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Carmel Technical Advisory Committee Minutes
February 15, 2006 Mtg.
Date: February 15, 2006
Place: Department of Community Services Conference Room
3rd Floor - Carmel City Hall
Time: 9:00 AM
05120013 UV, 05120014 V: Frank E. Hawkins, lot 6 – Professional Offices……………………….pg. 1
06010021 UV: Old Town Bed & Breakfast………………………………………………………….pg. 2
06010025 DP/ADLS: Huntington National Bank……………………………………………………pg. 3
06020002 TAC: River Road Waterworks Expansion………………………………………………..pg. 4
06020006 PUD: Aramore PUD………………………………………………………………………pg. 5
06020012 DP/ADLS: Old Town Shops of Carmel Phase 2………………………………………….pg. 7
06020015 DP/ADLS: Evan Lurie Building-Parcel 21……………………………………………….pg. 8
06020013 SP: Village of West Clay, City Homes……………………………………………………pg. 9
06020011 SP: Village of West Clay, Section V02-B………………………………………………...pg. 9
06020008 SP: Village of West Clay, Sec. 8002………………………………………………………pg. 10
06020007 SP: Stanford Park, Section 2B…………………………………………………………….pg. 11
06020010 PP: Stafford Lane…………………………………………………………………………pg. 12
06020014 SP: Arden Townhomes……………………………………………………………………pg. 14
06020016 PP: Woods at Lion’s Creek……………………………………………………………….pg. 15
9:00 a.m.Frank E Hawkins, lot 6 - Professional Offices
The applicant seeks the following use variance & development standards variance approvals:
Docket No. 05120013 UV ZO Chapter 9.01 permitted uses
Docket No. 05120014 V ZO Chapter 27.03 curbed/paved parking area
The site is located at 320 2 Street SW, and is zoned R-3/Residence within the Old Town
Overlay-Character Subarea. Filed by Frederick & Jennifer Grief.
Present for the Petitioner:
Fritz Grief
Petitioner’s Presentation:
Fritz Grief said that he would like to use the property for a public accounting,
professional services office. He said that he intends to maintain the residential character of the property
and he said that the real reason why he would like to have the variance is so that he could have a little
better signage in the front of the property and just be compliant with the zoning of the neighborhood. He
said that he has seen a lot of the properties around there do the same type of things. He noted that they had
Carmel Technical Advisory Committee Minutes
February 15, 2006 Mtg.
applied for a curb variance also because the driveway is gravel there and the petitioners would like to
continue using the gravel driveway for now because as time goes on, as activity picks up, then the
petitioner would intend to pave at the same time that they would apply for a parking expansion.
Angie Conn, DOCS:
No additional comments at this time.
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office:
Said that he mailed the petitioner a letter and said
that he had no objection to the use variance.
Chuck Shupperd, Vectren Energy:
No problems with the use variance.
Dave McCoy, Carmel GIS:
No comments.
Nick Redden, Carmel Engineering:
No comments at this time.
Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Dept.:
He said that he thinks that if the petitioner plans to park people on the
street, then it would affect the Fire Department’s turning radius. He commented that was his only concern.
Fritz Grief commented that he was not intending to park anyone on the street. He said that he could say
that for sure. He said that his traffic level is low. He said that he only imagined that most of the time there
would be two and possible four cars at a maximum.
Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester:
He said that he and the petitioner had met and that he really
didn’t have any problem, but he asked if the petitioner had gotten the dead trees removed.
Fritz Grief said that they hadn’t cut it don yet, because he was trying to wait until summer to get past the
winter season.
Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester:
He told the petitioner that it might be cheaper to have the tree cut
down in the winter.
Shirley Hunter, Cinergy:
She asked to be skipped because she arrived late.
Matt Griffin, DOCS:
No additional comments at this time.
9:10 a.m.Old Town Bed & Breakfast
The applicant seeks approval for a small bed & breakfast inn.
Docket No. 06010021 UV ZO Chapter 8.01 permitted uses
The site is located at 521 1 Ave NW and is zoned R-2/Residence within the Old Town
Overlay – Character Subarea.Filed by Douglas Roby & Loretta Tuttle.
Present for the Petitioner:
Doug Roby and Loretta Tuttle with Old Towne Carmel Bed and Breakfast.
Petitioner’s Presentation:
Loretta Tuttle said that they are renovating the 100-year-old home at 521 1
Avenue NW. She said that there are three bedrooms upstairs, each with a private bath. She commented
that they were adding the third bath to that. She said that they would like to use to property to have a small
bed and breakfast inn. She said that it was not an inn because it would include breakfast, not have a
restaurant independent of the bed and breakfast. She commented that there is parking available onsite. She
said that they planned to move the old shed that was there to add a nice garden/patio area. Doug Roby said
that they think there is ample parking onsite as well as having available public parking on 5 Street.
Carmel Technical Advisory Committee Minutes
February 15, 2006 Mtg.
Loretta Tuttle said that they did remove the siding and that they were going to reside the house and
probably paint it a light shade of cream.
Angie Conn, DOCS:
No comments at this time.
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office:
He said that he emailed the petitioners a letter. He
said that they have no objection to the use variance.
Chuck Shupperd, Vectren Energy:
He said that he had no comments at this time.
Dave McCoy, Carmel GIS:
No comments.
Nick Redden, Carmel Engineering:
No comments at this time.
Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Dept.:
He clarified that the residence would have three bedrooms.
Doug Roby added that there actually would be a fourth bedroom in the back of the home that would be his
primary residence because he was going to live onsite. He said that the home would have a total of four
full bedrooms and four and a half baths.
Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Dept.:
He said that he thought he might ask for a knocks box, but since
someone would be on site at all times, getting a key shouldn’t be a problem.
Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester:
He said that he received the petitioner’s plan. He asked if the
arborist recommended taking the trees down.
Doug Roby said that he hadn’t returned his call. Loretta Tuttle said that they would call Scott and discuss
the recommendation before they made any changes.
Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester:
He said that he would just plant arborvitae in the place of those
trees that would be removed. He said that he noticed that there were three trees out front that were crab
apples. He said that hesitate to recommend any crab species because they have a lot of problems. He said
that he could recommend some ornamental species. He said that the formal landscape plans should be
given to him as soon as they are available. He commented that the petitioners should have their landscape
guy talk to him for ornamental species recommendations.
Shirley Hunter, Cinergy:
She clarified that the petitioner would not have any additional electrical service
needs other than what already exists on the property.
Matt Griffin, DOCS:
No additional comments at this time.
9:20 a.m.Docket No. 06010025 DP/ADLS: Huntington National Bank
The applicant seeks Development Plan, Architectural Design, Lighting, and Signage
approval for 1.155 acres, for the purpose of building a bank on an outlot on a larger retail
commercial parcel.
The site is located at 10925 North Michigan Road and is zoned B2/Business.
Filed by Brad Schneider, AIA, of Professional Design Group and Aaron Hurt, PE, AICP,
of Civil Designs, for Huntington National Bank.
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February 15, 2006 Mtg.
Present for the Petitioner:
Cheryl Pitzer with Huntington Bank, Brad Schneider with PDG, and Aaron
Hurt with Civil Designs.
Petitioner’s Presentation:
The petitioner commented that it was a one-story bank with a drive-thru and
that it would be about 4100 square feet. He said that the comments that they had already received would
be addressed by the next submission.
Angie Conn, DOCS:
No comments.
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office:
He said that he faxed Aaron Hurt a letter. He said
that he just needs a set of drainage calculations. He said that he also faxed the erosion control review.
Chuck Shupperd, Vectren Energy:
He said that this is going to take a service request, so the petitioner
should call the 800 number to order new service. He said that there would be a sheet for the petitioner to
fill out to determine load request.
Dave McCoy, Carmel GIS:
No comments.
Nick Redden, Carmel Engineering:
He said that he sent the petitioner a letter. He said that the project
was outside their jurisdiction, so he said that they have no comments.
Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Dept.:
He said that since it doesn’t look like the building is sprinkled, it looks
like just a one-inch water service coming in. He said that the Fire Department would like to see about
getting a Knox Box on the building. He said that he could get the petitioners information on where to get
that. He said that on the Exit side of the drive-thru, he would like to request some type of signage alerting
people not to drive that way.
Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester:
He said that he received their plans, but had not had the
opportunity to write a letter yet. He said that the only comment that he had was that the crab apples shown
on the plans is a “not recommended” species because of disease problems.
Shirley Hunter, Cinergy:
She gave the petitioner her card. She said that she had been working with the
development itself. She said that she would have to look a little closer to see if they will need any easements
on that particular property. She said that Cinergy would have to feed from Michigan Road into the
property. She said that she thinks that she has everything that she needs, but that she would have to get
back together with the petitioner to give her comments.
Matt Griffin, DOCS:
He said that he doesn’t have any comments for the petitioner at this point.
Christine Barton-Holmes, DOCS:
Said that she sent the petitioner a letter. She said that having
walkways added was one of the comments she had for the petitioner. She said that another comment was
that the staff generally likes to see no more than about three drive-thru lanes. She said that when the
petition gets to Committee, the Committee members would probably want to see what the ATM would look
9:35 a.m.Docket No. 06020002 TAC River Road Waterworks Expansion
The applicant seeks construction of a ground water treatment and associated equipment.
The site is located at11825 River Road and is zoned S1 with a Special Use.
Filed by Lanita McCauley-Bates for the City of Indianapolis Dept. of Waterworks
Carmel Technical Advisory Committee Minutes
February 15, 2006 Mtg.
Present for the Petitioner:
Dan Clark with Bowen Engineering, Dominique Halloran with Veoli Water
Indianapolis, Richard Claus with HNTB Corporation, Pat Spence with HNTB Corporation, and M.
Anderson with Bowen Engineering.
Petitioner’s Presentation:
Richard Claus said that the proposal is for the construction of a new twelve
million gallon per day ground water treatment facility on the existing property of the twenty-four million
gallon per day surface water treatment facility. He said that the new facility essentially consists four
structures. He said that one is a concrete thickening basin. He said that another is a purification building.
He said that the third is a wash water supply tank which is a 200, 000 gallon elevated tank and the last in
an aeration detention structures. He presented the site regrade plan. He said that the entire area was within
the 100-year flood plain. He noted that the structures would be out of the flood way, but within the flood
plain. He said that the regrade essentially is the 100year flood level in this area is 745 feet and the finished
floor of the purification building and other structures would be 747 ft. and the surrounding site around the
structures would be elevated to 746 ft. He showed some building elevations of what the purification
building might look like. He noted the legal survey.
