HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacketCARMEL/CLAY PLAN COMMISSION SPECIAL STUDIES COMMITTEE 05100030 ADLS AMEND ADLS AMENDMENT FOR PENN MARK PLAZA ONE PENN MARK 11595 N. Meridian Zeller Realty Group November 1, 2005 Steven B. Granner, AICP Zoning Consultant Bose McKinney & Evans LLP 600 East 96th Street, Suite 500 Indianapolis, IN 46240 (317) 684-5300 1 ii i i1 Description of Request Petition Zoning Base Map Wall Sign Criteria Proposed Wall Sign Location Site Plan DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST Petitioner requests ADLS Amend approval for the following item: A second wall sign for the Meridian Street fagade of One Penn Mark which will allow for the relocation of the sign permitted for the Pennsylvania Street frontage to the Meridian Street frontage The proposed location option for the sign is shown on the elevation in Tab #5. The details for this wall sign are contained in the Wall Sign Criteria in Tab #4. This approval will allow the owner to obtain permits for a wall sign which complies with these Sign Criteria without having to a file separate, individual ADLS Amend Petition each time a new wall sign is erected for the proposed location. 71419_1 .DOC '" Date DOCKET NO. all A;}plication for Architectural Design, Lighting and Signage ADLS AMENDMENT Fees: Sign only $257.50, plus $51.50/sign Building/Site $515.00, plus $51.50/acre Name of Project' One Penn Mark Address: 11595 N. Meridian Street tlll Type of Project: Office Complex Applicant: Zeller Realty Group Phone No. 580-2425 Contact Person' Steven B. Granner Fax No. 223-0304 Phone No. 684-5304 Address: 600 East 96th Street, Suite 500, Indianapolis, IN 46240 Legal Description: To be typewritten on a separate sheet Area (in acres) 6.3 Zoning B-6 and U.S. 31 Corridor Owner of Real Estate: Zeller- Meridian L.L.C. Carmel' X Clay Township: Annexation: Y or N Other Approvals Needed' Variance of the Sign Ordinance Parking No. of Spaces Provided: N/A No. Spaces Required: N/A Design Information Type of Building: Square Footage- N/A N/A Height: No. of Buildings: N/A N/A No. of Stories N/A Exterior Materials: N/A Colors' N/A Maximum No. of Tenants: N/A Types of Uses' N/A Water by' N/A Sewer by: N/A 7 ! 342_ I. DOC "' LIGHTING iii I all Type of Fixture- N/A Height of Fixture: N/A No. of Fixtures: N/A Additional Lighting: N/A * Plans to be submitted showing Footcandle spreads at property lines per the ordinance. SIGNAGE No. of Signs' 1 new sign (1 existing) Type of Signs' Wall Location(s)- West Facade (Meridian Street Frontage) Dimensions of each sign' N/A Square Footage of each sign: Not to exceed 105 sq. ft. Total Height of each sign' Not to exceed 48" LANDSCAPING *Plans to be submitted showing plant types, sizes, and locations I the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief, submit the above information as true and correct. Signature of ~ ~ Applicant: _/ ,q-'(~~ ~ Title: A~ent Steven B. Granner Date: October 17, 2005 (Print) State of Indiana, County of Hamilton SS' Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for Hamilton County, State of Indiana, personally appeared Molly A. Stuckey and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument this 17th day of October ,2005. - My commission Expires- 10-19-09 Molly A. StuCkey ~ Notary Public 7 i 342_1.DOC WALL SIGN CRITERIA FOR PROPOSED ONE PENN MARK SIGN Construction Lighting Number Size Placement 2146 Ivory Plexiglas; dark bronze trim caps and returns With Landlord's approval, a logo may have an alternative colored Plexiglas face 6500 White Neon Tube Light Second sign on the Meridian Street faqade Not to exceed 105 sq. ft. At the location shown on the building elevation plan filed 71349_1.DOC z .............. __~ ~o' UTILITY 4-" INDIANA EII~LL TELF'= ~- .... S88'56'14"W 2660.78' 116th S-FRE£T (PUBLIC)  g L.~ 1o s~ COR, SW I/4ZONerS: B--6 (BUSlN£SS DISTRICr) ~C ~ S~T U/~C IRIE~I, IG HEll;fiT: I00 feel IdOL FRONT Y,'LRO: 60 feet .~ UIN. ~ YA~: ALL ~gI~/~AL USES - .10 f,:¢l. ALL 011tiER U~ES - GO k:el / UIN. AGGREGA1E OF SlOE YAJ~. ALL ~'~DENTIAL uSES 60 leer, ALL 01HER USES 120 feet /- MIN. REAR YARD: ALL REDOENT~AL USES - 30 feel ALL Oflt[R U.~S - 60 feet /' I~H. lOT ~ADTH: SINCL£ FAJ~/LY DW~LLIN(; - 80 lent. ALL 011t~R USEg toff lent [X[Sli~ PARKIN~ 461 ST/~I~ SPA~S I FeU~ GRAPHIC $CALR 129.2' 4.S' z I Inoh ~ 40 fL "DON'T Instrumenl /97-9742519 ffs~,~ ~ ri; (moss) __/ Prat el ~e Mxlh~esl ~uotlef oad I~rl et Ii~ ~rlhm~ ~arler ~ Sectbn Z lo~shJp 17 )~rlk R~ ~ [~ ~ fl~ ~ty. B~g el a ~nl ~ 1~ Wesl ~ al Ibc sdd N~lheost ~ml~ S~l~ ~ulh ~ d~ees 22 · ~c ~,,~ ~A ~ ...... 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