HomeMy WebLinkAbout223927 09/10/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 355214 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE GENUINE PARTS COMPANY-INDIANA P���g CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 5959 COLLECTIONS CENTER DRIVE1ECK AMOUNT: $1,486.28 CHICAGO IL 60693 CHECK NUMBER: 223927 CHECK DATE: 9/1012013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4237000 08517995 1, 486 . 28 REPAIR PARTS Fax Server 9/6/2013 3 : 27 : 40 PM PAGE 3/003 Fax Server Customer Copy-Retain for your Records Payment Copy- Return with Payment Ac:cl Nu. 08517995 1 Page 2 u(2 Accl Nu. 108517995 11 Page 2 of 2 Customer I CITY OF GARMEL-STREET DEPT Customer I CITY OF CARMEL-STREET DEPT Statement of Account with All X4'3 Statement of Account with 4SP6 � Date Type ✓ Inv.No. Amount Due Explanation Date Type ✓ Inv.No. Amount Due Explanation MAl RI 889578 DT 17 n4 –W5—1 RI 889578 ed 08/02 RI 889763 DI- 48.47 08/02 RI 889753 08102 RI 889344 DT: 86.07 08102 RI 889844 W02 RI 869907 DT 7 72 08/02 RI 889907 Switch 06105 RI 850105 DT. 5.55 08105 RI 890108 08112 RI 891161 DT 140 46 08/12 RI 891161 kewn 08/13 RI 851195 DT 25.69 08/13 RI 891195 This line intentionally left blank 08/13 RI 841206 DT 242.5 OW13 RI R912O6 0813 HI 8913 39 DI' 5051 08/13 HI 891339 ob/15 RI 891584 DT 63.94 08/15 HI 891564 08115 RI 891610 DT. 26.30 08715 HI 891610 Sweeper 416 08119 RI 852D68 DT 47.07 08/19 RI 892068 kevin 08/19 RI 802071 DT 29.46 08/19 RI 892071 Cutoff wheels 08/20 RI 852344 DT: 21 12 08/20 RI 892344 3eanng _ OW2n RI 892381 DT' 10.98 OW2n RI R923R1 08121 HI 892575 DI 24.25 08/21 HI 892575 Filter a 08121 RI 852576 DT 259.30 _ 08121 RI 892576 98 K250D 06/21 RI 892591 DT 4.39 E 08/21 HI 892591 06122 RI 892G59 DT 1893 08/22 RI 892059 98 K2500 08/22 RI 892386 DT 17988 2 09/22 RI 892666 This line intentionally left blank = 98 K250D m 081'22 RI 852705 DT: 17.98 = 08/22 RI 892705 AG supplies 06/22 RI 852744 DT 36.68 08/22 RI 892744 08/22 RM 892776 DT 4762- 08/22 HM 892776 Wholesale _ 06123 RI 892910 DT 28.56 OW23 RI 692910 OS/27 RI 893314 DT 101,92 0W27 RI 893314 3atteries 0W27 RI 853331 DT 40.74 08/27 RI 893331 brake chamher 08127 HI 893343 DI 345 08/27 HI 893343 00 K3903 08127 RIVE 893425 Dl- 1560- 08/27 HM 893425 160559 08129 RI 853531 DT 44.04 08/29 RI 893631 06/29 RI 893048 DT 9.16 08/29 RI 693646 Shop supply 08129 RU 7692920 76.92 unid pyrnt ck#22 08/2G RU 7692920 76.92 08130 1 RI 893805 I DT 168.99 OR/30 1 RI 1 1 893803 TOTAL DUE $76.92- TOTAL DUE $76.92- TYPE CODES RI Invoice RU Charge Back RM Cred,Memo RU Unapplied Payrn.o RF Finanre ChargF kk Misr.FllarP.nis A�nnurtinp Fulry Fax Server 9/6/2013 3 : 27 : 40 PM PAGE 2/003 Fax Server Al Account No TERMS � � 08517995 GOVT.=45 DAYS NET Closing Date Due Date Sequence No mow" '" - 08/31/13 10/15/13 20534086 Previous Balance Payments(s)Received AUGUST STATEMENT 1,697.18 1,774.10- New Charges/C,edits Finance Charge New Balance Account No. 03517995 TOTAL DUE 1,486.28 .00 1,409.36 $76.92- Total Past Due Current Future Closing Date 08/31/13 Aged 76.92- .00 1,486.28 DUE DATE 10/15/13 Account Past Due Past Due Past Due 10 Days 40 Days 70 or More Da s Status 76.92- .00 .00 Ij Please fold on-his line before mailing ]I Page 1 of 2 N C) T` = Z CITY OF CARMEL-STREET DEPT ui 3400'A' 131 ST ST -i CARMEL IN 46074-8267 n- CIO _= n- W H — �cc = z LU W = Ir o w� O p = z r P¢ f gnu have C]t1ESTIONS CALL(R77)55R-92ft7 Press 1 for mvnire rces- LU — ¢Z P a W W ao Visit ourwehsite for invoice copies at ILL U o _ U z �' www.NAPAaccount.com =_ c)O� —r Ln M M = CULD LU r r _ o W_ $ Credit Bal." " Credit Bal. " cr, = z O C5 0-0 ""No Payment is required Q 00 o o _ z Your Account shows a Credit U o —_ W 7 o o Balance which maybe applied LL O aria To Your Next Purchase } rZ 0 a E a o_ our P account is ® the web! 4 Z Z c0 W CZ a o a E www.NAPAacc.otint.com c c C: _r, o ° -2 W - a Click on CUST019ER LOGIN and Q Q 0 o a 10 ACCOUNT ACTIVATION E N Enter the 8-digit sequence number from,your current monthly statement and enter your entail address. aQ aA password will be emailed back to,you. U p You will have access to: oro L o Copies of statements and invoices o Receive your monthly statement via E-mail C 11p to(late account balance o Z o Last payment and date received Q F o E-Mail your customer representative dalu 08 o0 5 'No Appreciate Your Business CWE PROVIDE SHARINGOOUR IAICCOUNI S RE EIIVABLIE INFORMATION WITH D&B AND EDUMAX BY�I 000000 0 0 034552 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 09/09/13 $1,486.28 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 GPC-IND IN SUM OF $ 5959 Collection Center Drive Chicago, IL 60693 $1,486.28 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department c& Slr',9 S PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 I I 42-370.00 $1,486.28 t hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Mo 2013 VW —V U Str AR'nAiRRIffier Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund