HomeMy WebLinkAbout223379 08/27/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 355856 Page 1 of 1 a ONE CIVIC SQUARE AIRGAS MID AMERICA CHECK AMOUNT: $54.09 * �a CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 532609 ATLANTA GA 30353-2609 CHECK NUMBER: 223379 CHECK DATE: 8/27/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 9911778145 54 . 09 OTHER EXPENSES CYLINDER RENTAL INVOICE Airgas USA, LLC INVOICE DATE PAYER INVOICE NO. DUE DATE PAY THIS AMOUNT AergaS. PO Box 9249 07/31/2013 1813998 9911778145 08/30/2013 $54.09 Marietta,GA 30065-2249 • • 1 • AMOUNT ENCLOSED SOLD BY AIRGAS USA, LLC 5q `O� 5430 W MORRIS ST ❑ Check INDIANAPOLIS IN 46241-3429 Credit Card 317-243-6606 Please visit www.airgas.com/onlinebillpay or complete the information on the reverse side of this form. un111'11111'1"null'I'IIIIIIIUI'I'Irlu'In111'IIIIIn'IU' T470"AUTO 3-DIGIT 460 PI-7 S296 i111J1'11"11'11"11111'1'111'Il'II'illl"11111'Illl'I"1111"11 BILL TO {CITY OF CARMEL SEWER 1 CIVIC SQ AIRGAS USA, LLC CARMEL IN 46032-2584 PO BOX 532609 ATLANTA GA 30353-2609 135357 18139981991177814500000054093 TO ENSURE PROPER CREDIT PLEASE RETURN THE UPPER PORTION WITH YOUR REMITTANCE.FOR QUESTIONS ON YOUR ACCOUNT PLEASE CALL: 800-727-0693 INVOICE NQ.- ,$ D TO NUMBER :s.. SH€PTO. €NVO€G > E:DATE RENTA .PVRCHASE.ORDER:NO. :::TERMS 99117781451 1813998 1 1778561 1 07/31/2013 1 RENT NET 30 MATER€AL lOESCRIP.TION " SUBJECT. BEG:BA l SMIP . RETURN ADJ1 END:BAL LASES .;,, - NET DAYS RATE PRIGS` t€OGUMEI�T I DATE': : TO'RENT RRCYLISM-AC - Rent Cyl Ind Small Acetylene 2 0 0 0 2 1 1 31 $0.6148/DAY $19.05 N RRCYLISM-OX - Rent Cyl Ind Small Oxygen 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 31 $0.59/DAY $18.29 N -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 0 0 0 3 $37.34 Hazmat: 16.75 Important.See the Notice Regarding Cylinder Rentals/Leases and Responsibility on the AMOUNT DUE_ $ 54.0 9 Reverse side of this form.You will be deemed to have accepted the provisions in the said : , Notice as part of the contractual arrangements between you and us,unless you reject such . provisions by written advice to us within(15)days after the date of this document. SKIP To:1778561 CITY OF CARMEL SEWER AIRGAS USA, LLC Airgas. www.airgas.com 130 1ST AVE SW Acct No. k,ABA4 o 0 Airgas USA,LLC CARMEL IN 46032-2009 PNC Bank,ABA No 031000053 PO Box 9249 Marietta,GA 30065-2249 REV 1.1.13 SEL-001000 Page 1 of 1 CREDIT CARD BOLLING VISA MASTERCARD DISCOVER AMEX Exp. mm/yy Card # Print Name Card Billing Address Card Holder's Phone Number Signature If you are faxing this form please provide your Airgas acct# and Invoice# ftoL�� the reverse side. Disclosure Terms of$ale: Each sale mGoods or services by an m "'company is and shall be governed by the terins and conditions an this Disclosure,the Terms of Sale affixed to 11ho Accounit Application(if one has been completed),andlt-.�Terms of Sale found at !cusjqfn1p,,� SLrN�Lgq rrns.,�sp�.(collectively In,,,`Terflf'S Of Sale", Each Contract for the sale of Goods or servk;es between Se;,�r anci Buyer("Coniract')shall include these Terms of Sale,together with any other material descrb,rg the Goods or sorv�ces being sold,their price.delivery terryis.and ail other special provisions "Goods'refers to any terns(if tangible personal property described in any Coritract or otherwise provided by Sellet to Buyer. This document f-,hmm the total number ofuv//ooerscharged too / � x » Sell Sellp,has u or leased to Buyer,and which Buyer has not returned)according to Seller's records as of the month onding date shown.The number ofcylindors thus changed to Buyer shall be mruvomu correct xv contractual purposes between Buyer And Seller,Unlesi,Buyei reports to Seller in writing any errors Buyer ciA.ms within 60 days after the date hereof. uoe,agrees ocuofi,uom pay rent on.//cylinders m`org,dlmauvor until avvu,ties either<o returned such q//mvu/sm Seller mo:uo working order:r(mns/^Seller,hc replacement cost thereof. o'n,xenmnenv�^/,«ono'�sm/m'psxr"enuom. Such c�myn�smonot m,"e*uv | Customer for purposes other than the mum e of gas product purchased from Airgas or the return and rec!amation of cortain gases .refrigerants) Each mx/'ume / cylinder will uesubject to a cylinder deposit fee,as established by Airgas from tinie to time. Airgas will refund the deposit fee when the Custorner returns the ipfrigeant � ¥xcu,unless the n///,`uu,'s condition mooemoutouvunntm,remm.a,ueunnmeuuvA/mas,°m/oourmnnmaovnaxpnueivemtameo'xtyoovxano �,ca/noerwas � /el^',`*«, Warrant)L. All products. other tems of saie, cylinderi, and other containers furnished by an mrgas company sha!l confoirn to the description isxeduy the nn^�/"mvre,at the,*".w sale and w:/mmx Seller's purity yrrun*mm^x for ,it gas products, SELLER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER EXPRESS onIMPLIED un^woAnoo, ouAmxwresa. OR WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES oF MERCHANTABILITY, rnmeau FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE OR mow' INFRINGEMENT AND ANY WARRANTIES THAT MAY BE ALLEGED TO ARISE AS A RESULT OF CUSTOM OR USAGE. a 1.CLLER SHALL BE LIABLE ONc -:OR THE REPAiy OR REPLACEMsNT OF DEFEG;'IVE GAS CYLINO,,RS AND PROoI)C-Is. INCLU[hx(. THE REPLACEMENT OF GASES THAT DO NOT MEET ITS PURITY SPECIFICATIONS WITH GASES THAT DO MEET SUCH SPECIFICATIONS. BUYER KNOWINGLY AND FULLY ASSUMES THE RISKS OF TRANSPORTING AND USING COMPRESSED GASES. SELLER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT(EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED xsnem). INDIRECT,SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL,CONSEQUENTIAL AND/OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES,ARISING on ALLEGED ro ARISE OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH ITS PERFORMANCE OF ANY OBLIGATIONS ORANY PRODUCT,OTHER ITEMS OF SALE.OR EQUIPMENT SOLD OR LEASED BY � SELLER,WHETHER SUCH DAMAGE RESULTS FROM ANY NEGLIGENT ACT OR OMISSION OR IS RELATED TO STRICT LIABILITY.OR OTHERWISE-.. To� otherwise opo'Jmclinnuow/ar/.nvveru`nn mike pp"°n./o full wit!,nmn"'s after 1m'/ale,xaeoe,'sinvoice. co //"v"o.pon,n`w`,n=,p w subject m Seller's assessment u condition and ability m pay,A late^avmoo charge of 1.vunn the unpaid.past due balance,will oeassessed .nv::�iiy ltn,ni*urn two dollars(S2.00),or the maximum lawf,.,i rate,allowable in the state where the Goods are delivered,whichever is less. Upon mx and o"eimOf underlying uvcfj lation,Buyer sh�l pay to Seller as/,hmme.`the evon"ma,«extraordinary m°`iergeo/ no',.°ym/m,Cost � of power andlor�°mu�e nalsusox/n the of Products umumsan u x�(»)fuel, � ���oE_quujp um�t. rmem all rental enu.»m"o,shall remain/n Seller's name. ffiiyer shall not c.,-,,or,ma.,dify�remove or otherwise distuft)anv identification rrr other indic�a of ;ownership vxmrnmtol/°9u/pneot, T� m,v*x;" u,�,,uom/, u,other oomwmenta/authority"o the*a/e. "oov. possession m Goods;m the sale v,performance,a~e.,/caxxv^nmrgv, eu>e. mwm/�nto the v",umor:,rc* !tL,r"zd Cbarou« r,amta/ awo,m due from the Buyer may include various xo^`ueu000,oeo. mo/vumo*charges for the-a^u:/noof»azamvuoma,e./a/a and�' '��^'�m.,.���m'/om. �'x onv:.:pvs r. �^en`mo»a/n,u"v�ma�e,/u/o�ox,n,.�m,�en0000�.*mvrvaru,mppmn�"nmnruxa�o�m'^o^rxvv//vo m"x..���*erxa'p`, 'cl ,on'^ta/ o' l,^ rau� z /.nro^�uuv any oo,ommentauwmv and soo/',exxu�°, ,m'e�uoub� moze,ec The so'/�'xz� no� ,no�.�.w�v,.^'m�ruo`o rolalionshio hcl%veen tie charaes and/o,actual i�osu associated with the(.1!swou,which can vary uvnmuum,service,time and,00,,ammng Other,m^oo. 'n)Nu°mx m^'*`oo,a/.*:.'vr'°Jed'x-/o~il�`^,pmue/^.o",ecwxwv'mummcows*n/. Certain xvno companies are u�.government conractors and subcontractors and are z;kjt)je(.-.L to and aohwe to the requifsmpnts of federal 1:4vvs. \ momwe orders,v^c^oonuo",rules a,d,00u/amno,srecn'mov Executive Order No. 11x+e.the nv»ubv/taoonAc/of 1um and meuomum Era Veterans neadjv,*rnmn | x^nistanno Act mmm,rill osamena°o / mmasoaus/ness w'�"o."nm.m"°no°mm�nn/veaoer*""e"�,°/mo,'oou,m*nyw�u°/wvuv�x°m�a.�us�mm Visit;,s online today w see how°°w.x/rgpv,00m can save you Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 355856 AIRGAS USA, LLC Purchase Order No. PO BOX 532609 Terms ATLANTA, GA 30353-2609 Due Date 8/15/2013 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 8/15/2013 9911778145 $54.09 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer i VOUCHER # 136189 WARRANT # ALLOWED 355856 IN SUM OF $ AIRGAS USA, LLC PO BOX 532609 ATLANTA, GA 30353-2609 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 9911778145 01-7362-06 $54.09 Voucher Total $54.09 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund