HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes PC 04-21-98
APRIL 21, 1998
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission was called to
order by the President at approximately 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall,
One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana on April 21, 1998.
Members present were: Dave Cremeans; Jay Dorman; Dick Klar; Madeline Fitzgerald;
James T. O'Neal, Sr.; Pat Rice; Rick Sharp; Luci Snyder; Paul Spranger; Tom Thompson;
Chris White; and Tom Yedlick.
Mike Hollibaugh, Terry Jones, and Mark Monroe were present representing the
Department of Community Services. John Molitor, Outside Counsel, was also present.
The minutes of the March 17, 1998 meeting were approved as submitted.
John Molitor administered the Oath of Office to Bob Modisett who replaces Dave Carter
as the Parks Board Appointment to the Plan Commission.
Due to Election Day on May 5, the Committees were rescheduled as follows:
Subdivision Committee will meet Monday, May 4 at 8:00 AM in the Caucus Rooms;
Special Study Committee will meet Wednesday, May 6 at 7:00 PM in the Caucus
John Molitor reported that the Michigan Road Overlay Zone Amendment had public
hearing at City Council on April 20 and it was TABLED until their May 18 meeting.
Rick Sharp reported that there was remonstrance on the Michigan Road Overlay Zone
Amendment by persons stating that they had not been adequately informed and did not
have an opportunity for their consultants to review the proposed ordinance. It was
requested that the remonstrators put their concerns in writing and submit them to the
Department of Community Services so that those concerns can be addressed.
I. Public Hearing:
Docket No. 22-98 DP, an Economic Hardship
1i. Commission to consider
for Coots, Henke and Wheeler Real Estate. Petitioner seeks the exception
because the reservation of land necessary for the U.S. 31 road project would result in the
loss of all reasonable and beneficial use of or return from the applicant's property. The
site is located east of U.S. 31 and north of Rangeline Road. The site is zoned B-
3/Business and is located within the U.S. 31 Overlay Zone.
Filed by Dave Coots of Coots Henke and Wheeler.
Dave Coots of Coots Henke and Wheeler, 255 East Carmel Drive, appeared before the
Commission representing the applicant. In an effort to reserve those portions of ground
along U.S. 31 that will be offered first to the State of Indiana before any development
occurs. The Ordinance prescribes that any developer who seeks to develop along any
designated corridor must first communicate with the State and let them know of a
potential development and permit the State a 90 day period in which to act in fulfilling its
reservation of property by ownership. The developer then would apply to the Plan
Commission for an Economic Hardship Exception in order to go forward with the
development of the real estate, should the State of Indiana choose not to acquire it within
the 90 day time frame.
INDOT had submitted a letter to the developer indicating that they do not intend to do
anything with the property for a minimum period of 5 years and in conversations with
INDOT, it seems more likely that it will be 8 to 10 years before anything occurs with this
At the time the property was acquired 8 years ago by Coots Henke and Wheeler, there
were no plans by the State for the development of on/off ramps or for a road through this
property over Keystone Avenue to Village Park. Mr. Coots stated that the current level
of economic return on the property is zero--the property is vacant--there is a mortgage on
the property as well as real estate taxes. The property is on the market at $200,000. per
acre. It is believed that the alternatives for this property are minimal.
Members of the public were invited to speak in favor or opposition to the proposed
Economic Hardship Exception application; none appeared and the public hearing was
After comments and discussion regarding a future ramp in this area, the time frame for a
Docket No. 22-98 DP
Development Plan for the property, and the recent appraised value,
was referred to the Special Study Committee which will meet on Wednesday, May 6 at
7:00 PM.
Docket No. 23-98 DP/ADLS,
2i. Commission to consider a Development Plan
and Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping, and Signage application for
Petitioner seeks the approval to renovate an existing 1,400 square foot house
into a law office and make site improvements on 1/2 acre. The site is located at 851
South Rangeline Road. The site is zoned B-7/Business.
Filed by Vaughn Wamsley.
Vaughn Wamsley, attorney, and Bob Doster of CSO Architects appeared before the
Commission requesting approval for a Development Plan and ADLS to renovate an
existing house into a law office. There will be no structural changes to the building
except for a porch ramp with a roof to be handicapped accessible. The north side of the
building will have a 10 foot bay window at the existing garage location, and another bay
window on the south end to balance out.
The landscaping shows a parking lot with an existing curb cut to the adjoining property;
the petitioner intends to install curbing; the parking lot will consist of 10 spaces. Mr.
Wamsley stated that three trees must be removed in order to accommodate the parking
spaces. The petitioner will be planting three additional trees, two pine and one oak.
There will be low shrubs around the sign. The lighting is area cutoff floods that will
provide adequate lighting and not spill onto the neighbors' property. The trim on the
house and the sign will be a forest green color.
Members of the public were invited to speak in favor or opposition to the proposed
development; none appeared and the public hearing was closed.
In response to questions from Rick Sharp, Mr. Wamsley stated that his practice would be
limited to himself and there would be no other attorneys at this location.
Mark Monroe stated that the proposed use requires one parking space for every 300
square feet of floor area. Other than drainage, there are no outstanding TAC issues and
the Department is recommending approval.
There was discussion regarding the redbud, maple and pine trees on the property in
relation to the layout of the parking area; some trees will be eliminated to accommodate
the parking spaces. Vaughn Wamsley stated that one pine tree is being kept, two are
being added as well as an oak.
Bob Doster spoke of a few concerns from a practical standpoint. The 36 inch maple is
not in very good condition and it would be preferable to keep the 10 inch tree, however, it
would be questionable if it would survive because of the construction process.
Mark Monroe reported that the landscaping plan is pretty extensive for a one-half acre
commercial lot. The existing landscape plan is acceptable to the Department.
Dick Klar moved for the suspension of the rules; unanimously approved.
Docket No. 23-98 DP/ADLS.
Dick Klar moved for the approval of
Tom Thompson asked about the level of illumination for the lighting on the property; Mr.
Wamsley stated that the lights would not interfere with the residents on either side and
the lighting would not be obtrusive.
Docket No. 23-98 was APPROVED
Docket No. 25-98 DP Amend/ADLS Amend,
3i. Commission to consider
amended Development Plan and amended Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping,
Pearson Ford.
and Signage applications for Petitioner seeks approval to construct an
1,800 square foot addition to the existing building on 7 acres. The site is located at the
northwest corner of 106 Street and Michigan Road. The site is zoned B-3/Business and
is located within the U.S. 421 Overlay Zone.
Filed by Dave Coots of Coots Henke and Wheeler.
Dave Coots, attorney, 255 East Carmel Drive, appeared before the Commission
representing the applicant. Also in attendance was John Pearson, president of Pearson
Ford, and Bill Humphries, architect. The Pearson Ford facility was expanded several
years ago to include a larger service department, body shop and parts center. As an
accommodation to the customer and for customer convenience, the petitioner is seeking
approval to construct an addition to the existing building for the purpose of body shop
estimates in an enclosed area, approximately 1,760 square feet.
The property is located in the U.S. 421 Overlay Zone and requires ADLS approval by the
Plan Commission. The construction design will be the same as existing; the sign
"collision repair" will be re-located on the proposed addition. The sign will be 22 feet
long and within the size and number allowable for this location. The landscaping and
lighting are not being affected.
Members of the public were invited to speak in favor or opposition to the proposed
development; none appeared and the public hearing was closed.
Mark Monroe reported that there are no unresolved TAC issues and the Department is
recommending approval.
Dick Klar moved for the suspension of the rules; unanimously approved.
Docket No. 25-98 DP Amend/ADLS, Pearson
Dick Klar moved for the approval of
J. Old Business:
K. New Business:
Docket No. 27-98 DP/ADLS Amend,
1k. Commission to consider amended
Development Plan and Architectural Design, Landscaping, Lighting, and Signage
Glendale Partners.
applications for Petitioner seeks approval to construct a 2,600
Weston Shoppes
square foot restaurant on less than one acre. The site is known as the
and is located northwest of the intersection of 106 Street and Michigan Road. The site
is zoned B-2/Business and is located partially within the Michigan Overlay Zone.
Filed by Kevin McKasson of Glendale Partners.
Kevin McKasson of Glendale Partners appeared before the Commission representing the
petitioner. Approval is being sought to amend an approved Development Plan to amend
the elevation of an outparcel building, approximately 2600 square feet, and to amend the
previously approved park at the corner of the development. Donato's Pizza has requested
that the location and elevation of their building be altered; the changes will comply with
the overall architectural plan previously approved. The changes in the park were
necessitated by the close proximity of Donato's and the desire for the park to be used by
Donato's customers. Some of the pine trees were eliminated in the park area and replaced
by 88 rose bushes and other perennial plants to make it a floral-type park as opposed to
trees only. None of the trees or landscaping in the perimeter areas was altered.
Mark Monroe reported that there were no outstanding TAC issues. As a matter of
information, two of the signs proposed for Donato's Pizza will require variances from the
Board of Zoning Appeals and the current elevation drawings may change pending BZA
approval. The only allowable sign would be the Donato's Pizza sign on the front
elevation that faces 106 Street. The Department is recommending approval.
Docket No. 27-98 DP/ADLS Amend.,
Dick Klar moved for the approval of for
Glendale Partners. APPROVED
Dick Klar moved for adjournment.
Luci Snyder then made comments regarding the Residential Open Space Ordinance.
Luci requested that the Commission officially ask three Carmel developers, namely
George Sweet, Steve Pittman, and Paul Estridge, to either redraw an existing subdivision
or design a new subdivision on a parcel of land utilizing the proposed Residential Open
Space Ordinance.
In response to questions from Pat Rice, Paul Spranger referred to a letter which had been
received from the NAACP stating that they felt they were not given sufficient notice to
address the issue and that the proposed ordinance was viewed by them to be
exclusionary. The proposed ordinance was tabled at the last meeting to allow time for the
NAACP to review the proposed ordinance and also allow counsel for the City to respond
to the letter from NAACP.
John Molitor stated that he had had brief dialogue with one of the staff of NAACP, but no
official response as to the merits of the ordinance itself.
Dave Cremeans asked for comments from the Department; Mike Hollibaugh asked that if
the three named developers were brought in, that they work fairly closely with the
Luci Snyder then formally proposed a Resolution from the Plan Commission directing
the Department to issue an invitation to George Sweet Co., Estridge Development, and
Pittman & Associates to work with the Department in developing a preliminary plan for a
subdivision under the proposed Residential Open Space Ordinance and present it to the
full Plan Commission in open session, seconded by Rick Sharp.
Tom Yedlick questioned the timing of the preliminary plan. After discussion, Luci
Snyder amended the proposal for a Resolution to provide a time frame of 30 days for the
named developers to present a sketch plan to the full Commission.
Jay Dorman stated that he would continue in his capacity as Task Force Chairman for the
Residential Open Space Ordinance with Dave Cremeans as co-chair. Jay asked that the
Plan Commission consider passing a resolution to employ Randall Arendt or similar
consultant to balance out interest of objective criteria. Jay also stated that independent
counsel had looked over the proposed Residential Open Space Ordinance, and that it was
not deemed to be exclusionary or discriminatory in any way.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was
adjourned at 8:45 PM.
Paul Spranger, President
Ramona Hancock, Secretary