HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes TAC 09-20-95 TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 20, 1995 Members present were: Mark Monroe, Department of Community Development; Christian Badger and Randy Powell, City Engineer; John Duffy, City Utilities; John South, Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation; Jose Kreutz, Jim Neal and Michael Rich, Hamilton County Highway Dept.; and Jerry Robinson, Indiana Gas Co.; BUCKHORN, LOT#58 PRIMARY PLAT AMENDMENT, (PP AMEND), SECONDARY PLAT SP Petitioner seeks approval (Primary Plat Amendment and Secondary Plat) to plat 1 lot on 1.85 acres. The site is located east of Buckhom Drive and south of 141st Street. Site is zoned S- 1/Residential. Filed by John Rynard. Stan Neal of Weihe Engineers, and John Rynard, Rynard Construction, appeared before the Committee. Stan Neal gave a brief overview of the applicant's request which involves ingress/egress from a proposed driveway onto 141st Street. Stan stated that the petitioner would correct a slight drainage problem at existing storm sewer inlet and re-grade. Petitioner will also remove trees for clear line of site distance at drive. COMMENTS: - County Highway, Jose Kreutz questioned site distance; if trees in right-of-way pose a safety hazard, they will be removed. Jim Neal will re-visit site and meet with Rynard. County Highway will not issue driveway permit until satisfied. - DOCD, Mark Monroe says building permit will not be issued until curb cut approval. PARKS AT SPRINGMILL, SECTIONS 7 AND 8 SECONDARY PLAT (SP) Petitioner seeks approval (Secondary Plat) to plat 2 lots on 22.203 acres. The site is located south of 136th Street and west of Meridian Street. Site is zoned S-2/Residential. Filed by the Estridge Companies. Secondary Plat approval for section 7 & 8 for Parks at Springmill--amenity area to be installed in the common area: pool; playground equipment, tennis and basketball courts; also passive area for walking trails, picnic area, possibly volleyball court. PARKS AT SPRINGMILL, SECTION 2 (PARK PLACE) SECONDARY PLAT (SP) Petitioner seeks approval (Secondary Plat) to plat 22 lots on 13.38 acres. The site is located south of 136th Street and west of Meridian Street. Site is zoned S-2/Residential. Filed by the Estridge Companies. 1 • Appearing on behalf of Estridge Companies were Ken Brasseur and Steve Ranshaw; Lance Ferrell of Schneider Engineering. Overview by Ken Brasseur. • COMMENTS: - City Engineer, Randy Powell requests applicant re-address issue of perimeter roadway improvements. Engineer's office does not believe Meridian Corners Boulevard will become a reality, therefore no need to proceed with an escrow account. Applicant to make provision for improvements to 131st Street, Springmill, and 136th Street. Ken Brasseur thought there was an agreement being prepared which would let the City decide how they wanted to apply funds. Randy says before the potential of Meridian Corners Boulevard becomes reality, applicant will either build Meridian Corners Blvd. to eastern property line or do perimeter road improvements, (one or the other) and that applicant will escrow money to accomplish. Brasseur states he is reluctant to commit to road improvements and find out figure is in excess of agreed figure. Engineer's office will recommend to Board of Public Works that plats not be signed until issue of roadway improvements resolved. Petitioner states they have operated in good faith, and are not happy about situation. - County Soil & Water, John South says comment letter sent; common area and amenity area not defined on plat, drainage and utility easements cross into amenity area and should be addressed. John South concerned that floodway and drainage easement not shown on plat; petitioner will comply. Storm pipes and sanitary need to be defined on plans. plans. - County Highway, Jim Neal no comment. - Badger Engineer, Chris Badger no comment - Indiana Gas Co.,. Jerry Robinson no comment - DOCD, Mark Monroe requests subdivider form to be signed and submitted. Any covenants and restrictions, if different from other sections, need to be submitted. Sidewalk to be constructed along 131st and 136th Street. Petitioner requesting approval for foot bridge across creek; at time of bridge implementation, sidewalks will be finished. • Petitioner says pathway will be asphalt, 5/6 feet wide for pedestrian traffic, maintained by HomeOwners' Association. Mark suggests petitioner look at county standards for pathways. PARKS AT SPRINGMILL, SECTION 2 (PARK PLACE) SECONDARY PLAT (SP) Petitioner seeks approval SP to plat 22 lots on 13.38 acres. The site is located south of 126th Street. Site is zoned S-2/Residential. Filed by the Estridge Companies. COMMENTS: - City Engineer, Randy Powell, ditto comments on previous section; ditto on perimeter road issue. Petitioner to get in touch with Randy prior to entry/island work. - County Soil & Water, John South has not reviewed revised plans. Will send comment letter. - County Highway, Jim Neal no comment. - Badger Engineering, Chris Badger no comment. - Indiana Gas, Jerry Robinson no comment. - Mark Monroe, same comments: need subdivider agreement form, copy of covenants and • restrictions, landscaping plan same as approved at primary. Petitioner says entrance signage proposed, tied into entry columns/landscaping; currently marketing signs are up. Hydrant location not yet reviewed--petitioner to get with Stan Puckett. Filing fee to be submitted for Section 2, Secondary Plat Review. FOSTER ESTATES, SECTIONS 6A, 6B, AND 7 SECONDARY PLAT (SP) Petitioner seeks approval (Secondary Plat) to plat 62 lots on 30.207 acres. The site is located south of 146th Street and west of Carey Road. Site is zoned R-1/Residential. Filed by Quadrant Development. Appearing for the petitioner were Richard Henderson of Schneider Engineering; Jim White and Steve Schutz of Quadrant Development. Richard Henderson gave an overview. Minor revisions • have been made, additional erosion protection made on 6A, lots 112 thru 114. Temporary seeding not added on lots 43 thru 46, since they are in wooded area. (Randy Powell states roadside swail on Carey Road south of 146th Street [300 ft.] needs to be put back to normal.) COMMENTS: - County Soil & Water, John South says seeding should show on plans as well as erosion control. 100 yr. flood elevation requested. John South will review revised plans. - Utilities, John Duffy says revised plans OK - Engineering, Chris Badger no comment - City Engineer, Randy Powell says OK - Petitioner, Richard Henderson says will make one change to section 7; easement to south worked out. Lots to rear of section 7 will include 33 feet of the easement; will revise square footage of lots. Will request to be put on BPW Agenda for addition of 7 lots and increase in square footage. - DOCD, Mark Monroe states petitioner needs to return to Plan Commission Subdivision Committee for approval to add 7 lots. Need copy of covenants and restrictions; request update on clubhouse and pool area--BZA approval required. - City Engineer, Randy Powell will need separate curb cut approval from BPW. 3 SHELBORNE GREEN AMENITY AREA (SUI Petitioner seeks approval (Special Use) to construct a pool, clubhouse, tennis court, basketball court, and playground on 2.37 acres. The site is located on Inverness Boulevard within the Shelborne Green Subdivision. Site is zoned S-1/Residential. Filed by Davis Development. Stuart Huckelberry of Davis Development appeared before the Committee and gave a brief overview of the recreational facility. The configuration of the common area as shown in the primary plat has not changed, only the items within.it. Clubhouse similar to clubhouse in existence at Avian Glen. Clubhouse will not be open at night (no outdoor lighting required). COMMENTS: - County Soil & Water, John South questioned erosion control--included on Section 6, response in the affirmative. - Engineering, Chris Badger recommends adding small pipe to take care of ponding around basketball courts. Chris also recommends marking storm & sanitary line location. - County Highway, Jim Neal sees no problem. - Indiana Gas, Jerry Robinson, no comment. - DOCD, Mark Monroe asked about changes in landscape plans in response to Department's requests. Petitioner to get with Mike Hollibaugh. SEARS HARDWARE (ADLS) Petitioner seeks approval (Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping, and Signage) to locate in the existing True Value Hardware Building. The site is located West of Keystone Way, south of the existing Steak and Shake. Site is zoned B-8/Business. Filed by James Nelson. Appearing for the applicant were Jim Nelson, attorney, and Brad Barnes of Barnes Investments/ Cuppy, Graef, and Turner. Overview given by Jim Nelson. Applicant will be expanding building to over 5,000 square feet; other site improvements and improvements to exterior of building to be made. Brad Barnes explained proposed changes: Existing True Value Hardware Building is 15,500 square feet; will add on to bring building up to 20,000 sq.ft. plus or minus. Existing garden area to be expanded and will have galvanized fencing area; facade of building would be white brick. Blue canopy to be added over main entrance area. Ten foot section to be added to the north of building for dock loading/unloading. Utilities for site are behind building--serviced by lift station, existing line will be re-located outside new loading dock area and will tie into lift station at eastern edge of property. Storm sewer is existing on site. Proposal includes adding strip of landscaping and mulch bed between retail shops and Sears area. Existing building drains to the back. Site lighting 1,000 Watt fixtures, two per pole, front and back. Landscaping as shown on 4 plans. COMMINTS: • - County Soil & Water, John South questioned existing drainage or utility easement around perimeter; petitioner states storm sewer in 10 foot easement along east property line shared by Steak & Shake--not being disturbed. - County Highway, Jim Neal no comment - Engineering, Chris Badger regarding lighting: one foot candle very bright, recommend Point Three. Petitioner says parking area will be resurfaced; Chris recommend milling one inch on parking lot prior to resurfacing. - Indiana Gas, Jerry Robinson no comment - DOCD, Mark Monroe requests updated lighting and landscaping plan. Petitioner states No Outside Storage. GROSSMAN VARIANCE (V) Petitioner seeks approval (Variance) to construct a lot that does not have frontage on a public street. The site is located at 11201 Westfield Boulevard within the Pine Valley Subdivision. The site is zoned R-1/Residential. Filed by James Nelson. Appearing for the applicant were: Jim Nelson and Jim Shinaver, attorneys; Elizabeth Grossman and son, Thomas E. Grossman. Overview given by Jim Nelson. At present, site is occupied by Mrs. Grossman as single family residence. Mrs. Grossman has filed request with Carmel BZA for a developmental standards variance to permit the eastern part of her real estate to be set aside as a separate parcel for son, Tom, to build a residence. The parcel will be accessible by Pine Valley Drive, (a non-dedicated roadway) off Westfield Boulevard. Variance requested from Section 2.4 of Zoning Ordinance which states that all parcels used for a single family residence shall abut a public thoroughfare; this parcel would not abut a public thoroughfare, however, the parcel would comply in all respects with minimum lot size in R-1, and is accessible by a common roadway, even though not dedicated to Carmel or Hamilton County as a public street. Portions of site lie within floodway of Carmel Creek; Tom Grossman has filed applications with FEMA and DNR. To date, FEMA has requested additional information. COMMENTS: - County Soil & Water, John South has no comment regarding variance; lot is served by sewer and well water. Floodway/floodplain needs to be dealt with. Soils on site are maybe not conducive to home building; however, looks as if site has been dramatically filled; may not be an issue at present. Department should consider compaction test at time of application for foundation permits. - County Highway, Jim Neal says applicant required to give dedication of right-of-way-- 60 foot one-half--across front of Mrs. Grossman's property. • 5 - DOCD, Mark Monroe states no large issues with variance; question is whether or not site is suitable for construction of a home. - Badger Engineering, Chris Badger stated house would have to be two feet above 100 year flood plain which would preclude a basement. LEEPER ELECTRIC REZONE (Z2 Petitioner seeks approval (Rezone) to change the zoning of a 7.758 acre tract of land on the northeast corner of 131st and U.S. 31 from S-2/Residential to B-2/Business. Filed by James Nelson. In attendance: Jim Mack, Mack Architects; Steve Fehribach, A&F Engineering Co.; Bob Leeper, Indy Lighting; Ray Stone, Stone Engineering Leeper Electric has agreed to purchase from DePauw and Earlham College to purchase a small, 4 acre, triangular shape parcel of real estate which lies north of 131st Street, east of US 31 an north of Pennsylvania at its intersection with 131st Street. The parcel, zoned S-2/Residence District, was a part of DePauw University's ground. The site was created into a separate parcel at the time US 31 dissected the DePauw ground. The applicant is requesting a rezone from S-2 to B-2 to provide for the construction of a 28,200 square foot building to be used as a decorating center, the primary tenant will be Indy Lighting. The property is within the City of Carmel; one entrance off 131st Street requires curb cut approval from BPW. Will go before Plan Commission and City Council. Applicant will make a second appearance before TAC in October. Steve Fehribach has prepared traffic analysis and will be distributed. Mr. Nelson will be evaluating the possible uses under B-2 which might be excluded. COMMENTS: - City Engineer, Randy Powell asked if discussions had been held with State Highway as to whether or not they will allow petitioner to discharge storm drainage into State Highway right-of-way as shown. Petitioner says State Highway has no problem with it as long as they are notified. City will require copies of State Highway approval permits prior to approving for construction. Sanitary Sewer and potable water to be served by Indpls. Water; sanitary sewer to be brought across 131st Street, by gravity or grinder pump not yet determined. Dedication of right-of-way is questionable--of no benefit to • City, probably not necessary. - County Soil & Water, John South echoes comments regarding drainage; permit by State Highway necessary. No solution at present. - Badger Engineering, Chris Badger recommends detention pond to north to be dug deeper to raise that end of site in order to provide more detention. 5 handicap spaces needed not 2 as shown. - Indiana Gas, Jerry Robinson no comment - DOCD, Mark Monroe requests documentation whether or not project meets tract requirement; if not, variance to be required. Need list of property owners to be noticed 6 • for public hearing Summary of Traffic Study for site done by A&F Engineering looked at 3 intersections: 131st & US 31; 131st & Pennsylvania; and proposed access point. A&F suggests access be shifted away from Pennsylvania intersection for possibility of future full intersection. Capacity analysis is above Level of Service C. US 31 closed off for left turns at present; added traffic from lights will have no effect on capacity of intersections studied. East bound to north bound into driveway has significant amount of traffic for peak hours--right turn lane recommended. CARMEL HIGH SCHOOL (SU) Petitioner seeks approval (Special Use) to construct an addition to the existing building and to do other site improvements. The site is located on East Main Street The site is zoned R- 1/Residential. Filed by Cripe and O'Donnell. Present for the applicant were Brian Wilson, Mike Hoff, and Tony Seyfried of Cripe & O'Donnell, Engineers. Overview by Brian Wilson. Construction plans submitted. Preliminary meetings held with DOCD and neighborhood. Proposed is major overhaul of existing structure. New areas: fill in courtyard; addition to the westside of gymnasium; new natatorium. Tennis courts to be relocated to the north side, and present tennis court space will be used for parking for natatorium. ground school owns to the north is in Carmel Creek flood plain; drainage being increased during 10 year storm by 2 CFS. COMMENTS: - City Engineer, Randy Powell has met with applicant, no problems. - County Soil & Water, John South has not yet reviewed plans. Erosion control primary along flood plain; no major problems offhand. Petitioner says submission made to DNR for tennis courts in flood plain. - Badger Engineering, Chris Badger says project looks good, caution to make sure existing pipes OK. - Indiana Gas, Jerry Robinson will be primary contact person for design work. - DOCD, Mark Monroe not yet reviewed revised plans. Height of building a concern; allowable is 25 feet. Zoning Ordinance requires floodway permit before special use approval--approval can be contingent. Will review plans and send written comments on lighting, landscaping, etc. - City Utilities, John Duffy needs easement for current water main, otherwise OK. Light provisions to be made--installed in future; approval can be contingent. 7 TELAMON CORP. (DP/ADLS) Petitioner seeks approval (Development Plan and Architectural Design, Landscaping, Lighting and Signage) to construct a 97,650 square foot office and manufacturing facility on 13 acres of land. The site is zoned M-3/Manufacturing. Filed by Jackson Lau. Jackson Lau appeared before the Committee and gave an overview of the proposed structure, address of 1000 East 116th Street (west of Engledow, east of PSI). Building to be shifted approx. 400 feet closer to 116th Street; driveway to be 30 feet, for use of Engledow and Telamon. Telamon to have approximately 100 employees--ample parking spaces (150). Tree preservation of all trees larger than 6 inches; atrium in building will also preserve trees. Petitioner says drainage pond sized to accommodate entire 24 acres, contains Fertig Legal Drain Easement. COMMENTS: - County Soil & Water, John South requests more drainage detail. Parking lot is sheet drained. Erosion control plan needed. Petitioner says parking lot to be curbed. John South says if more than 5 acres disturbed, letter of intent to be filed with IDEM. - Badger Engineering, Chris Badger wants more detail on grading plan. - City Engineer, Randy Powell says offsite swale needs to be constructed; plans to show elevation of street and where water drains. - City Utilities, John Duffy says water main to be extended from Rosemead Commons-- will meet with petitioner. Project to be served by Clay Waste, will require easement for water line. - DOCD, Mark Monroe gave petitioner comment letter from Mike Hollibaugh regarding landscaping. Per Mike, "additional" landscaping needs to be clarified. Request Lau meet with Hollibaugh to discuss--parking lot landscaping to be included. Requests more complete plans for tree preservation, landscaping. • END MEETING. • • 8 TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA Date: September 20, 1995 Place: Department of Community Development Conference Room - 3rd Floor Carmel City Hall 9:00 a.m. Buckhorn, Lot #58 Primary Plat Amendment, (PP Amend), Secondary Plat (SP) Petitioner seeks approval (Primary Plat Amendment and Secondary Plat) to plat 1 lot on 1.85 acres. The site is located east of Buckhorn Drive and south of 141st Street. Site is zoned S-1/residential. Filed by John Rynard. 9:30 a.m. Parks at Springmill, Sections 7 and 8 Secondary Plat (SP) Petitioner seeks approval (Secondary Plat) to plat 2 lots on 22.203 acres. The site is located south of 136th Street and west of Meridian Street. Site is zoned 5- 2/residential. Filed by the Estridge Companies. 10:00 a.m. Parks at Springmill, Section 2 (Park Place) Secondary Plat (SP) Petitioner seeks approval (Secondary Plat) to plat 22 lots on 13.38 acres. The site is located south of 136th Street and west of Meridian Street. Site is zoned S- 2/residential. Filed by the Estridge Companies. 10:30 a.m. Foster Estates, Sections 6A, 6B, and 7 Secondary Plat (SP) Petitioner seeks approval (Secondary Plat) to plat 62 lots on 30.207 acres. The site is located south of 146th Street and west of Carey Road. Site is zoned R- 1/residential. Filed by Quadrant Development. 11:00 a.m. Shelbome Green Amenity Area (SU) Petitioner seeks approval (Special Use) to construct a pool, clubhouse, tennis court, basketball court, and playground on 2.37 acres. The site is located on Inverness Boulevard within the Shelbome Green Subdivision. Site is zoned 5- 1/residential. Filed by Davis Development. 11:30 a.m. Sears Hardware (ADLS) Petitioner seeks approval (Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping, and Signage) to locate in the existing True Value Hardware Building. The site is located West of Keystone Way, south of the existing Steak and Shake. Site is zoned B-8/business. Filed by James Nelson. Page 2 of 2 Technical Advisory Committee September 20, 1995 Lunch 12:00 - 1:00 1:00 p.m. Grossman Variance (V) Petitioner seeks approval (Variance) to construct a lot that does not have frontage on a public street. The site is located at 11201 Westfield Blvd. within the Pine Valley Subdivision. The site is zoned R-1/residential. Filed by James Nelson. 1:30 p.m. Leeper Electric Rezone (Z) Petitioner seeks approval (Rezone) to change the zoning of a 7.758 acre tract of land on the northeast corner of 131st and U.S. 31 from S-2/residential to B- 2/business. Filed by James Nelson. 2:00 p.m. Carmel High School (SU) Petitioner seeks approval (Special Use) to construct an addition to the existing building and to do other site improvements. The site is located on East Main Street. The site is zoned R-1/residential. Filed by Cripe and O'Donnell.