HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes TAC 06-21-00 TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE June 21, 2000 9:00 a.m. Members present were: Laurence Lillig John South – Ham. Co. Soil & Water Gary Hoyt – Carmel Fire Dept. Jeff Rice – Ameritech Scott Brewer – Carmel Urban Forester John Lester – Carmel/Clay Parks & Rec Jessica Perry – Carmel Intern Dick Hill & Craig Parks – Carmel Engr. Chuck Shupperd – Indiana Gas Bill Akers – Carmel/Clay Communications Steve Broermann – Ham. Co. Highway SUA 57-00 Faith Apostolic Church The petitioner seeks approval (Special Use Amendment) to expand the existing church from 6,334 square feet to 15,554 square feet on 4.22± acres. The site is located at 1212 th East 116 Street. The site is zoned R-1/residence. Filed by Pastor Matthew D. Ball of Apostolic Faith Church. Pastor Matthew Ball of Faith Apostolic Church presented the case and introduced Jim Tully of Duke Weeks Realty. They plan to construct an expansion to the existing church building and add parking spaces. A large multipurpose room, office, gym, fellowship hall, kitchen, and classrooms will be constructed. They do not anticipate any drainage problems. Elevations of the building were displayed. Dick Hill has not received plans. The parcel is in the City of Carmel; they have well water and sewer service. In regard to the flow of water, Jim Tully said most of the area is open space. They will not increase the congregation area at all and he will get plans to Mr. Hill. Chuck Shupperd asked the petitioner to consider whether they may need a larger meter. Jeff Rice asked if any of the phone facilities need to be moved. Pastor Ball replied that additional phone would be needed. They will be relocated. Jeff Rice requested plans. th John Lester also did not get plans. He questions access along 116 Street and asked if the road would be widened. Nothing will be done to the front of the building. Pastor Ball has talked to Kate Weese to determine they will have enough room for the widening th of 116 Street. Craig Parks does not know if the City will require an asphalt path but will look into that. All construction is the rear of the building. Scott Brewer requested a set of plans. Mr. Tully stated they are not impacting any large trees. This is an open field. S:\\TechnicalAdvisoryCommittee\\Minutes\\tac2000june 1 Gary Hoyt has not received a set of plans. The building will not be sprinkled. My Hoyt requested a knox box for the church and will supply an application. He reserves comments until after seeing the plans. John South needs a set of plans. He is concerned whether erosion control is needed during construction to protect inlets. Mr. Tully said the plans show erosion control. Bill Akers had no comments. Laurence Lillig stated the petitioner received his comments. The case is scheduled to appear at the June 26, 2000 Board of Zoning Appeals meeting. He will provide a copy of the buffer guideline for the petitioner. Craig Parks does not think they will be asked to put in an asphalt path at this time. SUA-58-00 Asherwood Golf Course Petitioner seeks approval (Special Use Amendment) to expand the existing Asherwood golf course onto adjoining property. The site is located at 9950 Ditch Road. The site is zoned S-1/resident. Filed by James J. Nelson of Nelson & Frankenberger for M&B Associates. Jim Nelson introduced Aaron Cohen and Larry Jones of Simons and Duane Sharrer and Nola Albrecht of Schneider Corporation. Brenda and Melvin Simon received special use approval for a golf course at the February 2000 meeting. The real estate was known at the Linden property. Plans include an entrance drive, an expansion of the existing lake, a clubhouse, as well as the extension of the golf course in the form of a short course. The seven-acre Grossman real estate immediately south of the Lundeen property became available. It has been purchased for the further expansion of the golf course. None of the improvements for the Lundeen property will change. The existing home will be removed and the golf course will be rerouted. Dedication of right-of-way off the Lundeen real estate has been provided. When available, the dedication off the Grossman property will be provided. Craig Parks had not comments as this property is outside of the city limits. Chuck Shupperd inquired about the relocation of service or increased loads. He asked to be contacted about the retirement of the Grossman house service. Steve Broermann had no comments. Jeff Rice asked how many phone lines were anticipated in the golf chalet. Larry Jones answered three with less than five in the future. He would like a terminal but there would S:\\TechnicalAdvisoryCommittee\\Minutes\\tac2000june 2 not be a large phone system. He is working with Steve Krebs and staff from IPL to relocate some lines. Some easements needed to be swapped around. John Lester did not see a sidewalk on the plans. Laurence Lillig commented that the parcel is not being subdivided, so Carmel cannot require sidewalks. Scott Brewer did not receive a set of plans for the new property to the south. The root crown of trees should be at grade level. Plants will not survive if planted too deep. This correction should be included on the plans. The plans include the option for the owner to change species. Scott Brewer said the plan should be followed. One third of the plants are Austrian Pines. These have serious problems. Mr. Brewer will give alternatives. He also suggested no more than 15 percent of one type of species be installed for bio diversity. Information is needed in regard to the comment of maintaining the existing tree buffer. Scott would like to know what stays and what goes. Nola Albrecht will meet with Scott to discuss those trees. They want to keep as many trees as possible. Steve Cash had a meeting out on site. The issues have been met. There are a few other “information notation” comments, relating to the regulated drain through the site, that should be on the plans. A petition for the reconstruction is needed. Duane Sharrer will submit this. There is not much impact. Jim Nelson stated the perimeter treatment that consists of mounding and wrought iron fence will be the same as the Lundeen approval commitment. A letter will be forthcoming from Steve Cash. Gary Hoyt sent a letter and has not concerns. John South made comments in regard to the erosion control plan that will be needed prior to construction. City water will be used for the golf course. The plans look like some drainage is being blocked at the parking lot and clubhouse. A swale should work there. Mr. South would like a note on the plans about correctly abandoning existing wells. He recommends an inlet west of tee number 10. Duane Sharrer will address those concerns. Bill Akers asked if the Lundeen house is being torn down. It is. They may want to use the 9950 address for the clubhouse. Mr. Cohen will contact Bill Akers. Laurence Lillig said the case would be heard at the June 26, 2000 BZA meeting. th East 6 Street Auto Park Subdivision (102-00 PP; 103-00 SP) The petitioner seeks approval (Primary and Secondary Plat) to plat four lots on 38.23± th acres. The site is located northwest of East 96 Street and Gray Road. The site is zoned B-3/business. Filed by Charles D. Frankenberger of Nelson & Frankenberger for DYC Realty, LLC. Bruce Hagen, Paul I. Cripe, and Ross Reller, Meridian Real Estate, were introduced by Charles Frankenberger. Mr. Frankenberger represented DYC Realty in connection with S:\\TechnicalAdvisoryCommittee\\Minutes\\tac2000june 3 their request for Primary and Secondary Plat approvals. The parcel is on the north side of th East 96 Street. He used an aerial photo to show location and parcel shape. Craig Parks has concerns about the location of the flood plane. He asked that plans decipher between the existing and new flood area. Engineering needs a copy of the latest site plans. Chuck Shupperd believes the plans now indicate the easement that he requested. Jeff Rice talked to the petitioner at the last TAC meeting. The easement is now on the plans to afford access. Steve Cash sent a letter in April summarizing jurisdiction of this land. The site is annexed. This portion of Carmel Creek is not a county regulated drain. Therefore, no permits are required for discharge into it. He recommends detention be provided on site. There is a great deal of asphalt drainage going into the creek. Scott Brewer did not receive a revised set of plans. Last month John Lester talked about a pedestrian path and investigating a bridge to ensure the path does not end at the property. Mr. Frankenberger responded that these businesses do not add to pedestrian traffic. The petitioner has agreed to contribute $15,000 if and when the bridge is added or widened. Scott Brewer would like to see more trees installed. He asked about planting in the island area. The petitioner plans to leave the island area unimproved. Landscaping will be added but not to obscure the buildings and vehicles. They have worked with Williamson Run subdivision and have agreed to add landscaping and a berm. The homeowners requested heavier treeing on the angle. The petitioner will delineate the flood way. There will be a 15-foot preservation line just south of the northern boundary. Hopefully, this will enable them to keep the two large trees. There will be a 15-foot transition area. This provides an area to protect the tree roots in preservation area. Mr. Brewer asked for the preservation plans. The plan does not show the absence of mounding on the east side and the increase of the tree screening on the north. It will be provided. Scott Brewer asked for more tree specie diversity. He suggested not planting so many red maples. The petitioner agreed. Gary Hoyt has not written a letter. His only comments regard a request for a knox box for each building. He would like fire hydrants near the ear side of the buildings. This distance would require a long length of hose if there are no additional hydrants. Mr. Hoyt would like a meeting. Bruce Hagen will confer with him. There will not be a Lexus body shop; Tom O’Brien will have a body shop. The buildings will not be sprinkled. John South’s comments concern the trees along the open channel. While he realized there is a purpose in the tree cutting, he would like a cross section for the channel and reason it needs to be done. Bruce Hagen responded that moving the channel and not cutting the trees would greatly slow the permit process. Floodway lines are being worked out with Dick Hill. This needs to be shown as a drainage easement if it is in a floodway. S:\\TechnicalAdvisoryCommittee\\Minutes\\tac2000june 4 Bill Akers believes Mr. Frankenberger received his letter asking for Randall Drive addresses in the future. Charlie Frankenberger agreed. Laurence Lillig has not prepared a letter on this case. However, it is stated on sheet five of the plans that all streets that heretofore were not dedicated are hereby dedicated. This th includes the strip of land lying in 96 Street not conveyed to Hamilton County with the th 96 Street expansion. Bruce Hagen said the 16.5 feet could be eliminated. Mr. Lillig inquired about the strip that was not conveyed. Bruce Hagen will find out. Laurence Lillig asked for clarification of the same note on sheet 1. Charlie Frankenberger stated they must be careful not to dedicate that access. It is not labeled as a lot. Staff’s other comments are fairly standard and will be in a letter. Shelborne Green, Section 3, Lot 83 (91-00 SP) The petitioner seeks approval (Replat) to narrow a plated 25-foot wide easement to th fifteen feet. The site is located northwest of East 96 Street and Gray Road. The site is zoned R-1/residence. Filed by Richard H. Miller of the Schneider Corporation for Davis Homes. The petitioner was not present. Village of WestClay, Section 15001 (99-00 SP) The petitioner seeks approval of (Secondary Plat) to plat 14 lots on 28.450± acres. The st site is located southwest of West 131 Street and Ditch Road. The site is zoned PUD/planned unit development. Filed by Keith Lash of the Schneider Corporation for Brenwick TND Communities. Brandon Burke, Schneider Corporation, presented the case for Keith Lash. The parcel is st just south of 131 Street, there will be 14 lots, and the infrastructure is in place. Chuck Shupperd has no problems; this is just another section. Steve Broermann sent a letter to Keith Lash. Brandon Burke will work on those revisions. Jeff Rice has been to the site a few times. He asked when the cable would be installed. Work on this section will begin later in the fall. Steve Cash stated the petitioner needs to submit the procedural items, petition, non- enforcement, letter of credit, and other paper work to the Surveyor’s Office so they can proceed. Mr. Cash will follow up with a letter. S:\\TechnicalAdvisoryCommittee\\Minutes\\tac2000june 5 Scott Brewer has not yet seen the plans. Laurence Lillig said landscape plans have not been received. There will be no tree preservation areas. The only existing vegetation is along Elliott Creek. It is minimal; throughout the site it is somewhat bare. Scott Brewer wants a plan with existing vegetation, any tree preservation plans, and plans for planting. Gary Hoyt sent a letter to Keith Lash saying he has not additional requirements. John South stated the silt fence along Elliott Creek is not adequate; he wants a sediment trap. Mr. South believes the plat includes all of the existing lake. Brandon Burke answered affirmatively. John south wants this included on the development/construction plans. This area has been included on the development plans for Section 109. The petitioner needs to show the damp spillway and emergency spillway as part of the construction plan. Mr. South stresses the importance of the construction plans corresponding to the plat. Bill Akers had no comments. Laurence Lillig will prepare a review on the secondary plat documents. If the current st Thorough Plan for 131 Street calls for more than a 45-foot half right of way, he would like to see that indicated. It will be easier to accommodate the width now. Orrin Jessup Land Company’s First Addition to the Town of Home Place, Lot 175, PP Amend The petitioner seeks approval (Primary Plat Amendment) to plat two lots. The site is th located southeast of the intersection of East 108 Street and McPherson Street. The site is zoned R-3/residence. Filed by Donn M. Scotten of Benchmark Surveying for James A. Shelley. The case was presented by Will Johnson, Benchmark Surveying. He introduced Donn Scotten and Jim Viers, also with Benchmark. This is a petition to replat for two lots to permit construction of two duplexes. Preliminary drawings of the lot have been completed according to the applicable subdivision rules. They will have topographic info and other comments in the future. The petitioner requested TAC comments to prepare revised plans before the next meeting. th Chuck Shupperd believes there is a gas line along the north side of 108 Street. Gas is available for both lots. Steve Broermann requested plans be submitted to Highway Department. They will need to adhere to the thoroughfare that calls for a 25-foot half right of way. The half right of way will need to be taken from the lots. Laurence Lillig stated there is a 50-foot right of way. Jeff Rice believes service is on the street. He had no other comments. S:\\TechnicalAdvisoryCommittee\\Minutes\\tac2000june 6 Steve Cash inquired whether lot 175 is already split into two or three parcels. Will Johnson said it was not. There is one vacated parcel that came off the old right-of-way that was next to the railroad. It was acquired in addition to lot 175. The lot is in the watershed of the Home Place Drain. Mr. Cash requested plans that summarize the drainage plan. His department will then investigate the size of the drains. Scott Brewer asked for landscape plans showing existing vegetation and planting plans. Gary Hoyt did not receive any information on the project. He does not think there will be any problem with the fire department. John South asked if the petitioner was committing to sewer and water. They are. The lot sizes are not adequate for septic and Mr. Johnson realizes they must tie into sewer and water. The drainage is a consideration in regard to how it will affect adjoining property owners. Mr. South asked them to work with Steve Cash. Bill Akers has not received plans. The addressing will be done when he received plans. Laurence Lillig asked what was the possibility of getting the adjoining parcel to the northeast incorporated into this property. He realizes it is owned by someone else. If it is done as proposed, the adjoining property will be a non-developable, useless parcel. Mr. Johnson does not know how the parcel was created originally. Mr. Lillig thinks it should be combined for the purchase. He suggests the owner explore the possibility of purchase. Will Johnson agreed to consider this. The name will remain Orin Jessup Land Company’s First Addition. Lots will be numbered 175 A and 175 B. There is no evidence of the alley. Will Johnson stated the alley never went any farther than the original right-of-way. It was not included with any vacations. Their center line will stop at the original lot line. Laurence Lillig inquired why the alley was not shown. Mr. Johnson will check this. Mr. Lillig wants the vacation information for the street included somewhere on the document. The streets are Hamilton County Streets. A copy of the proposed structures is needed. A review letter will be prepared when the required th documentation is received. Mr. Johnson does not know if there are sidewalks along 108 Street. Laurence Lillig stated a subdivision waiver would be required for the sidewalks. Mayflower Park, Block 1, Lot 1; Block 2, Lot 1, Block 3, Lots 1-3; Block 4, Lots 1 & 2; Block 5; Block 6, Lots 1 & 2; Block 7, Lot 1 (107-SP) The petitioner seeks approval (Final Secondary Plat) to plat 11 lots. The site is located th northwest of the intersection of West 96 Street and Michigan Road. The site is zoned I- 1/industrial and is partially located within the US 421 Corridor Overlay Zone. Filed by James W. Browning of Browning Investments. Joseph Scimia, Baker & Daniels, presented the project on behalf of Mayflower Park Associates. They wish to file the secondary plat for 11 lots in Mayflower Park. The property was platted into blocks. The blocks got a conditional plat approval. Secondary plat approval was done on a lot by lot basis breaking the blocks into lots. A number of S:\\TechnicalAdvisoryCommittee\\Minutes\\tac2000june 7 properties have been developed without final plats. Mr. Scimia is bringing those lots that are about to be sold and developed for secondary plat approval. These are private streets. The petitioner wishes to plat these 11 lots and bring additional lots in as they are sold on a block by block basis. The streets are broken up into three separate easements. There