HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes TAC 05-17-06 Carmel Technical Advisory Committee Minutes May 17, 2006 CARMEL TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES Date: May 17, 2006 Place: Department of Community Services Conference Room 3rd Floor - Carmel City Hall Time: 9:00 AM (TABLED UNTIL JUNE) Cingular Wireless Communications Tower The applicant seeks the following special exception and development standards variance approvals: Docket No. 06040014 SE ZO Chapter 20H.02 Special Exception Uses Docket No. 06040015 V ZO Chapter 25.13.1.B.i Distance from Residential Property Docket No. 06050009 V ZO Chapter Tower landscape requirements th The site is located at Brookshire Golf Course, northwest of 116 St and Gray Rd. The property is zoned P-1/Parks & Recreation. Filed by Jim Buddenbaum of Parr Richey Obremskey & Morton. 9:00 a.m. Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church The applicant seeks approval for the following special use and development standards variance approvals: Docket No. 06040011 SU ZO Chapter 5.02 Special Uses Docket No. 06040012 V ZO Chapter 5.04.01 Building Height th The site is located at the northeast corner of 106 St. and Shelborne Rd. and is zoned S-1/Residence. Filed by Larry Kemper of Nelson & Frankenberger. Present for the Petitioner: Larry Kemper with Nelson and Frankenberger, and Shawn Ryan with Weihe Engineers. Petitioner’s Presentation: Larry Kemper introduced the project. Angie Conn, DOCS: She said that she had a letter from the Clay Township Trustee, which expressed her concern about attaching the pedestrian path to the actual church. Chuck Shupperd, Vectren Energy: He said that they had gas along 106th and Shelborne Rd. He said that they shouldn’t have any problems running the gas lines to the site. He gave the petitioner his contact information. Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Department: He said that he would like to set up a meeting with the church officials to discuss where to put the Fire Department connection. He said that they would request a Knox box on the building for emergency access. He said that since the building is so big and two-phase, they might end up asking for a second Knox box for the second phase of the building. He clarified that the building timeline for the second phase would be 5-10 years. He clarified that the building did not have a basement and that the building height would be approximately 65-70 feet where the dome was going to be and that it would be approximately 35-40 feet for the rest of the building. He clarified that parts of the building would have a second story. He said that he assumed it would have a Fire Alarm system. He said that the Fire Department requests that the remote enunciator panel be placed at the main entrance. He said that the actual fire alarm panel itself could be placed in a mechanical room or someplace else. He provided the petitioner with his contact information. Karyn Ryg, DOCS: She said that her only concerns were that all sidewalk and path crossings be ADA compliant and that the perimeter paths be connected by some interior sidewalks to the church. Carmel Technical Advisory Committee Minutes May 17, 2006 Nick Redden, Carmel Engineering: He said that the project was outside of their jurisdiction. Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office: He said that he was still in the process of reviewing this project. He said that he would have to do some digging into the drainage calculations to see if there was any capacity for that to drain into the pipe in front of the fire station. He said that they would probably need to meet with the folks at Weihe Engineering to discuss it at greater length. The petitioner gave him a new set of plans. Mike McBride, Hamilton County Highway: He said that the biggest thing that he noticed was that the right of way on that was proposed didn’t match the right of way on the County thoroughfare plan. He said that as far as applications they would just need a commercial drive permits. He said that they would not need a full subdivision review. He said that if the existing lanes were not twelve feet wide, then the petitioners would be required to widen them on the three-foot minimum widening. Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester: He said that he noticed that there were plant schedules for phase I and phase II. petitioner The said that he believed that phase II was just foundation plantings and that phase I would be everything else. Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester: He said that one thing that he noticed was that there was no buffering to the East side of the property. He said that they would need to have buffering along the East side. He said that with the amount of buffering that they are doing on the other side, they will probably need to do a little more than five feet and that they would need to start planning for that now. He said that he doesn’t have any objections to doing it in phases, but that if the department starts getting some complaints, they will probably be required to put some buffering in. Discussion ensued regarding the phasing of the church facility and how and where the phases would be. Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester: He clarified that the site did not have any wetlands. He said that he would draft a letter to make some comments and then the petitioner could set up a time to meet with him to go through the comments. Matt Griffin, DOCS: He asked how the HVAC was going to be handled, located, and screened. The petitioner said that he thinks that there are a few areas where the architect has added walls where they were not able to landscape for screening. He said that there might be some sizing of the walls that would happen, but that the HVAC would be completely screened. Christine Barton-Holmes, DOCS: She said that she had no additional comments. Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Department: He said that he would like to discuss the feasibility of putting a fire hydrant in at the corner when they have their meeting. Discussion ensued regarding the possible locations of water mains. …END… 9:10 a.m. Martin Marietta - Scale House The applicant seeks the following use variance approval: Docket No. 06040019 UV ZO Chapter 5.01 Permitted Uses The site is located at 10851 Hazel Dell Pkwy and is zoned S-1/Residence. Filed by Zeff Weiss of Ice Miller LLP for Martin Marietta Materials. Present for the Petitioner: Zeff Weiss with Ice Miller. Carmel Technical Advisory Committee Minutes May 17, 2006 Petitioner’s Presentation: Zeff Weiss introduced the project. He said that there would be no exterior changes to the facility and no changes to the parking. Angie Conn, DOCS: She said that the petitioners need to show the exact location of the signage on the site plan. The petitioner pointed out where the signage was noted on the site plan. Chuck Shupperd, Vectren Energy: He said that he had no comments. Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Department: He said that he didn’t receive a set of plans, but that he didn’t have any comments. Karyn Ryg, DOCS: She said that she had no comments. Nick Redden, Carmel Engineering: He said that he sent a letter with his comments to the petitioner. He said that he had no further comments at this time. Zeff Weiss asked for some clarification on the Engineering comments because he said that in the comment letter, he didn’t really see anything that applied to the petition. He said that he would follow up with Nick Redden with Carmel Engineering to ensure that their comments were fully addressed. Nick Redden, Carmel Engineering: He said that he thought that they misunderstood what the petition was for. He said that they couldn’t tell a whole lot from the plan that they received. Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office: He said that he sent a letter to Max Williams on May 9, 2006 and that they had no comments. Mike McBride, Hamilton County Highway: He said that it was outside of their jurisdiction. Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester: He clarified that the petitioners were planting a row of trees. He clarified that the petitioners were going to keep all of the existing plantings. The petitioner said they were not going to remove anything that existed unless it was dead. He said that it was going to be there if it was shown on the plans. Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester: He said that if the petitioners were going to remove any large trees, then he wanted a letter telling him which tree would be removed and why. He said that on the shade tree planting detail, one of the notes says that the root crown would be planted four inches above finished grade and he said that the root crown should be planted at finished grade. He said that was the only problem he saw with the plans. Matt Griffin, DOCS: He said that he had no additional comments. Christine Barton-Holmes, DOCS: She said that she had no comments. …END… 9:20 a.m. Docket No. 06040025 DP Amend/ADLS Amend: Liberty Mutual Group The applicant seeks Development Plan Amendment, Commitment Amendment, and Architectural Design, Lighting, and Signage Amendment approval for 7.81 acres, for the purpose of constructing a three-story parking garage, replacing some existing surface parking. Carmel Technical Advisory Committee Minutes May 17, 2006 th The site is located at 350 East 96 Street and is zoned B6/Business. The site is located within the US 31 Corridor Overlay. Filed by Paul Reis and Blaine Paul for Liberty Mutual and Duke Construction LP. Present for the Petitioner: Blaine Paul and Larry Richardson with Duke, Steve Granner with , Bose, McKinney, and Evansand Jon Scheidler with Woolpert. Petitioner’s Presentation: Blaine Paul introduced the project. Angie Conn, DOCS: She said that she had no comments. Chuck Shupperd, Vectren Energy: He said that the petitioners needed to call for locate. He said that it looked like there could be a few crossings. He said that once everything is approved the petitioners should call for the locate and then set up a meeting. He said that the petitioner should contact Steve Kalk and provided the petitioner with the number. Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Department: He said that he was assuming that there would be some sort of fire protection in the building. Larry Richardson responded that the idea at this point was to have a vertical standpipe dry. He discussed the ownership of the garage. Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Department: He said that they would like to see a Knox box on the garage. He said that they would like to see Knox locking caps to cover the outlets. He said that the petitioners should set up a meeting with the Carmel Fire Department to discuss current fire hydrant location. Karyn Ryg, DOCS: She said that the development would require 40 bicycle parking spaces and that the City would prefer them be placed closer to the main entrance of the building. She said that the standards were al outlined in the code if they needed more information they could call her. Nick Redden, Carmel Engineering: He said that the Department of Engineering sent the petitioners a letter. He said that they would wait to hear the petitioners’ responses to those comments. Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office: He said that he sent the petitioners a letter but the only thing that they needed was an outlet permit. Mike McBride, Hamilton County Highway: He said that the project was outside of their jurisdiction. Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester: He said that he hasn’t had time to draft the review letter. He clarified that on the plans the trees that were south of the lot line were going to remain. He said that he would like to see that those existing trees on a site plan. He said that the petitioners were going to be removing 63 trees and would be replacing them with 6 shade trees, 12 ornamental trees, and 11 evergreens. He said that was not a very good ratio. He said that he would have some comments on species and that he would like to make a site visit to see if there were any suggestions he could make to improve that. He clarified that Brent Kerchval with Duke was the landscape architect. Matt Griffin, DOCS: He said that he did not have any additional comments at this time. Christine Barton-Holmes, DOCS: She said that she sent the petitioners a letter. She said that she had no additional comments at this time. Discussion ensued regarding the status of the variance filing. Carmel Technical Advisory Committee Minutes May 17, 2006 Matt Griffin, DOCS: He asked the petitioners to put their site plan on top of an aerial photograph when they were going before the Plan Commission. …END… 9:30 a.m. Docket No. 06050001 Z: Legacy/East Carmel PUD Rezone The applicant seeks to rezone 509.234 acres from S-1 to Planned Unit Development for the purpose of creating a primarily residential, mixed-use development. thth The site is located north of 126 Street, south of 146 Street, and on either side of River Road. Filed by Steve Pittman and Paul Rioux of Pittman Properties. Present for the Petitioner: Charlie Frankenberger with Nelson and Frankenberger, Ken Brasseur with Platinum Properties, Steve Pittman and Neal Smith with Pittman Partners, and Dennis Olmstead with Stoeppelwerth and Associates. Petitioner’s Presentation: Steve Pittman introduced the project. Angie Conn, DOCS: She said that she had no comments. th Chuck Shupperd, Vectren Energy: He said that they had gas at River Road and 146 Street that they could run down depending how the phasing works. Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Department: He said that the Fire Department didn’t have any concerns with the PUD and the rezoning. Karyn Ryg, DOCS: She said that her only concern was that the only part of the PUD ordinance that addressed required sidewalks was the Commercial section. She said that she would like to see some language in the residential portion of the ordinance and throughout the entire development as well. She said that she would just like some clearer language. Nick Redden, Carmel Engineering: He said that the Department is still reviewing the project and that they would get the petitioner comments as soon as they could. Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office: He said that he sent the petitioner a comment letter pertaining to challenges on the site. Mike McBride, Hamilton County Highway: He said that he had no objection to the rezoning, but that he would like to be copied in on the Traffic Impact Study information. Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester: He said that he would have a lot of comments, but that he hasn’t had time to put together a letter. He said that he would send the petitioner some information regarding the standards. He said that at this time the City is looking for the commitments from the petitioner that will ensure the standard that the petitioner will landscape to. Matt Griffin, DOCS: He said that the Department of Community Services is still reviewing the PUD Ordinance and that he was in the process of authoring a comment letter. He said that he would like the petitioners to set up a meeting sometime next week to discuss the comments in greater detail. Christine Barton-Holmes, DOCS: She said that she would have a lot of comments, but that she would discuss them in the meeting between Staff and the Petitioners. …END… 9:40 a.m. Lubavitch of Indiana Worship Center The applicant seeks approval for the following special use & development standards variance approvals: Docket No. 06050007 SU ZO Chapter 5.02 Special Uses Carmel Technical Advisory Committee Minutes May 17, 2006 Docket No. 06050008 V ZO Chapter 5.04.03.E.2 Minimum Lot Width The site is located at 2640 W 96th Street and is zoned S-1/Residence. Filed by Dave Coots of Coots, Henke & Wheeler, P.C. Present for the Petitioner: Kevin Roberts with DeBoy Land Development Services, E. Davis Coots, With Coots, Henke, and Wheeler, and Dennis Lockwood with Mark Swanson Associates, Inc. Petitioner’s Presentation: Dave Coots introduced the project. Angie Conn, DOCS: She said that she sent the petitioner a comment letter and that she has no further comments at this time. th Chuck Shupperd, Vectren Energy: He said that they had gas along 96 Street and that he didn’t foresee any problems bringing the service down. Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Department: He said that he had not had a chance to send a letter. He said that the petitioners would have to check the requirements to see if they will be required to sprinkle the building. He said that they would like a Knox box on the building and a remote enunciator panel at the main entrance. He said that he saw the water line going into the building, but that he didn’t see any fire hydrants on the plans. He said that he would like to see the fire hydrant on the North side of the building. He said that the petitioners should set up a meeting with the Fire Department to further discuss these things in detail. He said that he needed a set of full construction plans. Karyn Ryg, DOCS: She said that her only comment is that they would be required to install a th ten-foot multi-use path along 96 Street. Nick Redden, Carmel Engineering: He said that this project is outside of their jurisdiction. Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office: He said that he had received revised plans, but that, when he received the drainage calculations, he would complete his formal review. He said that the petitioner should have received the erosion control review. Mike McBride, Hamilton County Highway: He said that they had improvements scheduled for th 96 Street and Towne Road. He said that College Park was planning to relocate or widen a driveway there and that those plans were not finalized yet. He said that generally with a site like this, they would require 150 ft. deceleration lane full width and a 100 ft. taper into it. He clarified that these were some general concepts that he would be commenting on. He directed the petitioners to the Hamilton County Highway’s website to obtain the driveway permit application. He said that this would be tricky to coordinate this with College Park’s activities. He clarified that the petitioners intended to begin construction in the Fall of 2006. Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester: He said that he had not had time to review the revisions yet. He said that he will have comments on tree preservation, tree planting, and species, but he hasn’t had time to put the letter together yet. Matt Griffin, DOCS: He discussed moving a sidewalk for ADA and pedestrian safety. Christine Barton-Holmes, DOCS: She said that she would like to see the cornice be limestone to match the window caps on the exterior façade. Discussion ensued regarding the possible relocation of the trash dumpsters and enclosure. …END… 9:50 a.m. Docket No. 06050005 TAC: Parkwood West Carmel Technical Advisory Committee Minutes May 17, 2006 The applicant seeks to construct a five-story office building with a ground+ two-level parking garage, previously approved per petition 37-01 ADLS. th The site is located at 250 West 96 Street and is zoned PUD. Filed by Steve Granner of Bose McKinney & Evans LLP for Duke Realty. Present for the Petitioner: Aaron Reynolds with Duke. Petitioner’s Presentation: Aaron Reynolds introduced the project. He noted that he had received comment letters from the Carmel Police Department, the Carmel Department of Engineering, and the Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office. Chuck Shupperd, Vectren Energy: He clarified that the petitioner’s intended to use gas. He gave the petitioners a contact name and number and said that they did not have gas service there, so they would need plenty of time to plan and design how they might get service there. Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Department: He said that he was confused about the water service because it apparently got turned off on the drawing. He said that they would request a few extra hydrants around the building. He clarified that the parking garage would not be sprinkled and that there would be no additional uses located within the parking garage. He said that they would like a Knox Box on the building and Fire Department connection caps for the Fire Department connections that they have. He said that the petitioners might want to set up a meeting to clarify the water line location. He said that he would get the petitioners a letter as soon as he could. Karyn Ryg, DOCS: She said that the City has new bicycle parking requirements. She said that the petitioners would be required to provide 40 bicycle parking spaces. She said that the City would entertain the idea of 50 percent of those being more long-term spaces for potential employees and possibly having them covered or inside the building. She said that the City would also love to see some sort of shower facility and locker room in the building as well. She said that she would send the petitioners a letter this week. Nick Redden, Carmel Engineering: He said that they sent the petitioners a letter and that they would wait for the petitioner’s response. Aaron Reynolds commented that the layout of the drive hasn’t changed since 2001. He said that the drive is being constructed at the width shown on the plans. He said that when the project went through TAC before, there were no comments regarding the driveway width being a problem. He said that he realizes that there are different people reviewing the plans now, but that he doubts A& F would not have weighed in. He said that the curb cuts are going in. He said that they would prefer to leave it that way. He said that he wasn’t sure that it could even be changed at this point. Nick Redden, Carmel Engineering: He said that this was a standard requirement of the City that has been in place for over a year. He said that they could have more discussion regarding that at a different time. Aaron Reynolds said that they also had questions regarding the detention requirements. He said that the whole system was designed prior to the ordinance that is in place now. He said that in 2001 the outlet went by the old Hamilton County and Carmel standards. He said that they are very close to the one hundred year. He said that they have already been receiving bids on the old plans. He said that there is an element that includes an aquaswirl facility. He said that there are elements of the system that have already been approved by Carmel. He said that was something else that they would like to discuss in a meeting. Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office: He said that he would like to be involved in a coordination meeting with Carmel Engineering and the petitioners regarding the detention issue. He said that he would agree that the petitioner was close on the one hundred year, but that the 1999 ordinance required the ten down to the two and that was preapproval of this. He said that the petitioners may be able to slide on the 100 year, but the lower flows need to be brought down. Carmel Technical Advisory Committee Minutes May 17, 2006 Mike McBride, Hamilton County Highway: He said that he wanted to confirm the conversation that there will be no activity in the Spring Mill Rd. Right of Way. After the petitioner agreed, then he said that the project was outside of their jurisdiction. Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester: He said that he hadn’t sent the petitioner a comment letter yet. He said that he would have comments on the landscape plan. He said that they would probably relate to species, since the plans were created several years back. He said that the numbers were pretty much set. He said that he prefers to have the landscaping materials removed from the easements and that there was room to separate them. He said that would be a good idea for maintenance. Matt Griffin, DOCS: He said that DOCS is still putting the petitioner’s letter together. He said that there were a few minor comments, but nothing fatal. Christine Barton-Holmes, DOCS: She said that she had no additional comments. …END… 10:00 a.m. Docket No. 06050006 SP: Dulin Woods Secondary Plat The applicant seeks approval to plat 2 lots on 2.08 acres: st The site is located at 4207 E. 131 Street and is zoned R1/Residential. Filed by James Dulin. The petitioner did not appear, therefore the project was not discussed. 10:10 a.m. Docket No. 05110020 DP/ADLS: Old Meridian Place The applicant seeks to create 129 townhomes and a mix of office and retail uses on 25 acres. The site is located at 12852 Old Meridian Street and is zoned OM/SFA. Filed by Jon Isaacs for Centex Homes. Present for the Petitioner: Jon Isaacs with Centex Homes, and Ed Fleming with Stoeppelwerth and Associates. Petitioner’s Presentation: Jon Isaacs introduced the project. He said that this was a revised plan from what was originally heard at the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee in November. He said that they had added two other parcels to the plan and that they had more complete plans. st Chuck Shupperd, Vectren Energy: He said that they had gas on 131 Street and on Old Meridian, so they could do it however the petitioner intended to phase. Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Department: He said that he would like to get a plan that shows the layout of the fire hydrants. He said that the petitioners should set up a meeting to discuss the locations of the fire department connections on the buildings that will be sprinkled. He said that they would like Knox boxes on the buildings. He clarified that the highest building in the development would be four stories. Karyn Ryg, DOCS: She said that there was a place on the plans where the sidewalks broke for a possible drive to go through. She said that she would request that if, for some reason, the drive didn’t ever go in, that the sidewalks would connect there and be continuous. She also said that the City has a new bicycle parking ordinance and that bicycle parking would be required in this development. She said that the City likes the spaces within fifty feet of the main entrance. Nick Redden, Carmel Engineering: He said that the Department of Engineering is still reviewing this project and that they would get the petitioner comments as soon as that were available. Carmel Technical Advisory Committee Minutes May 17, 2006 Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office: He said that he did not draft a new letter and that his old letters still apply. Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester: He said that he hasn’t had time to review the revised plans. He said that he knows that the planting plans, as submitted, was preliminary and he wanted to know if it was going to stay preliminary until after the approval on the DP/ADLS. Jon Isaacs told Scott that it was their intention to phase in the landscaping as they completed certain sections. Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester: He said that for the sections, which the petitioners intended to be permanently landscaped, the plans submitted would have to be much more detailed. Matt Griffin, DOCS: He said that they had not sent the petitioner a letter yet. He clarified what possible amenities might be above the underground retention. He told the petitioners that they needed to define those for the Plan Commission. Discussion ensued regarding circulation patterns in the site. Matt Griffin, DOCS: He clarified the petitioners’ intended schedule of hearings for the project. …END… ADD ON: Docket No. 06050019 SP: Saddlebrook at Shelborne Secondary Plat The applicant seeks approval to plat 40 lots on 20.236 acres: The site is located at 11901 Shelborne Road and is zoned S1/Residential. Filed by Michael Stikeleather and Claude Quillen of Paul I. Cripe, Inc. Present for the Petitioner: Michael Stikeleather with Leeds, LLC, and Joe Sharp with Paul I Cripe, Inc. Chuck Shupperd, Vectren Energy: He said that they would just come out of Phase I. Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Department: He said that he had received the disk but had not had a chance to review it yet. He said that he would provide the petitioners with a comment letter as soon as he could. Karyn Ryg, DOCS: She said that she had not reviewed the plans yet, but that she would send the petitioners her comments in a letter. Nick Redden, Carmel Engineering: He said that he sent the petitioners a letter with the Engineering Department’s comments. Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office: He said that he would look at it soon. Scott Brewer, DOCS Urban Forester: He said that he didn’t receive any plans for this. He said that there were some trees being removed on the Northeast corner that he didn’t realize were being removed. Discussion ensued regarding the landscaping and the tree preservation in terms of the drainage of the site. Matt Griffin, DOCS: He said that DOCS would do a full review of the Secondary Plat and get the petitioner some comments. …END…