Sd|cv gjvr* oozxp/c»s vuuno/ic*.o,implicd wumo tics u|,merchantability and fimms for any ymhculmr porpoyc (4) The Cuu(omuruomcy that Seller will riot t* \iablokvxnyumscqocn\\u{ and incidental dumuwcsur,aing, from on",rxu"Coyuuuiazcd rvddudn ,-,00do@orcbas,�d bomSei1rz. � (�) Taxes Price,, sho�n do not include sales orother taxes imposed on the sale ofgooids. Taxes now,or hcouftczioipoyedupoosa1esursfilipmentspiUbemddedto1bcPuzobuaopoior. Doycru(-,�,cosu /ciruhuzso8oUex for any such.tax or provide 8uUer with acceptable tax escoipdz/ocertificate. (v) D0a,y in Deliveny—Seller is not 1,0 be aCCOUrItable f(ol'Clelays in delivery occasioned by acts ot'(.wd ov nrhocircon/xtooccu over which Seller has on direct control. Factory ahipm writ o,del vory dozco u/zthe bugxmimatex cJou,mqpplico, and in no cu»c xhoJ| Seller be huh|u for any cnnuegvcohu| or upcci� dumxL,csxrixhnLhnm am,do|uv inddivcry. (7) Waiver—The failin-c of Seller to in,,ist upon the performance of any of the u-nis or conditions ofilds contract n/mzzc/ziscunyd�b|hcoundcrsbaUon|bcJconc6mbcuv/u\vcrof such uconx, cnndidononr�Lh\iuthcfomoo. norshoOi16c deemed u`hcu waiver ufaoy other|crm, 00ud(dnu.or right oodcrdii�con|mcr. (8) Niodification ofTernis uudCouditioms—Nntcms and conditions other than |hmcxuaudhureiu. and no o,ozeeueu ozoudosmod6ut.in any way puryor6u-,w Modify these tezm.�.orcwndi6uuy. sbuiibe hinding on Seller without Seller's vu-itten consent. DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT CUSTOMER • • NUMBER RELEASE NUMBER TERMS 11788 BT071813A-PLT3 NET 30 DAYS ORDERED SALESPERSON SHI MIKE E WILSON WC51 WILL-CALL BRIAN TOLAN FISHERS 317-598-6170 07/18/13 ORIDERQTYJ . D-ESCRIPTION ITEM PRICE UNIT EXT AMOUNT CASH DISC', 2ea 2ea CH BR2020 23.57 lea 47.14 BR DUPLEX BREAKER 2-20A/l P 3ea 3ea HUBB CS1201 2.59 lea 7.77 IVORY 20A 120-277VAC SP SWITCH Billing Questions:Billing_request @kirbyrisk.com(765)446-3054 711912013 8-38-14 AM S107004673.001 Invoice Number S107004673.001 Subtotall 54.91 r S&H Chargesi 0.00 Invoice is due by 08/17/13. QL�rJ Zz�� Sales Taxi 0.00 BRIAN TOLAN 54.91 im= 0003:0003 Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 TURNIS AND CONDITRAS OFTQY'� AC(TPTANVE OF-11114,GOODS PUM(NUAS1,A)ONTRIS INWMW (UNSTMITY; AND AWEPTANCK OF THF11MIS AND CXADITRM'�-, OF SALFI�,,l M"ll FOIAl"'PVV, (1) is Nuitul to" rourn dwyn No goo n way be r iii nad kjdwul a glapphag ���nhec and (2) AMPAOCk Nit!WMASU is MY innunable Wow we can scume u-NiumW WMAuilwy," Mun (31 1 ip Losulmn �lpd .1rucs Wo K 01 purchawn V aald firern ;,,,'J;_-r S"Alor oi,inapliwl wanwrPs tai imnvh.w„ihililv and for:uit, 1% ( dar (4) five Cusunner waves Tot Selk ,,o;l iiot b �;{' .'oi on"A wuh W gods punpawd WMI S60, (M n Key-- Amn owyn do mm walwk ul u, ',dC,r on dw SI-QW& 1 on,W" a :Qcr kqvn.d upm An kv Apawnts ME he ddal to the Inwh ass yl a Priyov opon, n0hurve AM w, my gwh wK x p"W&SAW AM acaTuTR wN ow yaw 61 1 S01 W 19U x e" -Sol Or is nkq ;o In! acwu n We for cWha ys i a Ad W; on n nnnud hy a-n Wd i a i i_! o ,n-ti h ich&A kn-has w 6 i aw cont RE Wmvwy kywy T av Ad m A 0 ni�,,tc s F,iu,r sLTPIQ a M 1 j n 1K)case sh%H ScHur be H YA c Aw an', r wcqmov W M-jvc 01 fr"'m any dclnv in dclivn­- (71 %vo, er.. rN, lqxM) the jurulnu.ma lyinycloo Kin to(w k, 2uAlvo nny dyk 1wroundc a ewl N, io N, i jKlms n, riuk. in AW haW" WAr. SkM A in MUM to be W Mano of"y Whn LaM, �&PWW he m WMAx A&MWL Al AMUNtudlin of Terms and f1mWkne-No kxms and comPiRms odwr WE t Noe soma' WTAu. do! n) wgrumomorundummuhno in any way pulwmin"g,to nvod,'if-v ho NuAng on Sc a.: S tip A "Aurn ot"num_ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT CUSTOMER • • NUMBER 11788 BT061213A-PLT1 NET 30 DAYS SALESPERSON SHIP VIA ORDERED BY SALES OFFICE PHONE NUMBER SHIP DATE MIKE E WILSON PK PICK-UP BRIAN TOLAN FISHERS 317-598-6170 07/01/13 ORDERCITYJ SHIPQTY I -DESCRIPTION ITEM PRICE �UNIT EXT AMOUNT CASH DISC 2ea tea EGS LB200-A 28.90 lea 57.80 2-IN AL LB COND BODY 2ea 2ea PICO/WHEA 5706(G200000) 177.08 100ea 3.54 2"XCLOSE GALVANIZED NIPPLE Billing Questions: Billing-request@kirbyrisk.com(765)446-3054 Invoice Numberl S106945863.002 Subtotall 61.34 S&H Chargesi 0.00 Invoice is due by 07/31/13. Sales kaxl 0.00 • 61.34 000t:000s Kirby Risk Pagel of 1 TIATISAND (XINDITIONS OF SALF ACTEPTANUUI)FTHE GO(A)S ON IMS ITIVORIE UJINSTITUTIVAND AMEPTAM F OFTHE TERMS (MI SALE "111111 RIF I'VIM, MitTrQuiRse is nol rcmniabko uuhm can su4mv a -Rourmn GYM Atria `9 A ' Mun (3) W-Cumnun WrWedgn and grcestha MY1 punhansolptnMud %143- o, np!iod on Q_.. s inwa;&MA hy and fA WS 0 GW Any fa qW- v u I y Ca'U i.i;,.:j i ti,� (lie K)d ui d i'ro 111 S r U"N x in q, w a o:p m ml"v"10 1 uc m s v!j b a a d IN 1 4,t v y,v hu no mv v. My or a yT n Wohme SAW Of wq swh ims or provide SAW wilth ia'� DeNvoy--Sellor in no! to he secounnOW Ru W, in dji"Ty,K �,Wmwd Py:w" (46 a, 0",-I 11W, ll��d�rcc� controL F�mior� �hipw, SUPPIKIR and in no cusc "holl selyr W, "y dolivory, llw 1 phue of Saba to how upg, or lytilmnanu Many _TS is n 1MMr 04WK"�u: As my 60, hvr;-umkr Wi� 1' 9wi io ba a W a nF sinh z�zn Jl,_.iooso in We 161MC. unr shall A 1H davaind to [,w a v,z dvk-"r ,J 00 1014 WAY 10 ;vrom, TaGiBeatOn W Knuts and (OwdUhms—it) uTms and "virtownts adwr tin Move na"I A wk. nn-1 1W qlaomon onruki-mmuhn; in any way puqxwdng Yo avAQ We LyEb N�xmdh�n� CA! bc wyHng on Slin,khout SOW, Muen amwm, DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT CUSTOMER • • NUMBER RELEASE NUMBER TERMS 11788 BT071513A NET 30 DAYS SALESPERSON .-. DATE MARK S BAYS WC51 WILL-CALL BRIAN TOLAN FISHERS 317-598-6170 07/15/13 ORDER CITY SHIP • • lea lea GEIN THQB1120GF 126.84 lea 126.84 BOLT-ON GFI BRKR 20A SP lea lea HUBB CS1201 2.59 lea 2.59 IVORY 20A 120-277VAC SP SWITCH lea lea HUBB NPJ11 0.27 lea 0.27 WALLPLT, M-SIZE 1G, TOGG, IV Billing Questions: Billing_request @kirbyrisk.com(765)446-3054 711700133:07:40PM x106997223.001 Invoice Number S106997223.001 Subtotall 129.70 S&H Charges 0.00 Invoice is due by 08/14/13. TaL°g` Sales Tax 0.00 BRIANTOLAN ,I 129.70 0002:0003 Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 TERM!; AND CONDITION;S OF SAI,,-A-,' kND WCEPTANCE OF 111V 1"IFIVOS AAM WNDITIONS (41 SALE WMAI RMA.0100 (11 Start Nlerchanctiv is subjec! .o' ilwp. o go vis a; ljg Wkel, 121 N, do venow, (3) AR(1summ a;grcna di,-n ;v ,,Aj plaxhan; U gcutk and sno Row nun, AM. 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