is a ten-foot strip on each side with a 60-foot strip in the center. This should be clarified as an 80-foot strip. Sharon Prater, Panhandle Easter Pipeline, needs a set of drawings. Their pipelines are shown but she cannot make comments at this time. Chuck Shupperd has not seen plans. The streets have been constructed. Gas is throughout the area. They will just run service from the existing line. Steve Broermann did not receive a set of plans. He will write a comment letter later. Jeff Rice said Dave Crawford from Ameritech would provide service. Joe Scimia will make sure everyone gets a set of plans. All of the other members have not received them. Laurence Lillig stated there are easements that are unlabeled. He does not understand their purpose. Monumentation seems to be piecemeal. The corners have not been marked and easements are separate instruments. He cannot approve without more information. Joe Scimia stated the information is consistent with the 1998 submittal. Laurence Lillig requested clarification. Mr. Scimia will combine all the easements to be consistent at 180. The variable setback line on Michigan Road must now be consistent with the 421 Overlay. The title and survey company comments are needed. Rights of way should be combined for one complete measurement. In the original plat the utility easements are defined as utility and drainage easements. In the private covenants they are referred to as something different. The two should be consistent. The ingress/egress easements are called access in the private covenants. These also should be consistent. th The defined easements of 99 Street and Mayflower Park Drive should not change because all the lots access off them. Typically, Laurence Lillig and Steve Engelking will sign off. Monumentation needs to be completed where missing. Adjoining property owner information is not needed for the secondary plat. The instrument numbers are needed on the easements. He asked that the document be cleaned up and made more readable. James Browning arrived at 1:23 p.m. This case will go to the Plan Commission in August for DP/ADLS approval. Laurence Lillig wants these corrections made before that meeting. The Secondary Plat will be handled administratively. S:\\TechnicalAdvisoryCommittee\\Minutes\\tac2000june 8 Long Branch Estates Subdivision (108-00 PP) The petitioner seeks approval (Primary Plat) to plat 150 lots on 119.6± acres. The site is th located on the northwest corner of West 116 Street and Shelbourne Road. The site is zoned S-1/residence and is being developed as a Qualifying Subdivision under ROSO. Filed by Richard J. Kelly of Paul I. Cripe, Inc. for Pulte Homes. Rich Kelly, Paul I. Cripe, reviewed the primary plat filed as Park Side Preserve. The name has been changed to Long Branch Estates. He introduced Paul Rioux and Ken Brasseur, Platinum Properties, Sean Degen, Pulte Homes, and Gary Murray, Paul I. th Cripe. The site is on the north side of 116 Street in Clay Township west of Shelbourne st Road to 121 Street. There is an existing residence to the northeast that is not included in the subdivision. Long Branch Creek bisects the site. They propose to develop, under the open space ordinance, a 150-lot single family subdivision. Four waivers will be filed tomorrow. Two are subdivision control and two are open space related. The petitioner wishes to forego installation of a stub street to the eastern property line of the subdivision. This will be done primary due to the topography and existence of a residence and lake on that property where a stub street would be installed. They will plat a cul de sac in excess of 600 feet. It is Creekview Court. This is due to the relationship of the street to the entrance drive. They exceed the maximum by approximately 150 feet. The two other waivers are open space ordinance related involving the protection of conservation areas. They ask permission to clear more than 50 percent of shrub woodlands. The petitioner wants to protect the “young” woodlands. They will need to clear and re-grade more than 15 percent of steep slopes. They want to preserve the more important natural aspects of the site. th Chuck Shupperd understands that gas service will start at 116 Street. Rich Kelly said the subdivision would be developed in three phases. The southwest quadrant will be constructed first during the fourth quarter of this year. Then the southeast and northeast quadrants will be developed. Steve Broermann stated the cul de sac would require a variance from the County th Commissioners. The intersection of 116 and Shelbourne Road will be realigned. Matt Morasch, Hamilton County Highway Department, would like another meeting to discuss realignment. Sean Degen agreed to learn more about realignment. Carmel ordinance requires 30-foot streets. The question remains regarding the 26-foot cul de sacs. The petitioner will further discuss with staff. th Jeff Rice does not have plans on this. He is not sure if there is service on 116 Street. A feeder may be needed. Development will start in late fall. Mr. Rice is not sure if there is th existing service on 116 Street. A feeder may be needed. He will be given p1ans. Steve Cash stated the storm sewers need a petition for the county regulated drain. He questioned the drain direction of the 18-inch storm sewer. It will drain into the pond. The pipe at the entrance drive seems to be going the wrong direction. It will be corrected. Detention pond number 3 is in the flood hazard area. He asked how it would S:\\TechnicalAdvisoryCommittee\\Minutes\\tac2000june 9 be handled as it needs to be 100 year. Rich Kelly said all storage would be above base elevation. A levee will need to be constructed between the pond and the receiving stream in order to allow it to elevate above natural grade. The contours are not labeled in a clear fashion. They will be above the flood elevation. A legal drain needs to be established on the plat. It could be in the common area. The easement will have to cover the floodway. thst John Lester does not see paths along 116 Street and 121 Street. He recommends a 10 st foot path on both roads but would accept an eight foot path on 121 Street. The Shelborne Road path needs to be identified. Scott Brewer only saw one section of the plans, did not receive open space plans, and requested a meeting regarding open space and tree preservation. He wants to see a planting schedule, a planting specification, and a maintenance plan. There are too many red maples. Mr. Brewer would like to discuss alternate species. Gary Hoyt asked if this would be a gated community. It will not. The Long Branch Trail street stub will hook up with the proposed street under the Eagle Ridge Primary Plat. Connection will be required. This will be in the third phase and will probably be completed before Eagle Ridge. A temporary turn around will be needed. John South distributed a letter. He likes the green space protecting Long Branch and the main drainage from the north. The soils are suitable for development. They may need more funds for erosion control due to the soils and slopes. He urged the petitioner to minimize the grading as much as possible. The soils are shallow. This is an ideal location for individual grading of lots as they are sold. These semi custom homes all will have basements. A community benefit is the small amount of land disturbance. Some drainage along county roads needs to be better addressed. Rich Kelly requested a meeting with John South. Bill Akers talked to Rich Kelly about street names. Shadow Wood Court should be two words. He will wait for the secondary plat before addressing. Laurence Lillig said most of his comments have been addressed. An amenity area is planned to include a bathhouse, small pool, and open grassland area. Mr. Lillig commented that the BZA prefers neighborhood pools to be competition sized. They cannot place the pool in the common area that is set aside for drainage easement. The county and township have different requirements for the accel/decel lane length. Carmel lengths were used—100 foot for decel. In this case, Carmel will accept the lesser requirement if the County is willing to forego that. The amenity area must go through the BZA. Sean Degen commented that amenities are usually sized to the number of homes they serve. Laurence Lillig suggested reviewing previous approvals of Emerald Crest at Hazel Dell Summit and Lakes of Hazel Dell. A lifeguard is also needed for pools. S:\\TechnicalAdvisoryCommittee\\Minutes\\tac2000june 10 Sunset Heights Subdivision (100-00 PP; 101-00 SP) The petitioner seeks approval (Primary and Secondary Plat) to plat 2 lots on 4.40± acres. The site is zoned S-2/residence and is being developed as a Minor Subdivision. Filed by Dave Barnes of Weihe Engineering for Edgar and Mary E. Fleenor. Stan Neal, Weihe Engineers, presented the request for Sunset Heights Subdivision. It is at the corner of Westfield Blvd. and Norriston Drive. The parcel is 4.5 acres in size. The petitioner wishes to split off the west end to be a separate lot. Chuck Shupperd stated that Indiana Gas Company could service these lots. Steve Broermann wants both parcels to be accessed off Norriston or show a non-access easement along Westfield Blvd. and the corner cut. Stan Neal agreed. Steve Cash sent a letter two day ago. He had three comments and asked if there are any proposed changes to site. Mr. Neal responded that the owner plans to sell parcel two for a home site and may tear down the existing