HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondenceENGINEERS & SURVEYORS September 5, 2002 Mr. John Dobosiewicz Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square reet, Carmel, Indiana Dear Mr. Dobosiewicz: For your information, we are forwarding the enclosed civil/site construction plans for the Phase I Parking Expansion for the above referenced project. Phase I includes the expansion of the existing parking field from 95 spaces to 260 spaces. This represents the first phase of the overall renovation project as presented to the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee on April 17, 2002 and as approved by the Carmel Plan Commission at their meeting on August 20, 2002. Should you have any questions regarding the enclosed infOrmation, please contact our office. Sincerely, EMIzI&T, Inc. Project ~an~ger c: I~r. ['tike McBride, City of Carmel Mih~fohn South, Hamilton County SWCD Mr. Jon Schelling, Kite Companies 6994 HILLSDALE COURT, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46250 317-913-6930 * FAX317-913-6928 01/29/2002 1.6:42 317-776-1181 OUNT¥ HAMILTON CO USDA 1108 So#th 9th Street Noblest'lie, IN'46060d3 745 Ph. (3'1')) 773-1432 Fax 017) 776-110I · Drainage, Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Teelmioal.Revi~v a.nd Comment , Submi~ By:.... ..... .................. Plan lt.eview Ptoc~ul'e: Site Visit Dat< Location: ' Range: i i i i t~ review and comment, are tnte,dcd to plan for:tl~'~Yoje~ TI~ erosion ~ s~tment Con~ol plan ~~'~i~ AE ~ra~i~ includ~ in the plan, to i~tr f~tbat~ by b qual~ not ~ r~l~M for local, state or fed~al p~ ~'fio~ t~o~to~ l~Iudtng d~t~ cal~latk cobol p~ [7IAC 15-5 (Rule 5). NoQfication will be forwarded ation. mt of 327IAC I5-5 (B. ulc 5); deficiencies are noted in cica constitute potential violation of thc role and mum , nation nceeasary to satisfy thc &fieicncics must be · Pleaa, addreas revisions to the reviewer. ,lan and impections' of the construction site bY die 'ire sedimentation. ~ devdoper sltouM be aware ~ may effect the performance ora practice or the de document, with proviMom to modify or ~ubatitut, deveIop~ or a repr~entativ, are nec~sary to minlmixe off- that unforeseen construction a¢livilie.~ and weothe~ conditio eroMon and ~adiment control plan. The plan mu.,t be a flexi ract fae~r as nec, e~sary. ,, ,' ...... . Ce.; Cme / . Doe~ not sa~fy the minimum requiramen~ and thc ch¢cldi~t and in the comments section. Deficie: b, adoquately a~klressed for compliance. The ~fo~ ' submittmh The erosion ~d ~',g/ment cotm-oi plan has been reviewed m the comDI, tent~s Of th, erosion and sediment control ntbrnttttd was not rtvf~,ed for th, ~~~ of the ffl ~ those r~om~ed ~ ihe commen~ $houM be ~c~al prac~ d~i~ by a ~M~ engine~. 'mt~ ihat m~ be r~u~ to pr~ with this ~ m~ be r~u~ to~h~ ~~te the ~osfon .... ' civil Township: ., PAGE 87/87 City of Carmel January 7, 2002 Mr. Rich Kelly EMH&T, Inc. 6994 Hillsdale Court Indianapolis, IN 46250 RE: 103~a Street Medical Office Building Dear Mr. Kelly: We have reviewed the drawings submitted for this project and offer the following comments: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. The project site is located within current City of Carmel Corporate Limits. 2. Jurisdictions: · Street and Right of Way - City of Cannel. · Water- Indianapolis Water · Sanitary Sewer- Clay Regional Waste District · Storm Sewer- City of Carmel 3. Board of Public Works and Safety Approval Requirements: · No Commercial Curb Cut is needed since no new drives are proposed. · No Temporary Construction Entrance Is Required. · A Consent to Encroach Agreement is required for any permanent improvement to be installed within dedicated easements. I am enclosing a schedule for Board of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines for your use. Please use the Engineering Department deadlines for submissions to the Board. An) submission to the Board requires prior final approval by the Carmel Clay Plan Commission and/or the Board of Zoning Appeals and completion of review by the Technical Advisory Committee. All written requests to be place on the Board's agenda must include the apprOPriate Docket Numbers and the date (or dates) of approval by the Plan Commission and/or BZA. 4. TAC Review/Drawings submitted for approval: We request that all comments and comment letters generated by this office be answered in writing and be accompanied by a drawing reflecting requested revisions. Final drawings will not be approved for construction until all issues have been resolved. All Cannel Utility issues must also re resolved. The design engineer must certify all drawings submitted for final approval. This office will require three- sets of approved drawings after all issues have been resolved. The drawings will be stamped approved and signed by the City Engineer. The Developer/Owner will receive one-set which is to be maintained on the construction site at all times. Our Public Works Inspector will receive one-set and one-set will be maintained in the Department of Engineering. If more than three-sets are requested to be approved, the additional sets must be submitted with the three required sets. 5. Please be advised that any installation of signs, walls, irrigation systems, etc. within dedicated easements will require a Consent to Encroach Agreement between the Owner/Developer and the City of Cannel. This Agreement requires Board of Public Works and Safety approval. Installations witlfin dedicated right of way require separate Board approval. ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2400 Mr. Rich Kelly January 7, 2002 Page 2 o I am including copies of the following with this correspondence: · Commercial Project Approval Procedures. · Performance Release Procedure. · Permit Data, Contacts, etc. · Commercial Permitting Procedures. I will send a copy of our Residential Subdivision and Commercial Irrigation System Requirements upon request. BONDING REQUIREMENTS 7. Upon initial review, it appears the following bonding requirements will apply to this project: Performance Guarantees · Sidewalk (in right of way) Please provide individual, detailed certified Engineers Estimates for 100% of the cost of labor and materials for the above improvements. Post individual Performance Guarantees in the amount of the Engineer's Estimates. Three-year Maintenance Guarantees will be required upon release of the Performance Guarantees. PROJECT COMMENTS 8. It is our assumption that the storm sewer system will be private. 9. Several low areas are indicated by the spot elevations on Sheet 2.1 (Southeast comer of proposed south parking area, Northwest comer of proposed south parking area, near the inlets that are between the building and Illinois St.,) 10. On Sheet 2.1, the spot elevation that is in the center of the proposed south parking area is 884.42 on the plans. Should this be 844.42? 11. We will require more information on the existing retention pond that is to receive the drainage from the additional impervious areas. It should be shown that the existing retention facility was designed to handle the increased storm sewer discharge. The original drainage calculation for this development should be submitted with this project if no changes are planned for the retention facility. 12. The planned right-of-way for Illinois Street (60' Half) should be shown on the plans. A Consent to Encroach Agreement will be required for any parking that extends into this right-of-way. The above comments are based upon the Engineering Department's initial review. Please provide our office with a follow up letter and revised plans, indicating all revisions. A second review will focus only on revised items. It is critical that our office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being re-submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our initial review. If you have questions, please contact Kate Weese or me at 571-2441. Sincerely, Michael T. McBride, Assistant City Engineer Enclosures CC; M. Kate Weese, City Engineer Dick Hill, Assistant Director Dept. of Engineering Jon Dobosiewicz, Department of Community Services Z:\eng\shared~nmcbrideXProj ect ReviewX2002\103rd Medical Bldg. doc ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS January 7, 2002 Mr. Mike McBride City of Carmel Department of Engineering One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 RE: 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion 200 West 103rd Street, Carmel, Indiana Dear Mr. McBride' The enclosed information is submitted in response to your comments presented at the Carmel TAC meeting held on December 19, 2001. The following items have been addressed in accordance with your comments: The plans have been revised to identify and accommodate the proposed 60-foot half right-of-way along Illinois Street. , A Drainage Design Report is enclosed including capacity calculations for the existing storm sewer system and a copy of the drainage design report for Meridian at the Interstate to verify that the project site is served by the existing off-site detention pond. 3. Per our discussion with Mr. John Dobosiewicz of Department of Community Services, we understand that construction of a sidewalk or trail is not required at this time. We trust that the enclosed information adequately addresses the concerns of your office as discussed at the TAC meeting. Respectfully Submitted, C: John Dobosiewicz, DOCS Kurt Faulkner, Kite Construction 6994 HILLSDALE COURT, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46250 317-913-6930 * FAX317-913-6928 Founaed /n !925 City of Carmel DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES December 18, 2001 Rich Kelly EMH&T Inc 6994 Hillsdale Ct. Indianapolis, IN 46250 Review of Landscape Plans for 103rd St. Medical Building Parking Expansion Dear Rich: This property is zoned B-3 and was developed with previously approved (24-98 ADLS, 4-14-1998) landscape commitments, including the required 30 foot greenbelt. My comments on the submitted plans are as follows: , No landscape plans have been submitted. Landscape plans must be submitted for review. They should include existing trees and shrubs, and show the new position of any plant material relocated. Any construction impacts to existing plant material need to be shown, and protection of existing trees must be shown graphically in tree preservation details. . The parking lot expansion and related construction activities shown on the site indicate that at least existing 42 landscape trees will be removed or relocated. The plans for the proposed landscaping need to show no net loss in landscaping trees from the currently approved landscape plan (24-98 ADLS). , No construction activity, including earth moving, material storage, or paving should take place within the required 30-foot greenbelt. Please reply to the comments in writing and by amended plans. Please contact me at (317) 571-2478 or by email at SBrewer~ci.carmel.in.us if there are further questions or you wish to discuss these comments. Scott Brewer Urban Forest, Carmel/Clay Township CC' Jon Dobosiewicz, DOCS ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 12/12t2881 · 17:39 317-776- '" 01 Soil & Water HAMILTON CO USDa P~GE Project Name: submit'tod By: 1108 South 9th Street Nobtesville, IN'4606025 745 Ph. (3'I'~) 773-1432 ~ ~ F~ (31~ 776-110I ':, O~inag,, ~osion ~d Scd~nt Con~ol~ 12 ? Tec~i~.R~i~ ~d ~mment ~ OOCS Plan Review Proc.~me: Site Visit Date: Plan Review Date: / 2~ "/Z'tg/ Looatlon: ' Izgal Des~ption: . $ ~:(2, !/ ~._ .' .... J_ i ..... & ,, i i ~ ~~ ro~ ~ comm~ ~e intend~ to ~al~te the compl~~ Oft~ ~o, pl~e t~oJ~ ~e ~o~on ~ sediment ~on~ol pl~ ~bmia~ w~ not ~~ for t~ ~eq~ of the ~~~g ~i~ ~H practic~ inelu~ in the pl~. ~ well ~ those r~om~e~ in i~ commen~ shouM be ~M~ ~ to {~ f~tbili~ ~ ~ ~al~ iMMdual with s~t~al pr~c~ d~t~ by a ~al~ ~gineer. ~e p~ ~ not b~ roi~ for local, state or f~eral p~i~ t~t ~ be r~~ to pr~ with this proj~L ~~o~ ~o~on, includfng d~ cal~latio~ ~ be r~t~ to~th~ ~M~t~ the ~osion ~e ~osion ~d ~mt ~n~oi p~ 'h~ beea revi,w~ ~d it ~ , Satisfies tl~ minimum requirements.and intent of 327IAC 15-5 (Rule 5). Notification will b~ forwarded to the hdiaaa Departm~t of Environmental'Management. P~fer to tile comments ~ectibn for additional information. Does nos sa 'm. fY the minimum r.equirexaents and intent of 327IAC 15-$ (Rule'5); deficiencies are noted in the, checklist and in ~e comments section. Deficiencies constitute pot,ntial violation of thc rhle and must b~ adequately addressed for cmmplianee. The irxformafion necessary to satisfy the deficiencies must be subraitted: ' ' Please address revisions to the reviewer.' Proper implementation of the erosion and. sedimet:, control plan and inspections' of the construction site by the doe. loper or a representative are necessary to minimize off-site sedimentatiOtt The developer should be aware that unforeseen ¢onst~uctldn activitie~ and weather conditions may. ey~e~t the performance ora practice or the erosion and sediment cantrol plar~ The plan mu~t be a flexible document, with provisions to modify or substit~tta practices as neaeasa~ I ........ : ....... ;,,. ..... , ...... 09 12/12/2881 1~0~: ?age2 of~ Y~ D D ~/'~ .No I"'! I I D O O 17' 39 317-776- ' ' 01 HAMILTON CO USDA PAGE 10 ".ARE ,,THE FOLLO~G ITEMS ADEQUATELY ADDRF~SED ON THE PLANS ? 01~ P/aris Mu~t l#dude A~¢vpr/a~e gegouh, ~/,~, and Nons Arrow) , (Itm~ th~ are Not Applicable to this Project ar~ lB lC Ig 2A 2D 2E 21t PROJECT INFORMATION ~DYO,Jeqt ~l~on M~ (Show pm/eat tn mlatfon to oth~ ~ of the county) Narrative Describing the Natnre and Purpose of the Pmjeet Location Of Planned and/or Existing Ro,ds, Utilities~ Stm~res~ Highways, et~. Landuse of Adjacent Areas ($~w r/a ~.n~i~ ~?sr~eam Wa~hed and Adjacent A~a~ ~rhin $00 Fee~ of fh~ Prop~y Lin~) TOPOGI~.PHIC, DRAINAGE, AND GENERAL SiTE FEA~S E~Cafmg Vegeta~ioa (/den~fy and D~ttn~ate ) Location m~d Name of AH Wetlands, Lakes and Water Coarses on and Adjacent to the Site I00 Year. Floodplains, FlOodway Fringes, aad Floodways (Note Soi[~ .IllfoFmsdJon ( ],f h~'c soils ar~ pre, vent, it i~ the ~'bility of rha ~d~n, elot~r to instigate the ~stence of w~tlands and to obtain permits from tha appropria~ go~etntnertt agmela.} Exlt~ing ami Planned Contours at an Interval Appropriate to I~dicate Drainage Patterns Loc~ons of Specific Points Where Stomwater Discharge Will Leave the Site Idett~ All .Receiving Waters ( l. f D~ahargt t~ to a Set~ra~ Mun~etpa! Storm ~. /den~'fy the Name of the Mutttctpal Operator and the Ultimate Rec~ng ' Pol~tiaI.Area~ Where Storm ~ May Enter Gromadwater (~ot~ Location of Stormwater System (/ncl~& Cuiv~ro, Storm Sew~,~, Channels, and $~to) 3A ~ DISHING ACTIVIT~$ ~n aad Approximate Dimensions of All Disturbed ~ [i.~, (Armt NTu~ Vegetaflw Cover Y~II Be Presm~vad Should be Clearly Dezignateg) ~oll Stoc~ and or Borrow Area~ (Sho~ Loeaaon~ or Not~ ~Non,) 4D 4E 4F 4G 4H 41 4J 4K EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Mlr~&SU~S 'Sequence Of When Each Meamre Will Bt Implemented (~tattv~ to Eanit Di~.rbingAetl~itie~) Mom'tori~ and Maintenance Guidelines for Each M. easa_._ re Perimetex Sediment Control Meamre~ (Locaaon, Con,true'on Detm'l, Donjons, and $tn~lfleation~) ' Temporat'y Se~ieg (Specifications; lndudin~ Seed Mi~. Fertiliaw, Lime. and Mulch Rrttar) Tem~rary Erosion and Sedimem Control Measur~ (Location, Construction Detail. Dim~n~ton~. and 8p~cationz) Permaneat Erosion and ~nliment Control Meaatwes (Location, Con~tr~¢fion D~til, Dimen~ion~, and Storm Drain Inlet l~otecti0n (Location, Coturruation Detail, Dtmension~. and Spec~autlom) Storlewater Outlet Protection (Location. Constn~'on Detail, Dimensions, 'and $t~'~.~mffOa,~) Stable counmction Entraace (LocaU'on, Construction Oetatl, Dtmen~ot~, and R~ anti Sediment Control on Individual Buildl~ Lo~ ($pe~caaons) Perl~nt ,~edi~a~ ($,pec~cation~; Including .geed M~;t. F~,'n'lt,~r, Lime. and Mulch Rat~) R~vi~'~ / 97 12~12/2001 17:39 317-776-"01 HAMILTON CO USDA P~GE EROSION_. AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN TEC~CAL RE~W Page 3 of~_ ! i .... ',! i Lllllllll' ,Note: ~I} erosion and sediment control measures shown on the plar~ and referenced in this review must meet ihe design criteria, standard,, and st~e¢u~atJon~ outlined in the "Indiana Handbook for Erosion Control ~ Developing Area~ "~om the Indiana Department of Natural Resourc,s, Division of $oil Conservation or similar Gutdanc~ Dotttmer#~. ............. :l. 1 12/11/01 08'11 FAX HAMILTON CO HWY. ~*-' Carmel DOCD 001/001 HAMILTON COUNTY t-IIGH WA Y DEPA R T EN T December 11, 2001 Mr. Rich Kelly EMH&T 6994 Hillsdale Court Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 RE; 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion Construction Plans 103rd Street and Illinois Avenue Clay Township RECEIVED DEC It 2001 DOCS Dear Rich: This letter serves to acknowledge receipt of a transmittal containing the plans for the above- mentioned project. After reviewing the plans the Highway Department has the following comments: ,, It appears that this project lies entirely within the limits of the City of Carmel. Therefore, all further comments should be directed toward the City. If you have any information contrary to this statement, please contact me immediately. If you have any questions or comments concerning this letter, please feel flee to contact me at anytime. Sincerely, Steven J. Broermann Staff Engineer CC: Jori Dobosiewicz Steve Cash G:\USERS~SB~2001Ta~12-11-01103medical,doc 1700 South 10'h Street Noblesville, In. 46060 www.co.h,.ami!!on.in.us Office: (317) 773-7770 Fax (317) 776-9814 CARMEL/CLAY TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA Date: DECEMBER 19, 2001 Place:Department of Community Services Conference Room 3rd Floor - Carmel City Hall 140 First Street NW (Land Use Variance) The applicant seeks approval to convert an existing residence into a Beauty Salon. The site is located at 140 First Street NW. The site is zoned R-4. Filed by Richard Sanders. Shapiro's at City Center (Construction Plans) The site is located at approximately 920 South Rangeline Road. The site is zoned C-1 (City Center). Filed by Christopher S. McComas of Roland Design, Inc. for Brian Shapiro. ~L/ Dan Young Chevrolet (ADLS Amendment) The site is located northeast of East 96t~ Street and Keystone Avenue. The site is zoned B- 3/business and is located partially within the SR 431/Keystone Avenue Overlay Zone. Filed by Charles D. Frankenberger of Nelson & Frankenberger for D. Young Chevrolet, LLC. Parkwood Crossing East (College Hills PUD) The siteis located northwest of East 96th Street and North College Avenue. The site is zoned PUD / Planned Unit Development. Filed by Charles D. Frankenberger of Nelson & Frankenberger for Duke Realty Corporation. 3091 East 98ta Street- Parking lot modifications The site is located at 3091 East 98t~ Street. The site is zoned B-3 (Business). Filed by Rich Kelly of EHMT. Village of WestCiay, Apartments, 182 units (Construction Plans) The site is located within the Village of West Clay. The site is zoned PUD/Planned Unit Development. Filed by Rich Kelly of EHMT for The Spanos Corporation. ..... ~.::~t~.,~rr~ Pipeiine Co. has no company Facilities in~ in this ..... -~~f~~' ~ Date Signed ~ One CMo SRu~re Carmel, IN ~ (317) S71-24I 7 Fax: (317) 5'71-24~6 From'. , , ..... , ...... J ..... Phone: ~..: "'~ ~ ~,, ,~., CC,, r-i U~ent l-1 For Review l"i Please Comment [] Please Reply i'1 Please Recycle City of Carmel Fire Department Headquarters 2 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571.2600 Rich Kelly, PE EMH & T, Inc. 6994 Hillsdale Court Indianapolis, IN 46250 RE: 103rd Street Medical Office Parking Expansion LETTER OF APPROVAL The undersigned h~s reviewed the proposed plans for 103rd Street Medical Office Parking Expansion and has approved the plans subject to the following: 1. After review of this project, I have no further condition at this time. . , , . . Please respond to the above noted condition(s) in writing and submit to our office prior to the scheduled Technical Advisory Meeting for this project. Date: December 6, 2001 By: Gary Hoyt, Fire Marshal Carmel Fire Department Fire Prevention Saves Lives and Property December 5, 2001 Rich Kelly, PE Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, INC. 6994 Hillsdale Court Indianapolis, IN 46250 RE: 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion Dear Mr. Kelly: I have received and reviewed the Construction Plans for the above-referenced project. At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law enforce- ment efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully, Michael D. Fog~~ Chief of Police MDF:vb cc: Dept. of Community Services (517) 571-2500 :!: ::!i. i?::i::~i!i!d;[!~;!il;![!ili::::!!::~:.':i A Nationally Accredite~ ~..~:!i~ih~orcement Agency :!~.~..'.~:~'~;.~:{~i::;,..;i;::~.":' :ii~ F,,x (317) 571-2512 December 4, 2001 ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Mr. John Dobosiewicz City of Carmel- Dept. of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE' 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion TAC Submittal 2001-1680.01 Dear John' Please find enclosed construction plans for the above referenced project to be presented to the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee at it's meeting on December 19, 2001. Also enclosed are copies of the transmittals submitting copies to all TAC Members for their review and comments. Please contact me with any questions or comments you might have prior to the December 19th meeting. Sincerely, EMH&T, Inc. Rich K E Proje Q :\Project\20011680\Docs\Dobosiewicz1126011tr.doc 6994 HILLSDALE COURT, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46250 317-913-6930 * FAX 317-913-6928 Founded ~F', '~ ;'26 Carmel Dept. of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE' 12-4-01 JOB NO. 2001-1680.01 ATTENTION' Carmel Dept. of Community Services RE' 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN' WE ARE SENDING YOU' via Hand Delivery the following items' [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Copy of Letter [ ] Prints [ x ]Plans [ ] Samples [ ] Change Order [ ] Tracings [ ] []Specifications COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION I 12-3-01 Construction Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [ ] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [ ] Returned for corrections [ x ] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed construction plans for your review and comment prior to the December 19, 2001 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting. Thank you. C~ SIGNED' Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager Mr. John Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel- Dept. of Community Services EMH&T File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930 · FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1920 ...... ---,--- 1NC. EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE' 12-4-01 JOB NO. 2001-1680.01 ATTENTION: Mr. Steve Cash RE' 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion Hamilton County Surveyor's Office One Hamilton Square, Suite 146 Hamilton County Judicial Center Noblesville, IN 46060 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN' WE ARE SENDING YOU: via Hand Delivery the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Copy of Letter [ ] Prints [ x]Plans [ ] Samples [ ] Change Order [ ] Tracings [ ] [ ]Specifications COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 12-3-01 Construction Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below' [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [ ] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [ ] Returned for corrections [ x ] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS' Please find enclosed construction plans for your review and comments prior to the December 19, 2001 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting. Thank you. c: SIGNED' Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager Mr. John Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel- Dept. of Community Services EMH&T File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930 · FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 INC. EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 12-4-01 JOB NO. 2001-1680.01 ATTENTION: Mr. John South RE: 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion Hamilton County SWCD 1108 S. 9th St. Noblesville, IN 46060 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN' WE ARE SENDING YOU' via Hand Delivery the following items' [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Copy of Letter [ ] Prints [ x ]Plans [ ] Samples [ ]Change Order [ ] Tracings [ ] []Specifications COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 12-3-01 Construction Plans ........ ....... ,, , .......... THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [ ] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [ ] Returned for corrections [ x ] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed construction plans for your review and comments prior to the December 19, 2001 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting. Thank you. O, SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager Mr. John Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel- Dept. of Community Services EMH&T File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 Founded in 1926 317-913-6930 · FAX 317-913-6928 v EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE' 12-4-01 JOB NO. 2001-1680.01 ATTENTION: Mr. Dick Hill RE' 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion Dept. of Engineering One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via Hand Delivery the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Copy of Letter [ ] Prints [ x ]Plans [ ] Samples [ ] Change Order [ ] Tracings [ ] [ ]Specifications ,,, COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 12-3-01 Construction Plans 1 12-3-01 Drainage Design Report THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [ ] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [ ] Returned for corrections [ x ] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS' Please find enclosed construction plans for your review and comments prior to the December 19, 2001 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting. Thank you. c: SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager Mr. John Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel- Dept. of Community Services EMH&T File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 Founded in 1926 317-913-6930 · FAX 317-913-6928 EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE' 12-4-01 JOB NO. 2001-1680.01 ATTENTION: Mr. Gary Hoyt RE: 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion Office of Fire Chief, Fire Station #1 Two Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN' WE ARE SENDING YOU: via Hand Delivery the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Copy of Letter [ ] Prints [ x ]Plans [ ] Samples [ ] Change Order [ ] Tracings [ ] []Specifications COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 12-3-01 Construction Plans ,, THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [ ] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [ ] Returned for corrections [ x ] FOr Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS' Please find enclosed construction plans for your review and comments prior to the December 19, 2001 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting. Thank you. O: SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager Mr. John Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel- Dept. of Community Services EMH&T File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930 · FAX 317-913-6928 Foundedin 1926 Carmel Dept. of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 .,, EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 12-4-01 JOB NO. 2001-1680.01 ATTENTION: Carmel Dept. of Community Services RE: 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN' WE ARE SENDING YOU: via Hand Delivery the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Copy of Letter [ ] Prints [ x ]Plans [ ] Samples [] Change Order [ ]Tracings [ ] [ ]Specifications COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION .,. 1 12-3-01 Construction Plans .. THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [ ] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [ ] Returned for corrections [ x ] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS' Please find enclosed construction plans for your review and comment prior to the December 19, 2001 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting, Thank you. C. SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager Mr. John Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel- Dept. of Commun EMH&T File ity Services If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hiltsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 Founded in 'I926 317-913-6930 , FAX 317-913-6928 EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 12-4-01 JOB NO. 2001-1680.01 ATTENTION: Mr. Bill Akers RE: 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion Carmel/Clay Communications 31 First Ave. NW Carmel, IN 46032 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN' WE ARE SENDING YOU' via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Copy of Letter [ ] Prints [ x ]Plans [ ] Samples [ ] Change Order [ ] Tracings [ ] [ ]Specifications COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 12-3-01 Construction Plans ,,. THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [ ] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [ ] Returned for corrections [ x ] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed construction plans for your review and comments prior to the December 19, 2001 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting. Thank you. c: SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager Mr. John Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel- Dept. of Community Services EMH&T File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930 · FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 12-4-01 JOB NO. 2001-1680.01 ATTENTION: Mr. Ron Farrand RE: t03rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion Carmel/Clay Schools 5201 E. 131st St. Carmel, IN 46033 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU' via US Mail the following items' [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Copy of Letter [ ] Prints [ x ]Plans [ ] Samples [ ] Change Order [ ] Tracings [ ] []Specifications COPIES DATE , DESCRIPTION ..... I 12-3-01 Construction Plans ,, .... [] For Approval [ ] For Your File [ ] As Requested THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] Approved as noted [ ] Returned for corrections [ x ] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed construction plans for your review and comment prior to the December 19, 2001 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting. SIGNED' Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager Mr. John Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel- Dept. of Community Services EMH&T File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. Thank you. c: 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930" FAX 317-913-6928 Founded ~ 1926 EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 12-4-01 JOB NO. 2001-1680.01 ATTENTION: Mr. Michael Fogarty RE: 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion Office of Police Chief Three Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN' WE ARE SENDING YOU' via Hand Delivery the following items' [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Copy of Letter [ ] Prints [ x ]Plans [ ] Samples [ ] Change Order [ ] Tracings [ ] [ ]Specifications COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION I 12-3-01 ConstrUction Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [ ] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [ ] Returned for corrections [ x ] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS' Please find enclosed construction plans for your review and comments prior to the December 19, 2001 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting. Thank you. c: SIGNED' Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager Mr. John Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel- Dept. of Community Services EMH&T File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 Founded in 1926 317-913-6930 · FAX 317-913-6928 INC. EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 12-4-01 JOB NO. 2001-1680.01 ATTENTION: Mr. Paul Pace RE: 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion Carmel City Utilities 130 First Ave. SW Carmel, IN 46032 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU' via US Mail the following items' [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Copy of Letter [ ] Prints [ x ]Plans [ ] Samples [ ] Change Order [ ] Tracings [ ] [ ]Specifications , , COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 12-3-01 Constr'ucti0n Plans ,,, THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [ ] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [ ] Returned for corrections [ x ] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints ,REMARKS' Please find enclosed construction plans for your review and comments prior to the December 19, 2001 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting. Thank you. C: SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager Mr. John Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel- Dept. of Community Services EMH&T File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930 · FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & St. JRVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 12-4-01 JOB NO. 2001-1680.01 ATTENTION: Mr. Brian Houghton RE: 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion Jones & Henry 2420 N. Coliseum Blvd., Suite 214 Ft. Wayne, IN 46805 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN' WE ARE SENDING YOU' via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Copy of Letter [ ] Prints [ x ]Plans [ ] Samples [ ] Change Order [ ] Tracings [ ] [ ]Specifications COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 12-3-01 Construction Plans ,,, THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [ ] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [ ] Returned for corrections [ x ] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS' Please find enclosed construction plans for your review and comments prior to the December 19, 2001 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting. Thank you. SIGNED' Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager c: Mr. John Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel- Dept. of Community Services EMH&T File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930. FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in '1926 EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 12-4-01 .lOB NO. 2001-1680.01 ATTENTION: Mr. L. Joe Cook RE: 103re Street Medical Building Parking Expansion Hamilton County Sheriff Dept. 18100 Cumberland Rd. Noblesville, IN 46060 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN' WE ARE SENDING YOU' via US Mail the following items' [ ] Shop Drawings [] Copy of Letter [ ] Prints [ x ]Plans [ ] Samples [ ] Change Order [ ] Tracings [ ] []Specifications COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION I 12-3-01 Construction Plans ,. THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [ ] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [ ] Returned for corrections [ x ] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed construction plans for your review and comments prior to the December 19, 2001 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting. Thank you. C: SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager Mr. John Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel- Dept. of Community Services EMH&T File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930 · FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 192~ EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE' 12~4-01 JOB NO. 2001-1680.01 ATTENTION' Mr. Steve Broermann RE: 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion Hamilton County Engineer/Hamilton County Highway 1700 S. 10th St. Noblesville, IN 46060 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items' [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Prints [ x ]Plans [ ] Samples [ ] Copy of Letter [ ] Change Order [ ]Tracings [ ] [ ]Specifications ,,, COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 12-3-01 Construction Plans ...... , THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [ ] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [ ] Returned for corrections [ x ] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed construction plans for your review prior to the December 19, 2001 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting. Thank you. c: SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager Mr. John Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel- Dept. of Community Services EMH&T File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930. FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in ?926 INC. EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 12-4-01 ,JOB NO. 2001-1680.01 ATTENTION: Mr. Jay Alley RE: 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion Clay Township Regional Waste District 10701 N. College Ave., Suite A Indianapolis, IN 46280-1098 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN' WE ARE SENDING YOU' via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Copy of Letter [ ] Prints [ x ]Plans [ ] Samples [ ] Change Order [ ] Tracings [ ] [ ]Specifications ,. COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 12-3-01 Construction Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted For Your File [ ] Approved as noted As Requested [ ] Returned for corrections For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS' Please find enclosed construction plans for your review and comments prior to the.December 19, 2001 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting. Thank you. C; SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager Mr. John Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel- Dept. of Community Services EMH&T File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930. FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 7926 EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE' 12-4-01 JOB NO. 2001-1680.01 ATTENTION' Mr. Barry McNulty RE' 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion Hamilton County Health Dept. Hamilton County Judicial Center, Suite 30 Noblesville, IN 46060-2229 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN' WE ARE SENDING YOU: via Hand Delivery the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Copy of Letter [ ] Prints [ x ]Plans [ ] Samples [ ] Change Order [ ] Tracings [ ] [ ]Specifications COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION ,, , , ......... 1 12-3-01 Construction Plans ...... ,., THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [ ] Approved as nOted [ ] As Requested [ ] Returned for corrections [ x ] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed construction plans for your review and comments prior to the December 19, 2001 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting. Thank you. c: SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager Mr. John Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel- Dept. of Community Services EMH&T File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930 · FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 '--'- INC, EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE' 12-4-01 JOB NO. 2001-1680.01 ATTENTION' Mr. John Lester RE' 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion Carmel/Clay Parks Dept. 1055 Third Ave. SW Carmel, IN 46032 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN' WE ARE SENDING YOU' via US Mail the following items' [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Copy of Letter [ ] Prints [ x ]Plans [ ] Samples [ ] Change Order [ ] Tracings [ ] []Specifications , , COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 12-3-0i"' Construction Pi'ans , ,, .......... THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [ ] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [ ] Returned for correctiOns [ x ] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed construction plans for your review and comments prior to the December 19, 2001 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting. Thank you. c: SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager Mr. John Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel- Dept. of Community Services EMH&T File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930. FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in '1926 EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 12-4-01 JOB NO. 2001-1680.01 ATTENTION: Mr. Rick McClain RE: 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion Cinergy 1441 S. Guilford Rd. Carmel, IN 46032 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN' WE ARE SENDING YOU' via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Copy of Letter [ ] Prints [ x ]Plans [ ] Samples [ ] Change Order [ ]Tracings [ ] [ ]Specifications COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 12-3-01 Construction Plans .. ,., THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below' [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [ ] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [ ] Returned for corrections [ x ] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS' Please find enclosed construction plans for your review and comments prior to the December 19, 2001 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting. Thank you. c; SIGNED' Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager Mr. John Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel- Dept. of Community Services EMH&T File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930, FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1925 Indiana Gas Co. P.O. Box 1700 Noblesville, IN 46060 EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 12-4-01 JOB NO. 2001-1680.01 ATTENTION: Mr. Chuck Shupperd RE: 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN' WE ARE SENDING YOU' via US Mail the following items' [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Copy of Letter Prints [ x ]Plans [ ] Samples Change Order [ ] Tracings [ ] [ ]Specifications ,., COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION .... _ 1 12-3-01 Construction Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [ ] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [ ] Returned for corrections [ x ] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed construction plans for your review and comments prior to the December 19, 2001 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting. Thank you. C: SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager Mr. John Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel- Dept. of Community Services EMH&T File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930" FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 192f~ Indiana Gas Co. P.O. Box 1700 Noblesville, IN 46060 EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 12-4-01 JOB NO. 2001-1680.01 ATTENTION' Ms. Mary Shultz RE' 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN' WE ARE SENDING YOU' via US Mail the following items' [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Copy of Letter [ ] Prints [ x ]Plans [ ] Samples [ ] Change Order [ ] Tracings [ ] [ ]Specifications COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION , 1 12-3-01 Construction Plans ,, ,, ....... THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below' [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [ ] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [ ] Returned for corrections [ x ] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed construction plans for your review and comments prior to the December 19, 2001 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting. Thank you. C: SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager Mr. John Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel- Dept. of Community Services EMH&T File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930 · FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in '1926 ]NC, Ameritech 5858 N. College Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46220 EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 12-4-01 JOB NO. 2001-1680.01 ATTENTION: Mr. Jeff Rice RE' 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN' WE ARE SENDING YOU' via US Mail the following items' [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Copy of Letter [ ] Prints [ x ]Plans [ ] Samples [ ] Change Order [ ] Tracings [ ] []Specifications COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION ... 1 12-3-01 Construction Plans ...... ..... THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [ ] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [ ] Returned for corrections [ x ] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS' Please find enclosed construction plans for your review and comments prior to the December 19, 2001 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting. Thank you. C: SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager Mr. John Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel- Dept. of Community Services EMH&T File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930 · FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 Indianapolis Water Company P.O. Box 1220 Indianapolis, IN 46206 EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal BATE: 12-4-01 JOB NO. 2001-1680.01 ATTENTION' Ms. Pam Waggoner RE' 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN' WE ARE SENDING YOU' via US Mail the following items' [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Copy of Letter [ ] Prints [ x ]Plans [ ] Samples [ ] Change Order [ ] Tracings [ ] [ ]Specifications ,, COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION ................... 1 12-3-01 ConstrUction Plans ............ .... THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [ ] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [ ] Returned for corrections [ x ] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed construction plans for your review and comments prior to the December 19, 2001 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting. Thank you. C: SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager Mr. John Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel- Dept. of Community Services EMH&T File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930, FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 Indianapolis Power & Light Co. 3600 N. Arlington Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46218 EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal BATE: 12-4-01 JOB NO. 2001-1680.01 ATTENTION: Mr. Ron Morris RE: 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN' WE ARE SENDING YOU' via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Copy of Letter [ ] Prints [ x ]Plans [ ] Samples [ ] Change Order [ ] Tracings [ ] [ ]Specifications COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 12-3-01 Construction Plans , , THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [ ] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [ ] Returned for corrections [ x ] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS' Please find enclosed construction plans for your review and comments prior to the December 19, 2001 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting. Thank you. C: SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager Mr. John Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel- Dept. of Community Services EMH&T File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930" FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 Panhandle Eastern Pipeline Co. P.O. Box 38 Zionsville, IN 46077 EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal BATE: 12-4-01 ,JOB NO. 2001-1680.01 ATTENTION' Ms. Sharon Prater RE' 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN' WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Copy of Letter [ ] Prints [ x ]Plans [ ] Samples [ ] Change Order [ ] Tracings [ ] [ ]Specifications COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION , ,, 1 12-3-01 Construction Plans ..... THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [ ] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [ ] Returned for corrections [ x ] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS' Please find enclosed construction plans for your review and comments prior to the December 19, 2001 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting. Thank you. C, SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager Mr. John Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel- Dept. of Community Services EMH&T File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930. FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 ~ INC, EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 12-4-01 ,JOB NO. 2001-1680.01 ATTENTION: Mr. Robert Hendricks RE: 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion Hamilton County Local Emergency Planning Committee 18100 Cumberland Rd. Noblesville, IN 46060-1624 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN' WE ARE SENDING YOU: via US Mail the following items' [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Copy of Letter [ ] Prints [ x ]Plans [ ] Samples [ ] Change Order [ ] Tracings [ ] [ ]Specifications ,, COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION .. 1 12-3-01 COnstruction Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [ ] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [ ] Returned for corrections [ x ] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed construction plans for your review and comments prior to the December 19, 2001 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting. Thank you. SIGNED' Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager Mr. John Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel- Dept. of Community Services EMH&T File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930 · FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1925 Dept. of Commun One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 ity Services EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 12-4-01 JOB NO. 2001-1680.01 ATTENTION' Mr. Scott Brewer RE' 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN' WE ARE SENDING YOU' via Hand Delivery the following items' [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Copy of Letter [ ] Prints [ x ]Plans [ ] Samples [ ] Change Order [ ] Tracings [ ] [ ]Specifications COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION I 12-3-01 Construction Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below' [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [ ] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [ ] Returned for corrections [ x ] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed construction plans for your review and comments prior to the December 19, 2001 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting. Thank you. C: SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager Mr. John Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel- Dept. of Community Services EMH&T File If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930 · FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926 Building Commissioner One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 EVANS, MECHWART, HAMBLETON & TILTON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Letter of Transmittal DATE: 12-4-01 JOB NO. 2001-1680.01 ATTENTION' Mr. Jeff Kendall RE: 103rd Street Medical Building Parking Expansion TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN' WE ARE SENDING YOU' via Hand Delivery the following items' [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Copy of Letter [ ] Prints [ x ]Plans [ ] Samples [ ] Change Order [ ] Tracings [ ] []Specifications COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION , ,, 1' 12-3-01 Construction Plans ....... , , THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] Approved as submitted [ ] For Your File [ ] Approved as noted [ ] As Requested [ ] Returned for corrections [ x ] For Review & Comment [ ] [ ] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for review copies for distribution corrected prints REMARKS: Please find enclosed construction plans for your review and comments prior to the December 19, 2001 meeting of the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee. Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments prior to the meeting. Thank you. C: SIGNED: Rich Kelly, PE Project Manager Mr. John Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel- Dept. of Community Services EMH&T File if enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 6994 Hillsdale Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317-913-6930' FAX 317-913-6928 Founded in 1926