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~0 E, New Yo~ .%, Suitm 3.00
(317) 634-6434 Phorie
(317} §34.357~ lAX
April 21, 2005
Secondary Plat for Belin Terra
a subrlivision of Section 4, Township 17 North,.. Range 3 East
Clay- Township, Hamilton CountT, Indiana
To Whom It May Concern:
Thc following is a list of changes made to 'this plat from the last submit~a! which was.
dated April 5, 2005'
Th, 15-foot Drainage Ea~emen. ts between the lots and along the west and south side
of Lot 8 are now ! 5-foot Utility & Drainage Easements wi. th the exception of the one
along the north side of Lot 2, which is tto-w a. 25-foot Utility & Drainage Easement.
· The Lmdscape and Dr~nage Easements along the west side of Lots 1-7 are now
Landscape and Utility& Drainage ~ents.
, The names and. offices of the Count,/' Commissioners have been updated.
The above changes have been made and are reflected on the Secondary Plat drawing
dated April 21. 2005.
L. Randolph Comptov., PLS
Registration No. LS20100072 - rN
Direct Phone: (317'~ 616-2058
~Patrick J. O'Connor
Patrick J. O'Connor
3421 Eden Way Place
Carmel, indiana 46033
Fax: 317-843-8376
Mobile: 317-709-2238
Email: poconnor~)indy, rr. com
Construction/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Technical Review and Comment (Form 1)
Project Name: ~stmction Plans County: Hamilton
Plan Submittal Date: 03/21/04 Hydrologic Unit Code: 5120201090
Project Location Description: 106th and Towne Road
Latitude and Longitude:Lat- 39-56'-33"N Long- 86-12'-08" W
Civil Township: Clay Quarter: SW Section: 4 Township: 17N Range:
Project Owner Name: BP Development
Contact: Brad Walker
Address: 10916 Tamoshanter Drive
City: Carmel State: IN Zip: 46032
Phone: 317 319-8888 FAX: 317 571-8799 E-Mail:
plan PreParer Name: Gary Murray
Affiliation: Mid-States Engineering
Address: 9615 E 148th Street, Suite 6
City: Noblesville State: IN Zip: 46060
Phone: 317 776-8665 FAX: 317 776-8666 E-Mail: www.mid-stateseng.com
I IReview Date: 04/12/05
g IPrincipal Plan Reviewer: John B. South P.E. CPESC
· ~ IAgency: Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District
~ [Address: 1108 South 9th Street
~= Icity: Noblesville State: IN Zip: 46060
~- IPhone: 317-773-2181 FAX: 317-776-1101 E-Mail: john-south~iaswcd.org
IAssisted By:
~ PLAN IS ADEQUATE: A comprehensive plan review has been completed and it has been determined that the
plan satisfies the minimum requirements and intent of 327 IAC 15-5.
[~ Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s).
[~ Submit Notice of Intent (NOI): Attach a copy of this cover page when submitting the NOI to the Indiana
Department of Environmental Management. Construction activities may begin 48 hours following the submittal of
the NOI. A copy of the NOI must also be sent to the Reviewing Authority (e.g. SWCD, DNR).
[-] A preliminary plan review has been completed; a comprehensive review will not be completed within the 28-day
review period. The reviewing authority reserves the right to perform a comprehensive review at a later date and
revisions to the plan may be required at that time to address deficiencies.
[--] Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s).
[~] Submit Notice of Intent (NOI): Attach a copy of this cover page when submitting the NOI to the Indiana
Department of Environmental Management. Construction activities may begin 48 hours following the submittal of
the NOI. A copy of the NOI must also be sent to the Reviewing Authority (e.g. SWCD, DNR).
[~] PLAN IS DEFICIENT: Significant deficiencies were identified during the plan review. [-~ Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s).
[~ DO NOT file a Notice of Intent for this project.
[~ DO NOT commence land disturbing activities until all deficiencies are adequately addressed, the plan re-
submitted, and notification has been received that the minimum requirements have been satisfied.
[~ Plan Revisions [~ Deficient Items should be mailed or delivered to the Principal Plan Reviewer identified in the Plan Review Section above.
DNR, Division of Soil Conservation Page 1 of 1 Revised 12/09/03, Form 1
9615 E. 148t' St., Suite 6
Noblesville, IN 46060
Phone: 317-776-8665
Fax: 317-776-8666
Civil/Site Design · Surveying · Transportation Engineering · Aviation Engineering
Carmel Deparrtment of Community Services
Date: 311512005
One Civic Square
City, St, Zip: Carmel, IN 46032
Attention' Matt Griffin
Project: Bella Terra
Re: Secodary Plat
I~ Mail I---] Pick-Up
I-'] Express
Job No.: 122-0269 Phase/Task
Messenger D 1 Hour I--I 2 Hour ~ Same Day
We are sending here within:
Check, Description
Mylar copy of page 1 and 2 of the secondary plat
Paper copy of page I and 2 of the secondary plat
Information per )/our Request
Please review & respond
r-] See remarks below
Remarks' Matt,
Attached are three copies of the sedcondary plat and our response letter to your comments. Please review
and have Mike Hollibaugh sign off on the plat. When this is finished please call me and I will have the plat
delivered to the County Highway Department for the County Commissioners' signatures. If you have any
questions please feel free to contact me at 776-8665.
