HomeMy WebLinkAbout224556 09/25/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 364196 Page 1 of 1
CHECK DATE: 9/25/2013
202 4350900 2013-0252 650 . 00 OTHER CONT SERVICES
202 4350900 2013-0254 344 . 32 OTHER CONT SERVICES
202 4350900 2013-0259 829 . 00 OTHER CONT SERVICES
202 4350900 2013-0261 97 . 50 OTHER CONT SERVICES
202 4350900 2013-0262 292 . 50 OTHER CONT SERVICES
202 4350900 2013-0263 60 . 00 OTHER CONT SERVICES
202 4350900 2013-0774 130 . 00 OTHER CONT SERVICES
202 4350900 2013-0778 1, 326 . 00 OTHER CONT SERVICES
202 4350900 2013-0782 65 . 00 OTHER CONT SERVICES
202 4350900 2013-0787 552 . 50 OTHER CONT SERVICES
TO: Mike McBride, City Engineer
FROM: Douglas C. Haney, City Atto ey
RE: Keller Macaluso, LLC Invoice No. 2013-0782
Illinois Street Extension with Ackmann
DATE: August 22, 2013
Attached is Keller Macaluso's Invoice No. 2013-0782 dated August 16, 2013 in the amount of
$65.00 for legal services provided to the City of Carmel regarding the referenced matter. I recommend you
issue a purchase order to Keller Macaluso LLC in the amount of$65.00 in payment of this invoice.
Please let me know PROMPTLY if you believe that your Department is not responsible for the
payment of the attached invoice or if you have any questions regarding this memorandum.
[eb:msword2le bass\rny documentOutsidecounselkeller macaluso,Ildillinois streetackmannlickmann-illinois street extension 42O130782.doc:8/22/131
Keller Macaluso LLC Invoice Date: 8116/2013
770 3rd Avenue SW Invoice# 2013-0782
Carmel,IN 46032
Phone# 317-660-3400
Fax# 317-660-3401
Bill To Federal ID: 27-1716316
Douglas C. Haney
Cannel City Attorney
City Hall, I Civic Square
Carmel,Indiana 46032 CliF 1
#/Matter Attorney TKH
90006-049/Illinois Street Extension with Ackmann
Service date Initials Time Description of Service Amount
7/8/2013 TKH 0.2 Telephone conference with A.McFearin regarding 65.00
Sub Total Legal Fees 65.00
_20-13P03 'S� ROVD
TK-Too Keller JS- Jennifer Schulz Terms Upon Receipt
MRM-Matthew R.Macaluso SO-Shari Owens
EM-Eric McNamar
NH-Nate Hutchings Total for Services: $65.00
TKH-Tammy K.Haney
TO: Mike McBride, City Engineer
FROM: Douglas C. Haney, City Atto ey
RE: Keller Macaluso, LLC Invoice No. 2013-0787
Retail Parkway—Darden/GMRI, Inc. Easement
DATE: August 22, 2013
Attached is Keller Macaluso's Invoice No. 2013-0787 dated August 16, 2013 in the amount of
$552.50 for legal services provided to the Engineering Department regarding the Retail Parkway —
Darden/GMRI, Inc. easement. I recommend you issue a purchase order to Keller Macaluso LLC in the
amount of$552.50 in payment of this invoice.
Please let me know PROMPTLY if you believe that your Department is not responsible for the
payment of the attached invoice or if you have any questions regarding this memorandum.
[eb:mswordz:\e bass\my documentAoutsidecounselkeller macaluso,Ildeasements-landscaping&drainage\mtail parkway-darden 42013-0787.doc:8/22/131
Keller Macaluso LLC Invoice Date: 8/16/2013
770 3rd Avenue SW Invoice# 2013-0787
Carmel,IN 46032
Phone# 317-660-3400
Fax# 317-660-3401
R 0Vw.kellermacaluso.com
Bill To 0$_2 0-1 3 P 0� 'S� ederal ID: 27-1716316
Douglas C. Haney
Carmel City Attorney
City Hall, 1 Civic Square
Carmel,Indiana 46032 Client#/Matter Attorney TKH
90006-068/Easement-Retail Parkway-Darden/GbM,
Service date Initials Time Description of Service Amount
7/1/2013 TKH 1.2 Review documents regarding grant of right of way;meeting with 390.00
G.Duncan regarding same.
7/3/2013 TKH 0.5 Work on issues regarding grant of right of way. 162.50
Sub Total Legal Fees,, 552.50
TK-Too Keller JS- Jennifer Schulz Terms Upon Receipt
MRM-Matthew R.Macaluso SO-Shari Owens
EM-Eric McNamar
NH-Nate Hutchings Total for Services: $552.50
TKH-Tammy K.Haney
TO: Mike McBride, City Engineer
FROM: Douglas C. Haney, City Atto ey
RE: Keller Macaluso, LLC Invoice No. 13-0252
Penn Circle Drainage and Landscaping Easement
DATE: August 21, 2013
Attached is Keller Macaluso's Invoice No. 2013-0252 dated March 20, 2013 in the amount of
$650.00 for legal services provided to the Engineering Department regarding the Penn Circle drainage and
landscaping easement. I recommend you issue a purchase order to Keller Macaluso LLC in the amount of
$650.00 in payment of this invoice.
Please let me know PROMPTLY if you believe that your Department is not responsible for the
payment of the attached invoice or if you have any questions regarding this memorandum.
jcb:msmrd:z:te bassUny documentSoutsidecounschkeller macaluso,Ildeasements-landscaping&drainagdpenn circle\penn circle H2O13-0252.doc:8/21/131
Keller Macaluso LLC Invoice Date: 3/20/2013
770 3rd Avenue SW Invoice# 2013-0252
Carmel, IN 46032
Phone# 317-660-3400
Fax# 317-660-3401
0 g-0�-1 3 P 0 6 : 0 0 R C V D www.keliennacaluso.com
Bill To
Federal ID: 27-1716316
Douglas C. Haney
Carmel City Attorney
City Hall, 1 Civic Square
Carmel,Indiana 46032 Client#/Matter Attorney TKH
90006-005/Easement for Penn Circle LLC(Drainage
and Landscaping)
Service date Initials Time Description of Service Amount
2/12/2013 TKH 1.2 Revise numerous easements and related documents;telephone 390.00
calls and correspondence regarding same.
2/14/2013 TKH 0.3 Telephone calls and correspondence regarding revisions to 97.50
documents;review comments regarding same.
2/20/2013 TKH 0.5 Review new exhibits;telephone calls and correspondence 162.50
regarding same.
Sub Total Legal Fees 650.00
TK-Too Keller JS- Jennifer Schulz Terms Upon Receipt
MRM-Matthew R.Macaluso SO-Shari Owens
EM-Eric McNamar
NH-Nate Hutchings Total for Services: $650.00
TKH-Tammy K.Haney
TO: Michael McBride, City Engineer
FROM: Douglas C. Haney, City Atto VNo. 13-0254 RE: Keller Macaluso, LLC Invoice
State of Indiana v. St. Christopher's Episcopal Church
DATE: August 21, 2013
Attached is Keller Macaluso's Invoice No. 2013-0254 dated March 20, 2013 in the amount of
$344.32 regarding services provided in the referenced litigation. I recommend you issue a purchase order
to Keller Macaluso LLC in the amount of$344.32 in payment of this invoice.
Please let me know PROMPTLY if you believe that your Department is not responsible for the
payment of the attached invoice or if you have any questions regarding this memorandum.
[eb:m sword zAe basshny documentSoutsideoounselkeller macaluso,Ildst.christophees\st.christopher it2013-025A.doc:8/21/131
Keller Macaluso LLC Invoice Date: 3/20/2013
770 3rd Avenue SW Invoice# 2013-0254
Carmel,IN 46032
Phone# 317-660-3400
Fax# 317-660-3401
O 8_0 7_1 3 p O 6 : 31 R C V D www.kellermacaluso.com
Bill To
Federal ED: 27-1716316
Douglas C. Haney
Carmel City Attorney
City Hall, 1 Civic Square
Carmel,Indiana 46032 Client#/Matter Attorney TKH
90006-026/State of Indiana vs St. Christopher's
Episcopal Church of Carmel,City of Carmel Con
Service date Initials Time Description of Service Amount
2/5/2013 TK 0.3 Review of the documents received in discovery. Correspondence 78.00
regarding the same.
2/12/2013 TK 0.5 Attention to the motion for extension of time to respond filed by 130.00
St.Christopher's Church. Telephone call and correspondence
with Mike McBride regarding status.
2/14/2013 TK 0.3 Attention to issues regarding resolution of this matter. 78.00
Correspondence regarding the same.
2/27/2013 TK 0.2 Attention to the state's motion for appropriation and the 52.00
appointment of appraisers;Correspondence regarding the state's
Sub Total Legal Fees 338.00
2/14/2013 1.0 Conference call 6.32
Sub Total Expenses 6.32
TK-Too Keller JS- Jennifer Schulz Terms Upon Receipt
MRM-Matthew R.Macaluso SO-Shari Owens
EM-Eric McNamar $344.32
NH-Nate Hutchings 'Total for Services:
TKH-Tammy K.Haney
TO: Mike McBride, City Engineer
FROM: Douglas C. Haney, City Atto y 9i
RE: Keller Macaluso, LLC Invoice No. 2013-0259
Illinois Street Easement Acquisition from Carmel Indy Properties
DATE: August 21, 2013
Attached is Keller Macaluso's Invoice No. 2013-0259 dated March 20, 2013 in the amount of
$829.00 for legal services provided to the Engineering Department regarding the referenced matter. I
recommend you issue a purchase order to Keller Macaluso LLC in the amount of$829.00 in payment of
this invoice.
Please let me know PROMPTLY if you believe that your Department is not responsible for the
payment of the attached invoice or if you have any questions regarding this memorandum.
[eb:mmordzae bassLtty dowmentiouLCidec .wn kellermacaluso,Ildillinois stredc—el indy properties-illinois slR f N2013-0259.doc:8/21/131
Keller Macaluso LLC Invoice Date: 3/20/2013
770 3rd Avenue SW Invoice# 2013-0259
Carmel,IN 46032
Phone# 317-660-3400
Fax# 317-660-3401
Bill To 0 8_0 7_1 3 Q 06 :33 R C V 0 www.kellermacaluso.com
Douglas C. Haney
Federal ID: 27-1716316
Carmel City Attorney
City Hall, 1 Civic Square
Carmel, Indiana 46032 Client#/Matter Attorney TKH
90006-046/Carmel Indy Properties(Illinois Street)
Service dateInitials Time Description of Service Amount
2/5/2013 TKH 1.4 Review numerous documents for offer to multiple tenants in 455.00
common;telephone calls and correspondence with Allen
McFearin regarding same.
2/8/2013 EM 1.7 Research 374.00
Sub Total Legal Fees 829.00
TK-Too Keller JS- Jennifer Schulz Terms Upon Receipt
MRM-Matthew R.Macaluso SO-Shari Owens
EM-Eric McNamar
NH-Nate Hutchings Total for Services: $829.00
TKH-Tammy K.Haney
TO: Mike McBride, City Engineer
FROM: Douglas C. Haney, City Atto
r D
RE: Keller Macaluso, LLC Invoice No. 2013-0261
Alexandria Apartments— Consent to Encroach
DATE: August 21, 2013
Attached is Keller Macaluso's Invoice No. 2013-0261dated March 20, 2013 in the amount of
$97.50 for legal services provided to the Engineering Department regarding the Alexandria Apartments
consent to encroach. I recommend you issue a purchase order to Keller Macaluso LLC in the amount of
$97.50 in payment of this invoice.
Please let me know PROMPTLY if you believe that your Department is not responsible for the
payment of the attached invoice or if you have any questions regarding this memorandum.
[eb:m sword zie bass\my documentsoutsid—unsefkeller macaluso,Ildeneroachment consenokale—&a apts#2013-0261,doc:8/21/131
Keller Macaluso LLC Invoice Date: 3/20/2013
770 3rd Avenue SW Invoice# 2013-0261
Carmel, IN 46032
Phone# 317-660-3400
•.3�` RCV�, www.kellermacaluso.om1
Bill;s Haney g13e06 Federal ID: 27-1716316
Doug C. y 0
Carmel City Attorney
City Hall, 1 Civic Square
Carmel,Indiana 46032 Client#/Matter Attorney TKH
90006-051 /Consent to Encroach-Alexandria
Service date Initials Time Description of Service Amount
2/21/2013 TKH 0.3 Telephone calls and correspondence regarding consent to 97.50
Sub Total Legal Fees 97.50
TK-Too Keller JS- Jennifer Schulz Terms Upon Receipt
MRM-Matthew R.Macaluso SO-Shari Owens
EM-Eric McNamar
NH-Nate Hutchings Total for Services: $97.50
TKH-Tammy K.Haney
TO: Mike McBride, City Engineer
FROM: Douglas C. Haney, City Attorvr-
RE: Keller Macaluso, LLC Invoice No. 2013-0262
Monon Trail/Anthony Properties Escrow Agreement
DATE: August 21, 2013
Attached is Keller Macaluso's Invoice No. 2013-0262s.4ated March 20, 2013 in the amount of
$292.50 for legal services provided to the Engineering Department regarding the referenced matter. I
recommend you issue a purchase order to Keller Macaluso LLC in the amount of$292.50 in payment of
this invoice.
Please let me know PROMPTLY if you believe that your Department is not responsible for the
payment of the attached invoice or if you have any questions regarding this memorandum.
[eb:mswordz:te bms\my document9outsidecounselkeller macaluso,Ildmonon-anthonc pmperties escrow 92O130262.doc:8/21/131
Keller Macaluso LLC Invoice Date: 3/20/2013
770 3rd Avenue SW Invoice# 2013-0262
Carmel, IN 46032
34 \}t
R one# 317-660-3400
0 8—0`1-1 3 P ��5 Fax# 317-660-3401
Bill To
Federal ID: 27-1716316
Douglas C.Haney
Carmel City Attorney
City Hall, 1 Civic Square
Carmel,Indiana 46032 Client#I Matter Attorney TKH
90006-052/Monon Trail/Anthony Properties Escrow
Service date Initials Time Description of Service Amount
2/24/2013 TKH 0.7 Review files regarding release of escrow agreement. 227.50
2/25/2013 TKH 0.2 Correspondence regarding release of escrow funds. 65.00
Sub Total Legal Fees 292.50
TK-Too Keller JS- Jennifer Schulz Terms Upon Receipt
MRM-Matthew R.Macaluso SO-Shari Owens
EM-Eric McNamar
NH-Nate Hutchings Otal O1C' Services: $292.50
TKH-Tammy K.Haney
TO: Mike McBride, City Engineer
FROM: Douglas C. Haney, City Attorn
RE: Keller Macaluso, LLC Invoice No. 2013-0263
Hodes Right of Way Acquisition
DATE: August 21, 2013
Attached is Keller Macaluso's Invoice No. 2013-0263 dated March 20, 2013 in the amount of
$60.00 for legal services provided to the Engineering Department regarding the referenced matter. I
recommend you issue a purchase order to Keller Macaluso LLC in the amount of$60.00 in payment of
this invoice.
Please let me know PROMPTLY if you believe that your Department is not responsible for the
payment of the attached invoice or if you have any questions regarding this memorandum.
teb:m sword zie b—\my documentkutsidecounse&eller macaluso,I]dright of way-right of enm\hodes row H2O13-0263.doe8/21/131
Keller Macaluso LLC Invoice Date: 3/20/2013
770 3rd Avenue SW t z Invoke# "`` 201x3=0263
Carmel,IN 46032
Phone# 317-660-3400
Fax# 317-660-3401
Bill To RCV��
City of Carmel 00-011-13e06 : 35 Federal ID: 27-1716316
Attn: Douglas C. Haney
Department of Community Services -T One Civic Square Client atter Attorney TKH
Carmel, IN 46032 20032-001 /Zachary Hode and JudyHode'
!fir yr5+4 '� '-1 iCf
Service date Initials Time Description of Service Amount
2/7/2013 JS 0.4 Research information for 3561 W. 116th 60.00
Street;obtain Warranty Deed um
Sub Total Legal Fees 60.00
TK-Too Keller JS- Jennifer Schulz Terns Net 35 Days
MRM-Matthew R.Macaluso SO-Shari Owens
EM-Eric McNamar
NH-Nate Hutchings Total for Services:
TKH-Tammy K.Haney W .
TO: Mike McBride, City Engineer
FROM: Douglas C. Haney, City Attorn 1
RE: Keller Macaluso, LLC Invoice No. 2013-0774
Penn Circle Drainage and Landscaping Easement
DATE: August 22, 2013
Attached is Keller Macaluso's Invoice No. 2013-0774 dated August 16, 2013 in the amount of
$130.00 for legal services provided to the Engineering Department regarding the Penn Circle drainage and
landscaping easement. I recommend you issue a purchase order to Keller Macaluso LLC in the amount of
$130.00 in payment of this invoice.
Please let me know PROMPTLY if you believe that your Department is not responsible for the
payment of the attached invoice or if you have any questions regarding this memorandum.
[eb:m—rd:zie bms\rny document9oursideceunselkeller macaluso,Ildeasemen[s-landscaping&drainagclpenn circlelpenn circle#2013-0774.doc:8/22/131
Feller Macaluso LLC Invoice Date: 8/16/2013
770 3rd Avenue SW Invoice# 2013-0774
Carmel,IN 46032
Phone# 317-660-3400
Fax# 317-660-3401
Bill To 0 8-2 0-1 3 P 0 3 5 2 R C V D Federal ID: 27-1716316
Douglas C.Haney
Carmel City Attorney
City Hall, 1 Civic Square
Carmel,Indiana 46032 Client#/Matter Attorney TKH
90006-005/Easement for Penn Circle LLC(Drainage
and Landscaping)(Engineering)
Service date Initials Time Description of Service Amount
7/19/2013 TKH 0.4 Review resolutions and release;telephone conferences and 130.00
correspondence regarding same.
Sub Total Legal Fees 130.00
TK-Too Keller JS Jennifer Schulz Terms Upon Receipt
MRM-Matthew R Macaluso SO-Shari Owens
EM-Eric McNamar
NH-Nate Hutchings Total for Services: $130.00
TKH-Tammy K.Haney
TO: Michael McBride, City Engineer
FROM: Douglas C. Haney, City Atto/(
RE: Keller Macaluso, LLC Invoice No. 2013-0778
State of Indiana v. St. Christopher's Episcopal Church
DATE: August 22, 2013
Attached is Keller Macaluso's Invoice No. 2013-0778 dated August 16, 2013 in the amount of
$1,326.00 regarding services provided in the referenced litigation. I recommend you issue a purchase
order to Keller Macaluso LLC in the amount of$1,326.00 in payment of this invoice.
Please let me know PROMPTLY if you believe that your Department is not responsible for the
payment of the attached invoice or if you have any questions regarding this memorandum.
N n �giV � 7P
0-1 AUG 2013 v
[eb:ms—dzAe b—s my document�,outstdecou—Lkeller mauduso,Ildst.chnstophees\st.christopher 42013-0778.do¢8/22/13
Keller Macaluso LLC Invoice Date: 8/16/2013
770 3rd Avenue SW Invoice#> X2013=0778
Carmel,IN 46032
Phone# 317-660-3400
Fax# 317-660-3401
Bill To
t)g—'?0- 1 3 P O 3 :7'-1 C V U Federal ID: 27-1716316
Douglas C. Haney
Carmel City Attorney
City Hall, 1 Civic Square
Carmel,Indiana 46032 Ctient#/Matter Attorney TKH
90006-026/State of Indrana vs St. Cstopher
EpiscopaIiChurch of Cannel,"(Engrneenrig)
Service date Initials Time Description of Service Amount
4/2/2013 TK 0.4 Receipt and review of the court's order of appropriation and 104.00
instructions to appraisers. Email to Mike McBride regarding the
4/25/20I3 TK 0.3 Receipt and review of the court's order on appropriation. 78.00
6/17/2013 TK 0.6 Receipt and review of discovery requests. 156.00
6/19/2013 TK 1.3 Telephone call with counsel for the Attorney General regarding 338.00
his discovery requests and regarding resolution of this matter;
telephone call with counsel for Meridian 131,LLC regarding the
agreement with the church and - --
emails to and from Counsel for the Attorney
General regarding the same.
6/20/2013 TK 0.6 Attention to discovery issues;telephone call with David Given 156.00
regarding his client's position on resolution;telephone call to Sean
Clapp regarding his client's position on resolution;telephone call
with counsel for the state regarding the same.
6/26/2013 TK 0.2 Attention to the verified petition for payment of damages from the 52.00
7/2/2013 TK 0.1 Attention to telephone call from David Given regarding settlement 26.00
TK-Too Keller JS- Jennifer Schutz Terms Upon Receipt
MRM-Matthew R.Macaluso SO-Shari Owens
EM-Eric McNamar
NH-Nate Hutchings 'Total for Services:
TKH-Tammy K.Haney
Page 1
Keller Macaluso LLC Invoice Date: 8/16/2013
770 3rd Avenue SW Invoice# 2013-0778
Carmel,IN 46032
Phone# 317-660-3400
Fax# 317-660-3401
Bill To
Federal ED: 27-1716316
Douglas C.Haney
Carmel City Attorney
City Hall, 1 Civic Square
Carmel,Indiana 46032 Client#!Matter Attorney TKH
90006-026/State of Indiana vs St. Christopher's
Episcopal Church of Carmel,(Engineering)
Service date Initials Time Description of Service Amount
7/3/2013 TK 0.2 Telephone call with David Given regarding settlement of this 52.00
7/8/2013 TK 0.1 Follow up with Mike McBride regarding Browning's desire to 26.00
7/11/2013 TK 0.1 Follow up with Mike McBride regarding Browning's position on 26.00
this matter and what Carmel wants to do.
7/15/2013 TK 0.3 Telephone calls from and to David Given regarding the status of 78.00
this matter and his client's intentions;telephone call and message
for Mike McBride regarding the same.
7/17/2013 TK 0.5 Attention to the discovery deadline and to getting that deadline 130.00
extended;telephone call with counsel for the state regarding the
same; email to counsel for the state regarding an extension of time
to respond to discovery.
7/1812013 TK 0.1 Attention to follow up from counsel for the state regarding the 26.00
status of discovery and settlement issues.
7/24/2013 TK 0.2 Telephone call with counsel for St.Christopher's regarding how 52.00
Carmel intends to handle this matter and whether Carmel will
TK-Too Keller JS- Jennifer Schulz Terms Upon Receipt
MRM-Matthew R.Macaluso SO-Shari Owens
EM-Eric McNamar
NH-Nate Hutchings Total for Services:
TKH-Tammy K.Haney
Page 2
Keller Macaluso LLC Invoice Date: 8/1612013
770 3rd Avenue SW Invoice# 2013-0778
Cannel,IN 46032
Phone# 317-660-3400
Fax# 317-660-3401
Bill To Federal ID: 27-1716316
Douglas C. Haney
Carmel City Attorney
City Hall, I Civic Square
Carmel,Indiana 46032 Client#/Matter Attorney TKH
90006-026/State of Indiana vs St. Christopher's
Episcopal Church of Carmel,(Engineering)
Service date i Initials Time Description of Service Amount
7/29/2013 TK 0.1 Telephone call and message for Doug Haney regarding the status 26.00
of this matter.
Sub Total Legal Fees 1,326.00
TK-Too Keller JS- Jennifer Schulz Terms Upon Receipt
MRM-Matthew R.Macaluso SO-Shari Owens
EM-Eric McNamar
NH-Nate Hutchings Total for Services: $1,326.00
TKH-Tammy K.Haney
Page 3
Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995)
An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom,
rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc.
Keller Macaluso LLC Purchase Order No.
770 3rd Avenue SW Terms
Carmel, IN 46032 Date Due
Invoice Invoice Description
Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s) Amount
8/16/2013 2013-0782 Ackman matter $ 65.00
8/16/2013 2013-0787 Darden matter $ 552.50
3/20/2013 2013-0252 Penn Circle'Matter $ 650.00
3/20/2013 2013-0254 St Chris Matter $ 344.32
3/20/2013 2013-0259 Carmel Indy Properties ROW matter $ 829.00
3/20/2013 2013-0261 Alexandria Apartments matter $ 97.50
3120/2013 2013-0262 Anthony Properties Matter $ 292.50
3/20/2013 2013-0263 Hodes ROW matter $ 60.00
8/16/2013 2013-0774 Penn Circle Matter $ 130.00
8/16/2013 2013-0778 St Chris Matter $ 1,326.00
Total $ 4,346.82
1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance
with IC 5-11-10-1.6.
Keller Macaluso LLC ALLOWED 20
770 3rd Avenue SW IN SUM OF $
Carmel, IN 46032
$ 4,346.82
Board Members
DEPT# I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),
0 2013-0782 202-509 $ 65.00 or bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the
materials or services itemized thereon for
0 2013-0787 202-509 $ 552.50 which charge is made were ordered and
0 2013-0252 202-509 $ 650.00 received except
0 2013-0254 202-509 $ 344.32
0 2013-0259 202-509 $ 829.00
0 2013-0261 202-509 s 97.50
0 2013-0262 202-509 $ 292.50
0 2013-0263 202-509 s 60.00
0 2013-0774 202-509
0 2013-0778 202-509
�! 9/23/2013
City Engineer
Cost Distribution ledger classification if Title
claim paid motor vehicle highway fund