Angie Conn, DOCS:
No comments.
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office:
Sent Richard Claus a letter yesterday. He said that
the front half of the project falls in a regulated drain watershed, which Hamilton County would still have
jurisdiction. He said that they are still going to recommend compensation for the loss of flood plain. He
said that if the petitioner could take the dirt that they would use to build up the site from the back part of
the site. He commented that the petitioner should keep copying his office in on future submittals.
Chuck Shupperd, Vectren Energy:
He said that the petitioners would probably need gas to the additional
building. He said that they already had gas in the existing building. He gave the petitioners the name of a
contact person and said that f they decide to go gas, then the petitioners would need to contact Jerry Brigg
and fill out the load requirements form.
Dave McCoy, Carmel GIS:
No comments.
Nick Redden, Carmel Engineering:
Sent the petitioners a letter with Carmel Engineering comments. He
said that they would wait to hear from the petitioners.
Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Dept.:
He said that he is assuming that the building will not be sprinkled.
The petitioner said that there would be two chemicals—bleach and sodium hydrochloride--that are being
fed into the building. She said that they have asked for a variance from the state from the requirement of
having to have the building be sprinkled because they see no reason for the buildings to be sprinkled
because there is nothing that could burn in the building.
Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Dept.:
He asked the petitioner if the Fire Department had a Knox box at the
gate or on the building. He said that the Fire Department would like access to the gate, in case something
were to happen and the Fire Department would need to get in there. He said that he could get the
petitioners a letter from the Fire Department supporting the variance request, if they thought that would be
Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester:
He said that he got the email with the plans, but he didn’t see any
particular landscaping plans. He clarified that the petitioner is building within the existing landscape
barrier. He said that was all of his comments at this time.
Carmel Technical Advisory Committee Minutes
February 15, 2006 Mtg.
Shirley Hunter, Cinergy:
She asked if the petitioners had had any contact with anyone from Cinergy
regarding this project. She said that she didn’t see any plans for the project. She provided the petitioner
with some business cards. She said that she wasn’t the engineer for this area, but that at this point contact
should go through her. She said that the 800 number was their contact number to make a service request.
She asked the petitioner to forward the plans to her.
Matt Griffin, DOCS:
He said that he had no additional comments at this point.
9:50 a.m.Docket No. 06020006 PUD: Aramore PUD
The applicant seeks a rezone to create 150 townhomes and 72 courthomes on 27.35 ac.
The site is located near the SE corner of Westfield Blvd and 99 Street and is zoned S2.
Filed by Nick Churchill of Pittman Partners Inc.
Present for the Petitioner:
Nick Churchill and Neal Smith with Pittman Partners.
Petitioner’s Presentation
: Nick Churchill said that the project is 27 acres East of Westfield Blvd. He said
that they have 98 street as the Southern border and they have frontage along 99 street to the North. He
said that the proposal has approximately 150 townhomes and 70 courthome units which is two flats on top
of two flats with an elevator option. He said that the development in entirely 27 acres and has
approximately 220 units.
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office:
he said that he faxed a letter to Gordon, but forgot to
fax the letter to Pittman Partners. He said that they have no objection to the PUD.
Chuck Shupperd, Vectren Energy:
He said that he didn’t think that he had received any plans, but that
at this point he doesn’t have any comments until further in the process. He said that Vectren has gas in the
area, so they would be able to serve the development.
Dave McCoy, Carmel GIS:
He said that when the development gets to construction plan stage, he would
like a digital copy of the plans as soon as possible, so they can be added to the public safety GIS database.
He gave the petitioners a copy of the digital construction submittal requirements.
Nick Redden, Carmel Engineering:
He said that he sent the petitioner a letter with Carmel Engineering
comments. He said that this is so preliminary that they would work together through the process to
approve the plans.
Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Dept.:
He said that he wouldn’t have any comments until he got the
construction plans.
Discussion ensued regarding future street connections.
Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Dept.:
He said that he doesn’t care as long as he has access around the site. He
said that when the project comes back at a construction plan phase, he would like a copy of the auto turn
exhibits. He wants Carmel’s truck platted on there to make sure it will fit.
Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester:
He asked for a larger version of the plan and he requested a copy
of the PUD Ordinance, so he could read through and comment on the landscape portions of that. He said
that if the petitioner has more than just a preliminary plan, he would be happy to make species comments
as well.
Carmel Technical Advisory Committee Minutes
February 15, 2006 Mtg.
Shirley Hunter, Cinergy:
She said that she hasn’t received plans for this, but she said that she really
doesn’t have any comments about the development. She said that she would comment further when the
construction plans were prepared. She said that for planning purposes, the Cinergy planner is getting ready
to do a major load study in the City of Carmel and he is asking for timeframes on certain developments.
Nick Churchill said that he thought timeframe wise it would probably be Spring of 2007.
Matt Griffin, DOCS:
He said that he sent a comment letter by email yesterday. He said that he had a few
minor comments on the text of the PUD. He asked if the petitioners thought there would be substantial
redesign prior to Plan Commission.
Nick Churchill said that they have talked to the parties involved for feedback on that and that he didn’t
think that they would do any major layout adjustments, but that it might be something that would be
addressed later down the line.
Matt Griffin, DOCS:
He suggested that the petitioners talk to their Engineers about mixing up a bloc or
something like that.
10:05 a.m.Docket No. 06020012 DP/ADLS: Old Town Shops of Carmel Phase 2
The applicant seeks to create a 3 story mixed use building on .31 acres.
The site is located at 41 East Main Street and is zoned C2 within the Old Town Overlay
Filed by Kevin Sellers of CSO Schenkel Shultz for Pedcor Residential LLC.
Present for the Petitioner:
Kirt Moody with CSO Schenkel Shultz.
Petitioner’s Presentation:
He said that this was phase 2 of the project at Rangeline Road and Main
Street. He said that it is Redevelopment project number 16. He said that phase one was project number
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office:
Said that he sent the petitioners a letter.
Chuck Shupperd, Vectren Energy:
He said that the gas is already there for phase 1. He said that the
contact person and engineer.
Dave McCoy, Carmel GIS: .
No comments
Nick Redden, Carmel Engineering:
He said that he sent the petitioners a comment letter.
Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Dept.:
He said that he received a call from Lawrence Armstrong last week
requesting a meeting. He said that they will need to sit down and have a meeting to discuss where the fire
department connection should be located. He said that they would also request a Knox Box for the
building. He said that they would also request fire department connection caps for the Siamese connection.
Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester:
He said that he hadn’t had time to mail a letter yet. He said that
it was a little different than what he originally discussed. He said that there is no structural soil detail and
that the plan should be the same as it was on phase one for the street trees. He commented that he might
have some comments on species.
Shirley Hunter, Cinergy:
Said that she and the petitioner needed to have some discussion on the
Carmel Technical Advisory Committee Minutes
February 15, 2006 Mtg.
easements. She said that she couldn’t finish the job without the easements.
Matt Griffin, DOCS:
He said that he sent the petitioner his comments. He said that he would like to see
the color elevations prior to the Hearing Officer Meeting. He said that the parapets should drop in height
and be taken all across the back. He also said that the bicycle parking should be noted.
The petitioner asked if there were any bike parking standards.
Matt Griffin, DOCS:
He recommended that the petitioner discuss that with the pedestrian planner, Karyn
Ryg. He asked if the building was going to have rooftop deck areas.
The petitioner responded that the building doesn’t have residential units yet, but that the preparations have
been made if that option is chosen.
10:15 a.m.Docket No. 06020015 DP/ADLS: Evan Lurie Building – Parcel 21
The applicant seeks to create a 4 story mixed use building on .14 acres.
The site is located at 30 West Main Street and is zoned B1 within the Old Town Overlay
Filed by Kevin Sellers of CSO Schenkel Shultz for Pedcor Residential LLC.
Present for the Petitioner:
Kirt Moody with CSO Schenkel Shultz.
Petitioner’s Presentation:
The petitioner said that he plans to fill in the parking lot between the Old Town
Antique Mall and the Music Center. He said that the building would be a four-story building with one-two
stories being retail and the third and fourth floors being condos. He said that the water main is in the alley
and the sanitary sewer cuts through the site. He said that as far as the stormwater goes, there is a 42-inch
legal drain that runs from Main Street. He noted that the plan isn’t completely accurate.
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office:
He said that he did not receive plans on this. He said
that the legal drain is over in that direction. He asked the petitioner to send him plans when the project is
further along.
Chuck Shupperd, Vectren Energy:
He said that he did not receive plans either. He noted that there was
gas in the alley because they had gas for the existing two-story building.
Dave McCoy, Carmel GIS:
No comments.
Nick Redden, Carmel Engineering:
He said that he also didn’t receive plans, but that he would be happy
to comment after he reviewed the plans.
Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Dept.:
He said that he met with Ralph Gurdis. He said that there are three
variances that are going through. He said that the petitioner would need to schedule a meeting to locate the
Fire Department connection. He said that he would like a Fire hydrant off the alley.
The petitioner said that he is taking out the fire hydrant and that they are bringing a new water main in and
will connect to their two lines.
Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Dept.:
He said that he would ask for a fire hydrant on the backside, then and
that he wanted a Knox Box on the building as well.
Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester:
He said that he did not receive plans either. He wanted more
information on the roof top gardens. He said that he would make comments after a review of the plans. He
Carmel Technical Advisory Committee Minutes
February 15, 2006 Mtg.
said that hopefully the roof top gardens would be constructed with structural soil.
Shirley Hunter, Cinergy:
She said that she didn’t know yet who would be handling the project. She said
that the petitioners would need a new service request.
The petitioner commented that there was a pole that would need to be moved.
Shirley Hunter, Cinergy:
She said that she would need the CAD drawings emailed to her and that she
would need to get load information from the petitioner’s electricians.
Matt Griffin, DOCS:
He said that he sent an email and that the comments were mostly red tape stuff. He
asked if there was a City standard on the street lighting fixtures.
The petitioner responded that it was the same standard fro the City from a long time ago.
Christine Barton-Holmes, DOCS:
She asked for details on the sign. She wanted to know if the building
materials were copper. She wanted to know how the letters would be lit or if they would be back lit. She
also asked if the sign would have an automatic shutoff.
10:25 a.m.Docket No. 06020013 SP: Village of West Clay, City Homes
The applicant seeks to replat part of Section 3001-A into 6 lots on 1.14 acres.
The site is located at Rhettsbury St. & Bird Cage Walk, and is zoned PUD.
Filed by Brandon Burke of The Schneider Corp, for Brenwick TND Communities, LLC
Present for the Petitioner:
Kevin Kruelik and Andy Kern with Brenwick Development, and Brandon
Burke with Schneider.
Petitioner’s Presentation:
Brandon Burke said that the site is located in the Village Center where the alley
fed lots are located. He said that it overlaps the plans called the Regency Building plans.
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office:
He said that he sent a comment letter to the
petitioner. He said that they would need to obtain an outlet permit and a copy of the landscape plans.
Chuck Shupperd, Vectren Energy:
He said that the gas is there and that it services from the backside of
the property.
Dave McCoy, Carmel GIS:
No comments.
Nick Redden, Carmel Engineering:
He sent the petitioner a letter with comments from Engineering.
Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Dept.:
He had no comments.
Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester:
He said that he had no comments yet because there was no
landscaping on the plans yet. He said that he was assuming that there would be landscaping.
Brandon Burke said that there would only be landscaping in the form of street trees.
Shirley Hunter, Cinergy:
She said that the petitioners would need to fill out a new service request and
Auto CAD drawings. She said that she knows that there is three –phase power in the area.
Carmel Technical Advisory Committee Minutes
February 15, 2006 Mtg.
Matt Griffin, DOCS:
He said that he had no comments at this time.
10:35 a.m.Docket No. 06020011 SP: Village of West Clay, Section V02-B
The applicant seeks to plat 21 lots on 16.22 acres.
The site is located adjacent to Bird Cage Walk and Rhettsbury Street, and is zoned PUD.
Filed by Edward Giacoletti of The Schneider Corp, for Brenwick TND Communities, LLC
Present for the Petitioner:
Kevin Kruelick and Andy Kern with Brenwick Development, and Brandon
Burke with Schneider.
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office:
He said that he sent the petitioner a comment letter.
He said that he needs a copy of the landscaping plans.
Chuck Shupperd, Vectren Energy:
He said that they would extend the gas from the existing street
Dave McCoy, Carmel GIS:
He said that they are trying to the streets entered in to the GIS database as
quickly as possible for the public safety entities. He gave the petitioner a copy of the Digital Construction
Submittal Requirements.
Nick Redden, Carmel Engineering:
He said that he sent a letter to the petitioner with the Engineering
Department’s comments.
Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Dept.:
No Comments.
Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester:
He commented that these plans had street trees on them. He said
that they look fine except that he is not sure about the existing buffer area. He said that he would like to
see some plantings over there too.
Shirley Hunter, Cinergy:
She said that the petitioners would need to fill out a new service request form
and provide her with Auto CAD drawings. She said that she would like to know the anticipated time frame
on the project when the petitioners knew that.
Matt Griffin, DOCS:
He said that the petitioners needed to add the secondary plat number to the mylar.
10:45 a.m.Docket No. 06020008 SP: Village of West Clay, Section 8002
The applicant seeks to plat 11 lots on 4.535 acres.
The site is located on Towne Road south of Glebe Street, and is zoned PUD.
Filed by Edward Giacoletti of The Schneider Corp, for Brenwick TND Communities, LLC
Present for the Petitioner:
Kevin Kruelick and Andy Kern with Brenwick Development, and Brandon
Burke with Schneider.
Petitioner’s Presentation:
Brandon Burke said that this section consisted of 11 lots on 4.5 acres. He said
that it adjoined to the East to section 7501.
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office:
He said that he sent a comment letter to the
petitioner. He said that he had seen the section previously and he needed plans for signatures.
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February 15, 2006 Mtg.
Chuck Shupperd, Vectren Energy:
He said that Vectren could extend their existing facilities.
Dave McCoy, Carmel GIS:
He said that they would need the new street areas submitted digitally.
Nick Redden, Carmel Engineering:
He said that he sent the petitioners a comment letter with the
Engineering Department’s comments.
Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Dept.:
No comments.
Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester:
He said that he would need planting details on any plantings that
would be in the common area.
Brandon Burke said that he would work with the Parks Dept. and get them to Scott.
Shirley Hunter, Cinergy:
She said that she would need the petitioners to submit a new service request
and AutoCAD files. She clarified with the petitioners that it would have the same time frame of
development as the last project.
Matt Griffin, DOCS:
He said that he had some pedestrian connectivity comments. He noted that the
plans were not showing the path to the Southern portion. He said that the sidewalk should connect into the
path. He told the petitioner to make sure to put the secondary plat docket number on the mylar.
Brandon Burke asked Matt Griffin to look into section 15001 which went to TAC last month. He wanted
to know if there were any comments on that. He also asked Matt Griffin to look into why building permits
are not being released for section 12002B.
10:55 a.m.Docket No. 06020007 SP: Stanford Park, Section 2B
The applicant seeks to plat 44 lots on 18.242 acres.
The site is located on Shelborne Road between 131 Street and 141 Street, and is zoned
R-2 and R-4.
Filed by Dennis Olmstead of Stoeppelwerth and Associates, Inc. for Platinum Properties,
Present for the Petitioner:
Ed Fleming with Stoeppelwerth and Associates, and Ken Brasseur with
Platinum Properties.
Petitioner’s Presentation:
Ed Fleming said that Stanford Park, Section 2B consisted of 44 lots on
approximately 18 acres. He said that it is the last section of Stanford Park.
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office:
He asked if the copies were for the their records. He
said that he sent the petitioner a comment letter. He said that he needs a few items and a copy of the
landscape plan.
Chuck Shupperd, Vectren Energy:
He said that they thought the project would be normal installation.
Dave McCoy, Carmel GIS:
He said that the Carmel GIS was going to start asking for construction plans,
so the streets could be entered into the Public Safety database as quickly as possible. He gave the
petitioner a copy of the digital submission requirements.
Nick Redden, Carmel Engineering:
He said that he sent the petitioner a comment letter and he said that
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Engineering would work through those comments with the petitioner.
Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Dept.:
He said that he had no comments.
Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester:
He said that the petitioner did not include a landscape plan.
The petitioner said that when Eric did section two it included this section as well.
Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester:
He said that the landscape plan needs to be submitted with this
section as well.
Shirley Hunter, Cinergy:
She said that she didn’t have a chance to look at this in her computer and that
she wasn’t sure if the petitioner sent 2A first. She said that she would email the petitioner to let them know
if she needed Section 2B digitally or not.
Matt Griffin, DOCS:
He said that the ordinance doesn’t permit lots less than fifty feet wide.
Ken Brasseur said that the approval included the option of making flex lots, which would be that size, the
same as in section one. He noted that Stanford Park consisted of 3 product types—the townhomes on the
South end, Ryland’s villa product, and then the larger product.
Matt Griffin, DOCS:
He said that everything else looks as expected. He said that he would verify that
and then send the petitioners an email.
11:10 a.m.Docket No. 06020010 PP: Stafford Lane
The applicant seeks to plat 55 lots on 29.079 acres.
The site is located south of 146 Street and west of Gray Road, and is zoned R1
Filed by Matthew Skelton of Bingham McHale, LLP, for Drees Homes.
Present for the Petitioner:
John Talbot with Drees Homes.
Petitioner’s Presentation:
John Talbot said that the property is located on the South side of 146 street
between Carey Road and Gray Road. He said that the Western neighbor is Copperwood subdivision and
the Southern neighbor is Smokey Knoll subdivision. He said that on the East side is three houses of
Oakbrook subdivision, some open fields, and another Eastern neighbor is Salsbury Garden and Nursery.
He said that the property was owned by the Staffords and that when Mrs. Stafford passed away a few
years ago, the land was left to Prevail, the domestic abuse charity. He said that after a bid, Drees won the
right to build on it from Prevail. He said that it is now zoned R-1 which is what the petitioner intends to
keep it. He said that the proposed homes are the biggest and best that Drees offers. He said that it is a
strategic infill project. He said that they wanted to put some more architectural detail, mandatory finished
basements, etc. He said that the expectation is that these homes will sell in the $450,000 to $500,000
range. He said that there are some unique challenges with the property in that there were two homes on it.
One home was the home that Mrs. Stafford lived in when she passed away and then the other home was a
one-acre cut out in the center of the property. He said that the one-acre parcel has a fifty-foot access
easement. He said that Drees’s hands are tied considerably by this easement.
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office:
He said that he faxed the petitioner a comment letter.
He said that he would stop by the site on his way back to the office to look at that one issue.
Chuck Shupperd, Vectren Energy:
He said that he has no gas out there, but that it could be extended
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from Copperwood subdivision. He said that they could tie in at the stub street that connects to
Copperwood also.
Dave McCoy, Carmel GIS:
He said that he would like the petitioner to submit construction plans to
them, so they can get the streets into the GIS system for public safety as soon as construction starts. He
gave the petitioner the digital construction submittal requirements so at that time, the plans could be given
to them.
Nick Redden, Carmel Engineering:
He said that he sent the petitioner a letter with the Engineering
Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Dept.:
He clarified that the plan did not include an amenity building.
John Talbot said that there would be some common areas and the one-acre cutout but that there wouldn’t
be an amenity area.
Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Dept.:
He said that they would request that the Fire Hydrant markers be placed
in the centers of the street perpendicular to the fire hydrants.
Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester:
He said that he would walk the property tomorrow. He said that
there are also 9000 inches of trees on the site. He said that it was heavily wooded. He said that it appears
by the landscape plan that they are all coming down—even the ones in the bufferyards.
John Talbot said that was one reason why he wanted to walk it with Scott Brewer. He said that the intent
is to treat this like a custom subdivision in a wooded site. He said that obviously they would have to clear-
cut the street area and the right of way and utility easements. He said that it was not planned to touch any
other trees that are not in the right of way or in an easement. He said that if there will be a tree in the
middle of a house, then that tree will go. He said that they were not intending to clear cut the site.
Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester:
He said that he would expect that the petitioner would have a
plan that would show that.
John Talbot said that they could modify that.
Shirley Hunter, Cinergy:
He said that they just received the plans. She clarified that the petitioner was
dealing with Nancy Hargrave on an easement. She said that she wasn’t sure who would be handling the
project at the secondary plat phase. She said that the petitioner should use as a contact for now.
Matt Griffin, DOCS:
He said that he didn’t have any comments at this stage.
Christine Barton-Holmes, DOCS:
She said that as far as site design, one of the concerns is that the site
creates double-loaded lots in the existing subdivision, which is something that isn’t permitted. She asked
about landscaping in the buffer yard. She said that staff was wondering about what the signage would look
like and also about the possibility of creating a boulevard entrance.
John Talbot said that they had designed that and it may not have been on the original submission but that
they had that.
Christine Barton-Holmes, DOCS:
She said that the main issue was the open space. She said that adding
up all of the open space on the site, it doesn’t meet the required 20%. She said that one thing that could be
done to increase the allowable open space is to add amenities around the common areas. She suggested
adding some walkways around the ponds. She said that there was some concern that some of the lots were
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going to be so close to the common area that the perception might be that the property is larger than it
actually is.
John Talbot said that they could do that fairly easily.
Christine Barton-Holmes, DOCS:
She commented that staff would like to see the lot and the
ingress/egress easement more integrated into the site. She suggested that lot 16 be moved to allow the
homeowners in the site that wasn’t integrated a little more space.
Matt Griffin, DOCS:
He said that the petitioners would need a subdivision waiver, unless the home is
going to face 146 Street.
Christine Barton-Holmes, DOCS:
She said that Staff is working on design guidelines for residential
development in Carmel and she said that one thing that staff is asking for is for the homes to have windows
on all four sides of the homes.
Matt Griffin, DOCS:
He said that he was talking to the Hamilton County Assessor. He said that they
said that they used to get a blank plat showing the property lines with an estimated lot price. He said that
they have stopped getting those, so if the petitioners could get the Assessors office those.
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office:
He said that since Mike McBride from Hamilton
County Highway wasn’t in attendance, the petitioners will need to get with him regarding the road cut on
146 Street.
11:25 a.m.06020014 SP: Arden Townhomes
The applicant seeks to plat 90 lots on 12.721 acres.
The site is located on 136 Street west of Carmel High School, and is zoned PUD.
Filed by Andrew “Dee” Baxter of EHM&T, Inc for Buckingham Companies.
Present for the Petitioner:
Rich Kelley with EHM&T, and Sara Nasuti with Buckingham Companies.
Petitioner’s Presentation:
Rich Kelleysaid that there is a forthcoming minor modification to the site plan.
He said that because of some concerns that were identified in the field relative to the proximity of a couple
of buildings to Cool Creek. He said that two buildings were being reoriented to allow the perimeter
buildings to squeeze in a little bit to move away from the bank of Cool Creek. He said that it is their
intention to issue the revised drawings with their response to the comments received today. He said that the
most significant change is that the unit count will be reduced from 90 to 88 units.
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office:
He said that he sent a comment letter and he said that
it was basically the same comment letter from the last two times Arden has been to TAC.
Chuck Shupperd, Vectren Energy:
He said that there needs to be a meeting with Ryland Homes to
discuss layout modifications of the site plan.
Dave McCoy, Carmel GIS:
He said that GIS is trying to get the construction plans on the new
subdivisions before construction begins. He said that for public safety, they would like to have the streets
entered. He gave the petitioner the digital construction submittal requirements. He said that when the
project gets to the point of construction plan, he would need electronic submissions.
Nick Redden, Carmel Engineering:
He said that he sent the petitioner a comment letter with
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Engineering’s comments.
Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Dept.:
He said that he met with Sara Nasuti last week and that they were able to
get the access hashed out. He said that he needs to get with Ron Ferrin. He said that he thinks that he has
come up with a solution on how to keep people from \[parking on the other side of the football field.
Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester:
He said that he did not get plans for this. He said that he would
be glad to make comments when he gets plans. He said that he assumes there will be changes to the
landscape plan since there are going to be building orientation changes.
Shirley Hunter, Cinergy:
She said that she appreciated the preliminary meeting because it was very
helpful. She said that she thinks that they have everything that they need. She said that one question that
she does have is if the petitioner can give her a timeframe on the pole at the entrance that needs to be
Rich Kelley said that they are hoping to begin clearing the site by April 1 and probably grading by May 1
of this year. He said that he would probably say that timeframe would be May 2006.
Shirley Hunter, Cinergy:
She said that she thinks that it will be a pretty simple relocation. She said that
it would be moving the pole to the West side of the intersection.
Matt Griffin, DOCS:
He asked for clarification of the plans that were submitted and what changes were
going to be made.
Christine Barton-Holmes, DOCS:
She said that there are some minor connectivity issues.
11:40 a.m.Docket No. 06020016 PP: Woods at Lions Creek
The applicant seeks to plat 33 lots on 59.097 acres.
The site is located at east of W. 138 Street and West road and is zoned S1 Residential
Filed by Allen Weihe of Weihe Engineering for JC Developers, LLC.
Present for the Petitioner:
Dave Barnes with Weihe Engineering.
Petitioner’s Presentation:
Dave Barnes said that the subdivision is 33 lots off of West Road that is zoned
S-1. He said that it is a straight zoning.
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office:
He said that he faxed Dave Barnes a comment letter.
He said that it would be a regulated drain subdivision and that he needed a copy of the flood plain study.
He said that there were a few easements missing. He said that there could maybe be some improvements
on the natural stream there. He said that it would have to comply with the new release rates of the
Stormwater standards manual. He said that he would need construction plans when the project gets to that
The said that they had had several discussions about number nine on Greg Hoyes’s comment
letter. He said that it was their preference to have the property lines go all the way to the water’s edge with
deed restrictions on those properties. He asked if that would be an allowable situation.
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office:
He said that it would probably not be allowable
because they do not allow other people to do that. He said that they could go to the top of the bank.
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The commented that they had faxed Greg Hoyes some deed restriction verbiage for the common
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office:
He commented that he had looked it over and that
Kent Ward, but that he didn’t have any feedback on those yet.
Matt Griffin, DOCS:
He added that it wasn’t that DOCS had an issue with it in terms of it being part of
the lot, but that it seemed like it would be a nightmare to regulate and police. He said that it would be a lot
easier on Carmel if it became common area in the back of those lots, so that people would know that that’s
not an area where they can set their mini barn or do landscaping work.
The clarified that as far as number 11 was concerned on Greg Hoyes’s comment letter, he
wondered if they should just take that up Steve Baker.
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office:
He commented that the petitioners should call him to
set up a meeting with him and Steve and Jerry.
Matt Griffin, DOCS:
He said that he was unclear if those particular lot owners would need flood
The responded that they wouldn’t need it as long as the foundation is not located in the special
flood hazard area. He said that he didn’t think that they would have to have it if the home was located two
feet above the 100-year flood elevation anyway and they would have to have the homes out of that.
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office:
He clarified for the petitioner that Carts and the
release rates of the Hamilton County Technical Standards manual were the only parts of the County
manual that the petitioners had to comply with. He said that all of the erosion control stuff would fall
under the City of Carmel manual.
The asked if Greg Hoyes came up with an answer on the pond size thing.
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office:
He responded that from what he was told it is to keep
adequate depth, eight feet or more across the majority of the ponds. He said that he is still in discussions to
see how they are going to enforce that. He said that if that is the case, then the petitioner might end up
going to dry detention areas to be less than half an acre.
Chuck Shupperd, Vectren Energy:
He said that Vectren has gas and easement running through there.
He said that would affect one house on West Road. He said that they would need to sit down and see how
they could keep the residence in service during the construction.
Discussion ensued regarding Glen Oaks and getting the gas service to shoot off of that.
Dave McCoy, City of Carmel GIS:
He said that when this project gets to the construction plan phase, he
would like a copy of the construction plan, so he can get the roads into the GIS system for public safety.
He said that he would get the petitioner the digital submission requirements.
Nick Redden, Carmel Engineering:
He said that he sent the petitioner a letter with Engineering’s
The commented that they needed to find out what the problem was with the entryway.
Dave Barnes
added that the geometry of the entryway was taken off of another subdivision called Chateau
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de Moulin. He commented that it was a problem with the width. He said that it was going to be a gated
community and that the petitioners were trying to get it so that someone could get in the entry and pull back
out without having to back out on to West Road. He said that he could bring that up now, or the
petitioners could schedule a meeting to discuss it later.
The clarified that the twin structures to be extended out there showing on the plans. He clarified
that if it was showing on the plans like that, then that would be something that would have to be changed.
He clarified that it is a bridge.
Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Department:
He said that he has not sent out a letter yet. He clarified that there
would be no amenity plan on this subdivision. He said that he would need a copy of a plan locating the fire
hydrants. He also said that the Fire Department would need an SOS type device at the entry. He said there
were two types. One is a siren type or he said that the Carmel Fire Department could do one that is an
opticom. He said that the trucks are equipped with a strobe light type device. He said that he would make
sure to send a letter to the petitioner. He clarified that the dry hydrant on the property will be relocated.
Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester:
He said that he doesn’t have any comments at this time until he
gets plans.
Shirley Hunter, Cinergy:
She said that 80-90 % would be served by Boone County. She said that she
doesn’t know exactly where the line is at this time. She said that she would need to have AutoCAD
drawings sent. She said that she would need a new service request. She said that they would go from there
and work with Boone County.
Matt Griffin, DOCS:
He said that he sent Dave Barnes an email with staff’s preliminary comments. He
said that the petitioners are going to need to go for a couple different subdivision waivers to not allow the
second point of access that is required. He said that lot 31 and 32 will need a waiver to have less than 50
feet of frontage on a Right of Way. He said that any lot that is adjacent to the City’s Thoroughfare Plan
streets needs to face that street. He said that in this case, lots 1, 33, 21 and 20, by ordinance, need to face
West Road or the petitioners will need to apply for a waiver as well. He said that typically the people who
ask for the waiver mitigate it by doing extra landscaping. He said that, since this is going to be a gated
community at some point, there are some new ordinances that address gated communities and private
streets. He said that the petitioners should be aware of those new ordinances. He said that the Department
is considering the street layout a big cul-de-sac because of the lack of the stub street. He said that the
petitioners would need a cul-de-sac waiver to allow cul-de-sacs in excess of 600 ft. He added that the
Hamilton County Assessor has been having some trouble getting plats with the estimated lot prices. He
said that he just wanted to make the petitioners aware of this disconnect as they move forward.