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224751 10/07/2013
CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA 'VENDOR; . 065950 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE ' DIANA CORDRAY CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 11843 STONEY BAY CIRCLE CHECK AMOUNT: $996.54 'a ? CARMEL IN 46033-9501 CHECK NUMBER: 224751 CHECK DATE: 10/7/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1701 4343004 996 . 54 TRAVEL PER DIEMS oc 6Agy i CITY OF CARMEL Expense Report (required for all travel expenses) NUIPNP: EXHIBIT A 1 .. EMPLOYEE NAME. /CCrlt� C -r-,)r&ct DEPARTURE DATE: TIME: / -SAM /40M DEPARTMENT: / RETURN DATE: ��� �/3 TIME: AM PM REASON FOR TRAVEL: �`'� /�nC�t 6'i L. DESTINATION CITY: �a vlcil't ill, C� EXPENSES ARE FOR(check all that apply): TRAVE ADVANCE TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT TRAVEL PER DIEM Transportation Gas/Tolls/ Meals Date Lodging Misc. Total Taxi Tips Luggage Parking Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Per Diem ST LV i -- Total , C� �y— .�,� 0 - 7 1J DIRECTOR'S STATEM T: I.hereby affir that all expenses listed conform to the City's travel policy and are within my department's appropriated budget. kA.,�4 Director Signature: Date: City of Carmel Form#ER06 Revision Date 3/18/2009 Page 1 R41M Page 1 of 1 115 E River Street Savannah, GA 31.401 912 234-6400/912 234-1478 www.riverstreetinn.com Diana Cord ray „Roo II Folio` Cfieckfn Checkout ,Balance= 11843 Stoney Bay Clr 527 190007 09/25/2013 09/28/2013 604.16 Carmel, IN 46033 _... _ Master Folio Company: N/A Date 'Room Description/Voucher'" "- k' x Charges{ - Credits Balance 09/25/2013 527 Room Taxable 166.00 166.00 09/25/2013 ! 527 Sales Tax- 7.000% 11.62 177.62 09/25/2013 527 1 Savannah Bed Tax- 6.000% 9.96 187.58 09/25/2013 527 City Occupancy Fee 1.00 188.58 09/26/2013 527 I Room Taxable 166.00 354.58 09/26/2013 527 Sales Tax- 7.000% 11.62 366.20 09/26/2013 527 Savannah Bed Tax- 6.000% 9.96 376.16 0912612013 527 City Occupancy Fee 1.00 377.16 09/27/2013 ! 527 Room Taxable 200.00 577.16 09/27/2013 527 Sales Tax- 7.000% 14.00 591.16 09/27/2013 527 Savannah Bed Tax- 6.000% 12.00 603.16 09/27/2013 527 City Occupancy Fee 1.00 604.16 AS Thank you for staying with us! 09/28/2013 10:51 AM 21 ST ANNUAL LEADERSHIP SUMMIT Leading to Yes: Focusing on Strengths and Finding Common Ground The Hyatt Regency Savannah Hotel-Savannah, GA September 26-28, 2013 *The 21-11 Annual Leadership Summit will be facilitated by communicaliotu coach and consullant,Lindsay Shand. Summit Participants arrive at The Hyatt Regency Savannah Hotel 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm Summit Registration - The Hyatt Regency Hotel, Hotel Lobby r 8:00 am — 5:00 pm Summit Registration - The Hyatt Regency Hotel, Hotel Lobby 9:00 am — 11:30 am Sustainable Housing Tour J12:00 am — 1:30 pm Lunch ft Spotlight on Step up Savannah (Summit Participants and registered Guests) — Edna Branch Jackson, Mayor, City of Savannah — Daniel Dodd, Executive Director, Step Up Savannah J1:30 pm — 5:00 pm 9pening Session of Leadership Summit (Summit Participants) * Welcome gyp\ V � — Clarence Anthony, Executive Director, National League of Cities QOV ✓* Creating our Learning Community — Lindsay Strand,Theme Weaver/Summit Facilitator ✓* Introspection: Understanding Your Communication Style — Lindsay Strand,Theme Weaver/Summit Facilitator 5:00 pm Conclude session 6:00 pm — 7:30 pm Welcoming Reception at City Hall— (Summit Participants&Registered Guests) 7:45pm Bus Departs for Blues Night 8:00 pm — 10:00 pm Blues Night at the `13 Savannah Jazz Festival— (Summit Participants&Registered Guests) • . - s o - 1 8:00 am — 5:00 pm Summit Registration - The Hyatt Regency Hotel, Hotel Lobby 7:45 am Continental Breakfast (Summit Participants and registered Guests) 10:30 am — 4:30 pm Spouse/Guest Tour— Gather in Hotel Lobby at 10:15 AM(Registered Summit Guests only) /8:30 am — 12:00 noon 2"d General Session of Leadership Summit (Summit Participants) * Finding*Common Ground: Within City Government —Kathie Novak, University of Denver J12:00 noon — 1:30 pm Lunch (Summit Participants) 09/20/2013 National League of Cities Page 1 d 1:30 pm — 5:00 pm 3 d Session of Leadership Summit (Summit Participants) * Finding Common Ground: Within Community — Fatima Shama, Commissioner of Mayor Bloomberg's Office of Immigrant Affairs — Daniel Wallace, Mayor Bloomberg's Office of Immigrant Affairs 5:00 pm Conclude Session J6:00 pm — 9:00 pm An Evening in Savannah - (Summit Participants&Registered Guests) 9:00 pm Return to hotel —return to The Hyatt Regency Hotel on your own 8:00 am — 12:00 pm Summit Registration — - The Hyatt Regency Hotel, Hotel Lobby 7:45 am — 8:45 am Continental Breakfast —(Summit Participants and Registered Guests) 9:00 am — 11:00 am Closing Session of Leadership Summit (Summit Participants) * Finding Common Ground: City-State Relations — Michael Brown, Former City Manager of Savannah, GA and Co-Founder, Brown Pelican Consulting 11:00 am — 12:00 pm Reflection * The Strength and Spirit of Community — Lindsay Strand,Theme Weaver/Summit Facilitator 12:00 noon Leadership Summit program concludes 09/20/2013 National League of Cities Page 2 CITY 0 F r Sustainable Fellwood NLC-City of Savannah Sustainable Housing Tour September 26, 2013 Site Features Past: Fellwood Homes • LEED for Neighborhood Development Pilot • First public housing in Savannah Program, 27 acre site • ,Contained-303-ap,art.ments,----- reyfield Redevelopment_---------- 100+,,,�rees preserved • Built 6-n 27-acres' 0 ellings-per acre density" Organic Ummunity Garden • Built in-'1940 and'-adcf-e-d'to-fin'1' 95'2 Foura'cre park with Stiade trees " . I I � f te Recycling provided for: Paper--Glass,• On-Si $3.3,i�nillio,n�tax value-in 2005 Al I - --1 1 \ I Newspaper,-Cardboard Dernofish"ed ine2" 007 Apartment Featur'es -Present: -Sustaina,ble Fellwood • Higher efficiency air conditioning heating Rec6nstruction'began 2007 units. (14 SEER, & .92 EF water heaters) 27 acre site Energy efficient windows o 19 acres residential • Low flow toilets (.8/1.6gpf)and water saving o '2 acres commercial - faucets(1.0 gpm). 4 acres parks Low-VOC Carpet, flooring and-paints Contains-343-dw e4l i nF-s Solar-Ready construction o- 230 Apartments 80 kw solar panel-arr4y on Phase 3 0 , 100 Senior Apartments -[a White TPO roofing onFz6ase 3 b 13 Single Family Hom-es' in Local briEk, 25%fly ash= concrete • 123 dwellings per acre site,d-ensity - R ecy"cle"d cellulose insulation o 18.441ohlly residential acres : 71%'constrOction wastieFrecycled '69%�complete 0 R6sidentialsonstructiOn sicential dw6llinsgs02%occupied Sin Family House Features 9 ou porches Neo-,traditional-desig"n to include po s .-Development-Costs: $60.6 Million EarthCraft certification tion 0 3.2 million land provided by HAS • -Icynene foam attic insulation 0 2.0 million demolition cost by HAS • Energy Recovery Ventilator • 3.6 million infrastructure by City. 14 SEER air source heat pump with $51.8 million residential programmable thermostat • Energy Star appliances' Primary Development Partners CFL and motion sensor lighting -.Housing Authority of Savannah • Low-e impact window/door glass • City of Savannah 0 Impact resistant window/door glass for • Melaver/Parallel Housing/Vanguard hurricane/high wind protection • CHSA Development 0 Hardie siding/trim and Trex porch flooring • 30 year architectural shingles Part 1 Crime in Whole Neighborhood PET fiber carpet, Acrylic tile, &Wood 0 179 in 2007 0 Low VOC paint and flooring 0 109 in 2012 0 39% reduction City of Savannah, Department of Housing, 912-651-6926 O� CITY OF Savannah Gardens NLC-City of Savannah Sustainable Housing Tour September 26, 2013 Past: Josiah Tattnall Homes/Strathmore Estate Site Features 0 Public housing for WWII shipyard workers 0 Earthcraft Coastal Community certification • Contained 380 apartments in 2007 0 New Urbanism and Neo-Traditional design • Included 45 acres in 2007 - • Tabletop cobblestone/brick crosswalk where ° 8.4 dwellings per acre density major lineal park crosses major street and ° Built in 1942 provides for bus/taxi passenger drop off • $9.4 million tax value in 2007 • Retained major streetiklayout and ma es ture"tre '; Demolition began in 2008 Built 6.9 acres green space/sidewalks b''rick' ..' o - -piazza, 2 gazebos, 3 playgrounds, spray-' Present: Savannah Gardens fountain, and sculpture- V. - Brick/perv.ioos street, lane;-parking, and`walk Reconstruction began 2009 • pav' 45 acre site ement,-and bioswalesfor�storm water mgt • � - -, �- - • •^ NarFower than normal streets& parallel parking. o 29.1 acres residential • Big Bellyisolar'trash compactors, LED park 0 2.4 acres mixed use/commercial lighting, solar gazebo fan, material recyclingi }, 0 4.5 acres parks 0 9.0 acres-infrastructure/ROWS I A artment-Features • Will contain 570 dwellings,: ' ' , ! " P p 1 ► e Earthcraft with HERS indices below 78 0 400 A a;rtments i I .. 0 40 Senior Apartments MHigh Eff HVAC &WH (14.5 SEER, .93 EF WH) - iHomes ! °' Grade 1 Insulation and tight air sealing 0 130 Single Family • 12.7 dwellings per acre site density •� .Low=eenergy efficient windows WaterSense'low flow toilets&faucets o 19.6 if only residential acres f o Automatic,a.nd CFL lighting ; 0 Residential construction 51/complete • Recycled roof deck into floor covering • Residential dwellings 90%occupied- Development Costs: $90 Million Single Family House Features • • Earthcraft, EarthCents,DOE ChallengeHome $15 million infrastructure/demolition o HERS indices of 52-68 with $85 Mo Ave Utilities • $70 million residential ° • Grade 1 and Icynene foam attic insulation $ 5 million mixed use/commercial 0 18.6 EER geothermal HVAC with desuperheater to .93 water heater&2 year service contract Primary Development Partners • Programmable thermostat, Whole Home • CHSA Development—Master Developer Energy Monitor, & Energy Recovery Ventilator • City of Savannah __ _. • Energy Star appliances • Mercy Housing Southeast ° CFL and motion sensor lighting • A.Ramon/Chatham Home Builders • Low-e impact window/door glass with TAPCO • Dasher Construction/GBU/NIA hurricane/security screens • Thomas & Hutton Engineering ° Hardie siding/trim and Trex porch flooring ° 30 year architectural shingles Part 1 Crime in Whole Neighborhood Low VOC paint, PET carpet,tile &wood floors • 235 in 2008 0 55 gallon rain barrels for irrigation • 103 in 2012 0 Homeowner education/maintenance manual • 56% reduction City of Savonnah, Department of Housing, 912-651-6926 Gold Delta SkyMiles° Credit Card A. D E LTA p.3/6 aME—cAN DIANA L CORDRAY EXPRESS Closing Date 09/15/13 - c d--Credits Summary ° Total S n Payments -$ o . :..-.. e . �etall, Indicates po3fing o Payments Amount Q Q ago& I- - N . NewI Charges S T ° g Summary Total New Charges $674.60 Detail DIANA L CORDRAY J4 ! 7 Amount 08/19/13 THETRAVELAGENT CARMEL IN $639.60 DELTA AIR LINES INC. From: To: Carrier: Class: INDIANAPOLIS ATLANTA HARTSFIELD DL U SAVANNAH INTERNATI DL U ATLANTA HARTSFIELD DL U INDIANAPOLIS DL U Ticket Number:00672674843444 Date of Departure:09/22 Passenger Name:CORDRAY/DIANA L Document Type:PASSENGER TICKET 08/20/13 THE TRAVEL AGENT,INCARMEL IN $35.00 317-846-9619 t Fees; z Amount Total Fees for this Period $0.00 N n ° ,6nterest Chargetl ' - - - F O Q o Amount s Total Interest Charged for this Period $0.00 0 0 0 0 Continued on reverse n . Cordray, Diana L From: Marianne Van Herk [MarianneV @thetravelagentinc.com] Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 3:06 PM To: Cordray, Diana L Subject: Confirmed Ticket/Savannah ITINERARY/INVOICE NO. ITIN DATE: AUG 19 2013 ACCOUNT CPD ZKV6D1 PAGE: 01 FOR: CORDRAY/DIANA L TO: CITY OF CARMEL CITYO F CARMEL-TREASURER DEPT ONE CIVIC SQUARE -3RD FLOOR ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL IN 46032 CARMEL IN 46032 C----------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 SEP 13- EDNESDAY MILES- 432 ELAPSED TIME- 1:31 AIR-LV_INDIANAP_O.LIS 120ON DELTA FLT:1127 ECONOMY CONFIRMED AR ATLANTA 131P NONSTOP RESERVED SEATS 35C FREQ FLYER DL 2249570876 AIRLINE CONFIRMATION:DL-GP4CCO MILES- 215 ELAPSED TIME- 1:07 AIR LV ATLANTA 310P DELTA FLT:1983 ECONOMY CONFIRMED AR SAVANNAH 417P NONSTOP RESERVED SEATS 30E FREQ FLYER DL 2249570876 AIRLINE CONFIRMATIOWDL-GP4CCO 7--iSEP 13-SATURDAY MILES- 215 ELAPSED TIME- 1:14 LV"SAVANNAH 100P DELTA FLT:1752 ECONOMY CONFIRMED AR ATLANTA 214P NONSTOP RESERVED SEATS 34C FREQ FLYER DL 2249570876 AIRLINE CONFIRMATION:DL-GP4CCO MILES- 432 ELAPSED TIME- 1:34 AIR LV ATLANTA 405P DELTA FLT:2281 ECONOMY CONFIRMED AR INDIANAPOLIS 539P NONSTOP RESERVED SEATS 37A FREQ FLYER DL 2249570876 AIRLINE CONFIRMATION:DL-GP4CCO "VERIFY ALL INFO IS CORRECT. FEES APPLY FOR REISSUES-REFUNDS-CHANGES EMERG.AFT HRS CALL 8776456373 CODE A09 $20 CALL+TRANSACTION COSTS A CANCEL FEE OF 15PCT ON TTL COST APPLIES. FOR TERMS/CONDITIONS/ AIRLINE LUGGAGE POLICIES AND OTHER SVCS. SEE WWW.TTA.TRAVEL THIS ITIN. MAY BE SUBJECT TO CABIN INSECTICIDE SPRAYING PRIOR TO FLIGHT OR WHILE ON THE AIRCRAFT. FOR A LIST OF COUNTRIES REQUIRING THIS SEE WWW.TZELL411.COM THE TRAVEL AGENT THANKS YOU-317 846 9619..MARIANNE VAN HERK AIR TRANSPORTATION 554.42 TAX 85.18 TTL 639.60 PROCESSING FEE 35.00 SUB TOTAL 674.60 CREDIT CARD PAYMENT 674.60- TOTAL AMOUNT 0.00 Marianne Van Herk Group, Meeting & Incentive Manager The Travel Agent, Inc. A member of the Tzell Travel Group 'A Virtuoso Agency" 630 West Carmel Dr, Suite 150 Carmel, Indiana 46032 Direct 317.805.5732 * Main 317.846.9619 Toll Fee 800.347.2512 * Main Fax 317-848-3998 mariannev(a thetravelagentinc.com View Boarding Pass Page 1 of 2 SUN,SEP 22,2013 D E LTA �, 1 D is n I rd ray SkyMiles#XXXXXX0876 BOARDING DOCUMENT GP4CCO/ YMILES AMEX I N AT L INDIANAPOLIS(IND) ► BOARDING GATE* ONE SEAT Atlanta(ATta 11:20a 35C Depart Sun,12:00n FLIGHT DL1127 J Economy(U) Arrive Sun,1:31pm �f `Gates may change.Check airport monitors. Fly Paperless.www.delta.com/app Ticket#:006 7267484344 Hartsfleld Jackson Atlanta Airport �... SAVANNAH 225EP r DL 191 111 09PNRC:GP4CCC1 ` � 0 OL 1127 ATL 6006 ®L106336 � $ VIII VII I VIII I II I IIII III III mm. COMIP C GORORAY/DIANAL r_ r - Carxqusst k 4-1 ....... ..... ......... AT THE AIRPORT in Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Sky Club T6 Freshen's Smoothies T3 Starbucks T11 w---arkmD A. ELTA +pp�� Get 10%off a Delta Sky Club SKY CLUB: Membership.Promo Code:S.N10 If your travel plans change,please contact Delta.Gate assignments and departure times are subject to change,please check the airport monitors for the most up-to- date flight and gate information.We recommend you arrive at the airport 75 minutes prior to departure for travel within U.S.and 3 hours prior to departure for international flights.It is your responsibility to arrive at the airport with sufficient time to complete baggage check and security clearance. https://www.delta.com/PCCOciWeb/selectBoardingPassNext.act... 9/21/2013 View Boarding Pass Page 2 of 2 SUN,SEP 22,2013 ,D E LTA } D i a n a I C o rd ra y SkyMiles*XXXXXX0876 BOARDING DOCUMENT GP4CCO/SKYMILES AMEX ATL ► SAV ATLANTA(ATL) ► BOARDING GATE" ZONE SEAT (D Layover 1h 39m Savannah(SAV) 2:30pm - 1 30E Depart Sun,3:10pm FLIGHT DL1983 Domestic Term-South Economy(U) Arrive Sun,4.17pm `Gates may change.Check airport monitors. Fly Paperless:www.delta.com/app Ticket#:006 7267484344 EXTENDED WEATHER FORECAST for Savannah Sun Sep 22 Mon.Sep 23 Tue,Sep 24 81°F 171°F 6f;'` 78°F l 69°F 80°F 164°F a a Precip.74% Precip.70% r' Precip.63% .........._........._............................_..........................._...._......................_.._............................................................................_....__................_..__......_...._............................... RESTAURANTS in Savannah d Chart House 912.234.6686 202 W Bay St,Savannah,GA 31401 700 Drayton 912.721.5002 700 Drayton St,Savannah,GA 31401 Elizabeth on 37th 912.236.5547 105 E 37th St,Savannah,GA 31401 Moon River Brewing Company 912.447.0943 r 21 W Bay St,Savannah,GA 31401 s ATTRACTIONS in Savannah Tybee Island Lighthouse 912.786.5801 Meddin Dr,Tybee Island,GA 31328 Andrew Low House 912.233.6854 329 Abercorn St.Savannah,GA 31401 River Street 912.234.0295 River St,Savannah,GA 31401 Old Town Trolley Tours 800.868.7482 e o s o 234 Martin Luther King Blvd,Savannah,GA 31401 IL B &-%arkoND &.DELTA � ,r p Get 10%off a DeEta Sky Club 5 K T C L U[3 Membership.Pronto(erode:SJN10 If your travel plans change,please contact Delta.Gate assignments and departure times are subject to change,please check the airport monitors for the most up-to- date flight and gate information.We recommend you arrive at the airport 75 minutes prior to departure for travel within U.S.and 3 hours prior to departure for international flights.It is your responsibility to arrive at the airport with sufficient time to complete baggage check and security clearance. https://www.delta.com/PCCOciWeb/selectBoardingPassNext.act... 9/21/2013 View Boarding Pass Page 1 of 2 , SAT,SEP 28,2013 A.D E L T A :mil D i a n a I C o r d ra y SkyMiles#XXXXXX0876 BOARDING DOCUMENT GP4CCO/SKYMILES AMEX SAV AT SAVANNAH(SAV) ► BOARDING GATE` ZONE SEAT ??? 555 Atlanta(ATL) 12:20pm - 1 34C Depart Sat,1:00pm FLIGHT DL1752 Economy(U) Arrive Sat,2:14pm 'Gates may change.Check airport monitors. Fly Paper less:www.delta.com/app Ticket#:006 7267484344 t Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta Airport flNK641i1 i �^ Co,K-A Caranv 8 n ConcauuC .n Gxxamu•U -- CniNmu+r 3 I Inrweu:',WTeen»IkN I ConwwsnF '�. 9 ! ! AT THE AIRPORT in Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International , z 3, ; Sky Club T6 r � •I.�». a T�''.�-� �` � Burger King T9 Blues&Brews T12 A,Do parkmo ADELTA Get 10% off a Delta Sky Club SKY CLUB' Membership. Promo Code:SJN10 If your travel plans change.please contact Delta.Gate assignments and departure times are subject to change,please check the airport monitors for the most up-to- date flight and gate information.We recommend you arrive at the airport 75 minutes prior to departure for travel within U.S.and 3 hours prior to departure for international flights.It is your responsibility to arrive at the airport with sufficient time to complete baggage check and security clearance. https://www.delta.com/PCCOclWeb/selectBoardingPassNext.action 9/28/2013 View Boarding Pass Page 2 of 2 SAT,SEP 28,2013 A.D E L T A ) D i a n a I C o rd r a y SkyMiles#XXXXXX0876 BOARDING DOCUMENT GP4CCO/SKYMILES AMEX ATL, ► I N D ATLANTA(ATL) ► BOARDING GATE' ZONE SEAT ©Layover 1h 51m r'J Indianapolis(IND) 3:25pm - 1 31A Depart Sat,4:05pm FLIGHT DL2281 Domestic Term-South Economy(U) Arrive Sat,5:39pm 'Gates may change.Check airport monitors. Fly Paperless:www.delta.com/app Ticket#:006 7267484344 EXTENDED WEATHER FORECAST for Indianapolis Sat,Sep 28 `" Sun.Sep 29 } -= Mon.Sep 30 80°F 1 54°F r 70°F 161°F f 74°F 153°F ctttc Precip.54% t%rt�` Precip.54% `f Precip.21% RESTAURANTS in Indianapolis P.F.Chang's China Bistro 317.974.5747 49 W Maryland St.Indianapolis,IN 46204 Rick's Cafe Boatyard 317.290.9300 4050 Dandy Trail. Indianapolis,IN 46254 Brugge Brasserie 317.255.0978 1011 E Westfield Blvd,Indianapolis, IN 46220 High Velocity 317.860.6500 10 South West Street,Indianapolis, IN 46204 ATTRACTIONS in Indianapolis Indianapolis Art Center 317.255.2464 820 E 67 St,Indianapolis. IN 46220 Fort Harrison State Park 317.591.0904 5753 Glenn Rd, Indianapolis. IN 46216 Colonel Eli Lilly Civil War Museum 317.232.7615 One Monument Cir, Indianapolis,IN 46204 NCAA Hall of Champions 317.916.4255 700 W Washington St.Indianapolis,IN 46204 If your travel plans change.please contact Delta.Gate assignments and departure times are subject to change,please check the airport monitors for the most up-to- date Flight and gate information.We recommend you arrive at the airport 75 minutes prior to departure for travel within U.S.and 3 hours prior to departure for international flights.It is your responsibility to arrive at the airport with sufficient time to complete baggage check and security clearance. https://www.delta.coi-n/PCCOciWeb/selectBoardingPassNext.action 9/28/2013 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts General Form No.101 (1955) MILEAGE CLAIM C,15 .....__, , TO DR. (Governmental Unit) N -A— On Account of Appropriation ro riation No. for (Office,Board, Department or Institution) DATE FROM TO ODOMETER READING* NATURE OF BUSINESS AUTO MILES MILEAGE @__' �� 20 /3 Point Point Start Finish TRAVELED PER MILE 9/.Z.Z, : e ..Le ,- ( /Z-tre-LAA4. Pi,c- --- . 74,, . tfd.9 JJ o - (.7 '14724-,_,fia , 56 AP.0 -I Pc.)(----et-E-L--tiL 7te-iik.) 0'4-C e,.,...:‘.&./LA-i--,,fi 7 (, td: 4- __ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . . • . . . , . . . . . . -, --; . . . . _ . . . . . . Auto License No. i TOTALS k,g * SPEEDOMETER READING columns are to be used only when distance between points cannot be determined by fixed mileage or official highway map. Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of Chapter 155, Acts 1953, I hereby certify that the foregoing account i!just and correct, that the amount claimed is legally due, after allowing all just credits, and that no part of the same has been paid. ) • Date 7.01. 1f, , /iii Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. n Payee `U ,ir�►�"`� A Z Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 4I' s q( ,(& Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. , 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. --- /tiAk, @,c-IJ ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF $ $ a ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 0396 t+IrdinieJ SLO Board Members PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT.# I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except )/eeinic 20 Signatur Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund