HomeMy WebLinkAbout223833 09/10/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 365825 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE AUTOMATED DOORS&ACCESS INC CHECK AMOUNT: $530.00 ;` +o CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 6334 E 32ND COURT INDIANAPOLIS IN 46226 CHECK NUMBER: 223833 CHECK DATE: 9/10/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1093 4350100 IN0708231722 530 . 00 BUILDING REPAIRS & MA / / U������H���� UU`� �� m~������ &ACCESS,INC CET17ED www.qualitylsoutomatic.col 11 2 7 PLEASE REMIT TO INVOICE NUMBER mm0708231722 Automated Doors INVOICE DATE u �n�s �&8ccovo . Inc.|nc 8/22/2013 8/22/2013 /_ pOmu�osn �00044�n 6334 E.s2nuCou� /�6 |5-7 |mJian�mUo. |w 4Oz2O ------ -- ' ,' Phone:(866)470-8099 TOTAL DUE $530.00! BILL TO LOCATION Accounts Payable Monon Community Center Monon Community Center Mnnnn Community Center Attn: Accounts Payable Carmel,IN 46032 1235 Central Park Drive East / Cannel.IN *6032 Contact:Matthew Bush Phone:(317)o43-a863 Phone:(317)721-2874 Description Issue Repair West Entrance door m West Building:07.241a'9r Stop Arm Broke.Will order new 90r Stop Arm. Glynn Johnson 1O8 Series.Also,ume for''won'G|ommin^Gate Closer(Pool Panic Gate) /O7.u8.13 Repo|ced Glynn-Johnson 1OO Series S0^Stop Arm.Adjusted and checked for proper operation. 1M/1H � Service Call 130725'0005 wowow CENTER-DOOR NOT LATc*/w 1sa(esperson Customer Number Order Date Completion Date 'Payment Terms Shipping Method � Ryan rmeU w0w0w[0w[TK 8/22/2013 8/22/2013 LOCAL DELIVERY Cost Code Totals EQUIPMENT $0.00 MATERIAL $375.00 LABOR $75.00 SUBCONTRACTOR $0.00 TRAVEL $80.00 Subtotal $530.00 ' x�\vm� ^ �� »^� UJ� / Tax $0.00 / /�/���.—H /��^~` ^ � L�~��� ���»��~�^~~�~� Total $530.00 � Page of � Automated Doors e Access, Inc., 6334 E. 32nd Court, mdianapoLis, |w,46226 Phone (866)47O80vvFax (317)472-7451 s'mai|mcmvndngequd|$is,ummaUc.com AUTOMATED DOORS 6334 East 32nd Court 1105 Stones River Court Indianapolis IN 46226 LaVergne, Tennessee 37086 &ACCESS,INC Office: 317.472.7450 Office: 615-471-5366 ADA "Quality Is Automatic" Fax: 317.472.7451 Fax: 615-471-5367 Toll Free: 866.470.8099 a servicerequest @qualityisautomatic.com www.qualityisautomatic.com SERVICE WORK ORDER / NO A INVOICE I3a7� S- oog CUSTOMER NO.: �� CeyT�v P.O.NO.: C W.O.I.D.NO.: LOCATION: / TIME IN:' 5 TIME OUT:a ZONE: DATE: 7 ADDRESS: O� 3 S CeN��/�L I�/}rx q el-F 0,1- ve, ESTIMATE❑ PROPOSAL❑ I PARTS❑ PLANNED MAINTENANCE❑ UNITNO.: REGULAR❑ EMERGENCY❑ RETURN❑ WARRANTY❑ CITY,ST,ZIP: CA rM C T- A/ INTERIOR❑ EXTERIOR�/ ENTRANCE❑ EXIT❑ CONTACT: SLIDE❑ SWING OTHER❑ DOOR NO.: BI-PART❑ SINGLE❑ PAIR DOOR LOCATION: we / Le ["r �OU�� ��GO FULL B.O.❑ FIXED SIDELITE❑ INSWING❑ OUTSWING� BRAND: / MODEL: PROBLEM REPORTED: SERVICE PERFORMED: , oti4, ADDITIONAL FORMS ATTACHED: YES ❑ NO❑ PROPOSAL REQUIRED: ❑ FAX# QTY. ADA PART NO. DESCRIPTION TRUCK OR WAREHOUSE NO. Jo h vq6 1,-' �0 0 qO Tap 4-rlo DOOR&OPERATOR INSPECTION-MARK(✓)FOR IN COMPLIANCE/(X)FOR NOT IN COMPLIANCE/(NA)IF NOT APPLICABLE TO THIS DOOR MECHANICAL SPEEDS&FORCE SWITCHING ACCESSORIES TRACK&CAP OPENING SPEED ON/OFF SWITCHING TRANSFORMER(S) EELS&HANGERS CLOSING SPEED CE SENSORS CALS/SIGNAGE BOT GUIDES TIME SAFETY B DAIL ETY CHECK PIVOTS& ES LATCH AND BACK S ACTIVATION SEN /MATS GUIDE RAIL HOES DRIVE BELTS CUSHIONS SAFETY SENSORS/MA THRESHOLDS OPERATOR/GEARBO OPENING/CLOSING FORCE WALL SWITCHES LOCKS/INDICATORS MOTOR EMERGENCY BREAKOUT CORD&CONNECTIONS GLASS/STOPS ADA has completed an inspection of the above noted door.This inspection is intended to assess the doors safety compliance by performing a physical inspection and conductrn€ practical field tests designed to approximate the requirements of the currentANSIBHMA standards.Individual manufacturers may have additional requirements or recommendation for their equipment.It is strongly recommended that the door remain in compliance of these standards for safe operation.We recommend immediate discontinued door operatior if any of the above items are