HomeMy WebLinkAbout223541 08/27/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351017 Page 1 of 1 z. ONE CIVIC SQUARE KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CHECK AMOUNT: $457.09 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 664117 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46266 CHECK NUMBER: 223541 CHECK DATE: 8/27/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 107012039001 95 . 28 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 107016646001 58 . 84 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 107026200001 112 . 17 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 107034209001 66 . 82 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 107039523001 34 . 40 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 107050706001 5 . 18 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 107057831001 84 . 40 OTHER EXPENSES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT • • • NUMBER RELEASE NUMBER TERMS 11788 BT073113A NET 30 DAYS SALESPERSON SHIRVIA .-. OFFICE PHONE DATE MARK S BAYS DIRECT BRIAN TOLAN FISHERS 317-598-6170 08/01/13 ORDERQTYJ lea lea NEWK 55F3148 112.17 lea 112.17 CRAMER 10071 635-G TIMER ELECTROMECHANIC KRPNM "SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY" Billing Questions:Billing_request @kirbyrisk.com(765)446-3054 Invoice Number S107026200.001 Subtotal 112.17 S&H Charges 0.00 Invoice is due by 08/31/13. Sales Taxi 0.00 ""��..,, • 1 112.17 0002:0003 i�I( Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ACCE;PTANCT OF THE: GOODS PURCHASED ON "l HIS INVOICE.CONSTITUTES ES AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE' WHICH FOLLOW: (1) Stock Merchandise is subject ua a ratan charge:. No Loods maN be retunied without a shipping ticket and/or invoice nUmber and prier autlun iration. (2) Non-Stock `Merchandise is riot returnai,lc urIIC<, tie can secure a`Returned Goods Authority" frotn the vendor. (3) The C'ustonacr acknm%ledges tmd ,a rtes that.in.ill purchase,of goods and services from Seller. Seller gives no express evarranties,01,implied \varrantics of morclnatttahi lit} and fitness for any particular purpose. (4) The C'ustomcr agrees that Seller will not be liable for any consequential and incicicntal damages ari,ing from tint- cause as;,4t.ite l w im the _'cods purchased from Sellcr. (5) Taxes— Prices shoN tt do not include sales or other taxes imposed on the sale of goods. Taxes nolc or hereafter imposed upon stiles car shipments will he adder(to the purchase price. Iiut 'cr uarec� to reimburse Seller for any such tax or provide Seller with acceptable tax exemption certificate. (6) Delay in DeliNery—Seller is not to he accountable for delays in delivery occasioned by acts of God or other circum,tances over which Seller has no direct control. Factory shipment or delivery dates are the best estirnatcs of our suppliers, and in no case shall Seller be liable for any consequential or special damages arising from any delay in delivery. (7) Waiver—The failure of Seller to insist upon the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this contract or to cxca•cisc any right hereunder shall not be deemed to he a Nvaiver of such terms, conditions or right.in the future, nor shall it be deemed to be a waiver of uny other term,condition.or right under this contract. (K) Modification of Terms and Conditions—No terms and c onditions other than tho,e stated herein; and no agreement or understanding. in any ),vuy purporting to modify these; terms. or conditions. shall be hindinig,on Seller without Seller's written consent. DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT 0 0 • ''ZPRELEASE NUMBER TERMS 11788 BT081413B NET 30 DAYS MIKE E WILSON PK PICK-UP BRIAN TOLAN FISHERS 317-598-6170 08/14/13 lea lea BUSS HRK 3.38 lea 3.38 FUSEHOLDER 5ea 5ea BUSS AGC-2-R 0.36 lea 1.80 BUSS SMALL DIMENSION FUSE Billing Questions: Billing—request@kirbyrisk.com(765)446-3054 81141201311:11:41 AM 6107050706.001 Invoice Number S107050706.001 Subtotal 5.18 S&H Charges 0.00 Invoice is due by 09/13/13. Sales Taxi 0.00 BRIAN TOLAN 5.18 0001:0001 Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 • ER,MS AND CONDITRONIS OF SALE ACvTPTAV EOFTHEGITODSPI RCH WED 0% THIS AMEPTINCE.OFTHETERN-IS A50) (VOND11 IONS OF SALE VVIUCH I&I JA)"7: 1) St(w)e 'Mercbandis- issut}jCC: 10;i rCtUrn chw1w. No psody may in rourned v%ithout a Vidliring Wks arl,l T iW'OKC 11(lillil,A'Xid [)F-,•W a the .,wlrm nci ;.iiat i!. ,Iij punhows or;v)&wo wt i", oom sdor. giv,-'s Ito('Xprcss warnmtb&on imphed "mnarodn of nvidunw=y ana Ran Aw any parixulav (41 11)t Wizinni agwr v W SwV,,j %eds he ii'J"le Aw WO emonlanitial "Ild front N111'Ca Ur k-av---, JUrChU'S,d [IV`1l 151 11i"s- 1'6"Q shoan do mm ndwle saics or oher taxv irlipowd an din sale of poodv Wen no%�Or her"A'(cr irlljw's'ed upoll %vid be aulded ro ill,,.pwcha."' prick," 10 reh-hurm SpOr forr op nwh wx ow rop"Me SAW"Al)we"wilik wx owmpAm cwdfwate. p) Dc-ny in DOWery- SAW is .'cat lo h- :ccoirrahle fur,,?Ja : in (mcnOwd by jos(d ti,;l ol- other cil-CUIII'101)Ct';(,)VL'T-Which Sadler hub no dhvo comi-ol. Fachwy shyment or delivery Adu uw TO. :)f o'' SYQz "d in m;can W11 Sowl!. I,tic lbr:i-,�: or spec;:-'! dan-lagenarining fro n) any dk flny ill&,hvn-y. (7) N%fiver--1%failure W Sall; to inshi ulion the jurfonnance of arts'cf%wrm"w uw0hion of()lip coniruCt Or Z:' any A,lwreun&r Owil not bc k oejd%,! to he a, ,'vaiwr of,,jch i,,xvns, cooditions or right ill the fult re. nor nh,tll it h,,,deemed to be 2i w(ivkn-efaji} (i(hef torryl, condition. or right whWin din conirmn. (N) fdWheathin of Terms and WdRions--No tcnns and CMWiWMS OthCrthall ihosestalcd hercin. and Ilk' ':Fill'l'.kli'll()i-iiii,t, !,oilik-clif't him inn on Se ll,:r w ithout Seller's written consent. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT CUSTOMER . • NUMBER RELEASE NUMBER TERMS 11788 KR80713 NET 30 DAYS SALESPERSON SHIP VIA .-. OFFICE PHONE DATE KEVIN R FORD UPS GROUND KEN RHODES FISHERS 317-598-6170 08/07/13 .•. • QTY SHIP QTY DESCRIPTION ITEMi PRICE UNIT EXT AMOUNT CASH DISC,' 2ea 2ea BUSS LP-CC-1-1/4 10.16 lea 20.32 LOW-PEAK CC TD FUSE 4ea 4ea BUSS FNM-2-1/2 3.52 lea 14.08 250V MIDGET TD FUSE Billing Questions:Billing_request @kirbyrisk.com(765)446-3054 Invoice Number S107039523.001 Subtotal 34.40 S&H Chargesi 0.00 Invoice is due by 09/06/13. Sales Taxi 111- 0.00 ..rrte� AMOUNT 34.40 0001:0001 tii Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ACCL FANC:E OF THE GOODS PURCHASED ON THIS INVOICE CONSTITUTE'S AND ACCEPTANCE 01, THE'l'FRMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE,E, WHICH 1,OI,f.OW: (l) Stock Merchandise is sub)ecl tO a return char«e. No goods rna0be returr€ed \\ithurt a shipping ticket and/stir invoice number and prior authorisation. (2) Non-Stock Merchandise is not returntdhle unless we can secure t., "Returned Goods Authority" fro€n the vendor. (3) The Customer acknowledges and agrccs that in Al lxnrhascs of goods and services from Scllcr. Seller gives no cxprc,:s v arranties,or implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose. (4) The Cuslomcr agrees that Seller will not be liahle for any consequential and incidental ciamnt,,es ar isin±, from any cause associated with the �oo& purchased franc Scher. (5) Taxes— Prices shown do not include sales or other taxes unposed on the sale of goods. Taxes now or hereafter imposed upon sates or Shipments will be.added to the purchase price. I3uNer agrees to rei.rnburse Seller for any such tax or provide Seller with acceptable 1.m exemption certificate. (6) Delay in Delivery—Seller is not to he accountable for delays ill delivery occasioned by acts of God or other circumstances over which Seller has no direct control. Factory shipment or delivery states are the best estimates of our suppliers, and in no case shall Seiler be liahle for Ml\ consequential or special damages arising from any delay in delivery. (7) Waiver—The failure of Seller to insist upon the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this contract or to exercise any right hereunder shall not be deemed to be a waiver of such terms, conditions or right in the future, nor shall it be deemed to be a v,aiver al.any other term,condition,or right under this contract. (8) Modification of Terms and Conditions—No terms and conditions other than those stated herein; and no agreement or understanchn-n in any way purporting to modify these;terms.or conditions. shall be binding on Seller without Seller's written consent. ------------------------ -- -- DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT CUSTOMER • • NUM"BER��- RELEASE NUMBER TERMS 11788 KR72513 NET 30 DAYS ORDERED SALESPERSON SHIP VIA A OFFICE PHONE NUMBER SHIP DATE KEVIN R FORD UPS GROUND KEN RHODES FISHERS 317-598-6170 08/06/13 ITEM PRICE QTY DESCRI�T- UNIT EXTAMOUNT'. CASH DISC. ORDER Q lea lea EGS E20OWB 58.84 lea 58.84 E200+FBPCI+FB2X FACTORY WIRED "SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY" Billing Questions:Billing_request @kirbyrisk.com(765)446-3054 Invoice Number S107016646.001 Subtotal 58.84 S&H Chargesl 0.00 Invoice is due by 09/05/13. Sales Taxi 0.00 �j.� • 58.84 0002:0002 �( Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ACCEPTANCE OF THE GOODS PURCHASED ON THIS INVOICE CONSTITUTES AND ACCEPTANCE O THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS O SALE' WHICH FOLLOW: (l) Stock Merchandise is .subject to a return chUue. No goods mat be returned without a shipping ticket and/or invoice number and prior authorization. (2) Non-Stock Merchandise is riot returnable unless we can secure a "Returned GoodS Authority" from the vendor. (3) 1fic t ustomc r acknot+le<lec5 and a<_,recs that.in all purchtso"of goods and services from Sellcr Sellcr kyives no express warranties, or-implied warranties of merch nuability and fitness for any particular Purpose. (4) The Customer agrees that Seller will not be liable for any con�cclueratial and incidcnial damages arising from any cau,,e aSsoc:iatcd �,vith the goods purc•hascd from Scller. (5) Taxes- Prices shown do not include sales or other taxes impoSed on the S<rte of goods. Taxes now or hereafter imposed upon sales or shipments will be added to the purchase price. Buyer agrees to reimhursc;Seller for any such tax or provide Seller with acceptable tax exemption certificale. ((t) Delay in DeliNery-Scher is not to he accountable for delays in delivery occasioned by acts of God or other circumstances over v hick Seller has no direct control. Factory shipment or delivery dates arc the best estimate,of our,upplicrs, and in no case ;hall Seller be liable for any conSequential or Special damages arising from any delay in delivery. (7) Waiver-The failure of Seller to insist upon the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this contract or to exercise any right hereunder shall not be deemed to he a ,vaiver of such terms, conditions or right in the future, nor shall it be deemed to be a waiver of unv other term,condition,or right under this contract. (8) Modification of Terms an(1 Conditions-No l.errns and conditions ot.hcr than those statccl herein,and no agreement or undcrstancling,in any way purporting to modify these terms. or conditions.shall be binding on Seller witliom Seller's written consent. ------------- DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT CUSTOMER RELEASE NUMBER, TERMS • • 11788 TJ8-5-13 NET 30 DAYS SALESPERSON VIA . . MIKE E WILSON PK PICK-UP AMADOU DIALLO(TJ) FISHERS 317-598-6170 08/05/13 ORDER ITEM PRICE 3ea 3ea T&B 500M 2227.40 100ea 66.82 500 CU SPLIT BOLT Billing Questions:Billing_request @kirbyrisk.com(765)446-3054 81512013 2:13:27 PM 6107034208.001 Invoice Number S107034209.001 Subtotal 66.82 G SOH Charges 0.00 Invoice is due by 09/04/13. '"" Sales Tax 0.00 AMADOU DIALLO(TJ) 66.82 0001:0002 Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ACCE,11TANCE OF THE GOODS PURCHASED ON "PHIS INVOICE. CONSTITUTE'S AND ACCEPTANCE C)F 7'IIF TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE WHICH FOLLOW: (1) Stock Merchandise r': subject to a return chart=e. No Loods may he returned A ithout a shipping ticket and/or invoice number and prior authorisation. (2) Non-Stock Merchandise is not returnable unless we can secure a "Returned Goods !Authority" from the. vendor. (3) The t'ustorlacl•acknowledues and ZIL)rccs that.in all purchase,of«oocls and soviets frcnn SCllcr. Scllcl' gives no express warranties,or implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for any-particular Purpose. (4) The Customer agrccs that Seller will not be liable for any cilnccc.luential and incidental damages arming front`Ins, cause assoti:atcd with the goods purcha�cd front Seller. (5) Taxes— Prices showri do not include sales or other taxes imposed on the sale of goods. Taxes now or hereafter imposed upon sales or shipments will be nettled to the purchase price. Eimer aft;rc:es to reimburse Seller for any Such tax or provide Seller with acceptable tax exemption certificate. t,fi) DeGa.N- in Delivery—Seller is not to he accountable for delays in delivery occasioned by acts ol'God or other circumstances over which Seller has no direct control. Factory Shipment or delivery dates are the best estimates of our suppliers, and in no case shall Seller be liable for any consequential or special dam,wes arising front any delay in delivery. 17) «'aieer—The failure of Seller to insist upon the performance of any of the term;or conditions of this contract or to exercise any right hereunder shall not be deemed to he a Nv aiver of such terms, conditions or right in the future, nor shall it be deemed to be a waiver of any other term,condition.or 1'Igllt under this contract. (8) Modification of Terms and Conditions—No terms and condition-,other than those stated herein,and no agreement or understanding. in any way purporting to modify these terms. or conditions. shall be binding on Seller without Seller's written consent. -------------------------------------------------- -- DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT CUSTOMER • • NUMBER' RELEASE NUMBER TERMS 11788 KR72313 NET 30 DAYS DATE.ORDERED BY SALESPERSON SHIP,VIA SALES OFFICE PHONE NUMBER SHIP KEVIN R FORD UPS GROUND KEN RHODES FISHERS 317-598-6170 08/01/13 ORDERCITYJ . DESCRIPTION 3ea 3ea HOBB 85097-02 31.76 lea 95.28 HOBBS RUN HOUR METER( 24 VDC ) KRPNM "SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY" FACTORY STOCK Billing Questions:Billing_request @kirbyrisk.com(765)446-3054 Invoice Number S107012039.001 Subtotall 95.28 S&H Chargesi 0.00 Invoice is due by 08/31/13. Sales Tax 0.00 AMOUNT 95.28 0001:0001 MR Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 TERMS AND CONDITIONS IONS O SALE ACCEPTANCE OF THE GOODS PURCHASED ON THIS INVOICE: CONSTITUTES AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF S,- LE WHICH FOLLOW: (I) Stool: Merchandise is subject to a return charec. No goods lnaN he returned vvitlulut<t shilopinQ ticket acid/or invoice numhcr and prior author nation. (2) Non-Stock \-lerchandise is riot returnable unless WC can secure a 'Returned Goods Anthoriti'•' fF01TI the vendor. (3) The C'ustomcr acknoNv ledges and agrees that in all purchases of goods and services from` cller, Scaler gives no cxprces W arrantics,or implied warranties of nlcrchantahility aril fitness for ani lo.irticular purpose. (4) The C'nstomcr agrccs that Seller will not be tiahle for any and incidental damages arising flom.tnV cans a oti t d ',\'kh the (httfti purchased front seller, (5) "faxes—Prices shown do not include sales or ether taxes imposed on the sale.ot•goods. Taxes now,or hereafter imposed upon sales or shipments will be added to the purchase price. I.?uyer a.zr,;es to reimburse Seller for any such tax or provide Seller with acceptahle tax exemption certificate. (b) Delay in Delivery—Scllcr is not to he accountable;for delays in deliver-v occasioned by acts of God or other circumstances over Nvhich Seller has no direct control. Factory shipment or delivery dates are the best estimates of our suppliers, and in no case shall Seller be liable for-any conscyuential or slaecial damages arising from any delay in delivery. (7) Waiver—The failure of Seiler to insist upon the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this contract or to exercise any right hetrunder shall not be deemed to be a waiver of'such terms; conditions or risht in the fumrc,nor shall it he deemed to be a waiver of any other term,condition,or right under this contract. (S) Modification of Terms and Conditions—No terms and conditions other than those stated herein, and no toreement or undersranding. in any way purporting to modify,these terms.or conditions. shall he binding on Seller without Seller's written consent. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 351017 KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY Purchase Order No. PO BOX 664117 Terms INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46266 Due Date 8/20/2013 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached iinvoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 8/20/2013 107026200.1 $112.17 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1 6 Date icer VOUCHER # 132487 WARRANT# ALLOWED 351017 IN SUM OF $ KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY PO BOX 664117 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46266 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 107026200.1 01-6200-02 $112.17 �i.i�z� e� 5• �� I t7'7b39 5�3- 1 � .3ij QN� �0-7 E5 LD"I©1ao39- t c�7.�a5a.�\ ►n`loiab3R. llr(b-SLjZGq ! 07<fUJ-,)•17—: to Voucher Total 3v7 &C Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund n PIRO°� :aA..E::•,': :M•': :1 .assf !i 18sR......�' 08/19/13 S107057831 . 001 REMIT T0: ..................... ...................... KIRBY RISK CORPORATION PO BOX 664117 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46266-4117 1 of 2 __ __ BILL T0: SHIP T0: __ ____ __ CARMEL WWTP CARMEL WWTP ATTN: PAUL ARNONE ATTN: BLAINE MALLABER 9609 HAZEL DELL PARKWAY 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280-2935 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280-2935 •.:•.:..... ................ .: : . . :•:. . ......... ...... 8 ... .....tl 74918 LARRY ...... ......... .ShLfSPEftSf1R.............. .. ....St.Y P..vtA......:..•.:::::.•:.....Oiti?ERt?96:: A3:Y: ::: >:>:;:SAtE.8;:4FfTGE:<•:•::•>:::::<•:;•>: :::flfft0?k;:$::>:: :::<:2>:•:....S1tt750kt : MBAYS PK LARRY FISHERS 317-598-6170 08/19/13"*'''' *''*-,""" t flk3CItt2TIA1F: .:. . :. .:.:`.:.:...:...::::>::: tJati:krloe•::•:•::•:•>:•::........::; ..:.. .tie.:: :•:•:::•:•: ... .'4 :•:QR3ER:Q3:Y;: : 81fSF•.•.UT.:.•.•:::...... C ti.4 SC 20 20ft COND R100 RIGID 1" CONDUIT —1 93 - - 0 . 00 — —38 .58 0 .77 2 tea PICO/WHEA 6358 (GEL10090) 1" 4 .47 0 . 00 8 . 94 0 .18 90 GALVANIZED ELBOW 6 6ea PICO/WHEA 8458 (GCPL100) 1" 1 .25 0 . 00 7 .52 0 .15 GALVANIZED COUPLING 2 2ea EGS EYF-100 1-IN MALL COND 14 .68 0 . 00 29 .36 0 .59 SEAL I MIRKirby Risk ...assfi+ir�iatR T ------------- --------------------- 08/19/13 S107057831 . 001 REMIT T0: :•;:•;:•Rkt3E:�14}:;::>:: ...................... KIRBY RISK CORPORATION PO BOX 664117 F INDIANAPOLIS IN 46266-4117 2 of 2 _------------____----------____ _________----____ BILL TO: SHIP TO: CARMEL WWTP CARMEL WWTP ATTN: PAUL ARNONE ATTN: BLAINE MALLABER 9609 HAZEL DELL PARKWAY 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280-2935 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280-2935 OSfON :RVNBEFF: :: :;•:•::•::•:•:::EtI5:i0NEit:YO MT1td8ETi:: ... . ............................ F1:�0S:3tANE: .. ::::::::::::::5::;:::::::::::::;:::::::;. 74918 LARRY :::.s!LfSBEi250tt:::.•. .............::5RtP.,y TA...... .. .. ... f.AT 3:Y .................BALE 8.41 f.I�E>:•:::: 91RIRti.#..: ..... ... .....SRtY.;DkiE....: MBAYS P LARRY FISHERS 317-598-617.008/19/13 »ARt7ER: 3:Y:•:•::•>::•:B1SSR:t}Tfi: :::: :<:•>::•::•:•::•:•:•::•:•:•:•::>:>::::>:DkSORI.TIQN:> >:»: »: >:::;::: ::tJrili.R.tce.•: ::•::•::•:..FE..................R0 ........ ..CASR:O�SC.:.: Q..... ................................................................................................... ................... ................... . I &SW3 lttM. AM 5107057911.001 -------------------------------- LARFIY---- ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------- __ _ ____ _ ____ Billing Questions: Billing_request @kirbyrisk.com (765)446-3054 ::'.`tii " " "'" - --------- .�x1 >YQ :> --- -----8 4 .4 0 ........................... A discount of $1.69 can be taken if paid by 09/10/13 0 .00 provided all previous invoices are paid. 0 .00 A service charge of 21; per month will be charged if not paid by 09/30/13 84 .40 ........................... _ Please detach, retain the top portion for your records and return the bottom portion wi your remittance. ------------------ GA8If1tIE1� TN407GE# iilYfIICE DkIE Tf43kl 041E DkiF illfE ::::: Rf.... ... 08 1 - 74918IS107057831 001 79 13 84 40 09730 j1-3 — --Please----Kirby Kisk-1 Tectrical-�uppTy----------------- 1515E-DETACFf7{ND-SUMT-WI1H-YOW-PAYWNT--------------- Remit To: PO BOX 664117 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46266-4117 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS A discount of $1.69 can be taken if paid by 09/10/13 provided all previous invoices are paid. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 351017 KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY Purchase Order No. PO BOX 664117 Terms INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46266 Due Date 8/20/2013 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 8/20/2013 S107057831. $84.40 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 d'/2 L�/3 Date Officer VOUCHER # 136205 WARRANT # ALLOWED 351017 IN SUM OF $ KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY PO BOX 664117 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46266 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code S107057831.( 01-7202-06 $84.40 Voucher Total $84.40 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund