HomeMy WebLinkAbout224537 09/25/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, IADIANA VENDOR: 366092 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE INDIANA DESIGN CENTER, LLC CHECK AMOUNT: $5,973.54 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 ATTN:LAUIE SILER 770 3RD AVE SW CHECK NUMBER: 224537 CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK DATE: 9/25/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4350900 AUG 1, 679 . 54 OTHER CONT SERVICES 2201 4350900 JULY 2, 502 . 95 OTHER CONT SERVICES 2201 4350900 JUNE 1, 791 . 05 OTHER CONT SERVICES INDIANA DESIGN CENTER, LLC One Pedcor Square 770 3rd Ave. SW ORIGIN4L Carmel,Indiana 46032 September 13, 2013 City of Carmel: Street Dept. Attn: Dave Huffman 3400 West 131 st Street Carmel, IN 46074 RE: Billing in accordance with the Parking Administration Agreement between Indiana Design Center and The City of Carmel dated December 1, 2011. INVOICE - June Due: Upon Receipt Invoice City% Date Vendor For Amount Amount 05/30/13 Duke Energy Garage/Stairwell Electric $ 1,327.85 $ 1,327.85 05/31/13 Carmel Utitilies Water $ 421.83 $ 140.66 06/07/13 AT&T Fire/Elevator Phone Lines $ 255.41 $ 85.16 03/05/13 HD Supply Garage Light Bulbs $ 237.38 $ 237.38 Total Amount Due $ 19791.05 If you have any questions please contact Laurie Siler at 317.587.0467 Please make checks payable and mail to: Indiana Design Center, LLC Attn: Laurie Siler 770 3rd Ave SW Carmel, IN 46032 DUKE ENERGY Due Dade ,Arnaunt Due Account Number 6340-3678-02-5 Cm 01 Sun 25, 2013 $1,327.85 For more detailed billing information on your monthly bill,check box on right I HelpingHand Contribution Amouni Enclosed #63FO S6LH 02CM SWOO# (for Customer Assistance) 0000112 01 AV(13,? -•,>UfO 1 v 2471 46032-203670 -CG I-PUO.MO-i 4 Indiana Design Center, LLC Attn: Laurie Siler PO Box 1326 770 3Rd Ave SW Charlotte NC 28201-1326 Carmel IN 46032-2036 900 00001327852 63403678025 062520132 00001365088 PLEASE RETURN THE TOP PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT Page 1 of f Na /Service Add 's� r lctqures Gati Acc�xuzsC Nurr3ter` Indiana Design Center, LLC Duke Energy 1-800-521-2232 6340-3678-02-5 200 Range Line Rd S Misc:Hse Pan 1 Carmel IN 46032 v NiarCPa rttetz#sT� A�cou#�t;In�armattc�rt �" PO Box 1326 Payments after Jun 03 not included Bill prepared on Jun 03,2013 Charlotte NC 2820 1-1 326 Last payment received May 21 Next meter reading Jul 01,2013 Rea€4rrtg fa#e j fUBet r':Reaming Actual meter Number from Tcs I Days� Pre#sssus Pres.erltlfult t3sage kW Elec 106996865 May 01 May 30 29 6201 6284 160 13,280 2720 Usage- 13,280 kWh 6.50 kVar Amt Due- Previous Bill $1,706.01 Duke Energy- Rate LSNO $ 1,240.98 Payment(s) Received 1,706.01 cr Current Electric Charges $1,240.99 Balance Forward 0.04 Current Electric Charges 1.240.98 Taxes 86.87 Current Amount{due $1,327.85 Taxes $86.B7 Duke Energy Indiana is holding a series of stakeholder workshops in conjunction with the development of its 2013 Integrated Resource Plan (a 20-year planning document). Details on the June 27th workshop and additional information can be found at www.duke-energy.com/in-iip. a n b ll 3 3 C lXffer f3ue Bate ,Amount Due Jun 251033.:: Average Cost: $0.0934 per kWh Jun 25,2013 $ 1,327.85 $ 1,365.08 4, DUKE Z ENERGY. z411-oi-oo.ocool :-olvl-oorozlz :vww,duke-energy.cem LO � iCiiy of T^��tL F Utilities !�! Account Number I 0662496401 P.O. Box 109 Camel, IN 46082-0109 L� Amount Due f X42 f. user Service Q7I03113 .�_ www.carrmtuti[ities.cam (317) 571-2442 D Man-Fri Sam-5pm PatTiourlt true S450.66 After Due fate INDIANA DESIGN CENTER 770 3Rd AVE SVV .: v ., c.`t?N3©LIDArEDBiCL.lNv CdAdRMEFFL,1IN 460[`32 pp f �eiee�e�leei�eeeoei'leee�ele�e�e� PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (388.14) 04/30/13 05/31/13 63083245 458 481 WATER 23 $93.23 SEWER 23 $144.92 STATE TAX $6.53 Total Location Charges For: 200 S RANGE LINE RD#B $244.68 04/30/13 05/,31/13 63083248 743 751 WATER 8 $82.83 SEWER 8 $88.52 STATE TAX $5.80 Total Location Charges For: 200 S RANGE LINE RD#A $177.15 PREVIOUS BALANCE FOR ALL LOCATIONS $0.00 CURRENT BILLING FOR ALL LOCATIONS $421.83 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $421.83 AMOUNT DUE AFTER 07103/13 $450.66 s 0 LL U Petwr!tt;is oor*ion fo, your t� 96j Service Location ;cc ut �urnb 01V f Utilities 8421.83 ` /�'p 0 1 Po- 3 $450.66 CARMEL UTILITIES _ — PO BOX 109 AMGpu t nn CARMEL, IN 46082 Please use return,envelope provided w./hem paying by rrrail. Make surs- address shows in window. PEDCOR IT DBA INDIANA DESIGN C Page 1 Of 2 ENTER LLC Account Number 317 706-M 867 7 720 3RD AVE SW Billing Data Jun 7,2013 l/ CARMEL,IN 46032-2036 ���� \ Web Site att.com Invoice Number 317706030506 Monthly Statement May 8-Jun 7,2013 -7 AT�T'Benefits Previous Bill 255.41 -Total AT&T Savings 147.75 Payment Received 5-20-Thank You I 255,41 CR Adjustments .00 L_ Plans and Services Balance .00 MonlblyService-Jun 7thruJul 6 Charges for 317 706-0305 Current Charges 255.11 Monthly Charges 11.25 Bus Local Calling Measured 36.30 Total Amount Due $255.11 Individual Message Business Measured Plan Calling Name Display Amount Due in Full by Jun 2B,2013 Caller Identification By choosing Bus Local Calling Measured, you are saving S29.55 over the cost of the same services purchased separately. - SiRing Questions?Visit att.sour/bflfing Chargustor317706-D332 Monthly Charges 5,75 Plans and Services 255.11 Bus Local Calling Measured 36,30 1-800480-8088 Individual Message Business Repair Service. Measured Plan 1-800-727-2273 Calling Name Display Caller Identification Total of Current Charges 255.11 By choosing Bus Local Calling Measured, you are saving S29.55 over the cost of the same services purchased separately. Charges for 317706-M Monthly Charges 5.75 Bus Local Calling Measured 36.30 Individual Message Business Measured Plan Calling Name Display Caller identification By choosing Bus Local Calling Measured, you are saving S29.55 over the cost of the some services purchased separately. Charges for 317706.036S Monthly Charges 5.75 -. -PREVENT DISCONNECT -LONG DISTANCE INFO -IMPORTANT NOTICE -NOTICEOFSETTLEMENT See'News You Can Use for additional information. Loml awW=proWdod by AT&T rnirwi-,AT&T Indiana,AT&T Micldeon. AT&T Ohio or AT&T wuorW n bead upon the service address lomtl- Renunbattotn portion with yowd=k In the endosed envelope. GOGREEN•Emoll Fnpapadasabimtg. v � a a, DUE BY: Jun 2B,2013 $ZJ��J.1�— LATE:After Jun 28,2013 $270.11 PEDCOR IT DBA INDIANA DESIGN C {{..p�}} 610ing Oslo Jun T,2013 Account Number 317 706-0305 867 7 ENTER LLC a lOC l Please include your account numbo r on your check. 7203RD AVE SW CARMEL IN 46032-2036 Mate Checks Payable to: AT&T PO BOX 5080 CAROL STREAM IL 60197-5080 hills III'Illllllitl�t�Itl�litl�tt�tllt'll�'�I'I��Illyltllltldt 7317070600305867731790020000000000000000000255110000027011 _:-- s .._ _�.�— , ..... .. t � . . � _,_ .emu__. :�~' ���,•�" ,.�.,-, PEDCOR IT DBA INOIANA OESIGN C Page 2 of 2 at&t ENTER LAC Account 61111mgDate 317 108-0305 867 7 7203fiDAVE SW BEDIog Date Jun 7,2013 CARMEL IN 46032.2018 Invoice Humber 317706036x'.,05 Plans and Services Mormly Service-Continued PREVENT DISCONNECT Box local Calling Measured 3&30 Thank you for being a valued custamer.Itis important to inform you Individual Message Business that all charges must be paid each month to keep your account current Measured Plan and prevent collection activities.In addition,please be aware that Calling Name Display we are required to inform you of certain charges that MUST be paid in Caller Identification order to prevent interruption of basic local service.These charges are already included in the Total Amount Due and are$265.11. By choosing Bus Local Caging Measured, If you don't agree with the amount due,you should dispute the portion yea are saving$2955 over the cost of the same you disagree with before the payment due date. services purchased separately, LONG DISTANCE INFO Charges tor317706.04W Our records indicate that you have chosen not to have a Monthly Charges 5.75 local toll or a long distance company. Bas Loral Callteg Measured 3630 Individual Message Business IMPORTANT NOTICE Measured Plan INFORMATIONAL BULLETIN REGARDING THIRD-PARTY SILUNG Caging Name Display AT&T allows third-party,billing for traditional telecommunicetions Caller Identification providers(such as long-distance,operator services and directory assistancel,and AT&T's own affiliates and marketing allies.AT&T By choosing Bus Local Calling Measured, takes immediate action to help customers who contact us and report you are saying 529.55 over the cost of the same thatthey may have been billed for unauthorized third-parry charges. services purchased separately. To dispute a charge,we encourage customers to first deal directly with the third party that originated the charge,whose name and tog-free Total Monthly Service 215.75 telephone number are printed on the same full page as the charge in question.Often,the problem can be resolved with a single telephone Local Calls call.All customers who callus to report cramming complsuns wig be Cafl(h)Charged to31770f ME its uedcred its and will notberequ ire dto pay AT&T for the disputed Measured Pin Plan Summary charges.(Credits generally appear on customers bills within one or 32 Mmutels)billed at MM per minute .96 two months.) Total Calls)Charged to 317 705.0385 •96 NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT Cal1(s)Cbmged to 317 706.0632 If your postal mailed big envelope contains a yellow Class Action Measured Plan Plan Summary Settlement Notice,or if your a-bill contains an insert entitled 32 Mmute(s)billed atSD.03 per minute 96 "Third-Party Baling Class Action-Notice&Forme,thatmeans that Total Cag(s)Charged to 317705.0632 .96 AT&T's records indicate that in the past you were charged for Third Total Local Calls 192 Parry Charges that are the subject of a Class Action Settlement You should read the Notice carefully to find out about obtaining a Surcheraes and Other Fees settlement payment if you did not authorize the charges.If you have 9-1-1 Emergency System any questions about the Settlement go to Billed for the State of Indiana 4.50 wwwATTthirdpartybigingsetdementcom,emall Federal UnWareat Service Fee 7.65 info®ATTthirdpartybillingsetdementcom,or call 1.866.242.0601 IN Universal Service Surcharge .95 IN Utility Receipt Surcharge 2.07 Telecommunications Relay Service .15 Total Surcbargesand Otherfees 15.32 Taxes Federal at3% 6.51 State at 7% 15.81 Total Taxes 22.12 Total Plans and Services 255.11 5524.0 .050350.01.01.0000000 NNNNNNNY 28449.100805 ��°1 .,-x- ieW Tl6T .Yam a41a•i-s i���... °`�- '�. ','p_.� 9COZ-UMP NI13WUVO MS 3"OHC OZL 311 H31N3 0 NVIS30 VNVICINI VBO 11110303d Ihllh�h)hln�tlir�hlp"'ll�l��lul�l�l't�I�h�hThllh�'I'I�I��I�� sO 09C'O AV L 0SF05'80Z'9'VZS9 Go Paperless!Sign up today to receive invoices if I electronically.Visit hdsupplysolutions.com and Ills I� click on Electronic Invoicing. IN IV UICE Login Token: SML FMK PQB PO Box 509058 • San Diego,CA 92150-9058 Page 1 of 1 Please Pay From Invoice Credit/Account Information Terms: Net 30 Gays 8001798-8888, FAX 8001930-4930 A minimum late charge of$2.00 or 1.5%per month(18% per year) Orders/Product information is charges!on past due invoices. —, _ 3nvoi�e Data Invoice:NuFnkieF::) = 800/431-3000, FAX 8001859-8889 - - HD Supply Facilities Maintenance,Ltd Federal!D o ^7188�2 03/05/2013 9120892697 Customer Numbe GrdEr d`g Y_ : u rb-r e_Q gnber uthorl�ed E ir er t J 0112523202 IDC 1258135 Mike Polston I 1155 1 MB 0.405 E0074X 10133 0643954205 P1373462 0001:0001 �I�IIIE�IIII�FFIIFII�lliliillll'�'131�1��"�IIIIE®EIIF�IFEIE���ll Ship To: PEDCOR HOMES CORPORATION ,." iii PEDCOR HOMES CORPORATION 355 CITY CENTER DR 3 656 CITY CENTER DR CARMEL IN 46032-3806 ' s `= RMEL IN 46032-3806 l Stock Number Description.: a � Product Category l Ordered I Shipped :1 .Uniit Price... � Unit Extension j --- _,---�v- = -=- 314627 11'5 Ballast Adv 2 Bulb Elec HO 120-277V LIvH I 4 i - 4 - - -- — 73.95T EA —� 295.801 j �-IU11QL0 I 19r*V)vj b% �r Ccceor"e, C' 4 y3 T.3f3 r"`t Product Category Summary(Excluding Misc.Charges&Freight) `&ttip Datew putt Tptal LI.3HTINC 310.51 03105201 295.8 � Pkg Coup[; Sales"Ta"x, XG 1 20,71 U,afeight -:FrPr9flt=– 3.2G L6 0'00 316.51 Question?Call Stephanie Wiatrek at 800-798-8888 ext:6527 or email Stephanie.Wiatrek2@hdsupply.corn ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------- ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Invoice Number: 9120892697 Amount Due: 316.51 Date Due: 04104,2013 For proper credit to your account,please do not staple check to remittance form. Amount Paid: Please return this portion with payment. 1f amount paid differs from amount due, Thank you for your order. please check and explain on back. Mail To: 12581355 II EII fill 7liiFll Elel(IIEFEIEIELI 1 1111111111 11111111111111i fill PEDCOR HOMES CORPORATION HD Supply Facilities Maintenance, Ltd. 355 CITY CENTER DR P.O. Box 509058 CARMEL IN 46032-3806 San Diego, CA 92150-9058 0001:0001 1 0 0012581355 9120892697 000000000031651 4 INDIANA DESIGN CENTER, LLC ORIG One P edcor Square 770 3rd Ave. SW IAIA Carmel,Indiana 46032 September 13, 2013 City of Carmel: Street Dept. Attn: Dave Huffinan 3400 West 131st Street Carmel, IN 46074 RE: Billing in accordance with the Parking Administration Agreement between Indiana Design Center and The City of Carmel dated December 1, 2011. INVOICE - July Due: Upon Receipt Invoice City% Date Vendor For Amount Amount 07/01/13 Duke Energy Garage/Stairwell Electric $ 1,526.47 $ 1,526.47 06/28/13 Carmel Utitilies Water $ 405.15 $ 135.09 07/07/13 AT&T Fire/Elevator Phone Lines $ 256.80 $ 85.63 07/01/13 ThyssenKrupp Elevator Maintenance Contract $ 1,514.52 $ 505.00 07/05/13 AADCO Pull Station Repair $ 752.00 $ 250.75 Total Amount Due $ 2,502.95 If you have any questions please contact Laurie Siler at 317.587.0467 Please make checks payable and mail to: Indiana Design Center, LLC Attn: Laurie Siler 770 3rd Ave SW Carmel, IN 46032 DUKE ENERGY t7ue f3a#e Amount Dbe< Account plumber 6340-3678-02-5 Cm 01 Jul 24.2013 $1,526.47 For more detailed billing information on your monthly bill,check box on right $ _ $ _ L—j He'lpingHand Contribution Amount Enclosed #63FO S6LH 02CM SWOO# (tor Customer Assistance) 00001807 01.AV OJS? -AU!o 1 o. 32 460:Q.20367o -:of-ro 0,14 4 �rlle�f�'i�r�l�'1l�rl�rf��fl����ec�IEfItA�41�1���lei��El�rt91$�r!l i Indiana Design Center, LLC Attn: Laurie Siler PO Box 1326 770 3Rd Ave SW Charlotte NC 28201-1326 Carmel IN 46032-2036 900 00001526472 L3403678025 072420136 00001569279 PLEASE RETURN 7 HE TOP PORTION WITH YOUR PAY AFNr Page 1 of 1 dame-7Servac�r�d�ess Pot tnctuir�es Ca81 �iecQUr±f l�rttn��r Indiana Design Center,LLC Duke Energy 1-800-521-2232 6340-3678-02-5 200 Range Line Rd S Misc:Hse Pan 1 p 9 y Carmel IN 46032 i, car. 'a 0010 p OP . _.. . PO Box 1326 Payments after Jul 02 not included Bill prepared on Jul 02,2013 Charlotte NC 28201-1326 Last payment received Jun 24 Next meter reading Jul 31,2013 Rea. Ing Date Meter Reading ! Actual 1. Rfteter Nueriber F:rotn 70 ; t3ays� Preuxotts Present lUfultt Usage k1lU Elec 106996865 May 30 Jul 01 32 6284 6381 160 15,520 28.80 Irlectt�c :�s�r�satercial �ut�enll�illtn - Usage- 15,520 kWh 8.00 kVar Amt Due-Previous Bill $ 1,327.85 Duke Energy- Rate LSNO $1,426.61 Payment(s) Received 1,327.85cr Current Electric Charges $1,426.61 Balance Forward OAO Current Electric Charges 1,426.61 Taxes 99.86 ax Current Amount Due 1,526.47 Taxes $59.86 Duke Energy Indiana is holding a series of stakeholder workshops in conjunction with the development of its 2013 Integrated Resource Plan(a 20-year planning document). Details on the July 19th workshop and additional information can be found at www.duke-energy.com/in-irp. Due to,: Amount Due Jul>24 2at3 Average Cost: $0.0919 per kWh Jul 24,2013 $1,526.47 $ 1,569.27 DUKE � ENERGY.. 2432.-0 1-00-0(x)010.!-0001-00001-07 v4wv,,.duke-energy.r_em y l mlof Utilities Account Number 066-2496401 � I P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 Amount Due 540=5 j Customer Ses-,rice E�S142113 www.carmelutilides.c.om (317) 571-2442 DL ; ice k4on-Fri Sam-5pm Amount true 5432.71 --� After Due Date INDIANA DESIGN CENTER ` y y 770 3RD AVE SW ,. CARMEL, IN 46032 C !! {{ CONSOLIDATED BILLING �$11Bil�{1l�9lIEiE 11E lE88�${3t1� 1 1A C) — ( . NMI 'R Y^ �� x?•.s..��'� �� �.� ys��•':?-r�����1�^"es"��1�� .+r'`4 E ®tif� �� �v,�`�� ry Y��f�,� .� �• �� � PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (421.83) 05/3113 06/2a/13 63083245 481 502 WATER 21 $88.19 SEWER 21 $137.40 STATE TAX $6.17 Total Location Charges For: 200 S RANGE LINE RD#B $231.76 -05/31/13 06/28/13 63083248 751 758 WATER 7 $82.83 SEWER 7 $84.76 STATE TAX $5.80 Total Location Charges For: 200 S RANGE LINE RD#A $173.39 PREVIOUS BALANCE FOR ALL LOCATIONS $0.00 CURRENT BILLING FOR ALL LOCATIONS $405.15 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $405.15 AMOUNT DUE AFTER 08/02/13 $432.71 0 LL U O De-i:u'ch her:'c.i Setti+i..e Location Account Number 1 0562496401 ch,Of s $405.15 ! I':'.!i t I.A.._:•1 tl .. .l• ...t•-. - - �>}� > g $432.71 yam? 3-�6 .&c CARMEL UTILITIES PO BOX 109 A. OUint Endue-ed CARMEL, IN 46082 please use return enveloape provided when payinr�by mail. Make sure address shows in window. 1 PEOCOR IT DBA INDIANA DESIGN C Page 1 011 ENTER LLC Account Number 317 706-0305 867 7 L 720 3RD AVE SW Billing Date Jul 7,2013 CARMEL.IN 46M?.2036 at&t web Site att.com ,JVC,I Invoice Number 317708030507 Monthly Statement Jun 8-Jul 7,2013 AT&T Benefits Previous Bill 255.11 •Total AT&T Savings 187.75 Payment Received 6.24-Thank You 255.11CR Plans and Services Adjustments ,00 Balance 00 Monthly Service-Jul 7 Run Aug 6 Cbargesflr3177064305 Current Charges 256.80 Monthly Charges 11.48 Bus local Calling Measured 36.30 Total Amount Due $256.80 Individual Message Business Measured Plan Calling Name Display Amount Due in Full by Jul 29,2013 Caller Identification By choosing Bus Local Calling Measured, you are saving 537.55 over die cost of the same Billing Summary services purchased separately. Billing Questions?Visit att.com/billing Charger tor317706-0332 Monddy Charges Ego Plans and Services 256.80 Bus Local Calling Measured 36.30 1-800480-8088 Individual Message Business Repair Service: Measured Plan 1.860.727.2273 Calling Name Display Caller Identification Total of Currant Charges 256.80 By choosing Bus Local Calling Measured, Von are saving S37.55 over Ore cost al die same services purchased separately. Charges for 317 706-0334 Monthly Charges 5.98 Bus Local Calling Measured 36.30 Individual Message Business Measured Plan Calling Name Display Caller Identification By choosing Bus Local Calling Measured, you are saving S37.55 over the cost of die same services purchased separately. Charges for 317 706.0.165 Monody Charges 5.98 •PREVENT DISCONNECT •LONG DISTANCE INFO •FEDERAL FEE INCREASE •RATEINCREASES See'News You Can Use for additional information. Lain Servicce pr ided by AT&T flliaois,AT&T Indiana,AT&T ASddgan, AT&T Old.or AT&T Wis nor,based upon the—vice address location. Return bottom portion with your chod in Rho endosed envelope. -GO GREEN•Emou in papadass Wfing, _„...i ...,.�,.r:.r,•r:. DUE BY: Jul 29,2013 $256.80 LATE: After Jul 29,2013 $271.80 }y PEDCOR IT DBA INDIANA DESIGN C IOCt Biufns Date Jd 7.2013 Account Number 317 706-0305 867 7 ENTER LLC TARM ,IN S SW Please include your account number on your check. CARMEL IN 4603240,6 Make Checks Payable to: AT&T PO BOX 5080 CAROL STREAM IL 60197-5080 111111i111111111111111111111111111111 Jill 11111111Ln11irlg11111 7317070600305867792100020000000000000000000256800000027180 PEDCOR IT 08A INDIANA DESIGN C Page 2 of 2 aa ENTER LLC Account Number 317 786.0305867 7 Mt&t CARME IN46 Bi111ng Date Ju17,2O13 ` CARMEI,IN d6031.2036 Invoice Number 317706030507 Plans and Services Taxes Federal at 3% 6.55 Moq#L Servlce—CooGnued Stateat7% 1532 Bus Local Calling Meast red 3D Total Taxes 2227 Individual Message Business Measured Plan Total Plans and Services 25620 Calling Name Display Caller Identification By choosing Bus Local Calling Measured, you are saving S37.55 over the cost of the same PREVENT DISCONNECT services purchased separately. Thank you for being a valued customer.It is important to inform you Charges for 317706.06M that all charges must be paid each month to keep your account current Monthly Chatges 55.98 and prevent collection activities.In addition,please be aware Unat Bus Local Calling Measured 300 we are required to inform you of certain charges that MUST be paid in Individual Message Business older to prevent interruption of basic local service.These charges Measured Plan are already included in the Total Amount Due and are S256.8O. Calling Name Display II you don't agree with the amount due,you should dispute the portion Caller Identification you disagree with before the payment due date. By choosing Bus Local Calling Measured, LONG DISTANCE INFO you are saving 537.55 over tine cost of the same Our records indicate thatyou have chosen not to have a services purchased separately. local tall or a long distance company. Total Mombly Service 21690 FEDERAL FEE INCREASE The Federal Universal Service Fee Isupports telecommunication needs of Additions and Changes to Service low-income households,consumers living in high-cost areas,schools, This sectian of your bill reflects charges and credits resulting from libraries and rural hospitals),and die Federal Subscriber Line Charge account activity. increased an7f2l2O13.Your current hill ieOects the change.For more hoe Monthly Amount information,please contact an AT&T Service Representative at the phone No. Oescription �uanC (late Biped_ number listed on die front of your bill. Data:Jul7,2013 RATE INCREASES Order Number 89004300054 Effective September 1,2013,the monthly recurring rate for the 2.Monthly Service 1..11 5 .19 1.Monthly Service .02 following services will increase:Call Waiting from SIO.65 to S12.25, Total Charges for Order Number RSM4300054 21 Three-Way Calling from 59.45 to SIO.9O;,Caller ID from 513.35 m Total Additions and Changes to service 21 S15.40,Cell Forwarding from S1O55 to S12.15,Speed Call 8 from SIG.90 to S21.15;and Privacy Manager from 519.45 to 524.35.If you have any Local galls questions or wish to learn more about our money saving packages or Ca11la)Charged to 317 70&M other products and services,please call an AT&T Service Representative Measured Plan Plan Summary at the toll-free number on your bill or visit us online at www.amcom. 34 Minute(s)billed at S0.O3 per minute 1.02 Total Call(s)Charged to 317 706-0365 1.02 Callfs)Charged to 317 706-M Measured Plan Plan Summary 30 MinuWs)billed at S0.03 per minute .90 Total Callls)Charged to 317 706.0632 .90 Total Local Calls 192 Surcharges and ptber Fees. __ 9.1.1 Emergency System Billed for the State of Indiana 4.50 Federal Universal Service Fee 7.75 IN Universal Service Surcharge 95 IN Utility Receipt Surcharge 2.15 Telecommunications Relay Service AS Total surcharges and Other Fees 1550 6143.006.048682.01.01.0000600 NNNNNNNY 26757.97469 .mra... na as = . 9fAZ•ZfA9tr N113Yi11V, MS 3AV OUC OZL all 1:131N3 3 NDIS30 VNVIONI VBO if 1:10303d fill 111111 Ill 11�I�IIJ�llrllllrlll'I��'I,rllrlrlll�llrlrrl'll�ll� 50 09E'0 AV l ZMVOLZ'9'C419 THYS, SPNK a PP ELEVATOR CORP. ORIGINALfNVOiCE TERMS: iHENR RENDERED —�� DUE'd�JHEN RENDERED FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING THIS INVOICE REMIT TO TKE CARP CONTACT: 317-595-1125 PO BOX 933004 24971 AT_ANTA GA 31193.3004 INDIANAPOLIS BRANCH APAUNa �$ _1.514.52 E1�THIS IS A BILLING FOR THE SERVICE PERIOD REFERENCED BELOW. E ' A.. b,x . 0.00 .s :..-1� :"f�A c'VI $ 1,514.52 V LOGA7I0hf/LJSTo(nctiPGRcHAS_TAP:ER,110: ONE PEDCORE SO ���� � � INDIANA DESIGN CTR PEDCORE HOMES CORPORATION 266 5 RANGE LINE RD 770 3RD AVE SW CARMEL IN 46032.2135 CARMEL W 46032.2D36 United States .. . CUSTOMER �OQR:QS f . -J ADE - 24060 US5679 01-JUL-13 ' lNVF ICE NO... RV;CE P_ OD GOODS OR SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE WERE PRODUCED IN COMPLIANCE WITH 3000641757 07/01/13 TO 09/30/13 THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938.AS AMENDED. - FGL042 TH Y Se7ENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP. CUSTOMER COPY TERMS:NET—INVOICES ARE DUE WHEN RENDERED FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING THIS INVOICE REMIT TO TKE CORP PO BOX 933004 CONTACT: 317-595-1125 ATLANTA GA 31193-3004 24971 INDIANAPOLIS BRANCH AR-0QjjN, $ 1,514.52 M',I THIS IS A BILLING FOR THE SERVICE PERIOD REFERENCED BELOW. C\L ',)_ SALES`AX 0.00 PLE4 E PAS T�fsraa�u*a� ' S 1,514.52 LG�hTtL`h110US7't`�h�Ef"t2URCFit1SiORGE("4�u�3:: !; ONE PEDCORE SO Ji fINDIANA DESIGN CTR ---- PEDCORE HOMES CORPORATION 1 200 S RANGE LINE RD 770 3RD AVE SW dt 3 CARMEL IN 46032-2135 � �,..� CARMEL IN 46032-2036 ( United States v £UCTD ER;NG Oi16JOc�NC,. iti'vf3fGE;UATE: 24060 US5679 01-JUL-13 `WDICE.No. S R ?CE PEfttCD GOODS OR SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE WERE PRODUCED IN COMPLIANCE WITH j 3000641757 07/01/13 TO 09/30,13 THE RE LJIFGvAENTS OF THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT'OF 1938,AS AMENDED. FDLO42 TH g SSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP. REMITTANCE COPY TERMS:NET—INVOICES ARE CUE WHEN RENDERED FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING THIS INVOICE REMIT TO TKE CORP CONTACT: 317-595-1125 PO BOX 933004 24971 GA 31193-3004 24971 r INDIANAPOLIS BRANCH 7777-777777 S 1,514.52 j THIS IS A BILLING FOR THE SERVICE PERIOD REFERENCED BELOW. SALES TAx 0.00 �LExSt P Y ;1 S 1,514.5 tits Arn.�irr- S L>;°GFTIoNousTco_PPQ?CHASEORDERN0 ONE PEDCORE 30 INDIANA DESIGN CTR PEDCORE HOMES CORPORAT ION 206 S RANGE LINE RD 770 3RD AVE SVJ CARMEL IN 46032-2135 CARMEL IN 46Q32.2036 � United States GUaTOP.,E3 h0 d'DuR JrB €N 31GED*ATE. 24060 US5679 01-JUL-13 'I�.VDiCE:'dO ':S RtfF�E'FERIuD GOODS OR SERVICES COVERED BY THIS INVOICE WERE PRODUCED IN COMPLIANCE WITH 3000641757 07/01/13 TO 09/30/13 THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FAIR II-ABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938,AS.AMENDED. AAoco, Inc. i nvo i-c P. 0. BOX 401 Date invoice� � Beech Grove, IN 46107-0401 7/5/2013 63738 P# ( 317) 781-7680 F# ( 317) 781-7688 Bill To Ship To �. Pedcor Homes Corporation Indiana Design Center 365 City Center Dr, 200 S. Rangeline Rd. Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel, IN 46032 �. Attn:Tosha Jackson P.O.Number ; Terms Rep Ship Via F.O.B. Project j Net 10 Moe 613012013 Service Svc {quantity Item Code Description Price Each Amount Trouble Shot And Repaired Manual Pull Station On Fire Alarm System i 41 Emergency Lab Emergency Labor 188.00 752.00 Sales Tax- 7.00% 0.00 Thank you for your business. Total $752.00 INDIANA DESIGN CENTER, LLC One Pedcor Square 770 3rd Ave. SW � Carmel,Indiana 46032 September 13, 2013 City of Carmel: Street Dept. Attn: Dave Huffinan 3400 West 131 st Street Carmel, IN 46074 RE: Billing in accordance with the Parking Administration Agreement between Indiana Design Center and The City of Carmel dated December 1, 2011. INVOICE - August Due: Upon Receipt Invoice City% Date Vendor For Amount Amount 07/31/13 Duke Energy Garage/Stairwell Electric $ 1,442.55 $ 1,442.55 07/31/13 Carmel Utitilies Water $ 454.11 $ 151.42 08/07/13 AT&T Fire/Elevator Phone Lines $ 256.62 $ 85.57 Total Amount Due $ 1,679.54 If you have any questions please contact Laurie Siler at 317.587.0467 Please make checks payable and mail to: Indiana Design Center, LLC Attn: Laurie Siler 770 3rd Ave SW Carmel, IN 46032 DUKE ENERGY 4ue€3ate Ameaunf T3ue Account Number 6340-3678-02-5 CAA 01 Aug 23,2013 $1,442.55 For more detailed billing information on your monthly bill,check box on right $ $ L-1 HelpingHand Contribution Amount Enclosed #63FO S6LH 02CM SW00# (for Customer Assistance) 0000709 01 AV 0.337 "A01-0 3 z454 46032-2.03Q0 4-01.P0010-11 4 ��iic�d��!°I1�191i€i�li6�illetie���ic @��i'Il;�g°l'i�ll$6EailfeirlB Indiana Design Center, LLC Attn: Laurie Siler PO Box 1326 770 3Rd Ave 5W Charlotte NC 28201-1326 Carmel IN 46032-2036 400 00001442554 63403678025 082320130 00001483005 PLEASE RETURN THE TOP PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT Page 1 of 1 f�tasrl�l��rvlc�Address 1*Qr-incg�tar�e;g�.�1 ftcc�+us�R Y�Stard#er Indiana Design Center,LLC Duke Energy 1-800-521-2232 6340-3678-02-5 200 Range Line Rd S CarElse Pan 1 C\ r, l �� 0 o , � o Carmel IN 46032 t flAafil E?ay�rsnts�"s� ,;> ` `. Ac:�outlt:ln#ormbtrttl PO Box 1326 Payments after Aug 01 not included Bill prepared on Aug 01,2013 Charlotte NC 28201-1326 Last payment received Jul 22 Next meter reading Aug 29,2013 €3aadtngBate �: i �filete�'Reat#rng i ! ` actual it�eter: hlurrtber ��or� 3t� .', Days! Peeust�s Prei�erot !o!lultt 4: t#sage �� Elec 106996865 Jul 01 Jul 31 30 6381 6472 160 14,560 28.80 �;<�ett�c Cd �t�g�"►s4 1~a�rrent:�Si#lint .. ;.. ;; Usage- 14,560 kWh 7.90 kVar Amt Due- Previous Bill $ 1,526.47 ! Duke Energy- Rate L.SNO $ 1,348.18 Payment(s) Received 1,526.47cr Current Electric Charges $1,348.18 Balance Forward 0,`00 Current Electric Charges 1,348.18 - _ Taxes _ 94.37 ' Current Amount Due 1,442.55 Taxes $94.37 Alter Due Da#s Amount.;Due.:: Aug 23 2E1 i.3 _.. Average Cost: $0.0926 per kWh Aug 23,2013 $1,442.55 $1,483.00 DUKE ENERGY,, 24>4-0)-00-0000709.01twt4,1(Xorxt7o ww,�,.duke-os;erg .com q;*,, City Of " Account Number 0662496401 P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 Amount Brie $454.11 f Customer Se-vice � www.carmelutil€ties.com (317) 571-2442 Mon-Fri 8am -5pm Amount Due 1 $485.20 After Due Date INDIANA DESIGN CENTER 770 3RD AVE SW .. .�<: ,�_..,. CONSOLIDATED BILLING l!CARM{EL, IN 46032{{ rr !! f p 1f�1H�PI�II��If SII��i1H96Ff PF6SI LA C) (r 4' �� 6. t�A.dXlYg any' N�_ PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (405.15) 06/28/13 07/31/13 63083245 502 530 WATER 28 $105.83 SEWER 28 $163.72 STATE TAX $7.41 Total Location Charges For: 200 S RANGE LIME RD l#B $276.96 06/28/13 07/31/13 63083248 758 766 WATER, 8 $82.83 SEWER 8 $88.52 STATE TAX $5.80 Total Location Charges For: 200 S RANGE LINE RD#A $177 15 PREVIOUS BALANCE FOR ALL LOCATIONS $0.00 CURRENT BILLING FOR ALL LOCATIONS $454.11 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $454.11 s AMOUNT DUE AFTER 09/02/13 $465.20 s service Location Account Number 0662496401 C-ly 01 &Q.rarmei Utilities Ml '�. $485.20 R T CARMEL UTILITIES PO Box 109 Amount Enclosed CARMEL, iN 46082 Please use return envelope provided when paying by mail. Make sure address shows in window. 8 NAMAM MIR - EDCOR IT ODA INDIANA DESIGN C Page 1o13 ENTER LLC Account Number 317706.03058677 7203RD AVE sw Billion Data Aug 7,2013 LV CARMEL IN 16032-2036 t / \ web site etILCOm aa Vet&` Invoice Number 317706030508 Monthly Statement Jul 8-Aug 7,2013 =;Ulu_lyu-lmn AT&T Benefits Previous Bill 256.80 •Total AT&T Savings 18735 Payment Received B-05-Thank Youl 256.80CR Adjustments -00 L Plans and Services Balance .00 ARombty_Seryfee•Aeg 7 thru Sep 6 Charges for 317 706.0305 Current Charges 256.62 Monthly Charges 11.48 Bus Local Calling Measured 36.30 Total Amount Due 256.62 Individual Message Business Measured Plan Calling Name Display Amount Due in Full by Aug 29,2013 taller Identification By choosing Bus Local Calling Measured you are saving S37.55 over the cost of the same services purchased separately. BOBng QuesGons7 Visit att.com/billing Charges for 317 706.0332 Monthly Charges 5;98 Plans and Services 256.62 Bus Local Calling Measured 301) 1-800 4SD43088 Individual Message Business Repair Service: Measured Plan 1-800.727-2273 Calling Name Display Caller Identification Total of Current Charges 256.62 BY choosing Bus local Caging Measured, you are saving S37.55 over the cost of the same services purchased separately. Charges for 317 706-M Monthly Charges 5,58 Bus Local Calling Measured 362 Individual Message Business Measured Plan Calling Name Display Caller Identification By choosing Bus Local Calling Measured, you are saving 537.55 over the cost of die same services purchased separately. Charges for 317 706.0365 Monthly Charges 598 v�s YOti.Can Use Summary PREVENT DISCONNECT •LONG DISTANCE INFO -AT&T PRIVACY POLICY •PRICE INCREASE •DO NOT CALL •900/INFORMATION •RELAY SERVICE See'News You Can Use for additional information. Local Serrle»Provldedby AT&TLSinoie,AT&T Indiana,AT&T Mietdgan, AT&T Ohio or AT&T W stoma.bawd upon the servtw addroee loeetlon. Return haste m portion with your chock in the enclosed en+dope. GO GREEN Emop in pnPw/eas bdfing {� i• ._ �G�d A"; .: , I OPORE DUE BY: Aug 29,2013 $256.62 LATE:After Aug 29,2013$271.62 PEDCOR IT DBA INDIANA DESIGN C Billing Date Aug 7.2013 Account Number 3 1 7 706-0305 867 7 ENTER LLC VaUt Please Include your account number on your check. 720 3RD AVE SW CARMEL IN 4Wn-MO Make Chocks Payable to: AT&T PO BOX 5080 CAROL STREAM IL 60197-5080 lllrnllllllrlullulhllllhlhllrlhllhllirbtlllrllllrrnrin 7317070600305867752410020000000000000000000256620000027162 max' R ENTER It DBA INDIANA DESIGN C Page 317 7 ���� 7203RLA ACCe lItNgDato 317 706-0365 667 7 720 AVE sw BIIGog Data Aug 7,2013 CABME4 tN I6ai2•tOt6 farolce Number 317706036SA8 Plans and Services You Monthly Service-Continued PREVENT DISCONNECT Bus Local Calling Measured 36.30 Thank you for being a valued customer.It is important to inform you Individual Message Business that all charges must be paid each month to keep your accountcurrent Measured Plan and prevent collection activities.In addition,please he aware that Caging Name Display we are required to inform you of certain charges that MUST be paid in Caller Identification order to prevent interruption of basic local service.These charges are already included in the Total Amount Due and are S2%.62 By choosing Bus Local Calling Measured, II you don't agree with the amount due,you should dispute the portion you are saving 537.55 over the cost of the same you disagree With before the payment due date. services purchased separately. LONG DISTANCE INFO Charges tor317706-M Our records indicate that you have chosen not have a Monthly Charges 5.98 local toll or a long distance company. Bus Local Calling Measured KM Individual Message Business AT&T PRIVACY POLICY Measured Plan AT&T is updating its privacy policy.We are making important changes to Calling Name Display the way we use Die information we collect,and to your choices about Caller Identification that use.Please visit attcomlprivacy to view the updated privacy policy and to loam more about our commitments,privacy safeguards and By choosing Bus Local Calling Measured, customer choices. you are strving S3715 over the costof the same services purchased separately. PRICE INCREASE Effective October 3,2013,the month-to-mcnth price of Business Local Total Monthly Service 216.90 Caging(BLC)Unlimited A,Unlimited 8,Block of Time and Measured packages will increase.BLC Unlimited A will increase from S46.20 to Local Calls S51.00,BLC Unlimited B will increase from S40.70 to S45.00,BLC Block Calllal Charged to 317 706.0365 of Time will increase from 539.60 to 544.00 and BLC Measured will Measured Plan Plan Summary increase from 536.30 to 540.00.Customers currently on a BLC term plan 36 Minutels)billed at 50.03 per minute IAB will continue to receive their current BLC term package price.For Total Calls)Charged to 317 706-M 1.08 questions about this change,please contact an AT&T Service Representative at the toll-free number an your bill. Callls)Charged to 317 706.0692 Mounted Plan Plan Summary 00 NOT CALL 30 Minute(s)billed atS0.03 per minute .90 If your business makes outbound telephone solicitations,you must Total Collis)Charged to 317 708.0632 10 comply with National Do-Not-Call laws and regulations 147 C.F.R. Total Local Calls 11.941 64.1200 and 16 C.F.R.310)and any applicable state laws. Surcharges cad Other Feed 9001 INFORMATION 9-1.1 Emergency System 900 Number information services are provided over telephone numbers Billed for the State of Indiana 4.50 beginning with the prefix 900.If you fail to pay legitimate charges Federal Universal Service Fee 7.75 (or calls to 900 numbers,your access to 9DO numbers may be IN Universal Service Surcharge 95 involuntarily blocked.To protect customers from unexpected 901 IN Utility Receipt Surcharge 2.14 charges,AT&T offers 900 Call Blocking at no cost For further details Telecommunications Relay Service .15 an 900 Call Blocking,call your AT&T Service Representative.Note that Total Surcharges and Dther Frees 15.49 900 charges incurred from purchasing products and services from the Internet cannot be blocked.You may withhold payment for 90D charges it Texas you dispute die charges within 60days.Action to collect disputed Federal at 3% 654 amounts will be suspended pending investigation of the dispute.Your State at 7% 15.71 local and long-distance telephone service cannot be suspended or Total Taxes 2215 disconnected for nonpayment of 900 charges.However,the company that provides the 901)service may take other actions to collect charges you Total Pleas and services 258.62 have not paid and have not disputed.You are not to be billed for pay-per-call services that do not comply with federal laws and regulations. 6472.006.048444.01.02.0000000 NNNNNNNY 2566396%1 eui 0 Piz 9COZ•ZC09V NIl3WHVD MS 3AV CUE OZL all Ii31N3 0 Wisil0 VNVICNI VBC 11 HO_X73d IIlII'1111'��'��'��Illlllll�lrlrl�lrlrllllrrrlllil�rrl�rrillxlrtl 60 09E'O AV L"l,8VC0Z'9'Z4d9 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Indiana Design Center, LLC Attn: Laurie Siler IN SUM OF $ 770 3rd Ave. S. W. Carmel, IN 46032 $5,973.54 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 August 43-509.00 $1,679.54 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 2201 June 43-509.00 $1,791.05 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 2201 July 43-509.00 $2,502.95 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except L Fri y, S A/imber 20 2013 Str��� l�' per Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 09/13/13 August $1,679.54 09/13/13 June $1,791.05 09/13/13 July $2,502.95 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20 Clerk-Treasurer