1. (V)American Specialty Health—Signage
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval for a new wall sign:
Docket No. 13080011 V ZO CH 25.07.02-04 b.2.b Sign not facing right-of-way
The site is located at 12800 N Meridian Street and is zoned B-2/Business within the US 31 Overlay.
Filed by Paul Reis of Krieg DeVault on behalf of the applicant,American Specialty Health.
!� k.", :� . - 'a" ii i2 f 1, ! '"'�,, `+11 General Info:
ral I ,is'r tr,� ,,,ri.., a;�f 1'; ,,10:.- L . V The Petitioner requests variance approval for a new
? ' 1 y 4 v`c : ( 41 ��,, x wall sign on the side of a building with no street
'.rT ;a } l ' ' tit'
,' - , ., ti ,.:77./.!–,%-‘'' , z 'f„, aft 4� ;''I frontage. The building does have frontage on two
1.,� - ' ,; '� , ' V q. ,.' `-. hi ` streets and currently has 3 signs total on facades
,= +.: ', • �' ' II : 1 l'` ' s 1 V I facing a street. The site is zoned B-2/Business within•.1, •�f ;'- ,.. ,.- fi ' 7 {� r�hr� the US 31 Overlay and is surrounded by office uses.
-. 'r ,i k ` i a' Please refer to the petitioner's information packet
:`'`� y,:ii �', ,�1 z a:' 7',,'' '� 1, , ://4-4.,..v,tr ;; ,,g«• for more details.
'`i,, ,ki r,,. p Si _1, '� --1` r '.' y��'NY p, „c: ! f V Analysis:
at, 4` � �; a, 1 S 4}� � � +{z�;1:Y' The new wall sign is proposed on the north building
44` 4} -k, I , ,,, , 4 :4 facade which does not have street frontage,but which
Act ;-,,t M =, n, $ rry�� 4 01 does have visibility from southbound traffic on US
.s � �,, ��. �' , t f �9,oa 3l. 4 wall signs are ultimately permitted on this•g �dI;' t« t'°,tee,
Kyn,, *-4€44,:. g ,4 building because it has 2 street frontages. Only 3
”' ,s r�14. I ` qi 4 7 J 70.4'=--�`i signs are currently installed. The new wall sign
-.4 t, i.. n�q ; ■IS U '1� _ '`k, �, .' ' ;, L R „ 1', would be the fourth sign on this building,and so the
. '' :A./4. °'_.4 ,'t '' \. .i fi i 4;-.- '.It's Fes,,_., number of permitted signs is not being exceeded.
The sign meets the size and height requirements of the Sign Ordinance.
The placement of this building is unique in that the north facade has visibility from US 31,but it does not have street
frontage. The placement of this sign on the north facade will help to better identify this tenant without adding more
signage to facades with existing signs. The sign will not face any residential uses and should not have a negative effect on
surrounding properties. The Department is in support of this variance request.
Petitioner's Findings of Fact:
1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals, and general
welfare of the community because: the proposed sign is for a tenant in a multi-tenant office building in a
highly trafficked commerce corridor. The proposed sign location on the building will be visible to
southbound traffic on US 31 and not to any residential uses. It will enhance the general welfare of the
community by providing the Petitioner with critical identification of its location.
2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a
substantially adverse manner because: all adjacent uses are identical in use(multi-tenant,multi-level office
buildings) or compatible in use and will not be adversely affected by the location of this sign on the north
facade of the building.
3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical
difficulties in the use of the property because: while the north facade is not adjacent to a street,it is visible
to southbound traffic on US 31 and will provide critical identification for the Petitioner's location in Hamilton
Crossing III multi-tenant, multi-story office building. The Zoning Ordinance prohibits wall signage on the
north facade notwithstanding its visibility to US 31,thereby resulting in a practical difficulty to the Petitioner
to identify its location.
Recommendation: The Dept. of Community Services recommends approval of Docket No. 13080011 V.