buildings in the future. A well is shown on parcel 2. It is serviced by Indianapolis Water Company. Mr. Neal said the one well would not serve two lots. Sewer service is available. There are no detention requirements. IT is a wash to tear down one house and build another. John Lester had no comments. Scott Brewer asked if there would be any change in landscaping. Stan Neal replied there would not. Gary Hoyt will assign an address for the second lot. Stan Neal will give him a plat for the street address. Bill Akers will assign an address for the second lot. Stan Neal will give him a plat for the street address. Laurence Lillig requested consistency for the Norrison and Norriston spelling. Stan Neal will make the change. The department prefers the lots be referred to as lots not parcels on the secondary plat. Only the primary plat has been filed. There have been no waiver requests for sidewalks or curbs and gutters. Because the petitioner does not plat to install these, waivers must be filed. Mr. Lillig will write a comment letter. Wilson’s Village, Section 2, Lot 115 and Parkside Village, Section 2, Block H (110-00 PP Amend; 111-00 PP Amend; 112-00 PV; 113-00 SP) The petitioner seeks approval to replat one lot and one block on 0.332± acre. The site is located at 44 Wilson Drive East. The site is zoned R-2/residence and R-4/residence. Filed by Dave Barnes of Weihe Engineering for Kenneth B. & Donna E. Evans. S:\\TechnicalAdvisoryCommittee\\Minutes\\tac2000june 11 Stan Neal also presented this case. A primary and secondary plats have been filed for Wilson’s Village, Section 2, lot 115 A. They will replat Lot 115 and include in that Block H of Parkside Village Section 2. These are contiguous and the lot lines align. It will be called Lot 115 A Wilson Village. Craig Parks inquired about future building. Stan Neal replied that a garage is planned for the petitioner’s car. It will not be constructed in an easement and will be east of the 12- foot utility easement. The garage will be built in the center of Block H. Chuck Shupperd had no comments. Steve Broermann had no comments. John Lester had no comments. Scott Brewer asked if the trees in the back yard easement would be removed. Stan Neal said the garage is just 20 feet deep and the strip is 25 feet wide. The trees can be saved. The screening easement now is filled with pine trees. These will not be removed either. Laurence Lillig stated the action would eliminate the landscape or screening easement. Stan Neal will stress to the owner the City’s preference that the existing trees between this lot and Parkside Village remain. Gary Hoyt had no comments. Bill Akers had no comments. Little Farms Addition, Lot 41 (1116-00 PP Amend; 117-00 SP) The petitioner seeks approval to replat one lot on 1.019± acres into four lots. The site is th located on the southwest corner of East 104 Street and Combs Street. The site is zoned R-1/residence. Filed by Dave Barnes of Weihe Engineering for Cheryl Newman, Paul & Brenda Sharpe and William Lee & Dortha Thomas. Stan Neal explained the approval request to replat one lot (41) in Home Place. It was originally split using the east half and west half. The west half of Lot 41 was further split into two lots. The petitioner wishes to split the east half of Lot 41. To clean up this parcel they will replat all four lots. Numbering will be A, B, C, and D starting from the west going east. They have filed for a variance on sidewalks and curbs, width of existing right of way, and are on the BZA agenda for next Monday. The right of way will remain at 30 feet. Steve Cash had a letter with a few comments. The lots are in the watershed of Home Place regulated drain. It may or may not need an outlet request. It will be on sewers. Mr. Cash wants to see a proposed drainage plan. Three lots have houses. The reason for S:\\TechnicalAdvisoryCommittee\\Minutes\\tac2000june 12 the replat is to accommodate another house on the fourth lot. Mr. Neal will provide existing topo and drainage flow information. There was a storm sewer that ran along the backside on the south line that tied into the inlet. It continued on to the Habitat site. There is a beehive shown to the south. Mr. Neal will show where the pipe is. John Lester, Scott Brewer, Gary Hoyt, and Bill Akers had no comments. th Laurence Lillig requested the petitioner write Homes and East 104 Streets as rights of way on the secondary plat. The lot should be 41A. The petitioner should confirm this is Homes “street” not “avenue”. The square footage of 41D was calculated differently by Laurence Lillig than what is shown. The correction will be made. The lots are on water and sewer. The meeting adjourned at 2:48 p.m. S:\\TechnicalAdvisoryCommittee\\Minutes\\tac2000june 13