Gary Murray
Project File
Mid. States
9615 E. 148th Street, Suite 6
Noblesville, IN 46060
(317) 776-8665 Phone
(317) 776-8666 Fax
www. mid-stateseng.com
March 10, 2005
Mr, Matt Griffin
Department of Community Services
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
RE: Bella Terra Secondary Plat
Dear Mr. Griffin:
We are in receipt of your comment letter dated January 13, 2004 and offer the following in response:
Secondary Plat
1. The docket number 05010004SP has been added to the revised secondary plat attached hereto.
2. The rear building line has been added to the revised plat. In addition the minimum side yard
requirement of 10' and aggregate side yard of 30' have been noted in text on the body of the plat.
3. Restrictive covenants were submitted with the primary plat application as well as revisions
requested by staff and the plan commission. A copy of those is attached for your review.
4. The marking of exterior boundary comers with concrete monuments and all lot corners with rebar
has been added to the revised plat, both graphically and in the legend.
5. The developer's/owner's name address and phone number have been added to the revised plat.
6. The instrument numbers by which BP Development acquired ownership of the subject real estate
have been added to the revised plat.
7. The existing right of way width of Augusta Lane has been added to the revised plat.
8. A curve data table has been added which indicates curve lengths and radii of the ingress/egress
9. The private access road is noted as the irregularly shaped ingress/egress easement with the
constant with added.
10. A non-access easement has been added along the Towne Road and 106th Street rights-of-way
prohibiting access to the site except for the two ingress/egress easement connections to those
11. A 20' utility easement has been added behind the ingress/egress easement. This was done so the
developer could install landscaping in the area between the right-of-way and the pavement in the
ingress/egress easement without having it disturbed if utilities that are in the current or proposed
rights-of-way are forced to be relocated at a future date.
Construction Plans
1. The path along 106th Street has been widened to show a 10 foot path which will taper into the
existing 8 foot path along Towne Road.
Aviation Engineering Landscape Architecture Site Engineering Surveying Transportation Engineering
Mr. Matt Griffin
March 10, 2005
Page 2 of 2
2. It was discussed in TAC that there was no need for the 5' sidewalk along Augusta Lane since it
wouldn't tie into any other walks and that there was one on the opposite side of the street.
3. A detailed landscape plan was filed with the primary plat and given approval by Scott Brewer of
your department.
4. The labeling of the rear building line, landscape buffer and utility easements has been redone to
more clearly depict the intent.
We feel that this letter and the revisions to the attached secondary plat adequately address your concerns.
If you have any questions or need further clarification regarding the plat or our responses please feel free to
contact me at your earliest convenience.
Respectfully submitted,
DGi~Yct~o~a ~c,~( e
C ty of Carmel
February 1, 2005
Mr. Gary Murray
Mid-States En~neering, LLC
9615 East 148t Street, Suite 6
Noblesville, IN 46060
RE: Bella Terra Subdivision
Dear Mr. Murray:
I am writing to let you know the City of Carmel's position on the frontage place proposed along Towne
Road for the Bella Terra subdivision. During the January 19~ Technical Advisory Committee meeting
there was considerable discussion concerning the differences between Hamilton County's requirements
for streets serving more than four lots and the provision in the Carmel Ordinance for frontage places.
The county has requested that the frontage place be a minimum width of 28 feet from the back of curb to
the back of curb while the Carmel ordinance allows a minimum with of 16 feet for frontage places. A
frontage place is not intended to be a "street" and is designed to discourage multiple drive way cuts onto
major thoroughfares.
The original submittal was for the frontage place to be 16 feet but after discussions the proposal has been
widened to 20 feet to allow for fire track and school bus access. I have received letters from both Gary
Hoyt at the fire department and Ron Farrand at the Carmel Clay School Corporation endorsing the new
proposal. By meeting the minimum requirements of the City regarding frontage places and the
endorsement by both Ron and Gary, the City's position is that we support the reduction from the county's
requirement. This area lies within an area that is proposed to be annexed into the City limits within the
next few months and we believe that this annexation will be successful and that Carmel will ultimately
have jurisdiction over this area in the very near future.
If you require any additional information from the City of Carmel, please do not hesitate to contact me at
(317) 571-2417.
on C. Dobosiewicz
Planning Administrator
Department of Community Services
bella terra - 020105
Page 1
City of Carmel
Department of Community Services
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
Fax: 317-571-2426
February 1,2005
TO: Gary Murray
FAX: 776-8666
Attached hereto are 2 pages, including this cover letter, for facsimile
transmission. Should you experience any problem in the receipt of these pages,
please call 317/571/2417.
Notes: Letter from Jon Dobosiewicz.
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The materials enclosed with this facsimile transmission are private
and confidential and are the property of the sender. The information contained in the material is
privileged and is intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity(ies) named above. If you are
not the intended recipient, be advised that any unauthorized disclosure, copying, distribution or the
taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this telecopied information is strictly prohibited. If
you have received this facsimile transmission in error, please immediately notify us by telephone to
arrange for return of the forwarded documents to us.
Construction/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan - Technical Review and Comment
Project Name: Bellaterra Construction Plans
Date Reviewed: 01/19/05
A2- Provide Lat and Long.
A7- Need 14 digit watershed
AS- Typically a 401 and 404 permits are needed if you are relocating a stream.
A 18- The project is not outlined correctly on the soil map.
B2- The sequence is for another site. The channel needs to be relocated and stabilized prior to other work being
completed. Silt fence should be established on top of bank where needed.
B4- Sheet flow to the channel or to the south west comer have not been addressed.
B5- Recommend erosion control in all the comers of the relocated channel and the use of EC blankets to stabilize the
channel after construction.
B 13- Noblesville is listed in the plan.
B 15- A home construction detail is needed.
C 1-5- This section is written for a different project.
The wide channel width at str 104 is going to promote the build up of sediment plugging the outlet of structure 104. The
channel needs to remain its normal cross-section and the flow from 104 piped to the channel.
A 16- Show construction limits.
The silt fence across the front of all the lots is in a strange location. What is the intent and when is it to be installed?
B 11 & 12- Temp and permanent seeding are not labeled on the plan. The pad areas need to be shown seeded.
cc: Carmel, Surveyor, File
DNR, Division of Soil Conservation Page 1 of 1 Revised 12/09/03
JAN-18-800S 14:18 FROM:HAMILTON CO HWY DEP ~lTTTG9814 TO:~IT ST1 848G P.001x003
January 18, 2005
Mr. Gary Murray
Mid-States En~neerlng
9615 East 148TM Street, ~uite 6
Noblesville, Indiana 46060
RE: Bells Terra
Seconds.fy Plat and Construction Plans
N of 10§th .Street ! E of Towne Road
Clay Township
Dear Mr. Murray:
This letter serves to acknowledge receipt of a transmittal received 12/30t04 containing the plans
for the above-mentioned project. After reviewing the plans the Highway Department has the
following comments:
1. An Applic, ation ~or' Project Revlew needs to be completed and the appropriate review fees
for a Secondary Plat paid, before any approvals will be granted from this office. 1 have
enclosed a blank form for your use.
2. A Private Road Approacll Permit will be required for each of the entrances. Please contact
Mr. Robb Chedwell, Highway Department Permit Inspector. for the necessary forms and
information. The permits can be found on the Hamilton County webslte at www,
ce,hamilton. In.us, under the Highway Department link.
3. A two-foot non-acc, ess easement Is needed behind the right of way of 106th Street and Towne
4, Include tile Instrument numbers of the right of way purchased for the Towns Road
improvements on the secondary plat and construction plans.
5, The northern entrances must ba located a minimum of 200' from Augusta Drive,
6, The ~lnlmum curb radius for the entrances Is 35'. This information must be provided on the
plans sheet and entrance details.
7. In accordance with the Hamilton County Thoroughfare Plan, additional right of way is
required at the Intersection of 106~h Street and Towne Road. On Towns Road, the right of
way from ~hc intcr:~c~tion to ~ point B00' to the north is en 80' half. From that potnt to ~he
northern property line the right of way Is 70'. On 106~" Street, the right of way from the
intersection to a point 500' to the east is a 65' half. From tMat point to the eastern property
line the right of way is a 50' half. A 513' tdangular cut Is also needed at the intersection.
connecting the right of way of Towns Road al~d 106~h Street.
8. A street and pavement section must be provided for tile access road, ! have attacMed the
necessary pavement section for all work done within the right of way. Refer to the K section
listed on the attached sheet. SSD must be shown under the curb In the street section.
9. The width of the access road must be 28' from the back of curb to back of curb.
10. The storm water from the access road will not be permitted to enter the right of way of Towns
Road, The high point of tl~e access road must be located at tl3e right of way line. A profile
must also be provided for the access street.
11. Where will the sanitary sowe~ connections for lots 1, 2 and 3 be placed?
12, Plan and profile sheets are needed for the storm sewer.
13, A minimum 15' drainage and utility easement must be provided behind the right of way of
106th Street and Towne Road,
1700 South 10~ Street
Nobl~,vllle, ][:n. 46060
www,co.h ~miit~o_~.t ri.us
Office 017)
Fax (;31 ?) 776,9814
JAN-18-8005 14:18 FROM:HAMILTON CO HNY DEP ~177769814 T0:~17 571 8486 P.008~00~
14, Will the existing curb of Towne Road be removed at the entrance locations? More detell must
be provided in this area. A demolition note/plan must be provided for these areas.
15. The details for the ADA accessible ramps must be Installed per the INDOT approved
drawings. Please include the drawings on the detail sheet.
'16. A private street agreement will need to be executed before any permits for this project are
approved. The agreement will need to Include language similar to the following statements:
· The private street statement on the plat needs to read, 8P Development end any
and atl successors and assigns hereby waive all rights to petition the Hamilton
County Highway 'Department, the Hamilton County Board of Commissioners, or
'Hamilton County, or the successor unit of government to be respor~sible for the
maintenance of the ingress-egress easement, or to have the easement
considered a public road necessitating maintenance by any unit of government.
· The following also needs to be ll~cluded on the plat: Where common drives are
show~ on this plat, those lot owners abutting such drives shall own equal and
undivided Interest In suoh drives as tenants' In common, end tt shall be the
obligation of each owner in common with the other lot owners abutting such a
drive to conffibute an equal share of the (:est of the ma'intenance of such drives.
Where a majority of lot owners served by a private drive elect to repair the private
drive and one or more lot owners fails to pay ti'lair allocable share of such repair,
then the owners paying such cost may file a lien for the reasonable value of labor
performed and materials fumlshed as prescribed by the lien laws of the State of
Indiana against any sur.,h lot and the owner thereof and recover the full
assessment owed together with interest from due date and reasonable attorney's
fees. The private drive may contain utilities to serve said lots in which event the
several property ownem shall maintain the utilities not otherwise maintained by
the respe(~ttve utility in the same manner as set out for drives. NI private drives
shall also be a utillty easement,
17. Please note that decorative signs, sprinkler systems, trees, landscaping mounds, tenses,
light poles or ethe~' such amenities are not permitted in the right of way of Towne Road.
Please Include the note on the Site Plans and Landscaping Plans.
18. Stop signs must be shown at both of the exits.
19. HCHD standard drawings P-l, $.1, S-2 and $-3 must be Included in the details.
20. PleaSe be aware that further comments may be necessary at a later time.
If you have any questions or comments concerning this letter, please feet free to conteGt me et
~~~nj. Bmermann Staff Engineer
Jan Oobosiewlcz
Gag Hayes
G:~USERS~$B\05 tae,\01-OS-05betl.~ terra.doc
JAN-18-~005 14:18 FROM:HAMILTON CO HWY DEP ~lTTTG9814 TO:31T ST1 ~4~G P.OO3x003
'le~ Ko/n~ qc/oA ~ ~nt~'lo.o mm, ~((~M~ or,
~ 1~ Kg/~ ~/QA I~ I;l~se ~.0 mm, M~lino on
n__o ~/,~-~~
110 K~/~ H~ ~<~~ 619.0 m~ Main~fle ~
'/5'Kd.~ ~C/~ ~ Su~c~ 9,5 mm, ~nrm, ~
~ ~/~ ~/~ ~ ~~~ 10.o ~. 'MdnLi,, ~.
110 ~/~ ~ ~~ C19.0 mm, Mdn~e on
180 K9/~ ~ ~ ~0 mm, Ma~me
81/17/2885 18:45 3177769628 HAMILTON CO SURVEYOR
PAGE 81/83
January 17, 2005
Mid-States Engine~.aag
ATTN: Gary M~~y
9615 East 148'" Street, Suite 6
Noblesville, IN 46060
Re: Beila Terra Subdivision
Dear Mr. Murray:
We have reviewed the construction plans submitted to the Hamilton County Surveyor's
Office on Dec~nbcr 30, 2004 for this projec/and have the following comments:
1. The propo~d project falls in unincorporated Hamilton County.
2. The proposed project DOES NOT fall in a Carmel Wellhead Protccti, on Zone.
3. The project falls partially within the 3'ohn O~bom Regulated Drain Watershed.
This project will be a Hamilton County Regulated Drain Subdivision per
Hamilwn County Subdivision Standards dated April 9, 1984.
Plea.se submit the following procedural items to this office, petition for regulated
subdivision, subdivision non-enforcement agreement, outlet permit, engineer's
ostimate, and all associated bonds for 120% of construction cost. The applications
are available on our website at http://w..ww,co.hamilton, i.n,US, go to Dcpamnents,
Surveyor, and Forms.
6. Please show the John Osbom Regulated Drain and the corresponding statutory
r~gulated drain easement.
BI./! 7/2005 113' 4~
PAGE 02103
Indiana Code 36-9-2%33 rcq~ are regulated drain easements for be 30' in
width, 15' each side of thc centerline of pipe. Please increase the D,IL between
lots 1-2, 2-3, 4-5, and 6-7 to 15 feet per half.
.The fence along Tow~e Road will not be allowed to Mock the d~in~e from the
4' x 4' box culvert under the roadway.
The pip~ size for the driveway crossing, over the off-site flow channel, for lot 1
will nc~d to be sized by a P.B. and shown on the development plans. We will not
allow thc homebuilder on lot I to install an undersized pipe for the cro~i~ that
will restrict the off-site flow.
10. Please provide P & P sheets for aH storm pipes.
11. Hamilton County Ordinance 4-26-99-C(7~ lzquire all structures to have a
minimum finished floor elevation located at least 2 feet about thc 100 year water
surface elevation of any watet~~, pond, or lake. Pleasc provide a pad I/fade,
MI;F, or MFPG for nil lots that satisfy the requirements of the ordinance.
12. Due to the existing flow channel, low lying ground, and soils types (Bt, MmC2,
CrA, and Sh) ~ Hamilton County Surveyor's Office would recommend
STONGLY against basements for these homes, espccially on lots 1 thru 4,
13. Hamilton County Ordinance 4~26-99-C(3)a and (5) require improvements to the
natural watercourse that crosses the parcel and that the downstream property
owners are contacted to bccome part of thc regulated ~ or c~msent in writing
to the pwposal and their dghts to appenl any approval of the desigt~. The attached
list is the parcels the charmel crosses before reaching the main open ditch. Please
notify these people nnd pro, de proofon notification to this office.
14. Per Hamilton County Ordinance 4=26-99-C(7)a, each lot should be provided at
$5D lateral.
15. Please include all appli~le HCSO Standards in the cons~cfion plans.
16. Thc landscape plan calls for the tn'eservation of trees with a 4" or f~ater caliper
to be saved in the tree presc~ation area. Please be aware that some of these trees
will be in danger of being removed to make the designed storm water detention
system work.
17. During design, please consider using ~ that am designed for bi-di~onal
flow in the "sail" of the streets. The acceptable castings are Neenah 3501-L2 or
East Jordan 7495-M4. The Ncenah (or equivalent) 3501 TR or TL should be used
when. a single d/ruction of flow enters the inlet.
18. Please note that forth~ comments may be necessary at a ln~ date.
01/17/2005 18'45 3177769628 HAMILTON CO SURVEYOR PAGE 03/03
Should you have any qu, stioas, I can be reached at 317-776-8495.
Or~g I-Ioy~
?l~n R~cw~
Ion Dobosiewicz - Carmel DOCD
John South- HCSWCD
Dick Hill - Carmel Engine~ning
Steve Brocmtann - HCHD
C'ty fc 1
I O arme
Via Fax: 317.776.8666
Original by mail
January 13, 2005
Gary Murray
9615 E. 148th Street
Ste. 6
Noblesville, IN 46060
Bella Terra, Secondary Plat Application
Dear Mr. Murray:
This letter is in response to your secondary plat application for Bella Terra Secondary Plat. The
following issues must be resolved:
The following must be indicated on the plat:
1. Docket Number 05010004 SP
2. Rear and side building setback lines. Rear setbacks should be indicated on lots, side
yards (minimum and aggregate) should be indicated as a notation.
Restrictions or covenants must be included.
Please add monumentation for lot and subdivision comers. Subdivision boundaries
should have concrete markers. Please indicate on plat, and in the legend.
Please add the owner name, address, and phone number.
Please add the source of title of ownership.
On Sheet 2 please label Towne Road and indicate right of way measurements for Towne
Road and Augusta Lane.
Please show curve data and measurements for private access road.
Please label private access road.
As drawn, between lots 2 and 3 the private road southern boundary terminates. Please
Please indicate a "No Access Easement" along all rights of way except where the private
road enters the subdivision (within Lots 1, 2, and 7).
Please provide a utility and drainage easement along all rights of way.
Staff recommends providing a landscape easement for the entire front yard area in which
the split rail fence and plantings will be located.
Concerns and Comments are as follow:
1. As per the Alternative Transportation Plan, a 10 foot multi use path is required along
106th Street. The construction plans indicate an 8 foot path. This path should be located
adjacent to the right of way boundary. Please revise.
2. Please provide a 5 foot sidewalk along the Augusta Lane right of way.
3. Please provide details in regards to proposed fencing, signage, and entry features.
Page 1
Sheet C200 indicates a 40 foot setback in the rear yard, and it has 3 different labels
(U.E., D.E., and 10 foot landscape easement). Please clarify what this dashed line
Please wait to submit a revised primary plat until after the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) has met
on this application. The resubmitted plat should include edits addressing the above comments along with
any requirements that arise from the TAC meeting. Additional comments may be made after the
requested revisions have been submitted.
Planning Administrator
Bella Terra - SP
Page 2
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 4~032
(317) S7~-24~ 7
Fax: (317) 571-2426
Urgent ~r Review
Pages: .-~
l-i Please Comment I~ Piease Reply
r"l P/ease Recycle
January 12, 2005
Mr. Gary Murray
Mid-States En.~ineering, Inc.
9615 East 148"' Street, Suite 6
Noblesville, IN 46060
RE: Bella Terra Subdivision, Review #2
Dear Mr. Murray:
This project, scheduled for the January 19, 2005 Technical Advisory Committee meeting, is located outside
of the current corporate limits of the City of Carmel and therefore, outside of the jurisdiction of the
Department of Engineering. Although the annexation of this area by the City of Carmel has been approved
by City Council, the process is still in the remonstrance phase and the annexation is not official as of this
Dick Hill, Assistant Director
Department of Engineering
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyors Office (fax)
John South, Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation District (fax)
Steve Broermann, Hamilton County Highway Department (fax)
Engineering Department Review
Project File
ONE CIVIC SQUARE, CAIL\IEI., IN 46032 O~:v'~(:v~ 317.571.2441
Ex.L~, engineeringQ:ci.carmel.in.us
January 6, 2005
Mr. Gary Murray, P.E.
Mid-States Engineering
9615 E. 148th Street, Suite 6
Noblesville, IN 46060
Bella Terra
Carmel Indiana
Project No.' 122-0269
Dear Mr. Murray:
I have received and reviewed the plans for the above-mentioned project.
At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law
enforcement efforts.
If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us.
Michael D. Fogarty
Chief of Police
Dept. of Community Services
A Nationally ccred~t~,?:~8~:<E~:forcement Agency
F~ {$17) 571-25~12
Mia. States
December 30, 2004
Mr. Jon Dobosiewicz
Department of Community Services
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
9615 E. 148th Street, Suite 6
Noblesville, IN 46060
(317) 776-8665 Phone
(317) 776-8666 Fax
www. m id-stateseng.com
! - ,
Bella Terra
Carmel, Indiana
Mid-States Project #122-0269
Dear Mr. Dobosiewicz:
Please find attached an Application fo dary plat, construction documents and
copies of letters sent to TAC members~or me at)ove reterenced project. We are anticipating being on the
Technical Advisory Committee meeting agenda for January 19, 2005. We would request that you please
review the attached materials and be ready to discuss any questions that may arise or suggested revisions
on January 19.
If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the attached materials please feel free to
contact me at 776-8655 ext. 101. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Muifay, P.E. ~'
Director, Hamilton County Office
F :\PROJECTS\ 122-0269LDocs\TAC\TAC letters CD's & Secondary Plat 12.23.04.doc
Aviation Engineering Landscape Architecture Site Engineering Surveying
Transportation Engineering
M d. Stat s
9615 E. 148th Street, Suite 6
Noblesviile, IN 46060
(317) 776-8665 Phone
(317) 776-8666 Fax
www. mid-stateseng.com
December 30, 2004
Mr. Jon Dobosiewicz
Department of Community Services
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
Bella Terra
Carmel, Indiana
Mid-States Project #122-0269
Dear Mr. Dobosiewicz:
Please find attached an Application for a Secondary Plat, secondary plat, construction documents and
copies of letters sent to TAC members for the above referenced project. We are anticipating being on the
Technical Advisory Committee meeting agenda for January 19, 2005. We would request that you please
review the attached materials and be ready to discuss any questions that may arise or suggested revisions
on January 19.
If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the attached materials please feel free to
contact me at 776-8655 ext. 101. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
Director, Hamilton County Office
FSPROJECTS\122-0269LDocs\TAC\TAC letters CD's & Secondary Plat 12.23.04.doc
M d. Stat, es
9615 E. 148th~treet, Suite 6
Noblesville, IN 46060
(317) 776-8665 Phone
(317) 776-8666 Fax
www. mid -state se ng. co m
December 30, 2004
Mr. John South
Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation District
1108 South 9th Street
Noblesville IN 46060
Bella Terra
Carmel, Indiana
Mid-States Project #122-0269
Dear Mr. South'
Please find attached a secondary plat, construction documents and drainage calculations for the above
referenced project. We are anticipating being on the Technical Advisory Committee meeting agenda for
January 19, 2005. We would request that you please review the attached materials and be ready to
discuss any questions that may arise or suggested revisions on January 19.
If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the attached materials please feel free to
contact me at 776-8655 ext. 101. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Murr~, P.E. .~/"
Director, Hamilton County Office
F :\PROJECTS\ 122-0269\Docs\TAC\TAC letters CD's & Secondary Plat 12.23.04. doc
9615 E. 148th Street, Suite 6
Noblesville, IN 46060
(317) 776-8665 Phone
(317) 776-8666 Fax
www. mid-stateseng.com
December 30, 2004
Mr. Mike McBride
Dept. of Engineering
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
Bella Terra
Carmel, Indiana
Mid-States Project #122-0269
Dear Mr. McBride'
Please find attached a secondary plat, construction documents and drainage calculations for the above
referenced project. We are anticipating being on the Technical Advisory Committee meeting agenda for
January 19, 2005. We would request that you please review the attached materials and be ready to
discuss any questions that may arise or suggested revisions on January 19.
If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the attached materials please feel free to
contact me at 776-8655 ext. 101. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
Director, Hamilton County Office
F:LPROJECTS\122-0269\Docs\TAC\TAC letters CD's & Secondary Plat 12.23.04.doc
9615 E. 148th Street, Suite 6
Noblesville, IN 46060
(317) 776-8665 Phone
(317) 776-8666 Fax
www. mid-stateseng.com
December 30, 2004
Mr. Gary Hoyt
Office of Fire Chief, Fire Station #1
Two Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
Bella Terra
Carmel, Indiana
Mid-States Project #122-0269
Dear Mr. Hoyt:
Please find attached a secondary plat and construction documents for the above referenced project. We
are anticipating being on the Technical Advisory Committee meeting agenda for January 19, 2005. We
would request that you please review the attached materials and be ready to discuss any questions that
may arise or suggested revisions on January 19.
If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the attached materials please feel free to
contact me at 776-8655 ext. 101. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Murky, P.E.
Director, Hamilton County Office
F2PROJECTS\122-0269LDocs\TAC\TAC letters CD's & Secondary Plat 12.23.04.doc
Mi d. Sta t s
9615 E. 148th Street, Suite 6
Noblesville, IN 46060
(317) 776-8665 Phone
(317) 776-8666 Fax
www. m id -st atese n g. co m
December 30, 2004
Mr. Bill Akers
Carmel Clay Communications
31 First Avenue NW
Carmel, IN 46032
Bella Terra
Carmel, Indiana
Mid-States Project #122-0269
Dear Mr. Akers:
Please find attached a secondary plat and construction documents for the above referenced project. We
are anticipating being on the Technical Advisory Committee meeting agenda for January 19, 2005. We
would request that you please review the attached materials and be ready to discuss any questions that
may arise or suggested revisions on January 19.
If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the attached materials please feel free to
contact me at 776-8655 ext. 101. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Mu/r~ay, p.E. ~""
Director, Hamilton County Office
F:~PROJECTS\i 22-0269XDocs\TAC\TAC letters CD's & Secondary Plat 12.23.04.doc
9615 E. 148th Street, Suite 6
Noblesville, IN 46060
(317) 776-8665 Phone
(317) 776-8666 Fax
www. m id -stat ese ng. co m
December 30, 2004
Mr. Dean Groves
1441 South Guilford Road
Carmel, IN 46032
Bella Terra
Carmel, Indiana
Mid-States Project #122-0269
Dear Mr. Groves:
Please find attached a secondary plat and construction documents for the above referenced project. We
are anticipating being on the Technical Advisory Committee meeting agenda for January 19, 2005. We
would request that you please review the attached materials and be ready to discuss any questions that
may arise or suggested revisions on January 19.
If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the attached materials please feel free to
contact me at 776-8655 ext. 101. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Murl~y, P.E. ~
Director, Hamilton County Office
F:~ROJECTS\122-0269\Docs\TAC\TAC letters CD's & Secondary Plat 12.23.04.doc
9615 E. 148th Street, Suite 6
Noblesville, IN 46060
(317) 776-8665 Phone
(317) 776-8666 Fax
www. mid-stateseng.com
December 30, 2004
C/O Cindy Klaiber
Carmel Post Office
275 Medical Drive
Carmel, IN 46032-9998
Della Terra
Carmel, Indiana
Mid-States Project #122-0269
Dear Ms. Klaiber:
Please find attached a secondary plat and construction documents for the above referenced project. We
are anticipating being on the Technical Advisory Committee meeting agenda for January 19, 2005. We
would request that you please review the attached materials and be ready to discuss any questions that
may arise or suggested revisions on January 19.
If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the attached materials please feel free to
contact me at 776-8655 ext. 101. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
G '~~~'~~~'~¢4~ary MuNay, P.E.
Director, Hamilton County Office
F:~PROJECTS\122-0269\Docs\TAC\TAC letters CD's & Secondary Plat 12.23.04.doc
....... , ', , ,-.,,. ,.-.. ~ ..... ~ t,,, ........ ;~ ~ ,-r ...... ,,.~.~.,,~ ~ ~.~ .... ;~
M d-Stat s
9615 E. 148th Street, Suite 6
Noblesville, IN 46060
(317) 776-8665 Phone
(317) 776-8666 Fax
www. m i d-statese n g. co m
December 30, 2004
Mr. Ron Farrand
Carmel/Clay Schools
5201 East 131st Street
Carmel, IN 46033
Bella Terra
Carmel, Indiana
Mid-States Project #122-0269
Dear Mr. Farrand:
Please find attached a secondary plat and construction documents for the above referenced project. We
are anticipating being on the Technical Advisory Committee meeting agenda for January 19, 2005. We
would request that you please review the attached materials and be ready to discuss any questions that
may arise or suggested revisions on January 19.
If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the attached materials please feel free to
contact me at 776-8655 ext. 101. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
Ga P.E. //
Director, Hamilton County Office
F 5PROJECTS\ 122-0269XI)ocs\TAC\TAC letters CD's & Second ary Plat 12.23.04.doc
Stat s
9615 E. 148th Street, Suite 6
Noblesville, IN 46060
(317) 776-8665 Phone
(317) 776-8666 Fax
www. m i d-statese n g. co m
December 30, 2004
Mr. Michael Fogarty
Office of Police Chief
Three Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
Bella Terra
Carmel, Indiana
Mid-States Project #122-0269
Dear Mr. Fogarty:
Please find attached a secondary plat and construction documents for the above referenced project. We
are anticipating being on the Technical Advisory Committee meeting agenda for January 19, 2005. We
would request that you please review the attached materials and be ready to discuss any questions that
may arise or suggested revisions on January 19.
If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the attached materials please feel free to
contact me at 776-8655 ext. 101. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
Director, Hamilton County Office
FSPROJECTS\122-0269XDocs\TAC\TAC letters CD's & Secondary Plat 12.23.04.doc
9615 E. 148th Street, Suite 6
Noblesville, IN 46060
(317) 776-8665 Phone
(317) 776-8666 Fax
www. mid-stateseng.com
December 30, 2004
Mr. Greg Hoyes
Hamilton County Surveyor's Office
One Hamilton Square, Suite 188
Hamilton County Judicial Center
Noblesville, IN 46060
Della Terra
Carmel, Indiana
Mid-States Project #122-0269
Dear Mr. Hoyes:
Please find attached a secondary plat, construction documents and drainage calculations for the above
referenced project. We are anticipating being on the Technical Advisory Committee meeting agenda for
January 19, 2005. We would request that you please review the attached materials and be ready to
discuss any questions that may arise or suggested revisions on January 19.
If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the attached materials please feel free to
contact me at 776-8655 ext. 101. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Murky, P.E. ""
Director, Hamilton County Office
F:\PROJECTS\ 122-0269\Docs\TAC\TAC letters CD's & Secondary Plat 12.23.04.doc
d-Stat s
9615 E. 148th Street, Suite 6
Noblesville, IN 46060
(317) 776-8665 Phone
(317) 776-8666 Fax
www. m id-states e n g. co m
December 30, 2004
Mr. Steve Broermann
Hamilton County Highway Department
1700 South 10th Street
Noblesville, IN 46060
Della Terra
Carmel, Indiana
Mid-States Project #122-0269
Dear Mr. Broermann:
Please find attached a secondary plat and construction documents for the above referenced project. We
are anticipating being on the Technical Advisory Committee meeting agenda for January 19, 2005. We
would request that you please review the attached materials and be ready to discuss any questions that
may arise or suggested revisions on January 19.
If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the attached materials please feel free to
contact me at 776-8655 ext. 101. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Murray, P.E. ~
Director, Hamilton County Office
F 2PROJECTS\ 122-0269\Docs\TAC\TAC letters CD's & Secondary Plat 12.23.04.doc
M d. Stat
9615 E. 148th Street, Suite 6
Noblesville, IN 46060
(317) 776-8665 Phone
(317) 776-8666 Fax
www. m i d-statese n g. co m
December 30, 2004
Ms. Candy Feltner
Clay Township Regional Waste District
10701 North College Avenue, Suite A
Indianapolis, IN 46280-1098
Bella Terra
Carmel, Indiana
Mid-States Project #122-0269
Dear Ms. Feltner:
Please find attached a secondary plat and construction documents for the above referenced project. We
are anticipating being on the Technical Advisory Committee meeting agenda for January 19, 2005. We
would request that you please review the attached materials and be ready to discuss any questions that
may arise or suggested revisions on January 19.
If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the attached materials please feel free to
contact me at 776-8655 ext. 101. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
Ga'ry M~P.E. y
Director, Hamilton County Office
F:kPROJECTS\122-0269kDocs\TAC\TAC letters CD's & Secondary Plat 12.23.04.doc
9615 E. 148th Street, Suite 6
Noblesville, IN 46060
(317) 776-8665 Phone
(317) 776-8666 Fax
www. m i d-statese ng. co rn
December 30, 2004
Ms. Jennifer Marlett
Indianapolis Water Company
P.O. Box 1220
Indianapolis, IN 46206
Bella Terra
Carmel, Indiana
Mid-States Project #122-0269
Dear Ms. Marlett:
Please find attached a secondary plat and construction documents for the above referenced project. We
are anticipating being on the Technical Advisory Committee meeting agenda for January 19, 2005. We
would request that you please review the attached materials and be ready to discuss any questions that
may arise or suggested revisions on January 19.
If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the attached materials please feel free to
contact me at 776-8655 ext. 101. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
Director, Hamilton County Office
FSPROJECTS\122-0269\Docs\TAC\TAC letters CD's & Secondary Plat 12.23.04.doc
MTcI.Sta't s
9615 E. 148th Street, Suite 6
Noblesville, IN 46060
(317) 776-8665 Phone
(317) 776-8666 Fax
www. mid-stateseng.corn
December 30, 2004
Mr. Scott Brewer
Dept. of Community Services
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
Bella Terra
Carmel, Indiana
Mid-States Project #122-0269
Dear Mr. Brewer:
Please find attached a secondary plat and construction documents for the above referenced project. We
are anticipating being on the Technical Advisory Committee meeting agenda for January 19, 2005. We
would request that you please review the attached materials and be ready to discuss any questions that
may arise or suggested revisions on January 19.
If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the attached materials please feel free to
contact me at 776-8655 ext. 101. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
Ga~y Murr~i,y, P.E.
Director, Hamilton County Office
FSPROJECTS\122-0269LDocs\TAC\TAC letters CD's & Secondary Plat 12.23.04.doc
d-Stat s
9615 E. 148th Street, Suite 6
Noblesville, IN 46060
(317) 776-8665 Phone
(317) 776-8666 Fax
www. m i d-stateseng .com
December 30, 2004
Mr. Mark Westermeir
Carmel Clay Parks Dept.
760 Third Avenue SW
Carmel, IN 46032
Bella Terra
Carmel, Indiana
Mid-States Project #122-0269
Dear Mr. Westmeir:
Please find attached a secondary plat and construction documents for the above referenced project. We
are anticipating being on the Technical Advisory Committee meeting agenda for January 19, 2005. We
would request that you please review the attached materials and be ready to discuss any questions that
may arise or suggested revisions on January 19.
If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the attached materials please feel free to
contact me at 776-8655 ext. 101. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
Ga~~/~ry Mu r~ay,
Director, Hamilton County Office
FSPROJECTS\122-0269\Docs\TAC\TAC letters CD's & Secondary Plat 12.23.04.doc
9615 E. 148th- Street, Suite 6
Noblesville, IN 46060
(317) 776-8665 Phone
(317) 776~8666 Fax
www. mid-stateseng.com
December 30, 2004
Mr. Jeff Farmer
Brighthouse Networks
516 East Carmel Dr.
Carmel, IN 46032
Della Terra
Carmel, Indiana
Mid-States Project #122-0269
Dear Mr. Farmer:
Please find attached a secondary plat and construction documents for the above referenced project. We
are anticipating being on the Technical Advisory Committee meeting agenda for January 19, 2005. We
would request that you please review the attached materials and be ready to discuss any questions that
may arise or suggested revisions on January 19.
If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the attached materials please feel free to
contact me at 776-8655 ext. 101. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Murky, P.E. ~"
Director, Hamilton County Office
F:\PROJECTS\122-0269~Docs\TAC\TAC letters CD's & Secondary Plat 12.23.04.doc
,, .~_~_~_ _ r-._ _ ~ ...... , .... ~ .... ~ ..... ., .o~. ~1._ _,_ ..... t-.~.t._ ,- .... ~ ...... .._ _. ,.-. ........ ~ ....
MTd. States
9615 E. 148th Street, Suite 6
Noblesville, IN 46060
(317) 776-8665 Phone
(317) 776-8666 Fax
www. m i d-statese ng .com
December 30, 2004
Mr. Greg Commack
5858 N. College Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46220
Bella Terra
Carmel, Indiana
Mid-States Project #122-0269
Dear Mr. Commack:
Please find attached a secondary plat and construction documents for the above referenced project. We
are anticipating being on the Technical Advisory Committee meeting agenda for January 19, 2005. We
would request that you please review the attached materials and be ready to discuss any questions that
may arise or suggested revisions on January 19.
If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the attached materials please feel free to
contact me at 776-8655 ext. 101. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
G;:)~~/~Zry Murray, P.E.
Director, Hamilton County Office
F:~PROJECTS\122-0269~Docs\TAC\TAC letters CD's & Secondary Plat 12.23.04.doc
MTd. States
9615 E. 148th Street, Suite 6
Noblesville, IN 46060
(317) 776-8665 Phone
(317) 776-8666 Fax
www. mid-stateseng.com
December 30, 2004
Ms. Teresa Magee
Panhandle Eastern Pipeline Co.
9371 Zionsville Road
Indianapolis, IN 46268
Bella Terra
Carmel, Indiana
Mid-States Project #122-0269
Dear Ms. Magee:
Please find attached a secondary plat and construction documents for the above referenced project. We
are anticipating being on the Technical Advisory Committee meeting agenda for January 19, 2005. We
would request that you please review the attached materials and be ready to discuss any questions that
may arise or suggested revisions on January 19.
if you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the attached materials please feel free to
contact me at 776-8655 ext. 101. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary ML~rray, P.E. /v'"'
Director, Hamilton County Office
F:LPROJECTS\122-0269XDocs\TAC\TAC letters CD's & Secondary Plat 12.23.04.doc