HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondenceConstruction/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Technical Review and Comment (Form 1)
Project Name: County: Hamilton
Plan Submittal Date: 09/24/04 Hydrologic Unit Code: 5120201120080
Project Location Description: S. side of 116th 1/4 mile west of Shelbome Rd.
Latitude and Longitude:Lat.- 86- 13'- 38" Long- 39- 57' 10"
Civil Township: Clay Quarter: NE Section: 6 Township: 17N Range:
Project Owner Name: Dura Builders
Contact: Craig Lintner
Address: 5740 Decatur Blvd.
City: Indianapolis State: IN Zip: 46241
Phone: 317-821-8100 FAX: 317-821-1868 E-Mail:
plan PreParer Name: Brian Robinson
Affiliation: Stoeppelwerth and Associates
Address: 9940 Allisonville Road
City: Fishers
Phone: 317-577-3400 ext. 16 FAX:
State: IN Zip: 46038
IReview Date: 09/27/04
~ Principal Plan Reviewer: John B. South P.E. CPESC
I E[Agency: Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District
I~lAddress: 1108 South 9th Street
City: Noblesville State: IN Zip: 46060
Phone: 317-773-2181 FAX: 317-776-1101 E-Mail: j ohn-south~iaswcd, org
Assisted By:
I~l PLAN IS ADEQUATE: A comprehensive plan review has been completed and it has been determined that the
plan satisfies the minimum requirements and intent of 327 IAC 15-5.
[-] Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s).
[7~ Submit Notice of Intent (NOI): Attach a copy of this cover page when submitting the NOI to the Indiana
Department of Environmental Management. Construction activities may begin 48 hours following the submittal of
the NOI. A copy of the NOI must also be sent to the Reviewing Authority (e.g. SWCD, DNR).
[-] A preliminary plan review has been completed; a comprehensive review will not be completed within the 28-day
review period. The reviewing authority reserves the right to perform a comprehensive review at a later date and
revisions to the plan may be required at that time to address deficiencies.
[-] Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s).
~ Submit Notice of Intent (NOI): Attach a copy of this coverpage when submitting the NOI to the Indiana
Department of Environmental Management. Construction activities may begin 48 hours following the submittal of
the NOI. A copy of the NOI must also be sent to the Reviewing Authority (e.g. SWCD, DNR).
[-]PLAN IS DEFICIENT: Significant deficiencies were identified during the plan review.
[~ Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s).
[~ DO NOT file a Notice of Intent for this project.
[-] DO NOT commence land disturbing activities until all deficiencies are adequately addressed, the plan re-
submitted, and notification has been received that the minimum requirements have been satisfied.
[~] Plan Revisions [~ Deficient Items should be mailed or delivered to the Principal Plan Reviewer identified in the Plan Review Section above.
DNR, Division of Soil Conservation Page 1 of 1 Revised 12/09/03, Form 1
SEP-10-2004 13:50 FROM:HAMILTON CO HWY DEP 3177769814 T0:317 ST1 24~6 P.001/001
September 10, 2004
Mr. Brian Robinson
Stoeppalwerth and Associates, Inc.
9940 Allisonvllle Road
Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005
Cass Estates
Revised Secondary Plat and Construction Plans
S of 116th Street/W of Shelborne Road
Clay Township
Dear Mr. Robinson:
Thfs letter serves to acknowledge receipt of a transmittal received 7/7/04 containing tl~e
plans for the above-mentioned project. After reviewing the plans the Highway
Department has the following comments:
1. It appears that all Issues listed in my letters dated July 20, ;2004 and September 1,
2004, have been satisfactorily addressed. Therefore, seven sets of plans will need to
be submitted for final approval. Please verify that all revisions requested by the
Hamilton County Surveyors Office have been addressed before submitting the final
sets of plans.
2. A pre-construction meeting will need to be held on-site prior to the start of any
construction and a Testing and Inspection Agreement completed. The Agreement
has been forwarded to Dura Development under separate cover.
If you have any questions or comments concerning this letter, please feel free to contact
me at anytime.
Staff Engineer
Jon Dobosiewicz
Greg Hoyes
Gary Duncan
Craig Lintner
G:~USER~$B~04tac~09.10..04cass estates.doc
t 700 South 10~' Street
Nob]c.~ville, In. 46060
www.co.h ami]ton.in.us
Office (.31.7) 773-7771)
Fax 01.7) 776,-9814
,'K.ento~ C. Ward, Surveyor
rPh°"e ~3 'rT) 776'8495
"Fax (3'~7) 77~.9~28
September 2. 2004
Sto,ppclw~rth & Associates, Inc.
ATTN: Brian Robinson
9940 Allisonvillc Road
Fishers, IN 46038-2005
S.itc z 88'
· .
',~ ' ~. One Hamilton County dquart'
~,~oblcsl~lle, 111diatla 46o6o-223o
Re: Cass Estates Construction Plans
Dear Mr. Robinson:
We have reviewed the revised construction plans submitted to the Hamilton County Surveyor's
Office on August 23, 2004 for this project and have thc following comments:
Please submit the following procedural items to this office, petition for regulated
subdivision, utility crossing permit (sanitary sewer crossing on Long Branch Estates
Drain), eng/neer's estimate, and all associated bonds for 120% of construction cost.
The applications are available on our website at www.co,h .an~_'_!ton.in.~, go to
Departments, Surveyor, and Forms, Please note a new Petition for Regulated
Drain Subdivision is posted on the website.
The off-site easement for the subdivision outlet will need to be acquired by thc
developer and grained to the Board of Commissioners of Hamilton County. Thc
required easement agreement is posted on the above mentioned website.
Please show SSD laterals to ever lot on the development plan as required by
Hamilton County Ordinance 4-26-99-C. Please reference sheet C606 on the site
development plan, so everyone knows where to find the $$D lateral
Please make sure the private tile that is suspected to come into this site for the
northeast is found and connected into the storm system with a positive outlet. This
private tile probable the outlet for perimeter drains for septic systems and sump
pump discharge. Please add a note or show this connection at structure 816.
Please show a cross section of the emergency spillway and the emergency flood
routing the water will follow to the open ditch. The emergency spillway is to be set
at the 100 year elevation, as shown in ttCSO Detail D-7. Please raise the
emergency spillway to 900.00 and change the elevatian on the eross-sectio~x.
Please show a plan and profile view for the orifice in structure 804. Correct the
size of the orifice on C605 and label it ns structure 804, not 879.
The landscape plans does not show all the regulated drs.lnage easements and several
trees arc shown where regulated drain arc to bc run, This would be merely along
the perimeter and the front entrance. Please make adjustments to keep trees away
from regulated drains as required by Indiana Code 36-9-27-3.
Please note that further comments may be necessary st a later date.
Should you have any questions, I can be reached at 317-776-$495.
Plan Reviewer
,Ion Dobosicwicz- Carmel DOCD
John South- HCSWCD
Steve Broermann- HCHD
Craig Limner- Dura Builders
SEP-01-8004 14:89 FROM:HAMILTON CO HWY DEP 3177769814
TO: 317 571 8486
P. 001 x002
September 1, 2004
Mr. Brian Robinson
Stoeppelwertl~ and Associates, Inc.
9940 AIIisonville I~oad
Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005
Casa Estates
Revised Secondary Plat and Construction Plans
S of 116~h Street /W of Shelborne Road
Clay Township
Dear Mr. Robinson:
This letter serves to acknowledge receipt of a transmittal received 7112/04 containing the
plans for the above-mentioned project, After reviewing the plans the Highway
Department has the following comments (I have maintained the numbering from my
letter dated July 20, 2004):
1, The triangular right of way corner cuts at the entrance must consist of ~vo 50' legs.
The legs must be 50' with a hypotenuse of 70,71' for the triangular cuM.
2. The eyebrows on Zinardl Court must me located within Common Area. Eyebrows are
not permitted within the street right of way. The easements must be Common Area
or Ingress/Egress easements, The Covenants and or plat for the development
must address maintenance of the easements,
3. If Common Area is to be used in the median at the entrance, a minimum of 10' of
right of way must be present behind the median curb. Right of way is needed
behind the curb to allow for future maintenance of the street and curb.
4. OK.
.O.o. nstruction Plans
5. OK.
O1~, per comment #2.
7. OK.
8. OK, all requirements for improvements and permitting to 116t~ Street will be
completed per the City of Carmel Engineering Department.
g, OK,
I0, OK, see note 08.
11. OK.
12. OK,
13. OK, see note 08.
14. OK.
15, OK.
16. OK.
17. OK.
18. Ok.
1700 South 10'" Street
Noblesvi]le, Tn. 46060
Office {3I'D 773-7770
Fax 017) 776-9814
SEP-0~-~004 14:~ FROM:W~MI/TON CO H~Y DEP
Additional signage is needed at the mid-block crosswalk on Mears DMve. The signs
must be fluorescent yellow green, 30x30 and include WI 1-2 sign with W 16-7 plaque.
Please indicate the signs on the Traffic Control Plan
OK, see note ~ for permitting requirements.
Please note that further comments may be necessary after revisions have been
Please note on the water main plans that the kicker blocks for the water main
cannot interfere with the $$D under the curb.
After the above listed revisions have been completed end checked, a pre-
construction meeting will need to be held on-site prior to the start of any
construction. Seven sets of plans must also be submitted for final approval
prior to the pre.construction meeting and a Testing and Inspection Agreement
completed, The Agreement will be forwarded to Dura Development under
separate cover.
If you have any questions or comments concerning this letter, please feel free to contact
me at anytime.
Steven j~,Bmermann
Staff Engineer
Jon Dobosiewicz
Grog Hoyes
Gary Duncan
G:~USERS~SI~0Atac\06.31.04cass estates.doc
August 27, 2004
Mr. Brian K. Robinson
Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc.
9940 Allisonville Road
Fishers, IN 46038-2005
RE: Cass Estates-Project Review #2
Dear Mr. Robinson:
The City of Carmel has received your comment response letter and revised drawings dated August 19, 2004
for the above referenced project. Thank you for addressing the City's comments. Based on a review of your
comments and the submitted drawings, the issues from the City's first review on July 20, 2004 were
satisfactorily addressed. Based on the City's second review, the City provides the following comments:
1. The City thanks you for adding two-feet of pavement to the travel lanes for a total of 13-feet.
However, the City typically requests pavement widening to provide 15-foot travel lanes. During
our review, we scaled the existing lanes to be 12-foot lanes and requested 3-foot of additional
pavement. Please provide 15-foot travel lanes (an additional 2-feet of pavement from what you
have shown) for the southern half of the roadway across the property frontage. Where there is not
curbing, please provide the 3-foot gravel shoulder as presently shown on the cross section and the
plans. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this has caused.
2. Since issuing the TAC comments, the City has recognized that the wrong right-of-way pavement
section was requested as a part of the TAC comments. We thank you for making the previously
requested changes to the pavement section and apologize for any inconvenience that this has
caused. For the 116th Street classification, both the City and the County would require this
pavement section to be designed. The City has designed a pavement section as a part of the 116th
Street widening project between College Avenue and Rangeline Road. The pavement section is as
follows (the specifications are in metric):
A. 75kg/sqm HMA Surface 9.5mm
B. 165 kg/sqm HMA Intermediate 19.0 mm
C. 240 kg/sqm HMA Base 25.0 mm
D. 165 kg/sqm HMA Base C 25.0 mm
E. 240 kg/sqm HMA base 25.0 mm
You may utilize this section or provide your own design for the pavement section, subject to City
review and approval.
3. Pleas.e show the multi-use path one foot off of the right-of-way line and add a dimension to
Section A-A.
4. Please show the full depth pavement section hatching to include the widening from the existing
11-foot travel lane on Section A-A. There should be 16-feet of full depth asphalt/right-of-way
pavement section.
5. Please add a solid white thermoplastic stripe to the northern side of the 100-foot deceleration
auxiliary lane on the Entrance Detail and Striping Plan. Also, please add a solid white edge line
for all areas in the right-of-way where there is no curbing.
ONE CIVIC SQUARE, CAlL\lEI., IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441
E,x~:x~ engineering(4?ci.carmel.in.us
Doc 317.571.2439
Mr. Brian K. Robinson
August 27, 2004
Page 2 of 2
6. Please revise the note on C405 to read: "...within the 116th Street right-of-way across the property
frontage...". Please delete the incomplete note on Sheet C404 and replace with the revised note
from Sheet C405.
7. Please sho~v the limits of the right-of-way pavement section for placement all the way to the right-
of-way limit at the entrance. Section A-A infers that the right-of-way pavement section is only
required in the auxiliary lanes.
8. The City would install the street sign and stop sign shown on the Traffic Control Plan within the
right-of-way of 116th Street. The Stop sign installation requires adoption by Ordinance. Please
contact the Street Department to determine who provides the signs, posts, bolts, etc.
The above comments are based upon the Engineering Department's second review of this project. Please
provide our office with a follow up letter regarding this review and revised plans, indicating all revisions.
If you agree to all of the recommended changes and assure to us that the changes have been made, you may
submit the appropriate amount of plans for approval as a part of you next submittal and eliminate the need
for a third drawing review.
If you have questions, please contact Mike McBride Or me at 571-2441.
ry R D~ an Jr., P.E.
Assistant Jtity Engineer
Departmen' t of Engineering
Jon Dobosiewicz, Department of Community Services (w/o encl.)
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office
John South, Hamilton County Soil & Water
John Duffy, Utilities
Project File
Engineering Department Review
\k&pps2\user data\engkshared\DHillXPROJREV04\CASSESTATESREV2.doc
Page 1 of 2
Conn, Angelina V
From: Pat Shaurette [pews@juno.com]
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 11 :'38 AM
To: Conn, Angelina V
Cc: pews@juno.com; Lillard, Sarah N; jjarboe@kbhome.com; Griffin, Matt L; Hollibaugh, Mike P
Subject: Re: Cass Estates, sec 1 - signature page
Angie -
I've spoken with the Hamilton County Recorder's office and they recommend that this be handled with a
"Certificate of Correction" signed by Mike. I am having this prepared by Stoeppelwerth and will get it
to your office for signature as soon as it is ready.
When Mike has signed it, let me know and I will take care of recording it and getting it back to you.
Thanks for your help in this,
Pat Shaurette
-- V'Conn, Angelina VV' wrote:
I just received the recorded Mylar copy and 3 paper copies. However, the Director never signed the original
Mylar. You will have to somehow provide a supplement or additional instrument that the Director can sign and
somehow reference that recorded document to the recorded plat, you can get his signature on a clean copy of
the Mylar with the other signatures and re-record the signature page, or you can re-record the whole plat (4
Either way, the Plan Commission approval signature block (director's signature) should be linked to the recorded
plat. His approval/signature makes the plat official.
Angie Conn
Planning Administrator
..... Original Message .....
From: Conn, Angelina V
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 9:07 AM
To: 'Pat Shaurette'
Subject: RE: Cass Estates
...... Original Message .....
From: Pat Shaurette [mailto:pews@juno.com]
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 9:02 AM
To: Conn, Angelina V
Subject: Cass Estates
Good morning, Angie,
Page 2 of 2
The copies of the recorded plat for Cass Estates should be in your office this morning.
Thanks for your help, and please let me know if you need anything else to get this
subdivision into the system.
Pat Shaurette
295-1207 - office
431-1581 - cell
TEL 317 821 8100 FAX 317 82] 1863
CELL 317 557 818]
Z'I:~Z"I:/_S'/_T£ d ~:£09~ NI 'laguaeD
aJenbs O!A!D auo
lawJeD jo X~,!D
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6u!uoz ~ 6u!uueld jo UO!S!A!C]
JO::jeJ],S] U [ UJ p~ 6u!uueld
uuoD a.~§uv' :u.~.lV
Division of Planning & Zoning
Department of Community Services
City of Carmel
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
Dear Angie Conn
Enclosed are 3 paper copies and 1 Mylar of the recorded plat for Cass Estates.
I appreciate your recent communications with Pat Shaurette this week regarding this. We are
excited about building brand new product at Cass Estates. Thank you for your help in making
it possible to get our permits underway. I will be re-submitting the applications the permits
today as well.
Please contact me anytime if you have any further questions, concerns, or comments.
Best Regards,
James Jarboe
Manager, Forward Planning
TEL3178218100 FAX3178218111 KBHOME.COM
Construction/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Technical Review and Comment (Form 1)
Project Name: Cass Estates Sec. ! County: Hamilton
Plan Submittal Date: 08/23/04 Hydrologic Unit Code: 5120201120080
Project Location Description: S. side of 116th 1/4 mile west of Shelborne Rd.
Latitude and Longitude:Lat.- 86- 13'- 38" Long- 39- 57' 10"
Civil Township: Clay Quarter: NE Section: 6 Township: 17N Range: 3E
Project Owner Name: Dura Builders
Contact: Craig Lintner
Address: 5740 Decatur Blvd.
City: Indianapolis State: IN Zip: 46241
Phone: 317-821-8100 FAX: 317-821-1868 E-Mail:
Plan Preparer Name: Brian Robinson
Affiliation: Stoeppelwerth and Associates
Address: 9940 Allisonville Road
City: Fishers State: IN Zip: 46038
Phone: 317-577-3400 ext. 16 FAX: E-Mail:
Review Date: 09/13/04
Principal Plan Reviewer: John B. South P.E. CPESC
Agency: Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District
Address: 1108 South 9th Street
City: Noblesville State: IN Zip: 46060
Phone: 317-773-2181 FAX: 317-776-1101 E-Mail: j ohn-south~iaswcd.org
Assisted By:
PLAN IS ADEQUATE: A comprehensive plan review has been completed and it has been determined that the
plan satisfies the minimum requirements and intent of 327 IAC 15-5.
[~ Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s).
[~ Submit Notice of Intent (NOI): Attach a copy of this cover page when submitting the NOI to the Indiana
Department of Environmental Management. Construction activities may begin 48 hours following the submittal of
the NOI. A copy of the NOI must also be sent to the Reviewing Authority (e.g. SWCD, DNR).
A preliminary plan review has been completed; a comprehensive review will not be completed within the 28-day
review period. The reviewing authority reserves the right to perform a comprehensive review at a later date and
revisions to the plan may be required at that time to address deficiencies.
[-] Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s).
[--] Submit Notice of Intent (NOI): Attach a copy of this cover page when submitting the NOI to the Indiana
Department of Environmental Management. Construction activities may begin 48 hours following the submittal of
the NOI. A copy of the NOI must also be sent to the Reviewing Authority (e.g. SWCD, DNR).
PLAN IS DEFICIENT: Significant deficiencies were identified during the plan review.
[~ Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s).
[~ DO NOT file a Notice of Intent for this project.
[~ DO NOT commence land disturbing activities until all deficiencies are adequately addressed, the plan re-
submitted, and notification has been received that the minimum requirements have been satisfied.
Plan Revisions [-~ Deficient Items should be mailed or delivered to the Principal Plan Reviewer identified
in the Plan Review Section above.
DNR, Division of Soil Conservation Page 1 of 4 Revised 12/09/03, Form 1
Construction/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan - Technical Review and Comment (Form 1)
IIProject Name: Cass Estates Sec. 1
[Date Reviewed: 09/13/04
The technical review and comments are intended to evaluate the completeness of the Construction/Stormwater Pollution
Prevention Plan for the project. The Plan submitted was not reviewed for the adequacy of the engineering design. All
measures included in the plan, as well as those recommended in the comments should be evaluated as to their feasibility
by a qualified individual with structural measures designed by a qualified engineer. The Plan has not been reviewed
Cor other local, state, or federal permits that may be required to proceed with this project. ~4dditional information,
!ncluding design calculations may be requested to further evaluate the Plan.
All proposed stormwater pollution prevention measures and those referenced in this review must meet the design criteria
and standards set forth in the "Indiana Stormwater Quality Manual"from the Indiana Department of Natural
Resources, Division of Soil Conservation or similar Guidance Documents.
Please direct questions and/or comments regarding this plan review to:
John B. South P.E. CPESC
Please refer to the address and contact information identified in the Plan Review Section on page 1.
Assessment of Construction Plan Elements (Section A)
The Construction Plan Elements are adequately represented to complete a plan review:
~ Yes [-] No
The items checked below are deficient and require submittal to meet the requirements of the rule.
A ...... ........................... ............. ,, A ,
11 by 17 inch plat showing building lot
~-] 1 Index showing locations of required Plan Elements [~ 2
numbers/boundaries and road layout/names
Narrative describing the nature and purpose of the
~ 3 project [--] 4 Vicinity map showing project location
[--] 5 Legal Description of the Project Site [--] 6 Location. of all lots and proposed site
(Include Latitude and Longitude - NOI Requirement) Improvements (roads, utilities, structures, etc.)
Notation of any State or Federal water quality
[~] 7 Hydrologic unit code (14 Digit) ['--]8
[~] 9 Specific points where stormwater discharge will leave [~ 10 Location and name of all wetlands, lakes and
the site water courses on and adjacent to the site
Identification of potential discharges to ground
[~] 11 Identification of all receiving waters ~ 1.2
water (abandoned wells, sinkholes, etc.)
Pre-construction and post construction estimate of
[~] 1.3 100 year floodplains, floodways, and floodway fringes [~] 14
Peak Discharge (10 Year storm event)
Locations and approximate boundaries of all
['-]15 Adjacent landuse, including upstream watershed [~ 16
disturbed areas (Construction Limits)
Soils map including soil descriptions and
~] 17 Identification of existing vegetative cover ,[~ 18
[-~ 19 Locations, size and dimensions of proposed stormwater ~-] 20 Plans for any off-site construction activities
systems (e.g. pipes, swales and channels) associated with this project (sewer/water tie-ins)
~ 21 Locations of proposed soil stockpiles and/or [---] 22 Existing site topography at an interval appropriate
borrow/disposal areas to indicate drainage patterns
Proposed final topography at an interval appropriate to
:[~]23 indicate drainage patterns
DNR, Division of Soil Conservation Page 2 of 4 Revised 12/09/03, Form 1
Construction/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan - Technical Review and Comment (Form 1)
Project Name:
Date Reviewed:
Cass Estates Sec. 1
Assessment of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (Sections B & C)
~ ' ,~,tormwater~ P011ut~0n Pre~entl0n Plan ~ C0nst~eti0n c0mp0nent etion B)
The construction component of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan includes stormwater quality
measures to address erosion, sedimentation, and other pollutants associated with land disturbance and
~ construction activities. Proper implementation of the plan and inspections of the construction site are
~ ,~ .,~ necessary to minimize the discharge ofpollutants. The Project Site Owner should be aware that
~ .~ ~ :~ unforeseen construction activities and weather conditions may affect the performance of a practice or the
'o ~ <~ effectiveness of the plan. The plan must be a flexible document, with provisions to modify or substitute
,< ~.. ~ B practices as necessary.
[~ [~] 1 Description of potential pollutant sources associated with construction activities
Sequence describing stormwater quality measure implementation relative to land disturbing
[~] [~J 2 activities
[~J[--] 3 Stable construction entrance locations and specifications (at all points of ingress and egress)
[~][--] [~ 4 Sediment control measures for sheet flow areas
[--] [~ [--] 5 Sediment control measures for concentrated flow areas
~7][~] [--] 6 Storm sewer inlet protection measure locations and specifications
~] [--] [~J 7 Runoff control measures (e.g. diversions, rock check dams, slope drains, etc .)
[7]~ ~ 8 Storm water outlet protection specifications
[-~[~J [7] 9 Grade stabilization structure locations and specifications
[7]~] 10 Location, dimensions, specifications, and construction details of each stormwater quality measure
[~ [-~ 11 Temporary surface stabilization methods appropriate for each season (include sequencing)
[~ [-] 12 Permanent surface stabilization specifications (include sequencing)
[~ [~ 13 Material handling and spill prevention plan
~J [~] 14 Monitoring and maintenance guidelines for each proposed stormwater quality measure
[~ [~ [~] 15 Erosion & sediment control specifications for individual building lots
S~6~~ POllfiti~fi pre~fi~l~~ pla~ ~ ~ cofi~i~ti~fi ~~~fit ~ti°~ ~
~ The post construction component of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan includes the
implementation of stormwater quality measures to address pollutants that will be associated with the
m final landuse. Post construction stormwater quality measures should be functional upon completion of
~ ~ ~: the project. Long term functionality of the measures are critical to their performance and should be
C monitored and maintained.
[~ [~ I Description of pollutants and their sources associated with the proposed land use
[7] [~ 2 Sequence describing stormwater quality measure implementation
~ [7] 3 Description of proposed post construction stormwater quality measures
(Include a written description of how these measures will reduce discharge of expected pollutants)
~ [Z~ : 4 Location, dimensions, specifications, and construction details of each stormwater quality measure
[~ [~ 5 Description of maintenance guidelines for post construction stormwater quality measures
DNR, Division of Soil Conservation Page 3 of 4 Revised 12/09/03, Form 1
Construction/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan - Technical Review and Comment
I[Project Name:
IDate Reviewed:
Cass Estates Sec. 1
A18- Please include a discussion of how the soil limitations will be overcome.
B2- Why is a silt fence installed around the pond in step 4 prior to the pond being constructed? I don't think the fence is
needed. I need to see two functioning sediment basins with supporting calculations. One basin at the existing natural
swale exiting pond # 1 and in the area west of the house to be demolished. Recommend a step requiring temp. seeding
after the bulk earthmoving is completed, after utilities are installed and a final seeding. The project is fairly large at 35
acres. The sequence needs to plan the project so that a maximum area of 20 acres is disturbed.
B5- Sediment basins are needed as discussed in B2. The berm along the west edge of the pond could be used for the
sediment basin dam.