noted'`X-NOT IN COMPLIANCE"within the standards of the inspection. RECOMMENDATIONS TO CUSTOMER: QTY. PARTS REQUIRED: ❑ PARTS RECOMMENDED: ❑ TECHNICIAN I.D.NO.: TECHNICIAN INITIALS: WE KNOW THAT YOU HAVE A CHOICE, THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING UTOMATED DOORS AND ACCESS,INC. WAS THE SERVICE PERFORMED TO UR SATISFACTION? OPTIONAL RESPONSE: YES❑ NO❑ COSTONWSIGNATVRE PRINT NAME DATE STORE STAMP ADAAUTOMATED DOORS 6334 East 32nd Court 1105 Stones River Court ACCESS,��� Indianapolis IN 46226 LaVergne, Tennessee 37086 e _ Office: 317.472.7450 Office- 615-471-5366 "Quality is Automatic' Fax: 317.472.7451 Fax: 615-471-5367 j Toll Free: 866.470.8099 - servicerequest @qualityisautomatic.com www.qualityisautomatic.com SERVICE WORK ORDER / NOT AN INVOICE 1307g-000y CUSTOMER NO.: /�,q vGA/ C(gyr�� P.O.NO.: W.O.I.D.NO.: LOCATION: TIME IN: t 3D TIME OUT: 3;da ZONE: DATE: -bLy-13 ADDRESS: ESTIMATE❑ PROPOSAL❑ PARTS❑ PLANNED MAINTENANCE❑ UNIT NO.: REGULAR( EMERGENCY❑ RETURN Cl WARRANTY❑ CITY,ST,ZIP: INTERIOR❑ EXTERIOR ENTRANCE❑ EXIT❑ CONTACT: SLIDE❑ SWING OTHER❑ DOOR NO.: BI-PART❑ SINGLE❑ L e r- PAIR DOOR LOCATION: /e;T L e f d I. (2o7 , �e-r FULL B.O.C] FIXED SIDELITE C3 INSWING❑ OUTSWING BRAND: MODEL: PROBLEM REPORTED: /0 (� 7o/) Y1 ? {� 1-0 e— SERVICE PERFORMED: , J / l /'' I J I` �r q° �vyn J51 5a 4,1 IoG S�r�ps Ser 1�%cTure. u 6 1-c- ror Ik 01v �;� 4✓1 1'4/1 �7 A 1 C GLD 5 e k St rival ; 0 r6�1)Pere CArrAe�, CG Ay G z;A 861G P4141i1- (� ADDITIONAL FORMS ATTACHED: YES ❑ NO ❑ 1 PROPOSAL REQUIRED: ❑FAX# QTY. ADA PART NO. DESCRIPTION TRUCK OR WAREHOUSE NO. DOOR&OPERATOR INSPECTION-MARK(✓)FOR IN COMPLIANCE/(X)FOR NOT IN COMPLIANCE/(NA)IF NOT APPLICABLE TO THIS DOOR MECHANICAL SPEEDS&FORCE SWITCHING ACCESSORIES n K&CAP OPENING SPEED ON/OFF SWITCHING TRANSFORMER S HANGERS CLOSING SP PRESEN SENSORS DEC S/SIGNAGE TOM G S TIME DELAYS SAFETY BE DAILY FETY CHECK TS&HfNGES LATCH AND BACK CHE ACTIVATION SENT MATS GUIDE S/SHOES DRIVE BELTS CUSHIONS SAFETY SENSORS/MATS THRESHOLD OPERATOR/GEARBOX OPENING/CLOSING FORCE WALL SWITCHES LOCKS/INDICATOR MOTOR EMERGENCY BREAKOUT CORD&CONNECTIONS GLASS/STOPS ADA has completed an inspection of the above noted door.This inspection is intended to assess the doors safety compliance by performing a physical inspection and conducting practical field tests designed to approximate the requirements ofthe cunentANSI/BHMA standards.Individual manufacturers may have additional requirements or recommendations for their equipment.It is strongly recommended that the door remain in compliance of these standards for safe operation.We recommend immediate discontinued door operation if any of the above items are noted"X-NOT IN COMPLIANCE"within the standards of the inspection. RECOMMENDATIONS TO CUSTOMER: QTY. PARTS REQUIRED: ❑ PARTS RECOMMENDED: TECHNICIAN I.D.NO.: TECHNICIAN INITIALS: C WE KNOW THAT YOU HAVE A CHOICE, THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING AUTOMATED DOORS AND ACCESS, INC. WAS THE SERVICE PERFORMED TO YOUR SATISFACTION? OPTIONAL RESPONSE: YES❑ NO❑ C STOM,2<SIGNATYRE PRINT NAME DATE STORE STAMP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 365825 Automated Doors & Access, Inc. Terms 6334 E. 32nd Court Indianapolis, IN 46226 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) PO# Amount 8122113 AIN0108231722 Repairs to West Main doors 36137 $ 530.00 Total $ 530.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in ad6ordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20_ Clerk-Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 365825 Automated Doors &Access, Inc. Allowed 20 6334 E. 32nd Court Indianapolis, IN 46226 In Sum of$ $ 530.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 109 - Monon Center PO#or Board Members INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TlTLE AMOUNT Dept# 1093 AIN0708231722 4350100 $ 530.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 5-Sep 2013 Signature $ 530.00 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund