HomeMy WebLinkAbout224135 09/10/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351580 Page 1 of 1
j�. CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 93308
CHECK DATE: 9/10/2013
1120 4350900 1355982 374 . 30 OTHER CONT SERVICES
1120 4350900 1355983 352 . 83 OTHER CONT SERVICES
1120 4350900 1355984 481 . 32 OTHER CONT SERVICES
1120 4350900 1355985 177 . 67 OTHER CONT SERVICES
1120 4350900 1355986 67 . 50 OTHER CONT SERVICES
1120 4350900 1355987 67 . 50 OTHER CONT SERVICES
INVOICE stryker
.................. ......... ............................ ............................. .......................... ..........................
SFI{P TO ? I066238 MAKE PAYMENT 70: :
CARMEL, IN 46032 CHICAGO, IL 60673-3308
PH - 1-800-733-2383 CONTACT::
BILL 1 O 1066238
... .....
CARMEL FIRE EMS 1901 Romence Rd Parkway
Portage, MI 49002
Phone Number: (800) 327-0770
CARMEL, IN 46032 Fax Number: (866) 551-2618
Service Invoice
1355986 M 08/27/13 3obVanVoorst7.26.1 3 07297804 SV 809636841 1 of 1
Net 30 days
.. .. .. ..... .. . .. ...
Subject to applicable shipping and handling charges.
Invoice Terms and Conditions
1. General. "Seller" means Stryker Corporation, a Michigan corporation, and/or any THE ONLY WARRANTY APPLICABLE TO THE PRODUCTS SOLD SUBJECT
division or subsidiary identified on the front of this invoice. "Buyer" means the TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND IS EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ANY
person,firm or corporation executing an order for goods supplied by Seller(hereinafter OTHER WARRANTY BY SELLER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING
"Products").Seller shall be bound by all terms and conditions of this invoice upon the ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A
occurrence of any of the following:(a)an order or acceptance is received from Buyer PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
in response to Sellers quotation,or(b)written acceptance of Buyer's order is delivered (b) Stryker will hold Buyer harmless from and will indemnify Buyer for any and all
to Buyer by Seller,or(c)Seller shall not have tendered refusal of such order to Buyer liability incurred resulting directly from a defect in workmanship.or design of the
within thirty (30) days after receipt by Seller of such order. These Terms and product.This indemnification applies only if the instructions outlined in (he labeling.
Conditions are in lieu of and replace any and all terms and conditions set forth in any manual,and/or instructions for use are followed. This indemnification will not apply
documents issued by Buyer. Any additional, different, or conflicting terns and to any liability arising from: (a) an injury due to the negligence of any person other
conditions on any such document issued by Buyer at any time are hereby rejected by than an employee or agent of Stryker, (b) the failure of any person other than an
Seller and shall not be binding in any way on Seller. employee or agent of Stryker to follow any instructions for use of the product:or(c)
2.Price. the use of any product not purchased from Stryker or product that has been modified,
(a)Unless otherwise indicated,prices do not include,and Buyer is responsible for and altered or repaired by any person other than an employee or agent of Stryker. Buyer
agrees to pay(unless Buyer shall provide Seller at the time an order is submitted with will hold Stryker harmless from and indemnify Stryker for any claims or losses or
an exemption certificate or other documents acceptable to taxing or custom injuries arising from (a), (b), or (c) arising from the acts of the negligent acts or
authorities), all sales, use, value added, excise and all other federal, state or local or omissions of Buyer or its officers,employees or agents.
foreign taxes, import or customs fees and duties associated with an order, however (c) In no event will Stryker's liability arising in connection with or under this invoice
designated, except for Seller's franchise taxes and taxes on Seller's net income. If (whether under the theories of breach of contract, tort, misrepresentation, fraud,
applicable,a separate charge for taxes will be shown on Seller's invoice. warranty, negligence, strict liability or any other theory of law) exceed the purchase
(b) The price shown on this invoice is net of discounts provided at the time of price,current market value or residual value of the Products whichever is less.BUYER
purchase. Some of the Products listed on this invoice may be subject to rebates or WILL IN NO EVENT BE ENTITLED TO,AND STRYKER WILL NOT BE LIABLE
discounts, for which separate documentation is provided by Seller. Buyer must(i) FOR, DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR
claim the value of all rebates or discounts in the buyer fiscal year earned or the PUNITIVE DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED
immediately following fiscal year, (ii) properly report and appropriately reflect TO,LOSS OF PROFIT OR REVENUE.
discounts and rebates in Medicare/Medicaid cost reports and all claims for payment 7.Force Majeure.Neither Party to this Agreement will be liable for any delay or failure
filed with third-party payors as required by law or contract,and(iii)provide agents of of performance that is the result of any happening or event that could not reasonably
the United States or a state agency with access to all information from Seller have been avoided or that is otherwise beyond its control, provided that the Party
concerning discounts and rebates upon request. hindered or delayed immediately notifies the other Party describing the circumstances
3. Payment Terms. Unless otherwise indicated, this invoice shall be paid in full by causing delay. Such happenings or events will include,but not be limited to,terrorism.
Buyer net thirty(30)days. Any amount not paid on time may be subject to a late fee of acts of war,riots,civil disorder,rebellions,fire,flood,earthquake,explosion,action of
I%2%per month prorated(18%per annum),or the maximum interest rate allowable by the elements, acts of God, inability to obtain or shortage of material, equipment or
law whichever is the highest. Additionally, Buyer may be subject to a fee of Fifty transportation, governmental orders, restrictions, priorities or rationing, accidents and
Dollars($50.00) USD for any checks returned unpaid to Seller for any reason. In the strikes,lockouts or other labor trouble or shortage.
event an attorney is employed or expense is incurred to compel payment of the invoice 8. Default and Cancellation. In the event of Buyer's default in payment for the
or to declare any action or proceeding is commenced,Buyer agrees to pay all costs and Products purchased hereunder upon the terms and conditions agreed upon with Seller,
expenses associated with collection of unpaid sums, including but not limited to Buyer shall be responsible for all reasonable costs and expenses(including reasonable
attorney's fees. Seller, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to change terms of attorney's fees) incurred by Seller in collection of any sums owing by Buyer, and
payment and/or discontinue further shipments, without prejudice to any other lawful Seller shall not be obligated to make any further deliveries to Buyer. Should Buyer
remedy,until past due payments are made and satisfactory assurances of Buyer's credit elect to cancel its order, in whole or in part, Buyer shall be liable to Seller for
standing is received by Seller. reasonable cancellation charges that shall include but not be limited to all costs and
4. Delivery and Title. Unless otherwise provided on the face of this invoice,delivery expenses incurred by Seller in connection with procuring and filling Buyer's purchase
terms are FOB Seller's plant. Delivery shall be deemed to have been made when order.
Buyer's shipment has been delivered to a carrier,specified by Buyer on purchase order 9.Returns.Products returned by Buyer for credit,replacement and/or repair shall be in
or equivalent. In the event that Buyer does not specify the carrier,the carrier may be at accordance with the return policy of Seller, a copy of which may be obtained upon
Seller's option. Title of the Products sold hereunder shall pass to Buyer upon delivery written request to Seller.
by Seller. However, Buyer hereby agrees that Seller shall retain a purchase money 10.Compliance With Law;Not For Resale or Export.Buyer agrees to comply with all
security interest in the Products, and to any proceeds from the disposition of such applicable laws and regulations of the various states and of the United States in the use
Products,until the purchase price and other charges due Seller shall have been paid in of the Products. Buyer agrees and represents that it is buying for its own internal use
Ux.Upon any default by Buyer hereunder, Seller shall have any and all rights and only,and not for resale or export.
remedies of secured party under the Uniformed Commercial Code which right shall be 11. General. Except as provided below, neither Party may assign this Agreement
cumulative. without the prior written consent of the other Party,except that Stryker will have the
5. Inspection and Acceptance. Upon receipt of the Products, Buyer agrees to inspect right to assign this Agreement or any rights under or interests in this Agreement to any
and/or test the Products.The Products shall be deemed accepted by Buyer unless Buyer parent, subsidiary or affiliate of Stryker. All of the terms and provisions of this
provides Seller a timely written notice specifically noting any defects or discrepancies Agreement will be binding upon, will inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by
in the quality or quantity of the Products received. All notices regarding successors and assigns of the Parties to this Agreement. This Agreement will not
nonconforming Products, shortages, rejection or revocation of acceptance must be confer any right or remedy upon any person other than the Parties hereto and their
made in writing and received by Seller no later than thirty(30)days from the date of respective successors and permitted assigns. This Agreement and document referred
Seller's invoice, which Buyer agrees is a reasonable time frame within which to herein constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to this subject
diligently inspect and provide notice to Seller. Buyer waives any right to reject the matter,and any modification or amendments to this Agreement must be in writing and
shipment or revoke acceptance thereafter. signed by both Parties. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed illegal,invalid or
6.Warranties,Indemnity and Limitations of Liability. unenforceable the Parties will endeavor to replace it by another provision that will as
(a) Unless otherwise provided in Seller's Price Catalog. the Products are warranted closely as possible reflect their original intention. No right or remedy conferred in this
free from manufacturing and material defects for a period of one year after delivery of Agreement is intended to be exclusive of any other right or remedy,and each and every
same. Any Products that become defective during this period shall be repaired or right and remedy will be cumulative and in addition to any other right or remedy given
replaced either at Seller's plant or Buyer's location, such determination being at now or existing in law or in equity or by statute. The validity, legality and
Seller's sole discretion.All warranties hereunder are made subject to the proper use by enforceability of the remaining provisions will not in any way be affected or impaired
Buyer in the application for which such products were intended.The warranty provided thereby.IN NO EVENT WILL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE(WHETHER ARISING
hereunder does not cover any Products (i) that have been misused, modified, IN CONTRACT, TORT, WARRANTY OR OTHERWISE) FOR ANY SPECIAL,
refurbished or repaired without the prior consent of Seller,(ii)that have been subjected INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL
to unusual stress or have not been properly maintained or(iii)on which any original DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF ANTICIPATED
serial numbers or other identification marks have been removed or destroyed. In any PROFITS. This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the
event, Seller's liability shall be limited to the replacement value of any damaged or laws of the State of Michigan as applicable to contracts made and to be performed in
defective part.THE EXPRESS WARRANTY SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION 6 IS that state,without regard to conflicts of laws principles.
Invoice Terms and Conditions Final 101006
INVOICE stpyker
......... ......
CARMEL, IN 46032 CHICAGO, IL 60673-3308
PH - 1-800-733-2383 G(JN7AC1:
. .
BIIL 3O 1Q6..
_... .... ...._.......................... .
CARMEL FIRE EMS 1901 Romence Rd Parkway
Portage, MI 49002
2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE Phone Number: (800) 327-0770
CARMEL, IN 46032 Fax Number: (866) 551-2618
Service Invoice
1355985 M 08/27/13 obVanVoorst7.26.1 07297803 SV 809632020 1 of 1
Net 30 days
SHIPPING:::::4u S.:TRu. fJONS S>"... . NUMBER
1 EA GAS CYLINDER 6500031077 76.42 76.42
Subject to applicable shipping and handling charges.
Invoice Terms and Conditions
1. General. "Seller" means Stryker Corporation, a Michigan corporation, and/or any THE ONLY WARRANTY APPLICABLE TO THE PRODUCTS SOLD SUBJECT
division or subsidiary identified on the front of this invoice. "Buyer" means the TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND IS EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ANY
person,firm or corporation executing an order for goods supplied by Seller(hereinafter OTHER WARRANTY BY SELLER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING
"Products").Seller shall be bound by all terms and conditions of this invoice upon the ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A
occurrence of any of the following: (a)an order or acceptance is received from Buyer PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
in response to Sellers quotation,or(b)written acceptance of Buyer's order is delivered (b) Stryker will hold Buyer harmless from and will indemnify Buyer for any and all
to Buyer by Seller,or(c)Seller shall not have tendered refusal of such order to Buyer liability incurred resulting directly from a defect in workmanship or design of the
within thirty (30) days'after receipt by Seller of such order. These Terms and product.This indemnification applies only if the instructions outlined in the labeling,
Conditions are in lieu of and replace any and all terms and conditions set forth in any manual,and/or instructions for use are followed. This indemnification will not apply
documents issued by Buyer. Any additional, different, or conflicting terms and to any liability arising from: (a) an injury due to the negligence of any person other
conditions on any such document issued by Buyer at any time are hereby rejected by than an employee or agent of Stryker; (b) the failure of any person other than an
Seller and shall not be binding in any way on Seller. employee or agent of Stryker to follow any instructions for use of the product:or(c)
2.Price. the use of any product not purchased from Stryker or product that has been modified,
(a)Unless otherwise indicated,prices do not include,and Buyer is responsible for and altered or repaired by any person other than an employee or agent of Stryker. Buyer
agrees to pay(unless Buyer shall provide Seller at the time an order is submitted with will hold Stryker harmless from and indemnify Stryker for any claims or losses or
an exemption certificate or other documents acceptable to taxing or custom injuries arising from (a), (b), or (c) arising from the acts of the negligent acts or
authorities), all sales, use, value added, excise and all other federal, state or local or omissions of Buyer or its officers,employees or agents.
foreign taxes, import or customs fees and duties associated with an order, however (c) In no event will Stryker's liability arising in connection with or under this invoice
designated, except for Seller's franchise taxes and taxes on Seller's net income. If (whether under the theories of breach of contract, tort. misrepresentation. fraud,
applicable,a separate charge for taxes will be shown on Seller's invoice. warranty, negligence, strict liability or any other theory of law) exceed the purchase
(b) The price shown on this invoice is net of discounts provided at the time of price,current market value or residual value of the Products whichever is less.BUYER
purchase. Some of the Products listed on this invoice may be subject to rebates or WILL IN NO EVENT BE ENTITLED TO,AND STRYKER WILL NOT BE LIABLE
discounts, for which separate documentation is provided by Seller. Buyer must(i) FOR, DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL. INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR
claim the value of all rebates or discounts in the buyer fiscal year earned or the PUNITIVE DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED
immediately following fiscal year, (ii) properly report and appropriately reflect TO,LOSS OF PROFIT OR REVENUE.
discounts and rebates in Medicare/Medicaid cost reports and all claims for payment 7.Force Majeure.Neither Party to this Agreement will be liable for any delay or failure
filed with third-party payors as required by law or contract,and(iii)provide agents of of performance that is the result of any happening or event that could not reasonably
the United States or a state agency with access to all information from Seller have been avoided or that is otherwise beyond its control, provided that the Party
concerning discounts and rebates upon request. hindered or delayed immediately notifies the other Party describing the circumstances
3. Payment Terms. Unless otherwise indicated, this invoice shall be paid in full by causing delay. Such happenings or events will include,but not be limited to,terrorism.
Buyer net thirty(30)days. Any amount not paid on time may be subject to a late fee of acts of war,riots,civil disorder,rebellions,fire,flood,earthquake,explosion,action of
1'/z%per month prorated(18%per annum),or the maximum interest rate allowable by the elements, acts of God, inability to obtain or shortage of material, equipment or
law whichever is the highest. Additionally, Buyer may be subject to a fee of Fifty transportation, governmental orders, restrictions, priorities or rationing,accidents and
Dollars($50.00)USD for any checks returned unpaid to Seller for any reason. In the strikes,lockouts or other labor trouble or shortage.
event an attorney is employed or expense is incurred to compel payment of the invoice 8. Default and Cancellation. In the event of Buyer's default in payment for the
or to declare any action or proceeding is commenced.Buyer agrees to pay all costs and Products purchased hereunder upon the terms and conditions agreed upon with Seller,
expenses associated with collection of unpaid sums, including but not limited to Buyer shall be responsible for all reasonable costs and expenses(including reasonable
attorney's fees. Seller, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to change terms of attorney's fees) incurred by Seller in collection of any sums owing by Buyer, and
payment and/or discontinue further shipments, without prejudice to any other lawful Seller shall not be obligated to make any further deliveries to Buyer. Should Buyer
remedy,until past due payments are made and satisfactory assurances of Buyer's credit elect to cancel its order, in whole or in part, Buyer shall be liable to Seller for
standing is received by Seller. reasonable cancellation charges that shall include but not be limited to all costs and
4. Delivery and Title. Unless otherwise provided on the face of this invoice.delivery expenses incurred by Seller in connection with procuring and filling Buyer's purchase
terms are FOB Seller's plant. Delivery shall be deemed to have been made when order.
Buyer's shipment has been delivered to a carrier,specified by Buyer on purchase order 9.Returns.Products returned by Buyer for credit,replacement and/or repair shall be in
OF equivalent. In the event that Buyer does not specify the carrier,the carrier may be at accordance with the return policy of Seller, a copy of which may be obtained upon
Seller's option. Title of the Products sold hereunder shall pass to Buyer upon delivery written request to Seller.
by Seller. However. Buyer hereby agrees that Seller shall retain a purchase money 10.Compliance With Law;Not For Resale or Export.Buyer agrees to comply with all
security interest in the Products, and to any proceeds from the disposition of such applicable Taws and regulations of the various states and of the United States in the use
Products,until the purchase price and other charges due Seller shall have been paid in of the Products. Buyer agrees and represents that it is buying for its own internal use
full. Upon any default by Buyer hereunder, Seller shall have any and all rights and only,and not I-or resale or export.
remedies of secured party under the Uniformed Commercial Code which right shall be H. General. Except as provided below, neither Party may assign this Agreement
cumulative. without the prior written consent of the other Party,except that Stryker will have the
5. Inspection and Acceptance. Upon receipt of the Products, Buyer agrees to inspect right to assign this Agreement or any rights under or interests in this Agreement to any
and/or test the Products.The Products shall be deemed accepted by Buyer unless Buyer parent, subsidiary or affiliate of Stryker. All of the terms and provisions of this
provides Seller a timely written notice specifically noting any defects or discrepancies Agreement will be binding upon, will inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by
in the quality or quantity of the Products received. All notices regarding successors and assigns of the Patties to this Agreement. This Agreement will not
nonconforming Products, shortages, rejection or revocation of acceptance must be confer any right or remedy upon any person other than the Parties hereto and their
made in writing and received by Seller no later than thirty(30)days from the date of respective successors and permitted assigns. This Agreement and document referred
Seller's invoice, which Buyer agrees is a reasonable time frame within which to herein constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to this subject
diligently inspect and provide notice to Seller. Buyer waives any right to reject the matter,and any modification or amendments to this Agreement must be in writing and
shipment or revoke acceptance thereafter. signed by both Parties. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed illegal,invalid or
6.Warranties,Indemnity and Limitations of Liability. unenforceable the Parties will endeavor to replace it by another provision that will as
(a) Unless otherwise provided in Seller's Price Catalog, the Products are warranted closely as possible reflect their original intention. No right or remedy conferred in this
free from manufacturing and material defects for a period of one year after delivery of Agreement is intended to be exclusive of any other right or remedy,and each and every
same. Any Products that become defective during this period shall be repaired or right and remedy will be cumulative and in addition to any other right or remedy given
replaced either at Seller's plant or Buyer's location, such determination being at now or existing in law or in equity or by statute. The validity, legality and
Seller's sole discretion.All warranties hereunder are made subject to the proper use by enforceability of the remaining provisions will not in any way be affected or impaired
Buyer in the application for which such products were intended.The warranty provided thereby. IN NO,EVENT WILL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE(WHETHER ARISING
hereunder does not cover any Products (i) that have been misused, modified, IN CONTRACT, TORT, WARRANTY OR OTHERWISE) FOR ANY SPECIAL,
refurbished or repaired without the prior consent of Seller,(ii)that have been subjected INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL
to unusual stress or have not been properly maintained or(iii)on which any original DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF ANTICIPATED
serial numbers or other identification marks have been removed or destroyed. In any PROFITS. This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the
event, Seller's liability shall be limited to the replacement value of any damaged or laws of the State of Michigan as applicable to contracts made and to be performed in
defective part.THE EXPRESS WARRANTY SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION 6 IS that state,without regard to conflicts of laws principles.
Invoice Terms and Conditions Final 101006
INVOICE stpyker
............................. .... ...... .. ....
CARMEL, IN 46032 CHICAGO, IL 60673-3308
PH - 1-800-733-2383 CONTACT;1.11
BILL TO 156623$
_......: ..............I.........._....... .....:.. .....
CARMEL FIRE EMS 1901 Romance Rd Parkway
Portage, MI 49002
2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE Phone Number: (800) 327-0770
CARMEL, IN 46032 Fax Number: (866) 551-2618
Service Invoice
1355983 M 08/27/13 �obVanVoorst7.26.1 07297799 SV 809631399 1 of 1
Net 30 days
ITEM UNIT PRICE . EXTEN .t...........O
1 EA SUPPORT BRKT, LITTER INSIDE 6500001106 7.28 7.28
16 EA BEARING, HALF SHELL 6500001327 8.32 133.12
14 EA BEARING, FLANGE 6500001166 3.12 43.68
Subject to applicable shipping and handling charges.
Invoice Terms and Conditions
I. General. "Seller" means Stryker Corporation, a Michigan corporation, and/or any THE ONLY WARRANTY APPLICABLE TO THE PRODUCTS SOLD SUBJECT
division or subsidiary identified on the front of this invoice. `Buyer" means the TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND IS EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ANY
person,firm or corporation executing an order for goods supplied by Seller(hereinafter OTHER WARRANTY BY SELLER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING
"Products").Seller shall be bound by all terms and conditions of this invoice upon the ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A
occurrence of any of the following:(a)an order or acceptance is received from Buyer PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
in response to Seller's quotation,or(b)written acceptance of Buyer's order is delivered (b) Stryker will hold Buyer harmless from and will indemnify Buyer for any and all
to Buyer by Seller,or(c)Seller shall not have tendered refusal of such order to Buyer liability incurred resulting directly from a defect in workmanship or design of the
within thirty (30) days after receipt by Seller of such order. These Terms and product. This indemnification applies only it'the instructions outlined in the labeling,
Conditions are in lieu of and replace any and all terms and conditions set forth in any manual,and/or instructions for use are followed. This indemnification will not apply
documents issued by Buyer. Any additional, different, or conflicting terms and to any liability arising from: (a) an injury due to the negligence of any person other
conditions on any such document issued by Buyer at any time are hereby rejected by than an employee or agent of Stryker; (b) the failure of any person other than an
Seller and shall not be binding in any way on Seller. employee or agent of Stryker to follow any instructions for use of the product:or(c)
2.Price. the use of any product not purchased from Stryker or product that has been modified,
(a)Unless otherwise indicated,prices do not include,and Buyer is responsible for and altered or repaired by any person other than an employee or agent of Stryker. Buyer
agrees to pay(unless Buyer shall provide Seller at the time an order is submitted with will hold Stryker harmless from and indemnify Stryker for any claims or losses or
an exemption certificate or other documents acceptable to taxing or custom injuries arising from (a). (b), or (c) arising from the acts of the negligent acts or
authorities), all sales, use, value added,excise and all other federal, state or local or omissions of Buyer or its officers,employees or agents.
foreign taxes, import or customs fees and duties associated with an order, however (c) In no event will Stryker's liability arising in connection with or Under this invoice
designated, except for Seller's franchise taxes and taxes on Seller's net income. If (whether under the theories of breach of contract, tort, misrepresentation. fiaud.
applicable,a separate charge for taxes will be shown on Seller's invoice. warranty, negligence, strict liability or any other theory of law) exceed the purchase
(b) The price shown on this invoice is net of discounts provided at the time of price,current market value or residual value of the Products whichever is less.BUYER
purchase. Some of the Products listed on this invoice may be subject to rebates or WILL IN NO EVENT BE ENTITLED TO,AND STRYKER WILL NOT BE LIABLE
discounts, for which separate documentation is provided by Seller. Buyer must(i) FOR, DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR
claim the value of all rebates or discounts in the buyer fiscal year earned or the PUNITIVE DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE, INCLUDING. BUT NOT LIMITED
immediately following fiscal year. (ii) properly report and appropriately reflect TO,LOSS OF PROFIT OR REVENUE.
discounts and rebates in Medicare/Medicaid cost reports and all claims for payment 7.Force Majcure.Neither Party to this Agreement will be liable for any delay or failure
filed with third-party payors as required by law or contract,and(iii)provide agents of of performance that is the result of any happening or event that could not reasonably
the United States or a state agency with access to all information from Seller have been avoided or that is otherwise beyond its control, provided that the Party
concerning discounts and rebates upon request. hindered or delayed immediately notifies the other Party describing the circumstances
3. Payment Terms. Unless otherwise indicated, this invoice shall be paid in full by causing delay. Such happenings or events will include,but not be limited to,terrorism,
Buyer net thirty(30)days. Any amount not paid on time may be subject to a late fee of acts of war,riots,civil disorder,rebellions,tire,flood,earthquake,explosion,action of
I''/z%per month prorated(18%per annum),or the maximum interest rate allowable by the elements, acts of God, inability to obtain or shortage of material, equipment or
law whichever is the highest. Additionally, Buyer may be subject to a fee of Fifty transportation, governmental orders, restrictions, priorities or rationing,accidents and
Dollars($50.00) USD for any checks returned unpaid to Seller for any reason. In the strikes,lockouts or other labor trouble or shortage.
event an attorney is employed or expense is incurred to compel payment of the invoice 8. Default and Cancellation. In the event of Buyer's default in payment for the
or to declare any action or proceeding is commenced,Buyer agrees to pay all costs and Products purchased hereunder upon the terms and conditions agreed upon with Seller.
expenses associated with collection of unpaid sums, including but not limited to Buyer shall be responsible for all reasonable costs and expenses(including reasonable
attorney's fees. Seller, in its sole discretion, reserves the fight to change terms of attorney's fees) incurred by Seller in collection of any sums owing by Buyer, and
payment and/or discontinue further shipments, without prejudice to any other lawful Seller shall not be obligated to make any further deliveries to Buyer. Should Buyer
remedy,until past due payments are made and satisfactory assurances of Buyer's credit elect to cancel its order, in whole or in part, Buyer shall be liable to Seller for
standing is received by Seller. reasonable cancellation charges that shall include but not be limited to all costs and
4. Delivery and Title. Unless otherwise provided on the face of this invoice,delivery expenses incurred by Seller in connection with procuring and filling Buyer's purchase
terms are FOB Seller's plant. Delivery shall be deemed to have been made when order.
Buyer's shipment has been delivered to a carrier,specified by Buyer on purchase order 9.Returns.Products returned by Buyer for credit,replacement and/or repair shall be in
or equivalent. In the event that Buyer does not specify the carrier,the carrier may be at accordance with the return policy of Seller, a copy of which may be obtained upon
Seller's option. Title of the Products sold hereunder shall pass to Buyer upon delivery written request to Seller.
by Seller. However. Buyer hereby agrees that Seller shall retain a purchase money 10.Compliance With Law;Not For Resale or Export.Buyer agrees to comply with all
security interest in the Products, and to any proceeds from the disposition of such applicable laws and regulations of the various states and of the United States in the use
Products,until the purchase price and other charges due Seller shall have been paid in of the Products. Buyer agrees and represents that it is buying for its own internal use
cull. Upon any detault by Buyer hereunder, Seller shall have any and all rights and only,and not for resale or export.
remedies of secured party under the Uniformed Commercial Code which right shall be 11. General. Except as provided below, neither Party may assign this Agreement
cumulative. without the prior written consent of the other Party,except that Stryker will have the
5. Inspection and Acceptance. Upon receipt of the Products, Buyer agrees to inspect right to assign this Agreement or any rights under or interests in this Agreement to any
and/or test the Products.The Products shall be deemed accepted by Buyer unless Buyer parent, subsidiary or affiliate of Stryker. All of the terms and provisions of this
provides Seller a timely written notice specifically noting any defects or discrepancies Agreement will be binding upon, will inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by
in the quality or quantity of the Products received. All notices regarding successors and assigns of the Parties to this Agreement. This Agreement will not
nonconforming Products, shortages, rejection or revocation of acceptance must be confer any right or remedy upon any person other than the Parties hereto and their
made in writing and received by Seller no later than thirty(30)days from the date of respective successors and permitted assigns. This Agreement and document referred
Seller's invoice, which Buyer agrees is a reasonable time frame within which to herein constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to this subject
diligently inspect and provide notice to Seller. Buyer waives any right to reject the matter,and any modification or amendments to this Agreement must be in writing and
shipment or revoke acceptance thereafter. signed by both Parties. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed illegal,invalid or
6.Warranties,Indemnity and Limitations of Liabilitv. unenforceable the Parties will endeavor to replace it by another provision that will as
(a) Unless otherwise provided in Seller's Price Catalog, the Products are warranted closely as possible reflect their original intention. No right or remedy conferred in this
free from manufacturing and material defects for a period of one year after delivery of Agreement is intended to be exclusive of any other right or remedy,and each and every
same. Any Products that become defective during this period shall be repaired or right and remedy will be cumulative and in addition to any other right or remedy given
replaced either at Seller's plant or Buyer's location, such determination being at now or existing in law or in equity or by statute. The validity, legality and
Seller's sole discretion._All warranties hereunder are made subject to the proper use by enforceability of the remaining provisions will not in any way be affected or impaired
Buyer in the application for which such products were intended.The warranty provided thereby.IN NO EVENT WILL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE(WHETHER ARISING
hereunder does not cover any Products (i) that have been misused, modified, IN CONTRACT, TORT, WARRANTY OR OTHERWISE) FOR ANY SPECIAL,
refurbished or repaired without the prior consent of Seller,(ii)that have been subjected INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL
to unusual stress or have not been properly maintained or(iii)on which any original DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF ANTICIPATED
serial numbers or other identification marks have been removed or destroyed. In any PROFITS. This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the
event, Seller's liability shall be limited to the replacement value of any damaged or laws of the State of Michigan as applicable to contracts made and to be performed in
defective part.THE EXPRESS WARRANTY SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION 6 IS that state,without regard to conflicts of laws principles.
Invoice Terms and Conditions Final 101006
INVOICE stpyker
Sf#IRTA, 10.F6238 MAKPAYM)NT.TO:;> .
............... .: _ _ _............... . .._........ ._ ....
... _... ._ ... .. _........_ ................__. .... ._..... _
__ .. ........... . ........... . _._.. _ .........
CARMEL, IN 46032 CHICAGO, IL 60673-3308
PH - 1-800-733-2383 CONTACT'
BILL TO 1066238
CARMEL FIRE EMS 1901 Romence Rd Parkway
Portage, MI 49002
CARMEL, IN 46032 Phone Number: (800) 327-0770
Fax Number: (866) 551-2618
Service Invoice
1355982 M 08/27/13 3obVanVoorst7.26.1 07297798 SV 809609839 1 of 1
Net 30 days
16 EA BEARING, HALF SHELL 6500001327 8.32 133.12
14 EA BEARING, FLANGE 6500001166 3.12 43.68
__.......... .. .._....._.. ........... ........_..........1.11_..............__._ ._......................................_. _....................
..... .
Subject to applicable shipping and handling charges.
Invoice Terms and Conditions
1. General. "Seller" means Stryker Corporation, a Michigan corporation, and/or any THE ONLY WARRANTY APPLICABLE TO THE PRODUCTS SOLD SUBJECT
division or subsidiary identified on the front of this invoice. `Buyer" means the TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND IS EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ANY
person,firm or corporation executing an order for goods supplied by Seller(hereinafter OTHER WARRANTY BY SELLER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING
"Products").Seller shall be bound by all terms and conditions of this invoice upon the ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A
occurrence of any of the following:(a)an order or acceptance is received from Buyer PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
in response to Seller's quotation,or(b)written acceptance of Buyer's order is delivered (b)Stryker will hold Buyer harmless from and will indemnify Buyer for any and all
to Buyer by Seller,or(c)Seller shall not have tendered refusal of such order to Buyer liability incurred resulting directly from a defect in workmanship or design of the
within thirty (30) days-after receipt by Seller of such order. These Terms and product. This indemnification applies only if the instructions outlined in the labeling,
Conditions are in lieu of and replace any and all terms and conditions set forth in any manual, and/or instructions for use are followed. This indemnification will not apply
documents issued by Buyer. Any additional, different, or conflicting terms and to any liability arising from: (a) an injury due to the negligence of any person other
conditions on any such document issued by Buyer at any time are hereby rejected by than an employee or agent of Stryker; (b) the failure of any person other than an
Seller and shall not be binding in any way on Seller. employee or agent of Stryker to follow any instructions for use of the product:or(c)
3.Price. the use of any product not purchased from Stryker or product that has been modified,
(a)Unless otherwise indicated,prices do not include,and Buyer is responsible for and altered or repaired by any person other than an employee or agent of Stryker. Buyer
agrees to pay(unless Buyer shall provide Seller at the time an order is submitted with will hold Stryker harmless from and indemnify Stryker for any claims or losses or
an exemption certificate or other documents acceptable to taxing or custom injuries arising from (a), (b), or (c) arising from the acts of the negligent acts or
authorities), all sales, use, value added, excise and all other federal, state or local or omissions of Buyer or its officers,employees or agents.
foreign taxes, import or customs fees and duties associated with an order, however (c) In no event will Stryker's liability arising in connection with or under this invoice
designated, except for Seller's franchise taxes and taxes on Seller's net income. If (whether under the theories of breach of contract, tort, misrepresentation. fraud,
applicable,a separate charge for taxes will be shown on Seller's invoice. warranty, negligence, strict liability or any other theory of law) exceed the purchase
(b) The price shown on this invoice is net of discounts provided at the time of price,current market value or residual value of the Products whichever is less.BUYER
purchase. Some of the Products listed on this invoice may be subject to rebates or WILL IN NO EVENT BE ENTITLED TO,AND STRYKER WILL NOT BE LIABLE
discounts, for which separate documentation is provided by Seller. Buyer must(i) FOR, DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL. INCIDENTAL CONSEQUENTIAL OR
claim the value of all rebates or discounts in the buyer fiscal year earned or the PUNITIVE DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED
immediately following fiscal year, (ii) properly report and appropriately reflect TO,LOSS OF PROFIT OR REVENUE.
discounts and rebates in Medicare/Medicaid cost reports and all claims for payment 7.Force Majeure.Neither Party to this Agreement will be liable for any delay or failure
tiled with third-party payors as required by law or contract,and(iii)provide agents of of performance that is the result of any happening or event that could not reasonably
the United States or a state agency with access to all information from Seller have been avoided or that is otherwise beyond its control, provided that the Party
concerning discounts and rebates upon request. hindered or delayed immediately notifies the other Party describing the circumstances
3. Payment Terms. Unless otherwise indicated, this invoice shall be paid in full by causing delay. Such happenings or events will include,but not be limited to,terrorism,
Buyer net thirty(30)days. Any amount not paid on time may be subject to a late fee of acts of war,riots,civil disorder,rebellions,fire,flood,earthquake,explosion,action of
1'/z%per month prorated(18%per annum),or the maximum interest rate allowable by the elements, acts of God, inability to obtain or shortage of material, equipment or
law whichever is the highest. Additionally, Buyer may be subject to a fee of Fifty transportation, governmental orders, restrictions, priorities or rationing,accidents and
Dollars($50.00) USD for any checks returned unpaid to Seller for any reason. In the strikes,lockouts or other labor trouble or shortage.
event an attorney is employed or expense is incurred to compel payment of the invoice 8. Default and Cancellation. In the event of Buyer's default in payment for the
or to declare any action or proceeding is commenced,Buyer agrees to pay all costs and Products purchased hereunder upon the terms and conditions agreed upon with Seller.
expenses associated with collection of unpaid sums, including but not limited to Buyer shall be responsible for all reasonable costs and expenses(including reasonable
attorney's fees. Seiler, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to change terms of attorney's fees) incurred by Seller in collection of any sums owing by Buyer, and
payment and/or discontinue further shipments, without prejudice to any other lawful Seller shall not be obligated to make any further deliveries to Buyer. Should Buyer
remedy,until past due payments are made and satisfactory assurances of Buyer's credit elect to cancel its order, in whole or in part, Buyer shall be liable to Seller for
standing is received by Seller. reasonable cancellation charges that shall include but not be limited to all costs and
4. Delivery and Title. Unless otherwise provided on the face of this invoice,delivery expenses incurred by Seller in connection with procuring and filling Buyer's purchase
terms are FOB Seller's plant. Delivery shall be deemed to have been made when order.
Buyer's shipment has been delivered to a carrier,specified by Buyer on purchase order 9.Returns.Products returned by Buyer for credit,replacement and/or repair shall be in
or equivalent. In the event that Buyer does not specify the carrier,the carrier may be at accordance with the return policy of Seller, a copy of which may be obtained upon
Seller's option. Title of the Products sold hereunder shall pass to Buyer upon delivery written request to Seller.
by Seller. However, Buyer hereby agrees that Seller shall retain a purchase money 10.Compliance With Law;Not For Resale or Export.Buyer agrees to comply with all
security interest in the Products, and to any proceeds from the disposition of such applicable laws and regulations of the various states and of the United States in the use
Products,until the purchase price and other charges due Seller shall have been paid in of the Products. Buyer agrees and represents that it is buying for its own internal use
full. Upon any default by Buyer hereunder, Seller shall have any and all rights and only,and not for resale or export.
remedies of secured party under the Uniformed Commercial Code which right shall be 11. General. Except as provided below, neither Party may assign this Agreement
cumulative. without the prior written consent of the other Party,except that Stryker will have the
5. Inspection and Acceptance. Upon receipt of the Products. Buyer agrees to inspect right to assign this Agreement or any rights under or interests in this Agreement to any
and/or test the Products.The Products shall be deemed accepted by Buyer unless Buyer parent, subsidiary or affiliate of Stryker. All of the terms and provisions of this
provides Seller a timely written notice specifically noting any defects or discrepancies Agreement will be binding upon, will inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by
in the quality or quantity of the Products received. All notices regarding successors and assigns of the Parties to this Agreement. This Agreement will not
nonconforming Products, shortages, rejection or revocation of acceptance must be confer any right or remedy upon any person other than the Parties hereto and their
made in writing and received by Seller no later than thirty(30)days from the date of respective successors and permitted assigns. This Agreement and document referred
Seller's invoice, which Buyer agrees is a reasonable time frame within which to herein constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to this subject
diligently inspect and provide notice to Seller. Buyer waives any right to reject the matter,and any modification or amendments to this Agreement must be in writing and
shipment or revoke acceptance thereafter. signed by both Parties. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed illegal,invalid or
6.Warranties,Indemnity and Limitations of Liability. unenforceable the Parties will endeavor to replace it by another provision that will as
(a) Unless otherwise provided in Seller's Price Catalog, the Products are warranted closely as possible reflect their original intention. No right or remedy conferred in this
free from manufacturing and material defects for a period of one year after delivery of Agreement is intended to be exclusive of any other right or remedy,and each and every
same. Any Products that become defective during this period shall be repaired or right and remedy will be cumulative and in addition to any other right or remedy given
replaced either at Seller's plant or Buyer's location, such determination being at now or existing in law or in equity or by statute. The validity, legality and
Seller's sole discretion.All warranties hereunder are made subject to the proper use by enforceability of the remaining provisions will not in any way be affected or impaired
Buyer in the application for which such products were intended.The warranty provided thereby.IN NO EVENT WILL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE(WHETHER ARISING
hereunder does not cover any Products (i) that have been misused, modified, IN CONTRACT, TORT, WARRANTY OR OTHERWISE) FOR ANY SPECIAL,
refurbished or repaired without the prior consent of Seller,(ii)that have been subjected INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL
to unusual stress or have not been properly maintained or(iii)on which any original DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF ANTICIPATED
serial numbers or other identification marks have been removed or destroyed. In any PROFITS. This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the
event, Seller's liability shall be limited to the replacement value of any damaged or laws of the State of Michigan as applicable to contracts made and to be performed in
defective part.THE EXPRESS WARRANTY SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION 6 IS that state,without regard to conflicts of laws principles.
Invoice Terms and Conditions Final 101006
INVOICE stpyker
SFIIP:TO. .............1..1..1 1066238 M1.1...1 A...........K.........E......: .MI. T0:
CARMEL, IN 46032 CHICAGO, IL 60673-3308
PH - 1-800-733-2383 CONTACT:
CARMEL FIRE EMS 1901 Romence Rd Parkway
Portage, MI 49002
2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE one Number: (800) 327-0770
CARMEL, IN 46032 Fax Number: (866) 551-2618
Service Invoice
1355984 M 08/27/13 3obVanVoorst7.26.1 07297801 SV 809631785 1 01 1
Net 30 days
16 EA BEARING, HALF SHELL 6500001327 8.32 133.12
14 EA BEARING, FLANGE 6500001166 3.12 43.68
1 EA OWLER 02 BOTTLE HOLDER COVER 6500001260 169.52 169.52
_. .. ..
Subject to applicable shipping and handling charges.
Invoice Terms and Conditions
1. General. "Seller" means Stryker Corporation, a Michigan corporation, and/or any THE ONLY WARRANTY APPLICABLE TO THE PRODUCTS SOLD SUBJECT
division or subsidiary identified on the front of this invoice. `Buyer" means the TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND IS EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ANY
person,firm or corporation executing an order for goods supplied by Seller(hereinafter OTHER WARRANTY BY SELLER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING
"Products").Seller shall be bound by all terms and conditions of this invoice upon the ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A
occurrence of any of the following: (a)an order or acceptance is received from Buyer PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
in response to Seller's quotation,or(b)written acceptance of Buyer's order is delivered (b) Stryker will hold Buyer harmless from and will indemnify Buyer for any and all
to Buyer by Seller,or(c)Seller shall not have tendered refusal of such order to Buyer liability incurred resulting directly from a defect in workmanship or design of the
within thirty (30) days after receipt by Seller of such order. These Terms and product.This indemnification applies only if the instructions outlined in the labeling,
Conditions are in lieu of and replace any and all terms and conditions set forth in any manual,and/or instructions for use are followed. This indemnification will not apply
documents issued by Buyer. Any additional, different, or conflicting terms and to any liability arising from: (a) an injury due to the negligence of any person other
conditions on any such document issued by Buyer at any time are hereby rejected by than an employee or agent of Stryker; (b) the failure of any person other than an
Seller and shall not be binding in any way on Seller. employee or agent of Stryker to follow any instructions for use of the product:or(c)
2.Price. the use of any product not purchased from Stryker or product that has been modified,
(a)Unless otherwise indicated,prices do not include,and Buyer is responsible for and altered or repaired by any person other than an employee or agent of Stryker. Buyer
agrees to pay(unless Buyer shall provide Seller at the time an order is submitted with will hold Stryker harmless from and indemnify Stryker for any claims or losses or
an exemption certificate or other documents acceptable to taxing or custom injuries arising from (a), (b), or (c) arising from the acts of the negligent acts or
authorities), all sales, use, value added.excise and all other federal, state or local or omissions of Buyer or its officers,employees or agents.
foreign taxes, import or customs fees and duties associated with an order, however (c) In no event will Styker's liability arising in connection with or under this invoice
designated, except for Seller's franchise taxes and taxes on Seller's net income. If (whether under the theories of breach of contract, tort. misrepresentation. fraud,
applicable,a separate charge for taxes will be shown on Seller's invoice. warranty, negligence, strict liability or any other theory of law) exceed the purchase
(b) The price shown on this invoice is net of discounts provided at the time of price,current market value or residual value of the Products whichever is less.BUYER
purchase. Some of the Products listed on this invoice may be subject to rebates or WILL IN NO EVENT BE ENTITLED TO.AND STRYKER WILL NOT BE LIABLE
discounts, for which separate documentation is provided by Seller. Buyer must(i) FOR, DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL. INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR
claim the value of' all rebates or discounts in the buyer fiscal year earned or the PUNITIVE DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED
immediately following fiscal year, (ii) properly report and appropriately reflect TO,LOSS OF PROFIT OR REVENUE.
discounts and rebates in Medicare/Medicaid cost reports and all claims for payment 7.Force Majeure.Neither Party to this Agreement will be liable for any delay or failure
filed with third-party payors as required by law or contract,and(iii)provide agents of of performance that is the result of any happening or event that could not reasonably
the United States or a state agency with access to all information from Seller have been avoided or that is otherwise beyond its control, provided that the Party
concerning discounts and rebates upon request. hindered or delayed immediately notifies the other Party describing the circumstances
3. Payment Terms. Unless otherwise indicated, this invoice shall be paid in full by causing delay. Such happenings or events will include,but not be limited to.terrorism.
Buyer net thirty(30)days. Any amount not paid on time may be subject to a late fee of acts of war,riots,civil disorder,rebellions,fire,flood,earthquake,explosion,action of
1'/z%per month prorated(18%per annum),or the maximum interest rate allowable by the elements, acts of God, inability to obtain or shortage of material, equipment or
law whichever is the highest. Additionally, Buyer may be subject to a fee of Fifty transportation, governmental orders, restrictions,priorities or rationing, accidents and
Dollars($50.00)USD for any checks returned unpaid to Seller for any reason. In the strikes,lockouts or other labor trouble or shortage.
event an attorney is employed or expense is incurred to compel payment of the invoice 8. Default and Cancellation. In the event of Buyer's default in payment for the
or to declare any action or proceeding is commenced.Buyer agrees to pay all costs and Products purchased hereunder upon the terms and conditions agreed upon with Seller,
expenses associated with collection of unpaid sums, including but not limited to Buyer shall be responsible for all reasonable costs and expenses(including reasonable
attorney's fees. Seller, in its sole discretion, reserves the fight to change terms of attorney's fees) incurred by Seller in collection of any sums owing by Buyer, and
payment and/or discontinue further shipments, without prejudice to any other lawful Seller shall not be obligated to make any further deliveries to Buyer. Should Buyer
remedy,until past due payments are made and satisfactory assurances of Buyer's credit elect to cancel its order, in whole or in part, Buyer shall be liable to Seller for
standing is received by Seller. reasonable cancellation charges that shall include but not be limited to all costs and
4. Delivery and Title. Unless otherwise provided on the face of this invoice,delivery expenses incurred by Seller in connection with procuring and tilling Buyer's purchase
terns are FOB Seller's plant. Delivery shall be deemed to have been made when order.
Buyer's shipment has been delivered to a carrier,specified by Buyer on purchase order 9.Returns.Products returned by Buyer for credit,replacement and/or repair shall be in
or equivalent. In the event that Buyer does not specify the carrier,the carrier may be at accordance with the return policy of Seller, a copy of which may be obtained upon
Seller's option. Title of the Products sold hereunder shall pass to Buyer upon delivery written request to Seller.
by Seller. However, Buyer hereby agrees that Seller shall retain a purchase money 10.Compliance With Law:Not For Resale or Export.Buyer agrees to comply with all
security interest in the Products, and to any proceeds from the disposition of such applicable laws and regulations of the various states and of the United States in the use
Products,until the purchase price and other charges due Seller shall have been paid in of the Products. Buyer agrees and represents that it is buying for its own internal use
full. Upon any default by Buyer hereunder, Seller shall have any and all rights and only,and not for resale or export.
remedies of secured party under the Uniformed Commercial Code which right shall be 1 I. General. Except as provided below, neither Party may assign this Agreement
cumulative, without the prior written consent of the other Party,except that Stryker will have the
5. Inspection and Acceptance. Upon receipt of the Products, Buyer agrees to inspect right to assign this Agreement or any rights under or interests in this Agreement to any
and/or test the Products.The Products shall be deemed accepted by Buyer unless Buyer parent, subsidiary or affiliate of Stryker. All of the terms and provisions of this
provides Seller a timely written notice specifically noting any defects or discrepancies Agreement will be binding upon, will inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by
in the quality or quantity of the Products received. All notices regarding successors and assigns of the Parties to this Agreement. This Agreement will not
nonconforming Products, shortages, rejection or revocation of acceptance must be confer any right or remedy upon any person other than the Parties hereto and their
made in writing and received by Seller no later than thirty(30)days from the date of respective successors and permitted assigns. This Agreement and document referred
Seller's invoice, which Buyer agrees is a reasonable time frame within which to herein constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to this subject
diligently inspect and provide notice to Seller. Buyer waives any right to reject the matter,and any modification or amendments to this Agreement must be in writing and
shipment or revoke acceptance thereafter. signed by both Parties. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed illegal,invalid or
6.Warranties.Indemnity and Limitations of Liability, unenforceable the Parties will endeavor to replace it by another provision that will as
(a) Unless otherwise provided in Seller's Price Catalog, the Products are warranted closely as possible reflect their original intention. No right or remedy conferred in this
free from manufacturing and material defects for a period of one year after delivery of Agreement is intended to be exclusive of any other right or remedy,and each and every
same. Any Products that become defective during this period shall be repaired or right and remedy will be cumulative and in addition to any other right or remedy given
replaced either at Seller's plant or Buyer's location, such determination being at now or existing in law or in equity or by statute. The validity, legality and
Seller's sole discretion.All warranties hereunder are made subject to the proper use by enforceability of the remaining provisions will not in any way be affected or impaired
Buyer in the application for which such products were intended.The warranty provided thereby. IN NO EVENT WILL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE(WHETHER ARISING
hereunder does not cover any Products (i) that have been misused, modified, IN CONTRACT, TORT, WARRANTY OR OTHERWISE) FOR ANY SPECIAL,
refurbished or repaired without the prior consent of Seller,(ii)that have been subjected INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL
to unusual stress or have not been properly maintained or(iii)on which any original DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF ANTICIPATED
serial numbers or other identification marks have been removed or destroyed. In any PROFITS. This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the
event. Seller's liability shall be limited to the replacement value of any damaged or laws of the State of Michigan as applicable to contracts made and to be performed in
defective part.THE EXPRESS WARRANTY SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION 6 IS that state,without regard to conflicts of laws principles.
Invoice Terms and Conditions Final 101006
INVOICE stryker®
CARMEL, IN 46032 CHICAGO, IL 60673-3308
PH - 1-800-733-2383 GUNTAGT
.. .. ....
BIL1>TO 14F76238
CARMEL FIRE EMS 1901 Romence Rd Parkway
Portage, MI 49002
2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE Phone Number: (800) 327-0770
CARMEL, IN 46032 Fax Number: (866) 551-2618
Service Invoice
I.1355987 M 08/27/13 3obVanVoorst7.26.1 3 07297805 SV 809636863 1 of 1
Net 30 days
. .... P
Subject to applicable shipping and handling charges.
Invoice Terms and Conditions
1. General. "Seller" means Stryker Corporation, a Michigan corporation, and/or any THE ONLY WARRANTY APPLICABLE TO THE PRODUCTS SOLD SUBJECT
division or subsidiary identified on the front of this invoice. Buyer" means the TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND IS EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ANY
person,firm or corporation executing an order for goods supplied by Seller(hereinafter OTHER WARRANTY BY SELLER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING
"Products").Seller shall be bound by all terms and conditions of this invoice upon the ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A
occurrence of any of the following: (a)an order or acceptance is received from Buyer PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
in response to Seller's quotation,or(b)written acceptance of Buyer's order is delivered (b)Stryker will hold Buyer harmless from and will indemnify Buyer for any and all
to Buyer by Seller,or(c)Seller shall not have tendered refusal of such order to Buyer liability incurred resulting directly from a defect in workmanship or,design of the
within thirty (30) days after receipt by Seller of such order. These Terms and product.This indemnification applies only if the instructions outlined in the labeling,
Conditions are in lieu of and replace any and all terms and conditions set forth in any manual,and/or instructions for use are followed. This indemnification will not apply
documents issued by Buyer. Any additional, different, or conflicting terms and to any liability arising from: (a) an injury due to the negligence of any person other
conditions on any such document issued by Buyer at any time are hereby rejected by than an employee or agent of Stryker; (b) the failure of any person other than an
Seller and shall not be binding in any way on Seller. employee or agent of Stryker to follow any instructions for use of the product;or(c)
2.Price. the use of any product not purchased from Stryker or product that has been modified,
(a)Unless otherwise indicated,prices do not include,and Buyer is responsible for and altered or repaired by any person other than an employee or agent of Stryker. Buyer
agrees to pay(unless Buyer shall provide Seller at the time an order is submitted with will hold Stryker harmless from and indemnify Stryker for any claims or losses or
an exemption certificate or other documents acceptable to taxing or custom injuries arising from (a), (b), or (c) arising from the acts of the negligent acts or
authorities), all sales, use, value added, excise and all other federal, state or local or omissions of Buyer or its officers,employees or agents.
foreign taxes, import or customs fees and duties associated with an order, however (c) In no event will Stryker's liability arising in connection with or under this invoice
designated, except for Seller's franchise taxes and taxes on Seller's net income. If (whether under the theories of breach of contract, tort, misrepresentation, fraud,
applicable,a separate charge for taxes will be shown on Seller's invoice. warranty, negligence, strict liability or any other theory of law) exceed the purchase
(b) The price shown on this invoice is net of discounts provided at the time of price,current market value or residual value of the Products whichever is less.BUYER
purchase. Some of the Products listed on this invoice may be subject to rebates or WILL IN NO EVENT BE ENTITLED TO.AND STRYKER WILL NOT BE LIABLE
discounts, for which separate documentation is provided by Seller. Buyer must(i) FOR. DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR
claim the value of all rebates or discounts in the buyer fiscal year earned or the PUNITIVE DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE, INCLUDING. BUT NOT LIMITED
immediately following fiscal year, (ii) properly report and appropriately reflect TO,LOSS OF PROFIT OR REVENUE.
discounts and rebates in Medicare/Medicaid cost reports and all claims for payment 7.Force Majeure.Neither Party to this Agreement will be liable for any delay or failure
filed with third-party payors as required by law or contract,and(iii)provide agents of of performance that is the result of any happening or event that could not reasonably
the United States or a state agency with access to all information from Seller have been avoided or that is otherwise beyond its control, provided that the Party
concerning discounts and rebates upon request. hindered or delayed immediately notifies the other Party describing the circumstances
3. Payment Terms. Unless otherwise indicated, this invoice shall be paid in full by causing delay. Such happenings or events will include,but not be limited to,terrorism,
Buyer net thirty(30)days. Any amount not paid on time may be subject to a late fee of acts of war,riots,civil disorder,rebellions,fire,flood,earthquake,explosion,action of
1%z%per month prorated(18%per annum),or the maximum interest rate allowable by the elements, acts of God, inability to obtain or shortage of material, equipment or
law whichever is the highest. Additionally, Buyer may be subject to a fee of Fifty transportation, governmental orders, restrictions, priorities or rationing,accidents and
Dollars($50.00)USD for any checks returned unpaid to Seller for any reason. In the strikes,lockouts or other labor trouble or shortage.
event an attorney is employed or expense is incurred to compel payment of the invoice 8. Default and Cancellation. In the event of Buyer's default in payment for the
or to declare any action or proceeding is commenced,Buyer agrees to pay all costs and Products purchased hereunder upon the terms and conditions agreed upon with Seller,
expenses associated with collection of unpaid sums, including but not limited to Buyer shall be responsible for all reasonable costs and expenses(including reasonable
attorney's fees. Seller, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to change terms of attorney's fees) incurred by Seller in collection of any sums owing by Buyer. and
payment and/or discontinue further shipments, without prejudice to any other lawful Seller shall not be obligated to make any further deliveries to Buyer. Should Buyer
remedy,until past due payments are made and satisfactory assurances of Buyer's credit elect to cancel its order, in whole or in part, Buyer shall be liable to Seller for
standing is received by Seller. reasonable cancellation charges that shall include but not be limited to all costs and
4. Delivery and Title. Unless otherwise provided on the face of this invoice,delivery expenses incurred by Seller in connection with procuring and filling Buyer's purchase
terns are FOB Seller's plant. Delivery shall be deemed to have been made when order.
Buyer's shipment has been delivered to a carrier,specified by Buyer on purchase order 9.Returns.Products returned by Buyer for credit,replacement and/or repair shall be in
or equivalent. In the event that Buyer does not specify the carrier,the carrier may be at accordance with the return policy of Seller, a copy of which may be obtained upon
Seller's option. Title of the Products sold hereunder shall pass to Buyer upon delivery written request to Seller.
by Seller. However, Buyer hereby agrees that Seller shall retain a purchase money 10.Compliance With Law;Not For Resale or Export Buyer agrees to comply with all
security interest in the Products, and to any proceeds from the disposition of such applicable laws and regulations of the various states and of the United States in the use
Products,until the purchase price and other charges due Seller shall have been paid in of the Products. Buyer agrees and represents that it is buying for its own internal use
full. Upon any default by Buyer hereunder, Seller shall have any and all rights and only,and not for resale or export.
remedies of secured party under the Uniformed Commercial Code which right shall be 11. General. Except as provided below. neither Party may assign this Agreement
cumulative. without the prior written consent of the other Party,except that Stryker will have the
5. Inspection and Acceptance. Upon receipt of the Products, Buyer agrees to inspect right to assign this Agreement or any rights under or interests in this Agreement to any
and/or test the Products.The Products shall be deemed accepted by Buyer unless Buyer parent, subsidiary or affiliate of Stryker. All of the terms and provisions of this
provides Seller a timely written notice specifically noting any defects or discrepancies Agreement will be binding upon, will inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by
in the quality or quantity of the Products received. All notices regarding successors and assigns of the Parties to this Agreement. This Agreement will not
nonconforming Products, shortages, rejection or revocation of acceptance must be confer any right or remedy upon any person other than the Parties hereto and their
made in writing and received by Seller no later than thirty(30)days from the date of respective successors and permitted assigns. This Agreement and document referred
Seller's invoice, which Buyer agrees is a reasonable time frame within which to herein constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to this subject
diligently inspect and provide notice to Seller. Buyer waives any right to reject the matter,and any modification or amendments to this Agreement must be in writing and
shipment or revoke acceptance thereafter. signed by both Parties. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed illegal,invalid or
6.Warranties,Indemnity and Limitations of Liability. unenforceable the Parties will endeavor to replace it by another provision that will as
(a) Unless otherwise provided in Seller's Price Catalog. the Products are warranted closely as possible reflect their original intention. No right or remedy conferred in this
free from manufacturing and material defects for a period of one year after delivery of Agreement is intended to be exclusive of any other right or remedy,and each and every
same. Any Products that become defective during this period shall be repaired or right and remedy will be cumulative and in addition to any other right or remedy given
replaced either at Seller's plant or Buyer's location, such determination being at now or existing in law or in equity or by statute. The validity, legality and
Seller's sole discretion.All warranties hereunder are made subject to the proper use by enforceability of the remaining provisions will not in any way be affected or impaired
Buyer in the application for which such products were intended,The warranty provided thereby. IN NO EVENT WILL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE(WHETHER ARISING
hereunder does not cover any Products (i) that have been misused, modified, IN CONTRACT, TORT, WARRANTY OR OTHERWISE) FOR ANY SPECIAL,
refurbished or repaired without the prior consent of Seller,(ii)that have been subjected INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL
to unusual stress or have not been properly maintained or(iii)on which any original DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF ANTICIPATED
serial numbers or other identification marks have been removed or destroyed. In any PROFITS. This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the
event. Seller's liability shall be limited to the replacement value of any damaged or laws of the State of Michigan as applicable to contracts made and to be performed in
defective part. THE EXPRESS WARRANTY SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION 6 IS that state,without regard to conflicts of laws principles.
Invoice Terms and Conditions Final 101006
Stryker Medical
P.O. Box 93308
Chicago, IL 60673
Carmel Fire Department
1120 1355987 43-509.00 $67.50 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or
1120 1355984 43-509.00 $481.32 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the
1120 1355986 43-509.00 $67.50 materials or services itemized thereon for
1120 1355985 43-509.00 $177.67 which charge is made were ordered and
1120 1355983 43-509.00 $352.83 received except
1120 1355982 43-509.00 $374.30 SER.- 9 2013
Fire Chief
Cost distribution ledger classification if
claim paid motor vehicle highway fund
Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995)
An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by
whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc.
Purchase Order No.
Date Due
Invoice Invoice Description Amount
Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s))
1355987 Cot Repair $67.50
1355984 Cot Repair $481.32
1355986 Cot Repair $67.50
1355985 Cot Repair $177.67
1355983 Cot Repair $352.83
1355982 Cot Repair $374.30
1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance
with IC 5-11-10-1.6