HomeMy WebLinkAbout223545 08/27/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 366080 Page 1 of 1 ` ONE CIVIC SQUARE KRAMES STAYWELL 0 CHECK AMOUNT: $31.05 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 90477 CHICAGO IL 60696-0477 CHECK NUMBER: 223545 CHECK DATE: 8/27/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1081 4239039 6911395 31 . 05 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL KRAMES - St 1y d V e I 780 Township Line Road•Yardl f A 19067 Number 6911395 STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS DIVISION Date Page FOR ORDERING OR CUSTOMER SERVICE 06-AUG-13 1 of 1 Phone: 800-667-2968 g Fax:877-297-8525 Customer Number/Site ID Email:gethelp @kramesstaywell.com AUG 9 2013 1314399 1752395 www.KSWstrategicpartnerships.com Purchase Order Number FOR BILLING INQUIRIES:800-456-7882 B11T. E0003649 BILL TO: Dawn Koepper SHIP TO: Carmel Clay Parks& Recreation Denyse Solazzo 1411 E. 116th St. Carmel Clay Parks& Recreation CARMEL IN 46032 10850 Towne Road-Towne Meadow Elementary CARMEL IN 46032 SALES ORDER SHIP DATE SHIP VIA/SHI'PING REFERENCE 3936972 06-AUG-13 UPS Corporate 0 ORDEF2ED BY PAYMENT TEEMS DUE DATE SALESPERSON- - - - - - - - - - 30 NET 05-SEP-13 Swiderski, Colleen s o a � '• 1 658290-Mini CPR Keychain, (EA) 10 10 2.25 22.50 2 Shipping and Handling 1 1 8.55 8.55 f epp chavx,o IOS/-q-,rL- �bSoiazzo) L EFederal TIN: 13-2890345 0.00 31.05 USD 1 e I'ERMS.AN'ILONUITIONS I 'rhese'L'erms ai i Cunditions I"Agreement"1 govern the Sale of[kit products iulenntied on',re•front of this Invoice(the--Prudum,`)by k oinies Sta_�`,4'ell Strategic Partner-hips llniseun to thy:customer idcntificd on tits front of this invoiec t"L'u,tomcr'"I. 1. Orders. All or,lcrs in excess of S IQfiiril Placed on credit must he accornl,nmed by:t 'id purehnsc user number or confirmed in a l:ilined writing. Orders retltnrim_written continuation will he binditnd upon Kiames Stavtik ell Strategic Itrierslnps Division wherreceived aria accepted Iw[frames Sta}':Fell Sill°saute Partnership,Di i:zion- '_. Prices. (au The prices for the Products are those Specified an the front o€`[lus iii or.iCnra piss,IS so speediest.those in Krm es StavR cll Strategic Partnerships Division's Price Lux currentatthe time ol'Kranx°aStavW-,IlSilatt icPartnershipsDivIston'sacceptariceo ftitirde. ' Ib) Price,quoted,ire exclusive of deliver}and insurance costs and all taxes.iocludii ted<al.state and local use,;:ales,prnpert) and snnilar taxes Custonncr aeli to pay'all taxes+exceN t taxes upon Krtmucs StV Sta Paitnershi i:' 'n ision':net inrume V.tress Customer pruyid.^,Krmxs 1;[.€vldei!Si Partnerships lliv ision mtL an arppropti Cxcmp[iun resale urtiftc:nc or the;ale is Rll h ovine :ccmpt from all such taxus 3. 1'aty nrent.. , Ia) If Customer is approved I`',ar credit by krames StaeiVell Stratc_,ic Partnerships Division.a its snit;discretion,payment by Customer shall he due to Krames Stavt,'ti'ell 5trttzaTic Partnerships Dr,isiun within 3 o days after the date of the Invoice. if Custamti r is not apprr i for credit by Krames Stay4�ell 5trate^_ic E'sntnership llrvtsian,Cu;wmzr sua'€i prepay all ammmnl,due In CI LIClC ur credit card. in)Kmines Stay�Vzil Strntc,-is Partnership,Dvvisionl IclsaIves the rle'lit to establish-met or chttiee credit and pay incnL terms extended to 1.='ustoiner when.in TKrames StavWell Strate2ic Partnerships Division's sole di:Lcrctwn.Customer's Iill anceal ccndetinn or previnuS P Anent record warrant,that action. Futthei.Kiames Stavr,'s'ell Strategic Parmeuchips Dnision stra ll not be obht•ated to continue_,performance on delinquent acconnQa- All late pavmeits shall be rharce_l interest computed on a Iaih basis,from the due date Until paid to full all the lcssct ul i'_"o per nronth or the maxinuan rate peon i heel by lave d. Delivery. a i Kratnes Stayl''ell Strai is Partnerships Division will ananne delivery of Produc]i a localun Specified by Customer.piepay the dc.liren chrugzs any':cl-ar e Cri tourer flu thorn. All Shipments will be inade r O-B Krunes Si:nbVell tits D,'cic Partnen hips Division<fxllty. Defiyen will be deemcd ccirr Le and risk o€loss or damage t l the ProdaCtS wilt pass to C usionicr upon deliver•;to th' carver. {b) 1 riles es Sea•..;roll Siratep,ic Partncrshil'rs De,mon retains a sec uity interest in the Products del€cred to Customer,and in their acccssories,replacements.accCas€ors.proceeds and pro driers-1n C'1Laling accuuiuts receivable-to secure pa%rent of"all announnis clue under this Agreencnt CUUtutner agrees,from time to time,to tale any act and execute and deliver any docutncnt i�Mcludii e linancinu slut. enls i reasonably rcdlucstcd by KralIles Six,Wcll Stuicgic Partnerships Dirision to transl"cr.create,perfect.preserve.protect and entorce this Recurrty interest. ". Product Returns. la[ Prarided that the apphrtble ProdUCIS Are Coln P11-'li unopened,undamaged mid in sal Lab le condiiioi.i ti nun-castomutcl 1•.ramcs Stuv%Vell Strate_ii:Partner:•hips Division Produuls may be returned Fo ,i full credit of[he purchase price y.e1'nrn;( (jaws after reecrpl of Such Poliucts.and;u3 non-enstomized Amcireati r rust Pr)&QdrS may b� retnrncd G)v a 1,1111 cc�dit ofthe Ivirchase i v)i,t. %,nuru;;an Re,1 Cross l T,itpters.synod P.ice:!-rairccuev Su v ice Stauuns and hooi.,loreb in accnid ul—c with dic kilos,d'dre thee,sunsets Agreement betvreen Kramel,zi[cr:VVell S rategic Partnerships Division and the Anivi can Rid Cr(Iss,and i B!by am other parts vyithin 10 days after receipt of such P?OdUCtS Customer shall include a cope of the origma!Invoice%>ith the returned Products fb) Custunnzed Products may I returned vvithrn Cl d 1p,after rxcept only if r'uch Products du not cuiil"amt in all mater al respects to the current spcci[cauuns es_.ricd by Kranr_s Stapt,L'ell Strategic Pannzrshrlrs Division for such Products.provided that such Products;tie conipicte•uncunaaed and in saleable condition. Kra:ncs StavWl l IIlategrc Partnerships Division's exclusive obligation.and CuSII s sole remede-with respect to non-contixnnno,?rodii shall be.at iirames Sray1Vell Snn€eglc Partnerships Dirisinn's option,to replace the Products or to issue a credit fur the purchase price of the Products Ic) To obtain a credit.Cuslorner shall return Products[o Kii SlavWcll Siritcgic Parhutships Dnrsiun.Shipp€nl,and handling prepaid-vvtthm the €pplicable nine pond se€ forth In Section?(a)or ibl-with a staterneiiI describing the reason for the return. Credit mill be essucl only fur rmv ned Products that are actually received by Ki iea StavWc'll Stra?egic Partnerships Division No credo will he issued for the rarnal return of kits,shednk-wrapped-hurdled or packaged Products If Product.are returned to I<rmnes Sta',Well Strate_ic Partnerships Division in accordance with this Section ti,:t credit to Customers account will be processed vvuhi r,ti days after receipt of the returned Products Products not rcuerned in accordance vd it'n this Sccuon`shall be deemcd accepted b, Cu,tumcr upon the expirnlion oC tic.ipplicablc time period sel l"urth in Secuor,S(a V or i b;. idl To obtain a retLnd ofan, ciedet balance Customer must submit a written req tl uest ,r a refund to Krone.,Stu)41'e11 Strall Partnership,Division's Accounls Receivable Supervisor Krame>St:nWell Strategic P:Anership,Division will process requests for refunds within_U days alitt receipt thereof 6. Limitations on Warranty. E_-,X PT AS EXPRESSLY SL D H)RfH I-IERELN-KK.°l1vlES S DAYIVEL.L S I RA'1'LULC PAR'1 NLIlSHI1'5 DIVISION NLAKES NU REPRESENTATIONS OR 1&-AR-`,ANTES W17LVTSOEVER.EMPRESS OR P411LIED,INCLUD1Ne.WITHUU I LIIv11TATl()N,W.AIR.R\411ES OF_MERCH:\ T:r\B[I.FrY, FITNESS FOR A P,4RTLCT7.APR PLFRPC1SP AND Lf4:]N-T\TRDNGrTviLNT OF THIRD PARTY RiCHTS. 7. Limitation ofLiubilih-IN No EVEN D SI LALL KR.AhIES STAY;ti'ELI.STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS DIVISION BE LIABLE TO CCUSTOMER i .)R MY THIRD P R_I's 11'1'11-1 E ESi'LC D Lie €HIS AGEEI AND THE.1 ROU)!ICTS PROVIDED HERLL[NDER f(M ANY INDIRLC L LNC'LDEN t aL,CONSEQUENTLA1-SPECLAL OR ENEMPLAR'r DAMAGES{INCLUDING LUST PR(wiTs).REGARDLESS OF THE FORM i=ll ACTION OR LEGAL OR EQLtITABLE THLi 7R`i ANL)L.2N'HETHER OR NOT Si.C?;F)AMA -S.ARF FORFSFM-i1.}- KR Mvlir.S ST,AYWFLI.STR 1TEGiC PARTNTRSHiPS Di VISION S LlABi1JTY POP,D.I,AM.AGFS HT,-,R1<l_il`,lDFR'SHAI-i, iN Ni)EVENT EXCEED TI IE Ail,1 yJjNT OF FEES PAID B f t_i iSTOKIER UNDER THIS INVOICE TI IE PRf)v;'ISlQNS OF THIS SECTION?ALLOCATE TI iE RISKS UNDER PHISAGREEN IENIB E'1WFENKILAAIESST AYWELLSHI-AIEUIC PAR I'NERSHBIS DIVISION AND CUSTUMER Kltt\- 1ESSIAYWEL-LST1' -AIEtilt'; PART NERSHIPS Dh.ISION'S PRICING REFLEC'I'I`,THIS:.LLOC'ATkiN OF RISK AND THE LIMITATION OF LI:iBILITY SPEC IFIED HEREIN. 8. Gov erning Law;Choice of Forum. Theo-\ reement shall be governed by the iaws of the State ol'Pennsrhania. Anc actions or prnceedmgs arising out of"dils Aerernent shall be instirured dints in the state or Federal courts in the County of Bucks,State of Pennsylvania,and the parties consent to the jurisdiction of those courts and waive an_v ub_tection to v enue of those acdun,or proceedings 9. Nikeellancous. This_gr,:emcnt mac not be mudlill except by a wrung signed by Krames SlaYWell Strategic PartncrsFnps Drviswn and Custu€tier. This AL,rccment 'uperwdes all prior a ritten and oral cool onLloWntion,S,undet'stnndln,s and agreements of the parties vv ill respect to the suhjcd inattei her oaf,The teens'I'this Asrcement Shatll take precedence over any_ additional or lncons steznt term,contained in any Purchas t t rider or other vvritin€,delicz- d h_y Customer in connection the purchase of the Products- Customer Ii not as'ign this.teTccincnt �vilhuut Krnmes Sii Well Stratc_•ic Partnerships Division-s prior written consent. if Krames Stavv ell Stracegtc Partnerships Derision is prevented from perfotmmg an portion orlhrS A,,reemcnt by c;at seas be',ond Its control.including,wr€hout limitation.label u'tsputc._civil commotion,sat.curcrnmertal rcgulauons ur controls,easualty.mabelitv to obtain materials nr,ery ices or acts iii'God,i ranre,SmvWell Stratee.ic Partnerships Division well hz.xcu eel From performance fur the period uF the delay and for a reasonable nine thereafter If.uiv provision of i:hr;,, tcemrnt is held to be mvalid or unenforceable,all other provisions of this avreennent will remain in force IS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 366080 Krames Staywell, LLC Terms P.O. Box 90477 Chicago, IL 60696-0477 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) PO # Amount 8/6/13 6911395 Mini CPR key chains 5 31.05 Total $ 31.05 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 120 Clerk-Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 366080 Krames Staywell, LLC Allowed 20 P.O. Box 90477 Chicago, IL 60696-0477 In Sum of$ $ 31.05 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 108 - ESE PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept# 1081-9 6911395 4239039 $ 31.05 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 22-Aug 2013 Signature $ 31.05 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund