HomeMy WebLinkAbout223417 08/27/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 357200 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CANNON IV,INC f CHECK AMOUNT: $599.37 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 Po BOX ss7 4;.oN co INDIANAPOLIS IN 46206-0697 CHECK NUMBER: 223417 CHECK DATE: 8/27/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1202 4341955 353647 599 . 37 INFO SYS MAINT/CONTRA a. �4. , ,°' v Service Invoice 3a" /I d with Details - /old p"? L11/Q ;S Invoice Number: INV353647 / Date: 08/14/2013 950 Dorman Street Indianapolis, IN 46202-3544 Account Number: 5712414 P: 317-951-0500 F: 317-951-0600 PO Number: Invoice Total: $599.37 Bill To: City Of Carmel One CIVIC Square work Order Date WorkOrderNOc Payment Terms Pa mentDue Carmel, IN 46032 USA 07/17/201 W0174006 Net 30 Days 09/13/2013 I owl •?�x�•. ,� 7 `�-a " ,rte krr r+e�a„ �.., _Egwpment Serial Labor Travel` Matenals Other Total „-- a � a�.�, _ fz'✓�J"Sp S.L zY �'y>' � a r a Number Number ,• . Number lNakelModei Charges5lChargs� Charges Charges Charges SC213889 207191 SG6A3H900J ` Q1273A#A2L HP DesigNet 4000 42 i x$_125 00 $55 00' $,0 00 $YO 00 $ 180.00 Service Date 07/17/2013 Contrail Number Description Cord that connects carriage to ink°has come loose and as flopping'around,mside the ` Locabon CtyOf Carmel b �# - "machine�Askfor Dave yill,ha41666 es&Q o'not:come between 121 s Three Civic square Caller Dave McCoy 317571 2' � r Carmel,IN 46032 ° Contact JM Phone Remarks nspected punter and repossession tube assembly befit has wear and`needs replaced ' .. ti,: . f.< Faz _. LaborCharges2 r ti t �� v 125.00"' Start End * Standard Standard Standard Overtime Overhme Overtime Labor Techmaan FTime -Flours ' Rate Chargeq s Hours Rate Charge Charge Jeff Louden 07/17/2013 2:34 pm 2:49 pm EDT 1.00 $ 125.00 $ 125.00 0.00 $ 125.00 $0.00 125.00 "`i SC213900 207191 SG6A3H900J Q1273A#A2L;HP 136i et 4000;42" $ 125 00 $0 00> $�131 02 $0.00 a $256 02 m Service Date X07/31/2013 Contrail Number Description Cordkthat connects carnage to ink has come-loose and is floppirig around inside the V. Locabon City Of Carmel APO# ✓ machine' Ask`for Dave,will have to be escorted Do not come between 12, Three Crvrc Square s Caller Dave McCoy 317 571 2' 828 0403T � Camel,IN 46032 Contact � 3 --; _ 4 Phone Remarks Installed belt cleaned punter calibraworksf�ineAlsoneeds cutter '{ Fax 4, P $125 0rvie Sannaranar anars veie�;;'Overtime Ov_ De me Time ;.Hours !07/31/2013 9:35 am 11:29 am EDT 1.00 $ 125.00 $125.00 0.00 $ 125.00 $0.00 125.00 131 oz, Descnpdon'` r � � ,r Quantity UM�' Puce Discount lvn0unt :� <4 HR DJ 26100 Belt and Tensioner Assembly 1 EA $ 131.02 0.00 $ 131.02 SC214516 207191 SG6A3H900] RQ1273A#A2L HP DesigNet-4000 42 - $ 125 00 , $0 00 x$,`.38 35 $0.00 163 35 '' : :2d7 ...----_------- x..,:.,,*'QI ...eta.,. . `.. Seance Date 08/07/2013 Contract Number Description Cord that connects carnage to ink has come(dose and is flopping<around inside the =- .. PO# � machine Ask for Dave will have to be escorted Do not come between�l2 Location City�Of�Carmei ✓ Three Ciwc Square Caller Dave McCoy 317 571 2' 828 0403 W, Carmel,IN 4603>w Contacts � Z >, Phoneme Remarks Installed cutter tested works fine .: Faz .. .. .. >,, .. :.� Labor Charges Yw $125M�r Start -End -:� Standard :Standard Standard Overtime Overtime 'Overtime Labor .�Techmcian _ Date Time ,'`TTime '"` Hours ;��Rate Charge Hours ° Rate s .a: Charge Charge _ '. '�.;:,. �.. ............. .-_ _ Jeff Louden 08/07/2013 2:28 pm 2:45 pm EDT 1.00 $ 125.00 $ 125.00 0.00 $ 125.00 $0.00 125.00 Material Charges _ b $38.35' "Item ,' � _� Descriptfon _ ° _ - Quantity ; 'UMW ` Pate Discount "` a Amount,* Al Q1273-60271 Cutter assy sery RoHS HP DJ4000/DJ450 1 EA $38.35 0.00 $38.35 Totals $375 00 $55 00 $ 169 37 $0.00 $m 599 37 ` Page 1 of 2 Service Invoice with Details ...Continued Invoice Number: INV353647 Date: 08/14/2013 950 Dorman Street Indianapolis, IN 46202-3544 Account Number: 5712414 P: 317-951-0500 F: 317-951-0600 PO Number: Invoice Total: $599.37 Bill To: City Of Carmel One Civic Square F WarkOrdei:oate Work OMer No Pa mentTerms r Pa ment Due Carmel, IN 46032 �y .. . ,.... _. .. .,, ?►,,., _�� .. USA 07 17 2013 W0174006 Net 30 Days 09/13, /2013 �. . Descrip#ion -;,; PLEASE REMIT ALL PAYMENTS T0: � I�nvoice 5............. tai v,$599 37 {f CANNON IV,INC. Taxk$0 00 P.O. 60X 697 Invoice Total $599 37 INDIANAPOLIS,IN 46206-0697 l� y �B�alanceMDUe $599 37:: Page 2of2 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Cannon IV IN SUM OF $ 950 Dorman Street Indianapolis, IN 46202-3544 $599.37 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR IS Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1202 I 353647 I 43-419.55 I $599.37 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Friday, August"23, 2013 Ic Director , IS Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 08/14/13 I 353647 I I $599.37 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20 Clerk-Treasurer