13B. A spill response plan is needed.
C1- Nutrients and pesticides need to be included.
C3- Swales do not collect water from the streets and only part of the building. Wetland plantings on the west side of pond
#1 would help with the nutrient issues. Is the travel distance from Strs 856, 850 and 828 to the outlet str 804 adequate for
good sediment deposition? The green space should be used for water quality practice. The areas would need to be
topsoiled and a nutrient/pesticide management plan included for O&M.
C5- Remove info for forebays.
cc: Carmel, Surveyor, File
DNR, Division of Soil Conservation Page 4 of 4 Revised 12/09/03
David J. Stoeppelwerth, P.E., P.L.S.
President, C.E.O.
Curtis C. Huff, P.L.S.
Vice-President, C.O.O.
R.M. Stoeppelwerth, P.E., P.L.S.
President Emeritus
City of Carmel
One Civic Square
Carmel, Indiana 46032
Attention: Angelina Butler
Dear Ms. Butler:
August 20, 2004
Re' Cass Estates, Section One
#04070004 SP
I am sending you a revised set of Construction Plans, and Final Plat for the
above referenced project in response to the comment letter we received from your office dated
July 12, 2004. Please find below an item by item explanation of the revisions that we have made.
1. The docket numbers have been added to the Final Plat per your request.
2. This contribution is noted and has been discussed with the developer of this project,
Dura Builders. They will be addressing this with your department.
3. At this point in time, this ground has not been purchased by the developer and
therefore the ALTA Survey has not been recorded. When this is completed we will
add the recording information to the plat per your request.
4. All of the signing surveyor's information will be added to the Final Plat at the time the
developer wants to record the plat.
5. We have added rebar to all lot corners and taken off the note referring to rebar on all
6. Please find the Subdivider Agreement enclosed.
7. Please find the Utility Summary enclosed.
8. We will be providing a revised Landscape Plan at a later time addressing all of the
9. We are currently showing 5' sidewalks.
10. We have been working with the Surveyor's office on the drainage easements in this
area and therefore have been revised. We are also showing a 25' Common Area on
the rear of these lots.
9940 Allisonville Road · Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 · (317) 849-5935 · 1-800-728-6917 · FAX: (317) 849-5942
City of CmTnel
Angelina Butler
August 20, 2004
Page 2
11. Please see the enclosures for the offsite drainage easements.
12. We will be working with the HOA of the subdivision to the south of this project to
coordinate some speed issues they may have in the near future.
13. We have shown the entire subdivision on the Location Map per your request.
14. We have been working with Jon Dobosiewicz on this comment. He has concluded
that we meet the ROSO requirements.
15. We will be providing a revised Landscape Plan at a later time.
16. We have identified all Common Areas as PAE (Pedestrian Access Easements).
Please feel free to call me and discuss any questions or concerns you may have. You
may contact me at (317) 577-3400, ext. 16.
Respectfully submitted,
Brian K. Robinson
Cc: Craig Lintner
S/42461 s 1/Agency
July 29, 2004
Mr. Brian K. Robinson
Stoeppebverth & Associates, Inc.
9940 Allisonville Road
Fishers, IN 46038-2005
RE: Cass Estates-Response to TAC discussion items
Dear Mr. Robinson:
The following outlines the City's response to the discussion points that were raised during the TAC
meeting on July 21, 2004'
1. Please provide the following pavement section for the paving within the right-of-way:
2. 1.5" H.A.C. Surface #11 over 5" H.A.C. Base #5D over 7" Compacted #53 Stone over 4"
Compacted #2 Stone.
3. As we discussed on the phone yesterday, please work with the Department of Community
Services to agree to commitments for the widening of the southern half of 116th Street across the
development's frontage. The City will not request widening of the roadway beyond that required
for the proposed auxiliary lanes as a part of the project.
4. The City will not request the construction of dedicated left turn lanes on 116th Street as a part of
this project. If the City improves 116th Street as a part of a future roadway project, the left turn
lanes will be installed at that time.
5. The City requests realignment of the development entrance from that proposed at the TAC
meeting. Please find the attached sketch which outlines the City's desired entrance configuration.
The sketch is not exact but dimensions have been added in order for you to do a more detailed
design. The City requests that the eastern line of the proposed left turn lane be aligned with the
center of the existing island on the northern entrance. The City also requests a narrower opening
than that proposed at the TAC meeting. The sketch shows a maximum 42-foot opening versus the
54-foot opening presented at the TAC meeting. The City requests that the left turn lane be
constructed as a typical left turn bay with a taper entrance to the bay as shown on the sketch. The
left turn lane and the taper are each 50-feet in length. The portion of the roadway that is separated
by the island has an 18-foot minimum back-of-curb to back-of curb dimension on each side. We
can review the attached sketch at your convenience.
If you have questions, call Mike McBride or me at 571-2441.
G~. Dun/an, Jr. P.E.
Assistant C~y Engineer
Jon Dobosiewicz, Department of Community Services
Steve Broermann, Hamilton County Highway Department
Project File
Engineering Department Review
I-)~: P:X}'~T~[:_X~' o~~
Ox'}: Civic S()t:^~}.:, C.~xl:.xJ}:I~, IN 46(i)32 O~:}:Ic~: 317.571.2441
E:\IAII. kwc'csc,~ ti.ca rmcl.in.us
F:xx 31.7.571.2,i39
903.60 ,,~'~'~;~'.
34:'20 ............
M.F.F.=904 D
M. F.F.-.-ff: 904.00
1 5' R':D.E.
JUL-80-8004 13:34 FROM:HAMILTON
HNY DEP 3177769814
TO: 31T ST1 8486
July 20, 2004
Mr. Brian Robinson
Stoeppelwerth and Associates, Inc,
9940 Allisonville Road
Fishers, indiana 46038-2005
Cass Estates
Secondary Plat and Construction Plans
S of 116th Street / W of Shelbome Road
Clay Township
Dear Mr, Robinson:
This letter serves to acknowledge receipt of a transmittal received 7t12f04 containing the
plans for the above-mentioned project. After reviewing the plans the Highway
Department has the following comments:
Sec. ondarV Plat
1, The triangular right of way corner cuts at the entrance must consist of two 50' legs.
2. The eyebrows on Zinardl Court must me located within Common Area. Eyel3rows are
not permitted within the street dght of way,
3, If Common Area is to be used in the median at the entrance, a minimum of 10' of
fight of way must be present behind the median curb.
4. Before any approvals are granted for the secondary plat, performance bonds must
be submitted for 100% of the construction cost of the following Items: Stone Base,
HAC Binder, HAC surface, Concrete Curbs and Street Name and Regulatory Signs,
5, Note that the existing pavement and curb on Yorktown Crossing must be saw cut.
§. The eyebrow on Zinardi Court must be removed from the fight of way. The 50' right
of way should continue around the radius of the curve and valley curb installed within
the curb line,
7. A residential drive permit will be required for the relocation of tile Black'well drive.
8. Note on the site development plan and entrance plan that 116~' Street will need to be
widened three feet and a three foot shoulder Installed along the widening, The
widening section should consist of a 14" stone base 5" HAC binder and 1" HAC
surface. The shoulder must be 6" tn depth. A I" surface must be placed over 116*
Street from the west end of the project to the east end of the project. A butt joint will
need to be'milled at each end as well as the entrance to Long Branch Estates.
g. Correct the flow arrows on Mears Drive at the intersection of Senna Drive on the
intersection detail sheet.
10. Note on the Traffic Maintenance Plan that all plans must be in compliance with the
Indiana Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
11. On the Traffic Control Plan, the 25 MPH signs must be placed at the following
locations or lot lines: 2-3, 25-26, in the common area opposite lots 32-33, 39-40, 54-
55, 49-50, 9-10 and 18-19,
P. 001/008
1'/00 South l 0'~' Street
Noblesvllle~ In. 46060
www,co,ha mi ~tp.n~i~.s.
Office 017) 773-7770
Fax 017) 776-9814
JUL-80-8004 15:54 FROM:HAMILTOP ~0
HWY OEP 5177769814
TO: ~ ~ ? 571 8486
P. 008 x008
12. End of road markers are needed at the ends of Zinardi Court and Senna Drive.
~ 3. A striping plan is needed for 116~ Street.
t4. The median In the entrance must use chairba~ curb with reverse slope. HCHD
standard detail C-5.
15. Relocate the water main connection to an ama outside of the entrance to Long
Branch Estates. The west side of the entrance appears to work.
16. Please include a note on the water distribution sheet stating that no water main
valves are to be placed within the streets.
17. Include HCHD standerd details S-I, S-2, $-8 and $-4 or~ the Traffic Control Plan.
18. Please include flow lines in the streets.
19. Additional signage is needed at the mid-block crosswalk on Meats Ddve. The signs
must be fluorescent yellow green, 30x30 end include W11-2 sign with W16-7 plaque.
20, Please include the following note on sanitary sewer plan and profile pages: All
sanitary sewer laterals that cross the street must be backfilled with full depth granular
backfill that is mechanically packed.
21. Granular backfill is needed between structures 708-709 within the right of way and
west of 723 In the areas of the pavement.
22. The sanitary sewer should be extended east to Cass Estates from the existing
structure on the south side of 116"~ Street, south of structure 500, west of the project.
The open cut shown for 115"~ Street will not I~e permitted.
2:3, Please note that further comments may be necessary after revisions have been
If you have any questions or comments concerning this letter, please feel free to contact
me at anytime.
~Steven J. Broermann
Staff Engineer
Jori Dobosiewicz
Greg Hoyes
G :\USERS~B\(:14tac\07-20-04cass estates,doc
July 20, 2004
Mr. Brian K. Robinson
Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc.
9940 Allisonville Road' i. '~
Fishers, IN 46038-2005
RE: Cass Estates-Project Review #1
Dear Mr. Robinson:
We have reviewed the initial construction plans and secondary plat submitted for this project and offer the
following comments:
1. The ~oject site (with the exception of the 116th Street right of way) is located outside of current
City of Carmel Corporate Limits.
2. Ju~dictions:
Interior Streets- Hamilton County Highway Department
· 116th Street Right of Way- City of Carmel.
· Water- Indianapolis Water Company service area.
· Sanitary Sewers - Clay Township Regional Waste District service area.
· Storm Sewers/Drainage - Hamilton County Surveyor's Office.
3. Board of Public Works and Safety Requirements:
· If an irrigation system is planned for this development, additional Board of Public Works and
Safety approval will be required if it is to be installed in the fight of way of 116th Street.
· Temporary Construction Entrance (if applicable)
· Please be advised that any open cttts of dedicated streets will require separate Board of
Public }Vorks and Safety approval
· Any permanent improvement (including irrigation systems) to be installed within dedicated
right of way of 116th Street. This approval would require a Consent to Encroach Agreement
bet~veen the Owner and the City of Carmel.
· Believe Secondary Plat approval will be via the Hamilton County Board of County
· Dedication of right of way.
I am also enclosing a schedule for Board of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda
deadlines for your use. Please use the Engineering Department deadlines for submissions to the
Any submission to the Board requires prior approval by the Carmel Clay Plan Commission
and/or the Board of Zonbtg Appeals (if applicable) and completion of review by the Technical
Advisory Committee. All written requests to be placed on the Board's agenda must include the
appropriate Docket Number and the date (or dates) of approval by the Plan Commission attcl/or
the Board of Zoning Appeals (if applicable).
4. T.A.C. Review/Drawings submitted for approval:
We request that all comments and comment letters generated by this office be answered in writing
and be accompanied by a drawing reflecting requested revisions. Final drawings will not be
ONE CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEl,, IN 46032 OlqqC~: 317.571.2441
E~xbxII~ engineering~.ci.carmel.in.us
Mr. Brian K. Robins~on
July 20, 2004
Page 2
approved for construction until all Engineering Department and Utility Department issues have
been resolved. The design eng.ineer must certify all drawings submitted for final approval. This
office ~vill require a minimum"i~'f three-sets of drawings for approval after all issues have been
resolved. The drawings will be stamped as approved and will be signed by the City Engineer.
The Owner will receive one-set which is to be maintained on the construction site at all times.
Our Construction Manager will receive one-set and one-set will be maintained in the Engineering
5. Please be advised that any installation 9f signs, walls, irrigation systems, etc. within dedicated
right of wa3)t~:f'l 16th Street will requi/~a ~Consent to Encroach Agreement with the City of
Carmel's Board of Public Works and Safe_ty.
6. I am including copies of the following with this correspondence:
· Subdivision Project Approval Procedures
· Performance Release Procedure
· Subdivision Building Permits
· Permit Data, Contacts, etc.
· Subdivision Sign Requirements
7. Indi~idual Performance Guarantees will be required for the following subdivision improvements:
· 116th Street Right of Way Improvements including fight of way pavement, curbs, acceleration
~ lanes, deceleration lanes, multi-use asphalt path, etc.
· Street Sign in 116th Street Right of Way
The amount of the Performance Guarantees is based upon a certified Engineer's Estimate for
100% of the cost of labor and materials to construct the individual improvements, to be provided
by the design engineer. Please provide detailed Engineers Estimates for each improvement
including unit costs, quantities, materials and types of materials, etc. Upon completion and release
of individual Performance Guarantees, a three-year Maintenance Guarantee will be required. The
Maintenance Guarantee amount is based upon 15% of the Performance amount for Streets and
10% of the Performance amount for all other improvements. Performance Guarantees may be
Performance or Subdivision Bonds, Irrevocable Letters of Credit or Cashier' s/Certified/Official
Checks. Please reference the enclosures for more detailed explanation of our procedures.
8. This development is unusual in that the only jurisdiction by this office involves the existing and
proposed right of way of 116th Street. City of Carmel Annexation Ordinance C260, which is now
official, annexed to the south fight of way line of 116th Street.
9. Our 20-Year Thoroughfare plan designates 116th Street in this area as a Primary Parkway with a
requirement of a 140-foot total, 70-foot half right of way requirement. This has been indicated on
your plans. The Thoroughfare plan also requires a 1 O-foot wide multi-use asphalt path in the fight
of way of 116th Street.
10. We will defer to our Department of Community Services regarding perimeter road improvement
requirements (116th Street).
11. Sheet C404, C405 - Entrance Plan
· Section "A"-"A" indicates 17" of full depth Asphalt yet the pavement section only indicates
5" of asphalt. This needs to be 1.5" surface, 5" 5D base and 10" #53 stone. Add note to
drawing that all right of way pavement shall match this section.
Please align Mantoya Drive entrance with Long Branch Lane to the north. It appears that left
turn lanes are aligned, but this intersection would be difficult to signalize and maneuver with
left turn lanes aligned.
Mr. Brian K. Robinson
July 20, 2004
Page 3
,. ~ ,~.~' .,
Are you planning to widen the existing south half pavement section of 116th Street that is
adjacent to the north bour~.,0.ary of the development? If not, we are requesting the addition of
an additional 3-foot of pavement to the south half of 116th Street.
· 116th Street is classified as a Primary Parkway in our 20-year Thoroughfare Plan. Our
requirements for accel/decel auxiliary lanes and tapers for the Primary Arterial and Arterial
classification are:
- Decel Taper, 150 feet
- .,~,Decel Auxiliary Lane, 100.feet
,.,. ;, · ,~ ,
- Accel Taper, 250 feet
The decel taper and auxiliary lane lengths on the drawing are just the opposite, 100' taper and
150' auxiliary. The accel taper is 100', which is the requirement for Collector Roads. The
accel taper requirement is 250'.
· Please provide a striping/marking plan for the entrance. We require thermoplastic
The above comments are based upon the Engineering Department's initial review of this development.
Please provide our office with a follow up letter and revised plans indicating all revisions. Second and
subsequent reviews will focus only on revised items. It is critical that this office be made aware of all
modificationS, made on the plans being re-submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new"
or fall outside of our initial review.
If you have questions, call Mike McBride or me at 571-2441.
Assistantfity Engineer ~
Jon Dobosiewicz, Department of Community Services (w/o encl.)
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office
John South, Hamilton County Soil & Water
Project File
Engineering Department Review
Babbitt, Pamela A
F rom:
Candy Feltner [Candy. Feltner@ctrwd.org]
Monday, July 19, 2004 2:52 PM
rfarrand@ccs.k12.in.us; Butler, Angelina V; Keeling, Adrienne M; Tingley, Connie S; Hill, Dick
B; Pattyn, Dawn E; Hoyt, Gary A; GStahl@ci.carmel.in.us; Dobosiewicz, Jori C; Kendall, Jeff
^; Foster, Jim P; Pohlman, Jesse M; Fogarty, Michael D; Hollibaugh, Mike P; McBride, Mike
T; Snyder, M Todd; Westermeier, Mark; Babbitt, Pamela A; Morrissey, Phyllis G; Pace, Paul
V; Hancock, Ramona B; Brewer, Scott I; Liilard, Sarah N; Akers, William P;
dgroves@cinergy.com; rbooher@cinergy.com; rcastetter@cinergy.com;
Jay Alley; webteam@heckweb.net; john-south@iaswcd.org; mawood@panhandleenergy.com;
tmmagee@panhandleenergy.com; CShupperd@vectren.com
Vasco.Kirby@cte-eng.com; Angle Ritz
Re: July 21 Carmel TAC Agenda
Following are CTRWD comments on the agenda items effecting our sanitary sewers or service
area for the July 21, 2004 TAC meeting. Please feel free to copy and distribute this e-
mail or attach it to your meeting minutes. For future reference, we post all CTRWD TAC
comments to the Construction page of our website.
Village of WestClay
If the amended PUD ordinance or rezoning has any direct effect on existing sewer lines or
future service, plans need to be re-submitted. Sanitary sewer construction plans need to
be submitted for review by the District's engineers. A District project application may
also need to be re-submitted.. Please submit two sets of plans to the District for
review. An IDEM construction permit may need to be submitted or revised. If so, all IDEM
submittal information should be provided following the District's plan review.
Village of WestClay, Sec 9007
Plans have been reviewed and approved by the District's engineers. Plans are ready to be
submitted to IDEM for state approval. Requested developers to submit IDEM package was
sent on July 16, 2004.
Village of WestClay, Sec 9004
Plans have been reviewed and approved by the District's engineers. Plans are ready to be
submitted to IDEM for state approval. Requested developers to submit IDEM package was sent
on July 16, 2004.
Aberdeen Bend Sec 1 and 2
Revised sanitary sewer construction plans need to be submitted for review by the
District's engineers. A District project application must also be submitted. Please
submit two sets of plans to the District for review by District's engineers. An IDEM
construction permit will be needed. All IDEM submittal information should be provided
following the District's plan review.
LongRidge Estates
Sanitary sewer construction plans need to be submitted for review by the District's
engineers. A District project application must also be submitted. An off-site sewer
extension may be needed to service this development. Please submit two sets f plans to
the District for review by the District's engineers. District project application needs
to be completed and sent to the District. An IDEM construction permit will be needed.
All IDEM submittal information should be provided following the District's plan review.
Cass Estates, Sec 1
Plans have been received and are currently being reviewed by the District's engineers.
Revisions may be required after the review. IDEM permit will be required.
The Lakes at Towne Rd
Sanitary sewer construction plans need to be submitted for review by the District's
engineers. A District project application must also be submitted. An off-site sewer
extension may be needed to service this development. Please submit two sets of plans to
the District for review by the District's engineers. District project application needs
to be completed and sent to the District. An IDEM construction permit will be needed.
All IDEM submittal information should be provided following the District's plan review.
Lakeside Park, Sec 4
Sanitary sewer construction plans need to be submitted for review by the District's
engineers. A District project application must also be submitted. An off-site sewer
extension may be needed to service this development. Please submit two sets of plans to
the District for review by the District's engineers. District project application needs
to be completed and sent to the District. An IDEM construction permit will be needed.
All IDEM submittal information should be provided following the District's plan review.
Fidelity Plaza, Tower 3, Fifth Third Bank
Area is currently served via a private lift station. Developer needs to investigate
possible connection point at the new manhole north of ll6th on the hospital's site.
Please contact the District's office for further information.
Claybourne, Sec. 3
Plans have been reviewed and approved by the District's engineers. Plans are ready to be
submitted to IDEM for state approval. Requested developers to submit 3 sets of plans for
IDEM submittal on July 16, 2004.
Little Farms Addition, replat of lots 31-33
Sanitary sewer construction plans need to be submitted for review by the District's
engineers. A District project application must also be submitted. Please submit two sets
of plans to the District for review by District engineers. An IDEM construction permit
may be needed. If so, all IDEM submittal information should be provided following the
District's plan review.
Brownstone Home @Guilford Reserve
Sanitary sewer construction plans need to be submitted for review by the District's
engineers. A District project application must also be submitted. Please submit two sets
of plans to the District for review by the District's engineers. District project
application needs to be completed and sent to the District. An IDEM construction permit
will be needed. All IDEM submittal information should be provided following the
District's plan review.
Please remind all TAC applicants to provide three (2) sets of plans directly to the
District in care of
Candy J. Feltner at 10701 N. College AVE., Suite A, Indianapolis, Indiana 46280-1098.
We are a member of the IUPPS underground locate network so call 1-800-382-5544 before you
dig! Please feel free to contact Jay Alley or myself if you have questions or need
additional information.
Candy J. Feltner
Clay Township Regional Waste District
Hamilton County, IN, USA
317-844-9200 (phone)
317-844-9203 (fax)
JUL 14 ~ 04 04: 38PM P. 1,'3
Suly 114, 2004
Stoeppelwcrth & Associates, Inc.
ATTN: Brian Robinson
9940 Allisonville Road
Fishers, 1N 46038-2005
Re: Cass Estates Construction Plans
Dens' Mr. Robinson:
We have reviewed the construction plans submitted to the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office
on July 6, 2004 for this project and have the tbllowing comments:
1. This project falls within the jurisdiction of Hamilton County.
2. The proposed project DOES NOT fall in a Carmel Wellhead Protection Area.
3. The proposed project falls in the Long Branch Creek Watershed.
Please submit the following procedural items to this office, petition for regulated
subdivision, utility crossing permit (saniutry sewer crossing on Long Branch Estates
Drain), engineer's estimate, and ail associated bonds for 120% of construction cost,
The applications are available on our wcbsite at www. co.hamihon, in.,._us_., go to
Depaxtments, Surveyor, and Forms. Please note a new Petition for Regulated
Drain Subdivision Is posted on the website,
The off-site easement for the subdivision outlet will need to be acqu/red by the
developer and granted to the Board of Commissioners of Harnilton County' of the
easement for posted on the website.
6, Please add the developer's fax number to the cov~r sheet.
JUL 1~; ~ 0~ 0~;: BBPM
P. 8/3
Please show SSD laterals to evc'r lot on the development plan as required by
Hamilton County Ordinance 4-26-99-C,
Please make sure the private tile that is suspected to come in~o this site for the
northeast is found and connected into the storm system with a positive outlet. This
private tile probable the outer for perimeter drains for septic systems and sump
pump discharge.
Please show a cross section of the emergency spillway and the emergency flood
routing the water will follow to the open ditch. The emergency spillway is to be set
at the 100 year elevation, as shown in HCSO De, ail D-7.
10. The end section invert for structt~e 860 is incorrectly labeled in thc storm structure
data table. Also, since this invert is below lhe 100 year elevation of',he pond, please
show what pending will take place in this area and where the water will go.
11, Please show bank armorment, as shown in HCSO Detail O-4, at the open ditch for
the outlet structure, Also, include HCSO Detail 0-4 in the construction plans.
12. No defined swales are shown on lots 41 thru 46 and 25 thru 31. Please show swales
that will channel away the water from the rear yards of these lots.
1~3, The north half of the easement for pipe run 836 to 841 appears ~o be off-site and
will also need to bo acquired by the developer. It appears this area will be
developed in the future but the easement needs to be in place with the pipe
14. No erosion control practices are shown for structures 814 and 819 on the temporary
erosion control plan.
15. Please show a plan and profile view for the orifice in structure 804.
16. Please remove the detail for the R-3360-A detail on sheet C801, as it does not
appear to be needed on this project.
17. Please add HCSO Detail M1, M2, or M3, which ever is applicable to the driveway
cuts for the off-site outlet pipe nm.
1 $. Please remove any details on sheet C802 that are not applicable to this project,
mainly the inlet type details.
19. The landscape plans does not show all the regulated drainage easements and several
trees are shown where regulated drain are to be mn. This would be mainly along
the perimeter and the front entrance. Please make adjustments to keep trees away
from regulated drains as required by Indiana Code 36-9-27-3.
JUL 1~ ~0~
20. Please show the location of any existing wells and septic systems on the
~opographical survey. These will need to be properly abandoncd through the
Hamilton County I-Iealfl~ Department.
Please consider using castings that are designed for bi-directional flow in the "sag"
of the streets. The acceptable castings are Neenah 3501-L2 or East Jordan 7495-
M4. The Neenah (or equivalent) 3501 TR or TL should be used when a single
direction of flow enters the inlet. This will not be applicable on double inlets as
proposed in a majority of this site.
All casting should be labeled "Dump No Waste - Drains to Waterway," which are
readily available now from local casting distributors. Please add a note to the plans
that will make the contractor aware of this requirement.
23. The drainage calculation narrative has some information that just does not seem to
fit into this project. Where is Parkside Preserve? Was Storm CAD really used to
size the 33-inch pipe lhat crosses 62nd Street for this project?
24. Please provide more information to prove the pm-developed and post-developed
discharge peaks arc not at the 24 hours event, which is thc design standard
requirement by ordinance,
25. Please provide the pipe sizing calculations for pipe run 800 to 804, including
velocities and HOL.
26. Plea,se note that further comments may bo necessary at a later date,
Should you have any questions, I can be reached at 317-776-8495.
_~__C~eg H6 f~~'(~~yes
Plan Reviewer
Jon Dobosiewicz - Carmel DOCD
John South- HCSWCD
Steve Broermann- HCHD
Craig Lintner- Dura Builders
City of Carmel
Fire Department Headquarters
Voice (317) 571-2600 Fax (317) 571-2615
Fire Prevention Bureau
Brian K. Robinson
Stoeppelwerth & Associates
9940 Allisonville Rd.
Fishers, IN 46038-2005
RE: Cass Estates
The undersigned has reviewed the proposed plans for
Cass Estates, S-1 Primary Plat
and has approved the plans subject to the following:
1. Our office needs a set of plans showing fire hydrant locations throughout the project.
Will this project include an amenity building? If so, our office will request the installation of a of a
Knox Box for emergency access. An application for the Knox box can be obtained through our
Our office, in conjunction with the Department of Community Development, are requesting in
newly platted subdivisions, fire hydrant makers be installed in the street pavement perpendicular
to the fire hydrant. This will allow the fire department to more easily spot fire hydrants during an
Please respond to the above noted condition(s) in writing and submit to our office prior to the
scheduled Technical Advisory Meeting for this project.
Date: July 14, 2004
By: Gary Hoyt, Fire Marshal
Carmel Fire Department
C ty of Carmel
July 12, 2004
VIA FAX: 849-5942
Original by mail
Dennis Olmstead
Stoeppelwerth & Associates
9940 Allisonville Rd
Fishers, IN 46038-2005
RE: Cass Estates, Sec 1 (#04070004 SP) -Secondary Plat Application
Dear Mr. Olmstead:
This letter is in response to your Secondary Plat Application for Cass Estates, Sec 1. This is a preliminary letter to
let you begin on revisions. Members at the TAC Meeting will make additional comments on July 21. Please
complete the following items after you have received additional comments at the TAC Meeting.
Please place docket numbers on plat: 131-03 PP and #04070004 SP (there is no PP Amend).
Please note the letter written by Sheldon Phelps on November 5, 2003, states the dollar amount of the
cash contribution ($74,000.00) associated with the commitments.
Please add the source of title & warranty deed instrument no to the plat.
Please add surveyor's signature, date, and seal on plat.
Please show markers at each comer of every lot. Also, remove the statement on plat referring to all
comer lots having rebar.
Please provide a subdivider agreement form.
Provide a paragraph describing the water, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage systems.
Please label the easements on the landscape plan.
Verify the 5-fi sidewalk width.
Per previously made commitments with the primary plat, please show a 25-fi minimum LMAE on the
south side of the development (change RDE to Common Area).
Please provide verification of offsite easement to the property northeast.
Please meet with the neighborhood to the south and coordinate the location of speed tables.
Please show the whole site/subdivision on the location map.
Verify compliance with ROSO requirements; Common Area sizes have been reduced and many lots
have been increased in size. The petitioner may have to go back to the Plan Commission if the ROSO
requirements are not met.
Please provide a revised landscape plan that is consistent with the new lot sizes and site configm'ation.
Please identify the Common Area as a pedestrian access easement.
Please submit a revised Secondary Plat with the above-mentioned changes. Once these changes have been made and
comments addressed, please produce a Mylar copy for signature by this Department. Two paper copies of the plat
must be filed with the Mylar prior to recording, and three paper copies and a Mylar of the recorded plat must be
submitted following recording. Our approval of the secondary plat (signature) will be forthcoming upon revision of
the plans according to the items listed above. If I may be of assistance, please feel free to call.
Angelina Butler
Planning Administrator
CassEstates,Sec 1-SP 1
Page 1
July 7, 2004
Mr. Brian K. Robinson
Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc.
9940 Allisonville Road
Fishers, IN 46038
Cass Estates
Job Number: 42461S1
Dear Mr. Robinson:
i have received and reviewed the plans submitted for the above-mentioned
At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law
enforcement efforts.
if we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us.
Michael D. Fogarty
Chief of Police
Dept. of Community Services
{5]17) 571-2500
A Nationally AccreditS, ~forcement Agency
F,~:~ {517) 571-2512
Hamilton County Highway Department
Developer Information
Company Name: Dura Builders, Inc.
Address: 5740 Decatur Boulevard
City: Indianaoolis
State: Indiana ZIP: 46241
Phone #: (317) 821-8100 Fax#: (317) 821-1868
Contact Person: Craig Lintner
Title: Land Develooement Coordinator
Project Information:
Pro~ect Name' Cass Estates
Adjoining Road Name: ll6th Street
Nearest Intersection .5 miles N S E~ Shelborne Road
(miles) (circle one)
Engineer/Surveyor/Architect Information
Company Name: Stoennelwerth & Associates. Inc.
Address: 9940 Ailisonville Road
City: Fishers _State: Indiana ZIP: 46038
Phone #: (317) 849-5735 Fax#: (317) 849-5942
Contact Person: Brian K. Robinson
Title: Project Manager
Hamilton County Map Grid
(road name)
Number of Lots:. 61 Number of road miles: 0.77 Will Sewers Be Regulated YES NO UNKNOWN (circle one)
Planning jurisdiction of Project: Ci~ of Carmel~ Township Clay
Is this a new Project:Q NO (circle one) If no, enter HCHD Project #:
Ty~e of Review(s) Requested:
Determination of Jurisdiction Review No Fee
Primary Plat Review $400.00 Each
Secondary Plat Review $400.00 x 1
Construction Plan Review $500.00 x 1
Small(<5 Lots) Subdivision Review (combined primary and secondary plat with no new roads) $100.00 Each
Variance Review $100.00 x (# of sections)
(#of sections) = $400.00
(#of sections) -- $500.00
Total Fee
Signature of Applicant: ~,,....~_~ Date: July 2, 2004
Printed Name and Title Craig Lintner- Land Development Coordinator
All correspondence regarding this project should reference the HCHD project #
(except initial application).
2. Make check or money order payable to the "Hamilton County Treasurer" (cash not
3. Submit fees, applications, plans and/or plat to: Hamilton County Highway Department
ATTN: Staff Engineer
1700 South l0th Street
Noblesville, Indiana 46060
4. All sections of this form must be completely filled out and fee paid for review to be
_For Office Use Only
Reviewed By~
Review Date
Received Date
Development, LLC
November 5, 2003
Mr. Jon Dobosiewicz
City of Carmel
Department of Community Services
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
4773 Austin Trace
Zionsville, IN 46077
317.733.1884 Fax
Dear Mr. Dobosiewicz:
Attached please find a draft of Commitments Concerning the Use and Development of
Real Estate for the proposed Cass Estates Development.
Stoeppelwerth & Associates has estimated the difference in cost between the Maximum
Improvements and Minimum Improvements to be $74,000.00.' We propose that to be the
Cash Contribution associated with these Commitments.
Please review this document, and if it is acceptable to you, I will forward you an executed
and notarized copy of same. Should you have any questions, please call me at 317-590-
Sheldon S. Phelps
Managing Member
The undersigned, Graystone Development, LLC, an Indiana limited liability company
(hereafter, "Owner"), the Contract Purchaser of the following described real estate
located in Hamilton County, Indiana (hereafter "Real Estate"), makes the following
Commitments Concerning the Use and Development of Real Estate to the Carmel/Clay
Plan Commission ("Commission").
Description of Real Estate. See Exhibit "A" hereto ("Real Estate").
2. Docket # 131-03 PP.
3. Statement of Commitments.
Owner commits to construct roadway improvements to the part of 116th
Street adjacent to the Real Estate to provide either of the following at its
A one-half (1/2) roadway (including existing pavement) of two (2)
twelve (12) foot lanes with curb and gutter ("Maximum
Improvements") or
A one-half (1/2) roadway with an addition of three (3) feet of
pavement and three (3) foot stone shoulder to the existing
pavement ("Minimum Improvements") and contribute in cash to
the Carmel Department of Community Services ("DOCS") a sum
equal to the difference between the estimated cost of the Maximum
Improvements and the estimated cost of the Minimum
Improvements (the "Cash Contribution"), as determined by
agreement between Developer and DOCS, to be applied by DOCS
to such other roadway improvements within an one-mile radius of
the Real Estate as DOCS may determine.
The Cash Contribution, if elected by Owner, shall be paid at the time of the
approval of a Secondary Plat for a section(s) in an amount equal to the total Cash
Contribution divided by 70 times the number of lots shown on the Secondary Plat
for which approval was received. The roadway improvements provided for and
contemplated by these commitments require and are subject to the approval of the
Hamilton County Highway Department and the Hamilton County Commissioners.
Binding on Successors and Assigns. These commitments are binding on the
Owner of the Real Estate, each subsequent owner of the Real Estate, and each
other person acquiring an interest in the Real Estate from the Owner. These
commitments may be modified or terminated only by a decision of the
Commission made at a public hearing after notice as provided by the rules of the
Commission. The foregoing notwithstanding, these commitments shall terminate
upon the recordation of a Secondary Plat as to the part(s) of the Real Estate
described therein.
Effective Date. The commitments contained herein shall be effective upon the
~tpproval by the Commission of the Primary Plat under Docket # 131-03 PP
(Primary Plat) and the approval of a Secondary Plat for all or part of the Real
Estate pursuant to the Primary Plat ("Effective Date").
Recording. The undersigned hereby authorizes the Secretary of the Commission
or the Director of the Department of Community Services to record these
commitments in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana,
following the Effective Date.
Enforcemen..t.. These commitments may be enforced by the Commission and City
of Carmel, Indiana.
Executed this
. day of November, 2003.
Graystone Development, LLC
Sheldon S. Phelps, Managing Member
) SS:
Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared
Sheldon S. Phelps, known to me to be the Managing Member of Graystone Development,
LLC, who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Commitments Concerning the
Use and Development of Real Estate.
Witness my hand and Notarial Seal this
day of 2003.
My Commission Expires:
Notary Public
My County of Residence:
Printed Name
9940 Allisonviile Road
Fishers, lndiana 46038-2005
Phone (317) 849-5935
FAX (317) 849-5942
July 2, 2004
Department of Community Services
1 Civic Square
Carmel, Indiana 46032
ATTENTION: Jon Doboeiwicz a~'~ (~ i~~
RE: Cass Estates
WE ARE SENDING YOU [ ] kIPS [ ] Courier [ ] Other: Deliver
2 Sets Construction Plans
2 Secondary Plat
1 Plat Application with Description
1 Transmittals to Agencies
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
[ ] For Approval [ X ] As Requested [
I X ] For Your Use [ I
For Review and Comment
If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at (317) 577-3400, ext. 16.
Thank you,
Brian K. Robinson
Cc: Craig Lintner
9940 Allisonviile Road
Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005
Phone (317) 849-5935
FAX (317) 849-5942
July 2, 2004
Office of Police Chief
Three Civic Square
Carmel, Indiana 46032
Michael Fogarty
RE' Cass Estates
WE ARE SENDING YOU [ XI tiPS [ 1 Courier I I Other:
1 Set Construction Plans
1 Secondary Plat
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
| ] For Approval [ X ] As Requested
! X i For Your Use i !
For Review and Comment
If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at (317) 577-3400, ext. 16.
Thank you,
Brian K. Robinson
Jon Dobosiewicz
Craig Lintner
9940 Allisonviile Road
Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005
Phone (317) 849-5935
FAX (317) 849-5942
July 2, 2004
Carmel Communications
31 First Avenue NW
Carmel, Indiana 46032
Bill Akers
RE: Cass Estates
WE ARE SENDING YOU l Xl tIPS I I Courier [ I Other:
1 Set Construction Plans
1 Secondary Plat
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
For Approval ! X ] As Requested i
! X ] For Your Use [
] For Review and Comment
If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at (317) 577-3400, ext. 16.
Thank you,
Brian K. Robinson
Jon Dobosiewicz
Craig Lintner
9940 Allisonville Road
Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005
Phone (317) $49-5935
FAX (317) 849-5942
July 2, 2004
Hamilton County Sheriff Department
18100 Cumberland Road
Noblesville, Indiana 46060
Lt. Joe Cook
RE: Cass Estates
WE ARE SENDING YOU [ X] tIPS [ ] Courier I I o,h~:
Construction Plans
Secondary Plat
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
For Approval [ X ] As Requested [
For Your Use [ i .....
For Review and Comment
If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at (317) 577-3400, ext. 16.
Thank you,
Brian K. Robinson
Jon Dobosiewicz
Craig Lintner
9940 Aliisonviile Road
Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005
Phone (317) 849-5935
FAX (317) 849-5942
July 2, 2004
Carmel Clay Parks Department
1055 Third Avenue SW
Carmel, Indiana 46032
John Lester
Cass Estates
[ X] tIPS [ ] Courier [ ] Other:_
Construction Plans
Secondary Plat
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
For Approval [ X ] As Requested
For Your Use [ i
] For Review and Comment
If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at (317) 577-3400, ext. 16.
Thank you,
Brian K. Robinson
Jon Dobosiewicz
Craig Lintner
9940 Ailisonville Road
Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005
Phone (317) 849-5935
FAX (317) 849-5942
July 2, 2004
Office of Fire Station
Fire Station No. 1
1 Civic Square
Carmel, Indiana 46032
Gary Hoyt
Cass Estates
[ X] UPS [ ] Courier [ I Other:
Construction Plans
Secondary Plat
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
For Approval [ X ] As Requested
! X ] For Your Use i
] For Review and Comment
If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at (317) 577-3400, ext. 16.
Thank you,
Brian K. Robinson
Jon Dobosiewicz
Craig Lintner
9940 Aliisonville Road
Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005
Phone (317) 849-5935
FAX (317) 849-5942
July 2, 2004
City of Carmel
Urban Forester
1 Civic Square
Carmel, Indiana 46032
Scott Brewer
RE: Cass Estates
WE AgE sEsmr~a YOU [ X ] t,~,s I
] Courier [ ] Other:
Construction Plans
Secondary Plat
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
For Approval [ X ] As Requested
For Your Use [ ]
] For Review and Comment
If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at (317) 577-3400, ext. 16.
Thank you,
Brian K. Robinson
Cc: Jon Dobosiewicz
Craig Lintner
9940 Allisonviile Road
Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005
Phone (317) 849-5935
FAX (317) 849-5942
July 2, 2004
City of Carmel
City Engineer
1 Civic Square
Carmel, Indiana 46032
Dick Hill
Cass Estates
[ X]
Construction Plans
Secondary Plat
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
I ! For Approval i X ! As Requested
! X l For Your Use [ I
For Review and Comment
Cc: Jon Dobosiewicz
Craig Lintner
Thank you,
Brian K. Robinson
If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at (317) 577-3400, ext. 16.
9940 Ailisonviile Road
Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005
Phone (317) 849-5935
FAX (317) 849-5942
July 2, 2004
Consoer Townsend Envirodyne Engineers
7102 Lakeview Parkway West Drive
Indianapolis, Indiana 46268
Vasco Kirby
RE: Cass Estates
Courier [ ] Other:_
Construction Plans
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
[ ] For Approval [ X l As Requested
For Your Use
! !
] For Review and Comment
If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at (317) 577-3400, ext. 16.
Thank you,
Brian K. Robinson
Jon Dobosiewicz
Craig Lintner
9940 Allisonville Road
Fishers, Indiana 46035-2005
Phone (317) $49-5935
FAX (317) 849-5942
July 2, 2004 JOB NUMBER: 42461S1
Carmel Clay School Administration
5185 East 131st Street
Carmel, Indiana 46033
Ron Farrand
RE: Cass Estates
] Courier [ ] Other:
Construction Plans
Secondary Plat
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
For Approval [ X ] As Requested
For Your Use [ ]
| For Review and Comment
If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at (317) 577-3400, ext. 16.
Thank you,
Brian K. Robinson
Jon Dobosiewicz
Craig Lintner
9940 Allisonville Road
Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005
Phone (317) 849-5935
FAX (317) 849-5942
July 2, 2004
Hamilton County Soil & Water
1108 South 9th Street
Noblesville, Indiana 46060
John South
Cass Estates
[ X] liPS I I Courier [ I Other:
Construction Plans
Secondary Plat
Strom Calculations
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
For Approval [ X I As Requested
For Your Use [ !
For Review and Comment
If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at (317) 577-3400, ext. 16.
Thank you,
Brian K. Robinson
Cc: Jon Dobosiewicz
Craig Lintner
9940 Allisonville Road
Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005
Phone (317) 849-5935
FAX (317) 849-5942
July 2, 2004 JOB NUMBER: 42461S1
Hamilton County Local Emergency
18100 Cumberland Road
Noblesville, Indiana 46060
Robert Hendricks
RE' Cass Estates
, NO.
I ] co,,.~ I I Other:__
Construction Plans
Secondary Plat
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
For Approval [ X ] As Requested
For Your Use
] For Review and Comment
If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at (317) 577-3400, ext. 16.
Thank you,
Brian K. Robinson
Jori Dobosiewicz
Craig Lintner